Aug sept 2013 essential wellness

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Meta Institute

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763-533-6527 aug-sept 2013



august-september 2013

essential wellness digital magazine


The secret of healing from within the medicine wheel BY Debbie Engelmann

Twin Cities Wellness


aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830

A Personal Evolution to Healing & Anointing

Publishers Dee & Lynn LaFroth ADVERTISING Dee LaFroth 715.259.3047 EDITOR Lynn LaFroth ART DIRECTION Soleil Graphics WRITING SUBMISSIONS Click here for 2013 Writers Guidelines RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL Send us your email to receive twice-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness 4

BY Jennifer Galvin-Anderson, MA



Caregivers: Love, Shame & the Subconscious Mind

Duluth’s Energy For Life Connection features an array of wellness services, herbal remedies

BY Marlise Karlin


Break Through & Break Free —Awaken Your Soul Code BY Nina Salveson

BY Stacey Quade


David Young creates new healing music Musical Affirmations BY Edie Weinstein

aug-sept 2013



aug-sept 2013


BY Debbie Engelmann

The secret of healing from within the medicine wheel


O S T PEOPLE are not familiar with the circular sacred medicine wheel. But none the less, circles occurring in nature seem to draw our attention quickly. We are curious and excited to see growth rings in the heart-wood of trees when they have fallen or been cut, because we have learned that counting the number of rings can tell its age. Colonies of some lichen grow in beautiful circular patterns. It seems that circular patterning in nature is everywhere. Those circles are examples of the classic circle of

life—from birth to death. The symbolism of the circle differs from person to person. It may show us a path to follow; a direction to choose. Consider Stonehenge, in England, which relates to the perceived annual movements of the sun, or pre-Christian labyrinths and the Roman mosaics on temple floors—all based on circles. In our Western world, the sacred link represented by a wedding band is a universal symbol of devotion. The sacred circle has long been a basic form in Native American artwork, dwellings, clothing, and dances as well as in healing practices and rituals. The year’s passage of time comes full circle and continues.

CIRCLES: A METAPHOR FOR THE CONNECTIONS OF ALL LIFE Wherever we look, circles embrace and teach us about the interconnections of all life. Embedded within the history of the circle, is the theory about healing the “self ” from within the medicine wheel. In our Western World, we think of healing from a very different perspective that is actually self-destructive even from its conception. Most modern day members of the Western society believe that to heal in any way, we must choose from different experts, ultimately choose one, and have them help us with our Continued Page 10...


aug-sept 2013



personal issues. If we suffer from a physical ailment, a medical doctor may be sought out and we expect them to relieve us of our pain and heal us. If our belief in a higher power is being tested through the death of a loved one, we may seek the counsel of a spiritual person such as a priest or minister. If we encounter an issue within our friendship circles or family unit, we may ask family members to intervene and help us solve the issues causing us emotional pain. If we are burned-out mentally and feel we are seriously challenged in our mind or relationships, we may approach a marriage counselor or psychiatrist to help us with our emotion dilemma and pain. With the above, what we have done is delegate our healing and care to someone other than ourselves. When someone else is in total control, we do not heal. The experts are only responsible

for giving us tools to help us heal. We blame them for our failure to heal when we do not fully engage in our own healing and recovery.

YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR OWN HEALING Here within lies the beauty of the medicine wheel. The outer circle of the medicine wheel holds two crossbars. One crossbar runs north and south, the other crossbar runs east and west. When healing within the medicine wheel, the “person” does not exist only on the outer circle; the “person” exists in the middle of the circle—within the center of the circle and crossbars themselves—the center of it all. The person, at all times, is in complete control of their personal healing and balance. They may choose to walk the crossbar toward a medical doctor for help, but it is the


person who remains in charge of healing their physical self. If a physician did not help them the way they envisioned, the person must seek someone else who may better help them address their issue. If a person has lost an immediate family member, it is the person’s responsibility to find comfort from someone in their spiritual belief system to support their healing. Family members may also be called upon during this time to help with the emotional issues that surround the death of a loved one. But the person remains responsible for continually seeking assistance from their spiritual self, their concept of a higher being, or within other spiritual beings as they heal the pain of grief. It is all about balancing and healing the entire self. We cannot blame the physicians, the clergy, the psychiatrists, or our family for failing us. The ability to heal and live in bal-

