Sexual Harassment Essays

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Sexual Harassment Laws Essays

Sexual Harassment Laws Sexual harassment is one of the biggest problems facing our schools and businesses today. A week rarely goes by without a reminder of the pervasiveness of sexual harassment as a social problem. The definition of sexual harassment is any unwanted or inappropriate sexual attention. That includes touching, looks, comments, or gestures. A key part of sexual harassment is that it is one sided and unwanted. There is a great difference between sexual harassment and romance or friendship, since more content... The second element is acknowledged as with intent. This element states that the person who commits the harassment must intend to humiliate, offend or intimidate the complainant and/or the harassment must be of a kind that a reasonable person must think that the complainant might be humiliated, offended or intimidated by it. Furthermore, sexual harassment doesn't have to be repeated or ongoing to be against the law. Some actions or remarks are so offensive that they're clearly sexual harassment, even if they're not repeated. Other incidents, such as an unwanted invitation or compliment, are probably not harassment if they are 'one–offs'.

These laws were written in response to a number of cases where employees, particularly female employees, were made to feel uncomfortable in the workplace by harassment of a sexual nature. This type of conduct was discouraging women from entering the work force. By introducing laws against sexual harassment, the law aims to stop all members of society being susceptible to, or discouraged by sexual harassment. Furthermore, the element of unlawful harassment is described broadly. This ensures the protection of society from atypical behaviour, and bizarre acts which may never have been thought of. Subsequently, it remains obvious that attributable

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Sexual Harassment And Sexual Violence Essay

North eastern women who come to Delhi to work or for academic pursuits encounter cruel and uncouth behaviour from uncivilised people of Delhi. They are racially discriminated because of their distinctive features and sexually abused because of their vulnerability. This study focuses on discussing the sexual harassment and sexual violence that the north eastern women have been facing in Delhi, causes that are responsible for such happening and various aspects related to this issue. The study was initially planned on a sample of 100 north eastern women residing in Delhi, however the researcher could contact only 92 women. A questionnaire was administered to them individually contacting them through snowball method. The results showed that, 96% women had faced sexual harassment in Delhi, between sexual racial and cultural discrimination 64% of women reported that they face sexual harassment followed by 35% who reported racial discrimination and 1% who reported cultural discrimination. 42% women had faced eve teasing, 18% faced stalking, 20% faced physical touches, 14% had faced sexual violence, 3% got sexual calls and messages and 3% reported that they had faced all types of harassment , when asked whether men harassing them were educated or uneducated 87% said that both the educated and the uneducated men indulge in such sexual harassment.

64% women reported that they had not faced harassment by the men from the seven states of north east India. 96% women believe that the

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Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don't take it seriously, it happens, because they don't know the real definition of sexual harassment.

Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men.

The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault?

Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what more content... There is an opinion that femists exaggerate the seriousness of harassment, while it exists its not as widespread as many think. Feminists make it difficult for man and woman to enjoy working together.

Is a solution to this mess to limit a definition of sexual harassment? Is sexual harassment really a problem in the business or is it just a product of hype and hysteria?

Many women answer no to that question. The law against assaulting women should be strengthened not weakened: they say. Unclear laws make it more prevalent.

It's obviously a problem in universities, financial industry and the U.S. navy where the majority of workers are men. For female to expect an equal treatment in the workplace like that is utopian. Today sexual harassment occurs at an alarming rate. Statistics show that anywhere from 50–90% of women well experience some form of it. And we are talking only about reported cases. Many cases go unreported because women are afraid to tell, if they do they may loose their jobs, become emotionally wasted, blame themselves, get blackmail or threats by coworkers and employees+ they are not always supported by other women (who think that harassment was caused by a provocating behavior).

