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Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
CLIENT Louisiana’s Workers’ Compensation Corporation (LWCC)
130,467 SF
July 2021
2022 AIA New Orleans Merit Award
2022 IIDA Delta Regional Award
PHOTOGRAPHY BY Michael Mantese Sara Essex-Bradley
A workplace renovation of an 8-story post-modernist building constructed in the 1980s for a private, non-profit mutual insurance company located in Baton Rouge, What started as a simple mechanical upgrade evolved into a complete interior renovation which re-envisioned and rebranded LWCC as a contemporary model workplace with a focus on health and wellness.
LWCC’s existing facility, constructed in 1984, was comprised of 8 isolated floors, typically private offices and high-wall cubicles (many with no view), that experienced frequent complaints about thermal comfort. The design team brought to the conversation peerreviewed research showing that higher levels of air quality, better thermal comfort, access to views of nature, and design choices that promoted physical activity and access to healthy food options all contribute to worker health and productivity.