Erasmus + In Turkey | Memoir

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Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

30th anniversary of Erasmus Programme project

Memoir 1

Introduction Dear International Students, the ones who have been in Turkey before, the ones who are in Turkey right now and the ones who want to come Turkey in the future, We, Erasmus Student Network, you will hear as ESN – is the biggest International Student Organization based on volunteering. We are not here only to help you, but also to share moments that is unforgettable for both of us. Creating unbreakable bonds. We are here to be your Family! In this Memoir -We call it Erasmus+ in Turkey Memoir- we have gathered some of the opinions, thoughts, expectations and experiences of Erasmus students that have been in Turkey before. We hope that those experiences would give some opinions to the ones who want to come Turkey in the future. We hope that this Memoir will bring joy and happiness to the ones who has been in Turkey before. On behalf of Erasmus Student Network Turkey, we hope to see you again in Turkey, and for the ones who want to come, we are more than ready, to share and create mesmerizing memories with you! On behalf of PRCOMM’, I would like to thank all 42 section’s Local Communication Manager for making this Memoir possible. They are the keystone of this project and our Erasmus Students are the souls of that keystone. May the Erasmus spirit never leave you! Mustafa Ay Erasmus Student Network Turkey President

Credits PRComm’ ESN Turkey Public Relations Committee Erasmus+ in Turkey Memoir Project Coordinator Uygar Genç ESN Turkey PRComm’ Chair for Media content International Students Contributions ESN Turkey Local Communication Managers edıtors Merve Demiray ESN Yaşar Kamil Can Erdem ESN ITU desıgn Simay Esmek ESN IUE


contents +Introduction 2 +30th Anniversary of Erasmus Programme 4 +Entries from Erasmus+ Exchange Students Istanbul 6 Ankara 27 İzmir 32 Mersin 35 Samsun 38 Trabzon 39 Isparta 41 Çanakkale 43 ESN Turkey Social Media Links 47

30th Anniversary of Erasmus Programme Throughout the year, ESN’s member organizations will be organizing various events and activities under the scope of the 30th anniversary celebrations. Check out all of ESN’s celebratory events on the link below! #ErasmusPlus

2017 marks the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ programme - a milestone for Europe! An enduring European success story, Erasmus+ is a cultural phenomenon that has been credited with fostering a pan-European identity. The current programme, running from 2014 to 2020, is set to provide mobility opportunities to over 4 million people. Erasmus+ has also been said to boost employability and job mobility. According to the Erasmus Impact Study, young people who study or train abroad are half as likely to face long-term unemployment. In celebration of this momentous occasion, a website has been launched to bring together all key players in Erasmus+. Today, more than 27 years later, ESN is proud to be a close collaborator of the European Commission, working together in a multitude of ways to constantly improve and facilitate youth mobility. Especially in times like these, times of rising xenophobia and Euroscepticism, ESN believes it is ever more important to expose ourselves to other cultures and travel widely - values espoused by Erasmus of Rotterdam, the famous philosopher who lends his name to our cause.


y e k r u T n I + s u r i o m m s e a r M E - 2016/2017 Fall Semester Exchange Students Entries -

Anna r e g n i r i e S 25, Austria


‘Turkey is totally different from all the rumors we hear in Europe. It is a wonderful country’ Home University: University of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria Host University: Bahçesehir University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Food, Cultural interest What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Turkey is totally different to all the rumors we hear in Europe. It is a wonderful country with wonderful and friendly people. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I met more people in school. ESN made it easier for me to get in contact with other students from my school as well as with other schools. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Kokorec, Menemen, Lahmacun, Künefe, Gözleme, and everything else What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? “People like to dance a lot. In Turkey you can even find boys dancing. Turkish people like to make compliments that are related to deserts. Sekerim, Tatlisin. “ Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Do a ferry ride in Istanbul and drink tea. This is amazing and wonderful. Special during sunset time. What is your best memory in Turkey? On an ESN-trip the whole bus started singing and dancing. It was amazing to see what you can do during a boring bus drive. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Have fun and check out that all the bad things we think about Turkey are not true. Stay safe, but always have fun.

