4455 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4
On the Covers Marion Zeiner assists ESJ student Ping Chen ’15 (Catherine) with her research project.
6 Leadership Over view
The Purple Book’s Focus on Leadership
From the Head of School The Power of A Leader
Careers Beyond the Lab Marion Zeiner’s Scientific Reasearch Course Sparks Passions
Financial Se r vices Careers at Mass Mutual Four Alumni Succeeding Together
Melding Business with Art Creates High-End Films Kevin Chinoy ’86’s Star Shines in Filmaking Profession
My Campus Leadership Experience Seniors Share Their Successes on Campus
Student Government ’s Past Preside nt s Take Lessons With Them Four Discuss Current Career Paths
Christian Le adership Coach Mark Brunell On and Off the Field
Campus Chronicle 43
2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 C a m p u s H i g h l i g ht s Events and Photos from the Year
S e a s o n a l S p o r t s R e c o rd s Fall and Winter Sports Teams
C o l l e ge C o u n s el i n g Ed ge B e n ef i t s S t u d ent s Knowledge and Experience are Power in Admissions Process
T h ere I s No P l a c e I ’d R at h er B e. . . by Sally Deming, Director of Fine Arts
B r ya n L i b ra r y ’s C reat i ve L ea r n i n g O p p o r t u n i t i es Maker Space and Book Club Keep Students Coming
G ra n d p a re nt s ’ D ay 2 0 1 3 Episcopal welcomed 800 for Grandparents’ Day
S t u d e nt G ove r n m e nt ’s Fo c u s o n t h e F u t u re Richie Mullaney ’14
E p i s co p a l F u n d First Time Donors
E st h e r L i n a A s h G i f t Kelly Vadersen Scholarship Established
T h e 5 0 by F i f t y S o c i et y Bill Bond, Delores Lastinger and Jack Mitchell Share Board Chair Experiences
M a r y Pa c ke r C u m m i n g s S o c i et y Patti Eckert Bauernfeind ’84
G o l f & Ten n i s To u r n a m e nt 2 0 1 3
Spring 2014
Alumni 73
Alumni Connections New ESJ LinkedIn Group
Alumni Giving Challenge Generous Match Gift for The Episcopal Fund
Fall Events Underbelly, Jaguars Tailgate
Homecoming 2013 Photos ESJ Welcomed Back More than 300 Alumni
In Memorium
Class Notes Updates on Episcopal Alumni
From the Editor Meg Scheu Sacks, Director of Marketing
2013-2014 Board of Trustees
Claudia Saenz Amlie ’87 James F. Bailey Oliver J. Barakat ’88 Clare Berry ’73 Patricia Blanchard Edward E. Burr Stephen D. Busey Robert M. Clements (Chairman) Angela Corey Jill Langford Dame ’74 William M. Easton John Falconetti ’85 Preston H. Haskell III David C. Hodges Jr. ’90 Susan M. Jangro Wyndel Dickinson LaPrade ’76 The Very Reverend Katherine B. Moorehead Niels P. Murphy ‘88 Helen C. Rowan Derrick W. Smith William N. Steitz III John D. Strom Stephen M. Suddath Herschel T. Vinyard. Jr. Dori Walton The Right Reverend Samuel John Howard, Bishop of Florida (Ex-Officio) Alex Graham, Alumni Board/President (Ex-Officio)
Trustees Emeriti
Peggy P. Bryan J. F. Bryan IV John W. Donahoo, Jr. David W. Foerster Henry H. Graham Jr. † Mark Hulsey † Delores T. Lastinger Allen L. Lastinger Hugh M. Magevney III J.T. McCormick † Walter A. McRae, Jr. † John A. Mitchell III Jane S. Munnerlyn † W. Wilson Munnerlyn † The Reverend Doctor Robert R. Parks † Gert H. W. Schmidt † Elizabeth Walton † William H. Walton, Jr. † James H. Winston Mary Winston †
Honorary Trustees
Michael D. Abney William B. Barnett William B. Bond E. Bruce Bower The Rt. Rev. Frank S. Cerveny Maxwell K. Dickinson Thomas M. Donahoo J. Dix Druce, Jr. Joan E. Haskell Dr. Ross T. Krueger Thad L. McNulty Joan W. Newton Marian B. Poitevent The Hon. Gerald B. Tjoflat The Very Reverend Gustave J. Weltsek, Jr. Katharine K. Zambetti
2013-2014 Foundation Board Stephen D. Busey Joe Jangro (Chairman) Richard H. Jones Thad L. McNulty Robert M. Clements (Ex-Officio) Charles F. Zimmer (Ex-Officio)
St. John’s Cathedral Vestry Hud Berrey Betty Brisbin Tommy Donahoo ’84 Bill Erwin John Falconetti ’85 Bill Fouraker Bonnie Hardman Jim Jamison Ginny Myrick Mark Richardson Ryan Uitti Charlotte Walker Charles Winney Faye Wisner
2013-2014 Alumni Board
Alex Graham ‘00 (President) Anne Marie Forbes Hulsey ’95 (President-Elect) Charles Chunn ‘98 William Magevney ‘00 Mrs. Heather Halliburton Douglas ‘94 Kevin Vaughn ‘99 Baker Berg ’04 Rushton Haskell Callaghan ’82 Daniel Dill ’82 Susan Knight Feeley ’83 Marlon Francois ‘08
Meredith Wachtel Hines ’90 Katherine O’Quinn Huddleston ‘03 Frances Poitevent Hutto ’88 Bruce Jackson ’79 Tiffany Kidd ’96 Eric Kolar ’84 Mark LaBorde ’84 Michael Lewis ’05 Sean Magee ’98 Eleanor Bryan Mathews ’94 William Milne ’00 Heather Rainey Moseley ’88 Kerri Cannon Napoleon ’94 Allison Vermillion Needle ’88 Heather Kenyon Oakley ’83 Todd Ogletree ’88 Kelly Pietan ’88 John Ream ’96 Lisa Lampe Rogers ’85 David Smith ‘01 Cris Scott Tennant ’82 Dearing Setzer Thoburn ’88 Peter Thomas ’03 Harold Tool ’84 Arnold Tritt ’81 Sis Van Cleve-Miller ’82 Kevin Vaughn ’99 Deena Bateh Wallace ’00 John Wallace ’00 Erin Wolfson ’01 Randy Wyse ‘84
Meg Scheu Sacks
Design and Production Emily Okie
Copy Editor
Karen Kelly Becker
Charley Zimmer, Missy Ketchum, Lisa Allen, Glenda Feliciano, Ryan Riggs, Sally Maguire Deming, Mark Brunell, Lori Sackman, Scottie Kapel ‘00, Emily Galant ‘14, Emma Cissel ‘14, Kathryn Huyghue ‘14, Kevin Munoz ‘14, Natalie Lewis ‘14, PD McCawley ‘14, Richie Mullaney ’14
Laura Evans, Brandon Westerman ‘99, Eric Rousseau
The Tradition of Leadership at Episcopal The founding document of Episcopal School of Jacksonville, the “Purple Book,” was the report of a Planning Group that had been charged with the task of creating a plan for the establishment of an Episcopal school in Jacksonville. This report was presented to the Rector, wardens, and Vestry of St. John’s Cathedral in February 1966. The “Purple Book” explores many aspects of how the School should operate, what should be taught, how much teachers should be paid, and what kind of education should be offered. The report also unequivocally defines the School’s philosophy and purpose, asserting that the “high goal” should be “the development of Christian leadership.” Specifically, the document states: “And by ‘leadership’ we do not mean the all too familiar method of leading by promising all men the things we want. On the contrary, we mean a leadership which seeks to find what is really best for man and then seeks to lead him through the rational processes of persuasion. Masses do not lead, they follow.” It is no secret that Episcopal alumni become leaders in their chosen fields—they follow their passions, often developed here on campus during their time at Episcopal—and excel at them. Nevertheless, professional expertise is only one part of leadership; Episcopal graduates go beyond professional achievement and give back to their communities, create good lives, and continue in their faith traditions. Our current students do the same.
The “Purple Book” later says, “Trained and dedicated leadership by Christian men and women is the terrible and impelling need of mankind today.” This is as true now as it was in 1966. Episcopal continues to “develop doers of good and leaders of men,” just as its Founders intended.
From the Head of School THE POWER OF A LEADER By Charley Zimmer, Head of School One of the organizations I support with my voluntary giving is Defenders of Wildlife, and in my office I have a Defenders framed poster of three wolves standing on a rocky mountain side in the middle of a snowstorm somewhere in the upper Midwest. It is a stunning photo which underscores the beauty of these magnificent but controversial animals. The poster is entitled “The Power of a Leader,” and as one looks at the photo, it is easy to see which of the three wolves is “in charge.” Underneath the poster is this caption: “True leaders are first to see the need, envision the plan, and empower the team for action.” If you read anything about the life of wolves, you will soon learn that each pack has a distinct leader who has assumed that role after a series of events which prove its leadership capabilities. In many ways we develop our own leaders in the human world in much the same manner. Leadership is not endemic. Leaders can, most certainly, be made over time. They are developed at places like Episcopal; they are self-created, tried by fire, ripened with age, and polished with experience. They are made, not born! While I believe that most everyone has the capacity to be a leader, not everyone wants to lead, and that’s just fine. We are not all wired the same way, and our world needs “soldiers” just as much as it needs leaders. When I was asked to author some words on leadership for this issue of The Magazine, my ready answer was “of course.” However, as I began to think about the points I would like to make, I realized that over the years I have learned so much about this topic that it would be difficult to keep the article to a reasonable length. Leadership is made up of many, many qualities, all of which add in some measure to the effectiveness of anyone who is in a position of authority. What I offer now is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it does represent for me what good leaders do.
Motivate I believe that one of the most important qualities a good leader must possess is the ability to motivate others, to touch the feelings of those they are asking to act. Only then are others self-motivated enough to carry out what they have been asked to do. To touch someone’s feelings speaks directly to the heart of the matter and turns emotion into action. History is replete with examples of those who have achieved great things by motivating through talk: Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, George C. Patton, Winston Churchill, Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi. When words strike the heart, people spring into action. Hammering someone over the head with a command might result in action,
but it will not be done with a singleness of purpose and a belief that the cause is worthwhile. So, being able to motivate properly is a prime requisite for good leaders. C H A R L E S F. Z I M M E R Head of School
Listen Good leaders must have a willing ear; they listen!
They must truly hear what others are saying and internalize the emotions, the decisions, and the thought processes of those they lead. Without hearing all of the circumstances surrounding a situation or a conflict, one will lack the understanding to manage and resolve a conflict in an appropriate, fair and reasonable manner. I have learned that a leader should listen first and talk second!
Trust Perhaps this should be so obvious that it needn’t be mentioned, but….without the trust of others, I know I cannot lead effectively. Episcopal has entrusted me with the responsibility for the education of our students and the lives and welfare of our faculty. For this trust I am both thankful and humbled. Trust, and therefore respect, has to be earned. It is not bestowed on one simply because of a title. One of the nicest things ever said about my leadership down through the years was made by a professional consultant who remarked that “my handshake was just as good as any written contract.” I hope that people believe this is true in their dealings with me; it is a quality I value above all others. To use a basketball analogy, “faking left and going right” when no one goes with you because they don’t trust you won’t result in winning many “games.” The trust simply has to be there.
Visualize A good leader must be able to visualize, to think ahead, to recognize that when circumstances change, tactics to manage a situation have to change as well. This can be as subtle as measuring the atmosphere of a meeting or understanding the nuances of an important fund-raising situation, or managing the spirit of a loud group of students at a gathering….or even dealing with disparate parents who are upset with a school policy. In all cases, a good leader must exercise sound judgment and common sense. He or she must have the vision to stand firm or to compromise appropriately. Again, a study of the history of warfare reveals battles lost because of a failure to visualize, to think ahead, to anticipate. In the end, I would say that leadership in administration and education has not really changed that much during my years in the business. There are certain things we handle differently today, such as enrollment management and the use of technology. But in the end, the power a leader has exists only because it is granted to him or to her by others. At Episcopal we work to make sure our students understand what leadership means. After all, every student DOES have the capacity to lead, and this is a world which desperately needs them to do so.
Scientific Research Seminars Launch Students into Careers Beyond the Lab Marion Zeiner’s Honors Science seminars are beloved by students, offering them exceptional opportunities to go beyond the classroom walls to delve into independent scientific research topics in professional laboratories and with university-level instruction. Students select research topics and, with Mrs. Zeiner’s help, pursue those topics, often continuing their work at the colleges and graduate schools they attend, and in their subsequent careers. Episcopal graduates Nathan Monroe ’09, and brothers Greg ’08 and Will ’08 Kennedy are three of Mrs. Zeiner’s former students who are still on the paths they foraged in her science class. “This research course really motivates students,” says Mrs. Zeiner, ESJ’s Director of Science Research. “It takes them well out of their comfort zones and into the world of authentic scientific research. All of them are passionate about their independent scientific research, and those topics include anything from photovoltaics, phytoremediation, and hypoxia, to cancer cells and piezoelectricity.” At the beginning of the semester students attend lectures, take field trips, and read scientific journals, looking for topics that interest them. Once their topics are identified, students communicate with professional scientists to pose testable questions and develop a methodology for their projects. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate directly with the authors of the pertinent research articles. According to Mrs. Zeiner, “The reasons that students register for the research course varies, but the benefits for each student are the same. Students tackle complex scientific problems that interest them; they improve skills in lab techniques, communication, and critical thinking; and their self-confidence improves.”
The students develop professional relationships with mentors at research institutions, while being taught essential laboratory techniques in class at ESJ. Sharing the details of his individual experience, Will Kennedy says, “Mrs. Zeiner’s class helped open up doors to research opportunities that likely would not have been available to me as a high
school student. Through a field trip as a part of the research course, Greg and I were fortunate to meet Dr. John Copland, a cancer researcher at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Copland generously agreed to mentor us for our team project on novel chemotherapy treatments for metastatic melanoma. Over the course of the next two years, we conducted research in his lab, and we were awarded third place in the 2008 International Science and Engineering Fair for our work.” Both Greg and Will attended Princeton for their undergraduate work, and Greg studied at the University of Cambridge for a year after college as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar. Now in his second year at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Will is particularly
interested in otolaryngology, which focuses on diseases of the ears, nose, and throat. He spent this past summer working in the Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Greg is completing his first year at Penn, but hasn’t yet decided upon a specific specialty, though he continues to be interested in the medical and surgical treatment of cancer. This summer Greg will be conducting research on the surgical resection of lung cancer under the direction of Dr. Joel Cooper, a world-renowned thoracic surgeon who completed the first successful single and double lung transplants.
The Kennedys (top row) and Nathan Monroe (bottom row, middle) at the International Science and Engineering Fair while they were students at Episcopal.
Greg (left) and Will (right) Kennedy at Penn after Greg’s White Coat Ceremony in August of 2013.
As Will and Greg did at Mayo, ESJ students conduct experimental trials in a research laboratory at a partner institution or university, or at Episcopal. These trials are conducted over several months, and the mentors confer with the students to analyze the data and draw valid conclusions. Each participant creates a paper and/ or a poster of the research, which is formally presented at the end of the semester and entered in regional, state, national, and international science competitions. Some students are even invited to present their work at meetings of scientific societies. “Students willingly and enthusiastically read entire books on highly technical topics,” says Mrs. Zeiner. “They travel hundreds of miles to meet researchers and visit research facilities; and they work in laboratories on the weekends, over holidays, and during summer vacations. They strive to develop novel research designs that will be recognized at state and international competitions.” Commenting on his experience as one of Mrs. Zeiner’s students, Greg Kennedy says, “This work was my first introduction to rigorous, independent scientific investigation, and sparked my passion for bench-tobedside research in medicine.” Will adds that Mrs. Zeiner’s “course was instrumental in furthering my interest in science and the research process. The course taught me to ask answerable questions, design informative experiments, and critically analyze data to tell a meaningful story. These fundamental skills have proven invaluable in my research in college and in my current work in medical school.” Although there are deadlines for forms, papers, notebooks and presentations, no two projects follow the same timetable. One student could be completing the last year of a three-year investigation, while another student is searching for a project topic. Each phase of the project—designing the investigation, arranging lab space, and conducting the investigation—could take weeks, months, or more than a year. Therefore, Mrs. Zeiner’s deadlines are merely guides, and the students must selfpace while still learning and working closely with her. “Mrs. Zeiner is a fantastic leader because she is so passionate about what she does, and it really is quite infectious. She’s also an excellent scientist and knows how to push her students technically,” said Nathan Monroe, who continued the work he did at Episcopal with Mrs. Zeiner at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In addition to supervising her students’ individual projects, Mrs. Zeiner annually leads them on a trip to research labs at organizations, colleges, and universities that are conducting research similar to—or the same as—the research being done by her students. She also makes sure there is an ESJ alumnus or two at the college or university who can serve as a tour guide, provide their own firsthand perspective, and really relate to the current Episcopal students. “The students love the trips, because they can be in labs and ask researchers questions,” says Mrs. Zeiner. “The researchers are pleased to work with inquisitive and capable teenagers. In the end, the work done by the students is comparable to work done by graduate and post-doctoral students. Furthermore, the students gain skills, technical knowledge, and confidence that provide a strong foundation for college work and careers.” In the past, Mrs. Zeiner’s class has traveled to Boston to visit MIT, Atlanta to see Georgia Tech, California to visit Stanford and UC Berkeley, and Tallahassee to see Florida State University. Students have also developed research partnerships with scientists at various laboratories, including the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Armor Holdings Ballistic Testing Facility and the Mayo Clinic, as well as the University of Florida. Since 2001, Episcopal research students have earned more than $400,000 in cash prizes and scholarships for their projects. Further describing the benefits of Mrs. Zeiner’s research class, Nathan adds, “[It] was amazing because it bridged the gap between academics and the real world. It empowered me to take what I learned in class and use it to make things that help people and generate new knowledge through research. After developing photovoltaic (solar) cells for four years as a part of Mrs. Zeiner’s research class, I continued the work at MIT’s Laboratory of Organic and Nanostructured Electronics.
