AENG 273 - Digital Representation Tools for Architects
An introduction to different forms of digital representation in architecture: architectural drawings, 3D-modeling, rendering, sheet layout design and fundamentals in animation and image editing. Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and graphical representation software. Such techniques are utilized as design tools for the creative development of projects and communication with clients and consultants from different disciplines in architectural practice.
AENG 351 - Architectural Design Studio I Studio on designing in behavioral and socio-cultural contexts. “Inside-out” approach to Architecture. Design through the study of behavioral use of space. Age, sex, culture and individuality as well as complex functional relationships influence on architectural design. Study of the nature of human behavior and how it can be incorporated, facilitated, modified and influenced through architectural design. Design for special needs populations. Introduction to developing project brief through definition of the needs of society, users and clients.
AENG 352 - Architectural Design Studio II
Studio on form, space and composition. “Outside-in� approach to architecture. The architectural form and its composition. The compositional aspects of spatial design- expression, language, intent, dynamics etc. and their use as tools of concept and functional accommodation. Three-dimensional models and design development. Spatial approach to design. Meaning, message and symbolism. Work with architectural precedents through analysis of various works of architects. Contemporary design theory as a premise for design.
AENG 453 - Architectural Design Studio III Studio on Environment and Sustainability. This studio will allow students to investigate various aspects of the environment and ‘sustainability’ as a force within the architectural profession. Recent increases in global climatic and social pressures have necessitated environmental awareness as well as new architectural design solutions. Using current sustainable design strategies as a foundation, students will analyze and implement their own environmentally responsible analysis and designs. Conservation and recycling of materials and waste management. Field trip to gain hand on experience on the sustainable design and waste management is a requirement.
AENG 368 - HousingDesign and GIS Systems Context, history and framework of regional, city and urban planning. Concepts, features and characteristics of human settlements. Interrelationship between socio-cultural contexts and housing processes. Design of housing areas and housing units. Design of ‘appropriate’ and ‘responsive’ residential environments within specific resources. Concepts and system components of GIS. Creation and management of a geodatabase. GIS analysis and applications in housing projects.
AENG 468 - Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Study & Analysis of Visual Elements. Urban Form, Grain, Texture, and Fabric. The Phenomenon of Perception. Space, Time, and Function. Space and Path Visual Analysis. Study & Analysis of Historic Urban Squares, Piazzas and similar spaces. Form and space generation in landscape architecture. Elements of Landscape Architecture.
Total Land area = 40 Acres = 168,000 Plot Coverage= 57,480 = 34.22 % Total Built up Area = 68,342 F.A.R= 683,428/168,000 = 4.06 Pros: - Emphasized gateways that define the urban tissue. - Flying platforms that define and optimize the view -Continuity of masses to emphasize the crack more and define the functions accordingly. - The crack inside provides possible view options - total separation between the vehicular and pedestrian road networks Cons: - The massive structure decrease the opportunities of enough sun exposure and ventilation. - Vehicular circulation inside the project area is very limited
Alternative I studies and Analysis
Calculation and land budget Total Land area = 40 Acres = 168,000 Plot Coverage= 57,480 = 34.22 % Total Built up Area = 68,342 F.A.R= 683,428/168,000 = 4.06
Pros and Cons pros: -high land use. -providing a mixture of greenery and water features. -the masses are distributed in a way to for a sense of closure and direct contact to the river nile. -providing both vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site. -All buildings are linked internally. -open spaces for all of the people to interact. -privacy for both hotel and residential areas. -making full use of the Nile frontage using a pedestrian path. cons: -the fact that there isn't complete separation between the pe-the fact that there isn't complete separation between the pe destrian an vehicular circulation. -the site isn't straight forward. -central may be seen as too big.
Alternartive II Studies and Analysis