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Today most individuals are seeking yet another alternative when it comes to earning money. The option to work from home is growing in popularity. A great deal of people want to learn about how they can work from home and earn money online. More and more folks want to learn how they can start their own home business. You'll find far more than a couple of things to think about should you discover your self in this position. When you feel that you might be ready to work from home and earn money online, informing yourself about how making money online works is really a fantastic way to begin. Typically, you'll be doing what's called beginning your own home business. Whilst you will find loads of methods to make money online, I more content... Uncover one with a great product and service. I highly recommend an MLM Affiliate program, which permits you to make a commission off of the products and services people who join you sell. This allows you to reap the rewards from your team's success as well as your own success. When I think of a top affiliate program, I think of a valuable product. A website in my opinion is a critical component to making money online. Plus, owning a web page means you own a home business. In some cases, this may well permit you to have your taxes reduced. One of my favorite affiliate programs, pays large and permits anyone to join it totally free for a trial period. This is a terrific example of a quality affiliate program. Don't ever pay a bunch of money from the get go. High quality programs will offer you a trial period. That way you get to try everything out youself risk totally free. Also, if a organization is PayPal verified, you can trust it. PayPal does not do business with any organizations that might be shady so–to–speak. Ensure you contemplate all these vital points just before joining any program or starting any business venture. There really are some incredible opportunities to earn a substantial income from home. I can say this for a fact mainly because I am a primary source. I have made a excellent deal of money by working from home with a certain company in particular. As I've stated before, keep in mind, MLM is all about

Earn Money Online Essay
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My Business Idea

In my coursework I intend to start my own business. I will devise my own business plan which outlines my business proposal and the key aspects, during this I will need to seek good business advice on the necessary steps I will have to make. As I go through the coursework I will show evidence, examples and explain how businesses are set up, what types of businesses there are and their similarities, the kind of targets businesses set for themselves and also the different objectives of different stakeholders. For my business I plan to sell toys and other game products that educate young children under the age of 11.

Starting up a business is difficult and risky. Anyone setting up needs to consider:

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Most people though have to research their product. Businesses also have to decide how the product is to be made.


No businesses can be set up without finance. Most people who start their own business underestimate the amount of money they will need to set up. They are often UNCAPITALISED and this causes problems as the business expands. Some businesses have the potential to be highly profitable but fail because they run out of cash at a crucial early stage in the life of the business. So it is very important to work out how much money is needed to start the business and to identify where the money will come from.

Identifying the sources of help

Essay about My Business Idea

Most new businesses don not survive for more than three years of trading. However, their chance of success is much greater if those setting up the business have received help from experts before the launch. Many new businesses turn to Business Link or to their local TEC. They can identify any grants, loans or benefits that are available from government or from bodies like the Prince's Trust. They can also organise training in setting up small businesses that is so often vital to the survival of the business.

Drawing up a business plan is very important. The business plan sets out how the business is to be set up and Get

The business plan =================
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Essay on Website Design

Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging fromHTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content...

Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their Get more content

Persuasive Essay On Online Classes

Most people think highly of online classes; get to work from home, get to work on a flexible schedule, and anyone can do it. Though no one has heard the cons of taking one. I personally took three semesters of online classes in high school and had a horrible experience. Because of loose scheduling, poor communication, and the focus needed, online classes are not suitable for procrastinators. To give a better understanding, I will summarize my experience with the class. Me, being a procrastinator, thought to myself: I'll just work on the weekends and if I don't finish the class by the end of the school year, I can finish within the first few weeks of summer. This was a god awful plan. Unsurprisingly, close to nothing was accomplished on the weekends. Friends would ask me to hang out every weekend, and I did every time. Why would I want to work on my class on the weekend when I could be having fun? I would later regret this decision. On the days I stayed home and could have worked on the class, I completed nothing. On these days, I would tell myself: I'll just complete what I didn't do this weekend next weekend. This rarely happened. Thus, the cycle of getting nothing accomplished started. I disregarded my class for most of the first semester of junior year. With only nine assignments out of eighty finished after the first semester of the school year, I was immensely behind. I told myself to get my act together during second semester and grind out these two semesters Get

