Business Information System - Course Catalog

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© 2013 ESQBS Business Information System Program

Copyright © 2013 by Mokhammad Misdianto and Bayu Kelana, Business Information System program, ESQ Business School. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. For more information on what this license means, visit:  

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Course Catalog 2013 ESQBS Š

Contents 1

Curriculum Background ...................................................................1


Course Classifications ......................................................................3


Remedial Studies ............................................................................. 3


Humanity Studies ............................................................................ 3


Humanity Activities .........................................................................3


Character Transformation Concepts ................................................ 3


Character Transformation Action..................................................... 4


Business Fundamental .....................................................................4


Business Information System Skills .................................................. 5


General Computing .........................................................................5


Core Information System (IS) ........................................................... 5


Elective Course ................................................................................ 6


Presentations and Final Project ....................................................... 6


Course Scheduling ........................................................................... 7


Semester 1 ...................................................................................... 7


Semester 2 ...................................................................................... 7


Semester 3 ...................................................................................... 8


Semester 4 ...................................................................................... 8


Semester 5 ...................................................................................... 9


Semester 6 ...................................................................................... 9


Semester 7 .................................................................................... 10


Semester 8 .................................................................................... 10


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Course Descriptions .......................................................................11


Level 000 ....................................................................................... 11


Level 100 ....................................................................................... 12


Level 200 ....................................................................................... 21


Level 300 ....................................................................................... 27


Level 400 ....................................................................................... 31


Level 500 ....................................................................................... 32


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Curriculum Background

An undergraduate degree program in Business Information System at the ESQ Business School will prepare students to become professional managers or entrepreneurs that can harmonize the integration of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual values into the core managerial competencies of communication, critical-thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving in businesses and organizations with additional knowledge of information system. Students will exhibit strong moral values, ethical behavior, and business savvy in transforming businesses and positively making a difference in people’s lives by serving the community at any level. ESQ Business School will provide the foundation for a lifetime of learning and serving and help pave way for sustainable success in this life and after. This curriculum is guided by the belief that even though business will likely continue to be the primary domain for Information Systems, the discipline provides expertise that is critically important for an increasing number of domains. Second, the curriculum have been form of high-level Information System (IS) capabilities and then in three knowledge and skills categories: IS specific knowledge and skills, foundational knowledge and skills, and domain fundamentals. Third, the curriculum is structured so that it separates the core of the curriculum from electives with the intent of supporting the concept of career tracks. Finally, this curriculum includes enough flexibility to allow its adoption in a variety of educational system contexts. The high-level capabilities that the curriculum specifies as the highest level outcome expectations are as follows: • Improving organizational processes • Exploiting opportunities created by technology innovations • Understanding and addressing information requirements • Designing and managing enterprise architecture • Identifying and evaluating solution and sourcing alternatives 1

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Securing data and infrastructure, and Understanding, managing and controlling IT risks.

These high-level capabilities are translated into knowledge and skills in three categories: 1. IS specific knowledge and skills a) Identifying and designing opportunities for IT-enabled organizational b) improvement c) Analyzing trade-offs d) Designing and implementing information systems solutions, and e) Managing ongoing information technology operations 2. Foundational knowledge and skills a) Leadership and collaboration b) Communication c) Negotiation d) Analytical and critical thinking, including creativity and ethical analysis, and e) Mathematical foundations 3. Domain fundamentals a) General models of a domain b) Key specializations within a domain and c) Evaluation of performance within a domain. The curriculum is designed to educate graduates who are prepared to enter the workforce equipped with the knowledge and skills specified in these three categories.



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Course Classifications


Remedial Studies Courses that are intended to strengthen required core competencies prior to full entry into the undergraduate program.    



Basic Math I Basic Math II Basic English I Basic English II

Humanity Studies Courses that are not directly related to the core application of Business Information System, but they are considered necessary to help students to become well-rounded human beings. These courses are delivered within classrooms.  EBSH101  EBSH102  EBSH103


Religion Pancasila & Civic Education Culture Science

Humanity Activities Courses that are not directly related to the core application of Business Information System, but they are considered necessary to help students to become well-rounded human beings. These courses encourage students to engage in different forms of creative activities and will be graded as Pass or Fail.  EBSH111  EBSH112


Sports Performing Arts

Character Transformation Concepts Courses that are not directly related to the core application of Business Information System, but they are vital in transforming the principle personal character of students. 3

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      



Personal Transformation Personal Mission & Character Exploration Leadership Management & Change Strategic Collaboration Values-based Management Civics Service & Social Change Total Action

Character Transformation Action Courses that are not directly related to the core application of Business Information System but provide practical experience in character transformation.       



