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ESHA Newsletter December 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: ESHA staff change Editorial EU Project Briefing on Hydro Action, Rural RES, Stream Map and stoRE Welcome to new ESHA Member Events from ESHA and our partners In brief: Hydropower news from around the world Hydro Agenda Hydro Innovation: Members’ technology developments

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EDITORIAL Finishing this year after very busy, but fruitful months, this newsletter will give a summary of ESHA’s main achievements since the last newsletter. During the summer months ESHA has been coordinating and finalizing projects, reviewing its membership services and setting up the hidroenergia 2012 Congress and Trade Fair in Wroclaw, Poland.

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The most important policy issues that ESHA is currently involved in is the Water Framework Directive. One key event has been the Water Framework Directive Hydropower Workshop that took place on the 13th to 14th of September in Brussels. For more information on the WFD, please see our next newsletter. Another event co-organized with EREF, the European Renewable Energies Federation, has been a training course on EU funding opportunities and successful EU project management on the 21st and 22nd of November in Brussels.

ESHA STAFF CHANGE ESHA welcomes a new staff member on board. Oliver Jung, who started in November, is ESHA’s new policy and project manager. He will be leading and managing ESHA’s policy, advocacy and media work as well as supporting ESHA’s public relation activities and coordinating projects. He comes as the successor of Lauha Fried, our policy officer and project manager. After 3,5 years at EShA, Lauha decided to take up a new challenge. Lauha and her engagement to her work will be very missed in the Secreteriat.

Furthermore, ESHA started its work on two of its new EU projects, StoRE and RESTOR Hydro.

The ESHA President and Vice President giving presentations at HYDRO 2011 The HYDRO 2011 in Prague in October was also a very busy week for our association. Together with our hidroenergia partner TMREW, the Polish Association for SHP Development, ESHA has been promoting and increasing visibility for the small hydropower sector as well as drawing attention to ESHA members and their relevant activities. After the HYDRO event, ESHA held an Executive Board meeting and a Stream Map project meeting. In addition to these events, ESHA has been invited to speak at international conferences to represent the small hydropower sector. One of them was a live online presentation at Small Hydro LATAM 2011 in Panama..

Several articles have been published by ESHA to talk about the different issues of small hydropower. Those include for instance, a publication in the Public Service Review (issue 22) and in the ZEK Hydro Magazine (June 2011). Finally, ESHA would like to remember you to save the date for the upcoming Hidroenergia 2012 (23-26 May 2012) in Wrocław, Poland. New features are added to the traditional event schedule. Check out all details on the event website: http://2012.hidroenergia.eu We thank all of you for your support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Dirk Hendricks ESHA Secretary General

ESHA - European Small Hydropower Association, Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B-1040, Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 546 19 45, Fax: +32 2 546 19 47, E-mail: info@esha.be ESHA is founding member of EREC – European Renewable Energy Council



Hydroaction project successfully finalised The final meeting of the Hydroaction project took place on the 14th July 2011 at Andritz, the project partner’s company grounds in Vevey, Switzerland. The outcome was mainly stressing at improving turbine efficiency, such as of the studied turbine designs Turgo, Pelton and Matrix. Several training workshops have been given on that topic in Greece, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium between April and August.

mini-hydro and mini-wind energy sources in EU mountainous regions, has been reached in various areas throughout Europe. The main results of this three-year long project are summarized in the Minihydro and Mini-Wind good practices and training guides, which can be found on the project website: http://ruralesdiphuelva.es.

New and updated hydropower data available for the EU-27!

For further information about the project and its results, please refer tothe hydroaction website http://www.hydroaction.org/ or contact Dirk Hendricks.

The results of the second round of data collection for 2010 have been finished with partners filling in gaps into the HYDI database. The results have been validated during ten national workshops in different EU member states and discussed during the last project meeting held in Prague (Czech Republic) on 20th October 2011. Furthermore, a first draft of the Roadmap for the Small Hydropower sector with recommendations for the future is in preparation. For more information on the project Stream Map, please contact Martina Steinkusz.

