ESN Annual Report 2016/2017

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Copyright © 2017 by the Erasmus Student Network AISBL. All rights reserved. Erasmus Student Network: Annual Report 2016/2017 Coordinator: Katarzyna Pasierbiewicz Published by: Erasmus Student Network AISBL Design: Katarzyna Pasierbiewicz, Jan Hrubý Editors: Gaffar Rampage, Katarzyna Pasierbiewicz Contributors: Gaffar Rampage, Hugo A. Urción, Safi Sabuni, Jovana Stanković, Rasmus Åberg, Carolina Vaz-Pires, Fernando Mínguez Cover photography: Annual General Meeting Germany 2017 by Katarzyna Pasierbiewicz

“We really do have the power to act together and to show the importance of unity in diversity. We Are One.� Safi Sabuni, President of Erasmus Student Network Annual General Meeting Germany 2017

Table Of Contents

Table of Contents Foreword

ESN in the Media


21 22


Highlights 9 10 11 12 13 14 16


ESN Welcomes 40th Member Country Partnership with Ryanair ESN Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Erasmus in Berlin New Office ExchangeAbility - Flagship Project 2016/2017 ESNsurvey Reaches New Heights Year in Review

Press Clippings Overview of Media Activity

About Us 25 26 28 29 30 32

What is ESN Vision, Mission, Principles and Values ESN Structure Finances ESN in Numbers History Timeline

Annual Report 2016/2017


External Relations

35 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Introduction HousErasmus+ ExchangeAbility MappED! Online Learning Agreement ESNcard ESNsurvey Responsible Party SocialErasmus Mov’in Europe Eduk8

People 53 54 55 56 58

Table of Contents

ESN as a Member Partner Organisations ESN and Public Funding ESN’s Official Sponsors Marketing Supporters, Media and Strategic Partners ESNcard Partners Ryanair Partnership Launch #MobilityIsMyLifestyle Competition

International Board 2016/2017 ESN Secretariat International Board 2017/2018 International Board Supporters Council of National Representatives




Annual Report 2016/2017


he academic year of 2016/2017 has been filled with many historic moments for the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) as well as for young people all over Europe. Despite it being a year of reflection with challenging views on some of the values that ESN holds dear, we have welcomed 220,000 new students to experience, in person, our core messages: cooperation in integration, cultural diversity and unity and love for Europe. Looking back at the past year, we are extremely proud of the many accomplishments of our network. With the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ programme as a catalyst, this year has been significant in awakening and inspiring the Erasmus+ generation to intensify our message of the benefits of mobility, of an international community, and of volunteering.

Safi Sabuni President of the Erasmus Student Network

We continue to strive to make mobility an opportunity that all young people have access to. Through 8 regional conferences with students, decision-makers and industry representatives, we have managed to put accessible mobility on the agenda of our key stakeholders. Through the 2,507 activities that our network has organised across Europe this past year, we have brought international students close to their local communities. And by welcoming ESN Belarus as a member country, we are now present in 40 countries all around the continent. This annual report captures the many milestones of the past year, some of the people that have had a significant impact on ESN International, and the strategic collaborations that have brought us to new dimensions in our work. We wish you a great read and we hope to be supporting and developing student mobility with you in the coming year.





Annual Report 2016/2017

ESN Welcomes 40th Member Country On 11th December 2016, ESN welcomed its 40th country, Belarus, as a member of the network. With the approval of an ESN section in YKSUG Grodno, Belarus becomes the 3rd new country to have joined ESN in 2016 after Azerbaijan’s re-entry into the network in February and Liechtenstein’s ascension in May. This makes 2016 a year of unprecedented growth for ESN, pushing the network past the 40-country mark for the first time in history. With more than 500 local associations supporting international and exchange students across 40 countries, ESN now covers over 1,000 Higher Education Institutions in Europe. The network’s growth in 2016 is a positive sign for ESN, as we constantly seek to provide services to an ever-growing population of internationally minded students.

Belarus becomes the 3rd new country to have joined ESN in 2016 after Azerbaijan’s re-entry into the network in February and Liechtenstein’s ascension in May.



Partnership with Ryanair From September 2017, ESN will be able to offer Erasmus students a 15% discount on 8 single flights as well as free check-in luggage.

This year, ESN signed its most significant partnership yet - a deal with Ryanair designed to offer significant savings to Erasmus students. This was a highlight in our continued efforts to encourage young people to go abroad, and to make it easier for students to go on academic mobility. From September 2017, ESN will be able to offer Erasmus students a 15% discount on 8 single flights as well as free check-in luggage through the ESNcard. It is hoped that this partnership will allow us to reach out better to Erasmus students and inspire a generation of Europeans that are open-minded, well-travelled and internationally ready.


Annual Report 2016/2017

ESN Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Erasmus in Berlin

Nearly 1000 students from 40 countries, dressed in the colours of their national flags, participated in the march.


The Annual General Meeting of 2017 carried special meaning, due to the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme. To celebrate the occasion, a symbolic march was held, concluding in front of the Brandenburg Gate - a site of historical significance and a monument of European unity and peace. Nearly 1000 students from 40 countries, dressed in the colours of their national flags, participated in the march, proclaiming unity under the slogan “We Are One”. The event, with the participation of hundreds of representatives of the Erasmus generation, also featured a panel discussion with the theme ‘From Strangers to Friends: Three Decades of Erasmus Mobility’.


New Office In 2015, ESN experienced a surge in the number of grant projects awarded, notably through HousErasmus+ and MappED! This was accompanied by a period of change and rapid growth in the Secretariat - from 6 to 10 members in the space of one year - thereby necessitating the search for a new office. After much scouting for a new location, ESN’s new seat was finally found on Rue Joseph II 120 the former office of the European Youth Forum. The new office also represents ESN’s vision of a collaborative future - the European University Foundation, a close ally and partner in several projects, was able to set up its Brussels representation in the same building due to the move.

