November 2021 | VOL 2 ISSUE 4
Men of Tomorrow (MOTO Malawi) Enriching the lives of boys and men in the nation. Read more on page 39 in the Resources Section
Movember Edition 2|Essential Grace Magazine
November 2021
in this issue…
Monthly Theme Features Movember Features Toxic Masculinity vs Authentic Masculinity Mental Health Features Know Your Mental Health Provider Online Resources for Men’s Mental Health Men and Depression Trauma: Do Men Experience Trauma? Health and Wellness Features When to See a Doctor When to See a Doctor for Men’s Sexual Health Nutritional Health for Men Resources Men of Tomorrow (MOTO) Malawi
3|Essential Grace Magazine
November 2021
ovember is here and the days are fast counting down to the end of the year! We can say so many different things about 2021; it has been a better year than the last one for sure. Yet, many have still lost loved ones, jobs and livelihoods due to COVID 19. It seems we are yet to be rid of this virus for good. Although the whole world is still reeling from the trauma that was 2020, it seems that poor mental health has seen an increase through the negative impact of COVID 19 restrictions and after-effects. Men seem to once again bear the brunt of this negativity as there has been a universal hike in male suicides. Economic challenges, lost income, marital problems, and chronic disease may all be factors that impact poor mental health. However, I strongly believe in the resilience of human beings, no-matter how tough the situations we go through, we always have hope and the will to keep going. The focus of this month’s issue is to promote self-care amongst men through knowledge of the key areas that men are facing globally such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health problems. The Monthly Theme section highlights some of the global themes as presented through the Movember movement worldwide. Be sure to check out their website and many others we suggest should you like to know what is happening concerning men’s issues around the world. Let us all be cautious and mindful as we go into the festive season. Wear your mask, sanitise, and keep those physical distances. God Bless and happy reading! Julie Soko
4|Essential Grace Magazine
November 2021
Julie Soko Managing Editor
Mtendere Kishindo Sub - Editor
Thandi De Jong Editorial Assistant
Naomi Msusa Editorial Art and Design 5|Essential Grace Magazine
November 2021
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Essential Grace Magazine
6|Essential Grace Magazine
November 2021
Monthly feature
Prostate Cancer Awareness 7|Essential Grace Magazine
Testicular Cancer Awareness November 2021
You may see a lot more men with facial hair this month. It’s all part of a global effort to raise awareness about men’s health throughout November. Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale. Focusing on mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. The following content is sourced from the Movember website to give you an idea of the work they are doing to help males all over the world going through these issues. Please head over to their website and join some of these initiatives, or get some ideas on how you can help men in your own community.
8|Essential Grace Magazine
November 2021
PROSTATE CANCER: THE FACTS Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men globally. Globally, more than 1.4 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.
Who’s at risk? Your risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, but that doesn’t mean it’s a disease that only affects old men. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. Men who are of African or Caribbean descent, and men who have a family history (a brother or father with prostate cancer), are 2.5x more likely to get prostate cancer.
What’s the PSA test? It’s a simple routine blood test. It’s used to determine the measurement of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) concentration in the blood, it is the primary method of testing for prostate cancer. You should be talking to your doctor about whether testing is right for you.
The facts about prostate cancer Only men have a prostate gland. The prostate gland is usually the size and shape of a walnut and grows bigger as you get older. It sits underneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra, which is the tube men urinate and ejaculate through. Its main job is to help make semen – the fluid that carries sperm. Prostate cancer occurs when some of the cells in the prostate reproduce far more rapidly than normal, resulting in a tumour. Prostate cancer often grows slowly to start with and may never cause any problems. But some men have prostate cancer that is more likely to spread. These prostate cancer cells, if left untreated, may spread from the prostate and invade distant parts of the body, particularly the lymph nodes and bones, producing secondary tumours in a process known as metastasis.
Detecting prostate cancer Not everyone experiences symptoms of prostate cancer. Many times, signs of prostate cancer are first detected by a doctor during a routine checkup. Some men, however, will experience changes in urinary or sexual function that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. Early Detection is Key. The difference between early detection and late detection can be life and death.
Signs and symptoms A need to urinate frequently, especially at night Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine
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Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men globally. Globally, more than 1.4 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Even when successful, treatment can take a toll on the physical and mental health of those affected. Movember is working towards a day where no man dies of prostate cancer.