Sexual harassment is criminal and should be punished as such. A sillyjoke, which you don't pay attention to, may grow into big deal. Studies show

Sexual Harassment Essay
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that light harassment gets worse when its

Sexual Harassment And Gender Inequality

Social inequality is a pressing issue in society today. It is a problem that is embedded deeply in society and has a harmful and negative impact. It creates an uneven distribution of resources and opportunities in society thereby causing people to be marginalized. There are many categories associated with social inequality. Examples include race, ethnicity, age,gender, power and social class. This paper will examine gender inequality in society. Using an article from the Toronto Star, I will focus on sexual harassment as an issue of gender inequality in the workplace and the impact it has had on the self–esteem as well as opportunities and achievements of women. Gender Inequality can be defined as the unequal treatment and prejudice of a person on the basis of sex and gender roles. Sexual harassment is further defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favours of verbal, gestural or physical nature and with objectionable overtones which cause discomfort, humiliation, fear or anger (I.L.O, 1958). Gender Inequality is mostly affected by women. In the workplace, schools, political positions and even in families, women are seen as the inferior sex. In Canadian history, it was not until the 1900s women were given equal rights to vote and the 1920s before a woman was elected in parliament. (Smith, 2011) This is to show that genderdiscrimination has been embedded in society for a very long time and although laws have been made to make sure males and females are

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Sexual harassment has recently become a heated debate in colleges across the nation. Universities struggle with allegations that schools are turning a blind eye to sexual harassment or not providing adequate protection for students. In 1972, a federal law prohibiting the discrimination on the basis of sex in any government funded school was passed ("Overview of Title IX"). Although this law was put into place decades ago more sexual harassment cases are reported now than ever.Sexual assault, rape, and sexual violence all fall under the umbrella of sexual harassment. This can affect students' educational career as well as their physical and emotional well–being. It is a college's responsibility to decide whether a case is classified as sexual harassment based on their definition of the term or rather the lack thereof.

Sexual harassment is similarly defined by most colleges in the United States. Stanford University defines sexual harassment as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature." ("What is Sexual Harassment?")

This kind of harassment can interfere with a student's academic and work performance. Sexual harassment not only affects students negatively but it occurs more often than people are aware of. According to Kelly Wallace, a CNN news writer, "among female college students, 23% said they experienced some form of unwanted sexual contact ranging from kissing to touching to rape, carried

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In today's society we constantly hear or read about individuals that claim they were a victim of sexual pressure. These instances can take place at work, school, the military and even at church. But exactly what is sexual exploitation or unwanted sexual behavior? After looking at several definitions for sexual abuse I came across the following definition that I feel will help all of us to better understand what inappropriate sexual behavior is. Sexual harassment was defined by The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as unwelcome advances and requests for sexual behavior or conditional requests such as a person's employment will continue if they perform these acts. (Gale Group, 2003). This definition left me thinking more content...

Please also keep in mind that a harasser can be male or female and can be of the same sex as the victim. The harasser may not always know that they are being offensive but if the other person is uncomfortable and has stated this to them then he or she should stop before legal action is brought forth.

Some women may even prefer not to report any allegations of being pressured sexually for fear of what might happen to them if they do. Although it is not lawful to retaliate against an individual for exposing employment practices that discriminate many people would seek retaliatory efforts. Therefore there are many women who feel it may be better for them to suffer in silence than to deal with revengeful or vindictive tactics such as being denied promotions or being scorned by other women who may think that the victim is pressing charges for attention. Because of the nature of such unprofessional behavior the victim may find him or herself very alone and no one wants to go through that especially after suffering through the harassment itself. Being sexually abused can have similar effects like rape in which the victim falls prey to depression, shame and guilt. Being depressed can lead to anxiety problems, an increase or decrease in weight as well as a lack of self–confidence and self respect. They may experience the loss of trust in familiar people and places. The victim can become withdrawn and if they are married the