ance resides within each of us. We can call on others to help, but we must commit to do the work. We control our healing and are fully responsibility for all we do, what we feel, and who we choose to help heal us. Working with the Medicine Wheel is a deceptively simple system that requires contemplation and study. More information about this system can be found at Debbie Engelmann, BS, NHD, is the founder and owner of Created by Nature Wellness Center, LLC located in Burnsville, MN. She has a doctoral degree in natural health, is a traditional naturopathy practitioner, and a practicing herbalist and healer. For more information please visit 952.237.8145

aug-sept 2013



aug-sept 2013


BY Jennifer Galvin-Anderson, MA

A personal evolution to


S THE saying often goes, “I didn’t find energy healing, energy healing found me.” I barely recall a time in my life when energy healing wasn’t part of it. I was introduced to the concept of holistic healing as a result of a near-death experience in 1995 at the age of 14 that catapulted me into a world I never would have imagined having the privilege of knowing. Thanks to the blessing of having the right parents, I was taken to many different holistic health practitioners, particularly healers, who often would tell me I had very healing energy and hands as a result of the near-death and that I chose to come back to do this work. I was too young at

the time to fully understand that concept and calling, but would continue to be led on my path in the years to come. Not always the straight and narrow easy path, but definitely the path!

CALLED TO BE A HEALER I eventually found my way to St. Kate’s Masters in Holistic Health program that would open the door to my healing ministry and provide for me a sense of reassurance that I finally found my place in the world. I believe many of us are called to be healers, each in our own way and with our own gifts. The path to healing, particularly healing as a vocation, is both a personal and professional evolution. Since first starting with the St. Kate’s pro-


gram, my practice has continued to expand. And as I’ve learned, the expanding doesn’t seem to ever end—in a good way! My latest calling from Divine came a little over a year ago with frequent dreams, messages and other synchronicities telling me to “anoint the sick with oil.” I had already established my energy healing practice and was familiar with essential oils, as they were used on me during my own health adversities as a teenager. However for some reason, I never thought to use them in my healing work until then. An ah-ha moment! Since that Divine calling, I have continued to expand my practice by offering Raindrop Technique, Spiritual Raindrop with Biblical Oils and emotional release sessions in conjunction with energy

healing healing and angel card readings in each session. It has been a beautiful gift for me to be able to witness the way oils and energy healing work so well together. I am always as emotionally and spiritually moved as those who receive it. I tell my clients it is truly an honor and privilege for me to be the channel and provider of that energy healing session. I was blessed to find my calling at a young age; not many 30-year-olds get to say they absolutely love their “job”! Every day is an opportunity to be used by a power greater than myself and I wake-up excited to see where the path will continue to lead. If you feel called to experience a Living Well session, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

aug-sept 2013



aug-sept 2013


By Marlise Karlin

Caregivers: Love, shame the subconscious mind


N THE darkened room tears began to flow. Emily’s story unraveled a tale of love, shame, and the unrelenting pain of mental and emotional stress that wrecks havoc in the minds and bodies of those who live with it. From the depth of the subconscious mind that begs to protect us from trauma, Emily’s cry, despite her words, revealed the sensitivity of her caring nature. On a chilly morning in the United Kingdom, even the weather hadn’t dampened the participation of all who had joined the program. While similar stories can be told about people from varied backgrounds and cultures, this one involves a highly educated woman and a 18

quiet, compassionate man, both extraordinary people who had given a part of their lives in service to someone less fortunate. Each one had done so willingly—and yet had unknowingly— fallen into an abysmal trap that blocked them from their own joy and future wellbeing.


ing a caregiver has many benefits and can also have detrimental effects that include poor health through stress and physical injury, financial loss, discrimination at work, and social isolation. Critically, though often over looked, every caretaker puts their own health at risk due to the effect that any suppressed mental strain and stress of caring for someone has on your overall health. International best-selling author Gabor Maté, When the Body Says No, believes emotional repression and psychological stress could even play a role in the onset of chronic illness.

