ESN Annual Report 2020/2021

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Copyright © 2021 by the Erasmus Student Network AISBL. All rights reserved. Erasmus Student Network: Annual Report 2020/2021 Coordinator: Sabina Achim (Communication Manager ESN AISBL 2019-2021)

Nikolina Đurić (Communication Manager ESN AISBL 2021-2022)

Published by: Erasmus Student Network AISBL Design: Ecem Nas Özer Editing: Sabina Achim, Nikolina Đurić Contributors: Sabina Achim, Nadja Jovičin, Nikolina Đurić, Kostis Giannidis, Rasmus Benke-Åberg, João Vasco Oliveira, Adam Shardob Cover photography: Erasmus Student Network


Annual Report 2020/2021

“Erasmus+ is Europe’s most emblematic programme, the jewel in our crown; but it is also much more than that. By being who you are and doing what you do, together, and for the next generation, you bring to life the essence of our European way of life, unity in diversity, solidarity, and support for Europe as an area of peace, freedom, and prosperity.” Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the European Commission


Table of Contents Foreword

ESN in the Media


27 28

Foreword by Kostis Giannidis, President

Press Clippings Overview of Media Activity


About Us

9 10 12 14 16 18 20

31 32 34 35 36

22 24


Contributing to the new Erasmus+ programme International mobilities facing COVID-19 ESN & the new Erasmus+ programme ESN & International Education Inclusive & accessible student mobility Digitalisation of Higher Education Employability & recognition of skills developed during mobility Active citizenship & internationalisation at home Year in Review

Mission & Principles Vision, Strategic Priorities, Values ESN Structure Finance ESN in Numbers

Annual Report 2020/2021

Activities & Services

External Relations

39 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46

49 50 51 52 54

Introduction Erasmus in Schools SocialErasmus Social Inclusion Health & Well-being Culture Education & Youth Skills & Employability Environmental Sustainability Services

People 57 58 59 60 62

Table of Contents

ESN as a Member Institutional partners ESN and Public Funding Comercial partners Social media contests

International Board 2019/2021 ESN Secretariat International Board 2021/2022 International Board Supporters National Organisations




Annual Report 2020/2021

Dear friends of the Erasmus Generation, Another year has come to an end and despite the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic brought, the Erasmus Student Network remained optimistic about the future. Thousands of our volunteers across 42 countries continued to provide support to all those brave international students who did not let the uncertainty of the current situation take away the life-changing experience of studying abroad. ESN was there, closely monitoring the situation, providing support on the ground and advocating for the rights and interests of students on local, national, and European level. We experienced remarkable moments this year. After years of negotiations, the opportunity to celebrate the launch of the new Erasmus+ programme 20212027 arrived; a revamped programme which will offer countless opportunities for young people in Europe and beyond. Undeniably, ESN played an important role in shaping the programme, ensuring a more digital, inclusive, sustainable, and international Erasmus+ for the future generation of students.

Kostis Giannidis President of the Erasmus Student Network

The brave international students did not let the uncertainty of the current situation take away the life-changing experience of studying abroad.


At the same time, we decided to evolve as an organisation and expand our outreach. From now on, ESN will not have geographical limitations in terms of membership and we are ready to work with higher education institutions beyond the continent to establish local ESN associations, starting from the Southern Mediteranean region. Moreover, we upscaled our efforts in advocating for student mobility by cooperating with global stakeholders. We teamed up with UNESCO to reimagine together the future of education and we were entrusted by the United Nations to become observer members at its Economic and Social Committee. Last but not least, we had the honour to become the first student organisation being an affiliate member of the International Association of Universities and start working closer with higher education institutions around the world. The upcoming year brings new opportunities for ESN to improve society through international students, starting with the first student mobilities under the new Erasmus+ programme which will take place from September. As we salute the thousands of students getting ready to embark on a new journey, we wish you a pleasant read of the Annual Report for the academic year 2020/21 where you can find more information about the actions and initiatives ESN took to empower the Erasmus Generation, making sure we are united in diversity while we were apart.




Annual Report 2020/2021

Contributing to the new Erasmus+ programme After many years of consultations and continuous negotiations, the new Erasmus+ programme has finally been adopted. For the Erasmus Student Network, it all started with advocating loudly for a stronger programme by joining the ErasmusX10 campaign. We then launched into exhaustive consultations and released the #ErasmusUpgrade Manifesto with key recommendations for an improved successor of the Erasmus+ Programme. We were there through each milestone reached, playing an important role in shaping the new programme, participating in European Commission’s expert groups and amplifying the voice of the Erasmus Generation at the local, national, and international level. Our current involvement in key projects such as the Erasmus+ App, Green Erasmus, or Social Inclusion and Engagement illustrates the commitment we take working towards making the new Erasmus+ more green, inclusive, and digital.



International mobilities facing COVID-19

ESNsurvey 2021

Joint paper with IAU

The last edition of ESN’s Europe-wide research is focused on the core elements of student mobility: the students’ experience, the support they receive, and the impact that mobility has on their lives once they return home. Special attention was given to the effect of COVID-19 on the mobility experience, as the most relevant external factor affecting student mobility at the moment. The results will be used to advocate for the improvement of exchange programmes and education in Europe, ensuring the voice of students is heard among policymakers.

We joined forces with the International Association of Universities (IAU) to provide a reflection on the impact of COVID-19 on student exchanges, exploring several aspects of higher education, including student exchange, communication between HEIs and students, the shift to online learning, and student support. The paper is based on the outcomes of the first IAU Global Survey Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education and ESN’s Research Report on the impact of COVID-19 on student exchanges in Europe.


Annual Report 2020/2021

The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the entire world, disrupting likewise education and international student mobility. With support from the network and partners, ESN set up initiatives focused on understanding and improving the situation for those affected.

Reimagining Erasmus+ post pandemic

ESC General Online Training

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the most radical disruption in the history of student mobility, leaving countless international students stranded. But even before the pandemic, the Erasmus+ programme was not considered accessible and inclusive by many. Attempting to battle this, ESN and the #Erasmus500 colleagues hosted webinars where Members of the European Parliament could express their opinions on the MFF negotiations and Erasmus+, as well as look at the inclusiveness of the past and new programmes.

The online training is available to anyone registered in the European Youth Portal and brings the topics of the European values, possibilities the programme offers, finding a place in a new environment, using the knowledge and skills in the future. It was developed with the support of the Advisory Board and the Youth Panel, which gathered (former) volunteers and youth workers. One of such former volunteers was ESN’s own Zrinka Trusić, Event and Project Officer, whose story about volunteering in the ESN Headquarters found a place in the content of the training.