Nathan at MIT in the Laboratory of Organic and Nanostructured Electronics and being interviewed senior year at Episcopal by Intel at the International Science and Engineering Fair.
Nathan says he also continued his work on an international level, spending a summer semester in Tel Aviv, Israel, researching Carbon Nanotube solar cells. “Mrs. Zeiner’s class gave me an early look into the world of research and development and definitely was a driving factor in my decision to pursue technology as a career. She has an uncanny knack for finding what her students are passionate in, and encouraging them until amazing things happen,” says Nathan.
“Mrs. Zeiner’s research class definitely pushed me towards the career path I’ve chosen. I was always interested in technology, but getting such a unique and early taste of it in her research program solidified that interest,” says Nathan. “Plus, the experience of traveling around the country to research competitions was extraordinary. Getting to travel the country as a high-schooler and present my work—plus getting exposed to some of the most ambitious and driven scientists and engineers of my generation—was truly inspiring.” The Kennedys agree that both their work in Mrs. Zeiner’s class and their community service work while at Episcopal (both were involved in the ESJ Daniel Club, in addition to Varsity sports, Discipline and Honor councils, and other activities) have been contributing factors in their career decisions. “During my time in medical school, I have continued my commitment to service and regularly volunteer at a clinic that provides free medical care to underserved populations in West Philadelphia. My involvement in service has been extremely gratifying and I look forward to staying involved in community service throughout my life,” says Will.
Nathan in the Microsystems Technology Laboratory at MIT working to fabricate integrated circuits (IC’s). IC’s are the electronic chips that make up the brain of a computer. The process is very sensitive to things like dust, and the air in the room is tightly controlled and circulated to keep it clean. The process is very sensitive to light, so special lights in the facility leave a yellow tinge on everything.
ESJ students from Mrs. Zeiner’s class become leaders in their scientific fields, both in college and beyond. Episcopal students who have completed the research course have attended MIT, Princeton, UC Berkeley, Vanderbilt, Yale, William & Mary, McGill University in Canada, and Stanford, and some are continuing their work at these institutions.
Their premature birth at 26 weeks and subsequent stays in the hospital throughout childhood gave both Greg and Will an early connection to the world of medicine that influenced each of their decisions to ultimately pursue careers in the field. Greg was also attracted to medicine by the service-oriented nature of the profession and the field’s ongoing research efforts to better understand disease and treatment. Greg agrees. “In my community service experiences, I derived incredible satisfaction from making sacrifices to care for other individuals and from seeing the tangible, positive impact of my efforts. I sought an occupation defined by a commitment to serving others and one that would provide that same sense of fulfillment I had gained in community service. Ultimately, I found medicine to be a field uniquely at the intersection of my science, service, and intellectual interests,” he says.
At Stanford ESJ students met with researchers in five different departments, from neuroscience and genetic mutations to piezoelectricity.
Since graduating from MIT, Nathan has been focusing on consumer electronics, working on the Xbox hardware team for Microsoft as a systems integration engineer for the Kinect, which is a 3D sensing camera the Xbox uses. “There are lots of components that go into an electronics product— sensors, buttons, antennas, displays, power supplies, etc. My job is to take all of those parts and coerce them into talking to each other as a complete system. It’s like Legos for nerds! In addition, my work involves traveling to China every few months,” added Nathan. “It’s incredibly rewarding getting to work on a product that is in millions of living rooms around the world and making people’s lives better. It also still blows my mind every time I walk into Best Buy or Target and see the thing I
helped make, right there on the store shelves.” Nathan plans to return to MIT for graduate school, having deferred his acceptance to the electrical engineering master’s program. Hoping to work at a startup some day, he’s currently enjoying the challenge and excitement of working outside a classroom. As he says, “The hardest, but also most exciting part about working in the field is that your everyday job is to make things which nobody has made before. If you get stuck on a problem, there’s no safety net of a teacher or TA to ask for help; it’s just you and your knowledge. You have to understand all aspects of the projects you work on—it’s not limited to some narrow field...Plus, it’s a challenge: just when you start to get confident
in your abilities, some really hard problem comes along and puts you in your place.” Meanwhile, Will and Greg are looking forward to challenging careers in the medical profession. As Greg says, “Medicine is a very demanding field, requiring significant sacrifices and exacting physical and emotional tolls on physicians. However, it also provides a unique opportunity to care for others in their greatest hour of need, and to have an unparalleled impact in patients’ lives.” Through the career accomplishments of Episcopal graduates, the influence of Mrs. Zeiner’s scientific research course goes well beyond the ESJ campus and laboratory walls and is affecting and changing the greater world for the better.
ESJ Students Have Been Mentored by Researchers at the Following:
Episcopal students at Stanford University in the fall of 2013.
Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH Emory University Florida State University Jacksonville University Massachusetts Institute of Technology St. Vincent’s Medical Center University of Florida University of North Florida Amour Holdings Ballistic Facility Georgia Institute of Technology High Magnetic Field Laboratory Mayo Clinic University of Central Florida Nemours Children’s Clinic
Since 2001 Episcopal students have earned awards and more than $400,000 in cash prizes and scholarships at the following: 15
Armed Forces Communications and Engineering Assoc. National High School Science Fair Biogenius Challenge Florida Junior Academy of Sciences Intel Science Talent Search Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Intel Science Talent Search International Sustainable World Science Olympiad, ISWEEEP Northeast Florida Regional Science and Engineering Fair Siemens Science and Technology Competition for Outstanding Scientific Creativity and Reasoning State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida
Four Alumni Build Relationships to Grow Careers at Mass Mutual Liza Barnett ’91 works with three other Episcopal alumni at Mass Mutual: Meghan Green ’08, J. Davis Plaugher ’94, and George Ossi ’89. Although these four colleagues followed different paths before they eventually merged at the same office, Episcopal provided a common foundation for their career success. “It’s a privilege to work with people who have the same strong educational foundation,” says Davis. Always entrepreneurial, Liza likes to captain her own ship and was excited to take a managing partner role at Mass Mutual in Jacksonville when the opportunity was offered. As a partner, she is responsible for growing the business while serving as a guide and mentor for those working at Mass Mutual. “Imparting your knowledge and sharing your experience – no amount of money can compare with the rewards of helping people meet their personal and professional goals,” says Liza. Liza has been working in the financial services and insurance industry since she was 24, after attending Sewanee and the University of Georgia and a short stint in Jacksonville at the Haskell Company. Initially thinking she’d go into interior design, she changed her mind and moved to Charleston at age 22. She started at Prudential Securities and quickly moved onto New York Life, taking advantage of every professional
Episcopal’s Admissions Office: Elisa Williams, Robb Smith ’99, Sam Hyde ’00 and Katie Berline ’06.
Left to Right: Davis Plaugher ’94, Liza Barnett ’91, George Ossi ’89 and Meghan Green ’08 at their Mass Mutual office in Jacksonville.
growth opportunity offered along the way.
LIZA BARNETT Class of ’91
She credits her achievements to having strong mentors, family bonds, and what her time at Episcopal taught her.
“The culture of Financial Design Associates, of Mass Mutual, is very much the culture of Episcopal – striving to be the best...hard work, achievement, the highest quality, a cut above. It takes a unique level of commitment to succeed in this business, but it’s highly rewarding, not just for the financial guidance provided to others, but also because this career will make you a better person,” he says.
“Episcopal was a great family for me,” she says. Liza’s two sisters, Randall Barnett Marchman (nongrad member of the Class of 1977) and Carson Barnett ’80 also attended Episcopal. Her nieces and nephews have as well. She counts her father Bill Barnett, JF Bryan, her uncle Tom Rubel and Preston Haskell as her mentors. “I think part of your success is due to your mentors and those who believe in you,” Liza says. “But I still have a lot to learn. Learning how to be a good person in business requires discussions, advice, life lessons, and a healthy fear of failure.” But she says that mentors tend to change over time as you develop in your profession. “The best thing about this business is teaching others, helping them grow and develop personally and professionally,” Liza says. “I like to watch people grow in their careers!” Liza’s three best friends today are from her days at Episcopal. At Episcopal, Liza played soccer, tennis and participated in cross country. She also was part of French club, yearbook and other extracurricular activities, including Student Government. “Episcopal is about connecting to people, and that was a great part of the experience,” Liza says. Today, Episcopal provides a shared bond with her work colleagues. Liza hired Davis and Meghan; George was already working at Mass Mutual when she arrived.
George believes the Episcopal and Mass Mutual principles and values are very similar.
J . D AV I S P L A U G H E R Class of ’94
Davis, who majored in biology and minored in chemistry and business minor at Virginia Tech, became interested in investment planning while working at a bank where he was promoted to the investment division.
“The market is dynamic, and constantly evolving, resulting in new challenges with every client and scenario,” says Davis. “Mass Mutual allows me to run my own practice without the constraints of normal investment firms. I enjoy not being limited by proprietary products and having a full suite of products to choose from in advising my clients. As a result, I no longer have to farm out clients to other advisors for insurance, or specialty products.” Liza said she also joined Mass Mutual due to its organizational structure and business model. But both Davis and Liza agree the industry is tough. “It’s about building relationships with people, so they’ll trust you with their financial planning and their family’s future. You have to be able to build a business through relationships. After all, we really are in the ‘people business,’” Liza explains. Davis agrees. “The most difficult aspect of the field is building trust with your clients. Unfortunately, many advisors have created a poor reputation for the field by treating their role as a ‘salesperson.’ I view it as a customer
service, marketing, and problem resolution role. Building the rapport and trust with a client is paramount. The relationship is not a ‘one-way street;’ it is a partnership between the advisor and client,” he says. George says his first two years in the financial services industry were very difficult, but he welcomed the challenge. A Stetson graduate, George first managed a multi-physician medical practice in Jacksonville after college. Intent on a career in medicine, George then enrolled in a graduate program at Harvard University that focused on molecular genetics and immunology. And then, he says, the father of Episcopal grad John Dickson ’87 changed the course of his professional life. “John Dickson’s dad, Bob, was talking with me about what he felt would be a great career for me: financial services. At the time, my mind was on nothing but science, but Mr. Dickson introduced me to someone who told me about a career that entailed everything that I wanted to do, but it wasn’t in medicine and had little to do with science. This job was about the ability to help people achieve their financial goals, protect what’s most important to them, whether that’s their family, their business, their career, or themselves. But also, there was significant income potential and substantial freedom and control of my time,” says George. After extensive consideration, George moved back to Jacksonville and joined Mass Mutual in the fall of 1999. “I was told from day one, ‘This will be the GEORGE OSSI most difficult thing Class of ’89 you’ve ever done,’” says George. “I quickly learned that was right. My first two years were miserable, but I decided that failure wasn’t an option. Determination has its value. This is one thing I learned well at Episcopal.” Building the relationships needed for continued success in the financial services industry takes time and confidence borne of experience. Episcopal played a role here, too, for these graduates.
“Sports at Episcopal gave me a lot of confidence,” shares Liza. “There are a lot of former athletes in this professional field, actually.” Meghan was also an athlete at Episcopal, in golf. She attended Elon on a golf scholarship, where she majored in marketing and entrepreneurship. At Elon, she was named a Doherty Scholar for Entrepreneurial MEGHAN GREEN Leadership and started Class of ’08 her own company while still in college. Meghan says she learned skills she still uses today from her time on the ESJ team. “While at Episcopal I was captain of the Varsity Girls Golf team for two years. I learned many things from being involved with a team, but most importantly I learned how to lead and motivate others so they can achieve success. These are invaluable skills that I used every day with my company, college peers, and associates,” says Meghan. George says “that important lessons of determination, ambition, self-reliance, character, respect for others....were molded by my family, but the enrichment of these traits at Episcopal was vital to my path forward.” At Mass Mutual, these four Episcopal alumni are succeeding in their professions, helping clients achieve their financial goals in order to pursue their dreams. “Building relationships with clients is my favorite aspect of our field. Every client presents unique challenges. Helping clients achieve their goals and dreams is a rewarding experience,” says Davis. Liza agrees. “Whether the goals are my client’s, or they are the goals of those whom I have hired for our team at Mass Mutual. I want those I work with at this company to flourish – and I know my Episcopal alumni colleagues have the background and education needed to succeed!”
Melding Business with Art Creates High-End Films: K E V I N C H I N O Y ’86 PA R T N E R , P R O D U C E R AT F R E E S T Y L E P I C T U R E C O M PA N Y
At Episcopal, Kevin Chinoy ’86 was involved in a number of extracurriculars: Student Government, Honor Council, Key Club, and the soccer and cross country teams, and he only had one small part in a Fine Arts play. Still, it was the budding leadership skills he learned through these activities that have helped pave his professional path to being a partner and founder of Freestyle Picture Company, a high-end boutique film company that has produced numerous films and television shows with A-list talent in Los Angeles. Initially focused on a career in business, Kevin did not consider filmmaking as a possible profession. He majored in economics at the University of North Carolina and later earned an MBA at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he focused on strategy and entrepreneurship.
“My two younger brothers (Spencer ’90 and Wade ’88), both of whom attended undergraduate film school, opened my eyes to the potential of entertainment as a career. When I left my MBA program, I decided to take a leap of faith: I took a part time management consulting gig to maintain my life and started my first production company. I have not had a job working for anyone else since!” says Kevin. Freestyle Picture Company is a motion picture development and production company, with a primary focus on short form branded content, feature length films and scripted television. For example, the camera company Canon and Ron Howard teamed up to launch Project Imaginat10n, a series of short films inspired by consumer photographs. Freestyle produced the inaugural short, directed by
Kevin with Harvey Weinstein, co-founder of Miramax Films, whose wife Georgina Chapman directed a short for Canon’s Project Imaginat10n.
Ron’s daughter Bryce Dallas Howard, in 2011. Last year, Freestyle produced five shorts in the second round of the project, directed by Jamie Foxx, Eva Longoria, musician James Murphy, fashion designer Georgina Chapman, and Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. Kevin shared that it is important to him that his career with Freestyle was born from a charity project he undertook with friends, and that he helped fund with fellow Episcopal grad Chris Farrell ’84. The project, titled “The 24 Hour Plays,” focused on six short plays being written, cast, rehearsed and produced in a twenty-four hour period. Kevin used the idea as non-profit event vehicle for top Hollywood talent. The first event was scheduled to take place at a New York City theater on Sept 24, 2001.
Kevin with partner and spouse Francesca Silvestri , Michelle Fernandez (head of consumer marketing at Canon), and Eva Longoria.
crowd. We have since gone on to hold the event in New York City annually, on Broadway since 2003, and brought the event out to Los Angeles in 2010, raising millions for our benefit organization,” said Kevin. The benefit organization is Urban Arts Partnership (UAP), where Kevin sits on the board of directors. “UAP does incredible work, integrating the arts into the curriculum of underserved public schools in New York and more recently Los Angeles. They are today the largest arts education non-profit in NYC and rapidly becoming a leader in LA,” says Kevin. “In my view, the use of the arts to broaden the way in which students are able to learn is an important part of gaining all that the 21st century has to offer in the education of people, and our public schools aren’t doing enough in this area. UAP is changing this.”
