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ESHA Newsletter December 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: ESHA staff change Editorial EU Project Briefing on Hydro Action, Rural RES, Stream Map and stoRE Welcome to new ESHA Member Events from ESHA and our partners In brief: Hydropower news from around the world Hydro Agenda Hydro Innovation: Members’ technology developments

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EDITORIAL Finishing this year after very busy, but fruitful months, this newsletter will give a summary of ESHA’s main achievements since the last newsletter. During the summer months ESHA has been coordinating and finalizing projects, reviewing its membership services and setting up the hidroenergia 2012 Congress and Trade Fair in Wroclaw, Poland.

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The most important policy issues that ESHA is currently involved in is the Water Framework Directive. One key event has been the Water Framework Directive Hydropower Workshop that took place on the 13th to 14th of September in Brussels. For more information on the WFD, please see our next newsletter. Another event co-organized with EREF, the European Renewable Energies Federation, has been a training course on EU funding opportunities and successful EU project management on the 21st and 22nd of November in Brussels.

ESHA STAFF CHANGE ESHA welcomes a new staff member on board. Oliver Jung, who started in November, is ESHA’s new policy and project manager. He will be leading and managing ESHA’s policy, advocacy and media work as well as supporting ESHA’s public relation activities and coordinating projects. He comes as the successor of Lauha Fried, our policy officer and project manager. After 3,5 years at EShA, Lauha decided to take up a new challenge. Lauha and her engagement to her work will be very missed in the Secreteriat.

Furthermore, ESHA started its work on two of its new EU projects, StoRE and RESTOR Hydro.

The ESHA President and Vice President giving presentations at HYDRO 2011 The HYDRO 2011 in Prague in October was also a very busy week for our association. Together with our hidroenergia partner TMREW, the Polish Association for SHP Development, ESHA has been promoting and increasing visibility for the small hydropower sector as well as drawing attention to ESHA members and their relevant activities. After the HYDRO event, ESHA held an Executive Board meeting and a Stream Map project meeting. In addition to these events, ESHA has been invited to speak at international conferences to represent the small hydropower sector. One of them was a live online presentation at Small Hydro LATAM 2011 in Panama..

Several articles have been published by ESHA to talk about the different issues of small hydropower. Those include for instance, a publication in the Public Service Review (issue 22) and in the ZEK Hydro Magazine (June 2011). Finally, ESHA would like to remember you to save the date for the upcoming Hidroenergia 2012 (23-26 May 2012) in Wrocław, Poland. New features are added to the traditional event schedule. Check out all details on the event website: http://2012.hidroenergia.eu We thank all of you for your support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Dirk Hendricks ESHA Secretary General

ESHA - European Small Hydropower Association, Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B-1040, Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 546 19 45, Fax: +32 2 546 19 47, E-mail: info@esha.be ESHA is founding member of EREC – European Renewable Energy Council


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