ESN’s new seat was finally found on Rue Joseph II 120 - the former office of the European Youth Forum.


Annual Report 2016/2017

ExchangeAbility - Flagship Project 2016/2017 Building on the success of the ExchangeAbility and MapAbility projects, MappED! was launched in 2015, with the aim of providing equal opportunities to students with disabilities for their participation in the Erasmus+ programme. Together with a consortium of 6 partners, ESN has created an interactive map that rates higher education institutions on the accessibility of their campuses, the user-friendliness of their websites for those with visual impairments, and the availability of services provided for students with disabilities. The website also features an info centre where students are able to read about the special funding opportunities available, find the contact information of all relevant bodies in the application process, and read the many inspirational ‘success stories’ of those who managed to complete their study period abroad despite their disability.

MappED! was launched in 2015, with the aim of providing equal opportunities to students with disabilities for their participation in the Erasmus+ programme.



ESNsurvey Reaches New Heights

The success of the survey reaffirmed ESN’s approach of evidence-based advocacy and policy-making.


With 25,000 responses, ESNsurvey 2016 achieved a remarkable record, by far the highest number of responses in its 11-year run. The research report, produced entirely by student volunteers, had as its theme ‘The International-Friendliness of Universities’. The success of the survey reaffirmed ESN’s approach of evidence-based advocacy and policy-making, and underlined our commitment to continuously support and develop student mobility. The 11th edition of the ESNsurvey focuses on the topics of student migration in Europe, services for international students at host universities, academic adaptation, social adaptation and the post-mobility experience.

Annual Report 2016/2017

Read the previous ESNsurvey research reports at



Year in Review

#ESNreview To cope with an ever-increasing amount of volunteers, sections and member countries as well as a rapidly changing higher education landscape, the Board initiated the biggest organisational overhaul of ESN since 2005. In 2016, a mandate was given by the network to investigate a structural review of the organisation. External evaluators were roped in to assist with a network-wide assessment of ESN’s organs, structures and organisational processes. With the research stage concluded, a task force has been set up and is now tasked with implementing the recommendations outlined in the review report. The process is expected to conclude by Summer 2018.


Annual Report 2016/2017

Digitalisation in Higher Education

HousErasmus+ Regional Conferences

With bureaucracy identified as a key issue in the Erasmus+ programme, ESN has in recent years embarked upon pioneering efforts to digitalise the mobility process, with the aim of making studying abroad easier for all students. Through our involvement in the European consortia Online Learning Agreement and Erasmus Without Paper, we have worked closely with key stakeholders ranging from universities to private companies to develop a framework for digital cross-university collaboration. Over 150 universities are now signed up to the Online Learning Agreement, and an Erasmus Without Paper Network is being set up to support universities interested in the initiative.

The HousErasmus+ project was launched in 2015 to identify the challenges and best practices in providing accommodation for international students and trainees. As part of the two-year research project, 4 regional conferences were held in MalmÜ, Madrid, Paris and Budapest. Through the regional conferences, we were able to bring together key stakeholders ranging from universities, municipalities, student service providers, private housing providers and students themselves. The lively events were an opportunity for all to discuss the issue of international student housing, potential ways of improvement, and conclusions from the project’s preliminary research results.

Regional Platform Study visit





In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ programme and with the current programme due to expire in 2020, the #ErasmusUpgrade project was launched as ESN’s contribution to the future of Erasmus+. With the support of ESN member countries, #ErasmusUpgrade aims to create a manifesto on student mobility through a multi-format structured dialogue process that features consultations with young people and university staff regarding their opinion of Erasmus+. A final conference, at which the Erasmus Manifesto will be presented, is scheduled for September 2017.

The EAIE, Europe’s most important international higher education conference, proved to be a landmark event for ESN in 2017. With a total of 7 representatives speaking across various mobility- and internationalisation-related topics, this was ESN’s strongest showing yet at the annual conference. Key issues discussed by ESN at EAIE 2016 included: the digitalisation of higher education, international student accommodation, the state of student mobility, academic mobility for students with disabilities, and the Erasmus+ programme. Through our presence, ESN was able to provide a much-needed students’ perspective on matters held dearly by students.


Annual Report 2016/2017

Code of Conduct


In line with ESN’s commitment to promoting an inclusive organisational culture and equality of opportunities for all, a Code of Conduct was seen as a necessary next step. The Code of Conduct sets out to ensure that every person feels safe, included and respected during their involvement with ESN. Through the code, ESN underlines a zero-tolerance policy towards any kind of discrimination or threatening behaviour, while reaffirming the importance of our core values: those of unity in diversity, openness, tolerance and respect. We demonstrate dedication to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity among our members and volunteers.

As a student-led volunteer organisation, ESN dedicates significant resources to the growth and development of our members. In 2016/2017, the internal training mechanism Eduk8 benefitted from financial support through the Council of Europe’s European Youth Foundation, thereby allowing a significantly higher number of ESN members to participate in non-formal education. Through an advanced training-fortrainers programme, ESN continues to grow its pool of trainers, empowering them with the tools and knowledge needed to educate and develop fellow members in the network. This past year has seen Eduk8 events being organised in Hungary, Georgia, Austria, Portugal, Belgium, Poland and Bosnia.



ESN in the Media


Annual Report 2016/2017

Erasmus Student Network and Ryanair announce partnership


“Students in the Erasmus programme will now receive discounted flights and travel offers through Ryanair. The European discount airline and the Erasmus Student Network announced their exclusive partnership on 23 May 2017.”