Diversity & Wisdom Social & Environmental Development Intrapreneurship Business Creation Business Development Integrated Community Development I Integrated Community Development II

Business Fundamental Courses that provide students with specific, in-depth knowledge to improve understanding of a particular aspect in Business or Management      


Introduction to Business Management Principles of Accounting Principles of Finance Principles of Marketing Principles of Operations Principles of Human Resources



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Business Information System Skills Courses that are not directly related to the core application of Business Information System but they are vital to enhance students’ capability as Professional Business Persons.       



Writing Techniques & Crit. Reading I (B. Indonesia) Writing Techniques & Critical Reading II (English) Public Speaking I (B. Indonesia) Public Speaking II (English) Statistic Discrete Math Research Methods

General Computing Courses that are considered to be a standard requirement for all students that aspire to be Business Information System persons, regardless of elective course to be taken.        



Basic Programming Algorithm & Data Structure Operating System Web Application Graph & Visual Computing Intelligent System Computer Architecture Net Centric Computing

Core Information System (IS) Courses that provide students with specific, in-depth knowledge to improve understanding of a particular aspect in Business Information System.  EBCS201  EBCS211  EBCS212


Introduction to IS & Green Technology Data & Information Management System Analysis & Design

© 2013 ESQBS Business Information System Program    


Enterprise Architecture IS Project Management Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure IS Management

2.10 Elective Course The course that provide students with specific, in-depth knowledge about a particular aspect in Business Information System and now it is being implemented into 11 courses :           


Application Development Business Process Management Collaborative Computing Business Intelligence Enterprise System Human-Computer Interaction Information Search and Retrieval IT Audit and Controls IT Security and Risk Management Knowledge Management Social Informatics

2.11 Presentations and Final Project Courses that provide students with skills in delivering presentation and their final project assignment  EBSR301  EBSR501

Presentation Final Project



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Course Scheduling


Semester 1







Personal Transformation








Writing Technical & Critical Reading I (Indonesian)




Public Speaking I (Indonesian)




Introduction to IS & Green Technology




Basic Programming




Diversity & Wisdom

3 19


Semester 2







Personal Mission & Character Exploration




Writing Technical & Critical Reading II (English)




Public Speaking II (English)




Algorithm & Data Structure




Introduction to Business Management




Principles of Accounting




Social & Environment Development

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Semester 3







Leadership Management & Change




Pancasila & Civic Education




Operating System




Computer Architecture




Discrete Math




Principles of Finance





3 20


Semester 4







Strategic Collaboration




Culture Science




Principles of Marketing




Web Application




Data & Information Management








Business Creation

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Semester 5







Value-based Management




Principles of Operation




Principles of Human Resources




Intelligent System




Net Centric Computing








Business Development

3 20


Semester 6







Civics Service & Social Change




IS Project Management




System Analysis & Design




Information Technology Insfrastructure




Graph & Visual Computing




Enterprise Architecture








Integrated Community Development I

2 21


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Semester 7







Total Action




IS Management




Research Methods




Elective 1




Elective 2




Performing Arts




Integrated Community Development II

3 18


Semester 8 No.






Final Project




Elective 3




Elective 4

3 12

Total Credit Units


10 10

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Course Descriptions


Level 000 EBSU001 Basic Math I 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will establish the very core competencies of students in mathematical concepts and calculation skills. Students will be stimulated to passionately develop good comprehension on basic concepts and proficient calculation skills in arithmetic. Encouragement will be given to students to express creativity and innovation, while maintaining spiritual integrity and ethical conduct in completing all course activities and assignments. EBSU002 Basic Math II 3 CU Prerequisite : EBSU001 This course will strengthen the core competencies of students in mathematical concepts and calculation skills. Students will be stimulated to passionately develop good comprehension on basic concepts and proficient calculation skills in algebra. Encouragement will be given to students to express creativity and innovation, while maintaining spiritual integrity and ethical conduct in completing all course activities and assignments. EBSU011 Basic English I 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will establish the very core competencies of students in using the English language, both orally and in written form. Students will be stimulated to passionately build their vocabulary for simple everyday conversations, as well as learn to compose informal messages in English. Encouragement will be given to students to express creativity and innovation, while maintaining spiritual integrity and ethical conduct in completing all course activities and assignments.


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EBSU012 Basic English II 3 CU Prerequisite : EBSU011 This course will strengthen the core competencies of students in using the English language, both orally and in written form. Students will be stimulated to passionately build their vocabulary for simple everyday business conversations, as well as learn to compose simple business reports in English. Encouragement will be given to students to express creativity and innovation, while maintaining spiritual integrity and ethical conduct in completing all course activities and assignments.