Successful ending of the RuralRESproject After the final RuralRES conference in March, ESHA is glad to announce the successful ending of its communication and dissemination activities, and the fulfilment of the Since a couple of months, ESHA is project. participating in the European cofinanced project stoRE on energy The scope of the project, overcoming the storage. non-technological barriers to the use of

stoRE aims to facilitate the realisation of the ambitious objectives for renewable energy by unblocking the potential for an energy storage infrastructure. Energy storage, as part of an integrated approach including grid reinforcement and demand management helps accommodate higher percentages of intermittent renewable energy by balancing the supply and demand and improving the power quality. stoRE deals with the nontechnological barriers to energy storage, creating the right regulatory and market conditions that will give incentives for the development of energy storage infrastructure to the extent necessary for the accommodation of the planned renewable energy installations to the electricity grid. The possible positive and negative impacts of the different energy storage options on the environment will be also assessed and the considerations of the relevant actors will be taken into account. Being in charge of consultation processes, policy debates and communication activities, ESHA would like to include in the stoRE discussion and the database the largest number of stakeholders. If you would like to be regularly informed or consulted on this project or for any kind of further information, please contact Oliver Jung. More information on the project website:Bhttp://www.storeproject.eu/


RESTOR Hydro - New IEE project accepted! In December, the proposal from ESHA together with eight key partners for the project RESTOR Hydro has been accepted. RESTOR Hydro will officially start on 1st June 2012. This project will be running under the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.


SUPERLIT - is one of the most important GRP Pipe Producer for the water sector. With fully equipped factories counting down more then 15 different departments as research, quality, technical, conclude that SUPERLIT is making all what is necessary to fulfill the highest requirements. Fully automated processes and cumulated technologies as Filament Winding Technology (FW) and Centrifugal Casting Technology (CC), are making from our production capacity one of the most versatile. Starting from the design stage and following the investments during the life time, SUPERLIT is proud to be part in different projects in Romania and as well in Europe. At global level SUPERLIT is delivering complete solutions in more than 25 countries on four continents, for different applications: small hydro power plants, infrastructure and irrigation. In order to have a good overview about the company’s production range, SUPERLIT is taking the opportunity to invite you to visit their website: www.superlit.eu

With this project, historical water wheels, mills or lateral structure sites in the EU Member States shall be mapped and refurbished. The project shall result in 1) an increase in the social acceptance by using local community owernship while highlighting elements of reserving aestetics, historical elements and improving enviornmental quality, 2) an increase in investment using local cooperatives, 3) influence the removal of nontechnological barriers by reducing complexity and simplifying regulatory and administrative procedures and recommending improvements for micro hydropower and A first informal meeting has been organised by ESHA on 14th December 2011, allowing project partners to clarify their tasks and worload. Special thank you to Nettwowat who hosted this event.

related topics like hydrology or turbine technology at different European universities, there is still no comprehensive education offered focusing exclusively on sustainable hydropower. Please find more information the following link. ESHA Seminar on Financing opportunities ESHA, together with EREF, the European Renewable Energies Federation, organised a training seminar on EU funding opportunities and successful EU-Project Management, in November in Brussels. Following the success of this training seminar, we are going to organize a further seminar on 16th February 2012. In order to ensure your seat for this one day training course or for further information, please contact Ben Dewitte.

For further information please contact Oliver Jung.

ARE General Assembly, 15-16 February 2012

Events Mark your calendars for the following ESHA and ESHA members’ events: Postgraduate Hydropower



The Postgraduate course ‘Sustainable Hydropower’ will take place between March 20th 2012 – June 29th 2012 which which is offered and organised by Life Long Learning Academy Technikum Wien in Vienna, Austria. Although there already exists some sectoral education in hydropower-

In order to evaluate the activities and achievements of the Alliance in 2011 and plan its activities in 2012, the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All, ARE will organise its annual General Assembly at the beginning of 2012. All members are invited to be present. The Assembly is also a perfect occasion to meet and network in an informal atmosphere, so once again the traditional Gala Dinner will be organised. ARE members will receive a detailed programme and more information about the event and regirstation shortly. Please contact ARE (a.reis@ruralelec.org) if you 3 have additional questions.

IN BRIEF Hydropower to supply German Railway Company Deutsche Bahn

New VLH Turbine at Marcinelle Hydro Plant (Belgium)

RWE and the German Railway company Deutsche Bahn signed a long-term supply contract in July 2011 for electricity from hydropower. Over the next 15 years, RWE will supply Deutsche Bahn with electricity generated by RWE Innogy’s hydroelectric power plants. Annual electricity supply to Deutsche Bahn is around 900 GWh. It is sufficient to run one-third of the long distance train fleet (ICE and IC) for one year. Read more at source