Essay on Sexual Harassment
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Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment can take many forms; including a request for sexual favors; unwelcome sexual advances towards others, verbal, physical, or foreseeable conduct of a sexual nature towards people. This illegal conduct could occur in houses, or public places, hotels, restaurants, and can most often occur in the workplace. Employers, especially in the service industries, should pay careful attention to complaints by employees about customer conduct. An employer can be held liable under Title VII, for customerharassment if it fails to remedy or prevent a customer–created hostile work environment. Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:  more content... You were hired to waitress. You waitress." When Lockard returned to wait on the customers, one of the customers grabbed her by the hair and put his mouth on her breast. Lockard immediately informed her manager of the incident and quit. At trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Lockard against both Pizza Hut and the franchisee. Pizza Hut filed post–trial motions claiming Lockard could not hold Pizza Hut liable for customer–created hostile work environment. The trial court agreed. The Tenth Circuit reversed the trial court and ruled that employers could be vicariously liable under Title VII for acts of harassment by customers. The court reasoned that the proper focus of a hostile work environment inquiry is whether the workplace is permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule and insult. Thus, the court reasoned an employer who condones or tolerates the creation of such an environment should be held liable, regardless of whether a supervisor, co–employee, or a non–employee creates the environment. Accordingly, the court held that an employer may be liable for customer harassment if it fails to remedy or prevent a customer–created hostile work environment, of which it knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known. An employer who condones or tolerates the creation of such an environment can be held liable, regardless of whether a supervisor, co–employee, or a non–employee creates the environment. An employer may be

Essay on Sexual Harassment
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Women are constantly faced with unwelcomed sexual harassment on a daily basis. According to a report from the American Association of University Women in 2005, statistics showed at least 62 percent of female college students have reported being sexually harassed at their university (17). Stephen Franzoi conducted a study observing young women on their body esteem and the connection between parent interaction and the everyday experiences they had in the case it had an effect on them. It was a two–study investigation based on sexism. Study 1 had shown fathers' sexist beliefs were "positively correlated with daughters' weight–related and physical condition body esteem" (1). Study 2 had also shown body esteem was linked to mild more content...

It's just a bit sad" (Simmons, Jake). The clothing provides extra caution and safety, but it is also making it acceptable for corrupt behavior. Instead of going after the problem directly, it is shaping women to get used to this harassment and to deal with it by buying specially made clothing. It is teaching women to be shameful of their bodies by hiding it in fear of being sexually assaulted. Nirvana member Kurt Cobain once stated that, "The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape," in November 1991 when discussing one of his songs. However, instead of teaching men and young boys about the problems with harassment, programs like self–defense classes for women have been on the rise and more people have been joining. Self–defense classes are very educational, though. A study showed 12 percent of 117 women taking a self–defense class reported some form of sexual harassment. Compared to the 169 of the women not taking a self–defense class, 30 percent of those were harassed. These numbers show that the latter had nearly one in three women harassed. The study was conducted by UO sociologist Jocelyn Hollander. It shows self–defense classes are definitely helpful, and they are even as accessible as looking one up on YouTube for easy learning. Although again it is the thought that women are doing much more than men are to avoid sexual

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Sexual Harassment Effects Body Esteem

Sexual Harrasment Prevention Essay

Sexual Harassment Prevention

BA411 Training and Development

Grantham University

Gustavo A. Hernandez

1. Create 2 more SMART goals for this training. Identify Different Types of Sexual Harassment

Specific: Trainees will become familiar and aware of the many different forms thatsexual harassment comes in.

Measurable: Trainees will obtain knowledge on the following topics on sexualharassment: Harassing Conduct, Sexual Joking, Sexist Words, Sexist Behavior, Sexual Advances, and Requests for Sex and Sexual Intimidation.

Attainable: At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to: * Define sexual harassment. * Identify the myths surrounding sexual harassment. * Review the laws and basic court more content...

For the option confronting the harasser, the mean pre–training rating was 3.8, as compared to a mean post–training rating of 4.0, a statistically significant change at p<0.001.

For the option ignoring the behavior, the mean pre–training rating was 2.5, as compared to a mean post–training rating of 2.2, a statistically significant change at p<0.001.