Level 100 EBSH101 Religion 2 CU Prerequisite : None This course will examine and contemplate upon the different universal aspects of religious teachings, focusing on spiritual and moral values. Each student will be assigned to reference the various aspects through individual study and review of Holy Scriptures of the student’s own personal religion. Through better understanding of the different aspects of religious teachings, students will be encouraged to passionately develop a mind-set of practicing religion through harmonious integration between the individual aspect of his/her relation to God and the social aspect of his/her position as social beings within every facet of their everyday lives. It is desired that this mind-set will be based on strong spiritual belief, spurring students to develop moral values that reflect integrity, creativity, passion to excellence, and genuine care for other beings, while maintaining a good sense of humbleness. EBSH102 Pancasila & Civic Education 3 CU Prerequisite : EBSH101 This course will investigate the conceptual development of Pancasila and its particular relationship to the basic concepts of spiritual belief. Emphasis will be made on building awareness that the ideal nationalism spirit of citizens should actually be an extension of spiritual belief. Students will be encouraged to be passionately creative in finding innovative ways to effectively utilize 12 12

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nationalism spirit as a motivating tool to reinforce passion for success, maintain integrity, and practice genuine care for the community in any business organization. EBSH103 Culture Science 3 CU Prerequisite : EBSH102 This course will help students better appreciate the role of culture as a significant factor toward the success of any business. Students will be made aware of the rich diversity, different settings, impact of culture in every living aspect, and its relationship to spiritual belief. Encouragement will be given to passionately utilize creativity and innovation to maximize benefit based on responsible practices of culture for the business and the general community. EBSH111 Sports 1 CU Prerequisite : None This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop a genuine, lifelong passion in activities related to exercise and sports that improve the quality of life. Active participation from students in exercise and sporting activities will be required, either in a sports club or facility, and either officially organized by the school or outside the school. Students will be encouraged to passionately explore the source of excitement and creatively express themselves, while maintaining ethical behavior based on strong spiritual belief, during their engagement in the exercise and sporting activities. This course will be graded as Pass or Fail. EBSH112 Performing Arts 1 CU Prerequisite : EBSH111 This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop a genuine, lifelong passion in activities related to performing arts that improve the quality of life. Active participation from students in any form of performing arts activities will be required, either in a sports club or facility, and either officially organized by the school or outside the school. Students will be encouraged to passionately explore the source of excitement and creatively express themselves, while maintaining ethical behavior based on strong spiritual belief, during their engagement in the exercise and sporting activities. This 13

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course will be graded as Pass or Fail. EBSU101 Writing Technical & Crit. Reading I (B. Ind) 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will equip students with various writing and reading skills in Bahasa Indonesia that support the effectiveness of management. Skills to be trained will include (a) academic writing for scholarly publications and presentations, (b) business writing for business e-mails, memos, proposals, reports, presentations, media relations, and marketing tools, and (c) critical reading for effective and efficient retrieval of invaluable information. Encouragement will be given to students to develop a passion for excellence and use of creativity and innovation, while maintaining ethical behavior based on spiritual belief in completing all course activities and assignments. EBSU111 Public Speaking I (B. Ind) 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will equip students with oral communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia, as well as knowledge on proper use of body language (if applicable), physical appearance (if applicable), use of space (for presentations), and use of audio-visuals (for presentations) that are considered necessary for most business purposes. Skills to be trained will include oral skills, body gestures, appearance, movement, and audio-visuals for academic presentations, business presentations, business phone calls, public speeches, press conferences, and business meetings. Encouragement will be given to students to develop a passion for excellence and use of creativity and innovation, while maintaining ethical behavior based on spiritual belief in completing all course activities and assignments. EBSU102 Writing Tech. & Crit. Reading II (English) 3 CU Prerequisite : EBSU101 This course will equip students with various writing and reading skills in English that support the effectiveness of management. Building on the Writing Techniques & Critical Reading I (Bahasa Indonesia) course, skills to be trained will all be in English, including 14 14