November 2021
Weak or interrupted flow of urine Painful or burning urination Difficulty in having an erection Painful ejaculation Blood in urine or semen Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs
Treating prostate cancer Treatment options are many and varied. Testing still can’t answer lots of key questions about disease aggression, prognosis and progression. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it's important to keep in mind that many prostate cancers are slow growing and may not need surgery or other radical treatment. Treatment options include:
Active Surveillance
Hormone Therapy
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November 2021
Choosing a treatment for prostate cancer Aim to be ok with the treatment decision you make, take risks and
When you're
benefits into consideration.
Learn what you can, make use of the
You need to have a conversation with your doctor about PSA testing.
quality services and resources available. When making treatment decisions the
If you're of African or Caribbean descent, do it at
45 If you have a family history, do it at
following is recommended: Make a decision after a
treatment recommendation from a multi-disciplinary meeting (where available). This meeting would ideally consist of input from the following specialists: urologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, radiologist, nursing and allied health.
Seek a second opinion for a recommended treatment option that is right for you, from both a urologist as well as a radiation oncologist.
Enquire as to whether a specialist is part of a quality improvement audit, such as a registry.
Utilise the cancer support services available in your country to increase your levels of information and understanding around treatment options, and potential side effects.
Approach your GP if you have concerns or want a second opinion.
Ongoing side effects of prostate cancer treatment Depending on the treatment you undergo, you may experience some of the following:
Incontinence (involuntary leakage of urine)
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November 2021
Erectile dysfunction (difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection)
Weight gain due to hormone therapy
These side effects have different durations for different people. Because a side effect of treatment may include erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer can have a serious impact on intimate relationships. As many people who have been through the journey will tell you, prostate cancer isn’t just a man’s disease, it’s a couple’s disease. Make sure you involve your partner as you think through the various treatment options
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November 2021
can also be cured with treatment
Who’s at risk?
including: Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men. Men with undescended testes at birth, or who have a family history, like a father or brother who has had testicular cancer, are at an increased risk. And if you’ve had testicular cancer before, there’s also a heightened risk it could return.
The facts about testicular cancer Testicles are responsible for the production of male hormones (mostly testosterone) and sperm.
Orchiectomy (surgical removal of the affected testis), done under general anesthetic
In most cases (better than 95%) a diagnosis of testicular cancer means established treatments and a good outcome. Unfortunately, there are a small proportion of men and boys who do not face that good outcome, and more needs to be done to support these men through diagnosis and treatment and into a long and healthy life after cancer.
Testicular cancer starts as an abnormal growth or tumour that develops in one or both testicles. There are several types of testicular cancer, but the most common is the germ cell tumour.
Treatment options
Chemotherapy or
radiotherapy, often prescribed after surgery to treat any remaining cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body, such as lymph nodes
Side effects Testicular cancer and the removal of one testicle should not alter your ability to have sex or have children. The effect on
fertility following removal of one of the testicles is minimal as a single testicle produces such large numbers of sperm. Men with testicular cancer should talk to their oncologist about sperm banking before commencing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Testicular cancer is a highly treatable cancer and can be effectively treated, and often cured, if diagnosed and treated early. Advanced testicular cancer 14 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
The visual guide on the next page illustrates how you can give yourself a check-up every month.
November 2021
Get steamy. A warm shower will put your nuts in the mood. Roll one nut between thumb and fingers to get to know what’s normal. Repeat with the other nut. If you notice a change in size or shape, a lump that wasn’t there before, or if they become painful to touch, see a doctor. Don’t panic, but do get it checked out.
… To end the Movember feature, here are four simple steps to check up on a friend or family member who might be going through a tough time. Ask. Start by asking how he’s feeling. It’s worth mentioning any changes you’ve picked up on: has he stopped replying to texts? Does he sound different on the phone? Has he gone quiet in the group chat? Listen. Give him your full attention. Let him know you’re hearing what he’s saying and you’re not judging. You don’t have to diagnose problems or offer solutions, but asking questions lets him know you’re listening. Encourage Action. Help him focus on simple things that might improve how he feels. Is he getting enough sleep? Is he exercising and eating well? Maybe there’s something that’s helped him in the past – it’s worth asking. Suggest that he share how he’s feeling with others he trusts. This will make things easier for both of you. And if he’s felt low for more than two weeks, suggest that he chat to his doctor. Check In. Follow up your conversation with a phone call or FaceTime. This helps to show that you care; plus, you’ll get a feel for whether he’s feeling any better. Find this resource along with other conversations that may help with mental health and suicide prevention here.
