Cause And Effect Divorce Essay

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Cause and Effect of Divorce In today's society, divorce is more the norm than ever before. Forty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Divorce defined by Webster is the action or an instance of legally dissolving a marriage. Divorce itself is both a cause and effect. There are many causes of divorce. Some of the causes happen more often than others. For instance, the most common causes of divorce are poor communication, financial problems such as lack of money, lack of commitment tomarriage, a dramatic change in priorities, infidelity, sexual indiscretion and the ease of getting a divorce. These are some of the most common causes of divorce. The effects of a divorce seem insurmountable when comparing the grief it causes more content...

The lack of money cause financial problems such as not being able to pay the bills, arguing over money and not being able to do extra activities such as going to the movies or eating out. (Divorce Cause and Effect) The past to present, people determined to live together, so they depend on each other. Some couples are unable to maintain their relationship; therefore they choose divorce, which is one of the solutions with problems between husband and wife. Most people should think carefully before they get married. The divorce rates continue to increase nowadays. There are other causes of divorce, changing women's roles, stress in modern living and lack of communication. The first cause of the rate of divorce to increase is women change in roles. Men have to earn money to afford the expenses of the family. Most women only do housework. Women have no money leading to depend on the husband's money. It is difficult for most women to separate from their husband. The equality between men and women in a role, because women can work outside to earn, while men can help with household duties such as cooking, cleaning, washing and caring for their children. The divorce rates rise. ("Cause and Effect Essay– The Causes of Divorce") Another cause confirms the increase in divorce rate is stress in modern living. Many people have considered pressures to earn money. It seems the stress came since they were children. Most causes having an opportunity to find a

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Causes of Divorce Essay

The Causes and Consequences of Divorce Essay

The Causes and Consequences of Divorce


In this coursework I wish to deeply look into what are the reasons for marriage break–ups which consequently lead to divorce and even more consequently one–parent families. I also want to ask the question about the dependant children in nuclear families. Also another main important area to investigate is which age couples are more likely to have a marriage break–up, and further more I will look at the development of divorce over the past decades. Another point in which I will be looking at is the changes in attitude towards divorce.

Another area to investigate is whether religion has an influence in the break–up of marriages. If there was more content...

She also has to consider many factors such as whether she can prove whether her husband has committed adultery, deserted or neglected her. Also there are legal costs which she has to consider, can she afford them? Plus if she does get divorced will she be able to support herself? What if she has no qualifications, no job experience? And if she did have these, adequately paid jobs for women in the 1950s were scarce.

But in modern times only a few of these factors would have to be considered. Many females would have started work within marriage, as there are more equal laws for women nowadays. Also if women have no previous work experience, it wouldn't matter as many employers tend to go on first appearances. So with the work comes the money. If a woman wanted to get divorced nowadays, she wouldn't have to worry about the legal costs. At the end of it all, in some cases, it has been known that the woman has ended up with half of what her other half owns. Plus nowadays employers will employ women without a second look.

Г Different forms of marriage–

In Britain today, marriage is based onmonogamy, which means it is possible to be married to only one person at a time. Monogamy is the accepted form of marriage in Britain and is backed by the law. Bigamy {marrying someone when already married to another person} is a criminal

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Cause and Effect of Divorce

"DIVORCE" – Just the sound of such word in any married couple or children's ear can cause great agony that can even become terminal. Research and personal experience, has proven that in today's society, divorce is more common amongst newlyweds. Since 2009 the rate ofdivorce has increased to approximately forty percent, There are three out of every ten marriage that ends up in divorce before it reaches the stage of maturity, and the most prevalent results are– lack of communication and infidelity. A Prominent saying state– "Good Communication is the key to a healthy relationship or marriage"; whether it may be verbal or non–verbal. Many marriages end up in divorce, because of neglecting to more content...

Unfortunately such is not the case in today's society; spouses are taking each other for granted and neglecting what they use to see and yearn for before they became married. Spouses wake up in the morning, barely saying a word to each other or children, get dressed, and walk out the door. Such case can inevitably result in spouses becoming vulnerable, separate, and commit adultery with the person who listens and communicates with them, and at the same time, cause the children to seek attention by joining a gang or engaging themselves with bad company.