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(a) academic writing for scholarly publications and presentations, (b) business writing for business e-mails, memos, proposals, reports, presentations, media relations, and marketing tools, and (c) critical reading for effective and efficient retrieval of invaluable information. Encouragement will be given to students to develop a passion for excellence and use of creativity and innovation, while maintaining ethical behavior based on spiritual belief in completing all course activities and assignments. EBSU112 Public Speaking II (English) 3 CU Prerequisite : EBSU111 This course will equip students with oral communication skills in English, as well as knowledge on proper use of body language (if applicable), physical appearance (if applicable), use of space (for presentations), and use of audio-visuals (for presentations) that are considered necessary for most business purposes. Building on the Public Speaking I (Bahasa Indonesia) course, skills to be trained will all be in English, including oral skills, body gestures, appearance, movement, and audio-visuals for academic presentations, business presentations, business phone calls, public speeches, press conferences, and business meetings. Encouragement will be given to students to develop a passion for excellence and use of creativity and innovation, while maintaining ethical behavior based on spiritual belief in completing all course activities and assignments. EBIT101 Statistic 3 CU Prerequisite : None Statistical thinking can be defined as thought processes that focus on ways to understand, manage, and reduce variation. Its thinking includes the recognition that data are inherently variable and that the identification measurement, control, and reduction of variation provide opportunities for quality improvement. This course will focus on data collection, data presentation, summarizing and describing data, basic probability, and statistical inference. Students will use computer algebra systems and spreadsheets as tools for performing statistical calculations, creating tables, and generating graphical representations of information. 15

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EBIT102 Discrete Math 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course has more than one purpose. The students should learn a particular set of mathematical facts and how to apply them; more importantly, this course will teach them how to think mathematically. Therefore this course will stressess mathematical reasoning and the different ways problems are solved. EBIT111 Research Methods 3 CU Prerequisite : EBIT101 This course provides a comprehensive introduction to research proposal writing, research methodologies, and foundational research theories and protocols. Students will learn about the cyclical nature of applied research and the iterative process of research writing. It teaches students how to write a proposal, engage in independentstudies, and work collaboratively with a mentormentee relationship with a faculty advisor. EBGC101 Basic Programming 3 CU Prerequisite : None Fluency in a programming language is prerequisite to the study of most of computer science. This program will teach students how to use at least one prog-ramming language well; furthermore, its will teach students to become competent in languages that make use of the object oriented and event-driven programming paradigms. EBGC111 Algorithm & Data Structure 3 CU Prerequisite : EBGC101 Algorithms are fundamental to information system. The real-world performance of any software system depends on only two things: (1) the algorithms chosen and (2) the suitability and efficiency of the various layers of implementation. Good algorithm design is therefore crucial for the performance of all software systems. Its also provides insight into the intrinsic nature of the problem as well as possible solution techniques independent of programming language, programming paradigm, computer hardware, or any other implementation aspect. 16 16

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EBGC121 Operating System 3 CU Prerequisite : EBGC111 An operating system defines an abstraction of hardware behaviour with which programmers can control the hardware. It also manages resource sharing among the computer’s users. It will ensure that the student understands the extent of the use of an operating system prior to a detailed study of internal imple-mentation algorithms and data structures. They will address both the use of operating systems (externals) and their design and implementation (internals). EBGC122 Web Application 3 CU Prerequisite : EBGC111 This course will introduce students to web technologies and give experience creating Web applications. Students will learn about markup languages, scripting languages, network protocols, interactive graphics, event-driven programming, and databases, and see how they all work together to deliver exciting applications with high impact in business and communities. EBGC123 Graph & Visual Computing 3 CU Prerequisite : EBGC111 This course will cover area: Computer Graphics, Visualization, Virtual Reality and Computer Vision. Computer graphics is the art and science of communicating information using images that are generated and presented through computation that requires the design and construction of models that represent information in ways that support the creation and viewing of images, the design of devices and techniques through which the person may interact with the model or the view, the creation of techniques for rendering the model, and the design of ways the images may be preserved The goal of computer graphics is to engage the person's visual centres alongside other cognitive centres in understanding. In visualization, we seeks to determine and present underlying correlated structures and relationships in both scientific (computational and medical sciences) and more abstract datasets, with main objective; should be to commu-nicate the information in a dataset so as to enhance understanding. Within Virtual reality (VR), it enables users to experience a three-dimensional environ17

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ment generated using computer graphics, and perhaps other sensory modalities, to provide an environment for enhanced interaction between a human user and a computer-created world. And the goal of computer vision (CV) is to deduce the properties and structure of the three dimensional world from one or more two-dimensional images. The understanding and practice of computer vision depends upon core concepts in computing, but also relates strongly to the disciplines of physics, mathematics, and psychology. EBGC124 Intelligent System 3 CU Prerequisite : EBGC111 Artificial intelligence (AI) is concerned with the design and analysis of autonomous agents. These are software systems and/or physical machines, with sensors and actuators, embodied for example within a robot or an autonomous spacecraft. An intelligent system has to perceive its environment, to act rationally towards its assigned tasks, to interact with other agents and with human beings. Furthermore, AI provides a set of tools for solving problems that are difficult or impractical to solve with other methods, including heuristic search and planning algorithms, formalisms for knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning techniques, and methods applicable to sensing and action problems such as speech and language understanding, computer vision, and robotics, among others. EBGC112 Computer Architecture 3 CU Prerequisite : None All students of business information system should acquire some understanding and appreciation of a computer system's functional components, their charac-teristics, their performance, and their interactions. Students will also belief and understand the complex trade-off between CPU clock speed, cache size, bus organization, number of core processors.

