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and let’s have a
Welcome to VOX. Your voice to target the business community across Chester and Wrexham. Whether you are based in Chester or Wrexham, or are keen to reach the businesses that are, our magazine has been specifically designed to reach the people that matter.
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Vicky Heathfield Creative Director & Advertising
Vicky lives just outside Wrexham and owns and produces EssentialsMAG ( – a local monthly community magazine which is hand-delivered through 15,500 letterboxes in and around Wrexham. Vicky is also a successful graphic designer and artist and has been working in the creative industries since 1992, establishing her her first business in 2003.
01978 855459 | 07740 945795
Welcome to our latest issue of VOX
Goodbye 2024, hello 2025! It seems surreal that we are wrapping up 2024 already. And what a year it has been, with plenty of challenges and achievements along the way. As we look back on the last quarter of this year, there are numerous awards to celebrate and milestones to mark. It is also a time for new beginnings, and we are excited to see what the new year holds. Chester and Wrexham are great places to enjoy the festive season and despite the nights now drawing in, there’s a lot to be excited about too.
What’s in store?
You will find plenty of news in our business pages and lots of charity updates too. Our articles in this issue span a spectrum of topics, from the importance of serious play in strategic planning (page 38) through to a look at the business benefits of using a property finder to help your teams relocate when they need to (page 48). We also explore other business topics, like the thorny subject of IT passwords and how we can make sure our first line of cyber defence is strong (page 36).
With the second Wrexham Business and Community Awards (WBCA) having just taken place the week before we went to print, we have news of this year’s winners, hot off the press (page 32). We also celebrate some of our other local awards, including the West Cheshire and North Wales Chambers Awards (page 34) and the Taste Cheshire Food and Drink Awards (page 33), among others.
Our lead article in this issue celebrates over 300 million years of history. Read our interview with Nicola Sawford, CEO at Stori Brymbo to find out more (page 14). We also had the opportunity to talk to the owners of Oren, an art gallery in Chester, which recently celebrated its first 12 months (page 24).
Help us raise your voice
Our advertisers, interviewees and other contributors are vital to the ongoing success of VOX and as ever, we would like to thank everyone who has helped us to create our latest issue. Sharing different viewpoints and insights across different businesses is something that we love. A highlight for us each issue is briefing our resident artist Emma Gore for the front cover. This time her artwork depicts one of the incredible murals painted by fellow artist, Liam Stokes-Massey. You can read more about his work on page 30.
We want to make VOX the voice for local businesses – a platform where we can share your stories and experiences of the region, enjoy your successes and be proud to be part of a community uniting these two important economic hubs. Please do get in touch if you have a story to share, or an idea for an article.
We hope you enjoy reading our latest issue of VOX.
Croeso i'n rhifyn diweddaraf o VOX
Hwyl fawr 2024, helô 2025! Mae'n ymddangos yn swrrealaidd ein bod yn dod i ddiwedd 2024 yn barod. Ac am flwyddyn, gyda digon o heriau a llwyddiant ar hyd y ffordd. Wrth i ni edrych yn ôl ar chwarter olaf eleni, mae nifer o wobrau i'w dathlu a cherrig milltir i'w nodi. Mae hefyd yn amser ar gyfer dechreuadau newydd, ac rydym yn gyffrous i weld beth sydd gan y flwyddyn newydd i’w gynnig. Mae Caer a Wrecsam yn lleoedd gwych i fwynhau tymor yr ŵyl ac er bod y nosweithiau bellach yn byrhau, mae llawer i fod yn gyffrous amdano hefyd.
Beth sydd ar y gweill?
Fe welwch ddigon o newyddion ar ein tudalennau busnes a’r diweddara o’r sector elusennol hefyd. Mae ein herthyglau yn y rhifyn hwn cynnwys sbectrwm o bynciau, o bwysigrwydd difrifoldeb mewn cynllunio strategol (tudalen 38) i edrych ar fanteision busnes wrth ddefnyddio darganfyddwr eiddo i helpu'ch timau i adleoli pan fydd angen iddynt wneud hynny (tudalen 48). Rydym hefyd yn archwilio pynciau busnes eraill, fel y pwnc pigog o gyfrineiriau neu allweddeiriau TG a sut y gallwn sicrhau bod ein rhan gyntaf o amddiffyniad seiber yn gryf (tudalen 36).
Gydag ail seremoni wobrwyo Gwobrau Busnes a Chymuned Wrecsam (WBCA) newydd gael ei chynnal yr wythnos cyn i ni fynd i brint, mae gennym newyddion am enillwyr eleni, yn syth o’r wasg (tudalen 32). Rydym hefyd yn dathlu rhai o'n gwobrau lleol eraill, gan gynnwys Gwobrau Siambrau Gorllewin Swydd Gaer a Gogledd Cymru (tudalen 34), Gwobrau Bwyd a Diod Taste Cheshire (tudalen 33), ymhlith eraill.
Mae ein prif erthygl yn y rhifyn hwn yn dathlu dros 300 miliwn o flynyddoedd o hanes. Darllenwch ein cyfweliad gyda Nicola Sawford, Prif Weithredwr Stori Brymbo, i wybod rhagor (tudalen 14). Cawsom gyfle hefyd i siarad â pherchnogion Oren, oriel gelf yng Nghaer, a ddathlodd ei 12 mis cyntaf yn ddiweddar (tudalen 24).
Helpwch ni i godi eich llais
Mae ein hysbysebwyr, cyfweledigion a chyfranwyr eraill yn hanfodol i lwyddiant parhaus VOX ac fel arfer, hoffem ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi ein helpu i greu ein rhifyn diweddaraf. Mae rhannu safbwyntiau a mewnwelediadau gwahanol ar draws gwahanol fusnesau yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn ei garu. Uchafbwynt i ni ym mhob rhifyn, yw briffio ein hartist preswyl, Emma Gore ar gyfer y clawr blaen. Y tro hwn, mae ei gwaith celf yn darlunio un o'r murluniau anhygoel a baentiwyd gan ei chyd-artist, Liam Stokes-Massey. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am ei waith ar dudalen 30.
Rydym am wneud VOX yn llais i fusnesau lleol – llwyfan lle gallwn rannu eich straeon a’ch profiadau o’r rhanbarth, mwynhau eich llwyddiannau ac ymfalchïo mewn bod yn rhan o gymuned sy’n uno’r ddau ganolbwynt economaidd pwysig hyn. Cysylltwch â ni os oes gennych stori i'w rhannu, neu syniad am erthygl.
Gobeithio y byddwch yn mwynhau darllen ein rhifyn diweddaraf o VOX.
Wrexham Lager Beer Co Ltd, the oldest lager brewery still existing in Great Britain – that has been brewing in Wales since 1882 – has announced Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds as new co-owners of the company, alongside the Roberts family.
The acquisition was made by Red Dragon Ventures, a joint venture formed by The R.R. McReynolds Company, majority owner of Wrexham AFC, and the Allyn family of Skaneateles, New York. Red Dragon Ventures was created to drive growth in the Wrexham community and Wrexham AFC. This transaction represents another landmark deal for Wrexham and will considerably scale up Wrexham Lager’s infrastructure and international production, distribution and marketing efforts.
“As Co-chairmen of Wrexham AFC we have learned a lot,” said Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds, “The connection between club and community, the intricacies of the offsides rule and the occasional need for beer – especially after finance meetings. Wrexham Lager has a 140-year-old recipe and a storied history, and we’re excited to help write its next chapter.”
On Thursday 10 October the Eco Communities team was proud to attend the Dee 106.3 Local Hero Awards, to watch Helen Tandy receive the ‘Local Hero Eco Award‘. She was nominated for her unwavering commitment to the Eco Communities’ work to help shape a more sustainable future for Chester.
MODA PR, a female-founded independent agency, based in Chester and specialising in strategic public relations and consultancy, proudly enters its fifth year. Since its launch, MODA PR has established itself as a trusted partner for brands, businesses and individuals who value authenticity, integrity and innovation.
Founded and led by Jennifer Hodgson and Ashley Rudd, the agency has expanded its client base to include a diverse range of B2C brands, such as Charlotte Mills’ wedding shoes and bridal accessories, the innovative lipplumping brand Project Lip, and the esteemed heritage hairbrush maker Mason Pearson.
The project to redevelop the old Hydro Electric power station near Chester Weir and the Old Dee Bridge has taken a step forward following the award of a grant from the Community Energy Fund (CEF). The £40K grant will enable a feasibility study of power generation options whilst, complying with the latest environmental standards for fish-friendly operation. The project has been developed by two local volunteer community organisations; CHASE (Cheshire Heritage and Sustainability Enterprises) and CHBPT (Cheshire Historic Buildings Preservation Trust). Previous grants from Cheshire West and Chester Council and the Architectural Heritage Fund have enabled the development of potential building designs and operational business plans. Power generation is the final piece of the jigsaw. The primary purpose of the project is to use the building as a careers and education centre on Net Zero jobs and our net zero future.
The Wrexham Young Professionals group held an inspiring event at Moneypenny’s stunning offices, bringing together local talent and business leaders to support the next generation in their careers. The breakfast morning provided a great opportunity for the young community in the Wrexham and surrounding area to come together, share experiences, explore collaborations and build confidence for them to grow and develop, both as individuals and professionals.
A highlight of the event was a special session hosted by Rhys Williams and Chris Nelson at Phoenix Counselling Group, which delivered a compelling talk on mental health challenges in the workplace. Moneypenny’s Working Life Manager Hannah Williams Skinner joined Rhys and Chris, to deliver this session from a ‘real world’ experience and was able to share how the group have helped Moneypenny promote and drive changes, to continue to provide wellbeing support to the team. They also discussed the range of support services available to help young professionals overcome and feel comfortable to share their challenges, to allow them to grow and thrive in their career journeys.
Josh Williams at WYP and WR Partners: “We are a relatively new group, but events like this continue to reiterate the reason why this group was formed and demonstrates the need for a platform in the Wrexham community to support the next generation to connect, collaborate and grow, both as individuals and professionals. On behalf of WYP, we’d like to thank Moneypenny for continuing to support us, and the team at Phoenix Counselling for sharing their experiences. Both companies align with our mission and we look forward to future collaborations.”
On 18 October 2024, AVOW welcomed Cabinet Secretary Ken Skates as its keynote speaker for its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The event, held at Hotel Wrexham, was attended by members of AVOW and open to all. AVOW is Wrexham’s County Voluntary Council, and its focus is on enabling and supporting charities throughout Wrexham County Borough. The organisation must model best practice, and its AGM was no exception.
Following the keynote speaker, the Chair of Trustees, Peter Howell spoke about the differences that AVOW has made and highlighted just some of the things that it has achieved over the last year - a small selection of which was highlighted in its impact report. Peter spoke about the important help AVOW had offered its members, by supporting them securing finance for projects, supporting them in finding and retaining volunteers, and in helping them ensure their governance was right.
The meeting then turned to look at the finances of AVOW, in a speech delivered by Mervyn Dean, chair of the Trustee finance committee: “The year provided another very strong financial performance, continuing the success of the previous year thanks to good management, planning and foresight by our Chief Officer and her team.” Mervyn Dean also offered his thanks to all of AVOW’s funders who, “have made possible the continuation of AVOW’s services for the benefit of community organisations and individuals”.
The meeting then voted to accept the accounts. This was followed by voting on trustees whose triennium was coming to an end, as well as on a new trustee joining AVOW’s board, Olga Fahey. There was also an opportunity to hear about some of the organisation’s successes through a video segment.
In his keynote speech, Ken Skates said: “We are extremely proud of our third sector here in Wales, and the support you provide in each and every community. AVOW is pivotal in supporting volunteering here in Wrexham, and I’m pleased to be here to celebrate your achievements of the past year. Thank you AVOW, your members, staff and volunteers”.
Career Evolution’s clients, Outplacement Consultants and Coaches, family and friends came together in October to celebrate the company’s 14th anniversary. Hosted by Boodles, in its Chester store, the event was hailed a success. Commented director, Sue Thomas: “Such a fabulous Career Evolution 14th birthday party at Boodles in Chester last night. Thanks to all who were involved in the planning and particularly to clients, Outplacement Consultants and Coaches who came along and tried on jewellery collectively worth over £1 million. A great networking event and I want to do it all again!”
Carden Park Hotel in Cheshire has accelerated its ambitious growth strategy with the unveiling of a £6.5 million investment into its 197 bedrooms, integrating energy-efficient technologies with a fresh new interior design. 20 rooms have been fully refurbished as of October 2024, with 40% of all bedrooms set to be completed by spring 2025.
The newly-refurbished rooms have been designed in keeping with the other bright and contemporary spaces found throughout the hotel, featuring blue and green interior themes that provide a sense of stylish simplicity and timeless luxury. The design draws inspiration from the hotel’s countryside location, as well as the calming wellness elements of the award-winning Spa at Carden. This ensures the guest experience is modernised, while embracing the defining elements of the property.
The extensive £6.5 million room refurbishment will not only introduce a fresh aesthetic to both conference and leisure guests enjoying an overnight stay, but will also include a significant investment in ecofriendly initiatives. The comprehensive refurbishment will include a full rooftop Plant Room overhaul, extensive use of PV solar panels, air source heat pumps in courtyard rooms and energy-efficient air conditioning throughout the main hotel. This ensures that every aspect of the project considers the environment and aligns with the hotel’s commitment to sustainability. In addition, the hotel has also been awarded an impressive 3 Rosette rating for its fine-dining restaurant, The Vines. This places it within the top 10% venues in the AA Restaurants Guide.
The Britain in Bloom awards ceremony took place on Monday 21 October at Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium. Wrexham claimed the Gold Award in the City category, beating Dundee in Scotland and the London Borough of Havering.
Frances Tophill, one of the presenters of the BBC’s Gardeners’ World, presented the award. Elly Evans, who was one of the people representing Wrexham on the night, also received a Community Champion award, which highlights individuals who have made exceptional contributions to local green spaces, inspiring volunteers and driving positive change.
Britain in Bloom inspires community groups in towns, cities and villages to make positive changes to their local environment, through horticultural, environmental and community action.
Darren Share and Jon Wheatley, Britain in Bloom judges, said: “Wrexham has it all – from high-quality seasonal displays to wildlife gardening, from young gardeners in schools to those able to pass on their considerable knowledge.” The judges also praised the group’s successful urban gardening and biodiversity projects, and its focus on planting trees for long-term benefits. As a result, the city has gained Tree Cities of the World status.
Students are laying the foundations for a future in construction on a groundbreaking new suite of apprenticeship programmes. The first cohort of learners have taken their places on Wales’s first fullyfunded Construction Degree Apprenticeships. The students will spend two years at Coleg Cambria’s Bersham Road site in Wrexham before completing a final two years at Wrexham University. Funded by Welsh Government, the qualifications will give them the opportunity to gain vital work experience while achieving a degree, opening-up a wide range of career opportunities in Construction Management, Building Surveying, Civil Engineering and Quantity Surveying. A luxurious stateof-the-art spa
Based at the heart of the new £14m Health and Wellbeing Centre at Coleg Cambria Yale in Wrexham, Iâl Spa features industry-standard facilities; simulated hospital wards and virtual reality environments sit alongside a Thermal Suite with sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and health food bar. The cutting-edge building also includes a commercial spa and treatment rooms which offer bespoke pamper packages so customers can indulge in facials, massages, body treatments, and more.