Erasmus Could Have Stopped Brexit


“In the Erasmus Impact Study, we found out that 88% of the UK Erasmus people feel very European and 84% have a positive attitude towards Europe compared to 62% of the non-mobile UK students. This is highly relevant because if people with a university degree are already tending towards a ‘remain’ vote, this confirms our assumption that Erasmus alumni most likely all voted for ‘remain’.”

Erasmus students bring ‘Responsible Party’ campaign to Brussels


“‘It’s efficient in terms of raising awareness on alcohol overconsumption and it’s highly appreciated within the network,’ he [Alexandre Ricard] told the event. The challenge now, he continued, is to scale it up and amplify it through digital media beyond ESN so that it can reach out to more young people.”

Erasmus students struggle to make local friends – ESNsurvey


“The survey of 12,365 homecoming Erasmus students carried out by the Erasmus Student Network, argues unfulfilled friendships could contribute to lower satisfaction rates among study abroad students. It also reveals that students often find the career and language benefits of studying in another European country don’t match students’ expectations.”

Studying abroad: awakening students’ wanderlust


“A study by the Erasmus Student Network found that just 17.2 per cent of students who went overseas were offered a chance by their university to keep up the language skills gained abroad and just over half (9 per cent of the total) took up this opportunity.”

ESN in the Media


Facebook 250,000



2016 2017


369,000 15,500 Total page likes

1st Facebook Page in the field of student mobility





Content performance in 2016/17




Average reach per post


Reactions in total in 2016/17



12,808 Total likes in 2016/17



1,499 1,348 Retweets



Avg. impressions/month

YouTube +103%

2,081 subscribers

Growth in 2016/17

11,090 Video views in 2016/17

323 new subscribers in 2016/17


Video views in total


Minutes viewed in total

Annual Report 2016/2017


639,000 123,000 Visitors in 2016/17

Visitors in 2016/17


Anniversary in April 2017

“The Voice of the Erasmus Generation�



Pageviews in 2016/17

Pageviews in 2016/17


Average time on page in 2016/17

Most popular news:

Instant articles launched in 2016/17

183,200 Visitors in 2016/17

1,124,500 Pageviews in 2016/17

ESN in the Media

+20% Growth in 2016/2017


Avg. session duration in 2016/17

384,200 Visitors in 2016/17

9,257,600 Pageviews in 2016/17

+26% Growth in 2016/2017


Avg. session duration in 2016/17


About Us


Annual Report 2016/2017

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest student association in Europe. It was born on 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 to support and develop student exchange. We are present in 1,000 Higher Education Institutions across 40 countries. The network is constantly developing and expanding. 12,500 active members, that in many sections are supported by so-called ‘buddies’, act as mentors for international

About Us

students. Thus, ESN involves over 29,000 young people offering its services to around 220,000 international students every year. ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing student exchange as well as providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad (“internationalisation at home”).



For the enrichment of society through international students. Mission ESN is the key volunteer student organisation in international higher education in Europe. We provide opportunities for cultural understanding and selfdevelopment under the principle of SHS - Students Helping Students.

Principles • ESN works in the interest of international students. • ESN works to improve the social and practical integration of international students. • ESN represents the needs and rights of international students on the local, national and international level. • ESN provides relevant information about mobility programmes.


• ESN motivates students to study abroad. • ESN works with the reintegration of homecoming students. • ESN contributes to the improvement of different mobility programmes. • ESN cares about its members. • ESN values volunteering and active citizenship.

Annual Report 2016/2017

Values Unity in diversity, diversity in unity Students helping students

We all have different backgrounds but share one common aim and goal.

We passionately commit ourselves to volunteering for the benefit of others.

Love for Europe as an area of peace and cultural exchange We live and benefit from the cultural richness of Europe to the utmost.

About Us

International dimension of life We are open-minded, mobile, like to discover and explore, to cooperate, to interact and to break Borders.

Fun in friendship and respect We encourage relations based on respect.

Openness with tolerance

Cooperation in integration

We understand and accept others and learn from them.

We share a holistic view towards internationality.


Structure Constitute

Elects AGM

Annual General Meeting CNR




International Board

Council of National Representatives National Board



International level



National Representative

Committees Project Teams Liason Officers

CNR 40 countries

National level

Local level














530 sections

ESN consists of 530 local ESN sections working daily with international students. During National Platforms, they have the chance to exchange best practices. The sections also elect their National Board, which is in charge of conducting national projects and representing ESN towards national institutions and stakeholders.


The Council of National Representatives is one of the main strategic bodies of ESN International. It is composed of one National Representative per country. Its aim is to cooperate with the International Board for the strategy and policy-making of ESN International.

The Annual General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the Erasmus Student Network. Both the local sections and the National Representatives elect the International Board for a term of one year.

Annual Report 2016/2017

Finances Income

€ 882,857

Membership fees Projects Grants/project funding Sponsorship Others

30,660 143,839 514,082 157,052 37,224


€ 882,857

Staff Headquarters Services for the network Events & meetings Projects Others

ESN benefits greatly from public grants supporting both project and administrative costs. These predominantly come from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the Belgian state. Unlike many NGOs comparable to ESN a majority of incomes do not come from public grants supporting operating expenses, but rather

About Us

320,739 119,528 104,356 91,417 244,712 2,105

from commercial partnerships, projects and membership fees. This represents a strategic cornerstone of ESN: to be self-sustainable and independent. A notable increase is seen in sponsorship income, with the acquisition of strong new partners and a reaffirmation of existing partnerships. Besides the costs of a growing

Secretariat, other major cost components are services for the network and costs related to events/meetings. The latter includes external representation and support to the vast amount of internal conferences organised within the network. Lastly, headquarter costs are needed for ESN’s strong presence in Brussels with both an office and a house.




