Gender attitudes of young people in Italy

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Gender attitudes of young people in Italy Research Report of ESN Italy 2022 Matea Pleić, Martina Migliorini and PaolaAltomare

Introduction 2 Gender attitudes analysis 4 Opinion of young people about gender norms in Italy 4 Opinion of young people about gender equality in Italy 5 Beliefs about the impact of gender equality 7 Understanding gender and sexual diversity 8 Conclusion 9 Literature 10 Annex 1: List of tables and Graphs 11 Annex 2: GenderAttitudes Questionnaire 12 Annex 3:About ESN Italy 21 1 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343




Gender equality refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. According to UN Women “equality does not mean that women and men will become the same but that women’s and men’s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men Gender equality is not a women’s issue but should concern and fully engage men as well as women Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sustainable people-centered development ”



htm 2 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Italy ranks 14th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index according to the European Institute for Gender Equality analysis for 2021 Its score is 4 2 points below the EU’s score Data is showing that since 2010, Italy’s score has increased by 10 5 points, increasing its ranking by seven places, but since 2018, Italy has shown no change and its ranking has dropped by one place. It scored the highest points in the domain of health, and it showed the biggest improvement in the domain of power with biggest improvements in economic decision making. The biggest step backwards was made in the domain of knowledge. Italy dropped from 11th to 13th place Increments in gender segregation in education has especially powered this change. Analisis shows that Italy has the most room for improvement in the domain of work, in which it consistently ranks last among all EU Member States.

2 European Institute for Gender Equality. Gender Equality Index.Available on website of European Institute for Gender Equality: https://eige europa eu/gender equality index/2021/country/IT 1 Un Women Concepts and definitions on the of UN Women: https://wwwun org/womenwatch/osagi/conceptsandefinitions

Gender awareness raising is an important part of achieving gender equality because it intends to change attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that reinforce inequalities between women and men

Gender awareness is an important part of achieving gender equality We can define gender awareness as “ability to view society from the perspective of gender roles and understand how this has affected women’s needs in comparison to the needs of men” Strong ideas about gender roles can contribute to gender inequality Unicef (2017) describes gender norms as ideas about how men and women should be and act. Gender norms are internalized early in life and can establish a life cycle of gender socialization and stereotyping They represent the standards and expectations to which gender identity generally conforms, within a range that defines a particular society, culture and community at that point in time


Gender awareness raising Available on website of European Institute for Gender Equality: https://eige europa eu/gender mainstreaming/methods tools/gender awareness raising UNICEF Regional Office for SouthAsia (2017). GENDER EQUALITY: Glossary ofTerms and Concepts Available on website of Unicef: https://wwwunicef org/rosa/media/1761/file/Gender%20glossary%20of%20terms%20and%20concep ts%20.pdf

European Institute for Gender Equality

3 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

European Institute for Gender Equality defines gender awareness as a specific activity implemented within policies, programmes or projects. In order to be effective the process of awareness raising must identify and meet the needs and interests of all actors involved 4 The purpose of this analysis is to get a better understanding of the views and gender attitudes of young people in Italy Results of the analysis will be used to develop future projects aimed at raising awareness of gender equality at local, national and international level



Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Results are showing that respondents perceive that in Italian society most of personal attributes are viewed as “More important for men'' (e g position of power, being in charge, well paying job, being able to put on a brave face in public, being sporty, Being able to stand up for themselves, being funny or “More important for women” (e g being able to cry in front of friends, being caring. Most respondents identified attributes such as; Having the respect of others; A tertiary education and Being physically attractive as equally important for all genders in Italian society.

The answers obtained, divided by four thematic areas, are presented below; Opinion of young people about gender norms in Italy

Table 1 Are the following characteristics seen as being more important for men or women in Italian society? 4

Table 1 shows which of the personal attributes are generally attributed to men, women, or whether they are considered important for all genders

This survey, concerning gender attitudes of young people in Italy, was filled by 129 people, with an average age of 24 3 years Minimum age of respondents was 19, and maximum age was 33.

The questionnaire used for the survey was modeled on Gender Attitudes Survey (National Council of Women of New Zealand, 2018) The survey covered following areas: opinion about gender norms and gender equality, beliefs about the impact of achieving gender equality and understanding of gender and sexual diversity

Gender attitudes analysis

More important for men More important for women Important for all genders Not necessarily important for any gender Don't know Aposition of power 81% 2% 13% 2% 2% Being in charge 65% 6% 20% 2% 6% Awell paying job 59% 1% 38% 1% 2% Being able to put on a brave face in public. 52% 11% 29% 5% 3% Being sporty 48% 2% 43% 6% 2% Being able to stand up for themselves 39% 21% 36% 2% 2% Being funny 38% 5% 37% 15% 5% Having the respect of others 34% 19% 43% 3% 1% Atertiary education 11% 5% 71% 4% 10% Being able to cry in front of friends 5% 60% 16% 16% 4% Being physically attractive 2% 44% 52% 2% 0% Being caring 1% 71% 23% 2% 2% Opinion of young people about gender equality in Italy Opinion of young people about gender equality in Italy was examined on two questions Results are presented in tables below Table 2 How important is gender equality in Italy? Agree Disagree Neutral I don't know Gender equality in Italy is a fundamental right 57% 28% 10% 5% 5 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