Vice Principal of Technical Studies Vicky Edwards is excited to see their vision come to fruition and says the setting will be revolutionary for Beauty and Complementary Therapies, and Health and Social Care education in north east Wales and beyond.
Fine Lines founder Kat McGettigan and consultancy partner Emma Padden recently announced the launch of The Lonely Female Founders Club, a community initiative aimed at connecting and supporting women-led businesses and founders. The club’s concept stems from Kat McGettigan's personal experience as a solo female entrepreneur. After decades in agency roles, she founded Fine Lines in 2021 without external investment, encountering the often-isolating reality of building a business from scratch. Emma Padden brings her expertise from founding PR Mums, where she successfully built communities for women at various career stages. Her experience running her own advisory consultancy since 2021 adds valuable insight to the initiative.
Why now?
Recent government research unveils that fewer women are owning or leading their own businesses in 2024 for the first time since 2019. In a survey of 7,800 businesses, only 15% were owned or led by women in 2024, down from 18% in 2022 and 19% in 2021. In addition, only 2% of funding is allocated to female-founded ventures. Yet this oversight flies in the face of compelling research from The Boston Consulting Group, which demonstrates that women consistently outperform men as entrepreneurs. The Lonely Female Founder club’s initial aim is to bring together other female founders to connect, share, inspire, support, eliminate doubt and grow in a safe, connected community.
The Lock Vaults on Hoole Lane underwent an extensive refurbishment in 2022 and 2023, which has been recognised by Chester Civic Trust, with a 2024 award presented recently to licensee Carl Burleigh by Trust Chair Christine Russell.
The £400,000 redevelopment has been a long process. Previously The Lock Vaults had a mock Tudor exterior and was boarded-up with peeling paint, graffiti and weeds, but has been remodelled with a charcoal grey and wood effect exterior, new roof, bi-fold café style windows and brighter lighting.
Carl Burleigh said of redeveloping The Lock Vaults; “The biggest challenges were refitting the cellar and kitchens, installing a new cable to give three-phase power, and delays on planning permission and installation for the bi-fold windows.”
Christine Russell, Chair of Chester Civic Trust said; “We want to encourage investment into our city and particularly to recognise great projects that breathe new life into Chester and its communities. This is an excellent example of this, and we applaud Carl and his colleagues.” Nominations for the Chester Civic Trust 2025 'Good, Bad and Ugly' awards are needed for entry now, before the deadline in January.
Marchwiel Hall held its first Wedding Showcase on the afternoon of Sunday 29 September 2024, followed by an official opening for specially invited guests. Marchwiel Hall stands as a testament to Georgian elegance, nestled on a 165-acre estate that includes established parkland, mature woodland and a tranquil three-acre lake. The estate features landscaped gardens, stables and two picturesque gamekeepers’ cottages, along with a charming walled garden and its famous cricket pitch, which provide an idyllic backdrop for any occasion.
Employers and entrepreneurs came together for a special event organised by Wrexham Council and made possible by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund. The ‘Elevate your Business in Wrexham’ conference was held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, and had an audience of more than 100 people – with attendees representing a broad range of sectors including manufacturing, hospitality and professional services.
The event was managed by Wrexham Council’s business and investment team, which supports economic development in the county borough. It was compered by Jon Cannock-Edwards from The Uncommon Practice. Christian Majgaard – a former top executive at LEGO, where he served as Head of Global Brand and Business Development – delivered a keynote presentation, filled with personal lessons from his career.
The event also featured presentations from Ian Bancroft, Chief Executive of Wrexham Council, as well as a number of business leaders including Caroline Platt of Platts Agriculture, Darren Gallop and Lisa Bellis from The Very Group, Mike McCarthy from McCarthy Distribution, John Droog and Mel Whitley from Marlin Industries, and Craig Weeks from JCB Transmissions, who formally launched the Wrexham Leadership Alliance.
Wrexham-based commercial cleaning contractor Maidscando Ltd has achieved membership of the Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA), the only organisation singularly representing the UK contract cleaning industry.
Maidscando, which is setting exceptional standards in North-East Wales and West Cheshire’s cleaning services market, wanted to become a CSSA member to further develop its service offerings, upskill its cleaning technicians and enhance its sector knowledge and networking. The company became eligible for membership after passing the rigorous CSSA audit of its operations based on the association’s code of practice.
Concert and theatre venue
William Aston Hall played host to ‘Q The Music’ at the end of October. The James Bond Concert Spectacular is widely considered to be the finest performance of James Bond music since the originals, bringing the globallyrenowned spy franchise to life on stage. Featuring legendary songs, such as ‘Goldfinger’, ‘Diamonds Are Forever’, ‘Live and Let Die’ and ‘Nobody Does It Better’, the night was a thrilling trip though the Bond films’ back catalogue. The songs, spanning everything from the Sean Connery era to Daniel Craig, were delivered with passion by Kerry Schultz and Matthew Walker.
The evening was compered by Caroline Bliss, who played Miss Moneypenny in ‘The Living Daylights’ and ‘Licence to Kill’, opposite Timoth Dalton – the concert ended with a showstopping performance of the theme song from ‘Licence to Kill’. Founded in 2004 by Warren Ringham, Q the Music has enjoyed great success and recognition over the past two decades. The show is embarking on an extensive UK tour in 2025. For more information, visit:
Chester Visual Arts recently presented ‘Re-Store’, a powerful new exhibition featuring works by 11 acclaimed artists from the North West, each of whom has channelled personal journeys of restoration and healing into stunning, thought-provoking art.
The exhibition was held in the former H&M unit at The Grosvenor Shopping Centre during November.
CRAG24, the second annual Chester Residents’ Association Group Conference, took place on 22 October at Chester Racecourse, with a theme of ‘Chester: on the Move’.
The day’s programme was based on participant feedback from last year’s inaugural conference and focused on the River Dee, culture and heritage.
The event was attended by almost 200 delegates from the Chester area, including town crier David Mitchell, and 22 local students from Blacon High, Christleton High, Upton High, The King’s and The Queen’s School. Sponsors were host venue Chester Race Company (CRC), with student delegate’ places supported by Cheshire West and Chester (CWaC) councillors and Chester Business Club (CBC).
Customers can take a first look at The Savvy Fox at Hotel Wrexham, following a £350,000 transformation. Wrexham’s newest gastropub is open for business. A place to meet, eat, socialise and spend time with friends, colleagues and loved ones, The Savvy Fox (formerly Rafters) at Hotel Wrexham (formerly Holt Lodge) on Wrexham Road has reopened its doors after a £350k refurbishment.
Under new ownership, the venue has been completely transformed into a relaxed, rustic and welcoming country pub, complete with stylish décor, cosy nooks and a stunning dining space with views out over the grounds.
New owners, Steven Hesketh and Dan Gillon hope to put the venue on the map with local residents, the business community and those staying at Hotel Wrexham, which is also at the beginning of a full programme of refurbishments. “We’re thrilled to be opening our doors”, says Steven. “We can’t wait to hear the feedback from local residents on the updates we’ve made.”
Chef/consultant Lee Adams and The Savvy Fox team have worked together to design an exciting and captivating launch menu with broad appeal encompassing breakfast, lunch, dinner and lighter bites.
For the fourth consecutive year, Delmar Travel is hosting its fantastic, free-toenter Travel Show, featuring a wide range of holiday ideas with something to suit all tastes and budgets at the Doubletree Hilton, Chester on Sunday 12 January 2025. There will be big name Cruise companies such as Celebrity Cruises and Fred Olsen; ultra-luxury cruise lines such as Regent, Explora Journeys and Silversea; as well as smaller sailing ships such as Star Clippers. River cruising will be represented by the likes of Scenic, Riverside and Uniworld, with amazing European itineraries, plus exotic destinations such as the Amazon and the Ganges.
Popular holiday destinations such as Europe, Japan, South Africa, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand will be represented by specialist tour operators, with exciting fly-drive and touring holidays to tempt you. There will also be operators that specialise in more out-of-the-way destinations for the more adventurous traveller.
your business news. Deadline for our March/April/May 2025 issue is: 31 January 2025 please email:
In addition to all the stands, the Talk Travel series will consist of six in-depth presentations on some exotic bucket list destinations, including Japan, Australia, India and South America.
“The site was shut on 27 September 1990, making the workforce, that was 2500 local people at its peak, jobless and destroying the community overnight”
The team at Stori Brymbo is working hard on the conservation, restoration and celebration of Brymbo’s rich natural, industrial and social history. Few organisations can boast a history that goes back 300 million years. But Stori Brymbo has an incredible heritage that takes us all the way back to the Carboniferous period – complete with peculiar plants and giant insects – and the fossils to prove it.
Previously the site of a coal mine, ironworks and steelworks, the site had stood empty since the steelworks closed in 1990. However, in 2003, during some excavations carried out in a bid to reclaim the land, a 9-foot fossilised tree (which has since been named Stig) was uncovered. This incredible find was perfectly preserved – even the root structure was still recognisable and in place.
On the eve of the Wrexham Business and Community Awards, we met with Nicola Eaton Sawford, chief executive at Stori Brymbo, to find out more about her and her place within the Stori Brymbo journey.
Experiencing something new After nearly two decades running a highly-successful customer experience consultancy, Nicola wanted to change direction.
“While always a busy consultancy, during Covid the business ramped up to such an extent that I was working across five countries, and the mental and physical toll was too much. I decided to take a 12-month sabbatical with the only rules being that I would do whatever I wanted, when I wanted and undertake some new experiences. I recognised I was extremely lucky to be in the position to do this, so wanted to make the most of it.”
During the following 12 months, Nicola tried her hand at all sorts of crafting, quilting, exercise and even some archaeology. “It was all incredibly liberating, then during a dig at Erddig, I got talking to some of the archaeologists, and one of them mentioned the fossil forest that had been discovered at Brymbo. Despite being local, I didn’t even know what they were talking about, so I decided I needed to find out more.”
Nicola visited the team of volunteers at Stori Brymbo, based at Brymbo Enterprise Centre, to find out more and volunteer. There she met Dr Tim Astrop, the resident palaeologist. He suggested Nicola turned her hand to archiving and cataloguing the fossils that the team were unearthing, but with her customer experience background, Nicola realised quickly that her skills would be better used elsewhere.
“In 2003, during some excavations carried out in a bid to reclaim the land, a 9-foot fossilised tree (which has since been named Stig) was uncovered”
Removing blockers
“Some months later Stori Brymbo needed some strong leadership and a chief executive officer. I applied for the position and started the role in April 2024. The team had been hitting lots of legal and commercial blockades to starting the renovation work, pledged funding was at risk due to the delays and so my first, my only, task was to work with the partners and trustees and find some the common ground to get the deals done.
“We arranged a weekly meeting with the key stakeholders, so we could work through the issues and find compromises to the things that had blocked progress previously. There were lots of parties involved in the process to try and make Stori Brymbo a reality. With so many parties involved, there were many challenges to getting the land and legal deals agreed – part of the land is designated a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), some buildings are scheduled monuments, and some are listed buildings, which all added to the complexity. In addition to the legal elements, there was relationship issues that have needed addressing too.
“Everyone had slightly different agendas and wanted slightly different outcomes. We needed a different approach and we needed to engage our supporters and people with the passion to make it happen. So, in July 2024, on day 99 of my first 100 day plan, we finally got it done. It was hugely challenging, but we made it happen.”
And so, it begins…
Once the legal elements were formalised, work was able to start. “Bearing in mind the team had already spent many years working on this, we were now able to move quickly. We commissioned MPH Construction as the principal contractor. The team started on the renovation of the old Machine Shop, which will ultimately house the visitor hub and coffeehouse. Mold-based MPH was chosen, as it had an excellent reputation working on heritage buildings and understood the need to be sensitive to the site. Initial work on the Machine Shop has focused on asbestos and lead paint removal, which has been extensive and expensive.
“Part of Stori Brymbo will be about telling the story of the people of Brymbo and hopefully helping to lay to rest the generational trauma the community has suffered”
“We have set up a partnership with Coleg Cambria, so when work starts on the rear upper section of the building, its students will have the opportunity to renovate half of the inside of the Machine Shop. These renovations, if the quality is good enough, will remain forever – so the students will gain real-life experience and have a showcase of their work.”
The only new building will be the construction around the fossil forest. This will be a 40m x 100m structure that has minimal incursion into the ground, to preserve the site as much as possible while the excavation is happening.
Although a productive mine and steelworks, producing high-quality material, the site was shut on 27 September 1990, making the workforce, that was 2500 local people at its peak, jobless and destroying the community overnight. Part of Stori Brymbo will be about telling the story of the people of Brymbo and hopefully helping to lay to rest the generational trauma the community has suffered. The stories will be about the innovators and the ordinary families too. For many
generations, Brymbo played a pivotal role within the Industrial Revolution and introduced a great deal of innovation. People like John ‘iron-mad’ Wilkinson called Brymbo their home.
Roots to shoots
While the main project was on hold, the volunteers working to develop Stori Brymbo wanted to start making a difference locally. While the National Lottery Heritage funding was tied up in the capital project, National Lottery Community Fund had funding available to start outreach work in the local community through the Roots to Shoots programme. The closure of the steelworks in the 1990s had left a massive hole in the heart of the community, which impacted everyone on an economic and social level.
The void left behind was physical as well as metaphoric, as six local areas ringed the original site. Funding from National Lottery Community Fund is being used to develop Lodge Valley Park, which will have six separate entrances, bringing the areas back together. Other local initiatives have also been funded from this pot, improving the area and offering local opportunities for the local people.
Fantastic funding
“Stori Brymbo has been an exciting challenge and there has been plenty of learning along the way. Perhaps the biggest revelation for me is the number of initiatives like ours the National Lottery supports. Without its support there is so much we wouldn’t have been able to achieve. We have also had invaluable support from so many quarters, including Natural Resource Wales, Welsh Government and Cadw.”
A sustainable future
“At our heart, we are looking to develop a sustainable site. As part of that, we are also installing a solar farm, which should be able to provide around 80% of the power that the site needs, with batteries for storage too. For years this site has witnessed a tug of war between the industrial and the natural world – what we are trying to do is bring the balance back, with hard industrial shapes integrated into the surrounding natural environment, finding harmony between nature and commerce.
“We are looking forward to welcoming in the region of 37,000 visitors a year through our doors, but until then, we are looking for as much support as possible. We are a charity and although we have been fortunate in our funding, most of this is earmarked for the capital project. We are actively looking for corporate sponsors, volunteers and ambassadors. Because of the importance of what we are doing here on site, we are expecting lots of national and international attention,
and we want to use this to benefit Brymbo, Wrexham and the wider area.
“We want to provide a unique experience, where people can understand the area’s rich history, but also play their part in uncovering it too. With training, there will even be the opportunity to take part in the Fossil Forest excavation. Visitors will be able to see, touch and smell what a live excavation is like and also talk to our palaeologists.”
Stori Brymbo is also looking to support and work with some of the other smaller heritage sites locally, with the concept of developing a heritage tour just one of the ideas in development.
“It is so exciting to be part of this chapter in Stori Brymbo. I mean, the absolute ‘bonkers-ness’ of anything from 300 million years ago, still being recognisable as what it is today, blows my mind.”