For the option discussing with a co–worker, the mean pre–training rating was 3.4, as compared to a mean post–training rating of 3.6, a statistically significant change at p<.05. 3. Using the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model did the training achieve the desired results? Why or why not? Results from the case study information indicate that the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training program "achieved the goal of increasing the likelihood that attendees would contact a manager and/or human resources if sexually harassed. The training program also achieved the goal of decreasing the likelihood that trainees would ignore sexually harassing behavior" (Moskowitz, 2008). 4. Where any unexpected questions raised from this training? If so which questions? If not, why do you think the results were expected?

Yes. In this case study, or evaluation process, we found that the trainees would rather confront the harassers face–to–face as a first line of defense rather than seeking help elsewhere. 5. Which levels of information were collected and used in the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model?

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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a huge problem in recent history. It can happen to anyone and it can happen everywhere. It can affect all types of races, gender and age. Statistics today shows that more and more sexual harassment has become an issue due to the large number of cases presented. Mainstream media becomes consume covering sexual harassment because of the high profile cases. Sexual harassment becomes a topic on various TV shows, and on some major morning radio talk shows mostly everyday. Sexual harassment laws must be strengthened in order to fix what has become a serious problem today in the workplace.

.What does sexual harassment really means? Many people cannot define the exactly sexual harassment means. more content... In some incidents some of the sexual harassment incidents are under reported because some of the victims are being threatened. Victims are too afraid to come forward.

Moreover, in a school environment students are pressed in doing a favor to their teacher against their will in order to manipulate their grades. Female workers are asked to do favors in return to advance with their career. Discriminatory acts are often cause by men in powerful positions, which is also known as sexual harassment. Student's objectives should go to school to pass their courses. Employee should go to work to perform their job responsibilities. If everything works according to plan, it should be okay. However, this is not the case to some situation, there are more and more people becoming a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, schools, and churches. It is outrageous to hear that there are people out there used their power to sexually harass individual to take advantages of weakness of another person. The typical victims are usually female employees and female students.

Consequently in sexual harassment there is always has to be a victim. When it happens at school, it is typically a teacher harassing a student. In the workplace environment, the person with authority usually the one who harassed employee. Generally, women are the victim of this horrendous crime because in a workplace harassment can be sign of control and authority by the harasser that Get

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Essay about Sexual Harrassment

Sexual Harrassment Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

I. Definition

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:

The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The more content...

III. Regarding Employers

Prevention is the best tool to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers should take all steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. An effective prevention program should include an explicit policy against sexual harassment that is clearly posted for the employees to read and be included in any in–service training programs. I heard on the news last week that a company was being sued even though they had a sexual harassment policy. The complainant didn't feel that the company did enough to assert the policy. Theemployer should also have a procedure for resolving sexual harassment complaints. This procedure should encourage victims to come forward and should not require the victim to complain first to the offending supervisor, if that is the case. This procedure should ensure confidentiality as much as possible and provide effective remedies as well as protection from retaliation.

IV. Discussion

I would like to share a couple of statistics that Dr. Chwialkowski gave out in my other Public Administration class last week. He found a survey

that asked women how many of them had slept with their bosses. Nineteen percent responded that they had. Of those, sixty percent said it furthered their careers.

The following is a scenario Dr. Chwialkowski gave out. I would like for the class to input your opinions as to whether or not sexual

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What Is Sexual Harassment? Essay

What is Sexual Harassment?

According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, sexual harassment is defined as "uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature especially by a person in authority toward a subordinate." Sexual harassment happens in the workplace and it affects both women and men. There is a fine line between the occasional unwanted sexual advances and comments that someone may find inappropriate. These instances may not always be considered illegal, but if these instances are consistent in nature, make you feel uncomfortable and is affecting your work performance, than you just might have a case.


Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, for any reason and each person and situation is different. There is not just one reason as to why this happens and it does not need to be just physical to be considered sexual harassment.