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November 2021
Question Is it not normal for men to keep their feelings and emotions to themselves?
Answer No! men are human beings who have been created with emotions just like women. They have every right to express themselves and their emotions. What needs to happen is for more men to learn about their emotions and what healthy emotional expression looks like so that they discover how to express their emotions in a healthy and fulfilling way. Suppressing emotions is a myth perpetuated by themes of toxic masculinity. The result is men experiencing deep isolation and loneliness because they are not able to be themselves and share their lives. It’s time for society to start changing this mindset and be more open and accommodating of men so that they can be more accepting of themselves.
17 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
Our society has a lot to say when it
theorized that this term defines the
comes to men. Most narratives include
phenomenon of modern culture
speculations on what is wrong with
repressing deep masculinity. It also
men, why do they have more health
defines the behaviours and attitudes
problems, why do they drink more, why
that some men have that work against
are they more male suicides, the list is
them. These behaviours and attitudes
quite long. It seems that the
are usually set by society and/or
perspective most people
culture, and are imposed on
have towards males is that
those wanting to conform and
of negativity and criticism.
be accepted.
That being said, women
Masculinity in itself cannot be
are also often viewed with
described as good or bad,
suspicion by men who have
being masculine is not a
been conditioned to be
negative. However, it is the
wary of a women’s
negative traits that are
advances, that there is
attached to masculinity that
always an ulterior motive
make it toxic. So what does
behind it. Have you ever wondered why these negative perspectives thrive in our society? Well, one of the reasons is that the expectations and standards that are set for
The cartoon character Johnny Bravo who’s 4 season show was aired on Cartoon Network in the mid 90’s may be a good example for toxic masculinity.
The following examples are of traits that are those that some males carry. Believing that they should always be mentally and physically tough
each gender can be unrealistic, and in most cases damaging.
toxic masculinity look like?
Aggression, expressed overtly or through passive means
Toxic Masculinity
No expression of emotion
The term toxic masculinity was coined
Homophobia, or generally being
by psychologist Shepherd Bliss in the
against people who are not
80’s as he worked on trying to mark a
distinction between the positive and negative characteristics of men. He 18 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
Being self-contained – not needing anyone November 2021
Being emotionally insensitive,
suppression, limited communication
lack of empathy
skills, sexual aggression, and
Dominance over others through
dominance. The media often reports
bullying, manipulation, or
cases of defilement and sexual violence
of minors (male and female), and
Sexual aggression or control
gender-based violence. Social media
Glorifying violence
also provides an insider’s view into
Being overly competitive
dysfunctional relationships particularly
Chauvinism and sexism
amongst the younger generation.
As you can see, many of these traits are
Issues of trust, infidelity, lack of
common and you can think of several
commitment, and lack of empathy
people that fit in to several of them.
seem to be the more common traits.
Most of these traits may not be very
One of the most prevalent example
obvious, however, they can be evident
being the absent father; some males
once you become aware of them.
these days are either unprepared for
Imagine a heterosexual couple having
the role of fatherhood, or unwilling to
an argument. The woman feels hurt
be committed to it. The excuses for this
that her boyfriend forgot about their
can be many but mostly centered
date, causing her to wait at a restaurant
around negative masculine traits such
for an hour. When she confronts him,
as these.
he shrugs and says, “Oh, I totally
Can we put the blame solely on males
forgot, my bad.” She says this
for this type of behaviour? Not entirely,
doesn’t feel like a real apology.
first of all, society has indirectly taught
Exasperated, he throws his hands up
men to have these attributes through
and says, “I’m a guy, we’re not
such sayings as boys will be boys, it’s
good at that stuff!”
a man’s world, men don’t cry, men
In reality, effective communication,
have to be strong, don’t be emotional
including the ability to make a
like a girl. With such conditioning, it’s
meaningful apology, is a skill that
only natural to have the type of
everyone needs, not just women and
masculinity we are seeing today.
feminine-identified folks. The concept of masculinity is varied across cultures. Our own version of masculinity does include some if not all the negative traits such as emotional 19 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
Authentic Masculinity The alternative to the toxic version of masculinity is authentic masculinity. What does it mean to be authentic?
November 2021
Well, this may mean a deconstruction
themselves; whether good or bad. They
of one’s pre-conceived ideas of
also learn to empathise with others,
masculinity, and reconstruction of what
showing compassion they have learnt
one can truly identify with.
to show themselves.
