The Benefits Of Learning English Essay

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Importance Of Learning English Language

Language is the medium of communication to convey the messages from one person to another person. It is considered the source to share and transfer the idea, concepts and thinking. There are several languages being spoken in the world and English is one of the dominated language which is considered as second language or foreign language as well as international language. English language has rooted its feet on the land as it became the source to communicate with people belong to any country, international business dealings could occur through it. Another important point is that availability worldwide information in English language. As the world is getting globalized, we need to communicate with the people of the world and English language is playing its vital role in communication and helpful to convey our messages.

Need of the learning English language has been raised as per the requirement of the time to compete with the world as being the part of globalization. Pakistan is among the developing countries, in order to compete with the world there is need to learn English language. As Shamim (2011) observed, "English is the passport to success and upwards social mobility" Theeducation policy of 2009 has directed that English should be taught as compulsory subject from Grade–I.

Teaching of English has started from the primary level and the competency would be observed in future generation. It beaconed the need towards the learning of English language which required the

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English is an international language which is used officially all around the world. Anybody who wants to make connections with the world we live in should learn English. I had English language classes in my secondary and high school years. I also took some private English learning courses throughout summers in my country, Turkey. However, I could not improve my English effectively as all Turkish students in Turkey. I fully agree that English will be learned most efficiently in the boundaries of an English–speaking country not in the home country because of some cases. Therefore, I came here, USA, to learn English better after graduation from my university. First, English is dealt with all the time while staying in an English– more content...

Neither was I able to get their points, nor could they understand me. The reasons were that my Turkish English teachers are not the experts in pronunciation and there is no class focusing on speaking at state schools in Turkey. An experiment was performed by Major et al. about speaking and listening problems for international people. Four groups of one hundred listeners, whose native languages were Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, and American English, heard brief lectures presented in English by speakers with different native languages and answered questions based on the lectures. The results indicated that both native and nonnative listeners scored significantly lower on listening comprehension tests when they listened to nonnative speakers of English, and Chinese group scored significantly lower when listening to speakers who shared their native language. Only Spanish group did well when they listened to their native speaker (174). This experiment showed that learning English from a nonnative speaker may cause troubles in both listening and speaking parts of English. Additionally, I lacked of ability on word choice for the first couple of months in the USA. For example, I was using adjective "too" for positive circumstances " instead of "very" or "so", and I used to say "according to me" instead of "in my

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Second Language Essay
Learning English as a


In general, English language is one of the pioneer languages in the world; we can see the importance of this language and the impact to the user itself. English is consider as common communication language that been used in every aspects of life. Hence, learning English is very important to all individuals out there in order to maintain the connections with each other. Nowadays, Although BahasaMalaysia has become the official language in Malaysia, learning English in Malaysia has become trending among the Malaysian student. (Razak & Rahman Talib Reports, 1961) Both reports has demand theEducation Act to defined the different types of school in Malaysia, such as Malay medium school focus on usage of Bahasa Malaysia and English medium school focus more on the usage of English in their school. English would be the second most important language in Malaysia because most of references book that came from out of Malaysia are using Standard English (Education Act, 1961). English language plays an important role in Malaysians daily life. Hence, the learning of English language becomes compulsory in the current primary schools. English language has been adopted as one of the subjects in schools (Education Act, more content... English plays a big role in managing Malaysian's everyday life. Students in Malaysia might face difficulty in learning English as it is not the first language among them. Marlyna, Tan and Khazriyati's (2007) study on interference effect of Bahasa Malaysia in the acquisition of English literacy among Form One students discovered that most of the students have difficulty in using the correct English grammar, and made mistakes in the usage of articles and subject–verb agreement. In addition, the problems in speaking, listening, or even to interact with their teacher are also the commons problem faced by the Get more content