Over 300 million years ago the land around Brymbo was forest, which decayed, compacted and became coal. For over 200 years, that coal was mined and burnt, releasing 200 million years’ worth of carbon in 200 years. When the mines were closed, nature reclaimed the site – and now finally, work is underway to bring the site’s natural and industrial heritage into balance.
Stori Brymbo has received funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Lottery Community Fund of almost £10 million. This was one of the biggest National Lottery awards ever made in Wales. Due to open in Spring 2026, Stori Brymbo will house a visitors’ attraction, community hub and coffeehouse, along with retail and heritage crafts. It will also be the gateway to an incredible and important heritage site.
We are delighted to share that Stori Brymbo won the Spirit of Wrexham award at Wrexham Business and Community Awards on 22 November 2024. It was particularly fitting, as the evening was hosted in the Enterprise Centre that is adjacent to the Stori Brymbo site.
In an age where global travel has become an increasing necessity, the need for inclusive and accessible air travel has never been more critical. Yet, for many, the reality of flying remains fraught with challenges and often feels more like an obstacle course.
Passengers with disabilities often face many difficulties, ranging from inadequate infrastructure to a lack of trained staff. The challenges of navigating airports, boarding aircraft and even using in-flight facilities can turn what should be a seamless journey into a daunting and isolating experience. Similarly, a report by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) found that between April 2022 and March 2023, nearly 30% of major UK airports were rated as needing improvement or performing poorly in terms of accessibility. Despite improvements, some airports have continued to struggle with providing adequate assistance services, even though the demand for such services increased by 50% compared to pre-pandemic levels.
Forward thinking
To address these concerns, a pioneering research project has been launched in the UK, aiming to revolutionise the quality of accessibility and inclusion in air travel. Formed in 2023 between Wrexham and London, Access-air-bility aims to present a significant step forward in creating a more inclusive experience for all travellers, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of flight. Its vision is to create a world where people with disabilities can travel with ease.
“Navigating airports, boarding aircraft and even using in-flight facilities can turn what should be a seamless journey into a daunting and isolating experience”
Using the pillars of collaboration, technology integration, training and awareness, the initiative is focused on developing holistic solutions to enhance the entire travel experience, ensuring that accessibility and inclusion are not just afterthoughts, but integral components of the journey. The longterm goal of the project is not only to improve accessibility and inclusion in the UK, but also to set a new global standard for the aviation industry. By doing so, it is hoped it will create a ripple effect, encouraging the global aviation industry to prioritise accessibility and inclusion, as fundamental components of air travel.
“We are committed to supporting and raising awareness about the diverse needs of passengers and how airports can provide a more inclusive and welcoming environment”
Experts through experience
As well as our ‘experts through experience’ who share their travel experiences with us – and in addition to our own backgrounds in inclusion and research – we aim to set new benchmarks for accessibility in the airline industry. From preflight planning to inflight support and post-arrival assistance, we are committed to supporting and raising awareness about the diverse needs of passengers and how airports can provide a more inclusive and welcoming environment. Through surveys, focus groups and direct consultations, we also aim to
explore ways to improve both the physical and social environments of airports, ensuring that facilities such as check-in desks, seating, security checkpoints and lounges are accessible to all. This includes examining the availability of assistance and the use of technology to streamline the travel experience for passengers with disabilities and foster a culture of inclusion.
The voices of passengers with disabilities remain foundational to Access-air-bility’s vision and as the world emerges from the disruptions
of recent years, there is a renewed focus on rebuilding better and more inclusively. By addressing the unique challenges faced by passengers with disabilities, the project not only aims to enhance the quality of accessibility in the airline industry, but to also enrich the industry as a whole.
Llinos Edwards Founding Partner and Researcher
Jeff Hardman from Barnhill Consulting took guests on a world tour during his presentation at VOX's September networking. The event was attended by local businesses and hosted at Oddfellows in Chester.
Our September networking on Thursday 19 September was hosted by Oddfellows in Chester. Our guests had the opportunity to network, while enjoying some September sunshine, along with a drink and some canapes,
We were joined by special guest speaker, Jeff Hardman from Barnhill Consulting, who shared his personal journey and coaching style of leadership insights with attendees.
Thursday 23 January 2025
We will be starting the new year off back at Hotel Wrexham, to see how the hotel has evolved in the first six months under its new ownership. To kickstart an exciting 2025 for all of us, we have decided to do something a little different in our January session, and we are excited to welcome Jo Smith and Andy Williams, along with Jo’s two beautiful dogs, Bill and Ben, who have been approved as pet therapy dogs. They will be telling us more about their progress in setting up Buddi’s Legacy.
Thursday 27 March
Our March networking takes place in Chester at the Townhouse Hotel on Lower Bridge Street. Our speaker is still to be confirmed, but look out for further details on this session early in 2025.
Book your place online at:
DATE: Thursday 20 March 2025
TIME: 17:00 - 19:00
LOCATION: Townhouse Hotel, Chester
PRICE: £18 (includes refreshments)
Building on the success of VOX networking, we are launching EZ Training, with a series of six training workshops running throughout 2025.
The workshop sessions, which are designed to be interactive, informative and enjoyable, will take place at Hwb Yr Orsedd (the new community hub in Rossett) between 14:00 – 17:00 and includes refreshments and networking opportunities too.
Tuesday 25 February: Sustainability
Tuesday 08 April: Volunteering
Tuesday 24 June: Video – hints and tips
Tuesday 9 September: Wellbeing at work
Tuesday 28 October: Cybersecurity
Tuesday 25 November: Public speaking
Each session costs £125 – or you can pay £625 for all six (pay for five, get one free!) All prices subject to VAT
To book on or find out more about the training, the trainers and what you’ll learn, visit our website for more information:
Oren – Welsh for the colour orange.
Adj. A vibrant hue – symbolising ambition, adventure, positivity, exuberance, dynamic, rejuvenating and uplifting.
Orange – shown to increase energy levels and increase oxygen supply to the brain. Lowers your inhibitions and increases creativity.
Orange is their colour!
Oren Art Gallery opened its doors just over 12 months ago on Watergate Street Rows in Chester. It is the result of two friends and artists who had a vision to create a community-based art gallery in a beautiful setting, offering an eclectic mix of artwork at prices from £5 - £2500.
Marcia said: “Our opening was a culmination of a lot of hard work getting the gallery ready. It is now an incredible space, but it took a lot to get it to that point. The building had been a nail salon previously, and after Gemma and her husband bought the building, we had to strip back the sparkling wallpaper, remodel and redesign the space so that it worked as a gallery. We also had to install a new kitchen area and bathroom.”
Gemma added: “It is so important that the gallery has the right atmosphere. It’s all about making sure the place is beautiful – inside and out. I spent hours the other day removing the chewing gum from the floor of the rows outside our door. I even have the blisters to prove it!”
Gemma and her husband found the building in November 2022 and 12 months later, Marcia and Gemma were ready to open their doors. Marcia and Gemma co-own and run the gallery, and, as well as the shop frontage, there is also office space, which the gallery is slowly encroaching on for events and exhibitions.
The gallery was officially opened by Johnny Vegas on a rainy, miserable night in November 2023.
Marcia explains: “It was great to have Johnny supporting our opening. He is one of the artists that exhibits at our gallery, and he has really shown his support throughout.”
When asked about the inspiration of the gallery, Marcia and Gemma are incredibly enthusiastic about their ideas and how they have got to where they now are. “I had been exhibiting at a pop-up gallery in Chester and after about six months, I encouraged Gemma to exhibit there too.” Marcia says.
Gemma continued: “Unfortunately, about four months after I decided to make the leap the gallery poppeddown and we lost our exhibition space. However, those months at the pop-up gallery had given us both a taste of running a gallery, and we decided we wanted to do our own thing – and support other local artists at the same time.”
Marcia explains their aims: “Many galleries charge high rentals and high commission rates, which makes it really difficult for aspiring artists to get established. We decided we wanted to ensure our rates were competitive and our commission wasn’t too high. Really we are just looking to cover our costs and reinvest in the space as much as possible.”
“It is so important that the gallery has the right atmosphere. It’s all about making sure the place is beautiful – inside and out”
Artist in residence
The gallery houses approximately 20 artists at any one time, including Marcia and Gemma. Each artist has their own wall or area within the gallery, allowing them to express their own creativity and individuality. When new artists are invited onboard, it is with the agreement that there will always be an artist in residence in the gallery. This means that if you buy something from the gallery, there is a good chance it has been painted by the person behind the till!
When asked how they choose the artists, Marcia and Gemma explained that although there are lots of really talented artists out there, they are always looking for something ‘extra’. And the artist’s personality needs to lend itself to working in the gallery too. “We can only showcase so many artists at a time, so unfortunately, we sometimes have to turn artists away,” Gemma explained.
Chester’s developing art scene
“There is a real sense of a developing creative scene in Chester, and if you are running a gallery, Watergate Street really is the place to be, as we are surrounded by different galleries and we are all supportive of each other.”
Marcia added: “Chester is a special place. It has class and it has heritage. As a small, independent business, it feels like such as honour to form part of the future history of the rows. Of course, the only downside with being on the rows is that we have to work harder to be visible to our potential customers.”
“Our website and social media are key, and the introduction of our A-boards at ground level has also helped people find us easier.”
“We have created a beautiful, creative, welcoming, professional, yet relaxed space, which comes together to create a lovely experience for browsers and buyers alike.
“We have seen it from the other side and knew what we wanted to offer and what we wanted to do differently.”
Painting a picture of the future
After the gallery’s first 12-months, the gallery owners are really getting into their stride and making plans for the future. Marcia continued: “We want to start doing carefully curated events within the gallery. Workshops and perhaps a ‘cheese, wine and art’ evening with a professional sommelier, are just some of the ideas we are exploring.”
Gemma added; “We also want to take Oren on the road. We had an incredible pop-up on the vintage steam ship at Albert Docks earlier this year, and that has given us a taste for it. It is a great way of bringing a new audience to our artists’ work.”
Marcia’s journey and inspiration
I graduated from university in 1993 with a degree in Fine Art. After university, I spent a number of years working in waitressing jobs in Chester, before I got a role as an inhouse artist at The Play Company on Wrexham Industrial Estate, where I spent three years designing murals on large vinyl. I was there about three years and in that time the company moved to more digital design and print. I left there to join MBNA but had the opportunity to work on a two-week project in Kensington, which I did instead. This led to 18 years as a self-employed mural artist travelling all over the UK, before taking space in the pop-up collective. My inspiration comes from everywhere, particularly the Welsh hillside of Cnicht, and my style changes with my mood. I enjoy drawing abstract and semi abstract, but I can also be drawn into a pop art style.
Gemma’s journey and inspiration
I studied Illustration at university and wanted to become an illustrator for children’s books. Unfortunately, the role I secured was working from home, before that was even a thing, and I very quickly found that I didn’t enjoy it. I moved into graphic design but ended up moving away from art and design altogether for 16 years, working in the family business. During Covid, I had to take on the home schooling, so my direction shifted again. Then in 2022, I finally had the opportunity to explore my art again. I grew up in Colwyn Bay and I take inspiration from my local area. The mountains of Snowdonia and Chester both feature heavily in my work. Oren Art Gallery, 45 Watergate Row South, Chester
With a sound social media marketing strategy in place, plenty of good and relevant content being shared across your business’s social accounts – and at least daily checks of the engagement or customer messages you’re receiving –that’s job done, right? In a word, no.
It’s not enough to just post content and hope for the best. All social media platforms provide their own analytics, accessible through your business profiles. Reviewing the insights generated from your social media posts will provide information on what content has worked well and what hasn’t, to measure social media success. This can be determined through how your audience relates with your content, via views (impressions) and engagement (likes, comments, shares and referrals).
Exchange of views
Views are also referred to in analytics as ‘impressions’. This refers to the number of times a person will have either seen the post in their feed, clicked on it to view more of the post, or interacted with it in some way. Even if the person hasn’t engaged with the post, views are ideal for measuring how posts are building awareness of your business. You can ensure that your posts are being seen by the right people, by following the right people. By engaging with relevant accounts, you increase your business’s chance of creating engagements – not just impressions – with your audience.
Although it is better to be seen by a small number of people who are relevant, than thousands who are not.
What’s not to like?
Each social media profile offers a way for social users to show their appreciation for a post with a ‘like’. X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram provide a simple like option through clicking the ‘heart’ on posts. Facebook and LinkedIn have allowed social users to express themselves further on its like options with ‘reactions’. Facebook provides fun emojis like a wow face, or a laughing face for users to convey their emotions to a post more. LinkedIn is more reflective of its professional nature and provides like options to a post such as ‘Insightful’ or ‘Support’, or the opportunity for users to ‘Celebrate’ it.
By the number of likes a post generates, the immediate success of it with the audience can be determined, and further posts of its style can be shared in the future.
Save your comments
Further to a ‘like’, comments can provide real insight into what a social
user thinks of a post. These are sometimes harder to attain, as they are more time-consuming for the user than just liking or reacting to a post.
Either positive or negative, people taking the time to leave a comment and their thoughts on your post – either on the topic or the nature of the content –shows a more in-depth engagement level with your business and should be responded to with thanks.
Share the delight
People use social media for different reasons. They may be there to gain knowledge, or they use social media to be entertained and to inspire others. When a post is shared by a user, it clearly shows that they have had an emotional reaction to it. They are then motivated to pass on the same experience they’ve had and ‘share’ it with others. This is especially true when a post resonates with someone, for its funny, shocking or intriguing content.
This sharing with their network can help to raise awareness of your business with a wider audience outside of just your list of fans, creating more followers for future posts.
“The more engagements your posts receive, the more likely a platform’s algorithms will pick it up and share it to a wider audience”
What do you refer to?
Providing a website link in your post – either your services or online store – is the perfect way to direct people to find out more about your business. Reviewing which of your website’s pages have gained the most referrals, and where this traffic has originated, can help determine your most popular pages and blogs.
Also, by seeing which posts drove the most traffic to your website pages, these best-performing posts can be replicated, to ensure your social followers keep coming back for more.
Machine learning Engagements through likes and comments are not just imperative for knowing what to continue sharing or not on your business’s social profiles.
Social media platforms actively promote posts in people’s feeds if they have received higher levels of engagement over others. So, the more engagements your posts receive, the more likely a platform’s algorithms will pick it up and share it to a wider audience. This increases your chance of building and engaging with a wider and dedicated network of followers and business converts.
A glowing report
It’s helpful to look at your social media profile analytics and collate a report –to help inform your next social media posting strategy and to keep a record for future reference. Platforms such as Instagram only provide data for 30 days at a time, while LinkedIn only collates data back for one calendar year. So, by reviewing and capturing the data in a
report (ideally monthly), you will not only show what posts have worked well and which haven’t, but it will also act as a benchmark to show your level of growth. This can be for personal reference, or to quantify, qualify and showcase social media success to your team, directors or stakeholders. A report can be as detailed and in-depth or as top-level as you need, so long as it captures all you need to analyse, review and measure your business’ social media success.