Essentially, not being authentic means
We are living in an age in which there is
that you are not being honest with
a crisis of masculinity. Men have failed
yourself and others about your faults
to embrace authentic masculinity, and
and weaknesses. Believing that you are
have greatly harmed women because
too flawed to be accepted as you are,
of it. We do not understand what it
and that other people are doing much
means to be a man, and our culture
better than you often leads to putting
now tells us that much of traditional
on a persona which is not a realistic
masculinity is negative. Certainly, any
representative of the true self.
act of a man that abuses or harasses
Guys who are very concerned about
another is wrong and evil. However,
status, what others think of them, and
authentic masculinity is not itself wrong
society’s expectations tend to be the
and evil (otherwise men would be
most dishonest and inauthentic types
inherently evil), so while we reject and
of people. Or, they fall into weird, false
fight against abuse and harassment, we
nice guy behavior.
recognize that those actions are not
How to be an authentic man Think of factors such as learning emotional and mental processing, learning how to communicate
authentic masculinity. If we want to stop harmful behavior, men need to embrace and live out authentic masculinity.
effectively, discovering what honour
Here are some suggestions from the
and loyalty mean in your life,
Developed Man website:
developing a system of values and
Be honest about your faults
principles that are true to who you are
through humour. Make jokes
as a man, and most importantly,
about yourself in a way that
learning how to serve those around
communicates that you are
you with compassion, love, and
aware of your shortfalls instead
commitment. When men work on
of covering them up. Be willing
themselves in this way, they begin a
to follow that up by working on
journey of self-acceptance and often
those faults.
discover what it means to be
20 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
Own up when you mess up. Be
November 2021
the first to admit your mistakes
seen. Why not confront the
rather than pretend to never
insecurity itself rather than feed
having any. It is tempting to
cover up your mistakes through
communication should not be to
instead of owning your own, and
avoid conflict or present a
fixing them
confident persona that isn’t
Admit your sins. Again, it is all
real. Develop a style of
too simple to pretend to be a
communicating that is open,
good person and have no dark
truthful, and most of all that is
side whatsoever. However, the
not intended to hurt the other.
Have integrity. Do what you say,
bad habits that we would rather
and say what you do. If you
not openly confess. Being able
cannot back up what you say
to admit to things like not being
with the right actions, rather not
good with money, not living a
say anything at all.
healthy lifestyle, drinking too
Be honest. Your style of
blame or criticizing others
reality is that most of us have
Get to know your emotions. We
much, etc, can be liberating.
all have them; and we all need to
Be honest about what bothers
know how to express them in a
you. Being authentic means
healthy way. Denying or
allowing people to know how
repressing them keeps you
you feel about things. If
locked in a false sense of self.
something bothers or irritates
There you have it, being an authentic
you, be able to say that rather
male does not mean losing your edge.
than pretend everything is fine
It is actually an empowering existence.
just to avoid conflict.
If you would like to learn more about
Avoid bragging or fishing for
what this means, there are plenty of
compliments. This may be a
websites that can give you the right
challenge to men who are very
information. For more advice on male-
focused on their image and
specific issues have a look at
social status. Understand that at
Developed Man site, and for more on
the root of bragging lies
health and wellness for men the
insecurity and the need to be website.
21 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
Mental Health
’ . .
22 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
There are five different types of experts in the field of mental health. Find out what each of them specializes in so that you can make an informed decision. Aditi Surendra
In the past issue, we explored the
conflict within the family.
differences between a Psychologist and
Counseling uses various structured
a Psychiatrist. It is important to know
processes through directive or non-
the type of services you need before
directive guidance for the person to
you contact a mental health worker. It
make rational decisions. Counseling
is also important to find out the type of
work is confidential.
services on offer so as to make the
Counseling focuses on the
right choice.
To recap, there are different types of
Resolving normal or moderate
mental health professionals, each of
issues, negative life events, and
them plays a role in identifying and
other stressors
treating psychological and psychiatric health issues.
Understanding the thought process, beliefs, and emotions
The different types of mental health
that impact behaviour
professionals are: · Psychiatrists
events rather than the past
· Clinical psychologists · Counselors
· Social workers
Helping people develop creativity, self-expression,
· Psychiatric nurses Counselor
Giving importance to current
assertiveness for their own needs
Improving conscious, rational
What is counseling?
thinking, and emphasizing on
Counseling is a type of applied
positive response to life
psychology that focuses on helping
people resolve emotional, behavioral, or social problems arising from various
Who is a counselor?
life situations, including issues at the
Counselors can have very varied
workplace, school, or college, and
lengths of training, from a year-long
23 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
intensive training to a few months by
treatment plan
correspondence. Counselors, trained in
· Evaluate the patient's socioeconomic
the art of listening, have skills to help a
status and look for community
person analyze their problems and find
resources that would be useful for
a solution. Counselors deal with issues
that are as broad and varied as those
· Facilitate individual, group, and family
undertaken by psychologists,
therapy sessions
psychiatrists, and psychotherapists.