Advantages Of Learning English In Malaysia

Nowadays, English language has become one of the most important languages in the world in which we need to learn and to teach in order to communicate effectively with others from all over the world. Al–Jarf (2008, cited in Alhaysony, 2012) indicates that about one million students are learning English worldwide, which highlighted the importance of English teaching and learning for academic purposes. Graddol (2000) states that English Language "is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air traffic control, international business and academic references, science, technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions and advertising". Accordingly, we can say that it is important for students to learn English language effectively to achieve a good level which will help them to success in the relevant fields that depend on their good use of English language. Al–Zuhairi (2008) indicates that the achievement of the Saudi students in English is low, and one of the most important reasons of this drop is the textbook in which they were taught through in intermediate and secondary schools. Textbooks play a crucial role in teaching and learning English language all over the world. Cuuingsworth (1995) argues that textbooks are an more content... Activities and tasks need to be clear and to differ from one to another in an appropriate way in order to meet students' needs, interests and levels. They should help students to gradually step from simple stages to complex or challenging ones and also they need to cover all the skills for a better learning. Good activities and tasks will help learners to improve in themselves as self–learners, to be with self–confidence and to have them feel the purpose of what they are learning through linking them to real

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Language, most everybody knows what it is. This is one thing that when we were born, we already had and this is a thing that we always use every day in our life. We use it in order to tell someone what we are thinking or to tell our feelings to somebody. In the past, all of the nations, and people used just their first language. We always believed that knowing only our mother language was enough. In school, they did not force students to study a second language because they thought that everybody could communicate with each other by using a first language and it was unnecessary to do something like this. And when somebody said that a second language would become an important thing in the future, nobody believed it. However, as time goes by, everything in the world changes. Our world becomes a land without borders. In business, there is high competition and more freedom. We can communicate easily and travel abroad quickly. All of these happenings make people motivated in order to survive in this world. Therefore, language becomes a more important factor that helps people to survive. Some people say that the more languages they know, the more opportunities they get. In school, all teachers are anxious to make a change to a course by supporting students to turn to study a second language because they think that this is a better way to help their students become better people. Learning a second language is a valuable thing for our life and business. There are a lot of Get

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What is English Language Arts? How does it differ from English, the language itself? English Language Arts is not a language, but it is the study of communicating thoughts. Every subject is important in school; each demonstrates a particular skill in education, but Language Arts builds complexity of a person's learning. Speaking, reading, and writing are all components of language arts. Having these skills are important; the first thing an interviewer notices is one's ability to articulate, and learning English Language Arts helps to obtain that goal. Being able to communicate, express one's self, and build life skills, are the reasons why English Language Arts is the most important subject in our education. First and foremost, more content...

However, as I learned more in language arts, I discovered others methods in writing. I know how to create stories by being imaginative, or write poetry by thinking creatively. Writing takes critical thinking, a general skill widely used in life. Subjects like math or science may use critical thinking, but it focuses more on applying knowledge in discussions rather than your own thoughts. Learning language arts have taught me to be more expressive; you will never know if your words could inspire someone one day.

Lastly, English Language Arts build life skills that are crucial in life, to prepare yourself for the outside world. The first impression in an interview is how you present yourself, not how many achievements you have made. The way you speak, the way you act, the way you answer the questions, are parts of doing presentations. Senior portfolio is an example of a presentation in high school, and it is taught in English Language Arts class. The senior portfolio is probably one of the most important projects in one's whole high school career because it reflects your growth as a student and as an individual. Learning how to create a good portfolio from Language Arts class shows one's education level. In addition, companies recruit people with a good education, what you have learned in English Language Arts will prepare you in college, and your future career.

In conclusion, English Language Arts is the most

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Importance Of English Language Arts Essay

The Benefits Of Learning A Second Language Essay

Summary Paragraph

According to the article "The benefits of learning a second language", written by Jennifer Smith. A second language offers numerous benefits and opportunities. The world nowadays, there are over 7,000 languages and learning at least one will help you in life moments. First, Jennifer tells that make better job prospects. Being bilingual can get the opportunities and can give you a competitive edge when searching for jobs. Companies are looking for bilingual staff, who of which are well–paid and obtain excellent benefits to companies. Then she tells that medical research has shown learning a second language is good effect for brain and help to decrease illness such as dementia better than monolingual. Then she tells for more content...

Learning a new language allows you to access many different cultures across the world. You will have the chance to see fascinating new things from a new perspective, which not many people can, and connect with the new people all over the world.

