Vol III Winter 2023-24 Essential Wellness magazine

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Vol III, 2023

essential wellness digital magazine


Twin Cities Wellness

Language Speaks From a Passageway to a Pathway By Christina Donnell, PhD

aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830


PUBLISHERS Dee & Lynn LaFroth ADVERTISING Dee LaFroth sales@esswellness.com 715.259.3047 EDITOR Lynn LaFroth lynnlafroth@icloud.com ART DIRECTION Soleil Graphics

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Divine Intuition By Emi’lea


Brotherhood By Betsy Whitfill

Friends, This will be the final edition of digital “Essential Wellness” magazine. Our twice-monthly online newsletter “Essential Events & Services” will continue. Dee and I have been publishing since the fall of 1995 so we are rounding out 28 years of newspaper and magazine production. The evolution from hard copy newspaper printing and distribution to stores, stands, and hundreds more locations—to digital publishing has been “a ride.” We’ve stayed current with the times, adapting to the changing culture and publishing industry as a whole. Print publications started to fail from about 2010 and then COVID hit and that was the end for many magazines and newspapers. We went completely digital in 2011. Advertising revenues drive publishing so that is the reason so many failed. A company needs to reinvent itself to the new media age. Dee and I want to thank our supporters, many who’ve been there since the get-go, others newly arrived. We truly appreciate your support. More thanks go out to our writers who send in excellent, often cutting-edge material to publish. The reason we end the online magazine is that we are getting older and although we can manage our twice monthly newsletter, “Essential Events & Services,” the added quarterly magazine “Essential Wellness” needs to end. We have fulfilled what we set out to do some decades ago by offering new information and education about wellness and spirituality to this community. Soleil Graphics, Sunshine Sevigny, has contributed beautiful design layouts in each issue and we are deeply grateful for her many years of selfless work. Again, thank you for reading “Essential Wellness.” Continue to look for our newsletter every other week! Digital Editor Lynn LaFroth Sales Director Dee LaFroth

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Vol III, 2023


Language Speaks

From a Passageway to a Pathway By Christina Donnell, PhD


Life is a pilgrimage through unforeseen places that enlarge and enrich the soul. On the journey time often unveils its eternal unfolding. Suddenly, the direction of life switches and a new path opens for us ahead. From a passageway to a pathway: it is an easy fall, with shocks and surprises, full of obstacles to begin with but easier and easier for anyone to follow. As soon as the first travelers clear the way, before we know it, yesterday’s impossibilities will be tomorrow’s laziness. My own passageway to a pathway indeed involved giant shocks and surprises. It was occasioned by language, leading to a radical new relationship to the spoken and written word with complete shifts in the quality and structure of my awareness. Over the last decade, in the presence of the spoken and written word some interior trap door has insistently sprung open inside me. A word goes deeper into my being and does not stop where it used to. The habit of

my mind to sweep along drawing conclusions is thwarted and my attention instead, carried inward. Sensation and visual acuity heighten. Here, I am amazed to notice a shadow pattern of the forces emanating from the words, their 4 www.esswellness.com

roots inside me, absorbing sensation for their sustenance. I feel space losing its structural coherence, the field of consciousness expands far beyond its normal limits resulting in a connection to the oneness that underlies all of life. Past and future are no longer experienced as absent and separate from the present but as an integral part of it. Language is embodied, as thinking gives way to direct perception. Experienced in this way, words became virtual cups of light, patterns of information, that open the dimensional capabilities of awareness to experience other states, other things, and other places. I console myself with the knowledge that it is not impossible to see everything differently, and yet to live. Clearly, a passageway to a pathway is a descent, not unlike going down a set of nature-made stairs of stones, while blind. Yet almost always there are souls holding the lantern ahead. I remember Rainer Rilke, the great German poet, writing about language going deeper into him and that his sensory awareness was undergoing a transformation. The Hindu sage, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a lantern holder too. He once said in an audio, CONTINUED PAGE 6...

