Request for expressions of interest: micro hydro expert for micro-hydro development in Rwanda GENERAL INFORMATION Country: Notice/Contract Number: Publication Date: Deadline: Funding Agency: Buyer: Original Language:
Rwanda wb:op00010842 Sep 12, 2011 Sep 27, 2011 World Bank RW - Sustainable Energy Dev. Proj (GEF) English
CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Sixbert MUNYAWERA Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDP Electricity Access Roll Out Program BIREMBO Substation P.O.B 537 Kigali, Rwanda Tel: +250 (0) 2 52 57 36 66 Fax : +250 (0) 2 52 57 38 02 KIGALI Rwanda Telephone: +250788759154 Email: Click here ASSIGNMENTS 09000000 - Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Republic of Rwanda Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDP) Renewable Energy (Micro Hydro) CONSULTING SERVICES Grant No. TF94928-RW Project ID No. P097818 Expressions of interest The government of Rwanda has received financing from the World Bank/Global Environmental Facility Trust Fund and intends to develop the Micro Hydro Power Sector in Rwanda. The proposed expertise should support the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) in Development of Micro Hydro sites. The estimated of the assignment of the individual consultant is 2 years on a full time based in Kigali-Rwanda. The successful candidate shall sign a one year renewable contract subject to performance. The Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) now invites eligible consultants/experts to indicate their interest in providing the services. The required education for the assignment is an university degree in Hydropower Engineering. Post graduate qualifications in a relevant field will be added advantage. Interested consultants/experts should have 10 years as relevant working experience preferably related to small-hydro in developing countries. The extensive experience in project management involving development agencies and financial institutions is highly desirable (public and private). The candidate
should demonstrate knowledge of power sector, regulation and reform, energy policy and financial issues in developing countries. Interested consultants/experts must provide information indicating that they are qualified toperform the mentioned consultancy services. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out inthe World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 08:00 to 17:00 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 27thSeptember 2011. Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) Attn: Procurement Specialist Electricity Access Roll Ou Program BIREMBO Substation P.O.B 537 Kigali, Rwanda E-mail: Web site:
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 500 W Road for 4 (four) Hours Operation (1000 WP) Solar PV Power System GENERAL INFORMATION Country: City/Locality: Notice/Contract Number: Publication Date: Deadline: Buyer: Original Language:
Bangladesh Chittagong ept:6189213 Sep 14, 2011 Sep 29, 2011 Meghna Petroleum Limited English
CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Meghna Petroleum Limited 58-59, Agrabad Commercial Area Chittagong Bangladesh GOODS, WORKS AND SERVICES 39715200 - Heating equipment Opening date of tender: 09/29/2011 15:15 Earnest Money Deposit: BDT15000.00 Document fees: BDT500.00 Document sale to: 09/28/2011 00:00 Note: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 500 W Load for 4 (four) Hours Operation (1000 WP) Solar PV Power System at Bansal Depot., Cost of Tender Documents Tk. 500/-, Earnest Money Tk. 15,000/Special Instruction : Technical offer should contain the under noted documents: (a) A letter in original from the Manufacturer/ Principal/ Distributor/Agents confirming that the bidder has been authorized to participate in the bid. (b) Original Catalogue/Technical literature. (c) Copy of TIN Certificate, (d) Copy of VAT Registration Certificate. (e) Copy of Trade License (f) Copy of Bank Solvency Certificate. (g) Copy of Import License (For Import). (h) Officers must be submitted in the bidder's printed letter head pad. (i) Original money receipt and copy of the tender schedule duly sealed and signed by the bidder. (j) Earnest Money as mentioned. After Opening / scrutiny of the Technical offers, the successful bidders will be advised the date/time of opening the Commercial offers to enable their attendance as per schedule. Note: If the Tender can not be received/ opened on the date of schedule due to any uncontrollable reason, the same will be received/opened/on the next working days at same time and same place.