ESN & the new Erasmus+ programme

Mobility and UK after Brexit

#ErasmusUpgrade 2020

After the heartbreaking decision of the UK to not continue the cooperation with EU in the field of education under the Erasmus+ programme, ESN is still optimistic about collaboration with UK officials to make sure that student mobility and internationalisation will continue through the Turing scheme. Additionally, ESN was happy to see the Welsh government taking action with the launch of an International Learning Exchange Programme for Wales. We are looking forward to collaborating with the actors involved in the development of the programmes and supporting UK incoming and outgoing students.

ESN’s main event in the field of education took place online for the first time, gathering 60 student representatives from 42 countries, 7 expert speakers, multiple discussions on the future of the Erasmus+ programme, integrating also various strategic topics and several capacity building sessions. The participants had the opportunity to engage in sessions on education, advocacy, and strategic planning. The event was opened by Ms. Themis Christophidou, Director-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, with an inspiring speech on the vision for the future of the Erasmus+ programme.


Annual Report 2020/2021

Launch of Green Erasmus

ESN goes international

Sustainable travel is a priority for the Erasmus Generation, but to be able to understand how to advance the support provision for 9 million young people benefiting from the Erasmus+ programme, we need to learn more about the habits of young people with regard to environmental behaviours during their exchanges. In order to do so, ESN launched the Green Erasmus project with a research serving as the basis for a handbook on sustainable internationalisation, an educational portal, campaign, and a petition to support a change in behaviour of mobility participants.

Following our vision, ESN took steps towards becoming a global organisation improving the quality of student mobility, fostering the internationalisation of communities outside of Europe, and providing self-development opportunities to even more students, youth and volunteers. Our organisation is open to the possibility to establish membership beyond the EHEA borders and become a truly global-thinking organisation. For the time being, following the Erasmus+ programme, the main priority for ESN is to support the international students in the Southern Mediterranean region.



ESN & International Education Reaction to the Future of EEA

UNESCO & ESN saveguard the Futures of Education

In September 2020, the European Commission launched its vision for achieving a European Education Area (EEA) by 2025 with new priorities that offer young Europeans more opportunities in education, training, youth, and culture at the EU level. ESN stands by the idea of having a young adult population that, by 2025, will have understood and embraced the idea of international experience as a component of all learning paths, but we believe actions speak louder than words; we will continue our work to enrich society through international students by offering them real opportunities to obtain meaningful international experiences.

In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO is leading a global debate to reimagine the focus of learning and knowledge for the future, and how it can shape humanity. In order to spark the conversation and engage youth, ESN joined the team, with input from students about the possible futures of education. The network supported this initiative making sure the community of young people who value international solidarity has the chance to transform education and learning.


IAU membership ESN is the first student organisation to become an IAU Affiliate. By taking this step, our organisation recognises and endorses the commitment of IAU to uphold and advance the core academic values that the association considers to be the defining features of universities and all other higher education institutions whose primary goal it is to pursue and disseminate knowledge. ESN benefits from IAU’s services, having the opportunity to participate in the association’s projects and attend a large variety of events all over the world.

Annual Report 2020/2021



MoU Coimbra Group

Following their mutually complementary and supportive mission statements and objectives, ESN’s cooperation with the EAIE was solidified in December 2020 through a Memorandum of Understanding. Building upon the fruitful collaborations of the past years, our organisations aim to establish a framework to promote and foster cooperation, through mutual promotion, events, exchange of expertise in favour of the student community involved in the activities and initiatives of ESN or EAIE.

For the International Year of Health and Care Workers, ESN and and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations come together, signing a Memorandum of Understanding. IFMSA and ESN believe in the importance of youth empowerment and capacity building. Both organisations focus on exchanges as a tool to ensure cultural diversity, global exposure, growth, and learning experiences for students, including personal development.

After years of successive collaboration, ESN and Coimbra Group signed an official Memorandum of Understanding in June, 2021. The international university association and ESN will focus on promoting each other, working together on events, and exchanging respective expertise. The cooperation offers our local associations and Coimbra Group’s member universities the incentive to organise together activities where international students can integrate into the community more deeply and provide opportunities in line with ESN’s SocialErasmus programme.



Inclusive & accessible student mobility The European platform about inclusion and support services offered to international students by higher education institutions, national agencies, and ministries for education is launched! allows users to check the national policies about disability regulations and support measures, together with the accessibility and support measures of Higher Education Institutions in Europe.

Perspectives on Inclusion and Belonging in Mobility The SIEM project analysed the answers of over 12.000 students and 750 staff members across Europe and beyond, assembling a comprehensive report. The key findings and recommendations confirmed once again that the biggest barrier for student mobility remains the financial one and that in order to achieve true inclusion in mobility every organisation in the chain has a role to play, from the European Commission to National Agencies and universities. Read the report on


Annual Report 2018/2019

Inclusive Communication Manual

Intercultural Dialogue Manifesto

Under the rainbow with ESN

As a part of the SIEM project, ESN created a practical guide on how to communicate inclusively with international youth, for young people and civil society organisations. The manual covers general principles of inclusive communication and specific examples of written, spoken, and visual communication, as well as guidelines for communicating internally and externally.

Within the framework of the ‘’Intercultural Dialogue for International Cooperation’’ project, funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, ESN has developed a manifesto that aims to increase the understanding of the importance of the topic among young people and youth organisations by presenting the value of intercultural dialogue and sharing policy recommendations and ideas to address issues in a multicultural society through advocacy and action.

From the study sessions tackling LGBT+ issues and gender, to the ‘’Under the Rainbow’’ booklet, we work to equip our members with relevant knowledge about LGBTQI+ issues and facilitate more queer friendly activities in the network. In 2021, we took things a step further, by organising a training for trainers on the topic of ‘’LGBTQI+ Community & Youth’’, followed by the first-ever mobility-focused LGBTQI+ survey for former and current exchange students.



Digitalisation of Higher Education Launch of the Erasmus+ App

The new Online Learning Agreement

Self-assessment tool Erasmus Skills

The Erasmus+ App is a onestop-shop for learners that will place the mobility experience abroad at the fingertips of young people. It simplifies the mobility process, making it more accessible while promoting innovation and digitalisation in the long run. The users are provided information and guidance throughout the mobility process, counting along the Online Learning Agreement, ESNcard discounts, or events organised by our local associations. Download it from Google Play and App Store!

The learning agreement is a key document for an Erasmus+ mobility to take place. Starting with the new Erasmus+ programme, the online learning agreements are becoming the norm.The enhanced OLA platform is now available at the fingertips of the Erasmus Generation, as an integral part of the digitalisation process of the Erasmus+ programme. The OLA can be used by students participating in an Erasmus+ mobility between the Higher Education Institutions that are holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).