In most marriages, divorce is caused by an obsessive, cheating spouse. Majority of the time, you hear women complaining – "My husband refuses to keep his private part in his pants, he wants to 'screw' everything that wears skirt, and I cannot endure the agony anymore, I want a divorce." When a couple divorce because of infidelity, it does not only devastates the person who was faithful in the marriage, but also the children. Research has shown that children, who grow up in an environment where their parents divorced as a result of cheating, may become insecure and doubtful while some may think it's perfectly alright to do the same, and become promiscuous. Some children become emotionally detached and perform poorly academically. Sometimes they become overweight and unattractive, and at the same time, failing to take care of their personal

Essay on Cause and Effect of Divorce
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Causes Of Divorce In Marriage

Divorce rates point to a world that does not see much success in marriage. For instance, in Maldives, the divorce rate is so high that the UN calculated that the typical Maldivian woman, by the age of 30, has been divorced three times (Marriage Advice). What are the causes of these high divorce rates? There are 10 main causes we can discuss.

Extramarital affairs is the main reason for divorces (Oliver). Infidelity causes anger and resentment among those who are married, and often tears apart the emotional connection couples have. Though one event of infidelity can be tackled through counseling, multiple accounts of extramarital affairs usually result in divorce.

Another main reason why people get divorced is money. Different spending habits, opposite financial goals, and a lack of money can produce great strain on a marriage (Oliver). If the couple has children, money becomes even more vital to the sustainability of the relationship.

Though it may seem minor, a lack of communication is another key reason for divorce. If one or both partners in the marriage feel they cannot express themselves properly, or feel they are not being listened to, resentment can easily settle in (Oliver). Yelling and interrupting are common signs that a couple is not communicating well.

Some people cannot stand the amount of arguments they have with their partners. If couples are bickering constantly, the joy of marriage cannot show through (Oliver). Arguments commonly stem from not being able

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Cause and Effect Divorce Essay

Cause and Effect Divorce

People all around the world want to love and be loved. We search most our lives looking for the perfect spouse. When you think you've found the right one, and you're ready to spend forever together they join as one in marriage. Nevertheless, some marriages fail and the two turn to divorce. There can be numerous reasons for a divorce. Here are three major causes: lack of communication, financial problems and cheating, which are listed below. The first significant cause for divorce is lack of communication. Due to bills and finances onefamily can stay fairly busy with work and other activities. Therefore, they have less time to talk about problems they have with their spouse, which more content... Cheating will not only destroy a relationship it can destroy the self esteem of a person. Although these three reasons cause a rise in divorce, there are also effects from these divorces. Most marriages include children and when a divorce takes place it can have negative effects on them. A child may put the blame on themselves for the divorce. Children go from living with both parents to having to choose a parent which can be hard because they love both. Living with only one parent can change a child's behavior, may even lead to drug abuse, dropping out of school and teen pregnancy. This is a few of the negative effects a divorce has on families. On the other hand good can come from a divorce. The one, who divorce by consent from their partners, wants to have better quality of life, since they are unhappy with their spouses. Therefore they feel free to go out and do as they like. A divorce can get rid of some of the stress you may have had in the relationship which can be better for your physical and mental health. In conclusion, a family is one of the important parts of society, therefore many people better be aware of the significance of relationship in family. At the moment, divorce problems such as lack of communication, financial stress and cheating have caused the divorce rate to increase. Nevertheless, there are also the two different ways in effects, which are negative and positive effects. Some couples, which Get more content

I. Introdution

Divorce is a heavy concept that has many implications for those involved. The situation becomes even more consequential when children are considered. As divorce has become more commonplace in society, millions of children are affected by the separation of the nuclear family. How far–reaching are these effects? And is there a time whendivorce is beneficial to the lives of the children? This paper will examine some of the major research and several different perspectives regarding the outcomes of divorce for the children involved, and whether it can actually be in the best interest of the kids.