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Anke .. lau Schon 24, Germany

‘Do it, there’s a life beyond the headlines’ Home University: University of Bonn Host University: Bahçeşehir University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Social, Educational, Language What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I learned more in a few month than in 3 years of scientific studying about Turkey How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Without ESN/our Buddy students to start in Istanbul would have been a lot harder (compared to students without buddies and freemovers or people with working visa). ESN helped me a lot both organizational such as personal What are your favorite Turkish foods? Turkish Breakfast What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Hospitality (yes it’s a classic) Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? To walk around in non-sightseeing areas What is your best memory in Turkey? Bosphorus view What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do it, there’s a life beyond headlines


Magdalini Timou

22, Greece

‘go for it! they call it chaos, we call it home!’ Home University: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Host University: Boğaziçi University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Social What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Social and Educational How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I think it helped us live 100% of the erasmus experience What are your favorite Turkish foods? Tavuk Pilav What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? talking too much Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Pamukkale What is your best memory in Turkey? Can’t decide What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Go for it! they call it chaos, we call it home!


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Markus n Heckm21,an Germany

‘ESN organized some great activities, which touched me deeply’ Home University: University of Konstanz Host University: Marmara University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? I wanted to see something different from the usual European way and I am deeply interested in Turkish culture and history. Additionally, I wanted to experience in person what is happening in Turkey, because I am a politics student and the current political development is an interesting one for me. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I learned a lot about Turkish culture, traveled a little bit around the country and Istanbul (You need years to really travel all in Turkey or Istanbul), made a lot of friends and somehow adapted some Turkish behaviours. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN was a big help for me in all affairs. Since only a few people in Turkey speak English (usually only some very educated people and people who want to sell you something), my ESN Erasmus buddy and whoever I know from ESN helped me to overcome a lot of language barriers, especially bureaucracy and university. Furthermore they organized some great activities, which touched me deeply (Dialogue in the Dark, Visit of the Down Cafe, Silent Discussion,...). Also ESN contributed very much to meet other Erasmus people, because Istanbul is an enormous Metropolis and except from the few people who study with you on the campus, you don’t meet the other people too often... What are your favorite Turkish foods? All of the soups, köfte, pide, börek and way too many else What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? They are very kind, they love spending their time outside in a Cafe/Bar/Nargileplace and usually not too reliable when it comes to meetings :P 9

Markus n Heckm21,an Germany

‘I just arrived in Istanbul and bought a Simit, went to a ferry and swam with the ferry over the Bosporus to Eminönü with the sun warming my face’ Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? If you have good weather, you really should take a walk through Balat and Fener or you could visit Üsküdar and sit in the area with the couches, where you can see the Princess Tower. Also the Big Three (Hagia Sophia, Sultanahmet Mosque, Topkapi Palace) are a must. But since Turkey and Istanbul is full of history and leftover from ancient culture, you can go wherever you want you will find anythin great and beautiful. What is your best memory in Turkey? I just arrived in Istanbul and bought a Simit, went to a ferry and swam with the ferry over the Bosporus to Eminönü with the sun warming my face. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do it, try it, do not be afraid! Really, it’s a really different experience than to go just to another European city. Also you won’t have the chance to stand so long in Turkey as with Erasmus. As a European, you can visit Europe anytime ;)


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Armani Haumahu 25, the Netherlands

‘Do it! It is not always easy, but you will grow as a person in the rich world of Turkey’ Home University: Avans Hogeschool Host University: Işık University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Istanbul is one great city, I wanted to experience the magnitude of that. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Perfect, learned a lot. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? The Best, they helped me survive. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Turkish Hummus, and Pide What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Helpful Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Princess Islands in the summer What is your best memory in Turkey? Living in kadikoy and playing basketball What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do it! It is not always easy, but you will grow as a person in the rich world of Turkey.


Joshua Richard24,sUK

‘I wanted an experience in a new country: To build a global friendship network’ Home University: Cardiff Metropolitan Host University: Işık University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? I wanted an experience in a new country. To build a global friendship network. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Being on Erasmus was an amazing experience, it brought a new perspective to my life and gave me the opportunity to make friends with people from all over the world. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN hosted a few events which I attended. They were well organised and good fun. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Baklava What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Welcoming hospitality Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Istanbul What is your best memory in Turkey? Cappadocia was amazing What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Be a yes man. Be open and try new things. New experiences develop people.


