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Monitor Buying Guide How to Choose the Right Monitor for Digital Photography.
A colour-accurate, high-resolution monitor can save you valuable time and money when you edit digital photos. When you view an image on the screen, you should be able to see whether it requires colour or contrast corrections and then make these corrections knowing they will be accurately reflected in prints of that photograph. If these conditions are met, it will take less time to adjust images for printing. You will also minimise paper and ink wastage when printing because you won’t need to re-print nearly as much – and this will give you time
to make more (and better) prints. Accurate colour reproduction on your monitor will also make it quicker to produce versions of images that will be shared on websites or displayed via digital projectors or TV screens. But achieving these goals demands a lot from the screen – and many monitors on sale today simply aren’t up to the task. Don’t expect a laptop monitor to provide the resolution and colour gamut (range) you need for image editing. No laptop LCD can present colours, tones and contrast levels accurately enough to base serious imaging
Monitor Buying Guide
decisions on. They also offer a limited range of adjustments. Like most cheaper stand-alone monitors, laptops use inexpensive twisted nematic (TN) displays that may offer fast response times for viewing video clips and games but suffer from inferior colour reproduction and narrow viewing angles. Colours often shift when viewed off-angle and most of these monitors can’t even display the 16.7 million colour tones that are available from standard graphics cards. Even if a laptop is your computer of choice, you need a stand-alone monitor for image editing.