II. Review of Evidence

The first study to be considered is a qualitative study which spanned a 25 year period and looked at more content...

It found that 60% of children of divorce ended up getting married versus 80% of the comparison group, and the majority chose not to have children of their own (Wallerstein & Lewis, 2004).

In the contrary, another longitudinal study took place across two decades with a cohort of preschoolers (4 years old) whose parents had been separated between 12–18 months. They were assessed again two years later (age 6) and then follow–ups occurred at 10, 16 and 24 years of age. The sample was expanded at each assessment and ended up including divorced, non–divorced and remarried individuals among 450 families. The most significant finding of the study was that 75% of the children were able to positively adjust between 2 – 6 years post divorce, while 25% still struggled with psychosocial problems for decades (Zimiles, 2004). Another significant two–part longitudinal study took place over a 17 year period and examined a sample of 85 children of divorced families. Parents were initially interviewed in 1980 regarding marriage quality. Interviews later determined which marriages dissolved and the conflict levels of those that had not. In 1992 and 1997 interviews with the children of these divorced families were given to determine their physiological well–being,

Divorce and Its Effect On Children
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The Major Cause And Causes Of Divorce

Divorce is a choice of couples to terminate their marriage, of course, it has its causes. The most common reasons why couples want a divorce are: Lack of Commitment (according to researchers, 73% of couples say that it is major cause) Too much Arguing (56%) Infidelity (55%) Lack of Equality (44%) Lack of Preparation for Marriage (41%) Abuse (29%)

Divorce is a genuine tragedy. It often leaves the married couple embittered and financially poorer. When married couples have children, the children are the most affected when their parents separate. Divorce serves as a hindrance for the children to feel love and security of a complete family and deprive those good role models (parents) for their own future marriages. Children from families where there is conflict and /or divorce is more prone to depression, poor school performance, rebelliousness and law–abiding behaviors. These problems can continue until they become adults. Adult children who came from divorced parents tend to have a life that results to be miserable and unsuccessful because of the pain that cause them when their parents separate.

Parents are needed to be aware in order to be informed by signs of problems in their behavior in their child/children. Being rebellious and violent more content...

According to researches, divorce is not a solution, but will just cause another problem. When we base these matters in the Bible, it was stated there that God is not in favor of divorce. It was stated in the Old Testament (Malachi 2:16). God believes that marriage should be a lifetime relationship that a man and woman should embrace. But when adultery is proved to be done, divorce can be obtained. It is instituted as a lifelong commitment. According to Old Statement, only a man is allowed to divorce his wife when there are indecent things about her, but wives are not allowed to do

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In America, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds. A divorce is a court judgment ending the marriage. There are several causes of divorce, but also there are many effects of divorce on kids, society, husband, and wife. Kids are the most beautiful things in the earth if people cannot deal with them those kids will depart in their life. Also, the society will effect in the divorce by bad behavior from the kids and thehusband and wife. Moreover, the husband and the wife playing the main important role in divorce for example, if they love and respect each other they will be no divorce. The cause of divorce can be grouped into three main headings: the rapid change in society, communication gap between spouses, and maltreatment. The first cause of divorce that the rapid change in society. The author said that "if the partner stay away from other they will get divorce" For example, Some of the families lately because of social networking sites are no longer clustered like the old days and it is considered that children are far from their families and also a lot of wives work more content... The author said that "the spouses should talk to other" In other word lack of communication is one of the major causes of divorce. Sometimes new couples neglect small problems until they become big problem and when they want to solve it becomes difficult to solve the problems accumulated around them and this causes them to violence and fighting and yelling, and this leads to divorce Also, they cannot have a healthy relationship if either one of them will not discuss their personal issues or express their feelings. Moreover, the spouses always expect from the partner that he or she should understand them without any discussion. But nowadays, some couples are busy in their lives and is not able to give each other enough time to talk and this miss understanding they start to quarrel and it will end in

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What Are The Cause And Effects Of Divorce