Different culture has its own music, style, history, literature and many more interesting things which you will be able to enjoy and understand. You will be able to connect through books, TV, the internet and converse with a whole countries worth of people, ultimately broadening your horizons, interests and views. A whole new world will be open to you.


Learning a new language is an achievement anyone can be proud of and is extremely satisfying. Once the hard work and effort has paid off, you will experience the many benefits associated with learning a new language and you will have a new found confidence. Learning a new language will open up our world in ways a monoglot would never have the chance of experiencing. Your mind will be constantly be engaged and you will gain an insight into many different cultures. Learning a second language also makes it easier to learn a third, which will certainly broaden your horizons.


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The Benefits of Distance Learning Essay examples

The Benefits of Distance Learning

I. Easy access for both students and teachers II. Knowledge of instructors and classmates A. Posting of bibliographies

III. One–on–one contact between instructor and student A. Phone contact B. Web–site email C. Chat areas IV. Students learn just as easily as in the classroom

V. Access to other students through online communication A. Personal emails B. Classroom and group discussion boards C. Online course chat rooms

VI. Learning of proper etiquette required for posting discussions

VII. Learning computer tools A. Classroom and more content...

Both can better understand the issues pertaining to distance learning by referring to the outline provided. Benefits are based upon research and technology, but the level of importance is based merely upon personal opinion and experience. Although personal opinion is important, personal experience is the best way to determine the benefits of a distance learning program. The outline was also prepared by research obtained from an article written by a college professor of English at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. "Despite all the problems I had, I would take another online course." (Lynn H. Deming, entitled, Distance Learning: One Student's Perspective of an Online Course.) Also, evidence of success for this outline was found by researching a case study at Brunel University. "Quality assurance in the university has always been considered in three, equally important, ways: the curriculum and its assessment; the handling of coursework and assignments; and the liaison with students." (Quality assurance for distance learning: a case study at Brunel University, British Journal ofEducational Technology; Jan2004, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p5, 7p.) In conclusion, my outline was prepared through personal experience not only from my perspective but also from a student as written by a college instructor. It can clearly be seen that distance learning programs definitely have their benefits

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What inspires a man to forge his linguistic capabilities of his primary language from sub–rudimentary level, into an art form? Well, as I am only a singular individual, I cannot answer for the entirety of society, but I can give you a record of a period of my life that motivated me to attempt to excel at learning the English Language. So, what inspired me to learn the English Language better than what I knew beforehand? The answer is not as straight forward. I had many things that happened to me around the same time, the first event was my experiences in Speech and Debate. The Second was what I learned in English Class and History Class. Finally, was me learning military tactics, and philosophy. All of these events helped me to come to the conclusion that in order to be an excellent leader and be a persuasive speaker or writer, one must know the language of his subordinates, peers, and superiors, and be able to communicate effectively with them. When I was fourteen, I started to attend a speech and debate club. It took a lot of hard work, in order to prepare for the tournaments. I remember that there would be weeks leading up to the tournaments that I would only get 18 hours of sleep a week, in order to have all of my research done. (Just a note that I did not procrastinate on my work) Many people in my club noticed how well I prepared for the tournaments; however they saw me perform horridly at the tournaments, mostly due to my lack of understanding. After my first year

Importance Of Learning The English Language
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Nowadays, English has a significant role in the society. Person in the world has been aware about the usefullness of English because of that role. The people are enthusiastics to be able to use English in their lives. Therefore, the major of English has been one of the most favorite majors for the learners, especially in the university level. Moreover, this fact makes a great impact on the number of the learners that want to take major of English. In learning English, actually, the learners will find four main skills in their learning activity. Those four skills are reading, writing, listening and speaking. Since those are the main skills in English, absolutely, the learners have to understand and master each of the skill in order to reach their deep understanding in English. However, what can be seen in the field is that the learners seem not understand the four main skills deeply, so it makes the students only understand the surface of each skill. Then, because of that, the learners are only able to make simple products with many errors. From those four skills, writing is one of the most important skill that the students have to mastered. Wilson (2003: 212) stated that learning how to write well is really important. Writing is one of the most important things that students do with their education. By writing, the author can convey a message or information to the reader, and what authors create and collect will not disappear just because it has been poured on the paper. The Get more content