The Erasmus Skills tool is a self-reflection questionnaire designed to explore the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students before and after starting their exchange experience. It can be filled both before and after the mobility and it helps to identify the competences one achieves during their stay abroad and have a clear vision of their personal development goals. By reflecting on their skills, students can create an attractive profile for future employers.


Annual Report 2020/2021

EAIE Community Exchange


Europe’s largest international higher education conference switched to online. As every year, ESN was the only student organisation present at the event. The programme engaged speakers from 30 countries around the world, having opportunities to network through different digital formats. The ESN representatives had the pleasure to showcase ESN’s projects and services supporting more digital, inclusive, and accessible exchange programmes.

The Erasmus Generation Perspective articles and podcast are developed by volunteers of ESN from around Europe, with the aim to share international experiences and the student voice on current policy developments in the field of international education. The bi-weekly content is connected to current developments and can be accessed at



Employability & recognition of skills developed during mobility

ESN wins Job Bridge Award

Skills gained through Erasmus+

The award was offered for the work done in the field of competence development, and the creation of the validation of volunteer work process for ESN. The Job Bridge project wants to create connections between informal, non-formal, and formal learning by integrating social, personal, and organisational competences in a system which can be linked to existing validation and certification instruments and will enable organisations to assess and illustrate the competence development of their volunteers, according to a tailor-made reference system.

The closing conference of the Erasmus Skills project brought a panel of experts in the field of higher education and mobility, to discuss how to assess the skills gained through international student mobility. The project outputs were introduced: the Guide for Practitioners and the selfassessment tool for students to fill in before and after mobility. The Erasmus Skills self-assessment questionnaires are also integrated into the Erasmus+ App, in the Mobility Journey section.


Annual Report 2020/2021

Through several projects and activities, ESN tries to find ways to help students understand the exact impact mobility had on their skills development, what skills they have acquired and how their exchange has impacted their career development.

Common skills gained through mobility

Erasmus Generation on the Labour Market

The ErasmusJobs project is devoted to define which skills are provided by an Erasmus+ mobility abroad, map the skills employers seek, and make a comparative analysis of the two, highlighting the concrete benefits that Erasmus+ brings to its participants. The The research showcases the transversal competences gained by the Erasmus+ students.During the next stage we will analyse how these translate into competences employers need.

ESN organised the Erasmus Generation on the Labour Market conference to bring forward arguments connected to the employability of the Erasmus+ (and other exchange and mobility programmes) alumni. The main topic of the conference was employability and the correlation between mobility and community engagement experiences, and the employability of students and youth. During the two days, the sessions were facilitated by experts, youth workers, youth organisation representatives, and Erasmus+ alumni.


Active citizenship & internationalisation at home

Erasmus Generation and CoFoE

European Youth Work Convention

CoFoE is a year-long consultation where different European topics are gathered, discussed, and debated. In the course of this year, several different activities will take place all over Europe, including some organised by our member organisations. Apart from those activities, ESN has teamed up with several other youth organisations under the coordination of the European Youth Forum to gather other youth-specific input.

ESN was represented at the third European Youth Work Convention, the central platform for discussing the latest developments in youth work practice and youth policy in Europe. Professionals and multipliers from youth work practice, youth policy, and youth research came together to kick off the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA), a strategic framework for strengthening and developing youth work in Europe.


EU Youth Dialogue ESN is one of the few international non-governmental youth organisations entrusted with the responsibility of taking part in the EU Youth Dialogue process, a Europeanwide youth consultation process organised by the EU Commission’s office for Youth & Education and the EU Presidency trio. The Eight Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue took place digitally, streamed from Berlin. Being involved in such a space is paramount to our external advocacy work, as it empowers ESN with a seat at the dialogue table with European decisionmakers.

Annual Report 2020/2021

Joining forces with ECOSOC In 2020 the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) conferred the special consultative status to ESN, which enables our organisation to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies in attending international conferences and events, make written and oral statements, carry out studies and prepare papers, to be close to the decision-making process and other initiatives that will affect the lives and the development of all.


Cultural Heritage on Erasmus

Solidarity with Responsible Party

ESN and Europa Nostra formalised their partnership with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and by launching the pilot project “Cultural Heritage on Erasmus”. Together we will organise cultural heritage activities for local and international students and exchange with peers beyond borders, ensuring the activities can be replicated in the longer term. We aim to make cultural heritage a greater part of the Erasmus+ experience while promoting Erasmus+ mobility opportunities for heritage students.

Through the Responsible Party initiative, ESN and Pernod Ricard are pursuing their commitment to promoting responsible alcohol consumption and combating binge drinking among young adults in Europe and beyond. We teamed up with the hospitality sector and signed a Declaration calling for a resilient convivial Europe that empowers its young adults and supports its hospitality sector promoting safe, responsible behavior and lifestyles throughout Europe.


Year in Review September 2020/March 2021

15-17 October 2020

11 November 2020

Over the course of the year, the leaders of ESN’s National Organisations gathered online twice for weeks-long trainings and discussions meant to strengthen their hard and soft skills.

Due to the pandemic, #ErasmusDays 2020 mostly consisted of online events and ESN’s local and national associations took part organising online and blended events for students and youth.

The third Study Session, organised in cooperation with the Council of Europe, focused on the topics of education and global citizenship, with participants from 10 different countries.

National Boards’ Trainings

Erasmus Days

9-11 October 2020


Back to School Study Session


Regional Platforms


27-29 November 2020

ESN’s key event in the field of education involved student representatives from 42 countries, expert speakers, discussions on the future of the Erasmus+ programme, with various strategic topics and capacity building sessions.

Our yearly training events for volunteers took place online this year, providing them with a chance to build their skills from the comfort of their homes.

The first ever GA in the new format took place online, where over a 100 participants gathered to discuss the future of the Erasmus+ programme and the Erasmus Student Network.

Autumn General Assembly

Annual Report 2020/2021

27-29 November 2020

6-20 April 2021

7-9 May 2021

For two weeks, more than 500 of ESN’s local associations organised activities that aim at integrating the international students into the local communities and vice-versa.

In its second online edition, the activities organised under the umbrella of the Social Inclusion Days provided international students across Europe opportunities to better understand their host communities.

Over 100 representatives from 42 national member organisations discussed online the new Erasmus+ programme, the future of mobility in the UK, and elected the new leaders of the organisation.

Social Inclusion Days Autumn

Social Inclusion Days Spring

Eduk8 Starter

ESN Awards

5 May 2021

24-30 May 2021

ESN’s yearly training for trainers supported by the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation, this year focused on the topic of the LGBTQI+ Community & Youth.

ESN’s initiative that aims to provide recognition to the work our members do in a span of a year highlighted the achievements of over 30 organisations in 14 different categories.