“Needless to say, the events of 9/11 had a significant impact on our plans, but we went forward anyway. As one of the first events to take place after 9/11, we had amazing participation from talent and a sold out
Kevin with Jamie Foxx on the set of ....And She Was My Eve for Canon’s Project Imaginat10n celebrity short film festival.
Kevin’s love for story telling is the driving passion behind his success. “My influences were actually mostly literature. I loved Ernest Hemingway and W. Somerset Maugham, the characters they revealed and the journeys they traveled (probably initiated by my early love of the Hardy Boys children’s books series!) For that reason, I still love many different forms of storytelling, from feature films and dramatic TV series, to theater, to literature and short stories and graphic novels,” says Kevin. “I thoroughly enjoy the creative opportunities of the short film form, and have produced fifty or so shorts in my career. So I continue to look for material that moves me, and work to find opportunities to bring those stories to audiences. I also work to create opportunities for others to tell stories and support many efforts to give others their voice.” Kevin knows that as the partner at his company, and in the role that a producer plays, he serves as a leadership figure to many; therefore, he is very cognizant of how he interacts with those starting out in the field. “Given that, as a producer I regularly employ dozens of individuals who aspire to eventually be producers themselves, I recognize that I am also a role model,” he says. “When I am asked for advice, I try to understand as well as possible the person asking the questions, and mostly try to explain the thoughts I have on my own path and on the current state of the industry. I think it important to recognize that each individual has to make their own choices, and I never prescribe specific actions for someone to take. Rather, I try to just retell my own story and own views as appropriate, and hope that in doing so it provides some value to that person.”
Kevin with partner and spouse Francesca Silvestri.
Despite the glamour of the film business, production can be challenging, and Kevin notes that “at the end of the day, a production company is a business and has to be run like one,” even though the final product is more akin to art. “There is a great deal that is challenging about producing. Each project is like launching a brand new business, and once initiated, becomes a part of your life essentially forever – or certainly for a very long time!” Kevin shares. “The creation of film content is an artistic endeavor, but it’s typically expensive, and there has to be a viable model for earning a return on the investment that is made. If someone wants to use their own resources to make a film, I am all for it! But when other people’s money is involved, we have a responsibility to be clear about expectations and work to achieve our stated aim.” As a producer, Kevin goes through a process with each project, working creatively to identify what the story is, how it will be told, who will be involved in each creative area, e.g., costumes, production design, lighting, and what resources they will need for each element, what the schedule will be, and so on. “I often equate a film production to a military operation: it is amazing to me that literally hundreds of people can work together for the first time but know exactly what each person is responsible for, based on industry expectations for each job. Every person has to be creative and responsible in accomplishing their tasks, whether a music composer, an actor, or an accountant. As the producer, my job is managing
“It’s not what you know, or who you know; it’s knowing who knows what.” The Canon Project Imaginat10n films are available on www.https://www.longliveimagination.com.
this process, assembling the team, making sure everyone is doing their part and keeping within their budget,” says Kevin. Kevin feels that his involvement in his activities at Episcopal helped to shape his leadership skills, especially as he started out as a younger member of a team and grew into a leadership position as he reached his senior year. “The skill set used in working with a group of people to identify and accomplish a goal is something I continue to develop even to this day. Certainly those early experiences gave me a confidence in working with others,” says Kevin. “Maybe the most important characteristic I use to this day is to have empathy with the people on my team. What is it that moves them? What do they care about? Everyone is different, and taking each person’s situation into account when assessing how best to work together is incredibly important in motivating a group of people to work together toward a common goal. I first learned how to do that at Episcopal.”
Kevin with Eva Longoria on the set of Out of the Blue for Canon’s Project Imaginat10n. Ms. Longoria directed and starred in the short film, which is about a determined woman fighting her way through a series of unique physical challenges to stop a mad man.
With A-list actors and quality films such as Starlet, winner of an Independent Spirit Award (the film won the Robert Altman award for directing and acting), and more than 41 production credits to his name, it’s clear that Kevin has turned the business of running an exceptional production company into an art. “We have a motto at our company: ‘Good times, good work!’ At the end of the day, we make choices to keep working with people we enjoy being around,” Kevin says. “We often work with interesting people in interesting places in interesting scenarios, and for myself, once we have successfully completed a project, it’s incredibly rewarding.”
“Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way.” – Unknown 27
Media Lights the Way B Y K AT H R Y N H U YG H U E ’14 I sat in my chair, nervously gripping the seat cushion while I waited for my name to be called. Fourth place for an outstanding project in the state science fair for Senior Environmental goes to…not me. Taking a deep breath, I wondered if I would place on the state level. After all, I worked extremely hard on my project, and the judges had to have noticed how passionate I was about it… right? Third place goes to…still not me. Suddenly the burning sting of encroaching rejection swept through my veins. Pulled back into reality by the uproarious applause for the last winner, I took another breath. Second place for an outstanding award in Senior Environmental goes to…Kathryn Huyghue. I froze in disbelief—did they really just call my name? Regaining my composure, I walked across the stage to claim my prize. My heart filled with joy and pride for my recent accomplishment, yet deep down I knew that something was still missing. Looking back, I realize that I appreciated science, but it just was not where my heart was. As a child, I always enjoyed reading and putting on shows for my family. Back then, I was convinced that I was going to be a triple-threat: a singer, an actress, and a dancer. What more could an eightyear-old dream of? As I got a little older, I became interested in film; I loved watching movies. However, I had not considered studying film and creative writing, because I wanted a stable career, one that guaranteed employment. Naturally, becoming
a doctor became a top priority. It was not until my junior year that I encountered an academic course that would change my life forever. I started off the school year participating in Youth Leadership Jacksonville, an organization that selects students from First Coast schools to participate in monthly programs about leadership and service in the Jacksonville community. During this time I crossed paths with a local producer named Pepper Lindsey, who owns her own production company. When I returned to Episcopal, I told my advisor, Ms. Diane Bates, how intrigued I was with TV and film production, and she suggested that I join the newly established Media Production class that she taught. So I enrolled in the course and instantly developed a passion for media production. This course allows students to become involved in various concentrations and aspects of the production process such as cinematography, writing, lighting and sound, and editing. I immersed myself in each aspect, desperate to learn all about media. My favorite part of the class was that it allows students to develop their leadership skills.
occurred when Ms. Bates assigned me to produce a film thanking The Episcopal Fund for all their support in various aspects of the School. This was a very important project, and I was honored that Ms. Bates trusted my skills, giving me the opportunity to make this video great. After a month of planning, filming, and editing, the video was finally finished and sent out to the hundreds of people who had donated to The Episcopal Fund that year; after being posted on the YouTube channel for ESJ Media Production, it got hundreds of views and rave reviews. Finally, I felt like I had found what was missing when I was walking across the stage at the science fair. My newfound passion opened the door to a number of careers that I had never previously considered, and I currently serve as the Head Producer and Director of projects. I am eternally grateful to Ms. Bates and the Media Production program for lighting the path and encouraging me to follow my dreams.
I naturally fell into the position of a director: I enjoyed storyboarding and planning different shots and props for each scene. My epiphany—when I realized that not only my talents but also my passion lay in this field—
Leading the Swim Team Means Taking Care of Others K E V I N M U N O Z ’14
In August of 2008, I walked into the Semmes Aquatic Center as a quiet, unassuming 12-year-old. School had not yet begun, and so my first practice in many ways was my introduction to both Episcopal athletics and school life. As anyone who has ever been a middleschooler knows, insecurity and awkwardness are in full bloom. Making friends your own age is hard enough, so the swim team proved to be a scary place at first. Yet within the first day, I began to realize something: Episcopal—and especially the swim team—is more than groups of people who follow a stereotypical high school hierarchy. Instead, I immediately found friends two to three years older than I, bonding over threehour practices and our disdain for all land sports. Why were these older students so easy to communicate with? It is clear that the Episcopal swimming team was unique in its goals: quality over quantity, unity over individual focus. And that is how I learned to be the swimmer I have become. By the fall of my junior year, the Semmes Aquatic Center had become more than a home to me; it was my life. When you spend upwards of 36 hours a week swimming, in many cases during the wee hours of the morning, you very much become one with it. Now this may not seem ideal, but the silver lining is that you are spending this time with people you grow to love and respect, regardless of each other’s differences. These experiences—the 5 a.m. practices and the 12-hour road trips—are what shape the team into a group of leaders. Every member of this team is ultimately focused on his or her improvement, yet Coach Benji DeMotte and Coach Doug Schuster never let anyone forget what is truly important: relationships. Whether it’s making sure everyone pulls the tarps on the pool during the winter months or cleaning out the bathrooms, I know personally that in life, one always has a duty to take care of the group before oneself.
So by the time it was my turn to lead the team, I knew two things: that I was ready and that I was by no means alone. By the time you are a junior or senior on the swim team, you know practically everyone, and more importantly, you know how those quiet seventh-graders feel. Swimmers are peculiar creatures, unafraid to run in a Speedo or sing at the top of their lungs. While these qualities may seem utterly useless, note that the people who make history are the ones who are unafraid to stand up and take pride in themselves. Swimming, oddly enough, has taught me that leadership is not about bossing the masses around; instead, it is about teaching them to be themselves, proudly and with people they respect.
Being a Team Captain Means Being a Friend B Y E M I LY G A L A N T ’14
Arriving at Episcopal in the seventh grade, I knew no one on the Cross Country team. But after meeting Coach Kevin Day and Coach Michelle Krueger, I instantly fell in love with the team and the sport. That year, at the end-of-season banquet, I listened to Coach Day read the attributes for the Celeste Hampton Distinguished Character award and thought to myself, “Now that’s something to reach for.” Then I was surprised when he then called my name! Coach Day saw something in me before I saw it in myself.
I know firsthand how leadership supports a team and develops the captains. For five years I looked up to my Cross Country coaches and captains; I gave the coaches the respect they deserved, and they responded by guiding and inspiring our team. The captains, selected by the coaches, played the largest role in my Cross Country experience. From these runners who led the team in warm-ups every day and constantly encouraged me to do my best, I learned determination and patience. This season, I was honored to be a captain for my team, which I am blessed to call my family. I never realized how much of an impact a group of people could make on my everyday life. I have learned how to be strong and keep a positive attitude, even during difficult races and practices; I learned these vitally important attributes by observing previous captains. A large part of being a captain is simply being a friend. Unlike previous years, this year I knew each runner by name and became someone they could always talk to, or simply say hello to in the halls. Winning the Coach’s Award as a senior brought me full circle from my first season as a seventh-grader, reaffirming the importance of fostering character and relationships in a team. As one who truly believes in leading by example, I am motivated to make good decisions for the sake of those who look up to me. By being positive and upbeat for them, I create a happy environment in my everyday life. This experience has changed my outlook on life, ultimately altering my character for the better. I want to bring this kind of attitude and leadership with me to college and beyond.
Becoming a Role Model Through My Dance Experience E M M A C I S S E L ’14
Leadership is considered an art that combines intuition, passion, and hard work. I know I’ve only touched the surface in developing my leadership skills, but what I have learned is thanks to the Fine Arts program here at Episcopal.
choreographers come to set a dance piece, they give us a work that is their own creation, and they essentially leave to us the responsibility of adding our own artistic talents and vision in order to bring the piece alive.
One of the reasons I initially chose Episcopal was that I believed it would allow me to fully immerse myself into an outstanding Fine Arts program while also obtaining a rigorous college-preparatory education. As a child, I came to watch the musicals and dance concerts long before I started attending Episcopal in 2008. I was inspired to work my way onto that same stage in the Munnerlyn Center for Worship and Fine Arts, and six years later, I’ve accomplished that goal. I am now a member of the National Thespian Society and an Honors Dance Ensemble member.
As a Fine Arts representative, I attend monthly meetings where I hear what other student leaders within the program are working on. It is amazing to follow the process, learn from other pieces produced over the year, and see the passion of every single person in this community. The passionate commitment of both students and faculty produce a level of artistic work that surpasses that of most high school programs.
Other dancers in my classes and rehearsals have witnessed my enormous passion for dance. I’ve learned that in dance you get back what you give. I try my best to always keep a positive energy and enthusiasm throughout the rehearsal process, and I expect the other dancers to give the same in return. Being a senior compels me to act like a role model and be a leader in word and deed. A guest choreographer once told our ensemble, “Complacency in dance is deadly.” I believe in this statement and have applied it to the way I perceive myself as a dancer. As I am now at the highest level in the program, I draw inspiration from the younger students in the same way they look up to me. They inspire me to push myself to become a better dancer, and I hope I do the same for them. All of us work together to create a virtuoso concert and to keep the ensemble striving to raise the bar each year.
Dance has taught me to persevere through every mistake, to approach such challenges with ease, and especially to develop my own creativity. During the countless hours spent on stage, in the studio, backstage, and even in my bedroom practicing, I’ve certainly learned the values of dedication, leadership, self-discipline, and teamwork. During my time at Episcopal, I have developed my academic, religious, and artistic self, and I feel prepared to continue my education and dance career at the college level next year. Every day when I walk into the Munnerlyn, I can instantly feel all of the individual talents working together within those walls. The sounds and energy that come from the band, the theater, the chorus, the dance, and the artwork inspire me to work hard, contributing my own 100% to my field, and giving back to both the fine arts community and the Episcopal community at large. In this small way, I can show my immense gratitude for the years the program has allowed me to grow as a leader!
I’ve learned that to be a leader means you must develop your own vision. When
Loving the Leader Running Makes Me P E T E R D. “ P D ” M C C AW L E Y ’14
Sports have been a part of my life for as far back as I can remember. Like the majority of other little kids, I’ve chased the ball back and forth in Pee Wee soccer, and I’ve chased dragonflies in the outfield during a Little League baseball game. I haven’t always been the star of the team, but I’ve always loved sports nonetheless. I’ve done it all: soccer, baseball, football, lacrosse, wrestling – you name it. I like to experience new things. To me, sports have always been fun and a way to hang out with friends. But the day I decided to go out for the Cross Country team, everything changed. I came up with the notion of running on the Cross Country team because I had always run the fastest mile time in Middle School PE—so I thought that maybe I’d have a knack for it. As it turns out, I did have a knack for it. I made the Varsity team as a freshman among a group of seniors; we did really well and made it to State! Running and I have a complicated relationship. The common slogan “Our sport is your sport’s punishment” seems to perfectly describe my attitude toward this particular sport. I take pride in the fact that I’m successful at such a grueling pastime, but there’s a reason why most people see running as a “punishment.” Yes, running is hard, it hurts, it’s usually boring, and no one looks attractive doing it. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve spent two hours every day for the past four years doing something that isn’t always the most fun. And yes, you can always run faster, forever chasing that slightly quicker time. But, it’s never fast enough. Running abolishes the satisfaction of ultimate reward. There are no finite goals like touchdowns or home runs. People instead run for other reasons: self-confidence, faith, or fun. Running offers me a
focus for discipline and inner pride, and my biggest opponent on the track is myself. Because it’s nobody’s fault but my own when I don’t run my best, I have learned the invaluable lessons of self-motivation and responsibility. I ultimately compete against myself, but that doesn’t mean I’m the only motivator. In running you can also be inspired by your opponents, by all the people running around you. To see the shared look of pain on everybody’s face is humbling. You are all working hard, and you feed off that mutual discomfort. That’s why there is such a big running community. We may be crazy, but we’re crazy together. Compared with all the other sports I’ve played, running is definitely unique. You don’t necessarily enjoy the actual “running” part, but you do love the person it makes you. The ability to forget about how you measure up against others and instead concentrate on self-improvement is invaluable in all aspects of life, because not only does it earn you the respect of others, it also wins you the opportunity to respect yourself. I’m incredibly grateful that my coaches have noticed this quality in me. For the past two years, they have made me the captain of both the Cross Country and the Track & Field teams. I am honored to use this recognition not as a sense of entitlement, but as a sense of responsibility: I must share my attitude and love of running with others. I’ll carry these traits with me to Tufts and for the rest of my life. The role running has played in my life has been one of instruction. It has taught me all about discipline, determination, and dedication. Plus—and maybe just as important—after you’ve finished a long run, you can stuff your face with food and STILL feel hungry. It’s fantastic!
P D will attend Tufts U niversity next year as a m ember of their Track & F i eld team.