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EBGC121 Net Centric Computing 3 CU Prerequisite : EBGC112 Net-centric computing covers a range of sub-specialties including: computer communication network concepts and protocols, multimedia systems, Web standards and technologies, network security, wireless and mobile computing, and distributed systems. It also will involve hands-on experimentation and analysis are strongly recommended as they reinforce student understanding of concepts and their application to real-world problems. Laboratory experiments should involve data collection and synthesis, empirical modelling, protocol analysis at the source code level, network packet monitoring, software construction, and evaluation of alternative design models. ESQK101 Personal Transformation 2 CU Prerequisite : none This course will examine the principles of transformation at a personal level, learn to escape from factors that inhibit selfactualization, and alter the way of thinking and perception of current and future personal conduct. Students will be encouraged to be able to identify their own IQ, EQ, and SQ potential, as well as their other strengths and weaknesses, as the foundation in formulating their plan for transformation. Mentors will provide coaching for students to stimulate passion and courage to improve all potentials in personal transformation. ESQA101 Diversity & Wisdom 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will introduce students to the concept and techniques of social mapping, examine the differences that exist within a community, and explore interaction among community members. Encouragement will be given to students to be personally involved in a particular community where they will conduct a simple intervention program that utilizes the wisdom gained from social mapping in hope of offering a meaningful and positive contribution for the future of the community.


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ESQK102 Personal Mission & Character Exploration 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK101, ESQA101 This course will provide students with guidance in developing a personal mission that is in line with their personal vision and values. The importance of this mission will require students to deeply contemplate and reflect to establish clear direction and own personal goals in life. Through their contemplation and reflection, students will learn to identify the needed steps to complete the mission by constructing an action plan and strengthening character with possitive and quality learning attitude within the corridors of spiritual belief and ethical conduct. ESQA102 Social & Environment Development 2 CU Prerequisite : ESQK101, ESQA101 This course will train students with the capability to identify various issues in the environment that effect the everyday lives of community members, as well as examine the relationship between environmental programs and the concept of sustainable development. Students will be stimulated passionately use creativity to formulate and implement innovative social and environmental programs that offer the chance to improve the community’s quality of life, as well as instill new values and behavioral patterns that ensure program continuity and long term benefit based on spiritual belief and ethical conduct. MBUM101 Introduction to Business Management 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will introduce students to various general concepts related to the practice and theory of business management. Emphasis will be put on discussions related to the role of each major business function within the typical overall business structure. Students will be made aware of the importance of setting spiritual belief as the foundation of any business, strengthened with the core values of ethics, creativity and innovation, passion to excellence, social care and empathy, and humbleness.

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MBAK101 Principles of Accounting 3 CU Prerequisite : MBUM101 This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of accounting, both financial and managerial. Professional preparation, communication, and interpretation of internal information, both financial and non-financial related for operational purposes and strategic decision-making will be shared and discussed within the confines of spiritual integrity and business ethics. Students will be trained to passionately use software tools to expertly prepare various accounting reports. Creativity and innovation will mostly be used in data collection techniques from various sources.


Level 200 ESQK201 Leadership Management & Change 2 CU Prerequisite : ESQK102, ESQA102 This course will provide students with an understanding of the main aspects that support the success of change management programs. Students will examine the latest best practices in leadership explore case studies of leadership from different companies that have emerged successfully past the difficult times of managing and leading change, and identify company values and cultures that move company members to take the initiative to make changes in a better direction. Analysis of those matters will take into consideration the role of spiritual belief, as well as other important values, such as ethical conduct, discipline of execution, and creativity and innovation. ESQA201 Intrapreneurship 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK102, ESQA102 This course will introduce students to the basic concepts and development process of intrapreneurship, also referred to as corporate entrepreneurship, within the realms of spiritual belief and business ethics. Different methods and tools employed by companies to respond to the rapid changes in business environments will also be shared and discussed. Students will be encouraged to develop an intrapreneurship passion fueled by creativity and innovation to facilitate the ability to quickly identify