The training event funded by the Council of Europe aimed to empower the participants to recognise their right, the means, space, and opportunity for greater youth participation.

10 March-1April 2021


Spring General Assembly

Take your part! Study Session


ESN in the Media


Annual Report 2020/2021

Erasmus: How is the exchange program going during Corona?

Winter Forum Magazine: Students helping Students

Discussing the current status of international student exchanges with students, the Erasmus Student Network, and Sabine Verheyen, MEP and Chair of the CULT Committee.

This issue of Forum highlighted the many faces of resilience in internationalisation, and ESN’s feature shows how to put the intercultural understanding to work to support one another.

Studying abroad will look very different for Erasmus students this September

Erasmus+ trips plummet due to Covid

Research Europe | April 16, 2020

Kostis Giannidis speaks about the changes brought in by COVID-19 and state of the Erasmus+ programme in the new school year, as well as the future of the programme.

Sabina Achim, Communication Manager for the Erasmus Student Network, said ESN expected the big decrease in trips to be maintained in the upcoming spring semester.

DW| March 3, 2020

Science | Business | April 16, 2020

Is virtual exchange a poor relation to study abroad?

EAIE | March 3, 2020

Doubts raised over UK’s alternative to Erasmus+

University World News | April 17, 2020

Times Higher Education | May 2, 2020

How do we ensure that digital participation is inclusive, is pushing virtual exchange for students from less advantaged backgrounds the wrong way to look at things, and could short-term mobility be the best gateway to longer-term mobility?

The Turing scheme will not cover tuition fees, travel costs to the UK or staff exchanges, leaving UK universities to negotiate fee waivers.

The Future of Student Mobility: Physical, Blended, or Virtual?

UK devolved nations: “loss of Erasmus is huge blow”

The Class of 2020 | 8 June 2020

President of the Erasmus Student Network reflected on changes the pandemic brought to international mobility, and what the future holds.

ESN in the Media

The PIE News | 26 June 2020

ESN’s President expressed worry that the UK universities will lose culturally and intellectually by not having short term international students in their universities.



Facebook 369,000

2017 2018

400,619 429,728

2019 2020

437,572 21,708


Impressions in total in 2020/21


Interactions in total in 2020/21



Engagement rate

29,965 Profile visit


Average impressions per month in 2020/21





Impressions in 2020/21



Growth in 2020/21


11,849 28

Join us!

295% Growth rate


Click-through rate


Impressions in 2020/21

Annual Report 2020/2021


451,308 124,177 Users in 2020/21

2,616,765 Pageviews in 2020/21

+13% Page Views in 2020/21

ESN in the Media

215,109 2018/19



Users in 2020/21

Pageviews in 2020/21


in 2020/21

200,968 Pageviews in 2020/21

211,018 1,176,933


Users in 2020/21

Users in 2020/21


Newsletter subscribers in 2020/21

27,260,135 Pageviews in 2020/21

+21% Growth in 2020/21

1,106,464 Pageviews for Digital Opportunities in 2020/21


About Us

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest student association in Europe. It was born on 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 to support and develop student exchange. We are present in 1,000 Higher Education Institutions across 42 countries.


The network is constantly developing and expanding. 15,000 active members, that in many sections are supported by so-called ‘buddies’, act as mentors for international students. Thus, ESN involves over 29,000 young people offering its services to around 350,000 international students every year.

ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing student exchange as well as providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad (“internationalisation at home”).

Annual Report 2020/2021


Enrichment of society through international students.

Principles • ESN works in the interest of international students. • ESN works to improve the social and practical integration of international students. • ESN represents the needs and rights of international students on the local, national and international level. • ESN provides relevant information about mobility programmes.

About Us

• ESN motivates students to study abroad. • ESN works with the reintegration of homecoming students. • ESN contributes to the improvement of different mobility programmes. • ESN cares about its members. • ESN values volunteering and active citizenship.


Vision By 2025, ESN will be the global network of the Erasmus Generation, committed to improving international education and providing self-development opportunities to two million young people, fostering intercultural understanding and creating positive change in society.

Strategic Priorities Students


Exchange Programmes

Visibility & Outreach

ESN will empower future, alumni, and current international students to be ambassadors of intercultural understanding and active citizenship, sharing the value of unity in diversity.

ESN will work to increase the quantity and quality of study abroad programmes around the world.

Activities & Services

ESN’s activities and services at all levels will increase in quality, becoming more inclusive and achieving measurable impact in society.


ESN will provide its volunteers with valuable transversal skills acquired through self development opportunities and empower them for active engagement in the organisation.

ESN will work to build a globally recognisable brand, increasing its visibility and outreach, and fostering a positive image of international exchange.


ESN will work to create an interconnected and self-sustainable network with a strong membership and efficient structure.

Annual Report 2020/2021

Values Unity in diversity, diversity in unity Students helping students

We all have different backgrounds but share one common aim and goal.

We passionately commit ourselves to volunteering for the benefit of others.

Love for Europe as an area of peace and cultural exchange We live and benefit from the cultural richness of Europe to the utmost.

International dimension of life We are open-minded, mobile, like to discover and explore, to cooperate, to interact and to break Borders.

Fun in friendship and respect We encourage relations based on respect.

Openness with tolerance

Cooperation in integration

We understand and accept others and learn from them.

We share a holistic view towards internationality.

Annual Report 2020/2021 About us


Structure To be able to achieve the aims of the organisation, as well as fulfill our mission and vision, and uphold our values, ESN is structured on three levels: local, national and international.

General Assembly

Section National Organisations

Section Section

Statutory Bodies

NB International Board

National Organisations




Arbitration Board


Audit Comission

Project Teams

Liaison Office

Non-statutory Bodies Support Structures

Local Level

National Level

ESN consists of 534 local ESN sections working daily with international students. They organise activities, provide services and represent interests of international, exchange and local students of one or several higher education institutions in their city.


International Level

Sections of a country meet during National Assemblies, where they have the chance to exchange best practices. The sections also elect their National Board, which is in charge of leading the National Organisation, conducting national projects and representing ESN towards national institutions and stakeholders

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Erasmus Student Network, which votes on all Statutes and Standing Orders proposals, on all non-Statutory proposals and on the election of the Board, the Audit Comission and the Arbitration Board. The General Assembly meets twice per year.

Annual Report 2020/2021

Finance Income

ESN benefits greatly from public grants supporting both projects and operational work. These predominantly come from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the Belgian Government. Unlike many other NGOs comparable to ESN, the majority of the net income does not come from public funding, but rather from sponsorships, services, and membership fees. This represents a strategic cornerstone of ESN: to be self-sustainable and financially autonomous.


