Minutes Executive Committee Falkenberg, 21st July 2003, 14:00 – 18:00 Participants: Jean-Pierre CATALAN Bernhard PELIKAN Christer SÖDERBERG
David MILLER Christine LINS Gema SAN BRUNO
President ESHA Secretary General ESHA Project Manager ESHA
The Executive Committee met in Falkenberg, Sweden on the 21st July 2003. David Miller opened the session at 14:00 by welcoming the Executive Committee. Three additional participants – Mr. Jacobson and Mr. & Mrs. Davidson - were present during the first part of the meeting regarding Hidroenergia 2004 organisation. Christine Lins invited everyone to introduce himself/herself and presented the agenda for the meeting, which was adopted. The following summarises the main points discussed during the meeting: 1- Hidroenergia 2004 Christer Soderberg, SERO, introduced to the Executive Committee three of his collaborators in the Hidroenergia 2004 organisation: Jan-Ake Jacobson, Managing Director of Falkenberg Energi utility and Vice-President of SERO Hydropower, and Mr & Mrs Davidson, members of SERO board and small hydropower producers. Hidroenergia 2004 will take place in Falkenberg, Sweden, the 17-19 June 2004. Organisation is ongoing and several issues were discussed. In concrete (1) Organisation of a Committee ESHA-SERO, (2) Scientific Committee, (3) Call for papers, (4) Competing conferences, (5) Logotype for Hidroenergia 2004, (6) Main sessions at the conference, (7) Session leaders, (8) Early invitation and addresses, (9) Cooperation with a branch magazine, (10) Marketing on the conference, (11) Key actors to invite, (12) Key topics, (13) Visiting other similar conferences, (14) Conference organizer, (15) Social arrangements, (16) Technical visits, (17) Local transports, (18) Budget and conference fees, (19) Role of the European Commission, (20) Work sharing ESHA-SERO, (21) Priority work to be done during August-September, (21) Check out conference site and (22) Simultaneous translation. David Miller underlined that SERO is in charge of organising the conference and ESHA will assist in this regard giving advice when needed. Since the list of issues to discuss was too long, some of them were discussed next morning, 22nd July, as the Executive Committee was still present. In fact, ESHA Executive Committee met Lotta Ericsson, the