Kathryn Walsh Communications Manager Zebra Marketing and Communications
You may have seen the stunning new mural that has gone up on the gable end of AVOW’s offices in Wrexham recently. Created by MurWalls, this is the first mural to form part of a brand-new Public Art Trail across the city. The project, which when complete will include six stunning murals across Wrexham, is funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund and is strongly supported by Wrexham City of Culture and the Wrexham County Borough Council’s City Centre and Arts teams.
Wrexham-based artist Liam StokesMassey is curating and coordinating the implementation of these huge pieces of work, and will also be creating one himself, running up Tŷ Pawb’s car park ramp, with a mining and steelwork theme. No stranger to murals, Liam has already created some iconic mural artwork associated Wrexham AFC – footballers Paul Mullin and Elliot Lee on the external wall of the Fat Boar and inside the Trainer Revival store respectively, and manager Phil Parkinson at The Turf pub car park.
“The first mural I painted was as part of the Wal Goch Festival in 2022, which was a celebration of Welsh Football. To commemorate Wales qualifying for the World Cup for the first time in 64 years, the festival founder secured funding for me to do a mural on the wall of the Fat Boar. The mural was on display from the November through to the following August, when the Fat Boar’s owner asked me to create a specifically Wrexham-related mural instead. So, in August 2023 I designed and created the Paul Mullin mural.”
Liam is based in his Shepherd Hut studio inside Tŷ Pawb and he has been working as a full-time artist for 10 years. He is a self-taught, red/green colourblind artist. However, with a love of football, Liam is renowned for his pencil commissions and football illustrations, and his depiction of Welsh and Wrexham players has gained him some notoriety.
“Being colourblind hasn’t stopped me, but it has meant I have to be more careful than most”
“Being colourblind hasn’t stopped me, but it has meant I have to be more careful than most. I struggle to distinguish between reds, greens and browns, which could result in some interesting combinations. However, when I work on the iPad, I have a software package called ProCreate, which can actually tell me what colour I have selected!”
One of his proudest moments recently has been when a logo he designed was used on Wrexham AFC’s shirts. The logo was commissioned by an American Wrexham AFC fan, to commemorate 90 years since the Gresford Colliery disaster. The shirts have since been auctioned off by Wingetts, with the proceeds going to the Miners’ Rescue Centre. The Miners’ Rescue Centre aims to save and restore all history of the Gresford Disaster, by building a strong community through its museum, cafe and social groups.
Liam explains: “It was an honour and a privilege to be asked to design this logo for the 90th Anniversary of the Gresford Disaster. It means a lot to be asked to create something that’s so deeply woven into the fabric of both the town and the club. I happened to already have tickets for the match against Crawley, which was to be the memorial game. This was fortunate, as I only found out that the logo would be used on the shirts the day before the match.”
The Public Art Trail will bring artworks and vibrant murals to brighten up specially selected blank walls throughout the city centre. They will showcase Wrexham’s rich, unique culture and heritage to locals and the increasing number of tourists that visit the city. The murals will depict Wrexham’s heritage, markets and industry, and will complement the existing football-related murals at the Fat Boar, The Turf car park and on Crispin Lane.
Liam described the project as ‘intense’: “There are so many moving parts involved in the coordination of the mural project. I have to find the walls that would be appropriate for a mural, approach the owner to get permission and work with the artist to plan in what will be drawn there and when it will happen. We had over 30 submissions from mural artists, and a panel was chosen to select which ones to use. Many of the buildings in Wrexham are listed buildings. This doesn’t mean we can’t get permission to develop a mural, but it does mean we need to go through the right channels.”
Sign of the times Historically, Liam has mainly worked for individuals, but with the increasing popularity of the murals, Liam is looking for more opportunities working for businesses and groups of people. “I recently completed a piece of work in the Unite offices in Kings Street. Inside the foyer, there were big, white walls. Plain and uninspiring as they were, they offered a fantastic canvas for me to create a colourful skyline of Wrexham. The artwork enhanced the space, making it a more engaging place to work – colourful and fun, less sterile.”
He has also been invited to create street art on the shipping containers that house the newly opened Rooftop Social on the top of the Pepper Street car park in Chester. “One area I would really like to do more in is traditional sign writing. I am inspired by Liverpool-based artist, Harry Mitton, who is an incredible sign writer. I also find it fascinating when you see ghost signs – the fading remains of hand-painted advertising on walls – on old buildings. It is like unearthing a little bit of history – and I would like to be part of that history for future generations.”
“We had over 30 submissions from mural artists, and a panel was chosen to select which ones to use”
Liam Stokes-Massey can be found at and in his Shepherd Hut studio in Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham city centre.
Wrexham Business and Community Award night, 22 November 2024
A huge congratulations to the 2024 Award Finalists in the Wrexham Business and Community Awards (WBCA)!
A huge congratulations to the 2024 Award Finalists in the Wrexham Business and Community Awards (WBCA). Now in its second year, the WBCA, which took place on Friday 22 November at Brymbo Enterprise Centre (which is run by Brymbo & Tanyfron Regeneration Trust), celebrated the past, present and future of Wrexham – and everything great happening within the city and the borough.
Attended by 400 special guests and hosted once again by Jason Mohammad, the 10 award categories celebrated everything from grassroots organisations to charities and established enterprises.
The WBCA organisers would like to say a special thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the year, in particular to our sponsors.
Charities for 2024
• We Mind the Gap
• Dynamic
• Agri-cation
• Eisteddfod
• The Mayor’s Charities
• Shooting Star Cancer Support
• Nightingale House Hospice
• Action for A-T
Made in Wrexham
• Rlbs Ltd
• Platts
• AE Sewing Machines
Teamwork Award
• Delta Fulfilment
• Wrexham Rugby Club
• Afro Fiesta/Wrexham African Community
Community Award WINNER:
• We Mind the Gap
• Agri-cation
• Familiarisation Videos
Up & Coming
• Hope House Children’s Hospices Award
• Ryan Morley Cycle Centre
• Tired Mums Coffee
• Hotel Wrexham
Spirit of Wrexham
• Stori Brymbo
• Net World Sports
• To^st
Small & Mighty
• Empowered Births
• Knew Productions
• Pretty Puppy Parlour
Creativity Award
• Johns' Boys Male Chorus
• Natasha Borton
• Aria June Events
Next Generation
• Agri-cation
• Barlows
• Kellanova
Green Award
• Rawson EV-Power & Solar
• Marlin Industries
• Agri-cation
Gwobr Cymraeg WINNER:
• Cor Daw
• Siop Siwan
The sponsors
Huge gratitude goes to our incredible sponsors, who made the Wrexham Business Awards possible:
The glittering Taste Cheshire Food and Drink Awards returned to Chester Racecourse on 2 October 2024, showcasing the best of Cheshire's vibrant food and drink scene. Over 350 industry professionals gathered to celebrate the exceptional talent and innovation within the region.
This year’s awards featured several new categories, including Cheshire's Best Micro Pub, reflecting the growing popularity of this unique hospitality concept. The event also marked the launch of the Taste Cheshire Cocktail Competition, encouraging bartenders to showcase their creativity and mixology skills.
The evening was a resounding success, with a range of businesses recognised for their outstanding contributions to the local food and drink industry.
In addition to the individual awards, Taste Cheshire also crowned the champion of the 2024 Festival Sausage Competition, sponsored by Now Food. Geoff Hughes Family Butcher, based in the new Chester Market, took home the prestigious title.
The evening concluded with a charity raffle in aid of the Hospice of the Good Shepherd, raising an impressive £1880. Generous donations from local businesses contributed to the raffle’s success.
Taste Cheshire continues to be a vital platform for recognising and promoting the culinary excellence of the region. The awards ceremony was a night of celebration, inspiration and networking for the food and drink industry.
Notable winners included:
Local Produce in a Menu
• The Chester Fields
Best Cheshire Bar
• Craft & Co
Event Venue of the Year
• The Chester Fields
Best Casual Eatery
• Little Yellow Pig, Hoole
Local Produce Shop of the Year
• The Hollies Farm Shop
Best Cheshire Pub
• The Swan at Marbury
Family-Friendly Venue of the Year
• The Shady at Tiverton
Food Producer of the Year
• Groobox
Drink Producer of the Year
• Spookton Brew Co.
Cheshire Accommodation Award
• The Hollies Forest Lodges
Cheshire’s Best Micro Pub
• Bondies Bar, Ellesmere Port
Best Newcomer
• Zucca, Frodsham
Best Small Restaurant
• Upstairs at the Grill
Best Large Restaurant
• Artezzan
Chester Racecourse was buzzing with excitement on Friday, 15 November, as the West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce hosted over 350 guests at their Annual Ball & Recognition Awards. This year’s event, themed around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and sponsored by Ellis & Co, brought Chamber members together for an evening of celebration, reflection and recognition, with over £10,000 raised for North West Air Ambulance, whose lifesaving services provide critical care to patients across the region. Here's a rundown of the nominees and winners.
Export & International Trade Award
Sponsored by Recycling UK Limited
• The Lobster Pot
• Lavinia Stamps Ltd
Young Chamber Award
Sponsored by Bathgate Business Finance WINNER:
• Queen’s Park High School
Young Person/Apprentice of the Year Award
Sponsored by The HR Dept Wrexham and Chester WINNER:
• Mia Perry – Countess of Chester Hospital
• Jake Smithurst – Delivery Solutions (DELSOL) Ltd
• Lydia Smethurst – Scope Out
Start-Up Business of the Year Award
Sponsored by Zodeq Ltd WINNER:
• Nexus Earth Ltd
• JB Removals and Storage
• Milbys
• Type on Data
• Wild Wonder Box Ltd
Customer Excellence Award
Sponsored by Delivery Solutions (DELSOL) Ltd
• Tours Around Chester
• Artezzan Restaurant & Bar
• Laura Anne Hospitality Consultant Ltd
• Milbys
• Oliver & Co Solicitors
Made a Difference Award
Sponsored by Type on Data
• Tomorrow’s Women
• ABode Hotels – ABode Chester
• Cheshire County FA
• Nightingale House Hospice
• Wilderness Tribe CIC
Excellence in Sustainability Award
Sponsored by Pathway to Carbon Zero
• Farrall’s Group
• bennettbrooks
• Chester Zoo
• Hospice of the Good Shepherd
Digital Innovation Award Sponsored by Protos Networks
• Spectra Media Group Ltd
• Klaire Tanner
• Reference Me Ltd
Business Growth Award Sponsored by E2E
• Knew Productions
• Active CCTV & Surveillance Ltd
• Lavinia Stamps Ltd
The Ellis & Co Business of The Year Award
Sponsored by Ellis & Co
WINNER: Oliver & Co Solicitors
Delivery Solutions (DELSOL) Ltd
Platts Group The Literacy Company Ltd
Password protection is a vital defence in the fight against cybercrime. It’s the first line of protection for many aspects of our lives and is only as strong as its complexity and uniqueness. We use passwords all the time to carry out simple tasks, such as sending emails, or making online purchases. Every aspect of our lives is affected by passwords – from working and banking, to buying and communicating.
In the past, one of the recommended approaches to staying safe and secure, was to change your password on a regular basis. However, IT experts have identified that enforced regular password changes can actually reduce security, rather than improve it.
Importance of multifactor authentication
When you sign into your online accounts, you’re proving to the service that you are who you say you are. Traditionally that's been done with a username and a password. Unfortunately, this really isn’t very secure. Usernames are often easy to discover – in all likelihood it’ll be your name or your email address, and since we all require so many passwords these days, there is a tendency for people to use simple ones, or use the same password across many different sites.
That's why almost all online services, particularly banks, social media, shopping and Microsoft 365, have added additional security to your accounts. It is often referred to as ‘two-step verification’ or ‘multifactor authentication’, but whatever it is called, the principle is that when you
“Multifactor authentication (MFA), is rapidly becoming one of the most used and recommended systems”
sign into the account for the first time on a new device or app (like a web browser), you need more than just the username and password. You need a second verification method to prove who you are. This can mean that passwords are linked to individual remote devices – mobile phones for example. Multifactor authentication (MFA), is rapidly becoming one of the most used – and recommended –systems, as it links to an authenticator app, which can then provide you with a unique code.
Importance of complexity and uniqueness
A good password should be unique to you – as well as each site, or each service where it is applied. Something quirky, meaningful but obscure – the more obscure the better, but not to the point of being unable to remember over time. It should include uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one symbol, such as ! or &. The National Cyber Security Centre recommend you use three random words to create your password. These could literally be anything – cardiganSnai!m00n for example.
Keep it safe
With so many complex and unique passwords to remember, a dedicated password vault (password manager or password locker) can keep them safe.
A password vault is an encrypted digital vault that stores login credentials, documents, images and other sensitive information. To access a password vault, you need to authenticate your identity by entering a master password or by using biometrics. These should not be mistaken with browser-based password vaults, which although use encryption, are still vulnerable to being compromised.
One of the biggest benefits of using a dedicated password vault is that there is only one password – the master password – to remember. As long as you can commit that one to memory, all your other passwords can be kept safely, without you having to memorise them. You can access your vault from any device or browser, and you can also add additional security to your vault by securing it with its own MFA. And, even if you don’t, the encryption standards have been designed to be robust, with all data encrypted and decrypted locally on your device.
The future of authentication With the multitude of passwords
“A password vault is an encrypted digital vault that
required in our daily lives, even with a password vault this can become cumbersome. There are already alternatives to passwords being used and some combination of these could be the future of authentication. Passkeys, hardware-based MFA and biometrics – and even behavioural biometrics will all have their part of play in the future.
Passkeys are an authentication method for websites and apps. They are sets of two cryptographic keys: a public key that’s registered with the online service or app, and a private key that’s stored on a device, such as a smartphone or a computer. You then use your face, a fingerprint or a PIN to unlock your passkey and log in, in much the same way that you unlock your smartphone. The advantage of passkeys is that even if a hacker gets their hands on a website’s public key, your account is still locked because they don’t have access to the private key on your device.
Hardware-based MFA is another option when multifactor authentication is required. Also known as universal
second factor (U2F) or physical security keys, hardware keys can either plug into a user’s system via USB, or utilise a physical code generator that is unique to the user. Hardware-based MFA keys work in a similar way to other MFA methods in that, after a user presents their credentials upon login, they are then directed to input their additional factor. The user inputs their generated code or touches their USB hardware key, and is then granted access to the service.
Biometrics and behavioural biometrics might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but in reality, they are being used more frequently every day. Biometrics includes things like facial and fingerprint recognition, while behavioural biometrics will use the way you hold your phone or use the keys, to identify if it is actually you.
Paul Williams Highstream Solutions 01244 952500
In the quest for innovation, it’s a common misconception that the most groundbreaking ideas must come from outside the existing team. However, the truth is that the potential for revolutionary ideas often lies dormant within the team itself. It’s about creating an environment that fosters open communication and encourages every member to contribute their unique perspective. Altering the environment doesn’t necessarily mean a physical change; it can be about shifting the team’s mindset, encouraging a culture of experimentation and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.