Annual Report 2016/2017

About Us


History Timeline 1989



The first Erasmus evaluation meeting took place in Gent, Belgium, involving pioneering Erasmus alumni. Informal discussions took place between the students present, which led to the founding of the ESN.

With ESN expanding rapidly, sections saw the potential of cross-border collaboration. The first of such meetings was the Nordic Network Meeting, which took place in Aarhus, Denmark.

With a bigger network, better and stronger structures were needed. 2003 saw the establishment of a new International Board elected by the network, and the first Council of National Representatives meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Erasmus Evaluation Meeting

First Regional Platform




Following the evaluation meeting, the first ESN section was founded in Utrecht, The Netherlands by Désirée Majoor. She later went on to become founding president of ESN International.

ESN continued growing in the late 1990s. In 2000, ESN crossed the 100-section milestone for the first time, boasting presence in 19 countries.

The success of national membership cards in Italy and Poland led to the creation of the ESNcard, with the vision of creating a discount card that could be used in all ESN’s member countries.

First ESN Section


Structural Changes in ESN

100 Sections

First ESNcard

Annual Report 2016/2017

2006 2005

Launch of ESNsurvey The desire and need for evidence-based advocacy led to the launch of ESNsurvey - a stateof-the-art research report on the experience of studying abroad. ESNsurvey is now an annual research publication.

Adoption of New Logo and Visual Identity With 200 sections in 31 countries, a common identity was seen as an important factor to unite the network. 2006 saw the introduction of a new logo, along with a complete Visual Identity, designed by Dutch company Koeweiden Postma.

Growth of the Secretariat ESN’s involvement in several major European projects led to a rapidly growing Secretariat numbering 10 members in 2015. A new office was found on Rue Joseph II, and the move was accomplished in October 2016.




The establishment of a permanent seat was brought about by the need for organisational stability. ESN’s first Brussels-based board members were hosted by the Italian Conference of Rectors.

With a full board residing in Brussels, ESN recruited a European Voluntary Service volunteer and employed its first Secretary. ESN now had both a house and an office in Brussels.

With the introduction of 3 new countries, 2016 was a year of unprecedented growth for ESN. Following the re-entry of Azerbaijan and the ascension of Liechtenstein, Belarus became ESN’s 40th member country.

Establishment of Seat in Brussels

About Us


Establishment of Secretariat

40th Member Country




Annual Report 2016/2017

Introduction Training

Online Services

As a student organisation, we dedicate significant resources to self-development and making our volunteers employable. Eduk8 is our key internal training mechanism, focusing on non-formal education and nurturing the soft skills necessary to succeed within ESN and in today’s job market.

ESN is dedicated to ensuring that Europe’s internationally minded youth have all they need to maximise their student life - from start to finish. ESNcard is our cross-border membership card offering student-targeted discounts, while helps students find internships abroad.

Social Activities


Our twin projects SocialErasmus and ExchangeAbility bring young people together to promote a social attitude and an inclusive and accessible society, through events and activities aimed at awarenessraising and bringing international students closer to their local communities.

Our network of over 500 associations provides us a strong base from which effective multi-layer advocacy campaigns are built. Mov’in Europe is an ongoing digital campaign based on motivational and inspirational content, supported by awareness-raising events all around Europe.

Research To support and help develop student mobility, ESN regularly conducts researches. Notable recent studies include the flagship ESNsurvey - exploring current issues surrounding academic mobility, and HousErasmus+ - on how to improve accommodation for international students.

ESN Projects



HousErasmus+ Research results

Key figures

7,989 responses from students and trainees for the HousErasmus+ Survey.

Aims: • Raise awareness on current issues in international student housing in Europe. • Study best practices and propose recommendations for improvement.

Four Regional HouseErasmus+ Conferences in 2016/2017.

ESN is the leader in the pioneering project HousErasmus+, which aims to identify the challenges and best practices around accommodation for international students and trainees. Based on a comprehensive mixed-methods research, we will make concrete recommendations and advocate for an improved housing situation for all mobile students and trainees in Europe.

74% of international students stay abroad for less than 6 months

70% of international students find their accommodation before going abroad

30% of universities have at least one staff member working on housing for international students

64% of respondents think the information provided by their host university is useful

87% of universities say that internationalisation is a priority for them

53% of universities think that accommodation is an obstacle to internationalisation


Annual Report 2016/2017

Social Activities

Social Activities



Key figures

Key facts

550 ExchangeAbilty events and activities have been organised since November 2016.

Aims: • Increase the participation of students with disabilities in mobility programmes. • Make ESN an accessible organisation.

The MappED! online platform and mobile application were launched in March 2017.

In August 2014, ESN launched the online map MapAbility: a map highlighting the accessibility level of European Higher Education Institutions and services provided for students with disabilities. ESN advocates for a more inclusive education system. Our local sections are also encouraged to support local students with disabilities giving them the opportunity to experience the international and intercultural atmosphere in their city (internationalisation at home).

ESN Projects

Aims: • Provide support to students with disabilities through a web portal. • Improve the availability of information on accessibility. The goal of the MappED! project is to provide equal opportunities to students with disabilities for their participation in the Erasmus+ Programme, providing them with the necessary tools to be better informed about their rights, procedures and support services they are entitled to. MappED! is a follow-up to the MapAbility project and will provide students with information on the accessibility of not only university facilities, but also of surrounding areas and services, through a web portal and mobile application.