Importance Of Learning English Essay

Advantages Of Teaching English Language

English language teaching is an art that requires artistic sensibility and well trained perfectibility. Each stage of English language acquisition will present unique challenges and require unique strategies. It cannot be mastered within a particular period of time. Learning English language will take some years to be mastered. Teaching the internationallanguage inside the classroom is very difficult indeed, especially for non native speakers of the language. Various strategies have to be applied for teaching English inside the classroom and to make students use the language outside the classroom. Teaching vocabulary requires more attention. Effective ways of teaching words will enhance learning capability. Mere learning of vocabulary will not make the learning process complete. For an effective mode of communication learners should be taught to use vocabulary in authentic situation. English language teachers need to concentrate on the ways which can help and more content... Frisk is the word commonly used for denoting the jumping way of lamb. When students are taught to colour their language they can use the word frisk to express happy jump. She frisks out of joy. Steel is used to denote the habit of steeling for petty things, loot is the act of breaking locks to steel and dacoits are who wear mask and steel. When a language is taught in this way student can enjoy the real sense of the word and the context. Happy is as everybody knows joy and ecstasy also gets the basic meaning joy but it can be the overwhelming of joy where the happiness is filled with bliss which cannot even expressed. Jumping of the bird can be hop and gallop of a horse and gambol of a girl everything colours a lot when they are used in their authentic situations. The word murder can be used for murdering a lay man but assassination is for murdering a notable Get more content

As we know that learning English in India it is gradually becomes very important due to century as well as techno–age is concerned. We all knew that English is taught either as Second Language or Target Language. It is very difficult for student–beginner who recently starts to learn English language as foreign language. One of the vital and pivotal pivot roles of learning Foreign Language is to open the treasure hidden in the literature of a particular language. To reveal such treasure one needs to be mastered in different methods of teaching the foreign languages. This makes easy full for learners to learn foreign language. If we want to understand different method of teaching foreign language things linguistically we can understand it as "A method in linguistics and language teaching determines what and how much is taught. The order in which more content...

:– A foreign language is language indigenous to another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of the person referred to; i.e. English speaker living in Gaum can say that Chamorro is a Foreign Language to him or her. Following are the foreign languages English, Irish, Arabic, Persian, French, Latin, Greek, Pakistani, African, Egyptian, Turkish, Spanish, American–English, Japanese, Chinese etc. are known as different types of Foreign Language. There are many methods as well as tricks are available to learn all above these languages grammar and it's particular rules and regulation but, here let us see What are the different methods to learn English as second foreign languages. Different methods to Teaching foreign languages:– If we want to learn English as foreign language there are couples of method with the help of we can learn foreign language. There are following methods that plays important role to teaching foreign languages. a.The audio–lingual method b.Army method c.Direct method d.New key method e.Grammar–translation method f.Bilingual

On English
As A Foreign Language
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The demand of learning is growing larger and larger because of the development of the economic. With the enlarging needs of learning, online learning appears to give not only students but also teachers a chance to perform better in learning. Online learning provides more free time and space to both two parties while traditional learning strictly demands both parties participate in the same time and at the same place. What's more, online learning may enhance the students' comprehensive ability, especially in critical thinking which is a very essential capacity to success but the traditional learning cannot build. Finally, online learning can build more confidence for students and will make it easier to get promoted in the following lives. more content...

Online learning is available not only on computers but also on many kinds of mobile electronic products. Students can search for the course through their mobile phone and learn it whenever they want to. Traditional learning takes both teachers and students a large amount of time to stay together to just deliver some basic theories. In other words, students can place more time to comprehend the theories or they can get other relevant course to comprehend the knowledge more comprehensive. Last but not least, online learning students can also get through the content over and over again as they missed during the lecture. (Hassan) Traditional learning are based on professors' lectures, students have to catch up with the professor otherwise they may miss the knowledge because they even do not know which part of knowledge they have missed so their professor can't answer their questions. But online learning are records of the professors' lecture, students can pause and review to where they have missed the knowledge and they can easily build up their knowledge structures. So online learning may be better than traditional

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Learning a foreign language involves developing new skills and going through different stages. The four skills you need to develop are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. You need to be able to understand when someone speaks the language you are learning. In addition to that, you need to be able to express yourself in that language. Most of the time, the written language is more complex than the spoken language. You want to be able to understand a text you read. Moreover, you want to be able to express your ideas in writing, with the right words and correct grammar. Acquiring these four skills requires various study patterns.