Today in modern society, divorce is becoming more normal than ever. Statistically speaking, over forty–five percent of all marriages end in divorce. Divorce defined by Webster as the action or an instance of legally dissolving a marriage [1]. The word divorce can be used to describe both a cause and an effect. A few causes ofdivorce could include lack of communication, financial distress, and sexual indiscretion. These are just a few of the most common causes of divorce. The effects a divorce seems almost incomparable when considering the hardship it causes on both people in the relationship. One major cause of divorce is the lack of communication. Many marriages end up in divorce because of the neglect to communicate respectfully. Communication is the key within any relationship, not just marital relationships Many couples lack the proper communication when it comes to the critical decision making process. Respectful talking is essential in good communication, and at the same time respectful listening is also vital. In most marriages, there is always more content...

We know lack of money plays a big role in society, but what kind of role does it play inmarriage. Many couples in a marriage want to blame money as the main cause of divorce. In fact, the statistics of a survey conducted by United States Census Bureau on divorce in North America suggested that more than fifty percent of divorced couples cited financial issues as their main cause of their divorce. Sometimes a relationship does not work out because the two people involved have different spending habits. This can be referred to as financial incompatibility. Divorce does not always help solve financial problems. Instead, the divorce itself must be paid for and both people must now set up their own individual household and pay for separate rent and utilities instead of splitting

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One of the main things people do when they feel great chemistry between one another is get married. Some couples are unable to maintain their relationship and they get a divorce; which is one of the solutions to solve the problems between husband and wife. Most people think carefully before they get married however the divorce rates are continuously increasing. There are three main causes of divorce: changing in woman's roles, stress in modern living, and lack of communication. The first significant cause of recent rise in the rates of divorce is a woman's role being completely changed. In the past, men had to earn all the money to afford the expenses of the family, whereas woman only did housework. That led to the woman having no more content...

Many people who live in globalization have considerable pressures to earn money. Some people cannot maintain their high maintenance lifestyle and are forced to settle for less. Consequently, their spouse may feel like they have settled for less and decide they may be better suited for someone else. This usually occurs when people just marry for money or material things. Those type of marriages usually never last and end in a horrible divorce. The final cause of recently increasing divorce is lack of communication. Owing to financial status in each family, many people are fairly busy. For this reason, they have inadequate time to talk to their spouse about their problems. Consequently, that usually causes divorce. Some couples are often quiet when they have problems with each other. Soon their little problems expand to big problems, resulting in divorce. Maybe if people communicated more with their partner divorce rates would be increasing so drastically. In addition to the three causes I mentioned, there are also two effects of divorce. Most couples normally have children when they get married. Divorces can directly affect the children of the couple. Children living in a single parent house hold are more likely to get pregnant as a teenager, drop out in high school, abuse drugs, and have aggressive emotional and behavioral problems. Some children decide to leave their home and subsequently become homeless and they do not have good opportunities to find a job due

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on Main Causes of Divorce

Broken families are on since the beginning of humanity. In fact, divorce, which has been very common in today's societies, is the major cause that leads to family devastation. However, although, in some cases, divorce is the only solution for a family to live in peace, one must think many times before taking such decision, and that is because of many .

When life becomes unbearable between a women an her husband, they may think of divorce as being a fair solution for both of them to get their "independence" and live a normal life, they may even think that it is suitable for their children. However, this is not the case , divorce may have some serious consequences that can affect the whole society . Many religions disapprove of more content...

As declared before, divorce must remain the last decision to take by a couple, because of its dreadful consequences on the whole family. Women, for instance, undergo enormous pain as a result of divorce. In most cases, law gives divorced women custody. Consequently, they find themselves alone with their children, and hence obliged to look after them in a society where divorced women may be looked in a bad way. Besides, most of divorced women don't have regular income, as they were financially depending on their husbands before divorce, so they have to work outside home, without neglecting their duties toward their children, and this is very difficult to accomplish especially with the sexual harassment that becomes very common. Emotionally speaking, a divorced woman feels as she was betrayed by her ex–husband .She may also start to hate all men, and this can have direct effects on the way she rises her children. It is believed that men are the least affected by divorce. However this doesn't mean that they do not suffer at all. Indeed, men suffer financially from divorce; they are obliged to support their children as well as their ex–wives. And because before divorce the responsibility was shared by both husband and wife, divorced men cannot always afford to pay alimony, thus they may be