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

s o m a R l e u Mig 21, Mexico

‘The city seduce you, the people welcomes you, and even with the difficult politic situation there is magic in Turkey.’ Home University: Tec de Monterrey Host University: Işık University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Because I was (and still) interested in the culture and mix of art and architecture in Turkey, specially Istanbul. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I learnt a lot about culture, religion, society and art. I had the chance to enjoy Istanbul, make friends and get involved in the city and culture. I traveled and grew a lot as person and as world citizen. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? The mentors where always helpful and nice trying to make easier the exchange and softer the cultural shock. Many of them turned more than mentors into real friends. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Spinach borek, mercimek and midye What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Friendly and warm with foreigners Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Istanbul Modern Art Museum! What is your best memory in Turkey? I cannot answer one best memory. The whole experience changed my life, through the weeks I fell in love with Istanbul. The city seduce you, the people welcomes you, and even with the difficult politic situation there is magic in Turkey. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Be open, try, enjoy and get lost. Be careful and prepared in case something happen but don’t be afraid. Turkey is incredibly beautiful and Istanbul is unique and majestic. Once you are part of the city your beat changes, the city becomes part of your soul. 13

r a m s O o v a t Gus ‘Actually Turkey feels safer than the TV and a t s o c A s a n i Sal 22, Mexico Internet shows’ Home University: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Host University: Işık University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural reasons What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? To meet Turkish culture has been one of the best choices I’ve ever taken. The Turkish culture is so rich and Amazing. Also the university was good with an acceptable level for the experience. If I had the opportunity to choose again, I would choose Turkey again without doubt. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? The mentoring program is really useful for Erasmus students, they really help us with school issues and also for cultural enjoying. The best part is that, without realizing that, some mentors and other Erasmus students can become true friends for a lifetime! What are your favorite Turkish foods? Çiğ köfte dürüm and Dolma midye What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? So welcoming and warn. They are always willing to help foreign people and show their culture to us. Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Pammukale, Prince Islands, Izmir What is your best memory in Turkey? When I entered for first time to Blue mosque and Hagia Sophia. Also the cultural party (dervish and belly dancer show) at Cappadocia was awesome! What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t be afraid!! Actually Turkey feels safer than the TV and Internet shows. You will never regret to be in a country with one of the richest history in the world.


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Carlota22, Spain Rodriguez San Miguel

‘They received and host us like family’ Home University: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Host University: Istanbul Technical University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Different culture, ITÜ program What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Amazing city and culture, hospitality people and great university life How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They received and host us like family, the helped and guide us in everything (university, social transmits, and social life) What are your favorite Turkish foods? Yogurt, köfte, içli köfte, dolma, tatli and the most loved one... KAHVALTI What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Hospitality and friendly is the main characteristics Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Bebek Bosphorus side, Eyup, Küçük Ayasofya, Karaköy, Üskudar. What is your best memory in Turkey? Tuesday evenings in fill up bar :) What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Open your mind and let you flow with Istanbul life rhythm and culture :)


lum Wiebke 22,BGermany

‘To quote another Erasmus Student: “it was kind of a self-chosen culture shock” ’

Home University: TU Berlin Host University: Istanbul Technical University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Countries in Europe are more or less similar but I wanted to see something different. To quote another Erasmus Student: “it was kind of a self-chosen culture shock” What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? The Content in the subjects are similar but the way of teaching is different. I learned less about my Profession but a whole lot about Society, culture and politics in the middle east as well as in europe. Also I learnt how high the barrier is to get Information or make friends very fast if you can hardly communicate in the same language. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It was a great spot to meet People in the same Situation, listen their experiences and what they recommended to do. Also it was nice to have a place where you can see People you at least know a Little bit since there are a lot of persons you just meet once and then see them never again. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Lahmacun, nar suyu What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? They always whish each other the best (hos geldin, kolay gelsin, afiyet olsun before AND after eating, kedine iyi bak...) Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Fener/Balat if you have not discovered Istanbul already. What is your best memory in Turkey? The first month discovering everything. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Just do it! and learn at least a Little bit Turkish before. 16

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

n a i l i m i x a M. . Lohr 21, Germany

‘Beautiful country and people’ Home University: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Host University: Marmara University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It was great. Beautiful country and people How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They helped a lot by organizing events and helping with bureaucratic stuff What are your favorite Turkish foods? Menemen, Pide, Lahmacun What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Friendly, helpful, welcoming Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Ephesus, Pamukkale, Istanbul, Izmir What is your best memory in Turkey? All the friends I’ve made What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do it! It’ll bring you a great lot of memories and experiences