Building Vocabulary

First of all, you need to build vocabulary. Building vocabulary involveslearning the meaning of the words, their spelling, and pronunciation. Unlike in English, each word has a gender in many languages like French, Spanish, and German. You need to memorize the gender of a word in order to use it correctly. You also need to learn the conjugations of verbs and adjectives. That is where you cross the border between the vocabulary and grammar.

Studying Grammar

In order to learn a foreign language, you need to study its grammar, the structural rules of a language. Most of the time, grammar is a complicated subject to understand, to learn, and to use correctly. To make things even more complicated, you will need to memorize the exceptions to the grammar rules you learn.


If you have sufficient vocabulary and a good

Importance Of Learning A Foreign Language Essay
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Learning a second language is important to help with communication with other people.Learning a second helps understand the language you speak easier and potentially have right grammar when speaking. It helps with developing new vocabulary which could be used in your everyday life." Learning a second language could also let travel internationally,since all kinds than one lan languages are spoken all over the world"( Also knowing asecond language also gives you more job opportunities,jobs that could be internationally or an interpreter could be a job that would be high paying knowing a second language." A second language could also help your brain develop and makes you become smarter and not prone to as many diseases that you would usually get older in your life"(Renate Latimer). Having knowledge about a second language would always keep your brain thinking and not stop or taking breaks. Having the second language in your knowledge allows your lifespan to be longer due to our brain always having something to think about. Learning more one language also helps you learn about your own culture. It helps you understand more things about your religion or culture such as the the right way to do things instead of taking shortcuts. Learning a second language can also beneficial by letting you travel overseas for college. It could let you have more experience and have more schooling option rather than your keeping schooling in your local area. A second language

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Benefits Of Learning A Second Language Essay

The Importance of Learning English

A few years ago there was an Egyptian woman whose son was sick and she took him to the hospital in Qatar. The problem was when the doctor asked her in English about the problem with her son, she could not answer the doctor's question because she does not speak any other languages than Arabic. Unfortunately there was not anyone who can speak Arabic in that private hospital so she started to use signlanguage to explain the problem, but that did not work. There are many people who face this problem everyday and everywhere not just in hospitals but also in banks, restaurants and shops. The best solution is that English should be the main language spoken in all the schools in the country because English plays a major role in many departments in Qatar like education, medicine, engineering and business so its importance should not be denied in our life.

English should be the main language taught in schools in Qatar because English is required for admission to many universities. Furthermore, many students study using computer programs and searching some websites that are mostly in English. Students in Qatar University use computer programs for their presentations and assignments. Learning English helps the students understand science easier because almost all science theories are in English. Knowing English gives graduates more job opportunities in the future. Many people get interviewed for jobs in English. English is one of the important requirements for many jobs like

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Benefits Of Online Learning Benefit Essay

In this globalised world, technology has been an important part of our society and our foreseeable future. Online learning is believed to be one of the upcoming trends in the education sectors all over the world as today's world has become a borderless world. Consequently, online learning will be a better learning method in the future. This is because online learning can be done as long as there have internet connection. However, does online learning greatly benefits students? From my point of view, I partially agree that online learning greatly benefits students. This is because although online learning has benefits such as convenience, promotes self–access interactive learning and develop self–discipline to students, online learning more content...