Society plays a big role in how people are treated. The HB2 bill recently passed in Charlotte, NC has now made it illegal for transgender s that have not had surgery or taken legal steps to change their gender cannot use restrooms based on the identity they identify with. This is a form of sexual harassment based on gender. It can be about power. Men can feel threatened by a woman who has advanced quicker than he has or she may have a submissive type personality. This could lead to requests for sexual favors or power games.

Regardless of the cause, victims are left feeling "Why did this happen to me?" with no solution

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Sexual Harassment Essay

Sexual harassment is so ordinary in the workforce that frequently we fail to even recognize harassing behavior as immoral. This is because so many of us women and men alike have become desensitized to offensive behaviors. Sexual harassment in any form is unacceptable behavior and should not be tolerated by anyone. It undermines our ability to study, to work, and to feel like effective, empowered people in the world. The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission describes sexual harassment as a form of gender discrimination that is in violation of the Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Undesirable sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and further verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment, more content...

In addition to, The Society for Human Resource Management has reported that 62% of companies offer sexual harassment prevention training programs, and 97% have a written sexual harassment policy (Sexual Harassment in the Workplace).

Over the last decade the number of grievance filed with EEOC has gradually decreased. For example, in 1997 approximately 16,000 complaints of sexual harassment were filed. Last year, the number of complaints dropped to 11,717 which 16.4% of charges were filed by men (Sexual Harassment Charges). The common of complaints reported to the EEOC came from women; conversely the quantity of complaints filed by men is ever–increasing, along with increasing numbers of men filing against female supervisors. In 2007, 16% of complaints filed with the EEOC were filed by men (Sexual Harassment Charges).

Men are increasingly claiming they're victims of sexual harassment and sexual harassment of men does occur. The first ever court case involving sexual harassment of a man in the workplace was in 1995. The EEOC sued Domino Pizza after a female supervisor of a male store manager sexually harassed him and then fired him (Tahmincioglu, 2007). In 1998 a ruling by the Supreme Court involving a Louisiana man, who claimed he was sexually harassed by his male manager while working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, made it clear that men are protected from such harassment at work under Title VII of the Civil Rights

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Thesis Statement On Sexual Harassment


Sexual assault is a dangerous behavior that is widely spread in our societies all around the world. Some studies show that this kind of problem is due to several accidents that have occurred in a person's childhood or adulthood. It has negative effects on a victim's life. The paper offers insights about this topic with several references and quotes from many experts. However, the term sexual harassment is defined and explained thoroughly. The causes of this serious problem are presented and then the several harmful effects are mentioned and explained. A few approaches can be followed in order to prevent this offense from happening again, hoping to save the lives of many people.

Keywords : sexual harassment , widely spread, victim , dangerous, accidents, childhood, adulthood, causes, harmful , approaches, prevent, save. Outline:

Thesis statement: Sexual harassment is an ongoing issue. From everyday workplaces to daily encounters, sexual assault is still a concern in our daily life and has yet to be generally recognized.

I– Categories and causes A–Categories

1. Physical abuse

2. Verbal abuse B–Causes

1. Mental disorders

2. Attachment and neglect in early more content...

Traumatic problems

2. Mental chaos

– Prevention Sexual harassment is an uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, especially by a person in authority toward a subordinate, as per the Merriam–Webster dictionary. This behavior is present in a large number in our societies and we can see such situations at many places, from every day workplaces to daily encounters. A person can be harassed in different manners and it has several consequences on the victims. Sexual assault is still a concern in our daily life and has yet to be generally recognized and it should be prevented. I– Categories and causes A–Categories


1– Physical Get more content

Sexual Harassment Essay

Sexual Harassment comes in many forms and weather spoken, verbal, written or the behavior itself, it makes the person uncomfortable and the end results is all same, Sexual Harassment is unwelcome and unwanted behavior. Sexual Harassment discrimination is illegal. It is the employer obligation to make sure their organization and employees have protection from discrimination. This paper will show that Jacksonville shipyard acted unethically by failing to protect one of their employees Lois Robinson. Jacksonville Shipyard was well aware that Ms. Robinson faced sexual harassment on a daily basis by her male co– workers. Once Lois complained to Management that she objected to the co–workers behaviors , instead of helping her they more content...