Online Services

Online Services

Online Learning Agreement Key facts

In 2017 we have launched Online Learning Agreement platform

Key figures

Aims: • Transfer paper-based workflow into an online system. • Increase efficency and enhance management of the learning agreement process.

ErasmusIntern has a community of 53,000 active users and 7,900 open internship offers.

150+ universities have tested the tool The Online Learning Agreement is an initiative led by the Erasmus Student Network and the European University Foundation, with the aim of digitalising the Erasmus+ mobility process. Through a digital version of the traditional Erasmus+ Learning Agreement, OLA aims to simplify internationalisation by reducing administrative workloads and thereby making student mobility easier. OLA features an intuitive, user-friendly platform that allows for verification through digital signatures. With the help of International Relations Officers and university staff, a specialised administrative interface is being developed to ease bulk processing of learning agreements.


Aims: • Increase awareness of the existence of international internship opportunities for youth. • Enhance students’ international opportunities on the European job market. is an online platform providing an integrated marketplace that aims at bringing together traineeship providers and students seeking a training opportunity abroad. It gives students the opportunity to create their profiles and add their key competences, their language knowledge and their skills and interests. Students can search for traineeships by keywords and refine their search till they find an offer that matches their demands. Companies and organisations can publish their traineeship offers and search for trainees.

Annual Report 2016/2017

Online Services




Key figures

Key figures

140,000 ESNcard holders benefit from over 1,500 discounts around Europe.

Aim: • Provide access to all services and discounts offered by ESN and our partners to international students. The ESNcard is the membership card of the Erasmus Student Network. Used also as a student discount card, it is sold by the ESN sections in almost all the countries where ESN is present. The project consists of the online platform and the ESNcard itself. The amount of ESNcard discounts is constantly rising both online and in local stores all over Europe. Discounts are available in such diverse categories as travel, electronics and food & drink.

ESN Projects

25,000 responses were collected for ESNsurvey 2016.

Aims: • Explore current issues connected to academic and non-academic mobility and education. • Get a better insight into student issues in order to represent their real needs. The ESNsurvey is the biggest regular European research project planned and carried out entirely by students, for students. It is conducted annually and surveys students at higher education institutions. ESN shares the results with the main stakeholders in higher education and mobility programmes. ESNsurvey 2017 aims to map the challenges and enablers of mobility for students with disabilities across Europe. We believe that the results of the survey will help various stakeholders, policy makers and practitioners improve the accessibility and inclusivity of higher education and the structures of international exchange programmes.



Social Activities

Responsible Party


Key figures

Key figures

30,437 responses were collected to the Responsible Party questionnaire about alcohol consuption patterns amongst international students.

Aims: • Raise awareness among students on the negative health effects of excessive alcohol consumption. • Contribute to the reduction of binge drinking and promote responsible drinking among students. Responsible Party is a collaboration between Pernod Ricard and ESN. The project is run across Europe with more than 214,000 students participating to date. Using a peerto-peer approach, student ambassadors organise informative and awareness-raising activities during student parties in a fun and engaging way.


1,957 SocialErasmus events and activities took place in 31 countries in 2016/2017.

Aims: • Involve exchange students in volunteering activities in their host country. • Promote a social attitude among international students and facilitate their social integration into the local community. SocialErasmus promotes a social attitude among young citizens participating in mobility programmes, in order to facilitate their integration into the local community while giving them the chance to make a lasting change in society through volunteering activities. The project is widely implemented all across Europe in the local ESN sections, reaching to 656 activities in 29 countries just during the SocialErasmus Week.

Annual Report 2016/2017



Mov’in Europe


Key facts

Key facts

120 mobility-related events have been organised across Europe in 2016/2017.

Aims: • Promote mobility as a lifestyle. • Provide better information on mobility opportunities for young people, students and young graduates.

144 ESN members are certified in non-formal education training methodologies.

In 2017, the new Mov’in Europe ambassadors programme was launched.

Mov’in Europe was the flagship project of ESN for 2014/2015. It is an initiative promoting mobility through the engagement of ambassadors in various local, national and international activities. As a campaign on the promotion of mobility, Mov’in Europe aims at different but interlinked objectives: raise mobility issues on the political agenda and provide better information about mobility opportunities for young people, students and young graduates. The implementation of the project occurs at all levels of ESN through the development of innovative and lively digital campaigns and initiatives all over the network, such as mobility days, fairs, conferences and the promotion of mobility experiences.

The European Youth Foundation has supported Eduk8 throughout the year 2016/2017.

ESN Projects

Endless Possibili es

Aims: • Professionalise the network and provide self-development opportunities. • Create a Pool of Trainers empowered with the tools and knowledge needed to educate and develop fellow members in the network. Eduk8 is ESN’s key project within the framework of non-formal learning. Two basal types of international trainings are offered - an international training event with thematic tracks such as Intercultural Learning and Project Management, and a ‘training for trainers’ where participants learn how to facilitate knowledge exchange. In 2015 a third event type was introduced: the ESN Leadership Academy, providing even more opportunities for learning and sharing expertise.


External Relations

As Europe’s biggest network of student organisations, it is important to be in contact with other organisations that share similar interests and offer opportunities for networking and best-practice sharing. ESN has been involved with a range of (umbrella) organisations and fostered collaboration through the Liaison Office and the International Committee for Education.


The main stakeholder for ESN is the Erasmus+ Unit of the European Commission. ESN has been supporting the implementation of the new Erasmus+ programme and helped in disseminating information about its new features.

Annual Report 2016/2017

ESN as a Member

European Youth Forum

European Movement International

The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is a platform of 100 youth organisations in Europe, representing both National Youth Councils and International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations. Strong efforts in advocacy in the field of youth makes YFJ the perfect partner. The cooperation also offers opportunities for ESN’s members to get involved in youth issues beyond student mobility. ESN is part of several expert groups, namely the expert groups on Youth Policy, Erasmus+ Funding and Membership Diversity and Inclusion. Our strong commitment continues through our active participation in the Structured Dialogue for Youth.