Judith r Grei22,neGermany


‘Don’t be afraid, don’t listen to what others say, just do it!’ Home University: Universität Bayreuth Host University: Marmara University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Because of the partnership between my University and Marmara (not too much choice) and because I always wanted to visit Istanbul What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Overall it was great. Love the Turkish mentality. Istanbul is an amazing city to live in. Education is not the best I think, so my studies were quite relaxed here. That’s why I had time to travel. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? A lot! ESN Marmara did so many cool events, especially in the beginning. It was cool that they do not only organize parties but also cultural and social events. Met a lot of nice Turkish students through ESN. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Mantı, Baklava and Palamut What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? emotional and hospitable Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Antalya, Şile, and see as much as you can of Istanbul What is your best memory in Turkey? Being part of the Marmara diving club: scuba diving, awesome people and great parties What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t be afraid, don’t listen to what others say, just do it! I think Turkey and especially Istanbul is a great place for Erasmus.

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Leila Wahlstab 23, Germany

‘Istanbul is a beautiful city with an amazing history and friendly and warm-hearted people. ’ Home University: Passau University Host University: Maltepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Because of its cultural and historical heritage and its interesting relation with the European Union. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Istanbul is a beautiful city with an amazing history and friendly and warm hearted people. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN has helped me to some extent to apply for my residence permit. Also, I joined some social events organised by ESN. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Lahmacun, Iskender, Dolma What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Kind, warm-hearted, talkative Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Istanbul, Nemrut What is your best memory in Turkey? Taking the ferry on the Boğaz from the European to the Anatolian side during sunset. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? To search for a public university


Rabab Bourhim 26, Germany

‘I would recommend this experience to everyone. It was very nice and interesting to met a lot of new people and a new culture. ’ Home University: Fachhochschule Kiel Host University: Yeditepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? “I could choose courses in German. The Turkish Culture and the history are interesting for me “ What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I would recommend this experience to everyone. It was very nice and interesting to met a lot of new people, new culture. Esn Program was very Professional and varied. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Very helpful, kind, and always accessible. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Iskender, Adana Kebap, balı dürüm... What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? “Very helpful & Misafirperver “ Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? All Turkey <3 What is your best memory in Turkey? My first day in Istanbul !


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Antoine Moreau 20, France

‘For Istanbul : beautiful city, intersting to see and to know’ Home University: IEP Strasbourg Host University: Yeditepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? “For Istanbul : beautiful city, interesting to see and to know. For my studies in international relations and political science : important to know more Turkey in this actual context.” What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Really good experience : makes me more open-minded to other cultures/ way of thinking How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They helped me a lot for administrative tasks and to meet people. They gave me everything I needed. What are your favorite Turkish foods? LAHMACUN! What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Late and lazy, but really nice and warm !


Arnout Verheij

21, the Netherlands

‘Incredible, diverse and amazing’ Home University: Hogeschool Utrecht Host University: Yeditepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural reasons What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Incredible, diverse and amazing How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They made it so much better What are your favorite Turkish foods? Dürüm Köfte What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? They stick together Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia and Butterfly Valley What is your best memory in Turkey? The people I met and the friends I have made What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Be open minded and enjoy it


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

David n n a m h c s i e l F 22, Germany

‘I learned how to slow down a bit while drinking çay’ Home University: Technical University of Darmstadt Host University: Yıldız Technical University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural experiences What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It has been a great time learning a lot about Turkey and other European cultures, meeting a lot of new friends How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Yes I did. Always had the feeling of being not alone if something happens and feeling not lost in the big city What are your favorite Turkish foods? Ayran What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Outgoing and welcoming What is your best memory in Turkey? Learning how to slow down a bit while drinking a cay What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t be afraid it’s worth it


.. Ozge Levent 22, the Netherlands

‘Do it! ’ Home University: Rotterdam university of applied sciences Host University: Maltepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Social and cultural What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It was a great experience. The culture, food, people everything was nice How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Esn is a good idea for the students but it could be better What are your favorite Turkish foods? Pilav ustu kuru What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Everyone is in hurry Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Kadikoy, Karakoy, Bagdat caddesi, Moda, Besiktas What is your best memory in Turkey? The good friends What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do it!