Online learning has limited social interaction. This is because limited opportunities are provided for students to interact face–to–face to professors and other students. Students may also have to face the problem like they have to wait for hours for reply of professors to questions. This is because professors are not always online. The professors may have their personal time to do their own things. Apart from that, students are difficult to develop relationships with classmates when study online. This is because students do not have the social interaction with their classmates. Hence, online learning is a better choice for a shy person as they no need to worry about interacting with other students. However, students will lose chance to have the opportunity to interact face to face with their classmates or even work as teamwork with their classmates which can be helpful for their study purposes when they study online. Through teamwork, students can learn the importance of cooperation as according to Aristotle, "Man is by nature a social animal." Man's nature is such that he cannot afford to live alone. No human being is known to have normally developed in isolation. Online learning cannot provide the opportunity for students to learn about cooperation. This is because most of the communications are through e–mail, chat room or discussion groups, but no offline get–together. Thus, online learning

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Benefit Learning English

Learning English "Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did" According to Sarah Caldwell. English is an international language. Learning English make your standards to reach your goal. Around you many people will teach you, guide you and make you understand English. It's your time to take that opportunity in hand and move on. It time to change your world into opportunities and get modern. Learning English can be beneficial for many reasons.

First and foremost reason for learning English is to build relations and social networks with people. As many people see the ability to communicate and talk with others which are major benefits of more content...

With English, you can communicate with experts from other countries in order to support in the medical field. Now a day's many new diseases have infected to people around the world. So researchers from different countries are doing many experiments to get medicine so English can play a crucial role to save lives of people. Besides that once resume will be stronger due to their bilingual and knowledge of English. That will increase their opportunities for the job. Learning English immediately makes you more valuable in every job interview. Learning English will open the doors of new and exciting jobs all over the world. Even companies are recognizing the value of English. Also, employees are paid more as they quality of speaking English. As many countries have multinational companies in which they only hire people who know English which advances the lives of people. Potential employers will see your ability to speak English as an asset in communication at meetings, in telephone conferences, and in international business. As they are paid 10% more than the regular companies. Not only you will work but also get lots of experiences about that's occupation. Learning English is great for marketing, and combining a previous marketing knowledge with fluency in English makes you immediately more valuable to potential employers, companies and as a consultant.

Lastly, the reason for learning

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Many students today struggle with their English skills because their parents are immigrants and they cannot teach them. In my situation, my parents started to learn English the same time I started to learn it. Elementary school was some very difficult couple years I went through because I had trouble communicating with the kids my own age. I have always hated reading or writing because I find it incredibly boring and I was no good at it. I did not start learning how to speak/write in English until I was almost five years old since both of my parents did not speak English. I met with Ms. Ramirez, who taught me English every single day until the fifth grade. By that time, I was fluent and her help was not necessary anymore. Throughout those five years, my parents were taking English classes, also learning from what I learned and they had decent jobs by the time I was in middle school. Of course, the first couple years in Elementary school were extremely stressful, but I was able to overcome it because I had someone by my side the whole time. My real struggles with reading and writing, hit me my freshman year and I will never forget that. With a little bit of determination and a whole lot of excitement, I decided to take an Honors English class my freshman year. I told myself to not give up and no matter how hard the course gets, I will not transfer out. I received a C– on my first essay and that crushed my soul. I remembered the night before how I was annoying my parents by Get more content

The Importance Of Learning In English

INTRODUCTION Learning English has become a very important role nowadays. People have already used a lot of different methods to learn English. Besides from going to school to learn English, reading varieties of books, magazines, listening different kinds music, radio programs, watch movies, films, talk to native speakers or even travel aboard are good way to learn English. But what is the most interesting way to learn English? If you are tired of going to classes or reading books, there is nothing better than learning English through movies and film. Learning a foreign language is already a hard task. And the culture is different from your own. So I want to show you that learning English with movies and films will not only help you more content...


Why people should learn English through watching film or movie? What are the benefit of learn English through watching film or movie? Learning a foreign language is not easy and learners have to understand the culture, grammars, sentence structure, pronounce which is different from their country. Some of researchers found that if people found a way to learn English more enjoyable and feel unbinding, then it will be very helpful for learning English. And learn English through watching films or movies is one of most popular way and it can make people more motivating and enjoyable to learn. Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council's Teaching English blog award for his post on his site he state; "The site promotes the innovative and creative use of film in English language teaching and learning. All of the lesson plans revolve around the use of video and film to teach English. The site promotes cineliteracy, the ability to analyze moving images, and considers cineliteracy as a 21st

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Benefits Of Learning English Essay

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