The European Movement International (EMI) consists of 39 National Councils and 39 associated Member Organisations that aims to contribute to the establishment of a united Europe founded on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, and respect for basic human rights. For ESN, it is a great platform for networking and providing opportunities for ESN members to get actively involved in a platform supporting the European project.

Lifelong Learning Platform

Erasmus+ Student WYSE Travel and Alumni Association Confederation

The Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) brings together 36 European networks covering all sectors of education and training, including networks for higher education and training, vocational education, adult education and many more. The Lifelong Learning Platform provides a wide range of information on the work of the EU and in addition, plays an important role in the advocacy for better education systems for all. ESN is active through the platforms Erasmus+ Coalition.

ESAA brings together four organisations working in the field of mobility and professional development with Erasmus+ (Erasmus Mundus Association, garagErasmus, OCEANS Network and Erasmus Student Network). The umbrella creates opportunities for member organisations to increase their impact in Erasmus+ related activities, and provides students and alumni a space to network and develop themselves personally.

External Relations

The World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation is a global not-for-profit membership-based organisation dedicated to promoting and developing opportunities for young travellers and the youth, student and educational travel industry that serves them. ESN is a member of WYSETC to ensure that there is youth perspective in the industry and to increase the advantages that allow young people to travel and experience new cultures and opportunities.


Partner Organisations

European Students’ Forum


European University Foundation (EUF)

The Class of 2020

The European University Foundation aims at strengthening and accelerating the development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Through innovative and concrete examples, new kinds of mobility schemes are developed in support of this aim. ESN has collaborated with EUF on several aspects to improve mobility and international experience: through the development of the Online Learning Agreement, the Erasmus+ App and through participation in each others’ key events.

The Class of 2020 is a leading student housing network working on the advancement and development of the student housing sector in Europe. Through the creation of best-practice sharing platforms and research studies, the Class of 2020 has managed to gather leading actors in the field of student housing. ESN has collaborated with The Class of 2020 through joint actions in researching and bringing forth the international student aspect in the housing sector.

Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)

European Network for Independent Living (ENIL)

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) promotes understanding, strengthens relationships and facilitates cooperation among the people, institutions and organisations of Asia and Europe. ASEF enhances dialogue, enables exchanges and encourages collaboration across several the thematic areas. ESN has collaborated with ASEF in the aspects of education and culture through promoting opportunities for dialogue between young people and institutions.

The European Network for Independent Living (ENIL) is a Europe-wide network of disabled people with members throughout Europe. ENIL is a forum for all disabled people, Independent Living organisations and their non-disabled allies on the issues of independent living. ESN has collaborated with ENIL in promoting aspects of Independent Living and opportunities of accessible student mobility through a joint training.

Annual Report 2016/2017

ESN and Public Funding

If you are interested in a partnership with ESN for any grant or tender application, please contact our Director at The Erasmus Student Network has participated in projects funded by the European Union since 2005, mainly in the LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) and more recently in the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. The European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe has also supported different ESN initiatives. ESN benefits from an annual operating grant from the European Commission but is also involved in different project-based grants and tenders. ESN has conducted several EU-funded research studies and social projects addressing the quality issues of learning mobility and is well-connected with other organisations within the field of education and youth.

External Relations

Erasmus Without Paper

Blended Erasmus+ Staff Training (BEST+)

Through a consortium of 11 partners, the Erasmus Without Paper project aims to create a network supporting the electronic transfer of exchange student data and documents by interlinking Higher Education Institutions and their student information systems. The project specifically aims to make Erasmus exchanges less labour-intensive and much more efficient, thus benefiting both students and staff.

For university staff, opportunies to take part in international trainings or conferences exist, but these are often time-consuming and expensive. BEST+ aims to create online trainings which university staff can attend and get certificates for. ESN contributed by developing learning material on the topic of “Integration of International Students – Local Communities, Social Aspects, Welcoming Activities and Buddy Systems”.


Study Session

The quality of internships in Europe today varies greatly. CAPQI has as an aim the launch of a website where interns can rate employers on quality aspects of their internships. The project is called the Collective Awareness Platform for Quality Internships (CAPQI) and has the ultimate goal of encouraging more Erasmus+ internships of high quality.

The Study Session “Promoting leadership in Intercultural Understanding within mixed-ability groups” was organised in collaboration with the youth wing of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) to provide a six-day training on the topic of mixed-ability groups in higher education. The training took place in the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg.

Other projects • European Digital Portfolio for University Students (EDIPUS) • Supporting Higher Education to Integrate Learning Analytics (SHEILA)

• • • •

Get Engaged! DEEP-linking Youth #EuropeHome Empl-oi


ESN’s Official Sponsors

In ESN, we believe that all stakeholders should have a say in international education and advocate for a better understanding of the needs inherent in this domain, as well as do their part to increase and improve youth development. This is why, throughout the year, we partner up with companies wishing to help ESN in its mission. They offer a great added value to our work by offering better opportunities to international students, indirectly investing in those who, in the end, are or will be their customers, workers and other stakeholders, helping to boost their competitiveness and achieve their goals.




“Ryanair has been a driving force “Thanks to its diffusion, wide of European integration over the audience and involvement past 30 years. We are pleased amongst the student community, to partner with the Erasmus ESN is the perfect ally for Student Network, offering Spotahome. Together we will students exclusive offers to suit contribute to international their budget and allowing them mobility and strive to help to save while they travel.” thousands of students find accommodation!”