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Vafa Bakkalar 25, Norway

‘I have first and foremost gained friends for the rest of my life’ Home University: University of Bergen Host University: Yeditepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Culture; politics, social What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Amazing experience with great people, culture, food and city! How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I have first and foremost gained friends for the rest of my life. They were helpful and made our experience one worth having What are your favorite Turkish foods? Kebab, gozleme, baklava, kokorec What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Hospitality and caring Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia!! And Cesme What is your best memory in Turkey? Hanging out in Caddebostan and partying in Taksim What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t even think, just do it!!


Mustafa Mustafov 22, Bulgaria

‘If you love adrenalin , come to Turkey’ Home University: Shumen university “EP.KONST.PRESLAVSKI” Host University: Nişantaşı University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Social and cultural . I like Turkish people and cultural. I speak Turkish ,my English is bad :D What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I met very good people, i saw many beautiful places. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Good What are your favorite Turkish foods? Adana kebap What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Humanists Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Istiklal caddesi What is your best memory in Turkey? My first school day What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? If you love adrenalin , come to Turkey :D


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Teresa Celia Schmid21,tGermany

‘Definitely go for it, no matter of the political situation or other concerns linked to safety issues. It will be a great adventure.’ Home University: University of Mannheim Host University: Bilkent University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Experience a new culture, visiting a new country What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I had a very good time and I would definitely come back. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? A lot, especially events and trips planned for exchange students from the ESN section. Very good possibility to socialize! What are your favorite Turkish foods? Beyti, in general the Turkish food was çok lezzetli! What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Hospitality, laid-back and relaxed, friendly and offering help a lot Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Fethiye, Olympos What is your best memory in Turkey? My stay in general here will be a very good memory. But I enjoyed the most the time I spend with my friends. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Definitely go for it, no matter of the political situation or other concerns linked to safety issues. It will be a great adventure.


Ines Dimassi 20, France

‘ESN played a big role in my Erasmus experience’ Home University: IÉSEG School of Management Host University: Hacettepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? For the country and the people What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Incredible landscapes, experience and friend. Lot of fun and emotions. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN played a big role in my Erasmus experience. They accompanied me in every situation, from finding a flat to enjoying a great party. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Köfte from street or restaurant What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Welcoming Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Istanbul, Pamukkale, Izmir, Bodrum, Cappadocia. What is your best memory in Turkey? Istanbul with my family. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t hesitate !!!

kale from Pamuk 28

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Emre . . S. enturk

21, the Netherlands

‘Definitely go and never return!’ Home University: University of Groningen Host University: Hacettepe University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Because I love the culture. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It was an amazing experience and I met so many high-quality people here. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN is a great organization that has not only helped me, but made my stay in Turkey also more fun! What are your favorite Turkish foods? Kıymalı Pide What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Smoking cigarettes Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Ayvalik, Samsun, Istanbul, Bodrum What is your best memory in Turkey? Chilling at BAM (a venue) after the lectures What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Definitely go and never return!


Douwe van er der M20,eNetherlands

‘Don’t be scared by all the bad news and just go to Turkey’ Home University: Rijksuiversiteit Groningen Host University: Bilkent University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural reasons and stories by friends who studied in Turkey What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Culturally very interesting, Im learning a lot about different cultures. It is sometimes difficult to communicate with Turkish people because they don’t speak English. The courses are really easy. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN has helped me very, very much to get integrated in Turkey and make some friends. Also with practical issues they were incredibly helpful. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Adana kebab and kuzu sis What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? They don’t speak English but are very friendly Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Istanbul, Izmir and the BlackSea area What is your best memory in Turkey? An ESN trip to Istanbul What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t be scared by all the bad news and just go to Turkey