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opportunities that create added value for the company, and share recommendations about business processes that have the potential to enhance competitive advantage and add value for the company or consumer. ESQK202 Strategic Collaboration 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK201, ESQA201 This course will investigate the underlying concepts behind strategic collaboration, both within an organization and among organizations. Within an organization, students will study about the collaborative culture, main values and attitudes to build a collaborative culture, and implementation of collaboration based on ethics, loyalty, integrity, creativity, and innovation to address new challenges. For among organizations, students will examine differrent principles in business collaboration with other companies, as well as develop competency to build and sustain strategic collaborations that form “win-win� alliances. ESQA202 Business Creation 2 CU Prerequisite : ESQK201, ESQA201 This course will provide students with knowledge of different ways to start up a business using entrepreneurship concepts, tools, and practices. Entrepreneurship passion and creativity of students will be stimulated to develop a strong sense in identifying business opportunities and creating new business ideas based on spiritual belief and business ethics. Students will also attain comprehension in various methods and tools to evaluate the feasibility of startup businesses, transform innovative business ideas into attractive business proposals, and effectively articulate and present the proposals to potential investors. EBCS201 Introduction to IS & Green Economy 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary information systems (IS) and demonstrate how these systems are used throughout global organizations. Its focus on the key components of IS - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how they can be inte22 22

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grated and managed to create competitive advantage. Through the knowledge of how IS provides a competitive advantage, students will gain an understanding of how information is used in organizations and how IT enables improvement in quality, speed, and agility. Its also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in modern organizations and society. EBCS211 Data & Information Management 3 CU Prerequisite :EBCS201 This course provides the students with an introduction to the core concepts in data and information management. It is centred around the core skills of identifying organizational information requirements, modelling them using conceptual data modelling techniques, converting the conceptual data models into relational data models and verifying its structural characteristics with normalization techniques, and implementing and utilizing a relational database using an industrial-strength database management system. Basic database administration tasks and key concepts of data quality and data security is also covered. EBCS212 System Analysis & Design 3 CU Prerequisite : EBCS201 This course will discusses the processes, methods, techniques and tools that organizations use to determine how they should conduct their business, with a particular focus on how computer-based technologies can most effectively contribute to the way business is organized. Its also covers a systematic methodology for analysing a business problem or opportunity, determining what role, if any, computer-based technologies can play in addressing the business need, articulating business requirements for the technology solution, specifying alternative approaches to acquiring the technology capabilities needed to address the business requirements, and specifying the requirements for the information systems solution in particular, in-house development, development from third-party providers, or purchased commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) packages . 23

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EBCS213 Enterprise Architecture 3 CU Prerequisite : EBCS201 This course explores the design, selection, implementation and management of enterprise IT solutions. Its focus on applications and infrastructure and their fit with the business. Students learn frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, system administration, data/information architecture, content management, distributed computing, middleware, legacy system integration, system consolidation, and software selection, total cost of ownership calculation, IT investment analysis, and emerging technologies. These topics are addressed both within and beyond the organization, with attention paid to managing risk and security within audit and compliance standards. EBCS214 Information System Project Management 3 CU Prerequisite : EBCS201 This course discusses the processes, methods, techniques and tools that organizations use to manage their information systems projects. Its covers a systematic methodology for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects. In the modern organization, a project management is a complex team based activity, where various types of technologies (including project management software as well as software to support group collaboration) are an inherent part of the project management process. This course also acknowledges that project management involves both the use of resources from within the firm, as well as contracted from outside the organization. EBCS215 Information Technology Infrastructure 3 CU Prerequisite : EBCS201 This course covers both computer and systems architecture and communication networks, with an overall focus on the services and capabilities that IT infrastructure solutions enable in an organizational context. It gives the students the knowledge and skills, needed for communicating effectively with professionals whose special focus is on hardware and systems software technology and for designing organizational processes and software solutions that require in-depth understanding of the IT infra24 24

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structure capabilities and limitations. It also prepares for organizational roles that require interaction with external vendors of IT infrastructure components and solutions. EBCS221 Information System Management 3 CU Prerequisite : EBCS212 This course explores the issues and approaches in managing IS function in organizations and how the IS function integrates/supports/enables various types of organizational capabilities. It takes a senior management perspective in exploring the acquisition, development and implementation of plans and policies to achieve efficient and effective information systems. Its also addresses issues relating to defining the high-level IS infrastructure and the systems that support the operational, administrative and strategic needs of the organization. The remainder of the course is focused on developing an intellectual framework that will allow leaders of organizations to critically assess existing IS infrastructures and emerging technologies as well as how these enabling technologies might affect organizational strategy. MBUA201 Principles of Finance 3 CU Prerequisite : MBAK101 This course will introduce students to various concepts related to financial analysis, ranging from personal to corporate. Emphasis will be put on profit and liquidity ratios, financial reporting, time value of money, basic concepts of taxes and its applications, and basic analytical skills needed in financial management. Students will be trained to passionately and creatively use various software tools to effectively compose financial reports and develop innovative financial solutions that will be within the corridors of spiritual integrity, business ethics, and provide benefit for many.