Enjoying and Learning from the Extra Responsibilities of Being a Captain N ATA L I E L E W I S ’14
Participating in athletics at Episcopal since the seventh grade has contributed to my development not only as an athlete, but also as a leader. As a Middle School student, I participated in JV and Varsity Tennis, Soccer, and Track & Field. After I entered Upper School, I truly found my pace: I discovered that running was the best fit for me, and so I settled there. Admiring the dedication, teamwork, and effective communication among the captains of my track and Cross Country teams, I aspired to one day be in their position, using my vision and experience to guide others to success. The honor of being selected captain of the Cross Country team my junior year certainly broadened my perspective on what it means to be a leader. I learned to look far beyond my personal goals and efforts to seek solutions and achievements that could benefit the whole team, the small group, and other individuals. The camaraderie and spirit of competitive encouragement created an opportunity for me to grow closer to students of all grades and running levels; I never would have had this experience had I not fully engaged in athletics at Episcopal. A hug given to a young runner, appreciation from parents, leading a group cheer—these are just some of the priceless gifts I have received during my time spent as captain.
The Cross Country and Track & Field teams are a talented and successful group of studentathletes and coaches who sacrifice so much for each other. One of the best parts of being a captain is helping the coaches, who dedicate a considerable amount of time to preparing workouts, scheduling meets, and making themselves available to athletes. I cannot begin to describe how much I enjoy the duty and extra effort that accompanies the responsibilities of being a captain. Now striving to be a leader on the team and elsewhere, I believe that this mindset opened my eyes to what it truly means to serve others. Had I not been pushed to fulfill my athletic and leadership potential by excellent coaches and teammates, I know I would not have become the person I am today. Being a captain has now become a passion for me. I’m looking forward to bringing the leadership skills and knowledge I have developed with me to college and beyond. I am very thankful to Episcopal, not only for pushing me to my athletic potential through exceptional coaches and resources, but also for allowing me to become a role model and leader for my teammates. I will be forever grateful for both my progress as a runner and the lifelong friendships I have made with my coaches and fellow athletes.
Natalie has ser ved as 20 1 2 a n d 2013 Cross Countr y Team C a pta i n , as well as 2014 Track an d F i e l d Team Captain. She also r e ce i v e d both the 2013 Cross Cou nt r y M V P Award and the 2013 Tra c k a n d F i e l d Coach’s Award.
Student Government’s Past Presidents Take Lessons from Episcopal into Current Careers Didi Wells Robinson ’97 is a graduate of Hampton University (2001) with a J.D. from the University of Southern California (2004). Episcopal has had a student government system in place since the 1960s. The organization has long been an important part of campus life: providing a voice for students, effecting change at Episcopal, and sponsoring and organizing special events like Homecoming and Prom. For several past Student Government presidents, serving on Student Government (formerly Student Senate and Student Council) has been a defining aspect of their high school experience. Whether they attended JEHS, EHS or ESJ, the lessons these alumni learned as president have accompanied them into their current professional and personal lives. Lanier Drew ’76 was Student Senate president when Episcopal was Jacksonville Episcopal High School. She is now the Associate General Counsel for Baptist Health System, Inc. in Jacksonville, a position she loves not only because of her colleagues, “a wonderful and diverse group of people,” but because of the difference the organization makes to the city. “I am contributing in a positive way to a strong healthcare organization that
is an integral part of the Jacksonville community,” said Lanier. At Episcopal Lanier participated in many different sports including swimming, basketball, softball and soccer, in addition to Student Senate. Her experience at Episcopal taught her “A positive attitude always works best and good communication is the key to effective collaboration. It is important to prioritize and organize in order to achieve your goals. Trust your instincts/intuition, but also be open minded to other opinions or ideas,” she says. Lanier says she liked most serving as student body president because of the relationships she made but also what the experience taught her about working with others. “I enjoyed the lasting friendships formed. Collaborating with a diverse group (ages and opinions) to reach stated goals that benefitted the entire student body at JEHS,” said Lanier. And she learned “how to best communicate with peers and adults in different settings in order to accomplish goals and how to delegate work to committees or individuals.”
Former president Eli Burakian ’96 agrees. “What I enjoyed most about my time on the Student Senate was the opportunity to work with students from across campus,” shared Eli. “The experience taught me how to work with people who have differing agendas to come to a consensus. Getting people who have different goals to work together is a quality that has allowed me to be successful throughout my life.” Today Eli is Dartmouth College’s photographer, and he continues to work with many different constituent groups – this time on Dartmouth’s campus to further the goals of the college’s Public Affair’s Office. “…I work with students, guests, faculty and administrators, so the leadership traits of working with
Lanier Drew ’76 earned a B.A. in Classics from Trinity College and a J.D. from the University of Florida.
people and bringing out their best are skills I use every day. I also have student interns, and I try to both lead them in a positive direction and to leverage their best abilities to further our goals,” shared Eli. A geography major at Dartmouth, Eli wasn’t interested in photography until after graduating in 2000. After backpacking around New Zealand and photographing his experience with a new camera he had bought for the trip, Eli knew photography would be the career he would pursue. Eli left a consulting job in 2007 to pursue photography professionally and was hired by Dartmouth in 2011 as the college’s photographer. “The thing I love most about my job is the interaction with people,” he says. “I end up meeting famous visitors to campus, such as Alan Alda, James Nachtwey, the President of Kosovo, generals in the Army, as well as all of the faculty and many of the students. I even spend a lot of time with the college president. Through these interactions, I learn so many incredible things and develop a lot of great relationships.”
Eli’s work has been published many times. He has self-published a landscape photography book called Moosilauke – Portrait of a Mountain, which has sold more than 2,500 copies. He’s photographed eleven instructional guides for subjects ranging from backpacking to canoeing to raising puppies. Eli also has written and photographed three books for Falcon Guides: an instructional guide to snowshoeing, a hiking guidebook on the best easy day hikes in Vermont, and a hiking guide to the waterfalls of New England. Didi Wells Robinson ’97 succeeded Eli as president of the Student Senate. Now an Assistant United States Attorney in Jacksonville, Didi feels passionately about representing those whom she serves, a role she first experienced while at Episcopal. “As Student Senate President, I had the opportunity to be the voice of the interests of the student body,” said Didi. “As an Assistant United States Attorney, I have that same opportunity: to serve as the voice of the interests of the United States. It was such a privilege to be that voice
at Episcopal, and that experience certainly influenced my career decision.” She says the biggest leadership lesson she learned as Student Government president was the importance of a sound temperament. “Zealous advocacy (leadership) can be attained without loss of civility and respect. I take this lesson seriously,” Didi said. She adds that serving as Assistant U.S. Attorney is her dream job. “It allows me to represent the United States and pursue what is right, fair and just. I take great responsibility in knowing that the cases I prosecute have an impact on our community. I prosecute all types of federal criminal offenses, including bank robberies, child pornography, drug trafficking and white collar fraud. I am most proud of those cases where I am able to give victims a sense of confidence in the criminal justice system.” Also an attorney, Randle Poitevent Shoemaker-Crump ’82 is currently Senior Vice President, National Agency Counsel for Fidelity National
Financial. Already interested in law when she served as ESJ’s Student Government president, Randy said the position definitely strengthened her desire to be an attorney, in addition to developing leadership skills she still uses today. “I learned management, consensus building, negotiation, and public speaking, among others. I learned the lesson of listening,” says Randy. “The difficulty of my work [today] is managing people’s expectations. Typically I will be brought into a scenario where an answer was needed yesterday and I have to be the calm in a storm while finding the answer. I love being challenged and not doing the same thing every day. Leadership is very important in my profession. It requires public speaking, flexibility, confidence, calmness, diligence and strong management skills.” As student body president, Randy was able to guide the Student Senate to make sure they had a meaningful impact on students’ experiences on campus. “What I loved about the Student Senate was being given the responsibility and encouragement to represent the student body in all aspects of the School...there was a lot of accountability to the people who elected you. The Senate touched every aspect of the student community. We planned Homecoming, Spring Fling and Pep Rallies as the [Student Government] does now. We also created a mentor program for new students to the School. This made a new student feel welcome and helped them in their acclamation,” she said.
Randy’s experience as president would come to benefit Episcopal in other ways: from 2002-2011 she served on the School’s Board of Trustees, in addition to serving on the Alumni Board (1994-2000) and as Alumni Board President (1997-1998). “Because I had such a wonderful and positive experience on the Student Senate it made me want to give back to the School,” she said. Randy Shoemaker-Crump ’82 is Despite the name change currently Senior Vice President, from Student Council to National Agency Counsel for Fidelity Student Senate to Student National Financial. Government and the changes at the School over time, there remain During my presidency, I have tried similar threads in each president’s my best to lay the groundwork for experience. Ultimately, the goal the future of Student Government of each president is the same – to at Episcopal…Each May, a Student better the School for those who Government president leaves follow. Episcopal, but if a president has Current Student Government President Richie Mullaney ’14 says that the job is “a big commitment with its share of challenges. It has been humbling and rewarding to serve the entire student body – from my closest friends to those I have never met. I have loved my job and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve,” he says. “Over the last year, I have done my best to listen to students. I step on campus every morning knowing that my classmates have placed their faith in me and it is up to me not to let them down. An effective leader must be willing to look past his or her own tenure and lay out a vision that will serve others for years to come.
led effectively, his or her actions will serve the School long after graduation,” Richie says. And the lessons ESJ’s Student Government presidents carry with them after graduation are indelible. Randy says that “being Senate President was a wonderful teaching experience in every aspect of becoming a good leader: public speaking, management, negotiation, strategic thinking and consensus building to name a few. The amount of authority given to us by the then administration built confidence in all of us which we carried with us into our futures. This was true for all of the representatives and for this I will always remain grateful to Episcopal.”
Eli Burakian ’96, Dartmouth’s current photographer and Student Government president in 1996.
Coach Mark Brunell: Leading a Christian Life On and
Off the Field
Over time, and especially beginning with his college years, Coach Mark Brunell’s faith has become who he is, rather than what he does. To him, a life of Christian leadership means loving, serving, and sacrificing for those he cares about—namely his family, his friends, his ESJ coaches, and his football players. To describe his personal philosophy pertinent to coaching and leadership, Coach Brunell cites this saying by Dr. Karl Menninger: “What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” “Who you are and how you live your life is more important than what you do, including leading by example,” says Coach Brunell. “I can say I serve my players, but if they don’t believe or feel that, then I haven’t done my job. They give me the power to be their leader, not the other way around. People don’t want to hear about how great a leader you are; they love and serve and sacrifice because you can take them to a place where they cannot get without you. The stakes are awfully high when people are looking to you for direction and wisdom.” Now that he is a coach, Coach Brunell has a different perspective on how influential coaches can be: “When I was in high school, I thought my coaches were good coaches and good guys, but I didn’t realize at the time how much they shaped me and how much I was learning—I learned about working hard, and they were teaching me something I would hold onto the rest of my life.” “When I was in high school,” he adds, “I didn’t realize I’d still be thinking about these coaches to this day, and I didn’t realize back then how important it was to be influenced at such a young age. As a coach now I think back to how when I was in high school, how I hung onto their words. I know many of my players are hanging on my words, and I have the opportunity to be a big influence on their lives.” For all his successes on the football field, Coach Brunell says that strong family ties; very good mentors, including “coaches at every level, high school, college, and pros”; and his pastor at his church in Jacksonville help keep him where he needs to be as a person and with his faith. Elaborating on his philosophy, Coach Brunell comments, “I think that [with] any success that comes your way, remember what got you there—it wasn’t all about you, but everyone who got you there. My dad worked hard to be able to send me to camp, and so he could buy me the good cleats, and he played catch with me…if there was ever a moment I thought that it was all about me, well that would be foolish.” To Coach Brunell Christian leadership is “about loving and caring for those you are leading—serving and sacrificing for them,” whether those loved ones are players, coaches, or family members. “I’m definitely a better dad and a better husband now,” he adds, “and even a better football coach than when I started at Episcopal a year ago. I’d like to think that continues; I don’t think leadership development ever stops!”
August At orientation this fall, ESJ welcomed almost 200 new students to Episcopal as well as 19 new, or new-again, faculty and staff members. Student Government welcomed all newcomers to the Episcopal community with notes on their lockers or desks. Seniors spent the days before school started attending Application Boot Camp to complete much of the “grunt work” of their college applications. Middle Schoolers began the year with iPads in the classroom. The freshmen class completed Episcopal’s 21st freshman orientation adventure at Unicoi State Park in Georgia. Football season kicked off for the first year under Coach Mark Brunell, and football fans enjoyed the accompanying tailgates.
September Led by President Richie Mullaney ’14, Student Government officers were inducted in September, and the Honor and Discipline Committees were installed during Chapel. Episcopal also held its first “Color Wars,” sponsored by Student Government, which included a myriad of fun activities, including a dance contest. The day boosted school spirit and helped build relationships between students in different grades. German exchange students from Wilhelmsgymnasium visited with their ESJ host students for two weeks and took in the sights around North Florida. Many Fall Sports teams got off to a winning start for their seasons. ESJ also hosted its annual Volleyball tournament as well as a special tailgate for Middle School sports, complete with popsicles and popcorn. Ninth-grade biology students enjoyed “Pond Study Week,” another ESJ tradition, where they explored the ecosystem of the pond in front of the Munnerlyn. Honors Science students traveled with Marion Zeiner, Director of Scientific Research, to tour science labs at Stanford and Berkeley and learn from researchers there. Members of the College Counseling Office attended the National Association for College Admissions Counseling annual conference in Toronto to meet with college admissions representatives from around the country and hear about the latest trends and news regarding college admissions. The Upper School attended Chapel at St. John’s Cathedral, an annual tradition.
October Fine Arts presented its first ever “Tea and Symphony” event, which featured classical student musicians performing with Jacksonville Symphony members. Honors Chorale and Band participated in the Episcopal Schools celebration service at St. John’s Cathedral. Athletics raised its GPA requirements for student athletes, working to prepare ESJ students for competition at the next level and the NCAA gradepoint requirements for collegiate athletes. Middle School Volleyball won the IMSC Championship, while the Swimming & Diving, Volleyball, and Cross Country Varsity teams advanced to the post-season Regionals. By this point in the year, College Counseling had welcomed more than 30 representatives from colleges and universities around the nation, exposing students to numerous opportunities to find their perfect college fit. ESJ welcomed more than 300 grandparents to Grandparents’ Day 2013, whose theme this year was “Walking in the Light.” Grandparents enjoyed a performance in the Munnerlyn and lunch in the Buck Center with their grandchildren. Physical Science students enjoyed learning about forces and Newton’s laws of motion through bottlerocket launches on the River Fields, and the Bryan Library hosted “Teen Read Week” events, including a trivia contest and “Bringing Words to Life” performances. Homecoming 2013 was celebrated October 7-11 and featured numerous activities for more than 400 alumni, including flag football, kickball, and basketball games, as well as a concert on the Dale Regan Plaza at the Great Oak. The annual alumni BBQ before the Friday night football game welcome families from all years. Middle School presented a Drama Showcase, “Lights, Camera, Eagles!” Students also enjoyed a pep rally and Homecoming Dance, in addition to Spirit Week activities, which included dress-up days and contests. The ESJ Talent Show was also held during the week, with outstanding student performances in dance, piano, and vocals.
November Episcopal won several honors in Jax4Kids’ “Best of” contest, including “Best Private School,” “Best High School,” and “Best School.” Fine Arts presented Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in the Sikes Theatre to great reviews. Dance Ensemble performed at the FSCJ Fall Dance Concert. ESJ faculty and students were featured at the 10th Anniversary of Art Walk in downtown Jacksonville, their work displaying in Hemming Plaza, MOCA, and the Downtown Library. Touring Day on November 22 showcased ESJ Fine Arts at partner elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior citizen centers. Faculty exhibited their works in the Munnerlyn’s Berg gallery. Middle School Thespians earned accolades at the District level. By testing a McDonald’s Happy Meal in a “McNutrient” Lab, Honors Biology students learned lessons about carbs, fats, and proteins. French language students celebrated National French Week with crepes, cheese and chocolate; they also did assignments specific to learning about French culture and customs. Middle School’s “Chapel Chat and Coffee” welcomed parents to a morning gathering and Chapel service. Eight swimmers advanced to the State championship. Rowing teams raced at the Head of the South Regatta on the Savannah River. ESJ had 376 fall season athletes: 173 in Middle School and 203 in Upper School. As Winter Sports began, the Varsity Soccer and Basketball teams each got off to a strong start. Episcopal’s Annual Golf & Tennis Tournament was held at Timuquana Country Club this year, and participants enjoyed a fun day on the course and on the courts.
