The Essex Reporter: August 8, 2019

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

CHT looks to convert apartments into recovery housing Project would displace 12 units at Fort Ethan Allen By COLIN FLANDERS The Champlain Housing Trust is pursuing a $1.8 million project with the Vermont Foundation of Recovery that would convert a dozen Fort Ethan Allen apartments into housing for people in recovery. The housing trust wants to renovate three buildings it owns on the Essex side of the fort – 1005, 1006 and 1007 Ethan Allen Ave. – and lease the updated space to VFOR, which would operate the apartments as “recovery homes” meant for people who have undergone treatment for substance use disorders. VFOR, a nonprofit established in 2013, operates six other recovery homes in Vermont, including one in Essex Jct. The new project would let the foundation consolidate its Chittenden County presence and add 12 beds to its portfolio, according to executive director David Riegel, who explained partnerships like this allow his foundation to focus on people instead of being landlords. “Over time, we figured out that we really want to spend our time with members,” Riegel said. “We really want to focus on the individuals that See RECOVERY, page 10


The Champlain Housing Trust owns 11 buildings in Fort Ethan Allen and hopes to convert three of them, including this one at 1006 Ethan Allen Ave., into housing for people in recovery from substance use disorders with the help of the Vermont Foundation of Recovery.

EWSD: Busing finally heading to the village School officials plan to host informational meeting next week By COLIN FLANDERS After two years of stalled efforts, the Essex Westford School District says it’s finally on track to offer busing to all eligible K-8 students in the village. But while school officials share excitement over the new plan, they’re also seeking to temper expectations.

“I do want people to understand that the system – we acknowledge the system isn’t perfect,” said EWSD transportation manager Jamie Smith. “It is the system, given the resources we have, that we can provide right now.” The district will outline its new transportation plan at an informational meeting August 13. Headlining the changes are three new bus routes in Essex Jct., which break up the village into three zones and run on 20-minute loops. Students in See BUSING, page 4

Help wanted


The Essex Police Department has unveiled a new recruitment video amid an ongoing struggle to attract new recruits. See the story on page 3.

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EssEx REpoRtER | THURSDAY, AUgUST 8, 2019

Vol. 18 No. 32

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