12% 72% 6% 9%

8% 76% 7% 9% Respondents



Table 3 How is

84% 4% 10% 2%

Tackling gender inequality in Italy is necessary to establish a fairer society. Gender equality (meaning that all genders are equal) has come far enough already in Italy Gender equality has already been achieved for the most part in Italy see gender equality as an important part of fair society. Also, more than 70% of participants stated that gender equality is not completely achieved in Italy respondents showed coherence in their answers as they agreed with the statements “Gender equality in Italy is a fundamental right” and “Tackling gender inequality in Italy is necessary to establish a fairer society” while they disagree with the claims “Gender equality has come far enough already in Italy” and “Gender equality has already been achieved for the most part in Italy” Italy terms gender equality

in each of the following? Poorly Neutral Well Don't know In Parlamento 60% 14% 8% 19% In the advertising 59% 15% 11% 16% In the workplace 55% 25% 6% 14% In the Home 54% 19% 14% 12% In the mass media 53% 22% 13% 12% In sports 50% 19% 22% 9% In theArmed Forces 44% 18% 8% 30% In the welfare system. 32% 23% 11% 34% In the justice system 27% 29% 16% 27% In the health system 20% 23% 35% 22% In the education system 19% 36% 41% 5% 6 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343


Exceptions are the health system and the education system, where they stated that Italy is doing well, also most respondents took neutral opinions regarding the justice system

Table 4 shows that in almost all answers, more than 50% of respondents connect gender equality with positive impact on different social situations. Little lower result was obtained in the following situations: “People in senior management'' and “The way Italy value unpaid work”

The only two situations in which most of the respondents (40% and more ) had doubts regarding positive impact of gender equality are: the effect on the reduction in the suicide rate and the reduction in alcohol and drug abuse

Beliefs about the impact of gender equality



Table 4. gender equality in Italy (i.e., all genders being equal) have a positive impact on each of following?

Table 3 shows that most respondents think that the level of gender equality is low in the following areas in Italy: parlament, advertising, workplace, home, mass media, sports and armed forces

Yes No I don't know Equal sharing of childcare 68% 21% 11% Improved access to jobs. 67% 19% 14% Reduction in the rates of domestic violence 66% 22% 12% Improved access to abortion services 64% 20% 16% Reduction in the rates of sexual violence. 60% 26% 13% How people are portrayed in the media 60% 22% 18% Equal sharing of household chores 60% 21% 19% What people get paid 56% 28% 16% How sports are covered in the media 54% 23% 22% The subjects that young people take at school 53% 19% 28% People in senior management 42% 25% 33% 7 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

The way Italy value unpaid work. 39% 33% 29% Reduction in the suicide rate 36% 25% 40% Reduction in alcohol and drug abuse 19% 35% 46% Understanding gender and sexual diversity Graph 1 shows that half of the terms mentioned are known with certainty by more than 80% of the respondents. Therms about which respondents were most unsure are Gender fluid, Cisgender, Non-binary gender, and the difference between sex and gender Graph 1 Knowledge of participants about different gender and sexuality terms 8 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Conclusion In Italian society, there are still strong gender norms, standards and expectations connected with gender. Young people are recognizing the need and the importance of working on gender equality. Even though analysis indicates that most young people are aware of the positive impact gender equality has on different areas in life we still have more then 33% of participants who don't agree or are not sure about the positive impact of gender equality Stated is suggesting that some of the young people don't understand what gender equality is, even though they perceive gender equality as something that contributes to society Therefore, there is a need for education on this topic among young people with the focus on communicating positive impacts gender equality has on society. 9 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Literature 1. European Institute for Gender Equality. Gender Equality Index. Available on website of European Institute for Gender Equality: equality index/2021/country/IT 2. National Council of Women of New Zealand (2018). Gender Attitudes Survey. Available on website: content/uploads/2018/03/Gender Attitudes Survey FINAL. pdf 3. Un Women. Concepts and definitions. Available on the website of UN Women: https://wwwun org/womenwatch/osagi/conceptsandefinitions htm 4 UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (2017) GENDER EQUALITY: Glossary of Terms and Concepts. Available on website of Unicef: https://wwwunicef org/rosa/media/1761/file/Gender%20glossary%20of%20terms%20 and%20concepts%20.pdf 5. European Institute for Gender Equality. Gender awareness raising. Available on website of European Institute for Gender Equality: mainstreaming/methods tools/gender awareness raisi ng 10 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Annex 1: List of tables and Graphs Tables Table 1. Are the following characteristics seen as being more important for men or women in Italian society? Table 2 How important is gender equality in Italy? Table 3 How is Italy in terms of gender equality in each of the following? Table 4. Does gender equality in Italy (i e , all genders being equal) have a positive impact on each of the following? Graphs Graph 1 Knowledge of participants about different gender and sexuality terms 11 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Annex 2: GenderAttitudes Questionnaire Dear participant, Erasmus Student Network Italy is conducting a survey to evaluate different topics connected to gender in Italian society The survey is aimed at getting insight about your perception of gender awareness in Italy Thanks to the data collected through the survey we will be able to plan activities aimed at improving gender equality and raising gender awareness in Italy The survey is completely anonymous, you will need only 10 minutes to fill it Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Age First set of questions refers to the relationship between Italian society and gender 1. Are the following characteristics seen as being more important for men or women in Italian society? 1.1.Atertiary education a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.2.Awell paying job a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.3.Aposition of power a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender 12 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