· Help improve communication
If a counselor observes that sessions
between the patient, family members,
with a client are not productive due to
and healthcare team
underlying mental health conditions,
· Create a plan to integrate patients
then other interventions are
back into the community
recommended. Counselors may refer
Overall, they play an integral role in
their client to a more qualified mental
helping patients have a smooth
health expert for diagnosis, treatment,
transition back to family and
therapy, or medication, as the case may
Psychiatric Nurse
Social Worker
A psychiatric nurse is a mental health
Psychiatric social workers are mental
professional qualified to assess,
health professionals trained to help
diagnose, and treat individuals with
patients find solutions to many life and
psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric nurses
social issues that develop due to
help patients access mental health
mental illness. Mental health disorders
services and resources. They also
can negatively affect a patient's
support families understand the
relationships, career, and quality of life.
challenges of the mental illness and
Social workers help patients cope with
offer the appropriate care their loved
these aspects of their lives.
Psychiatric social workers do the following as part of their regular duties:
There are many counsellors, social
· Assess the patient's emotional, social,
workers, and psychiatric nurses working
economic, and mental health needs · Educate the patient and family
in Malawi. A few are listed in our resources section.
members about the illness and help them understand the patient's 24 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
with thoughts of suicide in four simple steps.
Movember Movember is the
leading global By using the manly techniques found in Dr. Rich
organisation committed to changing the face of men’s health.
Mahogany’s office at, you’ll find the
Their causes include mental
tools you need to deal with the tough
health and suicide prevention, prostate
situations life sends your way. And Man
cancer and testicular cancer. They’re
Therapy isn’t just for men – it’s for
taking them all on.
anyone who has a man in their life.
Movember Family Man
HeadsUp Guys
Introducing Family Man. Proven
HeadsUpGuys is a resource for
parenting strategies developed
supporting men in their fight against
alongside leading global child
depression by providing tips, tools,
behaviour experts and designed with
information about professional services,
dads in mind.
and stories of success.
Movember Conversations
Buddy Up
Movember Conversations is an online
Buddy Up is a men’s suicide
tool for those who want to feel more
prevention campaign: a call to action
confident and informed when
for men, by men to help a buddy struggling with thoughts of suicide.
navigating an important conversation with a friend who might be struggling.
Buddy Up teaches men how to help their friends who may be struggling
25 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
Why online Therapy? The COVID 19 pandemic has transformed the way we access different services across the internet. Therapy used to be a service you could only access through face-face formats. Online therapy has fast become the most accessible form of therapy the world over. It has reduced barriers to accessing behavioural health treatment, is flexible, and is often cheaper than the physical mode (you save on transport costs to and from therapy). It also gives you a choice to decide how you want to access this service, whether through text messages, video calls, or voice calls.
Before you commit A few things you need to keep in mind before you commit to online therapy; Do your research. Find out the qualifications and license details of the therapist. Also make sure you know what they specialize in, as well as what they do not. Make sure you ask for an initial consultation session where you can ask about the therapist’s background, what field they work in, whether they are able to help with your specific problem. Ask about the costs involved and payment plans available. Some therapists work with health insurance companies, so you may be able to pay using your health insurance schemes where possible. Many mental health professionals in Malawi currently offer online therapy services. Be sure to do your research and find the right fit for you.
26 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
' Depression is a serious, yet treatable mental health disorder that can affect any man, no matter how keen his sense of direction or burly his mustache. While depression is often associated with sadness and hopelessness, it often manifests itself in fits of rage, unnecessary risk taking and alcohol or drug abuse in men. 27 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
Persistent pain
Loss of energy
the disease. In fact, guys and girls deal with depression in vastly different ways.