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MBPA201 Principles of Marketing 3 CU Prerequisite : MBUM101 This course will encourage students to develop the spirit, passion, and competency to become a professional modern marketer. Students will be introduced to basic marketing concepts, principles, techniques, and activities and how to effectively implement this knowledge through passion of excellence, creativity, and innovation, while maintaining integrity. Various examples of marketing strategies that benefit both the business and the customer through every stage of a business will be shared and discussed. MBOP201 Principles of Operation 3 CU Prerequisite : MBUM101 This course will explore different activities related to the design, operation, and calibration of business processes that develop and deliver the main products and services of a company. Students will be encouraged to passionately analyze business processes and use creativity in developing innovative ideas that will help any business operate in a more effective and efficient manner. All proposed solutions should be in line with students’ spiritual beliefs and expected business ethics, while maximizing benefits for both the business and the community. MBSM201 Principles of Human Resources 3 CU Prerequisite : MBUM101 This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of managing human capital. Students will gain knowledge in assisting the organization to attract the right quality and quantity of employees, understanding key issues under human resources functions, and fostering a work environment which facilitates high employee performance. Encouragement will be given to students to passionately use creativity in developing different human resources programs, such as trainings, recruitment, job design, and compensation, based on spiritual belief and business ethics.

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Level 300 ESQK301 Values-based Management 2 CU Prerequisite : ESQK202,ESQA202 This course will introduce students to different patterns of leadership and management approaches that are based on values. Students will study the process of formulating values, establishing company vision and mission, and developing strategies, corporate governance, company culture, system of communications and decision-making, as well as managing employee performance based on company values. Various methods and tools that can be utilized to measure current organization values, also different approaches to internalize company culture and evaluate the culture transformation of a company will be shared and discussed within the confines of spiritual belief and business ethics. ESQA301 Business Development 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK202, ESQA202 This course will provide the opportunity for students to operate a real business. Students will be coached to develop tools and concepts that are needed to start up a business, as well as encouraged to practice the planning, organizing, leadership, and controlling processes of a business. This course will be delivered based on practical experience to inspire and develop a managerial and entrepreneurial mind-set based on spiritual belief, business integrity, passion to excellence, as well as creativity and innovation. ESQK302 Civics Service & Social Change 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK301, ESQA301 This course will focus on various concepts related to the social system and changes that occur within, as well as action steps and programs that can be run by students to provide alternative improvements. Through case studies and fieldwork, students will be encouraged to passionately explore and analyze the way groups, organizations, and communities operate in fulfilling their functions. Students will be required to innovatively compose recommendations and actively participate in intervention programs that can optimize the effort of organizations and communities in


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reaching their goals, including the installment of values and culture that can accelerate change and social growth. ESQA302 Integrated Community Development I 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK301, ESQA301 This course will be based on experience where students will be required to duplicate their successful business to a larger market. Through this course, students will be introduced to the Triple Helix concept and compose a business proposal based on the concept to develop the community. Students will be stimulated to passionately use creativity and innovation while maintaining spiritual and ethical integrity during the whole process. EBFP301 Presentation 3 CU Prerequisite : None This course will have students conduct a presentation, either oral or written, within a professional setting. Students can choose from group presentation at a business competition, academic conference, or individual scholarly publication. All forms of presentation will require students to passionately compose a wellwritten report representing a creative or innovative idea which will offer a comprehensive solution based on spiritual belief, academic integrity, and community benefit. EBEL301 Application Development 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamental concepts and models of application development so that they can understand the key processes related to building functioning applications and appreciate the complexity of application development. Students will learn the basic concepts of program design, data structures, programming, problem solving, programming logic, and fundamental design techniques for event driven programs. Program development will incorporate the program development life cycle: gathering requirements, designing a solution, implementing a solution in a programming language, and testing the completed application.