December The annual Christmas Concert was held again at St. John’s Cathedral, with performances by Concert Chorale, Honors Chorale, and Vocal Ensemble, as well as Instrument and Jazz Ensembles. Eight students graduated from Joe Berg Seminars, the Model United Nations Club participated in a conference in St. Augustine, and the World Affairs Club competed at the World Affairs Counsel’s Academic WorldQuest competition. Episcopal celebrated Computer Science Education Week and participated in the national “Hour of Code.” Physical Education classes focused on yoga the week before exams. The annual fudge contest in Honors Chemistry ended the semester on a sweet note for science students. College Counseling participated in Decemberfest, visiting schools throughout California. Alumni enjoyed a Jaguars versus Texans game tailgate with Coach Mark Brunell. Athletics hosted the annual Bierbaum Wrestling Invitational, holding a Winter Tailgate with cookies and cocoa to support Middle School athletics contests. Fall Sports ended on a high note, as follows: Boys Golf—District Champion, Regional Champion, State Qualifier; Girls Golf—District RunnerUp, Regional Runner-Up, State Qualifier; Boys Swimming & Diving—District Runner-Up, State Qualifier; Girls Swimming & Diving—Regional Runner-Up, State Qualifier; and Volleyball—District Runner-Up, Regional Semi-Finalist.
Fall Sports Record
Fall Sports
Varsity Football Overall 2-8-0 District 0-2-0 JV Football Overall 0 – 3 – 0 Middle School Football Overall 3– 4 - 0 Golf Varsity Boys overall 10 – 6 -0 District Champions Regional Champions 13th in State JV Boys overall 5 – 3 – 0 Varsity Girls overall 3 -3- 1 District Runner-Up Regional Runner-Up 16th in State Swimming Boys overall 4 -4 -0 District 2 -2-0 District Runner-Up Third in Region 11th in State Girls overall 6 -2 -0 District 3 -3 – 0 3rd in District 2nd in Region 19th in State
Winter Sports
Basketball Boys Varsity 16 – 9 – 0 District 2 – 2 – 0 Girls Varsity 12 – 10 – 0 District 3 – 1 – 0 District Runner-Up Regional Quarterfinalist Boys JV 10 – 8 – 0 Girls JV 2 – 10 – 0 Boys IMSC 11 – 7 – 0 District 7 – 2- 0 Girls IMSC 5 – 8- 0 District 2 -3 -0 Soccer Boys Varsity 16 – 6- 3 District 7 – 2 – 1 District Runner-Up Regional Semi-Finalist Boys JV 9 – 6 – 1 Boys IMSC 7 – 6- 2 District 4 -2- 2 Girls Varsity 13 – 6- 3 District 5 – 2 – 0 District Runner-Up Regional Semi-Finalist Girls JV 4 – 6 - 2 Girls IMSC 6 – 4- 1 District 5 – 2- 1 Wrestling Overall 8 – 3- 0 Four wrestlers advanced to Regionals Middle School overall 3 – 4 – 1
Volleyball Varsity overall 13 – 11 – 0 District 4 – 0 – 0 District Runner-Up Regional Semi-Finalist JV overall 10 – 5 – 0 Freshman overall 6 -4 - 0 Middle School overall: 17 – 2 – 0 Conference 13 – 0 – 0 IMSC Champions
Sports Records
This year’s Eagle 5K race benefited Episcopal, and about 200 runners braved the cold to cross the finish line on Langford Track. CSI Verona helped eighth grade English students more easily understand Romeo & Juliet. The school science fair featured a variety of Middle and Upper School projects from neuron transmission to cancer cells to hypoxia. To better address the medium of communications in today’s world, Episcopal created a new Communications Department which will offer courses in Media Production, Public Speaking, Journalism, and Film Analysis. Global Community Day presented series of events for students, faculty, and staff that focused on the theme “Responsibility: Being Consciously Engaged in the World.” This year’s events included the Middle School production of I Never Saw Another Butterfly, two Holocaust survivor speakers, and a panel that addressed current global humanitarian crises. To explore the day’s theme, students created a butterfly garden and sculpture.
Eight ESJ student athletes were named “All First Coast” athletes by The Florida Times- Union. Fine Arts students enjoyed a trip to New York City to participate in culturally enriching experiences such as attending a Broadway musical, visiting the Rubin Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, and enjoying a dance concert. Students also performed at St. Paul’s Chapel. College Counseling hosted individual meetings for parents of ninth graders, aimed at helping students and their parents, advisors, and college counselors set common goals at Episcopal before applying for college. Student Government unveiled a new logo to go with its name change from Student Senate.
ESJ’s Director of College Counseling Ryan Riggs with Thyra Briggs, the President of the Board of the Common Application and Angel Perez, the Dean of Admissions at Pitzer College in California.
The Episcopal College Counseling Edge Benefits Students Each year, the College Counseling Office pursues nationwide opportunities to attend conferences and meetings, as well as to tour colleges and universities, thereby continuing to bring Episcopal students the best possible knowledge about the application process and firsthand experience of schools that may be the right fit for them. In short, ESJ’s College Counseling Office is dedicated to ensuring that students receive the best advice, the latest information, and the best professional guidance available during this challenging and exciting process!
ESJ college counselors attend several conferences that are by invitation only and regional in design to allow for a more in-depth experience. For example, ESJ counselor Andrea Rizzi attends the Fitzwilliam Conference each May, an invitationonly gathering for a handful of independent school college counselors and university admissions deans from around the United States. During this conference, Ms. Rizzi obtains firsthand information about the state of college admissions today and networks with influential leaders in the college counseling community. Every summer she also attends the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools (ACCIS) conference, which rotates its location yearly so that high school counselors can visit colleges and universities in different parts of the country. Ryan Riggs, Director of College Counseling, finished two important trips this winter, one to California and the other to western Massachusetts. He was invited to attend Decemberfest, an all-expenses-paid trip to eleven private colleges and universities north of Los Angeles in the Pasadena area. The small, mainly liberal arts colleges invite independent school counselors to California to tour their schools and experience personally what they offer their students. From small colleges such as Scripps and Whittier to larger, better known colleges such as Cal Tech and Pomona, Mr. Riggs got a great taste of California schools. In January he was invited to attend the Blackberry Retreat, a small conference for independent schools that focuses on improving college counseling methods. For the past three years, Mr. Riggs has also led the Sweet Tea Tour, a Southern college trip for other high school counselors through Southern colleges. While leading the tour that he started, he has had the chance to personally visit more than 30 schools in the Southeast. He is also organizing a tour of Florida colleges for ACCIS. Finally, each winter Ms. Rizzi organizes the Jacksonville Preparatory Schools College Fair. For many years, ESJ has welcomed students from Episcopal, Bolles, Bishop Kenny, St. Johns, Providence, and Stanton to this event. This college fair brings more than 120 college representatives to Jacksonville exclusively for students from these schools. That ESJ organizes and hosts the event is a huge benefit for Episcopal in many ways, including the relationships the College Counseling Office is able to develop with these schools. Episcopal’s College Counseling Office works hard both to develop strong relationships with admissions officers and to gain firsthand knowledge of college and university campuses and cultures. Such experiences and familiarity with so many schools ensures that graduating seniors find the best fit for them as individuals while they continue their education beyond Episcopal.
There Is No Place I Would Rather Be . . . B Y S A L LY M A G U I R E D E M I N G DIRECTOR OF FINE ARTS There is no place I would rather be than at Episcopal School of Jacksonville, right here, right now, this day, this minute; this is the place we all choose to be. From community service projects such as One Spark, Angels for Allison, and Music for a Cause, to touring days and Fine Arts trips to Disney; from the Junior Thespian competition and New York City, to daily participation in our invigorating, challenging curriculum and our after-school opportunities; from all these experiences to our extraordinary FANS support—this is where we want to be. And I believe that because we have chosen Episcopal, today and now, we are all better people: teachers, staff, administrators, students, athletes, scholars, and artists. Thank you, Episcopal community! Global Community Day, which we celebrated in January with speakers, a panel, a play, and many related activities, reflects our daily choice to be a part of this living, growing Episcopal community. This event was partly about learning from our past. Our minds and ears heard . . . did our hearts and spirits hear, as well?
Global Community Day was also about our present: after seeing the play I Never Saw Another Butterfly, we built a butterfly sculpture garden; we made butterflies representing hope; we sang about peace and justice; we meditated, prayed, shared stories, and played games, while working together to focus on the now. Ultimately, Global Community Day was also about our future together, reminding us that we must challenge ourselves to step up and make a positive difference in our world. How do we do this? By looking at ourselves in the mirror, beginning with you and me. If we are truly a microcosm of the world in which we live, what are we doing to uplift one another? To connect with others, we build bridges, uniting our hands and hearts in peace, respect, honor, responsibility, wisdom, hope, and most of all, love—Almighty, Everlasting Love! Here at Episcopal School of Jacksonville, we are blessed; now let us become a blessing to others. As we move forward, I pass on these words of wisdom from John Wesley: “Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.” This is who we are at Episcopal School of Jacksonville, and how we choose to be. And this is what we teach our students so that they can live this way, both now and when they leave us. Photos from Global Community Day 2014
Maker Space Keeps Bryan Library Interactive; Assists with Creative Learning By Lori Sackman, Media Specialist
Gone are the days when libraries held only books and bookshelves. This year the Bryan Library was fortunate to receive a generous Angel Award from the ESJ Parents’ Association. This financial award has been earmarked for the purchase of supplies that will help us begin to create a “Maker Space” in the library. This designated area will emphasize the creative process, giving students the chance to rediscover the power of play, learn new crafts, and develop innovative and critical thinking skills. Since Maker Spaces are just beginning to emerge in businesses, communities and libraries, Episcopal’s Bryan Library will now be in the forefront of this movement! I have been thinking about creating a Maker Space ever since I first began working in the library and attended a bookmaking workshop sponsored by the Northeast Florida Library Information Network. This past October, when my colleague Scottie Kapel ’00 and I attended the American Library Association/ American Association of School Librarians National Conference and Exhibition in Hartford, Connecticut, we were very excited to see that one of the sessions offered was a workshop on “The School Library Maker Space.” The conference’s opening night keynote speaker was Tony Wagner, Harvard University’s first Innovation Education Fellow. He emphasized that students need to enter the workforce as innovators; employers will increasingly seek advanced creative and critical thinking skills in their new employees. Mr. Wagner and the workshop affirmed all of our reasons for wanting to form a Maker Space in the Bryan Library. The Angel Award made this project possible at Episcopal. Our initial plan for the space is to equip it with basic needlecraft supplies for weaving, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and cross-stitching, as well as electronic circuitry kits and simple small-scale building materials. As the need arises, more varied and unique items will be added to give our students a greater assortment of choices. With some imaginative recycling of old library furniture,
we will be able to produce a workspace both to house the supplies and to provide an area where students can explore, play, and create. We hope that our students will be challenged creatively, focus on new skills or crafts that spark their interest, and have the opportunity to work with others as they pursue new passions and curiosities. Angel Awards, given by the Parents’ Association every year, provide funds for faculty and staff who wish to take on a project outside the School’s current budget.
Middle School Reading Club Leads Literature Choices By Scottie Kapel ’00, Assistant Media Specialist
If there is one thing the Middle School Reading Club has proven, it is that reading is alive and well at Episcopal School of Jacksonville! These voracious readers come to the biweekly meetings eager to talk about what they are currently reading, recommend books to friends, and devise ways to reach reluctant readers. While they have picked a variety of books to read as a group, one genre clearly dominates their hearts and minds. Its plot is one I am sure you are familiar with; in a not-too-distant dystopian future, a teen must defend what is good and right by challenging an authoritarian regime.
what students will read in the years to come. The club has even had the opportunity to preview a selection of books prior to their publication. These galleys have been a hit with the students, who have now identified themselves as “literary trendsetters,” and their reviews have helped inform what books we bring to the library. In addition, the club has been an invaluable help in the process of updating the summer reading list. At one recent meeting, we asked the students what books they would like to see included, and the recommendations were so numerous and enthusiastic that I, for one, know what I will be doing this summer! Lori Sackman and I are especially grateful to have been involved with the club this year. One of our goals is to show students how integral the library is to the school community and how it is evolving to meet the needs of today’s learners. No longer a place for quiet study alone (although we do still have an area dedicated to this pursuit), the library is about collaboration, critical and creative thinking, and instruction—exactly the qualities that the Middle School Reading Club practices in every meeting. Moreover, since this is my first year working at Episcopal, getting to know these students has been a joy, and getting a feel for what they are reading has immensely helped my work in the library. With a group as invested in reading as the Middle School Reading Club—and resources as robust as those offered by the Bryan Library—we feel confident that the library will continue to be an important part of our students’ lives.
Dystopian fiction has dominated the young adult bestseller charts for the past several years, and novels such as The Hunger Games, Ender’s Game, and Divergent have inspired a new generation of readers. Despite the popularity of the genre, Heather Oulton, the club’s advisor, and I, a frequent visitor, have emphasized throughout the year that there is whole world of books out there that also merit attention. With selections ranging from Joelle Charbonneau’s The Testing to Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief, the students have satisfied their craving for dystopian futures while also looking back on the all-too-real past. Not only has the Middle School Reading Club read some wonderful novels this year, it have also helped shape
Day 2013
Become An
International Student Host! Would you like to make a positive impact on the life of an international student as he or she experiences life at Episcopal? If your answer is yes, you may want to consider becoming a host family. The International Student Program at Episcopal provides the school the opportunity to welcome international students to be a part of our community. It strengthens the global awareness on our campus and provides a unique learning experience for all of our students. The International Student Program at Episcopal places a strong emphasis on academics, solidifying students’ English speaking/writing skills, preparing students for college, exposure to the American culture, and providing a quality education in the Episcopal tradition. Becoming a host comes with many benefits, both for you and your family as well as the international student. You will have the chance to learn a new culture while acting as a mentor of American culture and education. You may try out new recipes and discover what daily life is like in another country. And through the process, you will likely find that your family has grown. Making a positive difference in the life of an international student is truly a rewarding and life changing experience Episcopal School of Jacksonville has partnered with Green Planet’s homestay program to offer this rewarding opportunity for Episcopal families and families in the Jacksonville area.
If you have questions, or would like to hear more information about this opportunity, please contact Robb Smith in the Episcopal Admissions Office at smithr@esj.org or 904.396.5751, ext. 1222.
Programs for Grades K-12 For more information, click “Summer” at www.esj.org
Student Government’s Focus on the Future R I C H I E M U L L A N E Y ’14 ST U D E N T G OV E R N M E N T P R ES I D E N T 2013-2014 Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” I have given a fair number of speeches as Student Body president, but I try to remember that before I speak, I must listen. Student Government does not dictate to students, but rather represents them. It acts as the bridge between teenagers and adults on campus. If Student Government is to truly act as the students’ voice at school, then each representative must be acutely in tune to the students’ feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Simply put, a student representative’s first job is to listen to the students he or she represents. I believe that when there is a concerted focus on serving students, the possibilities at Episcopal are endless.
