about the
module + research:
• So this module is all about understanding the context of my practice. "this module provides a context for the synthesis between theory and practice, as well as providing an introduction to the various theoretical, philosophical, institutional and critical discourses that surround art, design and the media. Through seminars, lectures and tutorials, students will be introduced to a range of theoretical and philosophical approaches to both their own subject discipline and wider society in general. As well as developing knowledge and academic skills, the assignments within the portfolio also prepare students for the task of producing an extended BA (Hons.) dissertation at, Level 6, as part of the CoP3 module. It should be understood that work at this level is not the regurgitation of knowledge, but a critical response, citing detailed evidence in defense of detailed arguments." • See attachment doc for more info • See attachment docs for essay proposal • See attachment docs for general info about psychoactive substances, groups and definition.
about the
• I am currently in the process of creating an illustrated “survey” / Q+A style / interactive book and/or game that when played, visually conveys the participant’s results, ultimately taking my research forward and providing further insight into the key question and my overarching Module theme: "How have Psychoactive substances influenced creative culture
(taking into consideration its impact on creativity / context within politics, culture, society, religion, medicine/ figures / movements /medicine / scientific + technological etc. throughout history, and what is their place within society today”
- or something like that haha!
about the
• all published / illustrated results from survey remain anonymous • all personal details will stay completely confidential between me and participant • survey is completely optional đ&#x;¤“ • i’m still collecting as many results as possible and hope to develop this further once my deadline is over! I’ll make an online snazzy survey thingy and will make sure to send you a link when it is live • if you would like to receive email updates from me about this study as it develops and / or a • results day • notification, informing you of your survey results in relation to this study and further details as to what these results could mean‌. get back to me when replying with your survey answers
_______________ âœż i hope you find out some cool new stuff and enjoy the survey! âœż this is the 1st draft / roll out, so if you can - please get back to me with any comments + feedback you have ‌ soooo much help needed
âœż finally, get comfy, grab a cuppa and discover‌
☞ â?Ľ are you wavy? please highlight / mark / make clear the answer most relevant to you
• See attachment docs for general info about psychoactive substances, groups and definition.
❥ Q1: Have you had any experience with psychoactive substances? ◦ ◦ ◦
a: Yes b: Unsure / rather not say c: No
❥ Q2: If yes, what substance group have you had the most experience with? If unsure / no, what group of substances do you feel most likely / curious to try in the future? ◦ ◦ ◦
a: Hallucinogens: Cannabis, Psilocybin, LSD, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Nitrous Oxide b: Euphoriants: MDMA, MDA, MCAT c: Stimulants: Amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, nicotine / depressants (inc. sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics): Alcohol, opioids
❥ Q3: Which substance group do you consider to be the most harmful? (taking into consideration mental, physical, spiritual health etc.) ◦
a: Stimulants: Amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, nicotine / depressants (inc. sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics): Alcohol, opioids ◦ b: Euphoriants: MDMA, MDA, MCAT ◦ c: Hallucinogens: Cannabis, Psilocybin, LSD, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Nitrous Oxide
❥ Q4: Do you feel that all psychoactive substances should be made/kept illegal? ◦ ◦ ◦
a: No b: Neutral / unsure / pass c: Yes
❥ Q5: Do you feel psychoactive substances require further indepth research into their true potential? ◦ ◦ ◦
a: Yes b: Unsure / possibly / pass c: No
❥ Q6: Would you consider being creative whilst under the influence? ◦ ◦ ◦
a: Yes b: Unsure / possibly / pass c: No
❥ Q7: What impact have psychoactive substances had on your creativity? ◦ ◦ ◦
a: Positive b: None / unsure / pass c: Negative
â?Ľ Q8: What overall impact do you feel psychoactive substances have had on creative culture throughout history? â—Ś â—Ś â—Ś
a: Positive b: None / unsure / pass c: Negative
â?Ľ Q9: Lastly, how have your overall experiences with psychoactive substances been? If you have no experience of psychoactive substances, how would you expect your experience to be? â—Ś â—Ś â—Ś
a: Positive b: Neutral / unsure / pass c: Negative
âœżthanks very much for getting involved! âœż _______________ f e e
d bđ&#x;–•a c k
any comments:
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________ đ&#x;—ƒdocs / attachments / useful links: http://www.maps.org/ http://2015.breakingconvention.co.uk/ - 4 day conference where Zak & I went last summer (Greenwich Uni, London) https://www.facebook.com/BreakingConvention https://www.facebook.com/groups/psychedelicsuk/