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4... “What is to be unfolded to knowledge and experience through the word is that which lies beyond the obvious. That which lies beyond the obvious must be experienced to be known. Experience ends in opening the awareness to the unboundedness. Unless that unboundedness is experienced language has lost its true value. Something will be gained, but not the totality which is contained in every word. At the deeper levels there will be more connectedness, more connectedness until it reaches the ultimate connectedness. Inert, now it is lively.” (*Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, “Vedic Grammar,” audio talk from a private collection, 1972.) Maharishi’s words and my own repeated experiences occasioned by language, make me ponder our habit of seeing language as a mere representation of our world. Have we failed language? This is to say, have we not been able to receive what language is able to give, and therefore it withholds the key to its unbounded power. What does it mean to undergo an experience with language? To undergo an experience – be it a thing, a person, or a god – means that this something befalls us, strikes us, comes over us, overwhelms and transforms us. An experience we undergo will touch the deepest places of our being. There is a time for certain ideas to arrive, and they find a way to express themselves through us. Time has unveiled the eternal unfolding 6 www.esswellness.com

of the word. Language speaks. It has more to offer than we imagine. What may begin as a passageway through an experience with the word can open interior trap doors and become a pathway. It can fashion a lamp to guide us through the tumults of our era. My experiences with language point to an expansive web of relations into which language has woven us. The discovery of them can touch the innermost nexus of our existence and lead to an understanding that all is one. Those who access this secret place where primordial power nurtures all of existence inevitably add more spirit to the perceived world and aid in awakening humanity to its connection to the whole. May we humans come to comprehend the deeper function of language: its unbounded power and role in our evolving consciousness and collective earthly survival. What may begin as a passageway, can become a pathway. Christina Donnell, PhD Author of the award-winning book, Encounters with Living Language: Surrendering to the Power of Words, and multiple award-winning book, Transcendent Dreaming: Stepping Into Our Human Potential. www.Christinadonnell.com

To learn more: www.Christinadonnell.com

Vol III, 2023


Divine Intuition By Emi’lea


What if you could tap into an information network and have the answer to every life choice from this point on? Every time you

felt stuck, you would simply close your eyes and have a “perfect understanding” of which life path to take? You would know every outcome from every possibility and be able to lean on higherdimensional knowledge at a moment’s notice. Essentially, you would be given the keys to your personal Garden of Eden regarding life’s choices. That’s Divine Intuition. As a longtime medium and birth-code intuitive, I have leaned on spirits’ depiction of Divine Intuition and its importance in our daily lives. Spirit tells me that Divine Intuition differs from a gut reaction or human instinct in that an unbreakable bond to God Source Creator and our Higher Self inspires our choices. This energetic thread carries quantum packets of inner guidance from our highest perspective while guiding us from a place of love that spans all time and space. This intuitive lifeline cultivates our soul’s divine purpose, while

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acting as a road map to life’s most pivotal moments. Furthermore, when we develop this connection, our intuition strengthens becoming its own form of energetic language. Mediums and psychics are often encouraged

to lean on this intuition as it strengthens the connection between Spirit and Self. When we declare a desire to increase our Divine Intuition, Spirit usually starts by challenging us to take the “hit.” The “hit” is a slight, energetic nudge to choose something relatively safe but maybe out of the norm of our usual choosing. It can feel like a quick pulse of loving energy to the gut or heart center and can nudge us when we least expect it. It also operates because intuition circumvents fear; our mind loves to step in and talk us out of anything uncomfortable. However, when we act quickly on these small nudges, Spirit can move us through life’s choices miraculously. For instance, have you ever felt the need to turn left instead of taking the same route home? Have you had a feeling of “running late” that put you on the road after an accident occurred? Did you pay for a stranger’s meal or randomly say “hello” to someone? Spirit lives for these tiny “hits” as it shows trust in God and a desire

to partner with our spiritual team. It also signals to The Universe that we are willing to grow outside of what makes us comfortable and tells Spirit we are open to a reality beyond the one we planned for ourselves. Soon, “hits” turn into entire conversations through the heart center, and naturally, we start to feel the difference between each energetic nudge. Before you know it, you are dancing the waltz of miraculous synchronicities between God Source, Self, and your divine life purpose. This small act of intuitive listening jumpstarts quantum change and becomes the catalyst for your eternal connection to Divine Intuition.

