Oct-Nov 2013 Essential Wellness Magazine

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october-november 2013

essential wellness digital magazine


Twin Cities Wellness

The Healing Power of Afterlife Communications

aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 Publishers Dee & Lynn LaFroth ADVERTISING Dee LaFroth sales@esswellness.com 715.259.3047 EDITOR Lynn LaFroth info@esswellness.com ART DIRECTION Soleil Graphics WRITING SUBMISSIONS Click here for 2013 Writers Guidelines RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL Send us your email to receive twice-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness info@esswellness.com 6 www.esswellness.com

By Janice Carlson


Dreaming Heaven By Gini Gentry



ORBS: The Untold Story

Journey to Finding Happiness

By Elise Lowers & Julene Anderson

By Peter Goering

oct-nov 2013


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oct-nov 2013


The Healing Power of Afterlife Communications


magine getting another chance to say good-bye to a loved one who died unexpectedly. Or getting the opportunity to tell an aged or ailing pet why euthanizing him or her was the most merciful choice you could make. Consider how much better you might feel, if you could still resolve unfinished business with a long-passed parent or sibling. These are the kinds of communications I conduct every week for my clients. But you certainly don’t need a professional medium to help you begin healing grief and concluding unresolved issues with your deceased loved ones. The truth is your friends and family mem-

bers are probably already trying to communicate with you. You just need to learn to recognize when it’s happening and what messages they’re trying to convey. I often begin by teaching my clients some ways to encourage visitation by their deceased loved ones. The dead are attracted to the elements of life: fire, water, soil and air. These physical elements help the disembodied re-manifest themselves on our earthly plane. So, light a candle in memory of your passed relative or friend. Meditate on a bowl of water. Spend a little time weeding and turning the soil in your garden or planter. Or go for a car ride with your windows rolled down, let-


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ting the passing air rush over you. These usually solitary activities are the ones most likely to attract the spirits of your dead loved ones and pets to you. And, once you’ve invited their visitation, even if you don’t immediately sense the presence of such a welcome soul, ask a yesno question of the individual you seek. Then, wait for a sign of a positive reply: The most common of these are: • Mysterious interference with electrical or candlelight. • Unexplained tapping sounds • Inexplicable shadows cast on walls, floors or ceilings • Phantom smells, such as the perfume, aftershave or cigarette smoke that you associate with your passed loved one

By Janice Carlson

• A ringing doorbell or telephone with no apparent individual calling • Unusual interference with your computer, car radio or electrical system or an appliance or electronic app • The mysterious appearance of small objects, such as coins, feathers, buttons or leaves in a place where they would not naturally be found. But these are only the beginnings of our abilities to communicate with those we’ve loved and thought we had lost to death. The next step is to stop dismissing the signs of their visitations as being mere coincidences or imaginings. Those of us who communicate with the dead pro-

fessionally know that such signs are very real. And the truest healing of grief rests in this proof that the spirits of our passed loved ones are still alive and often no more than a whisper away from us. Janice Carlson offers a money-back guarantee of contact with her medium sessions. Her just-released book, SOUL SENSING: How to Communicate With Your Dead Loved Ones is available on her website: www.Janicecarlson.com

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Dreaming Heaven


OU AND I live out our lives in a personalized version of reality on the stage of an immense Magical Theatre we call life. All things are possible in the magic but most of us have lost touch with our choices on our journey and invested our faith in stories that describe our limited perception rather than our infinite potential. We have told these stories of limitation so often we have come to accept them as fact when in truth they are little more than our own urban legends. Yet, in the Magical Theatre—we are the producer, director, playwright and even the one who controls the floodlights

of our awareness. If you could peer behind the backstage curtains, you would discover a secret beyond your wildest imagination; each of us is in charge of “dreaming” our humanity...for our soul’s expansion. Perhaps you could sit with these thoughts and allow them to settle into the very fiber of your being. Place your awareness in your heart for it has not forgotten who YOU are really. Your mind may want to revolt but if you feel a compelling desire starting to form, take a chance? As you question your own perception, are you willing to seize the opportunity to discover more about the enchanted astonishing being YOU are...really.


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PREPARE FOR THE MAGIC If you are ready to come explore the magic, prepare for an Eticket ride my friend for you are going to discover you are more powerful, profound and capable than you could have ever fathomed. You can courageously seize this moment, entrust yourself to a journey back to your authentic self and discover the vastness of your being for yourself. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You alone are final authority on your human life—the only one who can awaken to the truth of who you are. It’s your life, your virtual reality, your story; dream it any way you desire. The doors of creation are flying open

By Gini Gentry

and the choice is yours! You can dream a reality of limitation and suffering or a dream of heaven on earth…You decide!!!

