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CH2OICE PROJECT Do the right choice

[ [ Newsletter

n. 1 June 2009


Certification for HydrO: Improving Clean Energy

The CH2OICE project Hydropower is the backbone of renewable electricity production in many countries in the European Union: throughout the continent more than two thirds of renewable energy produced is hydropower. Even being renewable, hydropower is often opposed by public bodies and NGOs, worried about the risk of adverse effects on the “good status” of water bodies, that, according to the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC, WFD), has to be reached by the year 2016. Many opportunities of more sustainable hydropower generation are lost, due to the lack of assessment criteria to identify them. Photo by CIRF

Photos by HSE

CH2OICE Project – started in September 2008 and expected to finish in February 2011 – aims at developing a technically and economically feasible certification procedure for hydropower generation facilities of high environmental standard, being explicitly coherent with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, to be implemented in “green labelled” electricity products and being integrated, as much as possible, with existing EU tools, such as Ecolabel, EMAS, EIA and SEA. This includes developing a general, agreed and widely transferable approach for such a certification, discussed by all relevant stakeholders, and developing an operational methodology which will be tested for 2 partner countries - Italy and Slovenia. The certification methodology will primarily refer to existing plants. However, to allow a wider use of the results of the project, the issue of new hydropower

plants authorization will be considered. Following the same logical approach used for the certification of existing plants, a set of guidelines will be produced, to be used by decision makers during planning and authorization procedures and by plants proposers in their EIA and SEA studies. Specific objective for the partner country France is to evaluate the possibility of upgrading the existing “green” energy label integrating an explicit reference to the WFD. Specific objective for Spain and Slovakia is to build interest on the approach among key actors and to identify main problems and feasibility issues to be tackled, in order to pave the way for near future implementation as in Italy and Slovenia. The expected results of the project are: ▪▪ reports on main technical tools and regulatory frameworks related to hydropower certification; ▪▪ general methodological approach for WFDcoherent certification agreed by project partners; ▪▪ guidelines for Decision Makers and hydro power generation companies for siting, construction and management of new hydropower plants of higher environmental standard; ▪▪ analysis document for Spain including a roadmap for the development of volunteer certification of hydro power generation facilities of high environmental standard in Spain; ▪▪ proposals and feasibility analysis on the integration of the label scheme in existing procedures, with focus on Italy and France; ▪▪ proposals for rules and criteria for an independent body issuing the hydro power label. Giulio Conte, Ambiente Italia

Summary The CH2OICE project. Ambiente Italia

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WFD and hydro-energy production. Securing water for people and nature. WWF Italia Onlus

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Small hydropower in the European Union today and tomorrow. ESHA, APER

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Sustainable hydro and certification schemes. Ambiente Italia

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Best practices and guidelines for compensation measures for hydropower generation facilities. IPVO, IzVRS

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Developing a methodology to certify hydropower generation of higher environmental standard. CIRF


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CH2OICE past and next steps.

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