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Thomas Verdier

21, France

‘I was very surprised I did not expect such a dynamic and developed country.’ Home University: IESEG Host University: Bilkent University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? I wanted to discover a new culture different from the European one but also close and Turkey was the perfect place to go. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I was very surprised I did not expect such a dynamique and developed country. It was a great experience that enabled me to encounter many different nationalities that would not have otherwise. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN people from Bilkent are really friendly and welcoming. They helped me out whenever and whatever for. They did an amazing job and I am happy to say that I have made new friends among them. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Kebaplaaar What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? I could not say they have one specific common feature as they all are different, secular, religious and so on but it is true that they are all extremely helpful, curious and friendly. Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? All the west coast from Izmir to Antalya (during summer), Kapadokya, Pamukale, The Blacksea region with Trabzon etc is also very cool. And of course Istanbul, just spend as much time as you can there ! What is your best memory in Turkey? I have a lot but our trip to Fethiye was liiiiit ! Also Istanbul. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Just go don’t ask yourself questions and stay very open-minded. Go get along with Turks, it is very interesting these days, especially for Europeans. 31

Reinhard .u.ller M 28, Germany

‘There are nice trips to the cultural places’ Home University: University of Hamburg Host University: Ege University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Recommendations of friends, nice people & country What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Friendly people, tasty food, different education system How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Nice trips to the cultural places What are your favorite Turkish foods? Künefe What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Openness Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cesme, Cappadocia, Istanbul What is your best memory in Turkey? My new Turkish friends What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do it, but use a well organized university


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

y g a N e g n e s C 22, Hungary

‘I love how diverse this country is, and my host university is awesome!’ Home University: Óbuda University Host University: Izmir University of Economics Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? All of the above: seeing Turkey, improving my Turkish, studying fashion related subjects, living in a really different country. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I love how diverse this country is, and my host university is awesome! How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They organised so many things for us (my faves were the travels) and they are super helpful. What are your favorite Turkish foods? I can’t choose, I love almost everything! What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Friendliness and funny English Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? I loved Cappadocia and Pamukkale and I think they are a must to see. But in general, travel and see as much as you can. What is your best memory in Turkey? It’s hard to choose but maybe it was going to the concert of Athena, one of my fave bands. And the helpfulness of the people around me, every time I needed help in something there were someone to help. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Great choice! Especially if you go to İzmir ;) 33

Agnieszka a Podleck 23, Poland

‘Don’t be afraid and do it’ Home University: West Pomeranian University of Technology Host University: Izmir University of Economics Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Educational reason, courses What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Different culture, interesting places, new skills How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Friendships, help with problems What are your favorite Turkish foods? Manti, lahmacun, baklava, sutlac What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Kindness, hospitality Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, İstanbul, İzmir What is your best memory in Turkey? Boat trip (Izmir) What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t be afraid and do it


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Ovidiu Neam25,tuRomania

‘It is a ‘’must have’’ experience’ Home University: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava Host University: Mersin University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural+ Social reasons What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I had a good experience. It helped me more in the educational part, where i was able to improve some skills. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN helped a lot to get used with the new culture, getting advises from them anytime What are your favorite Turkish foods? Tantuni What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Friendly Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Istanbul , Ankara, Adana, Mersin , Izmir What is your best memory in Turkey? Spending my time with my friends What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? It is a ‘’must have’’ experience


Wissam i Ouerta24,nItaly


‘I made a lot of new friends and they taught me how people can be awesome. ’ Home University: University of Pisa Host University: Mersin University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Cultural reason. I wanted to discover something different What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Travelling, eating, laughing and also studying. I made a lot of new friends and they taught me how people can be awesome. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I would not have begun my Erasmus+ without ESN help. I have to thank them for the rest of my life. We had a lot of great time together and I hope to have more one day What are your favorite Turkish foods? Adana kebab (eaten in Adana was the best) but also Turkish breakfast is great What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Hospitality and they are helpful people Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Hasankeyf, Dara, Fethiye What is your best memory in Turkey? “A lot of memories, especially with my homemate. It’s hard to choose one. But I can tell you about an experience that I had with a Turkish family. One day I met a teacher and he invited me to his home where I met his wife and his two children (9 and 10 years old). It was a crazy day because he asked me to cook Italian foods for them and I will always remember that day because it was amazing from morning to night.” What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Don’t hesitate, just do it

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Michaela Kalisova

24, Slovakia

‘You should definitely come, there is nothing to think about it’ Home University: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Host University: Mersin University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Because of different culture, habits, traditions, religion What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It was unforgettable, I have a lot of new friends, Turkish people are very nice, I traveled a lot as well, I have beautiful memories for the rest of my life, Mersin is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? ESN organized couple of interesting events for us so we spent an amazing time all together What are your favorite Turkish foods? Sarma What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? nice, friendly, helpful Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Mersin, Istanbul, Cappadocia What is your best memory in Turkey? all of them What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? definitely go, there is nothing to think about it