A powerhouse of creativity
When teambuilding exercises are coupled with a supportive atmosphere that values each member’s input, the team can transform into a powerhouse of creativity, driving forward with solutions that are both innovative and intimately connected to the team’s core strengths. It’s about harnessing the collective intelligence and unlocking the synergy that can only come from a group of people who trust each other and are committed to a shared vision. The key is to recognise that the environment is as much about the emotional and intellectual space as it is about the physical one. By nurturing this environment, leaders can help their teams to not only know each other better, but to collaborate in ways that
bring out the best in everyone. However, there is a danger in doing teambuilding activities and then returning to the same environment; although everyone knows each other better, the thought of bouncing ideas around a boardroom is still daunting to many, and there is the danger of slipping back into the ‘boardroom norms’ of behaviour.
Sparking creativity and innovation
Embracing the unconventional can certainly spark creativity and innovation in problem-solving. The use of unique post-it shapes and styles is a brilliant example of how altering small elements can refresh the dynamics of a workshop. Or adding ‘fiddling’ objects to a table, can help meetings to be
faster paced: with more fiddling, more energy seems to be appear. It’s akin to adding a splash of colour to a monochrome canvas; it invites new perspectives and ideas.
Stepping out of the comfort zone, though challenging, is where growth and learning flourish. It’s in these spaces that we can break free from the usual patterns and foster a culture of diversity and dynamic thinking. By daring to be different in our approach, we not only solve problems, but also transform the very environment that breeds them, cultivating a fertile ground for change and progress. So, continue to explore those new shapes and styles; they are more than just tools, they are the catalysts for the next great idea.
“Team members can express complex ideas, unlock new insights and explore various scenarios in a tangible risk-free way. This handson, minds-on learning leads to deeper understanding and a shared vision that can drive a team forward”
The universal language of play Innovation and creativity are the lifeblood of any thriving organisation and finding ways to foster these can be a transformative experience. The LEGO Serious Play (LSP) method is a brilliant example of an innovative approach to problem-solving as a group with equal ownership in finding that solution. It is also something familiar that we all used to do and may have lost along the way. It’s a process that encourages participants to communicate through a universal language: play.
By constructing models with LEGO bricks, team members can express complex ideas, unlock new insights and explore various scenarios in a tangible risk-free way. This hands-on, minds-on learning leads to deeper understanding and a shared vision that can drive a team forward.
It’s about harnessing the unique perspectives and cognitive styles of everyone, creating a dynamic environment where every voice is heard and valued.
With LSP, the act of building and storytelling isn’t just child’s play; it’s a strategic tool, based on theoretical research and developed by LEGO that can lead to breakthroughs in the way we think about and tackle business challenges. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best way to unlock our full potential is to reconnect with the
simplicity and creativity of our childhood. LEGO calls this ‘Play with a Purpose’.
Fostering a sense of ownership and commitment
In the dynamic world of business, the quest for effective solutions is unending. Whether it’s about catalysing business growth, sculpting a highperforming team, navigating the complexities of acquisitions, or devising strategies for customer feedback, the involvement of your team is crucial.
When teams are empowered to contribute to problem-solving, they not only bring a wealth of collective insight but also foster a sense of ownership and commitment to the outcome. On the contrary, parachuting an external expert to deliver a ready-made solution can sometimes backfire. It may bypass the valuable process of team synergy and problem-solving that often leads to more sustainable and innovative outcomes. Hence, creating an environment where every team member can voice their ideas and solutions is not just ideal, it’s essential for fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
Ani Sutton (MSc) Founder, Owner, and Lead Facilitator at Discover Dynamix
Published by Kate Minchin
Are you a frontline manager, team leader or supervisor with big responsibilities? Do you have a low budget, little autonomy, or haven’t had the training you think you need? Whether you’re new to management, or have been in management roles for years, this book will help to guide you through some of the most common problems faced by all managers – and all in the time it takes to drink a few cups of coffee. Subtitled ‘A Down-to-Earth Guide for Frontline Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors’, it’s full of case studies from managers around the world and examples from the author’s own career, so you will learn from the experience (and mistakes) of others. The book includes advice on how to get the best out of your team, confidently face the day-to-day challenges of management, develop powerful, positive and productive relationships with your colleagues, and expand your own skills to become the best possible manager you can be.
Welcome to our book and podcast recommendations, where you'll find a curated selection of the latest and greatest in business literature and audio storytelling.
Published by WH Allen
It’s time to do things differently. Trust your team. Be radically honest. And never, ever try to please your boss. These are some of the ground rules if you work at Netflix. They are part of a unique cultural experiment that explains how the company has transformed itself at lightning speed from a DVD mail order service into a streaming superpower – with millions of fervent subscribers and a market capitalisation that rivals companies like Disney. With INSEAD business school professor Erin Meyer, they explore his leadership philosophy – which begins by rejecting the accepted beliefs under which most companies operate – and how it plays out in practice at Netflix. From unlimited holidays to abolishing approvals, Netflix offers a fundamentally different way to run any organisation. For anyone interested in creativity, productivity and innovation, Netflix’s culture is something close to a holy grail.
Engaging Leader is a podcast to help people communicate, engage and lead with greater impact. Heard regularly by thousands of leaders since 2012, Jesse Lahey and guests share principles, tips and stories to help you inspire trust, passion and action. The Engaging Leader program includes podcasts, speaking programs and more to help leaders communicate, engage and lead with greater impact. Podcast subjects include Engaging a Remote Workforce, Giving Feedback without Hurting Psychological Safety and Building a Courageous Culture that Facilitates Innovation and Problem-solving. Host Jesse Lahey, is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). He’s a speaker, author and consultant with over 25 years’ experience in leadership and workforce communication. Jesse is the host of three podcasts –Engaging Leader, Workforce Health Engagement and Game Changer – which have been downloaded millions of times by leaders around the world.
Holly & Co is a department store of small businesses. It’s run by Holly Tucker MBE, the founder of Not On The High Street and Holly & Co, who knows that it’s not complicated business plans that are needed, but desire and confidence. In Holly’s podcast ‘Conversation of Inspiration’, she encounters passion, pain and perseverance: the highest highs and the lowest lows. The podcast shares the powerfully honest, soulful stories of those brave enough to make the break and do what they love. You’ll gain unrivalled insight and motivation, as the nation’s favourite entrepreneurs and creatives talk to Holly. She is also the author of the book ‘Do What You Love, Love What You Do’. Here she offers advice for those wanting to start a business, but don’t know where to begin. The volume describes itself as no ordinary business book. Having inspired over 100,000 founders to launch businesses from their kitchen tables, this is a colourful, soulful, practical guide.
Delivering personal, highly professional health & safety services
Ever find yourself pondering over complex health and safety queries, losing sleep over compliance, or feeling unsure about the safest course of action?
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Say goodbye to unanswered questions and sleepless nights - choose Acton Safety for a safer, more efficient workplace.
We offer tailored solutions for compliance and safety measures.
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Benefit from assessments to continuously improve your health and safety provision.
Foster employee engagement and create a safer work environment.
Acton Safety, Allied House, Bryn Lane, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham LL13 9UT
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Co-founder, creative director and head of advertising at VOX, Vicky Heathfield loves to keep busy and is always looking for the next great opportunity. As well as producing this quarterly business magazine with Clara Hughes, she also publishes the monthly EssentialsMAG and runs a successful online and craft fair craft business, Artistig. As if that wasn’t enough, Vicky has recently launched a brand-new online directory.
We spoke with Vicky to find out more.
My Wrexham Online Directory
Vicky explains: ”I’m thrilled to announce the launch of My Wrexham, a brand-new online directory that serves as an additional service from EssentialsMAG.”
“It was originally developed as a complementary addition for our valued advertisers. However, My Wrexham has quickly grown into a comprehensive online directory, designed to support the businesses, organisations and charities that make Wrexham such a vibrant community.”
Connecting Wrexham is our mission!
One of the cornerstones of VOX is about providing a platform for people to find out more about businesses in the area and be able to connect with each other. EssentialsMAG plays a similar role, but on a more personal level.
Vicky continued: “We understand how important it is to connect people with trusted local businesses, which is why we’ve brought together Wrexham’s top businesses, services, organisations and charities into one easy-to-use website directory. Whether you’re looking for a reliable tradesperson, a new restaurant to try, or a local charity to support, My Wrexham helps you find everything you need – right here in our
“We understand how important it is to connect people with trusted local businesses, which is why we’ve brought together Wrexham’s top businesses, services, organisations and charities into one easy-to-use website directory”
Charities and community groups join free
“What makes My Wrexham unique is our commitment to accessibility. For our loyal advertisers, community organisations, services and charities, joining our directory is completely free for life – our way of giving back to the businesses and groups at Wrexham’s heart. So, if you are a community organisation, group or charity not yet listed, please get in touch by selecting the ‘Community Plan’ form on the website, so we can help get you set up.”
One clear goal
My Wrexham’s goal is simple: To keep costs low and value high. As many small businesses operate on tight budgets, Vicky is keen to ensure that My Wrexham is an affordable, high-quality online directory for every local business. It costs just £25 a year.
Simply visit: and start searching today.
Do you really know who your key
In today’s dynamic business environment, every employee contributes to the overall success of an organisation. The focus on talent management and succession planning has expanded beyond senior roles, shifting to a broader approach that values potential at all levels. Is your talent prepared for the future? It's time to adopt a comprehensive approach.
The Core Connection Succession planning and talent management are closely linked aspects of workforce strategy:
Objective Assessment:
A balanced approach is essential to assess and foster talent effectively.
Role Segmentation:
Qualitative role analysis is beneficial for both assessing potential and aligning competencies with roles.
Beyond Executive Succession
Traditionally, succession efforts centred around top executives. Yet key contributors – like tech innovators or standout customer service representatives – are essential assets. Retaining this talent ensures continuity of knowledge and skills throughout the organisation.
A Simple, Scalable Approach
Succession planning can be straightforward:
Digital Transformation:
Leveraging technology can simplify HR data management and offer clearer insights into talent pools.
“Every employee contributes to the overall success of an organisation”
“Engaged employees feel more connected, motivated, and productive, benefiting everyone”
Agile Frameworks:
Flexible structures accommodate evolving organisational needs.
Open communication about career opportunities can enhance employee motivation and retention.
An Integrated Talent Management Framework
At The Knowledge Bank, our approach combines succession planning and talent management into a unified system:
Performance Insights:
Analysing past activities helps develop a thorough understanding of team performance.
Competency Assessment: Role expectations are clarified through competency-based evaluations.
Individual Potential:
Encouraging collaborative discussions around ambitions and growth potential.
Strategic Alignment:
Ensuring alignment with core values and organisational structure.
Reward Structure Relevance: Recognising how development aligns with your reward policies.
Embracing a Comprehensive View
Integrating talent retention and succession planning at every level fosters a culture where employees feel valued and empowered to grow. This approach reduces turnover, strengthens alignment with company goals, and builds a resilient, adaptable workforce. When employees see clear opportunities for progression, they become more engaged, motivated and dedicated to driving long-term success. Ultimately, a comprehensive talent strategy not only retains top talent, but also cultivates a thriving environment where everyone can contribute to the organisation’s vision.
At The Knowledge Bank, our focus is on helping organisations develop a culture that not only achieves success but also supports talent retention. This includes:
• Collaboration and Teamwork
A robust culture encourages collaboration, allowing employees to leverage collective strengths effectively.
• Employee Engagement
Engaged employees feel more connected, motivated, and productive, benefiting everyone.
• Innovation and Adaptability
A culture that values learning and openness promotes creativity and competitiveness.
Organisational success involves more than knowledge—it’s about adaptability. Our talent management approach supports flexibility in uncertain times:
• Agile Learning
We advocate continuous learning, encouraging adaptability and resilience.
• Resilient Leadership
Resilient leaders inspire a supportive environment, equipping teams to handle uncertainty.
• Future-Proofing Talent
Peter and Joanne McCarthy
The Knowledge Bank
Investing in versatile skills prepares your team for future challenges, fostering growth and readiness.
Q&A with Mike Scott from Amplify
There is a common misconception that all business networking is pretty much the same, but the reality can be quite different. We spoke to Mike Scott, one of the founders of Amplify Referral Network, a members group based in Rossett, set up in February 2023 to offer something that makes it a bit different.
Why is networking important?
I am a huge advocate of business networking. For many small businesses, networking is their lifeblood. Interactive networking done well is all about developing strong, mutually beneficial business relationships and building trust with other enterprises. This is vital, as so much quality work comes from referrals and word of mouth, so without networking, many small businesses would struggle. Build a strong network of champions and you will be at the forefront of their mind when they need your particular expertise – or they are talking to someone else that does.
Why did you set up Amplify?
In 2022, the networking group I was a member of closed its doors after 25 years. I and many of the other members of the group were left high and dry, with little warning. I looked around for a new group I could join, but couldn’t find one that really suited my needs. However, I also realised how important the group had been to me, and after a bit of thought, I decided I wanted to set up my own version – but with some fundamental differences. I spoke to my wife and business partner, Amanda about it and we decided to go ahead. Andrew Plimmer a close associate from Rossett Hall was also keen to be involved and this meant we had a high-quality venue for the group too.
The three of us set up Amplify in February 2023, bringing with us some of the members of the group that had closed. We thought about the elements that worked for us in other networking situations – and more importantly, thought about what didn’t suit us. We cherry-picked the best and shaped the group to feel a little different – it certainly had more freedom and creativity. This is an ideal scenario for passionate business owners.
What makes it different?
We meet at Rossett Hall on alternate Wednesdays, and even since we set up just two years ago, the format of our meetings has changed. The overriding principle of Amplify is to give back the ownership and responsibility for utilising the group to the members. Business owners don’t necessarily like to be told what they can and can’t do!
So, the first thing we did was take away a lot of the rules that people object to in other groups. Members are obviously encouraged to bring referrals to the meetings, but they won’t be penalised if they don’t. If they cannot attend a meeting, no problem, they don’t have to find a sub. Sometimes life gets in the way, and you have to respect that. Anyway, our relationship is with the member, not someone who may attend occasionally in their place.
We did away with the financial tie-in too. Members pay on a monthly basis and can stop at any time. Why penalise a member who may need a change of direction? We also welcome new ideas from our members and if we think they can work, we incorporate them into the meetings and our network management. Our main key performance indicator is how much business is contracted between members, and it is business that can be directly attributed to particular referrals.
What does an Amplify meeting look like?
As well as an opportunity for the members to catch-up with each other, each meeting we offer four businesses the opportunity to present for five minutes on a subject of their choosing. There is no wasted sixty second round. This creates a much deeper
“The first thing we did was take away a lot of the rules that people object to in other groups”
understanding of the enterprise, the speaker and their aims. We also have differing 15-minute sections which may be a training exercise, an external speaker or one of our members speaking on a pertinent topic – the last one being the Budget.
Have you ever fallen foul of not having rules?
Our members control the level of their involvement. There is a healthy level of respect between the members, and they understand that the more they put into the group, the more they will get out of it – there are no ‘non-participants’. However, having said that, there has of course been the odd occasion where people let us down last minute and do not communicate their nonattendance, which can cause organisational problems at meetings from time to time.
Can you back up your claims?
Since Amplify started in 2023, we have over £325,000 worth of directly attributable business. In fact, we know it’s a lot more than that, but that is how much (as of November 2024) has come through via the referral slips. We also have lots of success stories and examples of where members have recognised an opportunity to work together and strategically develop something great. Three of our original members – Rawson EV, Circle 17 and an independent electrician, have come together to offer a combined service around the installation of solar solutions and power management. Another member actually had to leave the group, as they became too busy from the work they received from their networking!
