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9:00 - 9:50
9:55 - 10:45
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13:35 - 14:25
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15:25 - 16:15
16:20 - 17:10
17:15 - 18:05
18:10- 19:00
Scheme classification, definitions, basic principles HP in Europe Hydrological analysis Hydropower ressources assessment tools Hydropower ressources assessment tools
Welcome, Overview, Information and come together SHP in Europe Hydrological cycle and hydrometry Hydrological analysis, practice HP ressources assessment tools, practice Visit hydrolab - IWHW
7 7 8 8 8 38
Basics in Hydromechanics Advanced Hydromechanics Basics in low head design works low headdesign works low head design works
Advanced Hydromechanics Advanced HM low head design works low head design works plant visit Freudenau
7 7 8 7 9 38
Basics in high head design works high head design works high head design works Tunnel construction site visit storage and run-off plants Kamp river (EVN)
high head design works high head design works high head design works Tunnel construction
Dams, reservoir management, hydraulic modell testing SHP development in CEE Turbine construction, and testing Turbine construction, and testing
Dams, res. management, dam operation hydraulic modell testing dam operation technical/financial due diligence Turbine construction, and testing Turbine construction, and testing
Overview on all renewable energy sources Lessons learned by failures, ev. HP development in Africa Ecology in Hydropower Ecology in Hydropower Practical ecological experiences
Company visit Kössler Lessons learned by failures, ev. HP development in Africa Ecology in Hydropower Ecology in Hydropower Site visit Wüster
Electro-mechanical equipment Electro-mechanical equipment Ocean energy zero head turbines Study tour ybbs river, Dorfmühle, Schwellöd, Schütt, Erlauf
Electro-mechanical equipment Electro-mechanical equipment Ocean energy
jour fixe
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Andritz jour fixe
jour fixe
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