Miguel Castanon Alvarez

‘I needed to know more about a different culture’

27, Spain Home University: Oviedo University Host University: Ondokuz Mayıs University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Social and cultural. I needed to know more about a different culture What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Very nice people and impressed with how different are the people and culture around the world How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They help me always i need. I made many good friends and i have very good moments with them What are your favorite Turkish foods? Tavuk durum and pide What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Very polite Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Istanbul, Cappadocia, Şahinkaya Kanyonu What is your best memory in Turkey? Istanbul trip What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? It’s a very good option if you don’t need too much party. about culture, monuments, food etc is amazing


Kipras Cesnauskas

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

‘just do it, make your dreams come true’ Home University: Kauno Kolegija Host University: Karadeniz Technical University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? To travel as far as i could from 21, Lithuania home. Turkey was that destination What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? in a nut shell, it was like heaven How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They made it amazing because they were ready to help when i needed a help What are your favorite Turkish foods? Pide What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? friendly and helpful Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Trabzon,Cappadocia, Sumela, Antalya, Mount Nemrut What is your best memory in Turkey? Trip to Antalya, I spent a week in there after midterm exams What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Just do it, make your dreams come true


rea Diana G21,aRomania

‘Amazing culture, different style of life, new way of seeing things.’ Home University: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava Host University: Karadeniz Technical University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Amazing culture, different style of life, new way of seeing things. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? It is one of the best experiences of my student life. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? They helped us with EVERYTHING. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Pide What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? They are helpful, smiling, beautiful people. Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? To visit cities from different parts of Turkey. What is your best memory in Turkey? Maybe Halloween party, or Cappadocia, or every day there. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? It will be your best decision.


z e u g i r d o R Alba Otero 20, Spain ‘Don’t be afraid and do it’

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Home University: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Host University: Süleyman Demirel University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? I choose Turkey for Erasmus because I was looking forward to live in a country whose culture differed from the typical European one. I think the mixture of Europe and Asia that happens in Turkey is a beautiful and interesting background that I wanted to experience. Also, I had a connection with Turkey since I was small, as my best friend from childhood is halfTurkish half Spanish, and I already visited Turkey 4 years ago, but only one month wasn’t enough to enjoy and learn everything about this country. But it was enough to captivate me, to fell in love with the culture, the language, the people and the food. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I didn’t finish yet my Erasmus experience in Turkey, as I will still stay the next semester here, but so far I can say that I traveled a lot, getting to know the north part of Turkey, as Samsun, Trabzon.. and also the south part as Antalya, Kemer.. as well as cities like Istanbul at the east of Turkey. I met also a lot of people, and I totally enjoyed the famous Turkish hospitality, I must say that all ESN members helped me a lot to solve any problem that I had. Also I had time to learn the language, and to learn traditions and to try a lot of typical Turkish foods (maybe thats why I’m 4 kilograms more..). How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? As I said before, Isparta ESN members helped me a lot even before coming to Turkey, as they helped me to find accommodation. Also once here they helped me with all the bureaucratic stuff such as residence permission papers, university stuff and any problem that I could have. They also organized nice trips to Istanbul, to Antalya and Akdeniz and also to Karadeniz joining Samsun ESN, which was also really nice with our Erasmus group.