If you could name one thing that sets you apart from other networking, what would it be?
We work on similar growth principles as many other business networking groups, but we offer so much more freedom to our members to maximise their involvement, which they already do for their own businesses anyway, so the process is familiar, and it works.
For further information, Mike Scott
Amplify Referral Network
Our part of the country is beautiful. Highly desirable, sought-after, with property prices to match. Surely you couldn’t go wrong…
Well, not far wrong, anyway. But what if you don’t know the area at all? What if you’re relocating – leaving a home and a place you know inside out, and heading into the unknown, bringing your whole family with you? What if being near great schools and transport links is an absolute dealbreaker? Would you even know where to start? Suddenly ‘not far wrong’ isn’t enough. After all, our home – whether we buy or rent – is not just our biggest investment. It’s literally our life, so ‘okay’ simply isn’t good enough.
How do you find the perfect property?
That’s where a professional Property Finder comes in. Not a huge, franchised operation with no local credentials, but a person who lives and breathes our part of Cheshire and the Welsh borders. Someone who knows the location –and everything it has to offer – inside out. Someone who knows which locale would suit a young family, or one with teens, or a single professional. The schools, the sports clubs, the access to the road and rail network, and proximity to the airport. Someone who knows not only where to start but knows exactly how – and where – to complete.
An accomplished professional property finder is entirely au fait with the whole property search process, taking care of the legwork for busy people – or for large organisations whose team is
relocating. In those cases, the property finder’s services can form part of a relocation package.
Welcoming the Wellsfords to Chester Take the Wellsfords, who recently moved to Chester, uprooting from Bristol. A lawyer and a teacher, with primary-aged children, life was already busy. That meant that not only did they know very little about the area, but they also had no time to make calls or browse websites, no time to research areas and schools, and no time to view countless prospective properties.
“The property finder’s services can form part of a relocation package”
As their chosen professional Property Finder, I spoke at length – and at their convenience – with them to ascertain their needs and their wants. Then, I identified the best areas for them, and the ideal properties.
Once I’d narrowed down the search, I researched the exact location and viewed the properties, taking extensive photographs and videos, and asking candid questions of the vendor or agent. This helped us to refine the search further still. Some clients are happy to proceed on this basis, but the
Wellsfords set aside a weekend and viewed their shortlist.
They fell in love with one property, which ticked all their boxes, just as I knew it would. They were safe in the knowledge that the location was perfect for them – and in the catchment for an outstanding school, with equally outstanding options for high schools.
Project Complete
The Property Finder service doesn’t end there though. After all, the purchase
“I researched the exact location and viewed the properties, taking extensive photographs and videos, and asking candid questions of the vendor or agent”
process can be fraught too. I liaised with the estate agent and subsequently the conveyancers and ensured a seamless, stress-free move to a happy new home. Moving can be a stressful time. It doesn’t have to be. That’s what Professional Property Finders are for.
Carolyn Flowerdew Property Finder 07780 671389
Whether you are looking for a meeting room for two people, or somewhere to gather whole teams and businesses together, the vicinity of Chester and Wrexham is not short of choice to cater to your needs. Here are our latest suggestions for meeting and events venues.
Marchwiel Hall, Wrexham
Marchwiel Hall is a versatile space for weddings and events. It boasts a stunning Ballroom which can seat 80 guests for dinner. There is also a range of other spaces, including the beautiful Morning Room and Dining Room. The estate’s landscaped grounds, with the lush countryside beyond, can host the option of a marquee for up to 200 guests, depending on design. Also within the pretty grounds is a lovely terrace and sun bar, ideal options for a drinks reception.
Bolesworth offers an exceptional range of versatile event spaces designed to meet a variety of needs. Situated within the picturesque grounds of Bolesworth Castle, Castle View Pavilion is an elegant open-plan venue overlooking the arena, with a capacity of up to 500 guests. For smaller gatherings or corporate meetings, The Grainstore provides a modern, self-contained space with stunning views of the Cheshire countryside. This unique venue for up to 16 delegates, features a private boardroom, a smaller meeting room, a breakout area, a fully equipped kitchen, and washrooms.
Axt Haus combines the thrill of axe throwing with hearty German cuisine and drink. While not necessarily a venue for meetings – dodge those axes! – it is available for private hire and can host corporate events and teambuilding. It is nestled within the historic railway arches and is just a short hop from Chester city centre and an axe throw from the iconic Chester Racecourse. Private hire is tailor made, so contact the venue to discuss your ideas and requirements.
Opened October 2024, the new community hub has been designed and built for the villages of Rossett, Burton, Lavister, Trevalyn and the surrounding area. It is the perfect venue for an informal meeting or somewhere to consider for private hire for networking, teambuilding or training. Situated in the heart of Rossett’s park, there’s also outdoor benches for when the weather warms up. It’s easily accessible, is convenient for both Wrexham and Chester, and can also cater for refreshments via its café, which is run by volunteers.
Do you have a venue you would like to see featured?
If you have used a hotel or other venue for a business meeting, conference, seminar, training or teambuilding event and you think it should be featured in a future issue, please contact us with your suggestions.
When organising an event, making thoughtful choices around venue, catering and accommodations can elevate the experience for your attendees. Whether it’s a corporate meeting, teambuilding session, or social gathering, matching your event’s unique needs with the right local options is key.
Here’s a guide to help you craft an unforgettable event in Wrexham, with ideas on space selection, dining choices and how to bring it all together seamlessly.
Choosing the right venue for your event type
Each event calls for a distinct atmosphere, and choosing a space that aligns with your event’s goals can make a big impact. Here are some things to consider:
• Corporate meetings and conferences: These events typically need quiet, functional spaces equipped with tech amenities. Look for venues with AV equipment, breakout rooms and comfortable seating arrangements to keep attendees focused.
• Teambuilding activities: For teambuilding, a more interactive space with room for movement and activities is ideal. Consider venues with flexible layouts, areas for handson exercises, or even prebuilt team activities.
• Social events and networking: If you’re organising a social event, go for an informal space that encourages mingling and conversation. Areas with unique features – such as exhibits, games, or scenic views – can add an interactive element that serves as an icebreaker.
In Wrexham, venues like Xplore! Science Discovery Centre offer diverse spaces that can be tailored for different event needs. With 85+ exhibits that will engage guests of all ages, it’s an ideal venue to break the ice and spark conversation. The exhibits will keep your attendees entertained before or after their event or meeting, giving your guests a completely unique experience. Xplore! also has teambuilding options that can be added onto any event.
“In Wrexham, venues like Xplore! Science Discovery Centre offer diverse spaces that can be tailored for different event needs”
Catering Options that Suit your Event
When it comes to catering, aligning the food style with the event type can leave a lasting impression:
• Corporate and formal gatherings: Professional settings may benefit from plated meals or upscale buffet options that cater to varied dietary needs. Consider local options that offer polished service and tailored menus for a seamless dining experience.
• Casual and interactive events: For teambuilding days or workshops, an informal buffet or grazing tables allow guests to eat at their own pace. This approach keeps the event relaxed and makes it easy for people to mingle while dining.
• Themed or regional flavours: If you want to add a local touch, incorporate flavours unique to Wrexham, like dishes featuring Welsh ingredients or even the locallybrewed Wrexham Lager. Local eateries like The Fat Boar Wrecsam are known for their inventive takes on Welsh classics, making them a popular choice for an authentic dining experience.
Xplore! also has multiple catering options available to suit any event. External catering services are also welcome, so you can bring in your preferred caterer to suit the tone and theme of your event. This flexibility allows you to adapt the food and beverages to the occasion, whether formal or casual.
Creating a comfortable experience with local accommodations
Providing comfortable, convenient accommodations enhances the overall event experience, especially for out-oftown attendees:
• Central and accessible locations: Look for hotels near the event venue or in central areas, allowing attendees to explore the town between sessions or events.
• Amenities for every need:
If guests are staying multiple nights, accommodations with amenities like free Wi-Fi, room service and accessible transportation options can make a big difference.
A place like Hotel Wrexham offers not only a cozy retreat, but also central access to explore local attractions and restaurants. Its proximity to key venues and welcoming staff makes it an excellent choice for event attendees looking to unwind after a full day.
Bringing it all together
Combining the right venue, catering and accommodations in Wrexham can give your event a distinctive feel that attendees will remember. By thinking through the specific needs of your event and choosing versatile local options, you’ll create a seamless, enjoyable experience that sets your gathering apart.
Maria Gibney Xplore! 01978 293163
“When it comes to catering, aligning the food style with the event type can leave a lasting impression”
A round-up of some of the business events happening in and around Chester and Wrexham from December 2024 through to March 2025
10:00 – 12:00
Enrichment Networking: Women's Business Support & Networking
A brave space where quieter, more introverted women solopreneurs can connect, share and grow together. Knoops, 33 Northgate Street, Chester, United Kingdom
12:30 - 14:30
Christmas Lunch & Networking at Ramada Plaza Wrexham
The Chamber is getting into the Christmas spirit at its Festive Lunch at Ramada Plaza Wrexham.
09:30 - 12:00
Sales Club
The topic for this session is Understanding your Customers Better: Profitably grow your business. Guest speaker Rhian Anstey will present. Village Hotel Chester St David's, St Davids Park, Ewloe, Deeside CH5 3YB
09:00 - 11:00
Round the Table Networking at Hotel Wrexham
Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with local business professionals and promote their business, all whilst in a friendly, relaxed and recently-refurbished environment. Hotel Wrexham, Wrexham Road, Holt, Wrexham LL13 9SW
09:30 – 16:00
Emergency First Aid at Work 1 day course
Where an organisation’s risk assessment of First Aid needs identifies that there is a requirement for Emergency First Aid at Work practitioners, then these national awards for Emergency First aid at Work satisfies the requirements of the regulatory body for First Aid – the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Alyn Waters Conference Room, Mold Road, Gwersyllt, Wrexham LL11 4AG
09.30 - 11.30
Vista Networking
The Business Network Chester is delighted to host a monthly morning event at Vista, with informal networking with more formal introductions and a presentation.
Vista, St. David's Park, Ewloe CH5 3DT
17:00 - 19:00
Networking at The Queen
The Business Network Chester offers informal networking sessions with members and visitors enjoying a glass of wine, a beer or something softer!
Queen At Chester Hotel, 52 City Road, Chester, CH1 3AH
17:00 - 19:00
VOX Networking
Join us and our special guest speakers –Jo Smith and Andy Williams – along with some very special four-legged guests for an evening of interesting conversations and networking.
Hotel Wrexham, Wrexham Road, Holt, Wrexham LL13 9SW
17:00 - 19:00
Next-Gen Network
WCNW Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Aaron & Partners Solicitors, is running an informal networking event specifically designed for young professionals in West Cheshire & North Wales.
Abode Chester, Grosvenor Road, Chester CH1 2DJ
Men’s 404 Club
Awake at 4:04am, overwhelmed by the pressures of running a business? You’re not alone. The 404 Club offers a judgement-free space for men in business facing stress, burnout, anxiety, or depression. Share your experiences, connect with others, and find support. Free to attend, just turn up.
Tithe Barn, Hawarden CH5 3LT (opposite the entrance to Gladstone Library Car Park)
If you have an event taking place between April and July 2025, please let us know, so we can include it in our next issue. email:
17:30 – 19:30
Free Public Lecture Events at Wrexham University
Pawsome Support for Confident Reading in Children and Easing Stress for University Students, with Dr Shubha Sreenivas, Senior Lecturer in Biological Psychology. Free food and drink, and networking opportunities.
Wrexham University, Mold Road Wrexham LL11 2AW
08:00 – 10:00
Corporate Open Morning
Discover the charm of The Grainstore, a modern, exclusive meeting space in the prestigious Bolesworth Castle grounds, just 20 minutes from Chester. A private space for up to 16 delegates, it’s a refreshing alternative to traditional venues. Call or email to reserve your free place. Limited spaces.
Bolesworth Castle, Tattenhall, Chester CH3 9HQ 01829 307 676
17:00 – 21:00
Business Wales 5-9 Club
Start your business journey with the 5-9 CLUB! This fully funded eight-week virtual course is hosted on Google Meet and will give you the support, guidance and tools you need to take those next steps and launch your business. Online
09:30 - 11:30
Round the Table Networking WCNW Chamber of Commerce’s February's Round the Table Networking at their complex in Northwich. Cheshire FA, Hartford House, Northwich CW8 4BG
09.30 - 11.30
Vista Networking
The Business Network Chester is delighted to host a monthly morning event at Vista, with informal networking with more formal introductions and a presentation.
Vista, St. David's Park, Ewloe CH5 3DT
17:00 - 19:00
Networking at The Queen
The Business Network Chester offers informal networking sessions with members and visitors enjoying a glass of wine, a beer or something softer!
Queen At Chester Hotel, 52 City Road, Chester, CH1 3AH
10:00 - 16:00
ProspHER Fest 2025
ProspHER Fest provide a safe space for ambitious women to connect, learn and develop their careers in-person.
The Heath, Weston, Runcorn WA7 4QA
14:00 – 17:00
EZ training: Sustainability
Join our sustainability workshop to find out
• What’s Carbon Footprint and what is your personal footprint?
• What is Net Zero and what responsibility does your business have to meet this?
Hwb yr Orsedd, The Green, Rossett, Wrexham, Wales, LL12 0DS
09:00 - 11:00
Round the Table Networking
Round the Table Networking event
Cheshire College - South & West, Ellesmere Port Campus, Off Sutton Way, Ellesmere Port CH65 7BF
09:30 – 16:30
Women's Work & Wellbeing Summit
Join the Women's Work and Wellbeing Summit 2025 for an inspiring day of connection, growth and empowerment. Ramada Plaza, Ellice Way, Wrexham
10:00 - 16:00
Wrexham Business Show
Come to the business show and connect with exhibitors, delegates and networkers. So far Hashtag Events has welcomed over 38,700 delegates to its events.
Wrexham University, Mold Road Wrexham LL11 2AW
17:30 – 19:30
Free Public Lecture Events at Wrexham University
The Wrexham Art Treasures Exhibition of 1876, with Peter Bolton, Senior Lecturer in History. Free food and drink, and networking opportunities.
Wrexham University, Mold Road Wrexham LL11 2AW
12:30 – 14:30
Networking Lunch at Mercure Abbots Well
WCNW Chamber of Commerce’s March Networking Lunch takes place at Mercure Chester Abbots Well Hotel, and is set to be a superb event bringing together business professionals from across the region.
Mercure Chester Abbots Well, Whitchurch Road, Christleton, Chester CH3 5QL
17:00 – 19:00
VOX Networking
Join us and our special guest speaker (TBC) for an evening of interesting conversations and networking.
Townhouse, Lower Bridge Street, Chester CH1 1RS
There is a whole host of networking opportunities across Chester and Wrexham – from groups that you have to join and attend a structured weekly meeting, through to one-off events that you can ‘pay as you go’. Most membership groups offer you the chance to attend as a guest – often for the first one or two sessions – to allow you the time to work out if it is a group that suits you. If you are new to networking, try a few and see if you can find a group that works for you and your business. If you have an event you would like listed in a future issue, please get in touch.