Caregivers come in all forms and ages, based on figures provided by The National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP (2009. Updated in November 2012) 65.7 million caregivers make up 29 percent of the U.S. adult population providing care for a relative MANY ILLNESSES or friend in need of support due SOURCED BY STRESS to old age, frailty, disability, or ill- While the relationship ness. Research has shown that be- between emotional stress and

and disease, and mental and physical health more broadly, is often considered controversial within medical orthodoxy, Maté argues too many doctors seem to have forgotten what was once a commonplace assumption—that emotions are deeply implicated in both the development of illness, addictions and disorders, and in their healing. As a long time researcher of the mind-body connection to emotional pain, I was inspired to develop a methodology that could directly impact the body’s physical response. Why? Through personal experience, I had discovered how radically my body was influenced by the hate I carried regarding my father’s abusive ways. The emotional distress I felt developed into illness requiring repeated hospitalization. My

progressive study clarified how psychological pain and traumatic memories could also be subconscious. And since your mind ‘stores’ what you are not ready to cope with below the surface, if an event is too painful it won’t become conscious, thereby making it more difficult to heal. You can’t change what you’re not aware of. Knowing this, I realized the method needed to include a process that heightens your ability to perceive what has been hidden, while simultaneously strengthening your capacity for compassion, courage and empathy—for yourself as well as for others. For more information, aug-sept 2013



Achieve harmony between your mouth and body

“Galactic Codes for Your Awakening”

6100 Excelsior Blvd, Suite East, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 (952) 929 4545

“Galactic Codes for Your Awakening” 3 Day Pleiadian Seminar: October 4-6, 2013, Minneapolis COME JOIN US for this incredible opportunity for your next step. Come expand into your own light energy as you work within this powerful and sacred dimensional setting that is created by the Pleiadians. Designed to meet each individual’s needs for their awakening process, this seminar will involve working directly with the Pleiadian and Lemurian energies within the crystal vortex. Experience the Pleiadians setting up an energetic dimensional womb to rebirth yourself, enabling you to integrate new levels of light within. This dimensional womb allows the Angels, Light Beings and Masters to support you during your awakening process. For the first time in this setting, the Galactic forces will be providing a series of sacred vehicles which you will be able to align into energetically. Through these vehicles you will gain access to dimensional portals to receive specific awakening codes that realign you back to aspects of your light form.

Friday 4th: 1pm – 6pm Saturday 5th: 9am – 5pm Sunday 6th: 9am – 4pm Cost: $325.00

This lifting of the veils enables you to travel within these sacred vehicles. Work in alignment with the expanded consciousness of the Crop Circles, taking your place within the Sacred Webbing. Your place within the Sacred Webbing awakens you to a series of powerful initiations that rebirth you, bringing you to a turning point in your enlightenment process. You begin to align and initiate back into Sacred Trust information that you need to utilize in your life now.

The Universal Community is waiting for you...come take your place!

CONTACT: For more information phone Barbara Ramstad 612-729-0229 email: OR register at

aug-sept 2013



Break Through & Break Awaken Your Soul Code


ET’S CUT to the chase. It is no mistake that you are alive at this time. You are here to respond to an energetic call to play your part in what is unfolding as the most transformational time in the history of our planet. As we each awaken to the clarion call of our changing existence, there is a common theme to questions people are facing on a global scale.

IS ANOTHER LIFE PATH CALLING TO YOU? Are you struggling and want to learn (for real) how to create prosperity? Do you want greater health, vibrancy and clarity? Are you outwardly successful, but still feel empty? 22

If you answered YES to any of these questions, your soul is knocking. Your soul is coded to evolve. Truth: You have a purpose for your physical embodiment as you occupy space on Earth.

WHO AM I REALLY? WHY AM I REALLY HERE? Twenty-five years of study, teaching and practice of contemporary positive psychology, energy healing, quantum physics, spirituality, metaphysics and transformational coaching, yoga, breath work and brain science have led me to creating Integrative Lucidity Process™ and Lucid Life Wisdom™ Coaching for Evolutionary Change™. I exist to help people change their conditioned brain and: Transform pain and fear

into joy and pleasure, experience real healing, shift anxiety into relaxation, and live life with purpose and passion.

EXPAND YOUR VIBRATIONAL RESONANCE TO YOUR SOUL CODE My Integrative Lucidity Process™ is a dynamic system of coaching, energy healing, rapid releasing of distant past and present energy blocks, limiting patterns and beliefs. I include Core Energy Therapy, an advanced super-charged form of energy healing that uses applied Quantum Physics, Energy Clearing, and Theta Healing to quickly release the physical, mental, and

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aug-sept 2013



Essential Oils: Nature’s Living Energy Experience the remarkable therapeutic and medicinal powers of nature– from the undisputed “World Leader in Essential Oils.” Aromatherapy Stress-reducing Improve sleep Improve respiratory function Focus and clarity Eliminate airborne germs Reduce anxiety Enhance spirituality

contact Janet Becker 612-247-1198 janetbecker

How does Universal Law operates in our daily lives and in relationships? How do the Laws of Abundance and Attraction interact with the Laws of Reincarnation and Karma? Explore Soul Ages and Stages. What role do Spiritual Guardians play and how can we contact them? Learn the difference between Meditation and Channeling.