This year, Student Government has undergone dramatic change and taken many steps to center the school’s focus on listening to students and increasing student involvement. Our first initiative was changing the nearly 40 year old name of our organization from “Senate” to “Student Government.” This was more than just a name change, though; it was a change in thinking and direction. The new name not only more accurately conveys who we are and what we do, but also encourages students to get involved in the decision-making process. This emphasis on student input compelled us to launch the “Student Voice” campaign. This campaign serves as a vehicle for students to share their suggestions and know that Student Government is listening to their concerns. It includes an email address where students can send their thoughts and student surveys and evaluations. This builds on Student Government’s recent utilization of social media to improve communication with students. We also asked the school to work with us in creating the first official Student Government logo. All of these steps have been made in order to promote Student Government’s long-term profile as a reliable hub for student ideas, activity, and action. These changes are laying the groundwork for students to affect change like never before. The most effective leaders at Episcopal respect our rich history and at the same time keep an eye towards the future. Leaders are always searching for new ways to strengthen core principles. I hope that Episcopal will embrace new opportunities to listen to students. In the future, I believe it would be beneficial if student representatives were able to attend some school meetings with faculty, staff, and administration in order to represent the students’ voice on important issues. By doing this, Episcopal will show how highly its students are valued. I hope that one day Episcopal accommodates its Student Government with an office on campus to act as the brain center for student life. A focal point of student leadership will reinforce to the community that Episcopal cares deeply about its students. These are practices that universities across the country
have adopted to send a simple message: students matter. There will always be resistance to change. Proposing a big idea seems to trigger a reflex of opposition - especially when that idea comes from students. A true leader knows how to overcome that opposition. Leaders should not combat opposition in an antagonistic way, but rather redirect opposition in a constructive way. Through this type of leadership, Student Government hopes to share new ideas, create a vision for the future, and voice students’ thoughts. But most importantly, we hope to serve as a catalyst for action. Student Government is not a club. It represents and affects the life of every student on campus. It is an institution that reminds the school of its purpose in serving students. Whether working on school favorites like Homecoming Week, the Sadie Hawkins Dance, and Springfest or new traditions like Color Wars, tailgates, and breakfasts, Student Government is in the business of tending to students’ needs. Every member of Student Government seeks to earn the trust and confidence of his or her peers. Being elected to Student Government is a great honor and comes with a hefty responsibility. All members strive to be leaders. We understand that progress can only be made when leaders are more interested in helping others than helping themselves. In order to help our fellow classmates, we must be
201 3 - 2014
Why I Made My First Gift to The Episcopal Fund
When I look back at my time at Episcopal I’m very thankful it was a school that I was able to attend. I received an amazing education and made lifelong friends. After recently starting a family of my own and thinking about my daughter’s education, I am reminded of the important role Episcopal played in my life and this is why I wanted to contribute to The Episcopal Fund. - Elizabeth Chunn Matson ’93
I’ll be forever thankful for my experience attending Episcopal School of Jacksonville. The faculty and staff afforded me countless opportunities to expand and challenge my mind in an environment that nurtured my growth physically, socially and spiritually. It is important for me to see that others deserving of the same opportunity find Episcopal incessantly striving to fulfill its mission. Therefore, I have pledged my financial support. Thank you for your efforts in supporting Episcopal. - Scott Dittmer ’90
Esther Lina Ash Gift Creates Kelly Vadersen Scholarship Gift will Provide Full Scholarship for One Student Episcopal parent Esther Lina Ash is making a difference in the life of a child with the establishment of the Kelly Vadersen Scholarship. Ms. Ash’s scholarship gift will provide one student the full benefit of an Episcopal education, in memory of Ms. Kelly Vadersen, Ms. Ash’s friend who passed away last year. Ms. Ash and Ms. Vadersen were friends for many years, and Ms. Vadersen was a devout Christian concerned about children and very giving and loving to others, and so Ms. Ash desired the gift to be made in her memory. “I had been thinking about my desire to send another student to Episcopal, and when Kelly died, that was the catalyst for establishing the scholarship. Doing this in Kelly’s name would keep her memory alive – she was a very giving person, selfless and kind.” said Ms. Ash. “She didn’t have children herself and always wanted them; she helped a lot of children, and was very involved in her church, and gave of herself to anyone who needed her. This would have been her dream, to help a child like this, and making such a huge impact on his or her life would have given Kelly great comfort. That’s why I decided to offer the scholarship.” The Kelly Vadersen Scholarship at Episcopal School of Jacksonville will cover the full cost of the selected student’s education for four years, including all fees, from ninth through twelfth grades.
Ms. Ash felt it was important to cover more than just tuition in the scholarship. “I wanted the scholarship to cover not only tuition but all extra fees, so that the selected student feels just as much as part of the student body as everyone else and can do everything everyone else is doing without worrying about cost – including field trips, and other extras. Just funding tuition would have taken away the full experience and opportunities at Episcopal that go beyond academics,” she said. Ms. Ash’s intent is to alter the future of one eligible student whose circumstances would otherwise prevent him or her from attending Episcopal but who could, through this scholarship, have a remarkably improved opportunity for a better, more successful and fulfilling life. It is also her hope that eventually the student will one day “pay it forward” and in turn, help out another child. “If everyone who was able to afford it helped out one child, there would be so many children that would be helped. It would be a huge impact on our community,” said Ms. Ash. “Because I can afford to send more than one child to Episcopal, I feel I should do that, and so I decided to do that for a child who would not have had the opportunity to attend otherwise. I feel fortunate in that regard, that I am able to help in this way.”
Ms. Ash feels that her family’s experience has shown that Episcopal provides the best education, but that more importantly, the staff and faculty care about each student. She feels this additional support, so embedded in Episcopal’s culture and community, will allow the scholarship recipient to grow and flourish. “I have had nothing but great experiences with the staff and faculty and Episcopal, and this is the best, most caring environment that I have seen. Everyone cares about the student individually as a person,” says Ms. Ash. “That is the opportunity I want to provide for another child.” Ms. Ash hopes that the selected student will “use this opportunity to become who they’ve always dreamed of becoming, and that it gives them the confidence to succeed. Episcopal will give them that confidence.” The Kelly Vadersen Scholarship will be awarded this spring, with the selected student beginning at Episcopal in ninth grade in the fall of 2014. The student receiving the award must meet all of Episcopal’s current admissions criteria, as well as have strong academic potential and be involved in community service. “To help a child is the most fitting way to memorialize Kelly, because that’s the person she was. Kelly was the kind of person who should be remembered as someone who gave everything she could to help children,” said Ms. Ash.
Delores Lastinger, Bill Bond and Jack Mitchell are former Chairs of the Board of Trustees and all three are members of The 50 by Fifty Society.
Established in 2011,The 50 by Fifty Society honors donors whose lifetime giving to Episcopal has reached $50,000 or more by the School’s 50th Anniversary (1966-2016). Whether through decades of faithful giving, substantial capital gifts, or both, Episcopal celebrates this group of donors whose sustained support has had a major impact on the School’s first 50 years.
Jack Mitchell, Bill Bond, Delores Lastinger Bill Bond, Jack Mitchell and Delores Lastinger are each members of the 50 by Fifty Society of lifetime leadership donors to Episcopal, and each of them served as chair of the Board of Trustees. Because the theme of this issue of The Magazine is leadership, we asked these three former Board chairs about their leadership experience at Episcopal. Bill Bond served on the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board for 19 years between 1973 and 2006. He became chair of the Board of Trustees in 1998 and chaired the Foundation from 2003-2006. Jack Mitchell followed Bill as chair of the Board in 2000, just as the School was launching the Journey to Greatness capital campaign, which Delores and Allen Lastinger co-chaired with Peggy and J. F. Bryan. Delores Lastinger remains the only woman to have chaired the Board of Trustees; her tenure was 2002-2004. Delores is also the only chair who was formerly on the School’s faculty. What were some of the key issues the School faced under your tenure as Chair of the Board of Trustees or during your years on the Board? BB: Episcopal had had a succession of headmasters until 1997, so one of the most important things we did was getting a headmaster with applicable experience and expertise who could give us continuity for a decade or so. We did a national search and hired Charley, and it was a great move. We had always had strong leadership at the dean level, but getting it right at the top was a big issue. Aside from securing the leadership, we did several financial things that made a difference. We wanted to improve the academic program and the athletics program, but we needed funding. We really pushed to ensure that the academic program remained excellent but was enhanced, and we raised both money and tuition to do that. We upgraded the science program and we got a lead gift for the Walton Boathouse. All of these things added value for our parents and students. JM: Bill and I had served on the Jacksonville Country Day School board together, and he recruited me to the Board at Episcopal. Thanks to Bill’s leadership, the school was in good shape with respect to both finances and the head of school when I came in as chair. My opportunity was the very exciting possibility of improving our facilities on the campus.
JACK MITCHELL Chair 2000-2002
Jack and Bette Len Mitchell have two daughters, one of whom is an Episcopal alum. Their daughter Jackie ’03 graduated from Samford University and teaches first grade and is working on a master’s in education at Mercer University. Their daughter Christy graduated from Duke and the Wharton School of Business and is senior vice president of finance and administration for Federated Sample.
The biggest issue I faced as a Board chair was the planning for the Journey to Greatness campaign that built the Center for Worship and Fine Arts and the Walton Boathouse.
policy. We did not have a formal policy at the time, but we put one together in a matter of days!
the country for candidates. I will never forget the meeting when the consultant told us that we had the best possible candidate right here on the campus (Dale Regan). Dale came to a Board of Trustees meeting and made an excellent presentation about why she wanted the job. We gave it to her, and that was a great decision. All of you have served other nonprofit organizations. In what ways was serving on the Episcopal Board different?
DL: By the time I became the Board chair, I had co-chaired the Journey to JM: I fondly remember the Board Journey to Greatness generated gifts Greatness capital campaign. We were retreats. We took our work seriously totaling more than $15 million, but in great financial shape. A big task and talked about important issues many of the commitments were in was the negotiation of the purchase and made important decisions. Those the form of pledges to be paid over a of the parcel of land on the Knight retreats were a big part of the Board’s period of five years. The Board really Property that the Museum of Science being as functional as it was. wanted to go ahead and build the and History (MOSH) owned. Dix buildings because the need for them Druce (then chair of the Buildings and DL: It’s true. Our Board meetings were was so great. We had a lot of discussion Grounds Committee) and I spent a lot not just a “data dump.” There was about whether to borrow the money of time on that. time for discussion, and there was a to build the buildings. In the end we decided to fund construction with a The next big issue was dealing with the camaraderie there that I really enjoyed. Of all of the boards I have served on, $12 million 20-year bond issue, which succession for Head of School when would ultimately be repaid from the Charley Zimmer retired in 2006. We all the Episcopal Board was the most enjoyable in terms of the quality of collection of pledges and returns from felt that a School as fine as Episcopal the people and how committed and investing the pledge payments while needed a national search. We hired a dedicated they all were. Most of us the bonds were outstanding. The idea search consultant, and we canvassed was to generate additional capital for our endowment while accelerating Bill Bond and his wife Sandy have three Episcopal the construction of new facilities. Our graduates: daughter Heather Baldwin ’85 goal was a noble one, but we have not left Episcopal for Princeton and now works in realized the anticipated investment Jacksonville for her CPA brother-in-law, Nic Pye gains because of cost overruns on some ’86; son Frank ’86 is a clinical and organizational of our projects and the subsequent psychologist and is a full professor and director upheaval in the financial markets. of a management institute at the University Episcopal had matured as an of London; Sandy and Bill’s son Gordon ’02 BILL BOND institution, but there were still areas graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Chair 1998 -2000 where we needed to grow. One and is a screenwriter working in Los Angeles. of the deficiencies that was very Daughter Jennifer is a homemaker who had an obvious to me as a banker was that earlier career in retail store management. She our Foundation needed to be more now assists in her husband’s CPA firm, CubicPye, sophisticated. We had a donor who was in Atlanta. Son Gareth earned a Ph.D. at interested in making a generous gift Columbia University and is a cancer researcher for our endowment who requested a and molecular biologist at Oxford University. copy of the Foundation’s investment Both Jennifer and Gareth attended Episcopal.
had children at Episcopal and we had to be committed! BB: We had two different sets of children here—an older group who came here in the late 1970s and early 1980s and Sandy’s and my son, Gordon, in the late 1990s. When I began serving on the Board in 1973, the School was meeting the needs of students and parents but was in difficult financial straits with a large debt obligation. Under Bishop Frank Cerveny’s leadership, the “Save Our School” drive was successful and we knew we were here to stay. When I returned to the Board in 1996 (after a 10-year gap), we were not dealing with survival issues, but rather we were dealing with enhancement issues, and it was very stimulating and fulfilling work. All of you served with Charley Zimmer. Talk about the partnership you had with him. BB: When we were recruiting Charley, I called Virginia Episcopal School’s (Charley Zimmer’s previous school) financial officer and asked about the kind of leader Charley would be. The financial officer told me that Charley would work with all of the constituent bases to get things done, that he would not move precipitously and that we would be lucky to get him. And we were. DL: It was so wonderful that Charley came back to Episcopal after Dale Regan’s death. In his quiet way, he showed up and gave us all a sense of stability that we needed. JM: Charley has a very calming leadership style. He never rushes to judgment. He is very careful and brings people along rather than pushing them along. Knowing Episcopal as well as you do, what do you think makes it unique?
Delores and Allen Lastinger have three children who graduated from Episcopal: Lane ’85 is a graduate of Washington and Lee University. He and his wife and children are spending a year traveling around the world and have been in 28 countries so far. Lindsey ’90 graduated from the University of Virginia and is married to Ryan Riggs, Episcopal’s Director of College Counseling. Amy ’91 graduated from North Carolina State University and teaches science in Charlottesville, Virginia.
BB: The value that you get right here at home at Episcopal. I think that if you are considering whether to send a child away to boarding school, the fundamental question is are you going to get any more value by virtue of sending them off than you would here? I believe you will get as good an education here as you would at the best boarding schools. Episcopal has everything you need educationally in a nurturing atmosphere. JM: As I have grown older, I have increasingly come to value the spiritual dimension at the School. My daughter Jackie’s take on it is that of all the educational experiences she has had, Episcopal was by far the most moving and impactful on her. It’s the spiritual center of Episcopal that made a lasting impression. She really loved Episcopal. DL: I think the culture of the school and the friendships that are made here are vital. All of my children made lifelong friends here. We moved to Jacksonville when Lane had been elected the seventh grade president at his school in Gainesville. It was tough for him to leave his friends. The faculty—in particular, Mrs. Bignon—took him in. All of my children had a great sports experience even in sports where they weren’t going to be the best players. They got to have the experience! I hope the school keeps that philosophy.
What is your hope for Episcopal in its next 50 years? JM: I am optimistic about getting a next head of school, that it will be someone with the vision to move Episcopal forward. But I really hope that the School will be careful to preserve its value structure. Technology will impact the way the education is delivered and already has changed things, but I hope Episcopal will work to retain that nurturing core. BB: The School will be different, but I hope it won’t be dramatically different than the way it is now. A child’s middle and high school experience is such a formative time. Episcopal’s nurturing attitude is so important, and we have always been good at valuing all kinds of children. That makes us unique. DL: I’ll agree with the hope that the Episcopal culture will remain. When our children were here, there were teachers here who had been on the faculty for years and really had the Episcopal DNA. That’s important to retaining the culture. I was very impressed with the most recent Case for Support for the next capital campaign. I think the projects in it will complete the School, so I am optimistic about that.
Patti Eckert Bauernfeind '84 Makes Planned Gift to Honor Her Parents
Patti Eckert Bauernfeind ’84 has made a planned gift to Episcopal which will become an endowed fund in honor of her parents, Phillippa and Robert Eckert. This new fund will be directed toward financial aid for qualified students from Jacksonville’s significant refugee population. “For years I have tutored refugee children who arrive in this country seeking a better life,” says Patti, “and they are keenly aware that education is key to thriving here.” This endowed fund is an ideal expression of Patti’s personal commitment to helping children with refugee status and her personal gratitude to her parents for everything they did to ensure her education. “My parents really believed in education,” says Patti, “and I want to honor them for what they did to give me my education. This Fund is a way for me to give people who don’t have the opportunities that I did the same access.” After graduating from Episcopal in 1984, Patti got a B.A. in marketing from Penn State and an M.B.A. in marketing from University of Maryland College Park. She has had a long career in marketing and currently serves as director of enterprise alliances for Salesforce in Dublin, California. Along the way, Patti got involved with community organizations which help refugees from political unrest and/or natural disaster in their native countries.
Mary Packer Cummings Society Established in 1999, the Mary Packer Cummings Society honors individuals providing for the School through deferred gifts such as bequests, life insurance, annuities and trust agreements. The society is named in honor of Mrs. Cummings, who in 1912 bequeathed to St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral the property on which Episcopal School of Jacksonville was established. Strengthening the future of the School, these gifts may be directed by the donor to provide unrestricted income or to be used for designated purposes such as endowment, capital improvements or program areas.