Networx 4 Business
Networx offers membership networking at locations in Chester and Wrexham. Membership cost is £600 for 12 months, per venue and includes breakfast. With just one business type per group, you’ll have the opportunity to talk about your business and what you are looking for.
Business NetWalkers, Chester
Business NetWalkers helps you improve your wealth and wellbeing, whilst growing your network by enhancing mental performance and wellbeing, improving physical fitness, talking and collaborating with like-minded people.
BNI provides a structured environment for the development and exchange of quality business referrals.
Theatre Clwyd Business Network
Free Business Breakfast Networking Events held at the theatre.
FSB members can join virtual events, including networking and surgeries.
Network She Netwalking – Chester
Netwalking is free to attend and was set up to help Network SHE’s members with their mental and physical wellbeing, business and personal development, as well as about building great relationships.
Tarporley Business Club
Tarporley Business Club offers face-toface meetings on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.
The sessions are held at The Swan in Tarporley from 9:30-11:30 am. It is a not-for-profit group aiming to develop the local business community, resulting in maximising growth and success. Memberships available, £10 fee for first time visitors.
Elevate Netwalking
Elevate Netwalking hosts 5km circular routes around Delamere Forest and Bickerton Hill with like-minded business owners. It’s a walk that benefits your physical and mental health, and is good for business too.
For purpose-led business owners who love to meet like-minded people, spend time in nature and move their bodies, but are short on time to fit it all in. 10% of ticket sales go to ecolgi to help fight climate change.
West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce
West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce is the leading organisation representing the business community across the whole of West Cheshire and North Wales. As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, its objectives remain clear: to promote and encourage business for members and others regionally, nationally and internationally to improve commercial growth and prosperity.
Institute of Directors (IOD)
The Institute of Directors is the UK's largest membership organisation for business leaders, providing informative events, professional development courses for self-improvement, networking and expert advice. IOD is the only institute in the world to offer internationally recognised qualifications designed by directors for directors, specific to the core competencies required of directors and senior leaders.
Cheshire Networking with Leading Ladies in Business
As long as you have a strong network of professional connections, you can be confident that someone within your sphere will be able to answer even your toughest questions – and if there’s no definitive answer, you’ll have a solid sounding board to bounce ideas off and put into action step-by-step.
360 Networking Group—networking
360 Networking monthly meetings are run by Wrexham County Borough Council’s Business and Investment team. All meetings, together with annual membership are now free of charge. Each meeting takes place within the Redwither Tower on Wrexham Industrial Estate between 17:00 - 18:45.
Chester Business Club
One of the principal activities of Chester Business Club is its Speaker Dinners. The aim of these Black Tie events is to provide an impartial forum for leading commentators to speak on a topic of their own choosing, as a positive contribution to increasing public awareness of the important issues of the day.
GCC Business Network
The Growth Coaching Collective, founded by entrepreneur and sales strategist Kerry Boland, operates networking brunches that are both supportive and inclusive, bringing a brand new vibe to the networking scene that is collaborative rather than competitive.
Wrexham Business Women Facebook: @2209198815949046
Wrexham Business Women hold free monthly meetings to provide a space for women in Wrexham to chat, share advice and help each other.
The Business Network Chester
The Business Network Chester meets at lunchtime in prestigious venues around Chester, it provides a highly-structured event, which enables attendees to meet senior decision makers in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Attendees may also attend a free, highly-educational seminar, which runs prior to the event.
Real5 Networking — Chester
Real5 Networking is a business venture focused on local business networking for mutual commercial gains. The idea is that all members agree to give a minimum 5% profit share back to the referee, so there is a real incentive to maximise the network.
VOX Networking
Amplify Referral Network
Amplify Referral Network puts the level of involvement and responsibility back to the member. Very few rules, but very high expectations - perfect for business owners looking to build their business.
MDA Innovation Network Business Breakfasts
MDA Innovation Network offers a series of bimonthly business breakfasts with the ultimate aim of improving business performance, by providing business-tobusiness networking opportunities and information on regional and national initiatives.
The 100 Club
The Hospice of the Good Shepherd offers a special chance to network for good, not only boosting your business network but also supporting the Hospice of the Good Shepherd. Its networking events are held quarterly and offer the chance to enjoy a networking experience with a big twist, with events held in unique and fun venues.
Membership packages start at just £100 a year and help support the Hospice and its community in their times of need.
North Wales Business Breakfast
Join FSB’s monthly North Wales Business Breakfast and meet with likeminded entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals and small business owners, all whilst enjoying light refreshments. Network, collaborate, promote your services and support each other. Open to FSB members and non-members.
VOX Networking events take place quarterly following the publication of each issue.
The two-hour sessions provide the opportunity to meet and talk with other local businesspeople, and each one will have a special guest speaker.
Numbers are limited and tickets cost £18, including refreshments.
North Wales Social
Connect with North Wales business owners and managers for networking at Harrison’s Hall (formerly the Plas Hafod hotel).
Sarah White Networking
Visibly You Online Networking is an online event aimed at helping you expand your professional network, share ideas, or simply meet new people. The online platform makes it easy to engage in conversations, exchange contact information, and build lasting connections.
KCC Networking
KCC Networking offers vibrant and friendly speed-networking events and online meet ups, held in locations across Cheshire. The events are always well-attended, with people leaving feeling inspired, full of new connections and possibilities.
Visit Oddfellows and you will be stepping into a charming, whimsical Georgian Townhouse. Once an Oddfellows Hall, the society of misfits and dreamers and now – with an award-winning conversion – a beautiful boutique hotel. As well as individually designed bedrooms, Oddfellows is also home to a fabulous cocktail bar, restaurant and the loveliest secret garden within the city walls. A true retreat from the city, it is planted by florists and boasts fires and canopies, to offer protection from the elements.
The first floor at Oddfellows Chester is where the drawing rooms would have once sat that received the grandest of visitors and offered the ultimate in Georgian luxury. The whole of the first floor is private and reached by a fabulous grand staircase that provides the ultimate in dramatic entrances. High ceilings, sash windows and lovely large room dimensions highlight a space that includes a woodland themed bar, complete with dramatic boxing hare willow sculptures.
With a capacity of up to 70, the Grown Up Bar offers a superb setting for a private drinks
reception, an all-important product launch, a private party or more an informal gathering where lounging is the name of the game. There is also the modern addition of a roof terrace offering a private outdoor space that overlooks the Mary Poppins-esque chimney tops of Chester. This wonderful event space is perfect for weddings, celebrations, meetings and events. There are also private dining spaces, like its Alice in Wonderland-inspired tea room, for intimate dinners and celebrations.
Food is at the heart of every wonderful occasion. The Oddfellows team is unashamed foodies, with its chefs creating award-winning food that has led to brilliant national reviews. As with everything else, Oddfellows is flexible in its approach to dining. Fancy a black-tie cocktail party with elegant canapés? No problem! Or a rustic, country-style BBQ on the terrace? Our chefs will work to any brief.
For more information on what Oddfellows can offer your occasion or event, call, 01244 345454, or email
It’s always interesting to hear other people’s take on a question. Each issue we pose one question to some of our contributors, to see what their responses are. This issue, the questions is…
“We’re all busy, busy, so how do you approach planning your week?”
“Friday morning weekly meetings play a vital role in helping the Chamber team stay aligned. These sessions allow us to share updates, successes and best practices, whilst coordinating upcoming plans and preparing for the week ahead. With events, meetings, annual leave and more constantly on the agenda, these weekly meetings ensure we stay organised and continue providing seamless support to the business community.”
Matthew Hodgson, policy & communications manager at West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce
“At the beginning of the week I review personal and business goals and write down my top three priorities. Block time in my calendar for focussed work, meetings, and physical exercise. For me flexibility is important, so free time is also booked in. I review during the week and adjust if I need to.”
Peter McCarthy, director at The Knowledge Bank
“At Zebra, we work to deadlines for many of our clients. Projects have deadlines, but then there are also key dates throughout the project to meet too. I rely heavily on lists and prioritising actions against dates. However, invariably something ‘urgent’ will come in and priorities will change to accommodate the urgent action. Managing the workload can be challenging, but ultimately very satisfying. Then there is VOX magazine. We have a print deadline each issue, which we need to meet and the last couple of days before going to print is generally fairly manic!”
Hughes, editorial director at
VOX and owner of Zebra Marketing & Communications
“In the fast-paced world of fundraising, every day brings new challenges and opportunities. To stay productive, I start by creating a list of weekly objectives and prioritising them by importance. I review my scheduled meetings in advance and jot down some key points to discuss, but I really enjoy seeing where the conversation goes, especially when working with corporate supporters. It’s in those moments that we find exciting ways to bring their ideas to life. I make sure to stay on top of emails and follow up on any previous conversations, to keep things moving forward. I also block out dedicated time for event planning, which lets me focus on the details without distractions. Since events can throw curveballs, having that time helps me adapt quickly and come up with solutions.”
Sarah Povey, Corporate Partnership Lead, Nightingale House Hospice
“Planning ahead is key when you run your own business. You have to wear so many hats and juggle so many priorities from admin to meeting new artists, maintaining the upkeep of Oren and not to mention our own individual work practice as artists. We meet for coffee on a Monday morning and brainstorm ideas to keep the gallery fresh and allot tasks to one another, as we both take on different aspects of the gallery duties. We then coordinate this with our own workload and start putting in those dots on the iPhone calendar with reminders!”
Marcia and Gemma, co-owners of Oren Art Gallery
What business question would you like answered? Email your ideas to:
“I allocate space in my diary and work to two weeks not one. This makes it easier too and I don’t forget anything”
“I have always used the saying: ‘You can’t eat the whole Elephant!’ Actually you can, but in digestible chunks and bit by bit. I break my weekly tasks down on a Monday and prioritise them. I then feel much more able to manage my workload. Also, you can stretch time. Not everything has to be done this week. I allocate space in my diary and work to two weeks not one. This makes it easier too and I don’t forget anything. ”
Mike Scott, co-founder of Amplify
“Working in publishing, my week starts with a plan to balance all the moving parts. Armed with a (nice) pen and notebook, I jot down detailed to-do lists to keep everything on track. I review my deadlines for the upcoming editions, prioritise any pressing tasks, and map out time for liaising with contributors and advertisers. It’s a juggling act, but I love the variety and the sense of accomplishment that comes with ticking things off my list!”
Vicky Heathfield, creative director at VOX and owner of EssentialsMAG
In our Charity Spotlight section we highlight the amazing charities that are making a difference in our community.
Have you ever felt anxious about going somewhere new or unfamiliar? Do you have a loved one who lives with a disability or hidden disability or illness? Do you know somebody who is neurodiverse? Or simply want to learn a little more about a venue before going? There are over 16.1 million people in the UK living with a disability. Over 8 million people are living with an anxiety disorder at any given time.
Many people avoid new places because they no longer trust a venue to state they are ‘accessible’. What does ‘being accessible’ actually mean? What’s a help to one person, may be a hindrance to another. We believe no venue can be 100% accessible to all, despite efforts. With this in mind accurate information is our friend, so that we, the public can see for ourselves what facilities there are available and how accessible it is for our needs. The Equality Act (2010) states that reasonable adjustments need to be made wherever possible, to ensure a venue is accessible. But how would you know what reasonable adjustments you need, if you had never been there before?
Familiarisation Videos is a way of looking beyond the door without having to go through it. They’re accessibility guide videos that show the viewer around the venue in great detail, highlighting drop-off point, car park, toilets, seating, fire exits and as much sensory information as possible. Familiarisation Videos are created with a voiceover and subtitles, making them more accessible. For venues situated in Wales, a Welsh version is also produced. They are free to access by the members of the public on YouTube and
This page has been sponsored by Ray Webb Wills & Estate Planning LLP (
To sponsor our next Charity Spotlight - you can recommend the charity and make a donation (with a suggested minimum donation of £100), for details contact Clara Hughes:
What better way of promoting a business or organisation than with a Familiarisation Video. We believe in promoting the venue and what facilities it has in a positive light. We are not here to poke holes in whether a venue has a ramp, the viewer can see that for themselves without us drawing attention to it. Familiarisation Videos are allowing people the opportunity to inform themselves, to prepare for a visit, to reduce their anxiety and overcome any barriers they may face when going to new or unfamiliar places. We make the unfamiliar more familiar.
Familiarisation Videos can be used for hospital appointments, school transition, family gatherings, planning a wedding, a family day out, preparing for an interview and so much more.
Contact details 07494 703927
Our charity pages are an opportunity to highlight the good work local charities are undertaking, promote fundraising success and future events.
Corporate supporters dance the night away to raise nearly £40,000 for charity
Dancers cha cha cha’d the night away at a glittering event at Carden Park in October – raising an incredible £40,000 for charity. Amateur dancers from local companies stepped up to the challenge, when they took to the stage to raise vital funds for Nightingale House Hospice at the charity’s annual Strictly Nightingales event. Bringing together local employees and professional dancers, the Strictly Nightingales event, sponsored by R.F.Bellis, is a firm favourite on the Wrexham corporate events’ calendar.
Those who took part this year were:
• Kasia from DTCC
• Katie from R F Bellis
• Helen from DTM Legal
• Sam from Charles Owen
• Caroline Platt from Platts Agriculture
• Craig from JCB Transmissions
• Ben Hughes representing Amy & Friends
• Marco Abbiati from Treadstone Products Ltd
• Laura Seymour from Wirral Well-Being Magazine
There were also a series of group dances – including Nightingale House’s very own Rhinestones dance group, as well as performances by All Stars and Platts Agriculture.
Sarah Povey, Corporate Partnership Lead at Nightingale House Hospice, said: “We are thrilled to share that our Strictly Nightingales event at Carden Park raised just under £40,000! This incredible total is thanks to the amazing dedication of our dancers, their sponsorship efforts, and all the generous contributions on the night. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part and gave up their time to make the evening so spectacular.”
Hydro Wrexham is proud to announce its partnership with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) in Wales as the first ever Gold Award Associate supporter from North Wales. The £10,000 sponsorship will enable the DofE charity in Wales to further develop its work with more marginalised young people in North Wales and Wrexham, and will support the following:
• Participation places for marginalised young people to take part in the DofE programme
• Schools with additional expedition kit, enabling more young people to take part in the programme
• Training of more volunteer leaders to expand support for young participants
• Frontline operational costs in North Wales.
Barry Salisbury, Managing Director of Hydro Wrexham, commented: “At Hydro, we believe in the power of investing in our young people, building skills for the future and supporting initiatives that develop stronger, more resilient communities.”
TCC (Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru/Together Creating Communities), a community organising charity based in Wrexham, has been working with Cycling UK, Transport for All, The FDF Centre for Independent Living, Sustrans Cymru, Disabled Ramblers UK, Wheels for Wellbeing, and Chester Wheelers, on the removal of all barriers along the Wales Coastal Path managed by Flintshire Council. These barriers prevent legitimate users, including disabled people, mobility scooters, larger cycles and double prams, from accessing areas such as the Wales Coastal Path and National Cycle Routes.
The streets of Wrexham shone brightly with a sea of festive lanterns on 16 November, to raise money for Nightingale House Hospice. The Hospices’ ‘Lantern Parade: A Night of Light and Hope’ fundraiser was held as part of the city’s Christmas Lights switch-on celebrations, which started in Queens Square and finished at the Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre.