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EBEL302 Business Process Management 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses In this course students will be introduced to key concepts and approaches to business process management and improvement. The main focus of this course is both understanding and designing business processes. Students will learn how to identify, document, model, assess, and improve core business processes. Students will be introduced to process design principles. The way in which information technology can be used to manage, transform, and improve business processes is discussed. Students will be exposed to challenges and approaches to organizational change, domestic and offshore outsourcing, and inter-organizational processes. EBEL303 Collaborative Computing 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of Groupware to support specialized tasks: document preparation, multi-player games, asynchronous group communication: e-mail, bulletin boards, listservs, wikism, synchronous group communication: chat rooms, conferencing, Online communities: MUDs/MOOs, , Software characters and intelligent agents, virtual worlds and avatars, Social psychology, Social networking Social Computing and Collaborative usability techniques. EBEL304 Data Mining / Business Intelligence 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the usefulness of data mining, Associative and sequential patterns, data clustering, market basket analysis, data cleaning and data visualization. EBEL305 Enterprise System 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses The main focus of this course is to demonstrate how enterprise systems integrate information and organizational processes across functional areas with a unified system comprised of a single database and shared reporting tools. Enterprise systems, by their multi-dimensional integrative nature, offer the depth of 29

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functionality and breadth of integration to demonstrate how global operations of organizations are managed. Students will gain an appreciation of the scope of enterprise systems and the motivation for implementing them. EBEL306 Human-Computer Interaction 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course integrates cognitive psychology, design, computer science and others. Examining the human factors associated with information systems provides the students with knowledge to understand what influences usability and acceptance of IS. This course will examine human performance, components of technology, methods and techniques used in design and evaluation of IS. EBEL307 Information Search and Retrieval 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of characters, strings, coding, text, Documents, electronic publishing, markup, and markup languages, Tries, inverted files, PAT trees, signature files, indexing, morphological analysis, stemming, phrases, stop lists, Term frequency distributions, uncertainty, fuzziness, weighting, Vector space, probabilistic, logical, and advanced models, Information needs, relevance, evaluation, effectiveness, Thesauri, ontologies, classification and categorization, metadata, Bibliographic information, bibliometrics, citation, Routing and (community) filtering, Search and search strategy, information seeking behavior, user modeling, feedback, Information summarization and visualization, Integration of citation, keyword, classification scheme, and other terms and Protocols and systems (including Z39.50, OPACs, WWW engines, research systems). EBEL308 IT Audit & Controls 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses The main focus of this course is on understanding information controls, the types of controls and their impact on the organization, and how to manage and audit them. Students will learn the process of creating a control structure with goals and objectives, audit an 30 30

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information technology infrastructure against it, and establish a systematic remediation procedure for any inadequacies. The challenge of dealing with best practices, standards, and regulatory requirements governing information and controls is addressed. EBEL309 IT Security and Risk Management 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course provides an introduction to the fundamental principles and topics of Information Technology Security and Risk Management at the organizational level. Students will learn critical security principles that enable them to plan, develop, and perform security tasks. The course will address hardware, software, processes, communications, applications, and policies and procedures with respect to organizational IT Security and Risk Management. EBEL310 Knowledge Management 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course is designed to provide student with an understanding of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insight and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizations as processes or practices. EBEL311 Social Informatics 3 CU Prerequisite : All General Computing & Core IS courses This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of methods of analysis and practical implications concerning the relationship between information technology and social behavior.


Level 400 ESQK401 Total Action 2 CU Prerequisite : ESQK302, ESQA302 This course will examine the process of developing commitment and contribution for the development of oneself, community, even up to a nation. As a leader at the organizational level, students


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must express great care and attention toward personal, professional, and spiritual development of each personnel in the organization. Within their community, students must possess a great sense of belonging, strong social spirit, exceptional interest in community development, and capable of internalizing values into the developing community. ESQA401 Integrated Community Development II 3 CU Prerequisite : ESQK302, ESQA302 This course will require students to be agents of change in the community reconstruction and development process by utilizing the three elements of Triple Helix. Building on the Integrated Community Development I course, students will be coached to master the concepts and skills in evaluating effectiveness and impact of their community development projects. Encouragement will be given to students to maintain the mind-set of ensuring that projects remain within the confines of spiritual belief and business ethics.


Level 500 EBSR501 Final Project 6 CU Prerequisite : None This course will require students to undertake a comprehensive research project. Students will be required to apply their advanced IS and management knowledge to compose a detailed IS solution that offers an better impact to a current real business challenge. Encouragement will be given to students to maintain and reflect the values of passion to excellence, creativity for innovation, and genuine care for others based on spiritual belief and business ethics developed during their academic journey in their respective final projects.

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