“These families are so grateful to be in America and they take nothing for granted,” says Patti. “Education is so important to them, as some of them come from cultures where education is not easy to obtain.” Working with her tax advisor, Patti began to think of how she might formalize her commitment to helping this population gain greater access to quality education, because of its ability to improve people’s lives. “I set up a trust, and the Phillippa and Robert Eckert Endowed Fund will ultimately be a beneficiary of the trust,” said Patti. “I am pleased to know that I will be helping children from a refugee family get an Episcopal education, and it is rewarding to think about what that will mean for the children and their communities.” Jacksonville has a high concentration of refugees, as several churches in the area have active ministries in hosting refugees. Episcopal’s endowed funds exist in perpetuity; a percentage of each fund’s earnings are spent for the purpose directed by the donor and the corpus remains untouched so that it can continue to generate future earnings. Endowed funds ensure that the donor’s intentions outlive the donor. Long after Patti’s death, she will still be helping generations of students from refugee families to receive the excellent education that Episcopal offers. In addition to tutoring and providing financial assistance to refugees, Patti has a very personal way of raising awareness for the importance of education for refugees. Since 2005, Patti has been an open water marathon swimmer whose swims allow her to promote the issues she cares about. Over the past nine years, Patti has completed many solo swims, some of which are swims
Patti played soccer on the Varsity Girls team while at Episcopal. across Lake Tahoe, Lake Zurich, the Catalina Channel and a swim around Manhattan Island. “Open water swimming is unique in that our swims are mostly solo swims, yet we can’t do them without the help of a team to navigate, to keep us safe and to feed us,” Patti says. “Another unique aspect of open water swimming is the fact that a swimmer will attempt a solo swim many times before completing it. It’s like mountain climbing. Weather and conditions can dramatically change and force a swimmer out of the water. This is the case for my Monterey Bay solo swims. I have attempted this swim three times and have had to stop due to jellyfish stings, relentless headwinds and bad weather. I plan to complete the swim this year (and put it to rest).” In addition to the Monteray Bay swim later this year, Patti has her sights set on the English Channel in 2015 and the Cook Straight Channel in 2016. “One of the main reasons that I love open water swimming is the fact that I can do what I love and raise money for something that I am passionate about,” Patti says. “For each of my swims, I raise money for a cause such as building schools in developing countries, helping veterans or raising money for a local food back. This is what keeps me motivated and going during the tough times in a swim.” Episcopal School of Jacksonville is grateful for Patti’s tenacious and generous spirit which will affect many of tomorrow’s Episcopal students.
Corporate Partners 2014 PLATINUM SPONSORS
November andNetworking January -- Alumni networking Alumni Events
events are aand great way to with fellow November January -- reconnect Alumni networking alums in a casual setting. Last year the Alumni events are a great way to reconnect with fellow Association hosted events at Intuition Ale Works alums in a casual setting. Last year the Alumni and Royal Palm Wine and Tapas, local establishments Association hosted events at Intuition Ale Works The Epsiscopal Alumni Association a body of 4,500 graduates who live owned by Episcopal Networking events wereisalso and Royal Palm Winealumni. and Tapas, local establishments held in Boston and Atlanta. owned by Episcopal Networking eventsthe were also As an Episcopal alumnus, you are across alumni. the nation and around world. held in Boston and Atlanta.
part of a unique Career Day community - a group of people who share memories of a special helped thedo? lives we now lead, a place filled with March 12, place 2014 --that Do you love shape what you Career Day Come share your career March 12, 2014 --enthusiasm Do you loveand what you do? who inspired us. teachers, leaders, coaches and friends experience with current Episcopal students Come share your enthusiasm and career on Career Day.with current Episcopal students on experience
Greetings From Episcopal! Career Day.
Reunion Weekend April 26 & 27 -- Traditionally the last weekend in Reunion Weekend
April, Reunion is the of the in reetings from Episcopal! April 26 & 27 --Weekend Traditionally thehighlight last weekend
spring! The all-class party alumni of that April, Reunion Weekend is for theall highlight theis held on the Friday night of Reunion Weekend all-class party for all alumni that isat e Episcopal Alumni Association is a spring! body ofTheBoathouse the Walton quickly become a at held on the Friday nighthas of Reunion Weekend 500 graduates who live across the nation and favorite alumni tradition. Classes celebrating the Walton Boathouse has quickly become a five year reunions celebrate on the Saturday night of ound the world. As an Episcopal alumnus, you favorite alumniways tradition. Classes celebrating ThereWeekend are so many to stay connected with Episcopal! Reunion on the Munnerlyn campus. e part of a unique community--a group of five year reunions celebrate on the Saturday night of
Reunion Weekend ople who share memories of a special placeon the Munnerlyn campus. Facebook Follow at helped shape the lives we now lead, a Episcopal on Facebook to get current information that is relevant for alumni. Follow Episcopal on Facebook to get current Facebook ace filled with teachers, leaders, coaches and information that is relevant for alumni. Follow Episcopal on Facebook to get current ends who inspired us. facebook.com/EpiscopalSchoolofJacksonville facebook.com/EpiscopalSchoolofJacksonville information that is relevant for alumni. Greetings from Episcopal! facebook.com/EpiscopalSchoolofJacksonville n the back of this note, you will find information LinkedIn alumni inAlumni your field, pursue The Episcopal Association is a body of some of the ways to stay connectedJoin withto connect with fellow Episcopal Join to connect with fellow Episcopal alumni in LinkedIn professional mentoring relationships or explore job opportunities. This and 4,500 graduates who live across the nation iscopal. Be sure to check out theyour alumni field, pursuewith professional mentoring Joinprofessional to connect fellow Episcopal alumni in the world. around As an Episcopal alumnus, networking group is accessible by Episcopal alumni and is you ction of Episcopal’s website for eventrelationships specific or explore job opportunities. This are part of a unique community--a group of youradministered field, pursue professional mentoring by Episcopal of Jacksonville a service to its alumni. professional group is School accessible by who shareas tails. While you are there, take a minute to networking people memories of a special place relationships or explore job opportunities. This alumni and isnetworking administered by Episcopal School are what is new with you via Episcopal the update form. that helped shape the lives we now lead, a professional group is accessible by Search for the group, of Jacksonville as a service to its alumni. Search for the filled with teachers, leaders, coaches and e love hearing from you! Episcopal alumni and is administered by Episcopalplace School group, “Episcopal Alumni”.for “Episcopal School of Jacksonville Alumni.” friends of Jacksonville as aSchool serviceof toJacksonville its alumni. Search the who inspired us.
group, “Episcopal School of Jacksonville Alumni”. ope to see you back on campus or at an On the back of this note, you will find information We’re alsoon onany Twitter! For more information of the aforementioned ent sometime soon! on some of the ways to stay connected with FollowHeather us @EpiscopalJax events, Newman ‘90Episcopal. at Be sure to check out the alumni For more contact information on any of the Johnson aforementioned to stay current with what is happening at johnsonh@esj.org or 904.396.5751, ext. 1104. of ESJ. Episcopal’s website for event specific events, contact Heather Newman Johnson ‘90section at ncerely, details. While you are there, take a minute to johnsonh@esj.org or 904.396.5751, ext. 1104.
share what is new with you via the update form. We love hearing from you!
Keep in touch through our Alumni Events! I hope to see you back on campus or at an Events include: event sometime soon!
Homecoming Week | Alumni Networking Events | Career Day | Reunion Weekend
Sincerely, ather Newman Johnson ‘90 ector of Alumni Relations Be sure to check out the alumni section of Episcopal’s website for specific event
details. While you are there, take a minute to share what is new with you via the update form. We love hearing from you!
Heather Newman Johnson ‘90 Director of Alumni Relations johnsonh@esj.org
Wake Up, Alumni!
$10,000 Alumni Challenge Ends May 1, 2014 A generous Episcopal alumnus has issued a challenge to fellow alumni: gifts to The Episcopal Fund by May 1 will be matched up to $10,000!
Giving Levels
My Gift Information
The Great Oak Society
Keystone Circle $25,000 and over Founders Circle $10,000 to $24,999 Golden Oak Circle $6,000 to $9,999 SIlver Oak Circle $3,000 to $5,999 Great Oak Circle $1,500 to $2,999
The Eagle Society
My gift of $___________________________________________________is enclosed. I pledge $_______________________________________to be paid by June 30, 2014. Please charge my
American Express
For alumni 35 and under $250 to $1,499
Card #_________________________________________________________________
Other Giving Categories
CCV/CVV #__________Billing Address________________________________________
Leadership Cornerstone Stweardship Builder
$600 to $1,499 $300 to $599 $150 to $299 Up to $149
My gift is in memory of____________________________________________________ My gift is in honor of______________________________________________________
Matching Gifts Does your employer have a matching gift program? Yes. Employer______________________________________________________________________________________________ If unsure please visit our website and use the matching gift finder. Let us know if we can assist in facilitating a matching gift by calling 904.396.5751, ext. 1101 or give online at
Donate online at https://giving.esj.org or return your donation in the enclosed envelope.
2013-2014 Alumni Events The Episcopal Alumni Association hosted several events in Jacksonville this fall. Alumni attended a tailgate before the Jaguars-Texans game with Coach Mark Brunell and an evening at Underbelly, downtown Jacksonville’s newest music venue, hosted by Cameron Beard ’00, owner of Underbelly. Alumni soccer players also got together in December for a game on the River Fields.
alumni Fall Events Pics
Where are you now? Please let us know! Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Maiden Name______________________________________Last Name______________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________State_______________________Zip Code________________________ Email Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004 & 2009
Make plans to journey back to Episcopal to join us for this fun-filled weekend with classmates, friends and faculty! All classes are invited to celebrate at the Walton Boathouse on Friday, April 25 for the signature event at 7:00 p.m. Festivities include: the faculty/staff walk of honor presentation, recognition of Episcopal’s 25 year faculty members and the Alumnus of the Year award presentation. On Saturday, April 26 all classes ending in 4’s and 9’s will have individual class parties on the Munnerlyn Campus.
Reunion Weekend 2014 SCHEDULE
FRIDAY, APRIL 25 7:00 p.m. All-class Party at Walton Boathouse 7:30 p.m. Faculty/Staff Walk of Honor Presentation and Alumnus of the Year Award Presentation SATURDAY, APRIL 26 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Campus will be open to alumni for various activities: sports, picnics 1:00 p.m. Fine Arts Performance: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Munnerlyn Center for Worship and Fine Arts
6:30 p.m. Individual class parties at various locations on the Munnerlyn Campus 8:30 p.m. Optional campus tours beginning at the Flag Plaza 9:00 p.m. After-party on the Acosta House porch featuring Reunion Band (all reunion classes) Accommodations: Episcopal has established special rates with the Crowne Plaza (904.398.8800) and the Hyatt Regency (904.588.1234) just 10 minutes from campus. Simply mention “Episcopal Reunion” when making your reservation.
Register online at: https://giving.esj.org/pages/reunion-weekend-2014 For more information, please contact Heather Newman Johnson ’90, Director of Alumni Relations: johnsonh@esj.org 79
Nominations are Due for Alumnus of the Year! Every year at Reunion Weekend, Episcopal presents the Alumnus of the Year award to an alum who has gone above and beyond to promote the school, volunteer their time, and given of their talent and treasure. The award is given to an alumnus who has consistently provided exemplary service to Episcopal by enhancing the mission, success, stature, and wellbeing of the School. Episcopal is currently seeking nominations for this year’s recipient. Please send your suggestion for Alumnus of the Year with an explanation for your nomination to Heather Newman Johnson ‘90, Director of Alumni Relations.
Past Alumnus of the Year Recipients 2009 Wendy Dickinson LaPrade ’76
Will Ketchum ’84
Lon Walton ’77
Tommy Donahoo ’84
Arnie Tritt ’81
In Memoriam J. Phillips Cleland ’75 John Phillips Cleland, Sr., passed away on January 7, 2014. Phil attended Southern Methodist University in Dallas, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. For over 20 years, he served as an engineer with Keith and Schnars, P.A., becoming a key contributor to multiple projects involving the design and building of roads, bridges, and highways across the State of Florida. Notable projects Phil had worked on included the construction of the Dames Point Bridge, as well as improvements and expansions on I-10, I-95, and I-295 within the Jacksonville area. Phil was an active volunteer for several organizations, including the Boy Scouts of America and the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Building Committee. His survivors include his two sons, John Phillips Cleland, Jr., and Andrew Christopher Cleland. Memorial checks may be made out to Boy Scout Troop 304 and sent to Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 5737 Blanding Blvd in Jacksonville, Florida 32244.
dog and companion, Jackson, whom he trained to be a United States Service Dog. Memorial donations may be made to Paws Park, a local dog park in Jacksonville Beach (www.pawsparkjaxbeach.com).
Zoe Leach Conolly ’73 Zoe Anne Leach Conolly, 58, passed away on October 16, 2013, after a lengthy illness. Born December 25, 1954, in Miami, she was a graduate of Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. Always proud of her ancestry, Zoe was a member of Colonial Dames of America, Daughters of the American Revolution, Southern Dames of America, and United Daughters of the Confederacy. She is survived by her husband, Robert C. Conolly; her mother, Zoe H. Williams; three sisters, Elizabeth L. Bohac, Holly M. Doneff, and Molly M. Williams; two brothers, William J. Leach, Jr. and John G. Mills; her two sons, William R. White and John W. White; and her stepchildren, Margaret C. Conolly and Davis H. Conolly. At Episcopal, Zoe served on the Alumni Board from 2009 to 2013.
Elizabeth Simpson Walton ’71 Elizabeth Simpson Walton ’71 passed away November 7, 2013, in Atlanta. “Beppy” was born in Jacksonville on November 26, 1953. A member of Chi Omega sorority, she graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. An accomplished swimmer, she competed in multiple U.S. National Championships, as well as the 1968 Olympic Trials. She retired from Delta Airlines in 2006 after 29 years of employment and had worked as a real estate agent for the past several years; she was also a devoted volunteer at Nicholas House of Atlanta. Beppy is survived by her two sisters: Missy Walton York ’74, her husband, Ty, and children Macon, Oliver, Cole and Billy; and Raymur Walton Rachels ’85, her husband Phil and children Alston, Lucy, Ford and William. She is also survived by her two brothers: Bill ’70, his wife, Dori, and children Francesca, Will and Lon; and Lon ’77, his wife, Terry, and children Neale ’12, Ali, and Ann Maris ’18. Memorial gifts may be made to Episcopal or to Nicholas House.
Joshua. A. Heinz ’01 Joshua Andrew Heinz passed away on January 5, 2014. He is survived by his parents; his sister, Jennifer Heinz D’Amico ’02, her husband, Richard, and daughter Peyton D’Amico; his brother, Ryan Heinz ’09; and his grandfather. He is also survived by many other cousins, family members, and friends. A 2011 graduate of The University of Florida, Josh was particularly proud of his
Frank U. Smith, Jr. ’83 Frank Usher Smith, Jr., passed away on August 14, 2013. A Jacksonville native, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree at Elizabeth City State University. A highly decorated veteran, Frank served his country in the United States Army, where he obtained the rank of captain. For the past 17 years, he was employed by the State of Florida as a correctional officer. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Metro Lewis Griffith; son, Michael Lee Harvey; sister, Ms. Michelina Smith; nephew, Joseph Terrell; aunts, Mmes. Inez Toombs and Judy Wells (Gerald); godmother, Mrs. Tamer Britton; a number of devoted cousins, other relatives, colleagues, and friends. At Episcopal, Frank played football and was a member of the wrestling team.
Board of Trustees R I C H A R D H . S U D D AT H Richard H. Suddath, a longtime supporter of Episcopal and one of the original founders of the School, passed away on August 24, 2013. As a founder of Episcopal, Dick served on the Transportation Committee of the Planning Group; he also served as a member of the Board of Trustees from 1995 to 1999, was a member of the Foundation Board, and was named an Honorary Trustee after his many years of service to the School. Dick is survived by his wife of 70 years, Barbara Anne Johnson Suddath; as well as his two daughters, Barbara Suddath Strickland and Julia A. Suddath-Ranne; and his two sons, Richard Suddath ‘70 and Steve Suddath ‘73, currently a member of the Board of Trustees. Of his Dick’s eight surviving grandchildren, grandsons Jack ‘18 and Christian ‘15 are current Episcopal students; his granddaughter Anne E. Suratt (dec.) was a member of the Class of 1993. Dick was a Jacksonville native, born in 1919, the year his father, Carl Suddath, founded Suddath Moving and Storage Company, now known as The Suddath Companies.
Class Notes – Winter 2014 ’ 7 1 J O S E P H T. P O R T E R married his partner of 17 years, Carter Elliott, on September 29, 2011 at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Portsmouth, NH. Joe and his husband live in Atlanta, GA.
the October 2013 edition of Florida Trend magazine.