Lowri Sadler, Events Fundraiser at Nightingale House, said: “This special evening is a chance to come together with our community, carrying lanterns that symbolise the care and compassion the hospice brings to so many. We ask those taking part to raise as much sponsorship, so they can support the hospice as much as possible. This will go towards vital funds and help ensure that Nightingale House can continue providing exceptional care to those who need it most.
“We are thrilled to work with Wrexham Council and Eagles Meadow to form a key part of the city centre lights switch-on. We hope the parade will be an occasion for children to remember for years to come.”
Cllr Nigel Williams, Wrexham Council’s Lead Member for Business, Economy & Tourism, said: “We’re really pleased to be working with Nightingale House Hospice again for this year’s Christmas Light Switch-on and Lantern Parade. It’s an outstanding event that so many families – local and visiting – look forward to, and it’s great to support such an important cause, while lighting up our city for the festive season.”
A 12-strong team from the Coleg Cambria’s Bersham Road site in Wrexham kayaked around two lakes and hiked a 22-kilometre route across Gwynedd and Powys in aid of Dementia UK in October. The Cambria cohort began at the tip of Bala Lake, before paddling in teams of two for more than 6km. They then walked to Lake Vyrnwy, including a 700m woodland ascent over difficult terrain. After camping for the night, the pairs returned to their kayaks for another paddle, this time around the perimeter of the lake, in extremely cold and windy conditions, which took them up to three hours to complete.
Caroline Platt from Platts Group is gearing up for a challenge this January, as she swaps her business attire for some tough adventure gear. Caroline will embark on a 10-day motorbike trek across the demanding terrains of the Arabian Peninsula, riding from Dubai to Muscat in Oman!
Caroline is hoping to raise £15,000 for WeMindTheGap’s ‘We Grow’ programme, which is dedicated to transforming the lives of young people.
She said: “Having witnessed the profound impact this charity has, especially through an employer partnership with Platts Agriculture Ltd, I have seen firsthand how communityminded employer partners can make a real difference. You have the power to make impact on your own doorstep, becoming a vital part of a supportive community that helps young people succeed. From providing work placements and fabulous role models to offering sponsorship, the opportunities employer partners create can change lives.”
The P&A Group has raised a whopping £17,500 in support of North East Wales Mind, the company’s chosen charity for 2024 – far exceeding its target of £10,000. September proved to be a busy month for fundraising, with lots of initiatives taking place, including a hugely successful 150-foot Liverpool Cathedral abseiling event – when 12 employees faced their fears – as well as one employee taking part in Iron Man Wales. The Woodworks Garden Centre also held a hugely successful Charity Quiz Night. Not only was it a fun night for guests and employees, but it also raised a fantastic £2,500. Other activities this year have included the Chester 10K, the Manchester Marathon, as well as cake bakes, raffles and a 24-hour walk.
A wide range of employees from different divisions of the company based in Mold and Saltney, including P&A Pallets, Woodworks Garden Centre and Café and Zest Outdoor Living, have participated in the challenges and events, with some individuals topping £1,000 in funds raised so far for 2024.
North East Wales Mind helps people in Flintshire and Wrexham recover from mental health problems and stay emotionally healthy. In addition to telephone counselling and emotional support, the charity offers a range of online services and activities. Their phone lines are open 10am until 4pm each weekday.
DSN (Deaf & Sensory Network) is thrilled to announce the recognition of eight remarkable members of staff who together have devoted an incredible 130 years of service to the organisation.
These long service awards honour their dedication, hard work and passion in supporting individuals with sensory impairments and helping DSN achieve its mission of empowering the deaf community. The staff members recognised for their outstanding contributions are:
• Caroline Allkins – 30 years, British Sign Language Interpreter
• Pam Craige – 25 years, Projects Coordinator
• Neil McNally – 25 years, Supported Living Support Worker
• Michelle Simpson – 20 years, Executive Supported Living
• Clarence Dwyer – 10 years, Cleaner
• Stuart Jennion – 10 years, Supported Living Support Worker
• Laura Jones – 10 years, Supported Living Senior Officer
• Sallie Pane – 10 years, Team Manager Social Care
Gill Reeder, Chief Executive Officer of DSN, expressed her gratitude for the incredible contributions these individuals have made: “It is an absolute honour to recognise these dedicated colleagues, whose commitment and passion have shaped the DSN for so many years. Their combined service of 130 years speaks volumes about their unwavering support for our community, and we are deeply grateful for their invaluable contributions. The work they do each day makes a real difference to the lives of so many, and their dedication ensures we can continue to provide essential services for those in need. Congratulations to each and every one of you.”
Charity donations flood
Almost 200 walkers turned out to take part in a charity walk – braving downpours, to help raise thousands for good causes. The organisers of the Chester Business Club’s annual charity walk had considered calling off the event due to heavy rain. But after deciding to go ahead, 177 folk and several dogs turned up at Chester Racecourse.
They all helped to raise thousands of pounds for good causes based across the city. Jan Chillery, the chair of the Chester Business Club, said: “The annual charity walk has now become one of the highlights of the year. The weather was awful, but showers didn't rain on our parade. And to get such a large number of people to show up in such heavy rain was fantastic.”
The walk was started by Clare Hayward, the current High Sheriff of Chester. She said: “I am delighted to support the Chester Business Club’s walk. I love the ongoing commitment to local causes by the local business community. The Chester Business Club cares about the people, the businesses and the area. It combines community, charity, enables connections and raises cash for good causes.”
Humble & Whole Bakery Limited, a social enterprise based in Rossett, Wrexham, is proud to announce the launch of ‘Baking by Numbers: Enhancing Community Numeracy through the Art of Baking & Bread-making’. This unique initiative, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, aims to improve numeracy skills across Wrexham, through hands-on baking workshops. ‘Baking by Numbers’ will offer a series of interactive sessions tailored to diverse community groups. Participants will learn how to bake delicious bread, while incorporating essential numeracy skills such as measuring, calculating ratios and understanding time. The project also emphasises sustainable practices and offers optional training on pricing goods for sale.
A Chester man took on the ‘Les Sept Majeurs’ (Seven Major Peaks) cycling challenge in France in September, to help raise funds for a school friend’s young son, who has a rare genetic condition. Greg Jones, 48, who now works as a ski instructor in Meribel, France, and Alex Braun, 47, met at school in 1990 when they were both 14. Despite Greg moving to France in 2003, the two have stayed in touch and Greg is keen to help raise funds for nine-year-old Eddie. The challenge included seven mountains with a combined elevation of 12,000 metres and a distance of 360km.
Two Chester businesses have come together and helped to raise thousands of pounds to ensure the city’s Christmas lights will be switched on this year. Legal firm Aaron & Partners and chartered accountants Bennett Brooks are leading a group of local firms sponsoring Chester’s Christmas lights and tree.
Thanks in part to the festive kindness of teams from Aaron & Partners and Bennett Brooks, plus the financial assistance of other professional services firms such as Savills, Manleys Solicitors and Leonard Curtis, the traditional Christmas lights are set to light up the city centre once again this year.
Keen runner Ryan Merrill is taking on his maiden marathon run, to follow in the footsteps of his much-loved grandad. The Chester Marathon marks the final step in Wrexham electrician Ryan’s mission to complete the 2024 Chester Triple Medal. And this is all for one cause close to Ryan’s heart –Nightingale House Hospice.
Ryan’s epic challenge will be in memory of his late grandad Kenneth, who was cared for by the team at the Wrexham hospice. This year Ryan, 28, has already completed the Chester 10K and Chester Half Marathon – with October 6’s Marathon the final step in his Triple Medal mission.
Now in its third year, Farndon Soapbox Derby 2024 raised an impressive £48,500 for The Hospice of the Good Shepherd and 12 other local good causes.
Despite the relentless rain, over 30 karts took part in the Derby this year, with teams including Nigel Richards Driving School, 616 Flooring Squadron, Croft & Croft and Mr Fixit Rides Again. The intrepid drivers competed against each other in an ingenious array of homemade karts down a steep, obstaclefilled track through a closed-off Farndon village centre.
Key sponsors included Gittins & Co; Daulby Read; Rickitt Partnership; Aaron & Partners; Ellis & Co and Rawson Digital. Huge thanks and gratitude to all the sponsors, volunteers, teams and spectators that made the day such a success.
If you have charity news you would like to see included in the next issue, please send details to
Join us for our networking session with special guest speaker:
As the 14th issue of VOX comes out, we are continuing with our quarterly networking session. Join us for an evening of networking and interesting conversations.
DATE: Thursday 20 March 2025
TIME: 17:00 - 19:00
LOCATION: The Townhouse, Chester
PRICE: £18 (includes refreshments)
Book your space online at:
Over the years – since setting up Zebra Marketing and Communications in 2010 and particularly more recently since starting VOX – I have been lucky enough to find out a lot more about the incredible work our local charities do. There are so many charities and community groups across the area, raising vital funds and awareness for all sorts of causes – from small, local, grassroots organisations through to international charities – each of which play an integral role within our community.
There are different grants and other forms of funding available to charities, but in so many cases most of the funds that enable the charities to do their vital work comes from individual or corporate donations and fundraising.
One-off donations are always welcomed and appreciated, but charities gain greater assurance and stability from companies that choose to support them with ‘charity of the year’ donations. Many companies choose a particular charity to partner with for the coming 12 months. Charities are chosen for a number of reasons, from staff or employers having a particular connection with a charity, through to certain charities being inextricably linked to specific sectors. There are no right or wrong reasons for choosing one charity over another, but here are a few of the benefits that you as a business will see, when you select your charity for the year ahead.
Studies have shown that fundraising creates great teambuilding opportunities and increases employee wellbeing. Involving staff right from the start, when you select your charity of the year, will increase their engagement with the business, the charity and the fundraising initiatives throughout the year.
Raising your profile
By associating with a local charity, you are not only helping raise essential funds for the charity, but raising your profile within the local area in a positive way, and by doing so, hopefully expanding your potential customer base.
Marketing benefits
Charities are generally happy to help raise the profile of the businesses that support them, so you are likely to find yourself namechecked in press releases, your logo prominently displayed within online advertisement and on printed material.
Regardless of how much money you raise over the course of a year, never underestimate the difference your support will make, particularly to some of the smaller charities which rely so heavily on volunteers and donations. And also, don’t forget, support doesn’t always need to be financial.
Volunteering – whether it’s for an hour or every week – can also be hugely beneficial to the charity.
Making new connections
By attending events organised by your chosen charity, not only will you be further supporting the cause, but you will also have the opportunity to meet and engage with new potential business partners at these events.
Sarah Povey, corporate partnership lead at Wrexham-based Nightingale House Hospice, said: “I really enjoy meeting new contacts, finding ways we can work together to have a positive impact on both their business and Nightingale House. We are so grateful for the corporate support we receive from local business.
“I often find companies are surprised with what they take away from the experience. My aim is to make our corporate partners feel like part of the Nightingale House family and show them how they have made a difference.”
“Explore smaller organisations which make a great impact in your community. They are there doing great work, but don’t have the time or money to shout about it on social media”
Where to start
Dawn Roberts-McCabe, Chief Officer at Ty AVOW: ”First and foremost, I want to commend any business that is (or is considering) supporting local voluntary and community organisations, whether it be financially, through in kind services/donations or with volunteer hours.
“Even the smallest donation can positively support a community service provider, where a donation to a national charity will be just a drop in the ocean.
“I would encourage business owners to explore smaller organisations which make a great impact in your community. They are there doing great work, but don’t have the time or money to shout about it on social media. If you don’t know where to start, call your local County Voluntary Council in Wales or County Voluntary Service in England. We are more than happy to connect you with organisations that meet your business’ corporate ethos. Your colleagues and clients will also be a wealth of knowledge when it comes to groups making an impact locally.”
Grab a cuppa and clear your mind of work for a short while with our puzzles.
1 Uses again (8)
5 Large US feline (4)
9 Small drum (5)
10 Turf out (5)
11 Dishonest (10)
14 Destroy (6)
15 Not as bright (6)
17 A liking for sugary foods (5,5)
20 Mosquito (5)
21 Expels from a position (5)
22 Inflammation of an eyelid (4)
23 Greek dish (8)
1 Precious red gem (4)
2 Insincere moral talk (4)
3 Reticent and secretive (12)
4 Personify (6)
6 Specified work outfits (8)
7 Creative skill (8)
8 Detailed reports (12)
12 Includes in something else (8)
13 Amicable (8)
16 Lively Spanish dance (6)
18 One of the continents (4)
19 La ___ Bonita: Madonna hit (4)
If you would like to showcase your business by offering a competition prize for future issues, contact us to discuss options
Check your answers
Thank you to the following for their contribution:
Nicola Eaton Sawford, Stori Brymbo
Llinos Edwards, Access-air-bility
Marcia Crocombe, Oren Art Gallery
Gemma Atkins, Oren Art Gallery
Kathryn Walsh, Zebra Marketing and Communications
Liam Stokes-Massey, Pencil Craftsman
Paul Williams, Highstream Solutions
Ani Sutton, Discover Dynamix
Peter McCarthy, The Knowledge Bank
Joanne McCarthy, The Knowledge Bank
Mike Scott, Amplify
Carolyn Flowerdew, Property Finder
Maria Gibney, Xplore! Science
Matthew Hodgson, West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce
Sarah Povey, Nightingale House Hospice
Dawn Roberts-McCabe, AVOW
Active Childcare
Acton Safety
Bolesworth Castle
Business Network Chester
Delmar World
DTM Legal
Employment Law Solutions
Everbright Hotels
Geoff Robertshaw Ltd
Haines Watts
Highstream Solutions
Kinch Accountants
Mitchell Charlesworth
My Wrexham
Property Finder
Ray Webb Wills & Estate Planning LLP
Richard Carr Consulting
Smarter Business Services
Xplore! Science
Zebra Marketing & Communications
Step up for our Spring edition of VOX. Issue 14 – covering March, April and May 2025 – will add a splash of colour to your workday, after the long winter nights. With the lighter nights on the horizon once more, check out the upcoming business news. Fundraising also ratchets up a gear in the Spring, so have a look at what’s been happening and what is coming up on the charity front too.
• Spring into action – with Wrexham hosting some big events this summer, including Focus Wales in May and the National Eisteddfod of Wales in August, we take a closer look at large-scale events in general across Chester and Wrexham.
• A new leaf – check out our advice pieces, which might help you make some sensible business decisions this Spring.
• Fresh faces – check out the latest diary dates for networking, training, conferences and events this Spring, including our VOX networking in March and the EZ training in April.
We will also be including interviews, articles and advice from local businesspeople, along with lots more regional business news and charity updates.
Every issue, we publish many articles by expert guest writers. Publishing external voices is a key part of our interaction with our readers. If you have any press releases or ideas for future issues we’d love to hear from you.
Tell us about your upcoming business events, meeting and exhibitions to feature in our extensive Business What’s On Guide
Charity Updates & Business News
Share your charity updates and business news - VOX is your platform to share news and achievements with the local business community.
Send all submissions for consideration to: to Clara Hughes at
Editorial copy deadline 31 January 2025
All advertising enquiries please contact Vicky Heathfield: on 01978 855459 or email
Advertising copy deadline 15 February 2025
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