Membership fees Services Grants and Tenders Sponsorship Others

58,000 231,000 727,000 82,000 54,000

In 2020, ESN has seen a dramatic decrease in activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lack of student mobility resulted in a decrease in incomes from our services and several commercial partners, notably from travel and accommodation sectors, struggled to sponsor ESN. Nonetheless, the expenses related to network services, events and meetings were much lower than usual resulting in large savings to the organisation. Despite the current situation, ESN has never stopped investing in its staff and volunteers, allocating resources to increase the number of people in the office, as well as in implementation of digital tools to support their work.

Expenditures €1,024,000 Board and Staff Headquarters Network services Events and meetings Projects Others

477,000 144,000 73,000 11,000 316,000 3000

Budget through the years (€) 1,133k





980k 882k



About Us






Erasmus Student Network 3537

Social activities

33 volunteers certified in

non-formal education training methodologies


Annual Report 2020/2021

42 Countries






European projects

“Students Helping Students” 78,950

ESNcards distributed with over


About Us


204,620 Interns 30,692 Internships 31,297 Recruiters 37

Activities & Services


Annual Report 2020/2021

Introduction The causes of ESN

Activities & Services

Social Inclusion

Health & Well-being

ESN strives for an inclusive mobility based on equity and on the needs of each individual. To achieve this goal, ESN has developed its own programmes and projects on the topic, raising awareness among international students and transforming them into more active citizens.

Studying abroad is an opportunity to acquire new and healthy habits such as engaging in sport activities or having a balanced diet. ESN organises several events on the topic and works to raise the health literacy of international students.

Education & Youth


Education is the core of ESN’s activity and youth is the main target group. ESN produces several position papers, recommendations, programmes, and projects all aiming at improving the quality of international mobility and at guaranteeing that young people are heard in the process.

Besides having been a member of the Stakeholders’ Committee of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018, ESN organises hundreds of cultural activities every year. The promotion of intercultural understanding is at the core of ESN’s mission.

Environmental Sustainability

Skills & Employability

International mobility has a costly impact on the environment due to frequent travelling. ESN aims at reducing this impact by organising greener activities and by raising awareness among international students.

International students get valuable skills from their experience abroad. ESN works to increase the recognition of the skills acquired through student exchange and volunteering among employers.


By adding virtual activities to our scope of work, we engaged with even more people from all corners of the world.

3537 impactful activities 190,032 participants

681 cities 562 organisations

Erasmus in Schools SocialErasmus Erasmus in Schools activities are supported by the SocialErasmus+ grant project which supports local ESN associations to organise visits to schools where international students do a wide range of activities that include country and culture presentations or workshops. Through a set of trainings facilitated by trainers from Youth for Exchange and Understanding, Erasmus in Schools platform and the toolkit, local youth workers, teachers and university staff are able to support students who participate in the project during their mobility.

SocialErasmus programme aims to enrich the international experience of young people abroad with volunteering activities, thus increasing the interaction between exchange students and local communities, and providing opportunities for young people to get to know other realities and learn how they can contribute to improve society as citizens of the world. This way students can do more with their mobility experience, make a difference and create a positive social change and show the added value of volunteering as a part of a mobility. experience.


Annual Report 2020/2021

Social Inclusion



Throughout the year, ESN’s local and national organisations provide international students with opportunities to engage with local communities through volunteering actions such as food drives and donations, fundraisers, clothes donations, animal shelter visits, school or kindergarten sessions, events with people with disabilities, educational workshops, conferences, webinars, and many more events that promote social inclusion and aim to have an impact on the society.

For years ESN has actively worked on raising awareness of the importance of increasing the participation of students from disadvantaged groups in mobility programmes, with projects such as MappEd!, SIEM, EPFIME, and PLAR-4-SIMP.

Activities & Services


Health & Well-being International Erasmus Games

Responsible Party

Health & Well-being Week

The International Erasmus Games is a panEuropean health and wellbeing initiative of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) that unites exchange students from all over Europe in effort to promote sports as a universal language and inclusion. 850 international students have taken part in the International Erasmus Games so far.

Responsible Party, a collaboration between Pernod Ricard and ESN, is the first panEuropean program tackling the topic of unhealthy alcohol-related habits among young adults, and particularly exchange students. Research has proven that 88.8% of students consider Responsible Party a useful programme and 61.4% modified their alcohol-related habits.

The Health and Well-being Week initiative is organised twice a year, aimed to involve the local organisations of ESN in activities focused on promoting physical and mental health, as well as nutrition and healthy party habits. The most popular activities include first aid and mental health workshops, sports tournaments, running, hiking, dance lessons and yoga sessions.


Annual Report 2020/2021

Culture Culture is the cause that embeds the organisational values of unity in diversity and the importance of the cultural exchange. ESN on local level introduces the exchange students to tangible and intangible local heritage and stimulates participation in the vibrant cultural life of the local community. ESN recognises the role the exchange plays in cultural relations and brings the voice of the young to relevant stakeholders in the field.

Intercultural Dialoge

Cultural Heritage

ESN activities on all levels stimulate the participation in cultural heritage and contemporary cultural production through peer to peer and direct contact with its target group contributing to its attractiveness for younger generations. By bringing together young people from many different backgrounds, ESN facilitates intercultural dialogue on all its levels.

ESN was a part of the European Year Cultural Heritage Stakeholders Group, bringing the voice of the young and active generation interested in the benefit of Europe’s cultural heritage and policy related to it to relevant stakeholders. ESN signed the Berlin Call to Action “Cultural Heritage for Future of Europe” and has now teamed up with Europa Nostra to organise cultural heritage activities for local and international students.

Activities & Services


Education & Youth Policy Watch

Quality Mobility

Digitalisation of HE

ESN works on gathering important information about policy developments in the field of education and youth at aims at inspiring different discussions and potential future actions of network’s member associations.

ESN focuses on further building upon the existing research of ESN, such as MappED!, HousErasmus+ and ESNsurvey by offering to our members examples of their practical application.

Inclusive Mobility

Youth Participation

ESN has been involved in several different initiatives in order to build a better digital infrastructure for the Erasmus+ Programme. Important examples are the Online Learning Agreement, which will replace the old paper version, and the Erasmus+ App, the one-stop-shop for all Erasmus+ mobility, including local ESN activities and services.

ESN has been working for years to make moblity more accessible for students from all backgrounds. Together with partners, we have launched platform, and we have several projects on the topic, such as SIEM, PLAR-4-SIMP, EPFIME.

ESN produced the report “Active citizenship and student exchange in light of the European elections” and was part of the Expert Group which wrote the Youth Participation Strategy for the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.