Depressed men tend to:
Loss of sex drive
Changes in appetite
Change in sleep patterns
Need to feel in control
Find it "weak" to admit despair
Alcohol or drug abuse
Blame others Feel angry, irritated and ego-inflated Feel suspicious and guarded Create conflicts Feel restless and agitated
Use alcohol, TV and sports to selfmedicate
Feeling guilty
Depressed women tend to:
Feeling angry or violent
Blame themselves
Losing interest in hobbies
Feeling sad or nervous
Feeling alone
Find it easy to talk about despair
Taking unnecessary risks
Use food, friends and "love" to self-
Thinking about death or suicide
Feel sad, apathetic and worthless Feel anxious and scared Avoid conflicts at all costs Feel slowed down and nervous Have trouble setting boundaries
medicate CAUSES
DEPRESSION: MEN VS. WOMEN Unlike women, most depressed men don't exhibit the sad, self-loathing behavior we've come to associate with 28 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
Depression isn't the result of being a sissy, mama's boy or crybaby. It's the result of uncontrollable changes in brain chemistry, often caused by
November 2021
environmental triggers, like stress,
lifestyle changes, professional therapy
divorce, death of a loved one or
and medication.
sudden financial troubles. Depression can also be caused by physical afflictions, such as food intolerances, Bvitamin deficiency or low thyroid (hypothyroidism). WHAT CAN I DO Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to fix depression. Depression is a highly treatable disorder. In most cases it can
If you think you might have depression, it is important that you do something about it. Don't let it defeat you without putting up a fight. Check out the resources section at the end of this magazine for a list of therapists in your area, remember to ask for those offering online therapy. Sourced from
be improved with a combination of
29 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
November 2021
? Trauma and trauma related mental conditions are often an overlooked experience because very little is known about them, and they do not present physical symptoms that are easy for the lay man to distinguish. Normal Responses to Trauma Unfortunately, 70 percent of adults experience at least one traumatic event throughout the course of their lives. And don't be mistaken– trauma can mean a lot of things. It's not just experiencing a life-threatening situation. It can also include events like a divorce, bullying, sexual assault and/or repeated exposure to the traumatic stories or experiences of others. These events can all have significant impacts on everyday mood and functioning. You may be coping with traumatic events if you have commonalities with the following experiences:
Shock and disbelief. Being unable to stop thinking about what happened. Feelings of being overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, anger, shame or guilt. Irritability or having unexpected outbursts of anger. Extreme fatigue or restlessness. Feeling as if you are reliving trauma. Inability to concentrate. Feelings of detachment and/or emotional numbness. Heart palpitations. Physical aches and pains such as headache, nausea or back pain. Difficulty sleeping. These symptoms can be short-lived or occur over an extended time frame. In most cases, the symptoms tend to slowly dissipate the days or week following an event. But note, it's not a linear process. There will likely be steps forward and back. Be sure to but time and energy into taking care of yourself with some of these ideas.
Seeking out support from other people, such as friends and family after the event. Finding a support group after a traumatic event. Learning to feel positively about one's own actions in the face of danger. Having a positive coping strategy, or a way of getting through the event and learning from it.
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November 2021
Being able to act and respond effectively despite feeling fear. With all that, remember - there is no "right way" to feel after a traumatic experience. Just like a sprained ankle or broken bone, your symptoms will likely lessen over time in a gradual progression rather than all at once. If you find yourself feeling a bit (or totally) "off" following a traumatic event, reach out for support from your friends, family, and/or a counselor. Post-Traumatic Stress is very treatable. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and willingness to better yourself. Traumatic experiences are not a part of everyday life, and you don't need to, and shouldn't, deal with them alone.
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Health and Wellness
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It is common knowledge that men rarely go to see the doctor. You just have to visit any clinic or hospital and you will find that most people lined up there are women and children. Most men usually wait until something is very wrong before getting seen by a medical professional. This should not be the case. Sometimes it may be due to men having busy work schedules - coupled with the idea of long waiting times at the hospital. It could also be the case of not knowing what warrants a doctor’s visit. Being unfamiliar with the health system and how to find their way around a hospital can also be off-putting. Unlike women, who may have been going to various check-ups, vaccinations with their children, and during pregnancy, men often perceive going to the doctor a sign of weakness rather than soldiering through whatever physical or mental challenge they are experiencing. Why and when should a man visit the doctor. Here are some tips:
Significant weight loss or weight gain. It is especially important to get a doctor’s opinion on one health if this is happening over the age of 50.
Snoring, loud snoring may be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. This condition may increase the risk for high blood pressure, and abnormal heart rhythm amongst others.
Frequent urination, especially during the night, can be a sign of an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, or diabetes. Failure to treat prostate conditions in the early stages may lead to reduced kidney function later on.