Annual Report 2016/2017

Marketing Supporters, Media and Strategic Partners

ESN is also supported in different ways by other corporations and organisations. These work with ESN either in a commercial or non-commercial capacity, depending on the domain they work in and the objectives of the cooperation. The support they provide is, in the end, materialised through opportunities such as programmes for non-profits, marketing campaigns, media visibility or project-based cooperation, for ESN International and for our individual members. This altruistic support has a big impact on different levels and is highly appreciated in our organisation.

External Relations



One of the main projects within our cooperation with corporate partners is the ESNcard. Answering to one of the biggest challenges of international student mobility, we partner up with companies that are willing to provide better advantages and more affordable products and services to our members so that the financial obstacles of the latter are more easily overcome. At the same time, these companies gain unique access to the short-lived market niche of mobile students.


Premium Partners


Annual Report 2016/2017

Marketing Cooperation

Ryanair Partnership Launch One of this year’s achievements in terms of cooperation was the signing of a new commercial partnership with the biggest airline in Europe: Ryanair. Thanks to this partnership, ESNcard

holders will have access to exclusive benefits with the airline with the aim of increasing and improving mobility for higher education students, trainees and ESN volunteers. This coop-

eration has already been considered a success because of the positive response from different stakeholders as well as the unprecedented reach of our partnership launch campaign.

Social Media Performance

1,910,800 Facebook posts reach


Facebook live stream views


#RyanairErasmus hashtag reach


Reactions in total on the campaign


Comments in total on the campaign


Shares in total of the campaign

External Relations


Marketing Cooperation

#MobilityIsMyLifestyle Contest Mov’in Europe is an international project of ESN started in 2014, running a multiformat campaign promoting various mobility opportunities to young people, students, and young graduates (volunteering, travelling, learning, studying, internships, working). With the promotion of international mobility and cooperation as two of our main organisational aims, it was only fitting that we offered one person the opportunity to travel and share their experience so as to inspire others to follow the same road.

We have teamed up with StudentUniverse, Hostelling International and Thalys for the #MobilityIsALifestyle Competition to create an unforgett able experience which would lead the winner to become an influencer in the field of mobility. There is no doubt the campaign was an outstanding success.

“It is really hard to put into words what a big impact this had on me.” - Ana-Marija Ramić

The Contest Network Engagement



Facebook Growth

20.62% Twitter Growth


Instagram Growth


New Content

Peer-to-peer Relationship

Social Media Growth


Change One Life Forever

Increased Visibility


In order to win a two-week journey through 5 European cities, our contestants needed to submit a 1-minute Twitter video answering the question: “What does mobility mean to me?”. The winner was granted a trip with travel and accommodation costs covered. During the trip to Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt, Prague and Budapest, our mobility ambassador had the chance to meet ESN members to learn more about their culture. The whole experience was documented in pictures daily and shared with Mov’in Europe followers.

Annual Report 2016/2017

Social Media Campaign

Social Media Performance

155,000 Total reach

External Relations


Total reactions

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Total clicks on posts




Annual Report 2016/2017

International Board 2016/2017


Safi Sabuni


Matthew Clemo

Communication Manager

Gaffar Rampage



Jovana Stanković

Web Project Administrator

Thomas Pappas


ESN Secretariat

Rasmus Aberg Director

Henriette Umutesi Administrator

Silvia Caneschi Administrator 2015-2016

Hugo A. Urción Partnership Manager

Fakhra Karamat Financial Assistant

Jérémy Apert HousErasmus+ Project Coordintor

Gorka Guerrero ErasmusIntern Web Developer

Carolina Vaz-Pires Graphic Designer


Annual Report 2016/2017

Adam Farnik MappED! Web Project Coordinator 2016

Pedro Teles MappED! Web Developer 2017

Katarzyna Pasierbiewicz Communication and Media Intern

Elodie Dincuff Communication and Media Intern 2016

Fernando Mínguez Digital Marketing Intern

Kacper Olczyk Communication Manager

Jeroen van Lent Web Project Administrator

International Board 2017/2018

João Pinto President


Tijana Stojanović Vice-President

Tim Bastiaens Treasurer


International Board Supporters CNR Administrator Selin Gür (Turkey) CNR Secretary Gergana Kocheva (Bulgaria) National Boards Coordinator André Lopes (Portugal) Regional Platform Coordinator Alessandro Tedesco (Sweden) Giulia Gaino (Italy)

ESN Alumni Board 2016 Fabian Bircher (Switzerland) Christophe Andrey (Switzerland) Nick Andries (Belgium) Iñigo Cruz (Spain) Mikael Skrabb (Finland) 2017 Mikael Skrabb (Finland) Christophe Andrey (Switzerland) Silvia Esteve (Spain) Iñigo Cruz (Spain) Marco Capriotti (Italy)


Liason Officers

International Committees Chairing Teams

Carmen Mazijn (Belgium) Jesús Escrivà Muñoz (Spain) João Costa (Portugal) João Pinto (Portugal) Matleena Heikkinen (Finland) Max de Boer (Switzerland) Valentin Dupouey (France) Wim Gabriels (Belgium) Dominique Montagnese (France)

International Committee for Education Bojana Zimonjić (Serbia) Aleksandra Brzeżańska (Poland) Mickaël Golinski (France)

Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association (ESAA) Wim Gabriels (Belgium) Adam Farnik (Czech Republic) Alexandra Bigotte de Almeida (Portugal) Berina Šabanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emanuel Alfranseder (Sweden) Joachim Wyssling (France) Katarina Vaščić (Serbia) Kyriakos Kalantaridis (Greece) Laura De Bock (Belgium) Lloyd Huitson (United Kingdom) Maria Samara (Greece) Marija Papić (Serbia) Matleena Heikkinen (Finland) Oscar Boije (Sweden) Valentin Dupouey (France)