Shamanism Training Program Healing the Wounded Spirit, Soul Retrieval, Recovery From Trauma, Space Clearing, Depossession Shamanic Practice Training Program starts Aug. 31 Isanti, MN Avatar® Course, September 21-29, Minneapolis, MN The most powerful self-development course available Contact Mary Stoffel 763-444-8146

Reclaim your life’s purpose! Join Connie Johnson, Spiritual Concepts Author, New Age Expert, & Psychic Reader; Kelly Coborn, Yoga & Reiki Practitioner; Mitzi Kay, Owner Mkay Vacations LLC., & Celebrity Cruises for the

Soul Nourishment Cruise March 29 - April 5, 2014

Relax, Rejuvenate, Reignite, Rediscover; Included: New Age & Self Development Classes with Connie Johnson: Author, New Age Expert, & Psychic Reader; Daily Yoga with Kelly Coborn, Meals, Luxury Accommodations, Caribbean Ports of Call, Entertainment, Events, Fun, Friends, & More! Kelly Coborn

Connie Johnson

Mitzi Kay

Discover the akashic record – how do our past lives influence our current existence? Determine how messages, signs and information can be obtained; use the easy reference guides for sign interpretation. Available at, or in soft or hard cover and ebook 952-240-2158 aug-sept 2013



emotional blocks, stresses, and traumas that are (unconsciously) keeping clients from living their desires. Quantum Physics shows us that our subconscious mind runs our life and that 95 percent of our daily activity is subconscious. During the first six years of life our brain functions in delta state, which is a hypnogogic trance state with no discrimination. Everything we learn in the first six years is absorbed and becomes the fundamental truth. This subconscious programming runs our life and we will keep repeating the same patterns until they are cleared and transformed. Integrative Lucidity Process™ serves to safely release old patterns and create space for abundance as you shift from victim to self-mastery and unconscious to conscious proficiency!

INTEGRATIVE LUCIDITY PROCESS™ High levels of love, clarity and abundance await. I stand ready, loving and able to assist you to tap into your soul’s code and free you from yourself. Over the past 20 years, Nina Roberts Salveson has had the honor of co-creating miraculous shifts with hundreds of people around the world through her work as a transformational healer, conscious evolutionary guide, health-wellness intuitive, yogini, teacher, facilitator, board certified coach and forthcoming author. Nina has dedicated her life to studying and fine-tuning her work so that each client is left feeling expanded and transformed in ways they may never have experienced in this life time. Nina can be reached at Lucid Life Wisdom, 100 46th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55419. 612.910.8030.;


aug-sept 2013



Start the amazing adventure of discovering the rewards of balanced physical and spiritual health Debbie Engelmann, BS, NHD Doctoral Degree in Natural Health, Herbalist, and Survivor of Life-Changing Events

When anxiety, headaches, fatigue, lack of focus, and sleeplessness become constant, it is time to bring health and harmony back into your life. Mother Nature has given us countless natural gifts in the form of whole foods, herbs, flower essences, sunshine, and water to help each of us heal not only the body, but our mind, emotions, and spirit. We are what we think, breathe, and take into our body.

Created By Nature Wellness Center, LLC 190 S. River Ridge Circle, Suite 317 Burnsville, MN 55337

Phone: (952) 237-8145 Fax: (952) 388-1370

A Professional Practice Based on Healing the Physical & Spiritual Self

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aug-sept 2013



Duluth’s Energy For Life Connection offers wellne services, herbal remedie


NERGY FOR LIFE CONNECTION offers holistic wellness services for the Duluth, MN and surrounding areas. We offer personalized individual sessions and classes for all ages including Healing Touch, herbs and herbal remedies, manual therapies and bodywork for pain management and physical rehabilitation. We focus on mind/body/ spirit “whole-person” integrated wellness services. We use an expanded mix of energetic and physical modalities with strong emphasis on an educational ap-

proach that helps you regain Summer hours for Stacey: control of your healing process. Day time appointments available Monday through Friday. Check the website for class STACEY’S HERBAL TOPICALS AVAILABLE dates/times, “the energy of your life” and “weed walks.” AT DULUTH CO-OP Many of Stacey’s herbal topicals are available at the Duluth Whole Foods co-op. Look for Fantastic Four, Skin “Salve”ation, Comfrey Lotion, and lip balm. Check out the website for details to see what great uses these products have, what special ingredients nature has provided to help you heal, and testimonials from satisfied customers. 30

