Summer Notebook
Roam free with Paper. Your Summer Notebook to
Relax and Disconnect
Think of summer break as your chance to re-charge away from screens. Paper gives you a break from digital overload, offering a calming, hands-on experience.
Whether it’s flipping through the book or doodling next to notes, paper lets you unwind without distractions.
So this summer, keep it simple: embrace the summer notebook to relax, enjoy, and make the most of your time off.
Mandala Colouring - Bird Mandala Colouring - Pattern
Did you know?
Between 2005 and 2020, European forests grew by 58,390 square kilometres – that’s an area bigger than Switzerland and amounts to over 1,500 football pitches every day!
Two Sides analysis of FAO data, 2005-2020
Summer Bucket List Maze Puzzle
Make the most of this Summer by writing your bucket list of the things you’d love to do!
Set 10 goals and tick the circle
Roaming through the Maze of Life...
Did you know?
The ICT industry accounted for 4-6% of global electricity use in 2020, which is more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. With increasing demand, the ICT industry is expected to increase its global electricity use over the next decade.
UK Parliament, Energy consumption of ICT, 2022 Source: Myths_&_Facts_Booklet.pdf (
“For Harland, every vacation is a working vacation.”
“Actually, I hear my boss. I’m on a working vacation.”
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