Template: Paper Chain Level: Easy
Add a touch of hand-crafted sparkle with these simple paper chain decorations

To Play ― Celebrate the Art of Play with REY Carnival!

Use different REY Adagio tinted paper to add vibrancy to your party. Hang the decorations on walls, windows and doors and make the party begins!
Template: Festive Net
Level: Easy
Add a touch of hand-crafted sparkle with these simple festive net decorations
To Play ― Celebrate the Art of Play with REY Carnival!

Use different REY Adagio tinted paper to add vibrancy to your party. Hang the decorations on walls, windows and doors and make the party begins!
Template: Classic Banner
Level: Easy
Add a touch of hand-crafted sparkle with these simple flags banners
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Print the patter on REY Adagio tinted paper - You have 23 eye-catching shades to chose from.
To Play ― Celebrate the Art of Play with REY Carnival!
Cut the flags following the pattern’s lines. Use a hole punch to create a hole.
Tie the flags together with a ribbon. Your festive banners are ready to be hanged on walls and windows - let’s the party begins.
Use different REY Adagio tinted paper to add vibrancy to your party. Draw, paint and write on each flag to make it more fun and add colour to your party.
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Cut the shapes following the dashed lines.
Template: Spiral wall hanging Level: Easy
Add a touch of hand-crafted sparkle with these simple Spiral wall hanging.
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Print the patter on REY Adagio tinted paper - You have 23 eye-catching shades to chose from.
Fold and cut the masks and shapes following the pattern’s lines.
To Play ― Celebrate the Art of Play with REY Carnival!
Tie the Carnival masks and the shapes together with a ribbon and some adhesive tape. Your festive banners are ready to be hanged to animate the party.
Use different REY Adagio tinted paper to add vibrancy to your party. Hang them on ceiling and ceiling light and have fun!
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Cut the shapes following the dashed lines. Start from the outside of the spiral for ease.
Template: Carnival Banner Level: Medium
Add a touch of hand-crafted sparkle with these Carnival banners
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Print the patter on REY Adagio tinted paper - You have 23 eye-catching shades to chose from.
To Play ― Celebrate the Art of Play with REY Carnival!
Tie the Carnival masks and the shapes together with a ribbon and some adhesive tape. Your festive banners are ready to be hanged to animate the party.
Fold and cut the masks and shapes following the pattern’s lines.
Crease and fold along the vertical dashed line. Once folded cut the shapes. Page 2 of 2