Finance Committee Evelina Petrova (Denmark) Pietro Marra (Italy) Consuela-Elena Popescu (Romania) Tim Bastiaens (Belgium)

Network Committee Martin Zeman (Czech Republic) Daniel Toscano (Spain) Magdalena Włodarska (Poland)

Communication Committee Kacper Olczyk (Poland) Kaloyan Dimitrov (Bulgaria) Annika Selander (Finland) IT Committee Petr Zoufalý (Czech Republic) Erik Berdonces Bonelo (Finland) Roga Alexandru-Valentin (Romania) Jeroen van Lent (Sweden)

Annual Report 2016/2017

International Project Teams ESNsurvey Mikuláš Josek (Czech Republic) Agnes Fazekas (Hungary) Adriana Pérez Encinas (Spain) Andrea Bittnerová (Czech Republic) Bojana Zimonjić (Serbia) Giovanni Telesca (Italy) Inês Moreira (Portugal) Jaume Alonso (Spain) Laura De Vocht (Belgium) Marie-Céline Falisse (Belgium) Eduk8 Inês Moreira (Portugal) Marjut Jalkanen (Finland) Julia Rausch (Austria) Sini Juutilainen (Sweden) ExchangeAbility Sofia Baêta (Portugal) Manuela Locci (Italy) Nives Tomaš (Serbia) Pablo Guillerna Franco (Finland) Responsible Party Danny Janssen (The Netherlands) Katarzyna Gerlée (Poland) Luis Miguel Real Kotbani (Spain)


ESNcard Maria Samara (Greece) Dessislava Kovacheva (Bulgaria) Apolinary Szuter (Poland) Joao Carlon (Italy) SocialErasmus Gizem Pelin Altun (Turkey) Louis Garnier (France) Michael Dalton (Finland) Mov’in Europe Jan Hrubý (Czech Republic) Audrė Chudinskaitė (Lithuania) Réka Jakab (Hungary) HousErasmus+ Team Abraham Lara (Spain) Petra Kakić (Croatia) Network Care Team André Lopes (Portugal) Tijana Stojanović (Serbia) Thomas Joly (France) Piero Gentilini (Denmark) Valentina Presa (Italy) Darena Milkova (Bulgaria) Petra Milohanović (Croatia) Jan Lukačevič (Czech Republic)

Statutes and Standing Orders Team Damian Bulira (Poland) Thomas Lanvin (Switzerland) Gergana Kocheva (Bulgaria) Giovanni Giacobbi (Italy) Antonio Del Sole (Italy) AGM Advisory Team Adrianna Skolimowska (Poland) Anka Jež (Slovenia) Emanuele Carmi (Italy) Loris Mulassano (Italy) Magdalena Baran (Poland) Oğuz Kağan (Turkey) ESNbuddy Karolina Burnagiel (Poland) Zuzanna Jarzębska (Poland) Adrianna Bocheńska (Poland) Anka Jež (Slovenia) #ErasmusUpgrade Erika Jankevičiūtė (Lithuania) Evelina Kurtinaitytė (Lithuania) Mariano delli Santi (Italy) João Pinto (Portugal)


Council of National Representatives ESN Austria Abier Ghazal ESN Azerbaijan Elmar Guliyev Tural Majidli ESN Belarus Aliaksandr Lapatneu

ESN Italy Simone Acquaviva Nour El Kholy

ESN Romania Diana Vranău Dorottya Bréda

ESN Finland Pablo Guillerna Franco Toni Tamminen

ESN Latvia Juris Rullis

ESN Russia Nadezhda Krasavina Evgenii Puchkov

ESN France Corentin Hurte

ESN Belgium Mattia Balloni Laura De Vocht

ESN Georgia Nika Koghua

ESN Bosnia and Herzegovina Sabahudin Mujkić Amra Mujagić

ESN Germany Joseph Elhajj Bünyamin Evren

ESN Bulgaria Gergana Kocheva Atanas Peev Atanas Toshev

ESN Greece Athanasios Anastasopoulos Kyriakos Kalantaridis

ESN Croatia Hrvoje Grganović ESN Cyprus Kyriaki Rousou ESN Czech Republic Andrea Bittnerová Margarita Kuvaldina ESN Denmark Bianka Bárkányi


ESN Estonia Matis Palm Regina Rähn

ESN Hungary Bettina Viczai Petra Kiss ESN Iceland Karólína Vigdís Ásgeirsdóttir Ingvar Gíslason ESN Ireland Sarah-Jane Smith, Gbemisola Adekunle Shannon McBride

ESN Liechtenstein Verena Reichle ESN Lithuania Erika Jankevičiūtė Inesa Cvetkova ESN Luxembourg Megan Buchanen ESN Macedonia Daniela Karadza ESN Malta Astrid Marie Sant ESN the Netherlands Jasmin Mathea ESN Norway Magnus G. Haugdal ESN Poland Igor Pater Aleksandra Seweryn ESN Portugal João Pinto Inês Sá

ESN Serbia Tijana Stojanović Marija Papić ESN Slovakia Marianna Rudinská ESN Slovenia Anka Jež Urška Grubač Kaučič ESN Spain Mireia Guix ESN Sweden Jeroen van Lent Ariana Carvalho ESN Switzerland Laura Giaquinto ESN Turkey Doruk Tekmen Gizem Pelin Altun ESN United Kingdom Meriel Smith Rituja Rao Annual Report 2016/2017

This information can be freely used and copied for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged (Š Erasmus Student Network)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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