LIVE FROM INNER TRUST When we live from this place of inner trust, The Universe can start to intervene on our behalf. The Universe sees us as “infinite abundance” and consciously works towards aligning us with this universal truth. When we surrender some of life’s choices to Divine Intuition, we see our reality shift exponentially. Now, our opportunities align more with what makes us happy simply because we gave Spirit and our Highest Self permission to move in our lives. While free will is one of humanity’s greatest gifts, it can also hinder our need to trust in Spirit. We live in a culture that celebrates individuality, but Spirit sees the greatest contributions from our ability to live authentically while partnering with others. Divine Intuition operates as a super

network of information gathered from every experience and reality. It also carries the highest vibrational frequency of love and gratitude, raising our vibrational footprint across every reality. Now, our decisions are being made from a higher perspective, and our reality can’t help but shift to mirror our excitement for our purpose and life’s possibilities. Universal law states that like attracts like, and Divine Intuition assists the quantum change of our intuitive gifts and divine life purpose. The only fundamental block to Divine Intuition is fear. Fear lives in our minds and protects us from anything that hurts our heart or feels uncomfortable. The mind is there to remind us of past struggles and operates under the guise that we aren’t safe should we jump into waters that have caused heartache. However, Spirit doesn’t see life from this perspective yet honors free will as part of the human experience. Ultimately, Spirit would prefer if we operated from hope over fear as Divine Intuition is the language of love and possibilities. Spirit also understands that we may need a little nudge as shadow work and inner healing can clear the way for a better connection. Our physical and energetic body holds every experience across every lifetime, so it’s not uncommon to feel stuck or trapped in a loop of fear and lack. Often, this is because trauma has occurred in this lifetime, and the soul is torn between safety and matters of the heart. Generational and karmic contracts can also be CONTINUED PAGE 10...

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9... part of a soul’s struggle to connect with Divine Intuition in which light-body healing, Reiki, and energetic realignment can help. These healing modalities soften the experience, so individuals can harness lost energy while clearing lethargic cycles of stemmed heartache. Nevertheless, fear is not the enemy. Fear keeps us safe in situations of life or death and ramps up fight-or-flight states. However, fear can be our mind’s most persuasive tool and make it difficult to communicate between real danger and instances of past trauma. I’ve had clients describe their fear as a warm blanket that clouds their decision tree when they are weighing options between the head and the heart. Walt Disney Animation Studios has a short film, “Inner Workings,” that perfectly depicts the struggle between the brain and heart. The film features Paul who goes about his day while giving the viewer a peek at the internal battle between Brain and Heart. Brain operates from a conservative perspective, warning Paul to skip sugary pancakes and to avoid the pretty sunglass vendor named Kate, who might laugh and should try on bright sunglasses. On the other hand, Paul’s heart yearns to swim in the ocean and finds the sunglasses fun. In the end, Brain gives over control to Heart, and realizes that Paul might leave this life alone and safe but devoid of true happiness and adventure. Divine Intuition considers both perspectives and always operates from a place of the heart before the head. 10 www.esswellness.com

Trusting your yourself and following your inner guidance supports the download of priceless knowledge. In your heart, you know the answers, and Spirit always remains hopeful we will leap to live a more abundant life. Everything you’ve ever needed is held within and can be harnessed through this network of understanding. Now, our decisions align with our Highest Self, and our decision tree begins to open with infinite possibility. When we can make peace with the mind through energetic clearing and higher dimensional thinking, Divine Intuition waits on the other side of our mind’s tallest walls. It only takes a small “hit” and a desire to change to start the quantum leap to a new and brighter YOU. Emi’lea Emi’lea, MA, ALFMT is a renowned medium, energy therapist and source-code intuitive. Founder of The Ascension Institute, Emi’lea helps clients tap into their birthright codes, unlocking their own unique spiritual gifts and divine life purpose. The goal is a transformative journey to bridge soul with the intuitive guidance of our highest-self. www.theascensioninstitute.com

To learn more: theascensioninstitute.com

Brotherhood By Betsy Whitfill


Chaos is jealous and raging. It overwhelms wherever the least vacillation is found. Chaos loses no opportunity of breaking through a weak barrier. Actually, darkness and chaos cannot endure anything constructive. They watch over pathways and seek whoever is capable of helping them. This quote from the book “Brotherhood,” pgs. 137138, published in 1937 by The Agni Yoga Society, is especially relevant to conditions in the world today. Whether we attribute world chaos to the injustice of past attitudes and actions, to the rich and powerful fearful of losing their grip on the world’s resources, or to the new energetic paradigm of Aquarius, all seems to have become ungrounded. Our culture has been dead for some time, but now the institutions built upon that dead culture are being fractured by the forces of chaos working through groups of individuals, creating fear, confusion and disorder. The voice of the people who no longer support those institutions has become the most potent force in the world. It can topple regimes and destroy all vestige of the past. Humanity has awakened to its immense power.