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Essay on Divorce

Divorce or ending of wedding describes as the finish of a marriage before the passing of either spouse. It can to be clear as an ending of a marriage by an authorized decision in a court of law. Today, divorce no lengthier measured as a big deal associated to previous generation especially in Western Europe. They certainly not take it extremely though there are kids with them. In short term, they can get married effortlessly just a little bit of amorousness and got divorced just a little bit of boredness.

In today's civilization, divorce is extra the normal than ever before. Forty percentage of all marriages end in separation. Divorce the state is together a reason and an effect. Some of the details of parting include the want of money, sexual carelessness and the ease of getting a divorce. These are about of the most shared causes of divorce. Additional, the properties of a divorce seem stimulating when connecting the grief, it details on both gatherings.

Many individuals quote cash as a reason of divorce. I think that money has a character in society and in marriage. Though, the lack of money does cause dissonance between a married couple. This can be mentioned to as financial mismatch, which is based on the views that each spouse has of the company of marriage from a financial viewpoint. More, he/she should also reason about the belongings of divorce on their economic situation. Also, they must see that divorce does not resolve financial problems. Instead,

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The Cause Of Divorce

Cause and Effect Rough Draft Why do people get divorced? This is an important question to ponder because, every marriage is supposed to last until, "death do us part." Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In today's society, 40–50 percent of marriages end in divorce. It is crazy to think that close to half of marriages end in divorce. While this statistic is mind–boggling, it is also important to consider the many reasons for divorce including money, fighting, and a lack oflove but, regardless of the cause, the psychological effects are far reaching. Money can be a cause for divorce. Sometimes it makes more economical sense for two people to stay together, while other times it is far more practical for a couple to split. In Albert Bozzo's How Does Money AffectMarriage and Divorce, he states "Research since the post–war era has shown an increase in the divorce rate since women joined the workforce. The theory is that two spouses in the workforce bring home more stress, which can increase the likelihood of divorce." Due to women's advancement in societal roles and their growing independence, divorce has become more and more common. Women no longer need men for financial support, so they are less likely to remain in a relationship with a man if all he has to offer is financial assistance. One of the most common causes of divorce is fighting. In a marriage there are many reasons to fight, but not all lead to divorce. There will always be minor arguments, Get

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Causes and Effects of Divorce

Relationships are all about give and take, and to maintain them people must be willing to do the work. Today dissolution of marriage is being used as the easy way out when couples can no longer agree. Although people tend to think carefully before they get marriage, the rate ofdivorce continuously rise nowadays. There are three main causes of divorce: lack of communication, financial problems, and infidelity, which are explained throughout this essay. The first significant cause for divorce is lack of communication. Amarriage is on the rocks when the line of communication fails. Couples can't have a good relationship if either spouse won't discuss his or her feelings, can't talk about his or her mutual more content... The consequences are devastating and hard to recover. Divorce not only has a lot of complicated causes, but also has a wide range of effects. The effects of divorce differ by situation and personal circumstance and may be different for men, women or children. Couples facing a marriage break up usually cope with some emotions problems. For example: anger, sadness, anxiety, guilt, loneliness and low self esteem. Among estranged partners in marriage, these feelings are unavoidable during and after the process of divorce. Couples that are divorce are also saddled with added responsibilities and roles, particularly with regard to the care of children. Each parent has to be both father and mother to the children. Some mothers may even have to go to work to support their children. Financial loss is another effect of divorce. When all the resources have been divided in two and all the lawyer's fees have been paid out, both parties are usually living lower standards of living than before. Furthermore, in any divorce it is the children who are most likely to be affected psychologically. It is usual for parents with marital problems to think more of their own feelings than of their children. They may have the interest of their children at heart, but the children are not to know this. All the children know is that something is terribly wrong, but they have no idea what it is. How children will take their parent's divorce will depend on a variety of factors: how old the children