e) Don't know 1.4. Having the respect of others a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.5. Being able to stand up for themselves a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.6. Being caring a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.7. Being funny a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.8. Being able to put on a brave face in public a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.9. Being in charge a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders 13 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.10. Being able to cry in front of friends a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1.11. Being sporty a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know 1 12 Being physically attractive a) More important for men b) More important for women c) Important for all genders d) Not necessarily important for any gender e) Don't know Second set of questions refers to your perception of gender equality and inequality in Italy. 2. How important is gender equality in Italy? Please tell us by agreeing or disagreeing with these statements 2.1. Gender equality in Italy is a fundamental right a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) I don't know 2 2 Tackling gender inequality in Italy is necessary to establish a fairer society a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) I don't know 14 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

2.3. Gender equality (meaning that all genders are equal) has come far enough already in Italy a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) I don't know 2.4. Gender equality has already been achieved for the most part in Italy a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) I don't know Third set of questions refers to your perception of the state of gender equality and inequality in Italy 3. How is Italy in terms of gender equality in each of the following? 3.1. In the Home a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.2. In the workplace a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.3. In the education system a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.4. In the justice system a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 15 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

3.5. In the health system a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.6. In the mass media a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3 7 In the advertising a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.8. In sports a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.9. In theArmed Forces a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.10. In the welfare system a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 3.11. In senior management a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know 16 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

3.12. In Parlament a) Poorly b) Neutral c) Well d) Don't know The Fourth set of questions evaluate impacts of gender equality in Italy 4. Does gender equality in Italy (i.e. all genders being equal) have a positive impact on each of the following? (example: Gender equality is helping to reduce the rate of domestic violence ) 4.1. Reduction in the rates of domestic violence: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.2. Reduction in the rates of sexual violence: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4 3 Reduction in the suicide rate: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.4. Improved access to healthcare services: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.5. Improved access to abortion services: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.6. Reduction in alcohol and drug abuse: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 17 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

4.7. Improved access to jobs: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.8. Equal sharing of childcare: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.9. The subjects that young people take at school: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.10. People in senior management: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.11. How people are portrayed in the media: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.12. What people get paid: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.13. How sports are covered in the media: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4 14 Equal sharing of household chores: a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4.15. The way Italy value unpaid work: a) Yes 18 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

b) No c) I don't know Fifth set of questions refers to gender and sexuality diversity 5. Do you know the meaning of each of the following terms? 5.1. Heterosexual a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 5.2. Gay man a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 5.3. Lesbian women a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 5.4. Bisexual a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 5.5. Cisgender a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 5.6. Non-binary gender a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all 19 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

d) Don't know 5.7. Gender Fluid a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 5.8. Diffrence between sex and gender a) Yes, definitely b) I think so c) Not at all d) Don't know 20 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

Erasmus Student Network Italy is the Italian level of the Erasmus Student Network AISBL (ESN), one of the biggest European student organizations whose main aim is to promote and support international mobility amongst students ESN Italy is a non-profit organization that works as the administrative and coordinating body of the 54 ESN sections on Italian territory It was officially founded in 1994 by the members of the 7 oldest Italian ESN sections, to give a stronger continuity and coordination to their regular activities

With about 2000 volunteers, the aims of ESN Italy are:

21 Erasmus Student Network Italia ESN Italia Sede Operativa: Via Giuseppe Rondinini, 9 00169 Roma Sede Legale: Via Anastasio II, 80 00165 Roma Codice Fiscale 92105850348 Partita IVA 02507830343

In 2019, Secretary of ESN Italy was founded as an external support structure for the association Secretariat consists of professionals who provide administrative support to the association and whose main goal is to develop and implement different projects in line with the causes of ESN The Causes of ESN Italy, which represents the areas in which the association develops its activities are: Culture, Education and Youth, Environmental Sustainability, Health and Well-being, Skills and Employability and Social Inclusion

● To inform the local students about the European programmes’ opportunities, with a specific focus on exchanges between universities;

Mostly, ESN volunteers are students who went abroad for a mobility experience and who want to dedicate their knowledge and time to those who come to Italy for their study experience in an Italian university.

● To implement projects in line with the main objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme

Annex 3:About ESN Italy

● To welcome foreign students who come to Italy for a study visit in one of the Italian universities, supporting them in finding accommodation, mentoring, and organizing events to promote their integration in the hosting country;

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