Annual Report 2020/2021

Skills & Employability

Enviromental Sustainability

ESN works towards the recognition of nonformal and informal learning activities that are an indispensable part of development of students who take part in academic mobility, and youth workers who are the drivers of civil society. While ErasmusSkills fosters the improvement of procedures and development of tools for this aim, ErasmusIntern and ErasmusJobs aim to provide quality internships and job opportunities for recent graduates to support students and youth transition from education to the labor market.

ESN strives for more sustainable events by reducing their environmental impact through, among others, minimising plastic usage or recycling waste before, during, and after the actual events. Furthermore, ESN volunteers across Europe organise activities which motivate participants to discover polluted public areas and educate them about a pollution-conscious mindset and how to share that knowledge with their peers. Similar ideas are often the result of cooperation with other NGOs and always include ESNers as well as international students. On the international level, ESN works towards greener and more sustainable mobility through projects and research, and in January 2019, we became part of the Generation Climate Europe (GCE) coalition, the first climate coalition of European youth-led NGOs, empowering young people and tackling all aspects of the climate crisis.

Activities & Services


Key facts

Since 2018, ErasmusIntern features Digital Opportunity Traineeships which allow for the development of highly demanded skills on the job market.

Aims: • Provide international internship opportunities for youth • Promote and advocate high-quality internships is an online platform that brings together traineeship providers and students seeking a training opportunity abroad. It gives students the opportunity to create their profiles and add their key competences, their language knowledge and their skills and interests. Students can search for traineeships by keywords and refine their search. At the same time, companies and organisations can publish their traineeship offers and search for trainees using precise filters. Digital Opportunity Traineeships have been integrated into the platform providing young people with a chance to develop skills most needed in today’s job market.



Key facts

78,950 ESNcard holders benefit from over 1,400 discounts around Europe.

Aim: • Provide access to all services and discounts offered by ESN and our partners to international students The ESNcard is the membership card of the Erasmus Student Network. Used also as a student discount card, it is distributed by the ESN sections in almost all the countries where ESN is present. The project consists of the online platform and the ESNcard itself. International students can benefit from a wide range of discounts on the international, national and local level from renowned companies to local businesses and institutions. ESN’s partnership with Ryanair has benefitted over 350.000 international students and allowed them to save over 12 million Euro since September 2017.

Annual Report 2020/2021


Eduk8 Endless Possibili es

Aims: • Create a universal platform for matching international and local students • Develop recommendations and guidelines to support the implementation of the process

Aims: • Provide self-development opportunities through non-formal education methodologies • Create a Pool of Trainers empowered with the tools needed to educate fellow members in the network

BuddySystem is a project coordinated by Erasmus Student Network France. The project, which will run until the end of 2020, builds on ESN’s experience in supporting exchange students by pairing them with a local mentor or buddy. This process fosters internationalisation at home as well as integration of international students into the local community and often leads to developing lasting friendships. The main goal is to create a universal system for buddy matching across Europe. Additionally, the project will develop recommendations, a handbook with factsheets and guidelines for national organisations which will manage the BuddySystem.

Eduk8 is ESN’s key training program aimed at the growth and development of our members. Through an advanced training-for trainers programme, ESN continues to grow its pool of trainers who, equipped with the right knowledge and non-formal methods, facilitate knowledge exchange in the Network. Moreover, Eduk8 organises events developing soft skills of ESN volunteers in specific fields. Finally, members of the Eduk8 pool use their knowledge to enhance other ESN events in the educational aspect.



External Relations


Annual Report 2020/2021

ESN as a Member

European Youth Forum (YFJ)

Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP)

The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is a platform of over 100 youth organisations in Europe, representing both National Youth Councils and International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations. As a member of the YFJ, ESN works with its Board, Secretariat and other member organisations to bring the voice of young people further. ESN is active in several working groups, structures and events. These include a participation in the YO!Fest and European Youth Event, engagement with the EU Youth Dialogue, and a seat in the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe.

The Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) brings together 42 European networks covering all sectors of education and training, including networks for higher education and training, vocational education, adult education, and many more. The Lifelong Learning Platform provides a wide range of information on the work of the EU and, in addition, plays an important role in the advocacy for better education systems for all. ESN is active through platforms like the Erasmus+ Coalition, participation in the LLLP pool of experts, or by contributing to consultations and campaigns like Erasmusx10.

Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA)

European Movement International (EMI)

International Association of Universities (IAU)

The Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA) brings together four organisations working in the field of student mobility and professional development with Erasmus+. These are the Erasmus Mundus Association, garagErasmus, OCEANS Network and Erasmus Student Network. The umbrella creates opportunities for its member organisations to increase the impact of their activities in Erasmus+ and provides students and alumni a space for networking and personal development.

The European Movement International (EMI) consists of 34 National Councils and 38 International Organisations that aim to contribute to the establishment of a united Europe founded on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, and respect for basic human rights. For ESN, EMI is a platform for networking and to provide opportunities for ESN members to get actively involved in supporting the European project.

IUA is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world, bringing together members from more than 130 countries. IAU acts as the global voice of higher education to UNESCO and other international higher education organisations, and provides a global forum for leaders of institutions and associations. ESN is the first student organisation to become an IAU Affiliate.

External Relations


Institutional partners


European University Foundation (EUF)


The European University Foundation aims at strengthening and accelerating the development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Through innovative and concrete examples, new kinds of mobility schemes are developed in support of this aim. ESN has collaborated with EUF on several aspects to improve mobility and international experience: through the development of the Online Learning Agreement, the Erasmus+ App and through participation in each other’s key events.

The European Association for International Education (EAIE) is a European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education, founded in 1989. ESN and EAIE aim to establish a framework to promote and foster cooperation, through mutual promotion, events, exchange of expertise in favour of the student community involved in the activities and initiatives of two organisations.

Europa Nostra


Europa Nostra is a pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage, representing citizens’ organisations that work on safeguarding Europe’s cultural and natural heritage. It is the voice of this movement to relevant international bodies, in particular the European Union, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. ESN and Europa Nostra will work together to make cultural heritage a greater part of the Erasmus experience.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialised agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, the arts, the sciences, and culture. ESN joined UNESCO’s global debate to reimagine the focus of learning and knowledge in the future and how it can shape humanity in a world of increasing uncertainty, ensuring the voices of international students are heard.

Annual Report 2020/2021

ESN and Public Funding

Contact our Director at if you are interested in a partnership with ESN for any grant or tender application. The Erasmus Student Network has participated in projects funded by the European Union since 2005, mainly in the LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) and more recently in the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. The European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe has also supported different ESN initiatives. ESN benefits from an annual operating grant from the European Commission but is also involved in different project-based grants and tenders. ESN has conducted several EUfunded research studies and social projects addressing the quality issues of learning mobility and is well-connected with other organisations within the field of education and youth.