Alba Rodriguez Otero 20, Spain


What are your favorite Turkish foods? I love Pide and borek, also any sweet stuff like helva, tahin and pekmaz or baklava. What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? From my experience I can say that they are extremely generous, their hospitality is something everyone should learn, also they are easy-going and like foreigners pretty much. And finally something I admire from them is their capacity to bargain the prices of almost everything. Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? I still haven’t visited every place in Turkey, in my list are waiting to be visited places like Pamukkale, Cappadocia, Ankara and Bodrum. Also I would totally recommend anyone to go to Çesme in Izmir, to visit Istanbul and to visit Akdeniz and Karadeniz seasides. What is your best memory in Turkey? My best memory in Turkey is being in the seaside in Antalya’s beach in late September. The weather here is great and warm until late November and the view of the sea with the Taurus mountains beside, makes a beautiful landscape I will never forget. The relaxed atmosphere I could breathe there, and the feeling that I was about to start my Erasmus in such a wonderful country made me feel so lucky for being here. What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? “I’ve already spoken with a few people that are thinking on coming to Turkey next semester and I’m aware of their fears. It is true that this country suffered from several attacks last year, and that it doesn’t stand out for its political stability. But I want to remark that I never felt afraid in any occasion and that my life here has never been affected by any political situation. And I also want to say that the situation here in Turkey is usually being exaggerated by European media, as after living here for 5 months I realized that real life here was so peaceful and far away from what television showed in my country (Spain). So, to sum up, I encourage everyone who really wants to get immerse in this beautiful and special culture to come to Turkey in spite of all the fears that you may feel because of what media showed to you, so you can really judge from your experience. Different is usually scary, but that shouldn’t stop us from probably living the best experience of our lives.”

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

Veronika ~‘ikov‘a s u Ondr21, Czech Republic

‘Because the most things what i heard from czech people about Turkish people it’s not true’ Home University: Silesian University in Opava Host University: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? I chose Turkey especially because of cultural differences, beautiful nature and I wanted to try to study in different country. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I tried to live with people who have different culture, learned new things at school and knew new places. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Especially a lot of new friends, they showed me interesting places in Turkey, showed me their traditional things (food, dance ...) and they helped me with everything what I needed What are your favorite Turkish foods? Peynir helvası What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? drinking tea and raki, they are so friendly and willing Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Pamukkale and Bozcaada island What is your best memory in Turkey? All of my memories are the best, I can’t choose What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Go and enjoy! Don’t be afraid! Don’t look behind you and don’t listen! Because the most of the things I heared from Czech people about Turkish people is not true. I didn’t listen and I went to Turkey. I’m very pleased. 43

Paolo De Carlo

26, Italy

cia from Cappado 44

‘I have always been fascinated from the Turkish culture, an incredible melting pot’ Home University: Università degli Studi di Pisa (PISA-Italy) Host University: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? I have always been fascinated from the Turkish culture, an incredible melting pot. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? A great experience, both about the education and about the wonderful trips and cultural experiences we made. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Every person from ESN was really kind with us, and I became a member too, with a lot of benefit (discounts) in the city What are your favorite Turkish foods? Borek, Adana Kebap, Balik ekmek, Turk Kahvesi Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia, Assos, Efes, Pamukkale, Bozcada and Gokgeada... and above all ISTANBUL What is your best memory in Turkey? Cappadocia trip What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Just go! And enjoy

Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

ub Jonas L25,aGermany

‘Its a lovely country with great people, and ... totally safe to stay’ Home University: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Host University: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Culture What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? Got lot of help from all the people and had a wonderful time, even though education was not that good. How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? A lot of help in every questions I had. Made many friends and we spend a lot of time together. What are your favorite Turkish foods? Mousakka, Künefe What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? Lazy and friendly Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia What is your best memory in Turkey? Took the hot air balloon in Cappadocia What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Its a lovely country with great people, and Çanakkale is totally safe to stay


Hatizhe n Osm25,aBulgaria

‘ESN made my time here, more interesting and unforgettable!’ Home University: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Host University: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Why did you choose Turkey for Erasmus+? Because I love Turkish people and culture. Also, because of education. What is the short summary of your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? I made a lot of friends not just from Turkey, but also from different countries of the world. I learned and saw many important things about Turkish history. And the most important is that I improved my language skills in Turkish! How has ESN affected your Erasmus+ experience in Turkey? By having “Buddy System” for coming students, which so helpful and necessary. By making different events, parties and projects, ESN made my time here, more interesting and unforgettable! What are your favorite Turkish foods? Lahmacun, different tastes of pide, mantı and so on... What are the most common characteristic features about Turkish people? They are always friendly. Which places would you recommend others to see before leaving Turkey? Cappadocia What is your best memory in Turkey? There are so many memories... But if I have to explain the best one, It was my “International Birthday Party” with all of my Erasmus friends! :) What would you say to the ones who’s considering to go on Erasmus in Turkey? Do not think so much, just go to buy immediately a ticket to Turkey!


Erasmus + In Turkey Memoir

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