On 25 November, ESHA Belgian Member EDORA organised a visit of a hydro plant located in Marcinelle, close to the Belgian city of Charleroi. This plant has been recently equipped with ‘Very Low Head’ (VLH) tubines, making it the first plant in Belgium integrating this innovative and ‘fish friendly’ technology. Read more at source

Ireland to use hydro-powered street lamps A small RWE hydropower project that can power 2,500 homes has been approved by the Scottish Government. The 4.5 MW hydro scheme on the Maldie Burn will create around 25 jobs during construction, a press release states. Read more at source New German small hydropower plant to serve 17,000 homes At the end of November, a small hydropower plant has been inaugurated in Bremen, Northern Germany. The project by ENERCON with a cost of 56,5M € is to serve 17,000 households in the region. The yearly energy output is expected to be 42 million kWh. At this time being, the new ENERCON plant is the most advanced and largest run-of-river power plant subject to tides within Europe. Read more at source

UK's largest hydropower scheme has been installed In December, two hydropower turbines were installed in the Romney Weir, close to the Windsor Castle, as part of a project developed by Southeast Power Engineering and financed by Summit Asset Management. When completed, this will be the largest hydropower installation in the UK, supplying 300kw of electricity an hour and providing Windsor Castle with half of the electricity it requires, the equivalent of 400 homes – for up to 90 per cent of the time, with Sepel selling surplus electricity back to the National Grid. Both of the Archimedes screws have cost £700,000 each to make and another £1 million to install. A fish pass for more than twelve species to migrate up the river was included to make the project even more environmentally friendly. Read more at source

HYDRO AGENDA 23 - 22 Jan

European Hydropower Generation & Pumped Storage Forum (Vienna, Austria)

27 - 28 Feb

High-level Hydropower Conference (Bucharest, Romania)

05 - 07 Mar

Hydrovision Russia (Moscow, Russia)

12 - 17 Mar

World Water Forum (Marseille, France)

28 - 30 Mar

Forum on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Waste Managment &Recycling for South-East Europe (Sofia, Bulgaria)

16 - 18 Apr

Hydro Costa Rica (San Jose, Costa Rica)

19 Apr

British Hydropower Annual Dinner (Glasgow, UK)

23 - 26 May

Hidroenergia 2012 (Wroclaw, Poland)

27 May

21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop Improving Water Quality & the Environment (Bari, Italy)

18 - 22 Jun

EU Sustainable Energy Week (Brussels, Belgium)

29 - 31 Oct

HYDRO 2012 (Bilbao, Spain)

For more information please see the ESHA Events Calendar. To have your event featured in our newsletter please contact ESHA.


The European Small Hydropower Association


established global industrial gearbox designer, manufacturer and supplier. The company provides durable gear drives for a wide range of industrial applications throughout the world and has established a dedicated international service network. In addition to its principal state-of-the-art manufacturing facilitiy located in Flanders, Belgium, HIT has assembly, sales and service centres in the US, the UK, Brazil, China, South Africa and Australia. Strong in-house R&D operations maintain HIT’s technological leadership. Since 4 March 2011 HIT is a 100% subsidiary of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. and HIT employs over 600 people worldwide.

TES VSETÍN, has been working on new R&D projects which can bring new possibilities in generators production. “Higher efficiency” is one of TES development projects. Since 2009, when the project was started, the average efficiency has increased by 0.9 %. This achievement is the outcome of magnetic circuit modification, using new electro materials and several lamination shapes improvements. Another project called “weight reduction” consists in weight and mechanical strenth machine optimization. Our goal is to meet customer´s requirements with reasonable costs. For more information contact TES VSETIN

For more information contact Hansen

IREM’s Ecowatt Hydro Micro-Hydroelectric Power Plants are designed to ensure simple and effective operation in order to reduce the corrective steps during installation, start-up and routine maintenance to a minimum. Its range include BANKI and PELTON turbines. Banki : suitable for head from 7 up to 70 meters and water flows form 20 up to 1000 liters per second. Pelton: suitable for head from 20 up to 350 meters and water flows from 0,5 up to 100 liters per second. For more information on the products contact IREM

Disclaimer ESHA prepares this Newsletter to enhance access to information about news, policies and events concerning the small hydropower sector and renewable energy in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate and therefore, ESHA compiles this information from different available and reliable sources and selects Newsletter content in the best efficient way it knows. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, ESHA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regards to the information contained in the Newsletter. This information is of a general nature, not necessarily complete or accurate and sometimes linked to external sites over which ESHA has no control and for which ESHA assumes no responsibility.


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