Erectile dysfunction is common in older males, it is often a sign of low testosterone. It can also be a symptom of heart disease or depression. Many men may attempt to treat this condition with over the counter medication, however, they only treat the symptom and not the cause.
Skin changes such as rapidly growing moles, open sores that don’t heal, and wart-like growths should be investigated especially in the early stages to avoid untreatable skin cancer.
Anger, irritability, tension that is out of the ordinary are some of the symptoms of male depression. They could also be symptoms of an underlying medical
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condition. If you experience symptoms like these, visit your doctor to investigate and treat the cause. The following are routine screenings that are recommended for men, especially over the age of 50. High blood pressure High cholesterol
Colorectal cancer
Skin cancer
Prostate cancer
Smoking-related health
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stress, or personal issues. Men don’t often just talk about their
How will you know if it’s time to talk
sexual health to anyone. However, it is
to a doctor regarding your
also one of the most important things
reproductive issues? Here are the
that they need to take care of primarily
things that you need to ask yourself
because sex is a vital part of life for
males. From their first understanding of
1. Do you have a decreased sex
their sexual organs, to the stage of
drive? Libido is a person’s natural
puberty, and until they get older, men
desire for sexual activity. Different men
’s reproductive health plays a part in
also have varying levels of sex drive.
the different stages of their lives.
Your “normal” may be different from
If you are a man and you are starting
another man’s “normal”. If there is
to think about your sexual health, it is
a sudden drop in your libido, do not
good to know that you are not alone.
panic. Wait for at least two weeks. If
This concern will only intensify if you
your urge to have sex does not return
already have a life partner and are
after that time, let a physician know.
starting to ponder on starting a family.
2. Do you have the urge but don’t
Maintaining a healthy reproductive life
have the energy or endurance? You
does not only mean you are cleared
want to engage in sexual activities. The
from physical diseases. Issues like
problem is, you are unable to finish
erectile dysfunctions can sometimes be
what you started or you end up
attributed to psychological distress.
unusually exhausted after sexual
According to a Canadian lifestyle
contact. If this is not usually you, open
magazine, almost half of men living in
up to your health care provider.
Canada have erectile dysfunction or
3. Do your erections feel weaker? You
ED. This condition is the inability of a
want to have sex and you can still
man to sustain or start an erection.
satisfy your partner but you notice that
Both physical and emotional factors
your erections have somewhat become
cause ED. These factors include high
weaker. Observe this for about a
cholesterol levels, low testosterone
month. If your erections become less
levels, urological surgery damages,
strong or if your partner starts to
severe anxiety, depression, constant
notice, contact your doctor right away.
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If you are suffering from erectile
body. You can begin by doing cardio
dysfunction, there are various
exercises like walking or jogging in the
treatments available right now. The
morning or the afternoon. You can also
doctor can advise you to take
seek the help of a fitness expert if you
medicines that improve erection. Or he
want to have an exercise regimen.
can refer you to undergo treatments
3. Eat right. The more meat and
like having a silicon rod implant,
grease the better. Not anymore. If you
prostaglandin injection, or vacuum
want to improve your erection, start
suction. If you want to stay away from
eating properly. The food you eat may
these medical procedures, you can also
affect the strength of your erection. If
try natural remedies or lifestyle changes
you are bent on starting an exercise
in the meantime.
regimen, then you should couple this
Here are some things you can do:
with the right diet.
1. Drink ginseng. Considered as nature
As much as possible, put the following
’s Viagra, red ginseng (also called
things on your plate: vegetables, fruits,
Panax ginseng), has anti-inflammatory
whole grains, and fish. Minimize intake
properties and is known to improve
of food made of refined flour and red
blood flow and respiratory function. In
meat. The right calorie intake can also
2008, a study showed that drinking 600
facilitate weight loss. According to a
to 1000 mg of red ginseng thrice daily
study, a man who is overweight is more
improves a man’s erection.
likely to have erectile dysfunction than
2. Start exercising seriously. If you have
a man who maintains his pounds.
not yet thought about exercise as
4. Stop smoking. If your ED is caused
something that can benefit you
by narrowing or blockage arteries. One
holistically, then it’s time for you to
of the side effects of smoking is the
change your mindset and start moving.
thinning of the blood vessels. This is
The key to fighting erectile dysfunction
why it is recommended that you ditch
is to improve your blood circulation.
those packs of sticks for your sex life to
Exercise is a very effective method that
come alive again.