Kpong generating station retprofit GENERAL INFORMATION Country: Notice/Contract Number: Publication Date: Deadline: Funding Agency: Buyer: Eligibility of Bidders:
Ghana KP-1 Sep 14, 2011 Nov 11, 2011 Agence Française de Développement - Financing Agency GHANA - Volta River Authority The Applicant shall have completed at least two (2) projects of similar type, size and complexity within the last 5 years Original Language: English
CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Francis Kyere Project Manager VOLTA RIVER AUTHORITY Electro - Volta House, 28 February Road P..O. Box MB 77 Accra Ghana Telephone: + 233 34 3021289 Fax: + 233 34 3021290 Email: Click here Web Site: GOODS, WORKS AND SERVICES 09310000 - Electricity SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE GHANA KPONG GENERATING STATION RETROFIT INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATIONS REHABILITATION/REPLACEMENT OF FOUR (4) HYDRAULIC TURBINES AND GENERATORS; NEW EXCITERS; GOVERNORS; PLANT AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS; STATION ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES; AND BALANCE-OF-PLANT EQUIPMENT -SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION CONTRACT KP-1, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WORKS The Government of Ghana has applied for the financing from the Agence Française Développement (AFD) toward the cost of the Kpong Generating Station Retrofit Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under Contract KP-1, Electrical and Mechanical Works for the rehabilitation/replacement of four (4) hydraulic turbines and generators, new exciters, governors, plant automation and controls, station electrical and mechanical services and balance-of-plant equipment supply and installation. The Volta River Authority-Ghana, the implementing Agency intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms for Contract KP-1, Electrical and Mechanical Works, for the performance of the following works: - rehabilitation/replacement of hydraulic propeller type turbines and auxiliaries. - replacement of generator stator cores and windings, rehabilitation/replacement of hydro generator auxiliaries. - replacement of generator excitation systems and governors. - new plant automation using Programmable Logic Control (PLC)/ Programmable Automation Control (PAC), new generator and transformer protections and metering, new SCADA system.
- rehabilitation of plant electrical and mechanical services and supply of spares and spare parts. - rehabilitation of intake hydraulic gates and spillway gates. The Applicant shall have completed at least two (2) projects of similar type, size and complexity within the last 5 years. It is expected that invitations to bid will be made in January 15, 2012. Prequalification will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Agence Française De Développement’s (AFD) Procurement Guidelines opportunites-daffaires/marches-sur-projets-afd/Principes-generaux-passation-de-marches, and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Guidelines. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information, and inspect the prequalification documents, from the address below during office hours between 9:00 and 15:00 hrs (local times): Deputy Chief Executive (Engineering and Operations) Volta River Authority Electro-Volta House P.O. Box MB 77 28th February Road Accra, Ghana, West Africa Tel: +233 302 662722 Fax: +233 302 669036 E-mail: A complete set of prequalification documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US $50.00 from September 19, 2011. The method of payment will be cashiers cheque or cash. The document may be collected by hand at the address above or will be sent by courier at an additional cost of US$70 for delivery. Payment may also be by direct depositing to the Employer’s account which will be provided upon request to the Volta River Authority at the address above. Applications for prequalification should be submitted in clearly marked envelopes and delivered to the address below by 11:30 a.m., local time, on November 11, 2011. Late applications will be rejected. The Chief Executive Volta River Authority Electro-Volta House P.O. Box MB 77 28th February Road Accra, Ghana, West Africa Tel: +233 302 221124/302 664941-9 Fax: +233 302 662610 Tel: +233 0302 660037 Fax: +233 0302 664705 E-mail: Web site: Location: Conference Hall, Cafeteria Building Electro Volta House 28th February Road, Accra-Ghana
Supply of solar cells and batteries for the energy research division of Najah National University Title: Solar cells, batteries Date: 09/09/2011 Country: Palestinian Territories Deadline: 03/10/2011 Funding: Self-financing Solar cells, batteries Tenders are Invited for Supply of Solar Cells and Batteries for a Special Research Centre of Energy. Doc Fee: ILS 250 Contact address: Najah NATIONAL UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 7 Nablus West Bank Palestinian Territories Tel: 00970 9-2345113 Fax: 00970 9-2345982 E-mail: Original document:
