Request for expressions of interest: micro hydro expert for micro-hydro development in Rwanda GENERAL INFORMATION Country: Notice/Contract Number: Publication Date: Deadline: Funding Agency: Buyer: Original Language:
Rwanda wb:op00010842 Sep 12, 2011 Sep 27, 2011 World Bank RW - Sustainable Energy Dev. Proj (GEF) English
CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Sixbert MUNYAWERA Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDP Electricity Access Roll Out Program BIREMBO Substation P.O.B 537 Kigali, Rwanda Tel: +250 (0) 2 52 57 36 66 Fax : +250 (0) 2 52 57 38 02 KIGALI Rwanda Telephone: +250788759154 Email: Click here ASSIGNMENTS 09000000 - Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Republic of Rwanda Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDP) Renewable Energy (Micro Hydro) CONSULTING SERVICES Grant No. TF94928-RW Project ID No. P097818 Expressions of interest The government of Rwanda has received financing from the World Bank/Global Environmental Facility Trust Fund and intends to develop the Micro Hydro Power Sector in Rwanda. The proposed expertise should support the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) in Development of Micro Hydro sites. The estimated of the assignment of the individual consultant is 2 years on a full time based in Kigali-Rwanda. The successful candidate shall sign a one year renewable contract subject to performance. The Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) now invites eligible consultants/experts to indicate their interest in providing the services. The required education for the assignment is an university degree in Hydropower Engineering. Post graduate qualifications in a relevant field will be added advantage. Interested consultants/experts should have 10 years as relevant working experience preferably related to small-hydro in developing countries. The extensive experience in project management involving development agencies and financial institutions is highly desirable (public and private). The candidate