properly facilitates blood flow in your Sourced from
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The Mediterranean diet is an eating pattern that’s based on the traditional diets of people living in countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, and France. It emphasizes eating plenty of nutritious ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats. Meanwhile, highly processed foods should be limited, including soda, sweets, refined grains, and processed meats. The Mediterranean diet has been associated with a number of health benefits, including decreased inflammation and a lower risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It may also aid weight loss. According to one study in over 32,000 people, following the Mediterranean diet was linked to a lower risk of weight gain and belly fat. Other dishes that can be included in a Mediterranean diet include Eggplant, Okra, stews that include tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, and fresh spices. Malawi has plenty of these foods, therefore there is no need to be limited in our food choices. Sometimes we may make choices on what to eat based on our budget and on what can fill our tummies faster. In some cases; this can mean eating cassava, nsima, bread, and other baked products with a beverage just to feel full in the moment. Many people consume fizzy drinks and doughnuts for breakfast or as a lunch. These foods are good but not as a replacement for a healthy, wholesome diet. In honour of Movember, we encourage our male readers to become more intentional when it comes to the food that you eat. Swap the energy drinks for more energy giving fruit or fruit juices; swap the fizzy drinks for sparkling water or plain mineral water. Eat more vegetables and a wide variety of protein dishes. The food you eat has a direct impact on your metabolism, which impacts on your nervous system. In other words, your mental health is impacted by your diet.
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Men of Tomorrow is a Malawian organization established in 2017 by a group of likeminded, dynamic, educated youth, with the aim of building a generation of responsible men by ensuring they have a good developmental upbringing, they become visionary, educated, financially independent reliable, and productive in their society. The issues that led to the forming of this organization include the recognition of the many problems that young men are facing, such as identity crisis, social and psychological pressures, gender roles and other related challenges, personal and social responsibilities, drug and/or alcohol use, crime, access to education, as well as health challenges. The organization has worked tirelessly in upholding their objectives and have achieved many of their goals through the different projects in the community.
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Individual mentorship program where young males are paired with a successful person in their desired career path. The mentor grooms the mentee in every aspect ranging from academic performance to social life. We also encourage the mentor to show the young man their working place to boost their motivation. A place where young males share and discuss real life problems and get help. Personal problems and current gender problems are dissected and discussed with attempts to provide solutions. Examples include addictions, drug and substance abuse, and gender-based violence. Experts in the field of interest are also invited to provide an expert opinion. Sharing and learning some basic yet essential skills that every man MUST possess. These include knowing how to change a car tyre, fixing basic electrical appliances, basic computer knowledge, proper dress sense. Experts in different fields are invited to share on various skills Career guidance and motivation talk by alumni of different institutions to young male scholars. Alumni share their experiences and how various situations and behaviours were overcome. For example, drug and alcohol abuse, addictions, sexual life, and academic challenges. Gender related topics are also discussed.
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Objectives …
Equipping young males with basic life
Achievers for development in ending
Motivating and helping young males to
Gender-based violence
Sensitizing the general public on the importance of supporting and
Equipping young males with
director in various tertiary institutions
Helped about 67 young men to overcome different addictions through
the I was here before you program.
Provision of health knowledge with
Manage to send 107 boys back to school
emphasis on sexual and reproductive
Managed to pay tuition fee for 17 boys
Established as the voice of males in
Nurturing responsible, reliable citizens
various areas
Run sensitization campaigns against
Educating young male persons on
COVID 19 as the infection rate and death
gender issues
toll was mostly affecting men
Representing the interest of men in
general on issues concerning them.
Introduced the role of Men’s Affairs
entrepreneurship skills towards financial
and future husbands
Introduced Chillspot as a program on Mibawa TV
empowering a young male
Partnered with Peace First and Young
skills make informed decisions in academics
We distributed over 2000 facemasks to secondary schools
Mobilizing resources for needy young male persons in education and mentorship programs
Contact Us … Email: Call/WhatsApp: +265 993 627 533 / +265 884 880 590 Social media @MotoMalawi
Submitted by Steven Mlangisa The Co-founder and the President of Men of Tomorrow. Host and coproducer of Chillspot show on Mibawa TV, a show he designed to focus primarily on young men’s issues. Mlangisa is currently the men's affairs director at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences. A position that aims to help male students with various difficulties they face on campus. With the help of a friend, he introduced the men's affairs position in student’s union and become the first men's affairs director. Currently he has partnered with the Medical Student Association (MSA)to create awareness of male cancers and other health issues that men face as part of the Movember initiative.
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