External Relations

Erasmus+ App

Green Erasmus

The Erasmus+ App was launched in 2017. During the coming years, the App user interface will be improved and new features will be added, allowing students to manage the administration of their exchange through the Erasmus+ App. ESN represents the student angle in the development, offering connections to several other ESN tools.

The Green Erasmus project strives to improve the environmental sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme and raise awareness across the European Higher Education sector about the importance of sustainable internationalisation. Green Erasmus will focus on developing an Educational Portal on Sustainable Internationalisation and carrying out comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact of Erasmus+ mobilities.



Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) starts off with research on the barriers for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to take part in international student mobility and includes a survey, study visits, focus groups, a co-creation workshop and capacity building activities. A platform hosting a social impact measurement tool to assess the outreach of initiatives for the Erasmus generation will be created.

Consortium partners and experts examined in-depth the needs and expectations on inclusive mobility of national authorities, students with disabilities, and higher education institutions across Europe, while focusing on how institutions can collaborate closer to ensure the quality and the transferability of support services for both incoming and outgoing students facing various types of obstacles in exchange programmes. See

Other projects • • • • •

Online Learning Agreement 3.0 WILLIAM HOME OpenU ErasmusJobs

• • • •

Erasmus Skills Make Mobility the Norm PLAR-4-SIMP How Long is Too Long


Comercial partners

In ESN, we aim to improve student mobility in every possible way, one of which is cooperation with commercial stakeholders who offer unique benefits to international students through our membership card, the ESNcard. Through cooperation with various companies, we focus on important areas of student life where we believe that students will benefit the most. The most important industries are travelling, accommodation and hospitality, online learning services, consumer goods, and other lifestyle-related activities (events and summer festivals).


Pernod Ricard Our partnership with Pernod Ricard on the Responsible Party programme shows the positive impact that can be created through cooperation between a multinational corporation and an international youth organisation. In the past 12 years, we have managed to address several issues related to alcohol consumption and especially binge drinking amongst international students. We have seen positive reactions from both students and European stakeholders that confirmed the success of our CSR partnership.


The Economist

The four-year partnership between the ESN and Ryanair has been a marked success, with over 400,000 flights booked by students, availing of discounts worth over €15m. Ryanair is helping to make international mobility more inclusive by offering discounted flights with included check-in luggage.

The Economist is an established partner that offers special deals for ESNcard holders. This partnership helps equip students with the best analyses and articles on the latest trends to inspire their study projects. As well as offer reliable sources of information.

Annual Report 2020/2021



Learning opportunities

When moving to a new country, finding a well located, spacious and cheap home feels like a mission impossible to accomplish. We partner with accommodation providers like Spotahome to ensure that international students can get the most affordable offers and with door-to-door shipping services like Eurosender, who help them move all the items from one country to another.

Moving around, be it within the city or visiting new sights and countries, is a big part of every student’s mobility experience. We work on making sure students can travel in the most affordable and sustainable ways. We partner with bicycle, bus and train companies, like Donkey Republic and Flixbus, and major hostel providers such as Hostelling International.

Our partnership with Rosetta Stone provides students with a unique opportunity for cultural exchange through language learning. Making it easier for students to learn the language of their host country even before they move. The Economist test prep helps students prepare for their GMAT/GRE exam and achieve the highest results.

Online Services It is difficult to carry a lot of books when going on exchange. Our partnership with Perlego provides students with a discount on their subscription to Perlego’s online library which gives access to thousands of university books online. And to make sure your papers are 100% correct, ESNcard provides a 50% discount on Grammarly services which proofread your papers for you! Discounts on bulb digital resume & portfolio, as well as EnhanCV, help you write the perfect CV and showcase your skills and creativity. Tiqets provides special deals for museums, shows and a variety of cultural attractions all over the world.

External Relations


Marketing Cooperation

Social Media Contests

Our marketing team has developed a diverse package of marketing activities to be offered to our partners. This includes visibility on our different platforms such as,, and The package also includes social media marketing on our various channels on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. These marketing activities are followed by Email marketing through our monthly newsletters. The newsletter of the Erasmus Generation is sent out to around 150,000 international students and interns every month and includes blog articles, updates on the most impactful activities of ESN, and a dedicated space for advertisement.

By introducing social media contests we manage to interact with students and businesses in a different way by showcasing the products and services of our partners and at the same time engaging with students and manifesting what makes international mobility unique and unforgettable . Despite the lockdowns in Europe, many students still carried on with their mobility experiences. During the last academic year, through our contests, we gave them the opportunity to show that even in difficult times there is still space to enjoy living abroad and keep unforgettable memories while winning amazing prizes.

Partners can choose to be advertised in: • Newsletter posts • Top spot highlight • Dedicated newsletters Moreover, our partners have the opportunity to be promoted in our international events. They are invited to participate in major events such as the Erasmus Generation Meeting (EGM) annual conference which focuses on international students and youth and includes a career and education fair. They are also presented with the opportunity to attend national conferences and events where they can connect with national representatives in a certain country and discuss local and national collaborations and cross-promotion opportunities.


Annual Report 2020/2021

470 000

25 000

People reached


3.8% Click-through rate

Christmas From a Distance With the pandemic still underway, not all students were able to travel back home for holidays. The competition allowed them to show how they keep the Christmas spirit even when stuck at a dorm without a chance to return home.

Erasmus Love Stories 2.0 The second round of our popular competition once again showed that the most important part of Erasmus are the connections students form between one another, despite the cultural differences or distance. This year’s winner, Vlad, told us that love can overcome distance, prejudice, and a rampant pandemic.

Earth Day Challenge In celebration of the 51st annual Earth Day, we organised a competition for all nature lovers and those passionate about climate change. They had a chance to express their environmental self and connect with nature.

“A month together. The pandemic is coming. We are separated. Talking to each other, he is helping me to deal with a broken laptop and translating Spanish products in Mercadona. We are falling in love.”