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Essay on Causes and
Effects of

From past to present people all over the world have determined to live together, or "get married". Marriage can be a beautiful thing, but some couples are unable to maintain their relationship, because they choose divorce as a solution to cope with the problems between husband and wife. Furthermore divorce is definitely on a rise. The effects of divorce can be detrimental to a family, but the causes of divorce can be just as bad. In this essay we will cover one of the main causes of divorce and one of the main effects. One of the main causes that marriages are not lasting is the change in the roles of woman today. Prior to the 1980's it was the man's responsibility to earn money and financially provide for his family, whereas more content...

Now women share an equal role in businesses and work outside of just maintaining a clean house. Now that women can earn just as much money as men they don't have to rely on anyone to bring, so they can separate from their significant others a lot easier. One of the biggest effects of divorce is the effect it has on our children. Most couples get married and have children shortly after, and all decision made by the couples directly affect their children. Studies show that divorce has one of the most negative effects on children. Children living in single parent homes are more likely to be pregnant as teenagers, drop out of high school, abuse drugs and have behavioral issues. Furthermore due to the high dropout rates of single parent children they often have hard times finding jobs due to their lack of education. Often times we will see that children from broken homes will also have issues maintaining long term relationships as well. Studies show that children who parents are divorced or separated marriages will end in divorce as well. One last scary effect of divorce is that 92 percent of inmates in California State correctional facilities are products of single parent homes; in other words at some point when they were children their parents either divorced or became separated. In conclusion due to changes in roles of both women and men divorce is on the rise, and is leaving a huge negative on the ones we love most our children. Divorce

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Causes and Effects of Divorce

In America, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds*. That's nearly 2,400 divorces per day, 16,800 divorces per week and 876,000 divorces a year. According to an article titled shocking divorce facts published in 2010 but updated 2017 march 12th wrote by mckinley irvin family law. The problem that is trying to be solved is divorce. The 3 most important causes of this are 1.abuse 2.physical appearance 3.cheating i have 2 solutions.

My first cause is abuse according to an article titled cdc marriage abuse published on january 1st 2014 there are currently Nearly 60 percent of young women who have experienced abuse: 29 percent of women surveyed said they'd been in an abusive relationship. 62 percent of those women have been hit, shoved, or slapped in that relationship.and nearly 15% of males who are abused in their marriage. 11 percent of those men and women who say their partner is currently abusive predict they "will seriously hurt or kill me." this just shows the impact of abuse and how serious it is. According to a second article titled abuse statistics published september 22nd 2016 wrote by mark rendle divorce studied graduate. Stated that Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year and that 40% of those people who got abused will go on to get married to someone who abuses them. This is not good because if you start dating abusive others then you are more likely to go on to marry Get

Cause And Effect Essay On Divorce
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Marriage is a very beautiful thing when you're with the right person. Many beautiful things can come from marriage such as kids and a lifetime partnership with the love of your life. But divorce is one of the worst things that comes from a marriage some people get through the hard times and some decide it is better off to go their own ways. Divorce is caused by many things and there are many effects to it. This happens when two people no longer connect and two hearts begin to drift apart or one spouse no longer feels the same. But effort is one thing that may always like one spouse cannot give their 100% while the other gives only 50% of their effort. This is a very delicate topic for many people and those who have gone through it might have done it for their well–being. Let's start off with the cause and effect it may have on the children if the couple does have any. Many children do not respond well when they're parents are getting a divorce. Their behavior begins to change towards everything and they may become very negative with anything and everything they have to do. Losing one of their parents affects them in many ways like in school or skills they may carry. Many children may also carry the mindset that it was their fault why they will no longer have a whole family (Writers, 2011). When a person that is in amarriage and no longer feels the same way as their partner they begin to push themselves away and look for attention in others leading them to committing

Of Divorce
Cause And Effect
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Cause And Effects Of Divorce