Major Ethics Principles, Rules, and Values Jacksonville Shipyard attempted to apply the Rights Ethical theory because this theory allows the individuals to apply what they feel is right and infringe these rights upon others. Boatright (2009) pointed out, "One supervisor reported the company had no policy against the posting of pictures and claimed that the men had a constitutional right to do so" (p.28). Jacksonville Shipyard made no changes to their programs because they felt the male employees were within their rights; instead, they made poor attempts to accommodate Lois Robinson. Employees have a right to not be offended or be offended but employees does not have the right to have those choices taking away by their employer. Stakeholder Analysis

The primary stakeholder of Jacksonville Shipyard are the stockholders and the owners because they have invested in the organization for profit and not lost.They may lose federal contracts and funding for not complying with the Affirmative Action policies. The secondary stakeholders are the employees who have could cost the organization mega dollars because of the behaviors that encourage

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Sexual harassment affects different people in different ways; many people every day are victims of this issue. Out of all these people, someone around may be going through this problem. What will society do to help prevent this problem? Sexual harassment can affect anyone. No matter what gender, race or age. "Every year thousands of cases involving this issue occur and only one out of five victims of this issue file a claim" (Vagianos). This is crazy! People may think that people would want to stand up for themselves, but they do not; they simply stay quiet and let the situation pass them by.

Sexual harassment can affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Sexual harassment is a big issue, furthermore people cannot keep thinking that more content...

If someone feels unsafe, or if the situation just doesn't feel right, they should search it up on the internet. They can search up, what sexual harassment is, what is considered sexual harassment, what are the actions they can take, etc. In today's day and age the internet is right at our fingertips. If something sees off or just not right, search it up. When searching up what sexual harassment is, it may be surprising what is found, and so many situations such as there can be avoided. Simply because the person searched up the situation and stopped it before it got much more complicated.

Another way to be well informed on what sexual harassment is, would be by going to sexual harassment awareness classes that talk about this issue. If everyone would be willing to take these types of classes, perhaps sexual harassment would not be such a big problem. For a moment let's say that an enormous part of the population was going to sexual harassment awareness classes, then eventually all these people would tell other people what they learned, and those new people will tell other people, and so and so forth. Then after a certain time most of the population would be well–informed about sexual harassment. These types of classes should be available in every city, and available for anyone that wants to learn about this problem. In fact one article says "In response to greater demands for such training, a multibillion–dollar sexual harassment training industry has Get more content

Persuasive Essay On Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harrasment Essays

Sexual Harrasment The issue that I have chosen to research for the policy and procedures team is sexual harassment in the workplace. The present policy contained in the associate handbook states the following: Sexual harassment can take many forms. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when a person's employment with Sears depends on submission to the conduct; submission to or rejection of the conduct affects employment decisions concerning the person; or such conduct unreasonably interface with a person's work performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Any violation of this policy will result more content...

The second way states Title VII says employers cannot discriminate with respect to the "conditions" of employment. The company's definition of sexual harassment is similar to the one that I found in my research on this issue.

The area that our company may want to look into is how an associate can prevent sexual harassment. Some of the key points are: how you dress, don't do social service tasks, and avoid "courtship behavior." The area of dressing to go to work may cause sexual harassment if the associate does not watch what they are wearing, associates should dress appropriately for the office. The next area is concerned with social service tasks such as getting the person lunch or any non work related activity. This will cause "you owe me on" and may lead to other things. The last area pertains to avoiding "courtship behavior," which is non verbal communication. People may take this the wrong way and the results can lead to comments or actions that would interrupt the work place. These points can be related back to the associate during the focus meeting.