However, there is another quote from another esoteric source, “Messages from Maitreya, the

Christ ,” first published in London by Tara Press in 1980. In message #64, Maitreya describes His teaching, and the compelling reason for seriously considering it now. My Teaching, simple though it is, will show you the necessity for sharing, for the creation of a pool of resources from which all men may take, the substitution for greed of co-operation and the manifestation of the inner divinity of men. This manifestation, My friends, must proceed, for without it the future for man would be black indeed. Here we have the challenge of understanding the opportunity and the dangers embedded within this time in history. Humanity’s demand for change is based on its hope for freedom, with liberty and justice for all. But that demand can be dominated by the forces of Chaos, stimulated to license by the gods of profit using the age long mode of competitive materialism to which we have been slaves for millennia. How much chaos is necessary to destroy the obstacles to that longed for freedom without enslaving humanity itself? The tool, the method of chaos can itself become the monster. Bringing order out of chaos has historically been the siren song of despots, and their price has always been our freedom.

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Men and women must come to realize one essential fact: Humanity is subjectively One and Brotherhood is the manifestation of that oneness. Trust in that Brotherhood must not be destroyed by the wild passions let loose by the forces of chaos, for it is the only key to our survival on Earth. Sharing Earth’s resources through co-operative acts is the only way to reclaim that trust, for it brings all men and women into right relationship. That alone will serve to save the world and ensure a bright future for humanity. Evolution, not revolution, is the way. Our realization of the Oneness of all humanity and the sacred bond of Brotherhood is essential if we are to avoid that black future that Maitreya warns us about. As long as individuals and governments realize that to destroy the enemy of today with nuclear weapons is to destroy themselves in the process; as long as there are 12 www.esswellness.com

parents who teach their children that human life is sacred and must never be taken; as long as enough of us realize that man is an evolving god in incarnation and not the sinner of old to be beaten into submission, the future can become the glorious expression of that innate divinity. Many look to the World Teacher for this Age of Aquarius to fix our serious crises, as if whiffle dust could magically make a Nirvana on Earth. The truth is that because human free will is sacrosanct, He may not and will not infringe on that God-given right. What, then can Maitreya do? Where Karma allows, He can move earthquakes to the safest areas, heal or ameliorate illness and disability, inspire union among warring people and nations, warn of impending crises, save individuals from death in accidents, appear in multiple places at once to comfort and encourage individuals, all these and more.

He extends his Hand to each of us. Put your hand over His and ask for what you need. To the extent that Karma allows, Maitreya will make it so. This extraordinary, most personal connection is Maitreya’s gift. He is the embodiment of God’s Love, the most powerful energy on Earth. Love truly does conquer all. He comes to Teach. He hears all pleas. He changes lives in an instant. He is here now, working tirelessly to aid humanity. Maitreya daily sends Love throughout the planet. That Love energy creates the Sword of Cleavage that has polarized humanity. The change that we seek must first live within each of our hearts and minds. We, all of us and each of us, must choose whether to cling to the past in which competition and greed ruled our lives, or to work actively to implement the Principle of Sharing—the only method which will save the Earth and humanity. Sharing Earth’s resources will enable all people to live safe, healthy, educated and fulfilled lives. This is not Socialism or Communism. It is not an ideology. It has not yet ever governed life on Earth, but it will come to be the way of life for all of us. Maitreya is here now to teach us how to make it so. Share International has forecast the time when Maitreya will appear before the world, and will speak to all, each in his/her own language. We still await that day, but first there must be some level of peace, calm readiness to build anew, and most of all, our invitation. Ask yourself how close to this state of calm readiness we are.

that will manifest as beneficent Unity (not uniformity – for our diversity is part of God’s plan for this planet) throughout the world. In other words, humanity must come together. Maitreya and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters are working among us now, lending their experience and knowledge freely to those who are open. All who join in this joyful work of restoration will receive Maitreya’s help, His energy, His courage. Recently, as published in Share International magazine, “Maitreya,” as usual in disguise, visited the Share International center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He repeatedly told the group to have faith, be patient and that all will be well. “Whatever you see on television don’t worry about it. All will be well.” He suggested that the information about His reappearance should be made more accessible. Therefore, if you want to help, pass this information along. Tell others of what you have read here and provide them a great opportunity to join in this immensely important movement for Unity and Brotherhood. Betsy Whitfill Betsy Whitfill is a volunteer for Share International USA and can be reached at info@share-international.us. https://www.share-international.us/

To learn more: share-international.us/

This Age of Aquarius will develop in humanity the quality of synthesis, a Divine attribute Vol III, 2023


Live Well.

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