External Relations




Annual Report 2020/2021

International Board 2019/2021


Kostis Giannidis

Vice President

Tajana Mohnacki

Communication Manager

Sabina Achim



João Vasco Oliveira

Web Project Administrator

Kaspars Ābelnīca


ESN Secretariat

Rasmus Benke-Åberg Director

Selen Onur Administrator

Wim Gabriels Project Manager

François Colonval Financial Assistant

Annie Coleman Web Developer

Gorka Guerrero Web Developer

Dimitris Kritsotakis Web Developer

Sabri Ben Rommane

Violina Veskova

Communication Officer

Digital Marketing Intern

Ecem Nas Özer Communication & Projects Assistant

Nadja Jovicin Communication & Media Intern

Maria Giangkampozidou Training & Development Assistant

Esmat Elsayed Culture & Education Policy Assistant


Adam Shardob Partnership Manager

Zrinka Trusić Events & Projects Coordinator

Annual Report 2020/2021

Jirka Beran Former Partnership Manager

Wynette Aplasen Former Communication & Media Intern

Adessa Zadia Former Culture & Education Policy Assistant

Alberto Spatola Former Training & Development Assistant

Henriette Umutesi Former Administrator

International Board 2021/2022

Juan Rayón González President


Paula Pop Vice President

Nikolina Đurić Communication Manager

Bianca Ştefan Web Project Administrator


International Board Supporters GA Chairing Team Vittorio Gattari (Italy) Laurie Paul (The Netherlands) Liaison Officers Irina Veselinović (Serbia) Sean Ellul (Malta) Juan Rayon Gonzalez (Spain) Joana Ribau Leite (Portugal) Maksim Karanović (Serbia) Tania Fedorchuk (Ukraine) Olivia Parczyk (Germany) Yassin Khalil (UK) Jose Ramon Sabogal Hernandez (Austria) ESN Alumni Board 2020 Jasmin Zahn (Germany) Hoang Le (Germany) Giovanni Giacobbi (Italy) Hendrik Dane (Germany) Markus Lutter (Germany) 2021 Salih Odabasi (Turkey) Hoang Le (Germany) Jasmin Zahn (Germany) Markus Lutter (Germany) Katarzyna Kuzmicka (Denmark)


International Committees Chairing Teams International Committee for Education Iva Ljubičić (Croatia) Barbara Czarnecka (Poland) Tsveta Milanova (The Netherlands) Network Committee Michal Hubáček (Czech Republic) Katerina Xagorari (Greece) Desislava Dimitrova (Bulgaria) Finance Committee Francisco Martins (Portugal) Petya Georgieva (Bulgaria) Communication Committee Paula Pop (Romania) Sami Doğan (Turkey) Federico Bettin (Italy) Elisavet Rozaki (Greece) IT Committee Lefteris Tranakos (Greece) Manuel García López (Spain) Bianca-Georgiana Stefan (Romania)

International Teams ESNsurvey Giovanni Telesca (Italy) Evgenii Puchkov (Russia) Salome Keshelashvili (Georgia) Giuseppe Gruttad’Auria (Italy)

Eduk8 Team 2020 Margarita Kuvaldina (Czech Republic) Helena Kačić-Bartulović (Croatia) Jens Bulinckx (Austria) Rümeysa Keskinoğlu (Turkey) Matěj Mysliveček (Czech Republic) Team 2020 Jens Bulinckx (Austria) Niki Moraiti (Greece) ESNcard Oscar Backman (Sweden) Chrys Andrianakou (Greece) International Erasmus Games Silvia Sánchez (Spain) Pedro Afonso Valente (Portugal) Antoine Attard (Malta) Social Impact Team Christine Drosne (France) Beatriz Lamy (Portugal) Sofia Abreu (Portugal) Flippo Scotti (Italy) Claudiu Nicolae Făgădar (Romania) IT Contributors Dimitris Kritsotakis (Greece) Lukas Heddendorp (Germany) Jeroen van Lent (Sweden) Fabian Bircher (Switzerland) Giannis Vlassis (Greece) Filippos Mikropoulos (Greece)

Annual Report 2020/2021

Batuhan Üzümcü (Turkey) Erik Berdonces Bonelo (Finland) Thomas Pappas (Greece)

Network Care Team Network Care Coordinator Hugo Silveira Gouveia (Portugal) Regional Coordinators Muhammed Yilmazcoban (Turkey) Joyce Zykova (Czech Republic) Jennifer Kristen (Denmark) Marc McGowan (UK) Jordan Lehoux (France) Regional Training Coordinators Nikki Moraiti (Greece) Tereza Kadlecová (Czech Republic) Vincent Ricci (Belgium) Julien Kamité (France) Education Community Manager Theo Whitwill (Switzerland) HR and Network Community Manager Asia Czurak (Poland) BFC Community Manager Veeti Vallin (Finland) Communication Community Manager Nadja Jovičin (Serbia)

Giannis Pagoulatos (Greece) Iona Murdoch (UK) Jana Borchardt (Germany) Nicolas Camargo (France) Olivia Parczyk (Germany) Tsveta Milanova (Bulgaria) Una Galečić (Serbia) . Vangelis Zikos (Greece) Zrinka Trusić (Croatia)

EGM Chairing Team Joana Ribau Leite (Portugal) Àlvaro Mira (Spain) Filippos Mikropoulos (Greece) Kasia Pasierbiewicz (Poland) Aleksandra Seweryn (Belgium)

Audit Commission Damla Sena Karakaya (Turkey) Internal Audit Team Damla Sena Karakaya (Turkey) Iacob Morariu (Spain) Ignacio Santos (Spain) Oscar Backman (Sweden) Pau Secall (Spain) Arbitration Board Igor Pater (Poland) Enzo Marquet (Belgium) Naomi Beaux (Belgium) AGM Advisory Team Antonis Platis (Greece) Tijana Stojanović (Serbia) Sofia Tyrla (Greece) Adrianna Skolimowska (Poland) Filippos Mikropoulos (Greece) Pol Barbarroja (Spain)

Membership Team Paula Pop (Romania) Alice Buonaguidi (Romania) Alkistis Athanasopoulou (Greece) Anna Demiri (Greece)



National Organisations


ESN Albania

ESN Estonia

ESN Liechtenstein

ESN Russia

ESN Austria

ESN Finland

ESN Lithuania

ESN Serbia

ESN Azerbaijan

ESN France

ESN Luxembourg

ESN Slovakia

ESN Belarus

ESN Georgia

ESN Malta .

ESN Belgium

ESN Germany

ESN Moldova

ESN Spain

ESN Bosnia and Herzegovina

ESN Greece

ESN the Netherlands

ESN Sweden

ESN Bulgaria

ESN Hungary

ESN Norway

ESN Switzerland

ESN Croatia

ESN Iceland

ESN Poland

ESN Turkey

ESN Cyprus

ESN Ireland

ESN Portugal

ESN Ukraine

ESN Czech Republic

ESN Italy

ESN Romania

ESN United Kingdom

ESN Denmark

ESN Latvia

. ESN Slovenia

Annual Report 2020/2021

This information can be freely used and copied for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged (© Erasmus Student Network) For ordering additional copies of the publication, please contact The digital version of this report is available on

Erasmus Student Network has been supported by the European Commission and the Council of Europe. This publication reflects the views only of the author, the Commission and the Council of Europe cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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