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Tutoring has been a wonderful experience academically as well as personally. I signed up for the class with very few expectation; I didn't even believe I was going to be allowed to tutor actual students. It is because of this lack of expectations and previous tutoring experience in math that I went into the relatively calm, though the first two observations had me shaking. I was most worried about the diction and grammar part of tutoring; I had the misconception that an English tutor was there to basically edit a paper. I had some experience in Math tutoring which, from my previous experience, had been a much more detail oriented; because of this I micromanaged the first couple of sessions I had. With the help from the readings and from watching the tutors in the room I could correct this to certain degree. An accurate portrayal of my feelings going into the tutoring room would be confident but not quite prepared. The first sessions I had were DLAs, which at first scared me, because of my lack of practice in specific grammar and punctuation. It was this that convinced me to start bringing my handbook with me to every session, after I started doing that I became comfortable with dealing with DLAs. I started to understand what was said in class, that a tutor can't know everything, and shouldn't act as if they do, a trait I should have realized from my time in the Math tutoring. When I ran into a problem I didn't know I started to look it up in the book using it to back up what I was saying as well as expanding upon it. The DLAs became something easily dealt with, and I no longer worried about knowing the answer to every question presented to me. My first great challenge this semester was being assigned an ASL student; I had never had much experience with tutoring, much less tutoring a person who couldn't hear. My strategy going into the session was for most part just patience and treating the student as if she were anyone else. The student's aggressiveness was difficult to deal with, and if I had been as detail orientated as I had previously thought I had to be the student probably would have never returned. It was the tactic of choosing the battles I could win that made the session successful; instead of

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Reflective Essay On Tutoring

Libraries are an essential part of the community. However not all societies have libraries. Libraries require centralized populations, economic development and political stability for their survival. Libraries exist in places where peace exists. They cannot exist in places with full of conflicts. Libraries have different missions and serve different communities differently. People and organizations establish libraries with different missions. Historical overview shows that libraries have always had missions. The earliest mission of libraries was to maintain an archive for records. There is not information that shows when the first library was established. In the past, temples, municipals and governments had libraries. These more content...

Therefore, Julius Caesar started building a public library, but died before he completed it. Asinius Pollio completed the library. This established was followed by more public libraries. Other missions of libraries that existed in the past included maintaining scholarly mission, religious mission, for instance, monastic libraries of middles ages, educational mission, for instance university, humanistic mission and promoting national pride (Rubin 39).

In the modern world, libraries have certain missions that they serve. The establishment of the printing press made more books available to many people. This encouraged the establishment of more libraries. In the United States of America, libraries came up with new missions. First, libraries emerged with the mission of self–improvement. Advances in mechanical technology in the eighteenth century led to industrial revolution that improved the economy and community health. This meant that a certain class of citizens had more leisure time, for self–improvement. This favored the emergence o f new libraries. The social library emerged with an aim of helping individuals improve through the search of truth. Therefore, they provided literature and books that provided information, which could help people to gain knowledge and improve their character. In the current world, libraries provide information that people have access to, and use it for their own improvement (Rubin 47).

Secondly, the modern world

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Library Essay

Nowadays, making friends on internet has been popular throughout the world. People search for new friends, soul mates, or confidants. The internet has become an important tool to connect people with each other. Since the internet is so convenient, making friends may no longer be a problem. On the other hand, Internet Friendship may lead to some troubles because some people make get cheated online. I strongly disagree with the establishment of relationships through internet because I think friends on internet friends are different from real life friends. No one knows what their purpose is. From my past experience, the relationship with internet friends does not last long because they often come and go easily. There are some negative more content...

Some parents are not aware of dangers of internet that brings to their children particularly making friends through internet. For example, their children might get cheated with someone else on internet and their children will not tell what happen to them when they encounter danger. According to BBC News, a 47 year old man defrauded a 13 year old girl online and asked to meet face to face. Luckily, the girl's mother found out beforehand or else her daughter might be in danger. From this news, we can see that there internet friends are not always honest and they are more likely to consider as un–trustful strangers. Therefore, parents should concern more about their children, teach them about the dangers of making friends on internet, and avoid them from going out with a stranger. With the development of internet, people are able to meet new friends who have the same interest or hobby through the internet. Although, it is easy to make friends on internet, people do not know whether the person they are talking to is good or bad. Some people will also spend most of their time on internet which leads them to less interaction with friends and family. Parents should concern more about their children while they are meeting new friends on internet. Although the internet allows people to stay in touch with distant family and friends, I think the negative effects

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Making Friends Through Internet

English composition has taught me everything I know now, from how to effectively write a thesis to grammatically fix my essay. This class fixed my writing skills to speak and write incorrect terms. English composition gave me the edge I need to take my writing skills to next level. This class has helped me understand the importance of documentation in a research skill. English composition showed me that sources either make or break your essay. The true honesty of this course was that I am glad I took it. At first, I hate this class so much, because this class required so much extra work to be done, but over time I realized that the extra work really pushes you over the edge to make your essay great. The extra work justifies your essay and molds

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English Composition Reflective Essay

How Technology Has Affected The Banking Industry

Online Banking: How Technology has Affected the Bank Industry

Aluscine Kabia

Diana Mickle

Jennifer Ross

Betty Tekeste

University of Phoenix

COM525: Managerial Communication and Ethics

Edward L. Dempsey

March 14, 2005

Modern technology has set the stage for today's industries to adopt faster, more effective and efficient tools to improve their business and productivity. A vast majority of organizations within various industries are usingnew technology to introduce changes to their business operations. Simply stated, these changes are manifested in what they do, with whom they do it, how they do it, and the tools they use to get it done. However, it is worthwhile to note that, while technology can more content...