Gini Gentry is a co-author of the Dreaming Heaven journey book www.dreamingheaven.net and is featured in the “Dreaming Heaven” film (package sold together). Gini became the female spiritual leader and guardian of the Toltec wis-

dom traditions in the ‘90s. While her teachings are anchored in a mastery of ancient Toltec wisdom, her great strength has been her ability to synthesize the universal truths of all sacred traditions, and to approach and interpret these truths from the female perspective of the Great Mystery. She was the midwife of the New York Times best-selling book, The Four Agreements, her own best-selling book, Dreaming Down Heaven. From her Garden of the Goddess spiritual retreat center near Santa Fe, New Mexico she leads spiritual journeys to sacred sites around the world and conducts a lively schedule of workshops, lectures, media appearances and transformational journeys around the world. www.ginigentry.com

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oct-nov 2013


Orbs: The Untold Story


e are newly released authors of the book Orbs: The Untold Story, published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House. As a mother and daughter team, we work well together. We are also learning Reiki together. The book came about as a result of losing my husband/ Elise’s papa. She knew about the orbs theory and so we started to take pictures upon pictures. We noticed an orb of blue color and the same size appearing in our pictures quite often. So we decided to take it a little further. We started to call for Tom/Papa and this orb would show up. We even could ask him to move this way and that in our pictures. There were many orbs that

started to appear in our pictures and we believe them to be other spirits who have passed over to the other side. Since we were both grieving, it reinforced what we had been taught for years in church, that there is indeed life after death. It gave us a real sense of peace and instead of just being sad; it made us very happy to see that he was indeed around us most of the time. We wanted to share this with others and so the book came into being. We took thousands of pictures and put the ones in we felt told the story we wanted to share. It is not our intention to change anyone’s belief, just to present this idea to the world and perhaps help others while they are grieving to bring them a reminder that life does indeed continue after this world. We hope you enjoy our book.

www.orbstheuntoldstory.com 20 www.esswellness.com

To order the book: It is available on Amazon or on our website www.orbstheuntoldstory.com. Or visit the publisher’s website: http://bookstore.balboapress.com/ Pr o d u c t s / S K U - 0 0 0 6 5 7 1 5 4 / Orbs-The-Untold-Stor y.aspx

Meet the authors Meet the authors Elise Lowers and Julene Anderson at New Age of Wellness Expo, Best Western Hotel in Clear Lake , Iowa on

By Elise Lowers & Julene Anderson

Oct. 19 between 10 - 6. www. healinghandsandmore.com. The Minneapolis Edge Life Expo, Booth 89 at the Earle Brown

Center, Brooklyn Center, MN. Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 -6, Sunday, Nov. 3, 10 - 5. http://edgelife. net/minneapolis-holistic-expo/

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oct-nov 2013


Journey to Finding Happiness


S AN engineering undergraduate at Princeton in the 1970s I had a strong desire to help solve the energy/environmental problems plaguing the world. After leaving school, I spent time doing environmental consulting in Washington, DC, then spent a year of graduate study at an energy institute in Grenoble, France. While the work was interesting, it didn’t feed me, and I took a year off to travel the world. Wherever I went I was struck that the world seemed

to be pursuing the same destructive path of industrial modernism. When I returned to the United States, I enrolled in an innovative graduate program at UC Berkeley, where I met Helena Norberg-Hodge, a guest lecturer. I was deeply inspired by her work with the traditional Buddhist society of Ladakh. Helena developed a project that sought to help the Ladakhi people make better decisions about adopting ideas and technologies from the West. I began a five-year collaboration with the project, and during four visits to Ladakh I was im-


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pressed by the ecological balance and social harmony of the traditional society, and the joy of the people. It was clear that Buddhist values of simplicity and cooperation permeated daily life, creating a culture that is naturally sustainable.

SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY: ANANDA VILLAGE IN CALIFORNIA Returning from Ladakh, I was more than ever struck by the craziness of America’s materialistic society. I sought refuge in a visit to Ananda Village, a spiritual community near Nevada City, California, the

By Peter Goering

subject of an inspiring new film, “Finding Happiness,” starring Elisabeth Rohm (Law & Order, Big Shots, Heroes) www.findinghappinessmovie.com Ananda was founded in 1968 by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. About 230 residents, newborns to octogenarians, live cooperatively on 800 acres of forest and farm land. As Ananda’s manager for the last 12 years, I’m responsible for ensuring that the community works on a practical level, but I’ve become acutely aware that the community’s spiritual focus is what enables it, like Ladakh, to create a simple, sustainable

culture that works on a human level. The Ladakhis I met led a simple material existence, yet they exhibited a happiness and joie de vivre that I have seldom witnessed in industrial society. At Ananda simplicity is similarly equated with having enough material things to fulfill our life’s dharma, without being owned by our possessions. The search for new ways of living that honor the earth will undoubtedly require new techniques for meeting material needs. However, dedication to ecologically sound practices may, by itself, prove insufficient to

create humanly fulfilling communities Modern industrial society promotes the idea that happiness comes by possessing and controlling material things. However, endless pursuit of material gain, even with the best technologies, strains the earth’s natural systems and doesn’t create happiness. Kindness, compassion, identification with all life, and inner peace bring us joy, and lead naturally to simpler ways of living on our fragile planet. In this way, I strongly believe that spiritual communities can assist the process of finding solutions for sustainability.

oct-nov 2013


Live Well.

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