The dissolution of marriage, known as divorce, is a surprisingly common issue facing United States society. The image of divorce changes with evolving societal norms, but there's many ways this drastic measure can be prevented. Many in their lifetime may suffer from the effects, but it can be remedied by spending more quality time together, maintaining open communication and trust, and getting counseling help. Divorce has become increasingly common and bound to occur for couple in the 21st century. Roughly 41% of first marriages end in divorce, and when looking at second marriages the number rises to 60%, followed by 73% for third marriages. Clearly, if the conflicts in the firstmarriage couldn't be resolved and one was to assume those conflicts would magically solve themselves, the research would prove whatever point one makes must be false. Most divorces occur in the 35–44 age group (31%), followed by 45–54 (27.5%), and 25–34 (23.6%). Divorce remains a fixture but a higher–educated, two earner family is much more likely to be stable. 12% of Americans have married twice before, and 3% married more than two times. Clearly, with supporting statistics, the dissolution of marriage results when the needs of the spouses diverge and can no longer be met in the way it would be desired. In summary, divorce has become increasingly common because of a changing society. A remedy for divorce is by spending more quality time together. Historians believe that potential development of

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For thousands of years until present day, the best way to officially be the partner of someone is marriage. People have been practicing marriage for a long time. It is the best act to celebrate the love of one couple until death tears them apart. However, people do not manage to keep the marriage promise forever. This situation leads to the phenomenon calleddivorce, which unfortunately is becoming more common than ever before, and it is drastically bringing new effects in the lives of those individuals involved. Some causes for divorce vary from couple to couple, but the most frequent ones tend to be, change of women's role in society, lack of communication, and lack of trust in the relationship. One significant cause that leads more content...

As a consequence, these little problems can become huge hassles, resulting in divorce. It is important to have communication with each other because the more communication is used, the lower the divorce rates will become.Additionally, another well–known cause of divorce is lack of trust. While you are living with a person, and sharing your possessions with your spouse, it is essential to have trust between each other. As Brinig stated, "The married person belongs to the spouse, to the family, to the shared idea ofmarriage, and to the surrounding community, and this linked network supports the marriage. When any of these links of trust weakens or fails, the marriage becomes less stable" (2). Once you don't want to believe to each other, there are more chances for divorce. Also, cheating as a result of lack of trust can be one of the causes why people don't want to believe in each other. Infidelity usually causes pain and suffering to the people involved and many marriages are not able to survive after it, even though some do. Frankly speaking, lack of trust can lead some spouse to abuse alcohol and drugs. We are part of a society where alcohol and drugs are present, and sadly many married couples end up divorced because of these factors. In the beginning it may be harmless, but once it gets to an addiction a person's life is often destroyed. Although, these are three cause of divorce, the effects can be both negative and Get more content

The Causes And Effects Of Divorce

What comes to mind when you hear the word marriage? Do you imagine romance, love, and happiness for life? This is how many couples feel at the beginning of their marriage, but later on, find out that marriage isn't just all happiness and romance. Once reality kicks in, most couples start to have conflicts with each other. For manyhusband and wives, these conflicts may start to become a daily occurrence. When a couple feels like their happy marriage is lost and there's no way to fight for it, they decide that divorce would be the easiest route to take. The process of a divorce always starts with a cause. Divorce has an extensive amount of causes, but today, only a few have been labeled as the most common causes.

One major cause of divorce is infidelity, also defined as cheating. According to Kristin Wong's survey, fifty–five percent of the couples asked said infidelity was the cause for their divorce (Wong). Once a person's significant other has cheated, forgiveness is extremely hard to give. Emotions start to rise, and a numerous amount of questions, start flooding the mind of the betrayed spouse. The individual may develop rage towards their cheating husband or wife creating a very unhealthy environment for both. Infidelity can create an unstable marriage, which could eventually lead toward a divorce (Meyer). Not only can disloyalty to one's significant other cause a divorce, but also a spouse's change in personality or behavior. Some couples do not discover who their Get

Cause And Effect Essay : The Causes Of Divorce
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