’ 7 2 S H E L LY F U L F O R D W I L S O N welcomed her first grandson on October 27, 2012, and is enjoying being “Mimi” these days! ’ 7 4 E D WA R D M . B O O T H , J R ., is an attorney at Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. He was recently appointed to the Jacksonville Aviation Authority Board of Directors by Mayor Alvin Brown and unanimously confirmed by the Jacksonville City Council. “As someone who spent way too much time at JEHS drawing pictures of airplanes when he should have been taking notes, it is interesting to now help run the four local airports. I’m grateful for the opportunity to hopefully have a positive influence in all things aviation-related in Jacksonville,” said Ed, who is Board Certified in Aviation Law by The Florida Bar Board of Legal Education and Specialization. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University in 1978 and his law degree from The Florida State University College of Law in 1981. ’ 7 4 J E R R Y K I M B R O U G H , an adjunct associate professor of guitar at Vanderbilt University’s Blair School of Music, returned to Episcopal this fall for the first Alumni Music Fest at Homecoming. ’79 B R U C E JAC K S O N, a current member of the Episcopal Alumni Board, was featured in the Commercial Real Estate Roundup in
’84 E R I C S . KO L A R and his wife, Megan, welcomed their third child, Eli Robert Kolar, at 1:41 a.m. on December 17. Baby Eli Robert weighed in at 8 lbs., 7oz., and was 21 inches long.
’87 D O N A L D C . J O N E S and his wife, Janice Dusseau Jones, have moved home to Florida after a combined 30-plus years in broadcast news, and have started their own video production company, CycleHere Media. Based in St. Augustine, the company is helping businesses, travel, and tourism entities and
non-profits to market themselves online. Current clients include VISIT FLORIDA, University of Florida’s Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, and The Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. You can watch their work on CycleHereMedia.com. ’87 ST E P H A N I E B U E LOW KO WA L D was named Head of School at Grace Episcopal Day School this fall. She has been a teacher at St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School since 2003 and has also been the Division Head for the Early Learning Program since 2006. Stephanie received her B.A. from Furman University and completed her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Educational Leadership from the University of North Florida in August 2013. ’ 8 8 M O L LY H E L M S P I N A and T H E O D O R E S . P I N A , J R . ’88, welcomed their adopted daughter Allison Hope Xin-Hua from China in October 2009. Their oldest son Matthew ’14 is looking at the possibility of attending Ted and Molly’s alma mater, Sewanee, in the fall of 2014.
’90 J A M I G A F F B U E K E R was hired as the Director of Development for Jacksonville Country Day School last fall.
’ 8 8 E D WA R D I . B AT E S I I and his wife Anne-Laure are pleased to announce the birth of Theodore Charles Oliver Bates on February 18, 2013; he joins his sister Annabel and brother Leopold. The family resides in Paris, France.
’89 C H A R LOT T E P R I D G E N P E T E R S O N has just moved into a new house with access to Pewaukee Lake in Waukesha County, WS. She writes, “Our daughter will grow up spending time on the water. She is only seven months old, but she already enjoys listening to the frogs and watching the ducks in the creek.” ’89 M I C H E L L E H I G G I N S WAT S O N currently lives in South Africa with her husband Ronald Watson and their three children. Michelle’s husband, an anti-apartheid activist, worked closely with the ANC to help bring down the apartheid-era government. The couple is currently developing a 140MW wind farm on their game farm in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. ’ 8 9 J E N N I F E R WA U G H is currently the Morning Show anchor for Channel 4 in Jacksonville; she was featured in Jacksonville Magazine’s October 2013 edition, in its “Getting to Know” section.
’96 J O H N F O X and Kate Hocker were married October 19, 2013. The wedding took place in the Davis Chapel on the Episcopal campus and the reception was held on the Dale D. Regan Plaza at the Great Oak.
and capital markets services to institutions, governments and agencies, corporations, investment advisors, family offices and individuals. John works in credit sales, selling fixed income, structured credit, and private debt to investors. John also worked for the U.S. Treasury on financial regulation and the United Nations Capital Development Fund in Fiji during graduate school. He holds a Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University and currently is an MBA candidate at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. ’ 9 9 S H A A R A PA J C I C S WA L L O W welcomed Sawyer Christopher Swallow on May 20, 2013. ’99 J ES S I C A M A L E Y W I EC E Z A K is a Vice President and co-founder of a health policy consulting firm, The Menges Group, in Washington D.C. Jessica and husband Bob welcomed their first child, Evan Robert Wiecezak, on July 20, 2013, weighing 7 lbs., 11 oz., and measuring 21 inches long. ’99 C A M I I SA AC STO D DA R D welcomed Sophie Frances Stoddard into the world at 8:15 a.m. on September 21, 2013. She weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz., and measured 21 inches.
’97 K E N D R A A . D E N N I S and husband Wayne welcomed Blake Wyatt Dennis to their family on August 21, 2014. Blake weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz., and measured 21 inches long. ’99 J O H N R . H A U G works for Guggenheim Partners, a privately held global financial services firm. Guggenheim provides asset management, investment banking
’ 9 9 M E R E D I T H C O X S M I T H and husband Michael recently relocated to Lexington, KY.,from New Orleans. Meredith is employed as the quality manager for JIF peanut butter, and Mike is an engineer for Lockheed Martin. ’ 0 0 C Y N T H I A H A G E R PA R A D Y was married September 29, 2013, in Dover, New Hampshire.
’ 0 0 K Y L E T. H I C K S and wife Kelly announce the birth of their second son, Thomas, on October 2, 2013. Older brother Jacob turned four in January.
’01 N E D D A Z E works for Rosen Law Firm, where he is Chief Operations Officer. Since he can easily work remotely, he enjoys traveling the world while he works. Photos from his adventures can be found on his travel blog, iwishiknewspanish.com.
’02 L AU R A W H A R E N D O N S O N welcomed son Oliver November 13, 2013. She is currently an assistant coach for ESJ’s rowing team. ’ 0 2 M AT T H E W I . L U F R A N O recently opened the law firm of Johnson and Lufrano, P.A. The firm, which focuses on criminal defense at the pretrial, trial, and appellate levels, is located at 1010 East Adams Street, Suite 205, in Jacksonville. The firm’s website is johnsonandlufrano. com ’03 SA R A H D I XO N K LU M P welcomed daughter Eva Mae on April 19, 2013.
’ 0 0 LY N S E Y R I C H M O N D M E R R I T T welcomed son Wesley Scott Merritt on September 1, 2013, at 4:31 p.m. weighing in at 8 lbs., 5 oz and measuring 20 inches; he joins big sister Amelia. Lynsey’s husband, Scott, continues in his role as Executive Officer of the Home Builders Association of Metro Orlando. ’00 A B BY W H I T M I R E S T E WA R T and husband Ben welcomed William Thomas on February 28, 2013. William joins siblings Elisabeth, David, and John. ’ 0 1 A U G U S T R . B R O W N , who graduated from Stetson University, has served as a music, arts, and popular culture writer for The Los Angeles Times since 2005. In addition to updating the LAT blog “Pop and Hiss,” he has had multiple front-page articles and was also recently published in the L.A. Review of Books.
’01 K E L LY R I E S T E R E R G R O T H welcomed Reese Elizabeth on August 7, 2013, weighing 10 lbs., 1 oz. ’01 M . C H R I S T I A N H A R D E N is Vice President of NAIOP Northeast Florida, a commercial real estate trade organization. ’02 K R I S T E N W I L L I A M S C R O S B Y and Osborne Crosby ’02 were married in Ponte Vedra Beach on October 26, 2013. The couple lives in Washington, D.C., where Kristen teaches fifth grade and Osborne recently started working as counsel for The American Petroleum Institute.
’ 0 3 E L I Z A B E T H B O Y D LY N N welcomed her first child, Bradley Clinton, on December 4, 2013, in Overland Park, KS. She and her husband Tripp are currently stationed at Fort Leavenworth, where Tripp is attending the Army War College. They are looking forward to relocating to Jacksonville in July 2014. ’ 0 3 B R I A N W. M A P L E S married his wife, Alex, in November 2012, shortly after they moved back to the Jacksonville area from New England. He met Alex while studying in Boston, and they are both enjoying married life. Brian and his brother A N D Y M A P L E S ’ 0 0 have joined forces and started a dental practice in the Baymeadows area; they enjoy working together and are happy to be in Jacksonville. ’04 A N N A G E M E I N H A RT T R O I A N I and Paul Troiani were married on June 22, 2013, taking some of their wedding photos under the Great Oak on the ESJ campus.
’05 R I C H A R D A. H E L F F R I C H I I I married Cynthia McMackin in Ocean Springs, MS, on June 29, 2013. ’ 0 5 H A R R I S O N C . B R O W N is a BBA graduate of Emory University. He swam for six school records as an Emory Eagle and was awarded an NCAA post-graduate scholarship. Now completing a PhD at Emory in Systems/Molecular Pharmacology, he recently presented at the American Society of Hematology conference in New Orleans. ’06 B R A N D O N J. L A RO SA moved back to Jacksonville in August, 2013, and is working both at JEA and at Episcopal, where he helps coach baseball. ’ 0 6 K Y L E A . M I K A L S , who will graduate in May from the Uniformed Services University, will begin his Internal Medicine residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in July. ’07 K R I ST I N L. R I C H M O N D is currently living and working in Washington, D.C., in the U.S. House of Representatives; she enjoys working on the Hill for Congressman Robert Hurt (VA-05) as the Director of Scheduling and Administration. ’08 M I C H A E L A. J E N N ES S E, J R . , recently graduated from The University of Alabama, earning degrees in civil engineering and construction engineering. He is working for Robins & Morton, a general contracting firm based in Birmingham, as a field engineer focusing on healthcare construction. He is also pursuing a master’s degree in integrated design and construction at Auburn University and serves as a graduate assistant in the School of Building Science.
’08 R O B E R T J . L O M B A R D O and ESJ classmate K A N E S E A R S ’ 0 8 are in their second year of dental school at the University of Florida. This summer they’ll be traveling to the Dominican Republic for a dental mission trip. This will be Robert’s second dental mission in Central America. ’09 A L E X A N D R A M . C H A B O L L A graduated from UNCChapel Hill in the spring of 2013. She then moved to Washington D.C., where she teaches eighthgrade science at St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School. She writes, “I love the subject, students, and community here. I am thoroughly enjoying my first year of teaching and coaching, and I often think of how much my time at Episcopal has impacted my classroom.” ’09 C L A R K B L E D S O E graduated from Macalester College and was starting quarterback for three years there. He holds a number of school records, including career touchdown passes. His academic achievements were also recognized by the National Football Foundation Hampshire Honor Society. ’09 A N N A L E S T E R graduated from Vanderbilt in 2013 with a degree in Violin Performance and a minor in Art History. Last summer, she was a raft guide on the Chattooga River (the one that Episcopal goes to for the Freshmen Orientation Adventure) and is currently in her first year of her master’s degree at Juilliard in Historical Performance on baroque violin.
’ 0 9 J A M E S R . S T U R S B E R G is currently networking for a job as a healthcare consultant. ’ 0 9 S A R A R E I D V I N YA R D is a senior at Louisiana State University, studying theatre and working toward a bachelor of arts in theatre performance. She has appeared in American Horror Story, and The Starving Games, among other movies. ’ 1 0 M E R E D I T H B O U L O S is a William & Mary 1693 Scholar and an environmental toxicology major. This is a self-designed major integrating marine and environmental science, geology, chemistry, and biology; she is also taking supplemental marine toxicology classes through the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. ’ 1 0 E N D E A E L L I S O N is now a senior at the University of South Carolina-Aiken, where she plays volleyball. Endea led her team to the Peach Belt Conference Championship, recording a matchhigh 14 kills in the conference semifinals. For her performance this season, she was named to the Peach Belt Conference all-tournament team, and the USC-Aiken Athletic Department named her Athlete of the Week in November 2013. ’10 J ES S I C A A L E X F E R E B E E is working part-time as a medical assistant with Dr. H. Hutson Messer, while finishing her senior year at Florida State University. A biology major, she plans to attend school to become a physician’s assistant after graduating from FSU.
’10 J E N N I F E R A. F E R RY graduated from Samford University on December 14, 2013, with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism/Mass Communication and Spanish. ’10 A B I G A I L E. T ROT T E R participated in a medical mission trip to Jamaica with AED medical fraternity during spring break. She is currently heading up “Light the Night” for Florida State University, the only student-organized campus fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society nationwide. ’10 M AC K E N Z I E K. BA L L was selected as a 2014 corps member with Teach For America. In June, she will be moving to Charlotte, NC, to become a middle school science teacher. ’11 E L E N A M. G O E B E RT U S studied in Sevilla, Spain, for the Fall 2013 term. ’ 1 1 D AV I D J . B R YA N T is a junior at Florida Atlantic University, working toward a degree in biology, with plans to attend graduate school in the physician’s assistant program. ’11 A B I G A I L K. S E N T E R F I T T is currently in her third year as a cheerleader for Florida State University. One of 20 Florida State University cheerleaders chosen to cheer on the Seminoles at the BSC National Championship Game, she was selected from among a total of 54 cheerleaders, based upon her dedication, volunteerism, and skill.
’ 1 1 E D WA R D PA L M E R B O O T H is a junior at Georgia Tech, majoring in mechanical engineering and minoring in French. He alternates semesters of school with interning at Gulfstream Aerospace in Savannah, working in research and development
engineering. In the spring of 2014, he will participate in an exchange program in Metz, France. ’11 M A X T. R E B E R has received the NCAA Offensive Statistical Champion Award for all of Division III football. He is a quarterback at Methodist University. ’12 B R O O K E M . F E R G U S O N has enjoyed roles in The Pajama Game, James and the Giant Peach, and currently, Les Miserables. ’12 E VA N J . D E G I D I O is a member of the Hartwick Men’s 200 Free Relay Team that took third place at the 2013 Empire 8 Championships in New York, as well as a set a school record. Evan had his first individual win in the 50 free against St Lawrence. ’12 J A M E S S . G R I F F I N I I I is attending the University of Mississippi and is a member of Phi Delt Fraternity. ’12 J O H N I N G H A M , a sophomore at Oberlin College, plays for the Yeomen’s soccer team and led his team and the North Coast Athletic Conference in goals, recording 15 in the regular season this year. ’12 S H A K E E L R A S H A D , a current University of North Carolina sophomore, continues to play for the Tar Heels football team. ’12 T Y L E R R I C E , a biomedical engineering major at George Tech, was recently featured on the Georgia Tech website in one of their “Women in Engineering” profiles. Tyler’s reasons for choosing biomedical engineering and the work she is doing at Georgia Tech were all featured in the article on the university’s website.
’12 JAC K S W E E N E Y, a sophomore at Colorado College, was recently named Editor in Chief of the school’s newspaper, The Catalyst. ’ 1 3 I V E Y B . G O R D O N has joined the Kappa Kappa Gama sorority at Florida State University. ’ 1 3 P H I L I P E . P O R T E R is attending Syracuse University, where he plans to major in international relations and is active in the Student Association. He was elected a representative for the College of Arts & Sciences, and has since been named chair of the Student Life Committee, making him a cabinet member and the youngest person in the organization’s history to hold such a position. ’ 1 3 L I B B I E S A B O is leaving her mark as a freshman, competing on Clemson University’s Shotgun Club team. In the recent Southeast Regional Championship, she placed first in the skeet division and second in the wobble trap out of dozens of competitors. Her high marks helped to secure a team win for the Tigers. ’ 1 3 M E G A N L . S O W E L L was awarded Dean’s List and Gold Star status for her outstanding academic achievement at The Citadel during the Fall 2013 semester. Gold Star is the highest academic award given there, and all Gold Star students were recognized during the military dress parade in January. ’ 1 3 M A R I S S A TA N D R O N is currently a freshman at Lynn University, where she is playing volleyball. She has made an instant impact on the Fighting Knights, recording team-leading service aces and assists this season.
From the Editor I think you can agree after reading through this issue of The Magazine of Episcopal that our alumni go on to contribute to our world in remarkable ways – and in many varied and challenging professional fields. The common thread that binds our alumni is, of course, their experience while here on the Episcopal campus. What they do with the lessons they have learned is up to them. But we know our graduates are prepared, no matter which passion they choose to pursue in life. What our founders intended and clearly spelled out in The Purple Book was that Episcopal alumni be ready to become leaders in the greater world. Despite how the world has changed since the School’s founding in 1966, and regardless of the challenges and tribulations the School has faced, we continue to succeed in our mission. The accomplishments and contributions of our alumni are manifestations of the purpose for which the School was established. We are thankful for all our alumni do in their communities, and for all they continue to do for the School. The Magazine of Episcopal is a celebration of all that is noteworthy in our community – and there is much to be proud of at Episcopal. Whether The Magazine covers what goes on in and outside of the classroom, profiles what our alumni are accomplishing, or outlines the strategic direction decided upon by the Board of Trustees, we are always excited to share our story. We know it will be a good one! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading The Magazine of Episcopal!
Meg Sacks