Stacey Quade, COTA/L-CHTPHerbalist, is an Herbalist and a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner with 12 years of experience in energ y work. Stacey’s 25+ years of experience in Occupational Therapy have helped her to hone her skills in the practical application of whole health. Stacey’s herbal remedies are both grown and made by her. 218-591-2104

e ess es Joseph Quade, Master of Arts Physical Therapy – Great Lakes Therapies, offers a variety of specific bodywork, manual therapy, and physical rehabilitation options. With 16 years of experience as a physical therapist, he balances manual therapies with an eclectic use of energetic modalities and an educational approach that helps you regain control of your healing process. Our location is wheelchair accessible. 218-591-2104. Energy for Life Connection, 507 N. Blackman Ave, Duluth, MN 55811.

aug-sept 2013



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Contact Annette Bruchu for your private healing session

aug-sept 2013


By Edie Weinstein

David Young creates new Musical Affirmations


R A M M Y NOMINATED multi-instrumentalist David Young creates a new genre of healing Musical Affirmations. Each CD has one healing mantra that subtly weaves in and out of a soothing soundtrack of Renaissance flute, acoustic guitar, and synthesizer. “For almost 20 years, over 10,000 estheticians and massage therapists have told me that one of the reasons their clients come to them is because of the healing vibes they feel in their treatment rooms and that my music is a part of this experience,” said David Young.


QUANTUM PHYSICS WORKSHOP ENHANCED MUSICAL PRODUCT Young enrolled in an advanced quantum physics workshop with Dr. Joe Dispenza, who is a neuroscientist, lecturer, and author, as well as one of the primary speakers interviewed in the 2004 docu-drama “What the Bleep Do We Know?” Dispenza’s message seems to boil down to the simple concept of ‘change your mind, change your life.’ It is one that Young incorporates into his Musical Affirmations. By attending, Young learned “Our minds trigger certain chemicals through our brains that send out hormones

to our bodies. Thoughts create new synapses or pathways in our mind so the more we think something the more naturally it becomes a part of who we are. A few years ago I was going through a difficult time; my Continued Page 38...

w healing music,

aug-sept 2013





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mind was running away from me and not being my friend— anxiety was getting the best of me. My doctor told me that if I didn’t change something inside myself, these panic attacks were going to either kill me or end up giving me cancer. I created this affirmation to try to settle my-

self down, ‘My Mind is Clear, My Mind is Calm.’ This was the opposite of what I was feeling inside. After a while I naturally started singing this to myself. I went into the studio where I created many of my New Age instrumental CDs and recorded it.

“My Mind Is Clear, My Mind is Calm” helps bring clarity and inner peace.

The Musical Affirmation CDs are an ideal accompaniment for a variety of healing therapies. Young has created five of these one hour CDs to start and envisions many more in the future. By clicking on to the links

“I Have Everything I Need and All Is Well” helps promote feeling grounded when we are dealing with overwhelming change in our lives. 38


“I Am a Bless Loved” helps bu and self -esteem aft us down.

below, you can hear a sample of each CD. To learn more about David Young and his work, go to or meditation-music.asp David has written his first book Divine Inner Guidance.

sing and I Am uild self -confidence ter life has knocked

This book shares 28 short stories showing the incredible things that happen when you listen to your intuition and the comic things that happen when you don’t. For more information, click here. Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW is a colorfully creative journalist, dynamic transformational

“With Every Breath I Take My Body Heals Itself” promotes health and well-being physically and emotionally.

speaker, licensed social worker, interfaith minister, interviewer, Bliss Coach, the host of Blog Talk Radio show “It’s All About Relationships” and the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary.

“It’s Time to Let Go And I’m OK” helps us deal with situations that seem like they are out of our control and reminds us that as we look back over our lives somehow we have lived through all of our ups and downs.

aug-sept 2013


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