Tsumkwe Energy Project Title: Consulting / project evaluation, solar-diesel hybrid power plant Date: 12/09/2011 Country: Namibia Deadline: 03/10/2011 Funding: Self-financing Reference Number: 002 TSUMKWE/2011/SC Consulting / project evaluation, solar-diesel hybrid power plant Provided: Completing a final evaluation for the solar-diesel hybrid power plant Tsumkwe, evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness in terms of objectives, outcomes, sustainability, etc. Tenders are invited for Final Evaluation Of Tsumkwe Energy Project. Contact address: Tsumkwe ENERGY Caroline Coulson 7 Rossini Street Windhoek West Namibia E-mail: @ caroline.coulson Original document:
Supply of 10 solar modules, each 1,000 W, Bangladesh Krishi Bank Title: Solar Panels Date: 14/09/2011 Country: Bangladesh Deadline: 10/10/2011 Funding: Self-financing Tenders are Invited for Supply and Installation of 10 (ten) Nos.. Solar Panel watts capacity each 1000th Contact address: BANGLADDESH Krishi Bank A.N.M. Hanifur Rahman 83-85, Motijheel C / A Dhaka - 1000 Bangladesh Tel: 00 880 / 9552995 E-mail: Original document:
Delivery and installation of 1,000 solar-powered street lights in the neighboring municipalities of the city of Dakar Title: Solar Street Lighting Date: 14/09/2011 Country: Senegal Deadline: 25/10/2011 Funding: Financial:. Agence Francaise de Developpement Reference: 008/11/DDU/VD Solar Street Lighting Planned output: Delivery and installation of 1,000 solar-powered street lights in the neighboring municipalities of the city of Dakar For more details please see the following original text: 1 Cet Avis d'appel d'offres fait suite à l'Avis Général de Passation des Marchés paru dans le Journal Sud Quotidien N°5292 du 10 Janvier 2011. 2 La Ville de Dakar a obtenu des crédits de l'Agence Française de Développement (AFD), afin de financer son programme de sécurité urbaine et à l'intention d'utiliser une partie de ces fonds pour effectuer des paiements au titre du Marché de Fourniture et Installation de mille (1000) lampadaires solaires dans les Communes d'Arrondissement de la ville de Dakar (Projet prioritaire). 3 La Ville de Dakar sollicite des offres sous pli fermé de la part de candidats éligibles et répondant aux qualifications requises pour réaliser la Fourniture et Installation de mille (1000) lampadaires solaires dans les Communes d'Arrondissement de la ville de Dakar (Projet prioritaire), répartis en un lot unique et indivisible : 4 La passation du Marché sera conduite par Appel d‘offres ouvert tel que défini dans le Code des Marchés publics, et ouvert à tous les candidats éligibles. 5 Les candidats intéressés peuvent obtenir des informations au niveau de la Direction du Développement Urbain, 18, Avenue Malick SY, Tél : 33 822 93 26 et prendre connaissance des documents d'Appel d'offres au niveau du Building Communal, Rue 22 - Médina Dakar - Direction de l'Administration Financière -Division des Marchés et contrats 2ème Etage - Pièce 203 de 09 heures à 15 heures. 6 Les exigences en matière de qualification sont: - Expérience générale : Avoir une expérience en matière d'électricité à titre d'entrepreneur principal au cours des Trois (03) dernières années qui précèdent la date limite de dépôt des candidatures. Expérience spécifique : Avoir une expérience spécifique en matière d'éclairage public : participation à titre d'entrepreneur ou de sous traitant dans au moins 2 prestations de nature et de taille similaires au cours des 5 dernières années qui ont été exécutés de manière satisfaisantes et terminées pour l'essentiel. Une garantie du constructeur d'au moins deux (02) ans est exigée pour chaque composante du lampadaire. - Disposer des moyens matériels et humains requis dans le domaine de l'éclairage public. Pouvoir justifier de liquidités ou de lignes de crédits auprès d'un établissement financier agrée par le Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances (MEF), (autres que l'avance de démarrage non attribué par la
Ville de Dakar) à hauteur d'un montant minimum de 1 000.000.000 de francs CFA (Un milliard de francs ) net des engagements pris par le candidat au titre d'autres marchés; - Produire des états financiers certifiés des trois (03) dernières années (2007-2008-2009) démontrant la solidité actuelle de la position financière de l'entrepreneur et sa profitabilité à long terme; Le Candidat produira en justificatif la copie des attestations de service fait. 7 Les candidats de travaux publics et d'énergie de la Catégorie D intéressés par le présent Appel d'offres peuvent retirer le Dossier au Building Communal, Rue 22 - Médina Dakar - Direction de l'Administration Financière -Division des Marchés et contrats 2ème Etage - Pièce 203 contre le versement d'une somme de Cinquante Mille (50.000 F CFA) non remboursable. La méthode de paiement sera par espèce. 8 Les offres devront être soumises à l'adresse ci-après : Secrétariat du Maire de la Ville de Dakar à l'Hôtel de Ville -Boulevard Djily Mbaye le Mardi 25 Octobre 2011 à 11 heures délais de rigueur. Les offres remises en retard ne seront pas acceptées. Les offres seront ouvertes en présence des représentants des candidats présents dans la Salle de délibération de l'Hôtel de Ville de Dakar le Mardi 25 Octobre 2011 à 11 heures. 9 Les candidats restent engagés par leurs offres pendant Quatre Vingt Dix (90) jours à compter de la date limite de dépôt des offres. Toutes les offres doivent être obligatoirement accompagnées d'une garantie de soumission d'un montant de cinquante millions (50. 000. 000) francs CFA, valable pendant 118 jours à compter de la date d'ouverture des plis