The last area the policy and procedures team can look at is how the management can improve the way they handle sexual harassment in the work place. Luckily, this company hasn't had to make many reports. Some points to cover are: to keep work quality high, get respect for the associate and keep a diary of sexual harassment reports. Keeping the work

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Sexual Harassment Issues

Sexual harassment is an ongoing problem in our society and has been swept under the rug in most sexual harassment cases in the workplace. The problem with sexual harassment, especially in the workplace, is the fact that victims usually cannot escape the situation from happening more than once. The victim is often in a position with their company that the victim cannot let authorities know of the harassment because of financial obligation to their family and themselves through the company.Sexual harassment is an issue that, is not only a major issue but an issue that needs to be stopped. Sexual harassment in the workplace needs to be prevented from happening and we as a society need to raise awareness for this issue. The sexual harassment epidemic in the workplace in America is escalating quickly, but what exactly is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is defined as "unwanted sex–related behavior at work that is appraised by the recipient as offensive, exceeding her resources, or threatening her well–being" (Barling). However, there is a difference between sexual harassment in the workplace and workplace romance. Workplace romance is a risky game to play in the workplace environment. Often in cases of sexual harassment, workplace romances have taken a turn in the wrong direction and turn into more aggressive relationships. Sexual harassment does not only happen to women but also to men. However, sexual harassment cases occur more with women as the victim than men being

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Sexual Harassment Papers

Sexual harassment is something that is happening daily. Trying to cope with the emotional damage can be a lot worse than the harassment itself. It can have an affect on your job, or personal life.

Employees who are harassed report lower levels of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance. Employees experience higher levels of psychological distress and physical problems than those who are not harassed. Victims of workplacesexual harassment experience a range of ill effects, such as job dissatisfaction and absenteeism. Victims also exhibit nervousness, anger and irritability, low self–esteem and elevated stress.

Ignoring sexual harassment is also relatively common.

Responses appear to vary depending on the more content...

There are four types of support that are included in the interactive coping. One approach recommends both pity and determined behaviors that attend to the victim's needs, such as helping students deal with internal reactions, providing information, and assisting as students decide what to do. A second approach indicates the use of strategies, such as providing information or advice. A third approach supports the rights and concerns of accused perpetrators above all others, indicating the need to ask pointed questions to prove students who make false complaints. Women rarely use complaint procedures to help with coping of sexual harassment. They usually try to avoid the perpetrator or talk to a friend and react with rejection and anxiety.

Women who are sexually harassed seek help from a friend or family member. Even though women may have difficulty coping with sexual harassment, they might find themselves in a dangerous situation because of the lack of support they get and a sense of separation. Responding efficiently to someone who has been sexually harassed might require practice Get

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Gender Harassment And Sexual Harassment Essay

Bennett–Alexander & Hartman (2015) mentions that sexual harassment is based on gender and does not "Involve sex, requests for sexual activity, comments, or anything similar" (Bennett–Alexander & Hartman, 2015, p. 423). The non–sex requirement is the reason that the term gender in sexual harassment is discussed meaning whether if the individual is male or female that is filing a sexual harassment claim. Although, Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 mentions that individuals should not be discriminated on the basis of gender, sex, ethnicity, race, religion, etc it does not specify an individual's sexual orientation. This writer will be discussing a case where a male employee files a sexual harassment claim against the employer as the male employee identifies as being gay. He also is filingdiscrimination on the basis of his gender and alleges retaliation as he was terminated after he had complained about his female coworker. Apparently, the male employee alleged that a female employee while at a dinner and concert after work hours grabbed his privates. It is important to note that the male employee's performance prior to the incident was declining and was counseled on several occasions by his employer about his declining production. Furthermore, this writer will be discussing whether if the facts could result in liability to the employer for sexual harassment or gender discrimination. Also, this writer will be integrating and referring to various sources and cases that Get

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