Changes in how banks are providing their service has affected, and will continue to affect hiring practices, as more online services become available, demanding the need to employ computer specialists. Online banking is also changing the way banks market their products. Customers are not just seeing the new interest rate offer for opening a one–year CD or money market account, on an easel as they walk into their local branch. Today's banker sees the ad on a flashing banner as they launch their bank's website. Banks also advertise various types of loans, investment accounts and insurance products that are easy to purchase or open with an online application. The growing use of new credit scoring software allows banks to advertise a guaranteed answer or 24 hour approval on such applications. E–tools for conducting such services have completely changed old banking processes, and provide new, more convenient ways of banking, that Banks are using to lure customers into their business. The customer's of online banking reap many benefits from the added convenience of online banking, but the nature of banking has completely

changed and requires new skills. For instance, basic personal computer skills are a must for bankers wanting to enter the online banking world. Bankers will now need to be able to maneuver through the numerous tabs, buttons and icons on their computers, to be able to access their accounts, and complete transactions. Officials

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Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Online shopping is a new dimension of trade that emerged as a result of the overbearing usefulness of the internet as an information dissemination platform. Its remarkable growth has attracted numerous comments of researchers. This is evidenced by the number of publications on this theme in the recent time. Nevertheless, while the behaviour of online shoppers has dominated in the literature, little attention has been paid to their level of satisfaction and general experience in shopping online. Online shopping is actually an offshoot of e–commerce whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real–time, without an intermediary service, over the internet. Online shopping from the shoppers perspective has been defined as the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the internet (Monsuwe, more content... According to Kunz (2014) and Taylor and Cosenza (2013), ease in using the Internet as a means of shopping positively impacted the consumer's online shopping behavior. A similar finding was noted by Segars and Grover (2013). Convenience. One such attitude that influenced the online shoppers has been that of convenience (Shim & Mahoney, 2012). The non–consumer's primary motivation was to save time, money, and hassles associated with in–store shopping. Online shoppers sought to solve these issues by utilizing the Internet. Convenience has been noted as positively influencing online purchasing behavior as it eliminated the necessity of having to travel to one or more stores. Internet shoppers more highly value convenience than did non–Internet shoppers (Donthu & Garcia, 2009).

Enjoyment. Enjoyment in shopping can be two–fold: enjoyment from the product purchased as well as the process of shopping itself. Online shopping like in–store shopping, provided both types of enjoyment and such enjoyment can positively or negatively influence online shopping (Taylor & Cosenza,

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Service is a work of will. Throughout our lives, we complete service that may be unknown to us. Service does not always mean doing things for a time frame for a signed paper to turn into school, but service could mean even the smaller things from helping an injured student to their classroom or offering help to a teacher carrying too many things. Throughout my almost three years at DePaul College Prep, I have completed my service requirements, but I also found the things I did enjoyable; I did not feel forced to do most of the service that I did. I would really like to believe the service that I completed helped others, along with the community, but the more important aspect of the service completed was that it opened my eyes to a greater good and allowed me to give more of myself to others than to focus solely on myself. My freshman year was kind of a blur. Most of the things that happened that year seemed to have faded away mostly because it was the easiest year, so far, that I had experienced. If I do recall correctly, I did my service by helping out the elementary girls volleyball leagues held at the gymnasium at my high school. This was known as the Spring Little League, and there, I helped to referee a couple games, and I also helped with admissions and scores. I was able to offer my time and efforts to these young girls playing, along with my own Coach, Coach Tony. I learned that everything was better with numbers. I was helping out Coach Tony with my whole team, and

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Reflection About Service

Resume Reflection

This was a mock resumГ© that I created in my 12th grade AP english class. The resumГ© was used as a practice for when we need to create them for professional jobs later in life. We were asked to create a resumГ© in a standard format and include information about ourselves that would make a potential hiring manager want to pick us. I highlighted all of my achievements and my academic successes, as well as including my interests and contact information. This project helped me understand the proper way to write a resumГ©, and helped me learn how to focus on my strengths. Before doing this project, I really didn't know how to format a resumГ©, nor did I fully know what went into it. This benefited me significantly, and now I feel confident that I

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Advantages of Hiring the Best Writer on a Cheap Essay Writing Service

Academic writing is an integral part of practically all college courses in the UK and the US and is crucial in determining how successful a student's performance will be during his studies. Yet many students are poor writers and feel stressed and overwhelmed when facing daunting writing challenges. They often find it hard to cope with extremely tight deadlines for numerous college essays, term papers, literature reviews, business plans, research proposals, etc. that they are usually assigned to write in different classes simultaneously. That's why many of them take advantage of using modern technologies and look for affordable professional help online. It's so easy to do with Google search. Just type: 'do my assignment' and you will be able to choose from many hundreds of essay writing companies on different ghostwriting sites. For example, you can buy a quality paper on a reputable cheap essay writing service – Writing, or hire a writer on any other good website.

Is It Worth Dealing with Affordable Paper Writing Service if You Want to Get a Qualified Academic Assistance?

What site should I choose? Is it possible to order a good model paper on the cheapest custom paper writing service? How much will more content...

But being a strong writer is a must if you want to succeed in practically all fields and jobs. When you pay for professional assistance, you actually get useful practical guides to improve your self–expression and analytical skills and become a more effective communicator. You will better understand your topic and master the complexities of the academic style. The talented authors will show you how a strong college level essay should be written. You will learn to write well and make a great investment in your college career and increase your chances to land on a well–paid

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Best Writer On A Cheap Essay Writing Service

I've grown up with the influence of strong women in my life, a lot of which came from my sisters. One of my sisters was a member of National Honors Society and she always taught me in the ways to conduct myself like a member would. So growing up I would always try to be the best person I could be whether that means by studying my hardest, leading the way for my peers and other generations, doing good deeds for others, or building my character. I would try to tie in the values to make me as unique and individual as I could. Service is something that every person does in their life. I try to do as much service as I can, which means a lot of my service is in the summer or while school in on breaks. While service can be done through organizations and for well–known causes, service is also seen in everyday life. Service can be through small acts of kindness, such as, holding open the door, helping someone who's carrying a particularly heavy load, or simply just being there when they need a shoulder to lean on. Service is about making someone day brighten with little rays of kindness and to show that someone out there definitely cares for them. Acts of service always created a desire in me to help make people's lives better. People often put forth their best more content...

National Honors Society students also exhibit the individual traits of sincerity, reliability, and honesty. My service experiences have made me become more sincere and genuine. I wish to provide hope for better lives in everyone. My history with leadership shows that I am willing to put forth the hard effort to help make dreams comes true, not just for me but for everyone else around me. My studies have shown me that a path of honesty and truth make a person truly stand out from the rest. It separates the hard workers from the people who cut

What Does Service Mean To You Essay
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Public health is a dynamic field of medicine that is concerned primarily with improving the health of populations rather than just the health of individuals. Winslow (1920) defined public health as; " the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of community infections, the education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing service for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of the social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community, a standard of living adequate for the maintenance more content... Most of these issues have been successfully addressed, and in the twenty–first century, the focus has widened to confront newer epidemics of ill–health resulting from drug abuse, obesity and smoking.(5) SOPH are important in addressing these health issues largely because of its pivotal role in the training of public health professionals, thereby laying the foundation for the future growth of the health sector.(6) Most SOPH in the UK are organized around the themes of capacity building, multidisciplinary approach, balanced teaching and research. Information is dissipated in traditional class room setting, either as full–time 12 month programmes, or as part–time 24–60 months programmes.(7) Some SOPH have adopted more technologically advanced means of education delivery, utilizing electronic means to provide distance learning facilities, especially for international students who may not be able to afford the cost of living in the UK. The curriculum of most courses in public health conventionally includes subject such as epidemiology, health policy, health promotion, health management, environmental health, human biology and health economics.(6,8,9) Currently however, the scope has been expanded to include courses involving statistical analysis and the use of computer programmes; the ability to access, manage and work with information; the ability to present and disseminate information in an effective manner; interview and

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Public Health Essay

Since the invention and popularization of the internet, computer mediated communication has become an increasingly common mode of socialization. Many people have voiced the concern that the move away from physical communication might have negative repercussions for society; however, socialization on theinternet has a number of advantages over traditional socialization. The internet provides a larger pool of potential social contacts compared to physically seeking people, creates means for people to easily communicate when spatially or temporally disconnected and allows a comfortable atmosphere for communication. At any given moment there are more people available for socialization on the internet then there are people with which more content...

When communicating through an instant messenger, one can send messages while conversational partners are away from their computers and the partners will still see the messages when they return. Not only do they not need to be physically present, they do not even need to be participating in the conversation at the exact same time. This makes computer mediated communication one of the easiest means of transmitting information. Physical communication is more intimidating them communicating through typing. Typing allows one more time to think and reword one's thoughts before communicating them. Further, the fact that people cannot see the physical reaction of their conversational partners makes it easier to communicate about difficult topics. This is especially helpful shy people. Shy individuals who do not use the internet for communication have less social contacts then shy people who do socialize on the internet3. Most people have some degree of shyness; communicating through the internet helps alleviate the negative effects of shyness and makes socializing more comfortable. Some would argue that the above benefits are irrelevant because online social encounters rarely result in a social relationship. Although it is true that many encounters on the internet do not lead to meaningful social relationships, the same can be said about physical social encounters. For example, two people who meet while riding a bus might speak during the

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Essay on Internet Communication

The Meaning of Service

Service is a word used constantly. The word service has an impression on many people. For example; people who work as lifeguards view their work as a service to the community. Naturally, based on working as a lifeguard their definition of service would be an action beneficial to the well–being of others. Not surprisingly, a similar definition was found in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Service is described in the Oxford English Dictionary as "the action of serving, helping, or benefiting; conduct tending to the welfare or advantage of another; condition or employment of a public servant; friendly or professional assistance." Furthermore, in Webster's Ninth NewCollegiate Dictionary, service more content...

A service berry is "any one of various American trees or shrubs of the genus Amelanchier" (Dictionary of Americanisms). The second definition was one many may not have recognized right away. Service is "public worship according to form and order" (OED). After people read this they think, of course! People are always saying "are you going to attend service on Sunday?" Many immediately think the word service means providing for another and completely forget by attending mass they are performing a service to a higher being.

Becoming so firmly planted in one definition of service people tend to ignore its other uses. A strong attachment to one definition or another can be attributed to working as a lifeguard or work with other programs like YouVote. With YouVote, participants are helping and benefitting others by providing them with information important to upcoming elections. By providing people with information it helps them along their way to making an educated decision when they vote. Working with YouVote has helped to extend the definition of service to all persons who help or serve others like; waitresses, teachers, lifeguards, doctors, lawyers, coaches, and the government. The government continuously provides "service" to our country, or at least they try. The many readings in WRA135 class have shown the government needs to provide more service to those in need like all those living below the poverty line and/or on

The Meaning of Service Essay
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Technology is great in so many ways. It has provided us with more communication access, access to knowledge at our finger tips, and so much more. Technology has overall made life easier, but maybe too easy, and has made things a lot less private. This results in us having to be extra careful with security on the internet. Internet security is important to protect our privacy, protect us fromfraud, and from viruses that could destroy a piece of our technology. Internet privacy and security may be different but share a responsibility, but it is up to us to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves on the internet. We should pick unique, carful passwords, and never share this sensitive information, and encrypt our data when more content...

Privacy and Security are both equally important, to internet use.

Did you know that from 2005–2009 the internet scams rose from 100,000 per year to nearly 300, 000 per year (Internet Scam Statistics). From 2010– 2012 it continues to rise beyond 350,000 per year, with a monetary loss of over $300 million per year. The top 5 internet scams per (Info–graphic Highlights) with the most complaints:

1.14.4 % – Identity theft

2.13.2% – FBI–related scams

3.9.8% – Miscellaneous fraud

4.9.1% – Advance fee fraud

5.8.6% – Spam

Men report 25% higher monetary losses related to internet spam then females. 60 years old or older group reported the most monetary loss than any other group. (Info–graphic Highlights). Also (Internet Scam Statistics) reports that the 3 most common locations for internet scams are:

1.65.9% – United States

2.10.4 % – United Kingdom

3.3.1% – China

Security issues with wireless technology also continues to rise, 50% of smartphones were returned even though all of them contained owner contact information, and 75% of smartphones owners do not password protect their phones (2012 Info–graphic Highlights). These statistics above only prove the importance of security on the internet. We all have to do our part in protecting ourselves when online.

Essay about Internet Privacy and Security

Privacy and security on the internet are both supported by our ability to protect our own personal information when

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Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of the matter is that companies are dependent on those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also when you have difficult customers how do you achieve customer satisfaction?

It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business today can afford to disregard the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content... Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their expectations. Customers only give a company one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well as tell others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a business goes above and beyond to assist the customer they begin to build loyalty. The next step is to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to make them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more. Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs, Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional ties, and personalized marketing. Another way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you have happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009, p71), so businesses must

Customer Service Essay examples
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