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project - Second Additional Financing: including Consulting
Title: Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project Second Additional Financing: e.g. Consulting Date: 15/09/2011 Country: Bangladesh Financing: World Bank Group International Development Association / International Development Association (IDA Weltbankgr.) Category: FINANCIAL AND BANKING Project Status: FUNDING REQUEST Carrier: Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) The World Bank Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project - Second Additional Financing: including Consulting Request of the Government of Bangladesh to credit the International Development Association (IDA) for the following development projects (original text): The objective of the "Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project - Second Additional Financing" is to increase social and economic growth by increasing access to electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh. Negotiations was scheduled for 30 June 2011. Consultants will be required during implementation for quality assurance, for training and outreach, and for environmental management Donor contribution = 172 million U.S. dollars, credit (pending) Promoter: Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) UTC Building Level 16 8 Panthapath Kawranbazar Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: 00880 2 / 9 10 21 71 / 8 Fax: 00 880 2 / 8 11 66 63 E-mail: The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA
Tel: 001 202 / 4 73 10 00 Fax: 001 202 / 4 77 63 91 Internet:
Development of hydropower and renewable energies in the North Western Frontier Province va Delivery and construction of small hydropower plants, solar lanterns and solar pumps, biodiversity measures, implementation consulting services Title: Development of hydropower and renewable energies in the North Western Frontier Province v.a. Delivery and construction of small hydropower plants, solar lanterns and solar pumps, biodiversity measures, implementation consulting services Date: 15/09/2011 Country: Pakistan Financing: KfW Development Bank Category: ENERGY Project Status: GRANT FUNDING Carrier: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund Development of hydropower and renewable energies in the North Western Frontier Province va Delivery and construction of small hydropower plants, solar lanterns and solar pumps, biodiversity measures, implementation consulting services Within the framework of German Financial Cooperation (FC), the federal government a project to promote renewable energy in Pakistan. Target region are remote communities in ten selected districts in the province of West Pakistan in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. There, in a first phase the following measures: Construction of 20 small hydropower plants with an average output of 300 to 500 kW, 400 solar installations for street lighting and for domestic use, 80 modern irrigation systems (drip irrigation) with battery-free solar powered pumping systems, 2-3 pilot projects such as solar ovens, hybrid systems, small wind turbines, Biodiversity measures v.a. Water conservation, pasture management, reforestation, Consulting services for implementing the support (international call). In a second phase, another 60 small hydroelectric power plants built and other biodiversity activities are carried out. A total of 12.5 million â‚Ź are estimated. The expected life of the FZ-action extends over five years. This consists of two phases, each with three years of implementation period, with the phases in one year overlap. The beginning of the project is scheduled for the first quarter of 2012. Total cost = 10 million EURO Donor contribution = 10 million EURO, funding for Phase 1 Promoter: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund House no. 1, Street No.. 20, F-7 / 2 Islamabad Pakistan Tel: 0092 51 / 1 11 00 01 02 Fax: 0092 51 / 2 65 22 46
E-mail: Internet: Contact Address: KfW Development Bank John Heickmann PalmengartenstraĂ&#x;e 5-9 60325 Frankfurt / Main; Postfach 11 11 41 60 046 Frankfurt / Main Germany Tel: 0049 31 41 81 69 / 74 E-mail: @ Johannes.Heickmann Internet: