sustainability and a radical learning commune - estivibiem - estanteriacompartida

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javier benito martĂ­nez

theoretical approach from architecture to the concept of sustainability. collective exercise creating the bases of a radical learning commune. useful material of a failed course of architectural design in productive academic terms.


javier benito martínez


estivibiem são paulo octubre de 2018


esta publicación forma parte de estanteria compartida, un proyecto editorial menor y experimental de publicaciones de un interés especial en este mundo complejo y fascinante que habitamos.


CLAIM FOR AN ALTERNATIVE ACADEMIC ARCHITECTURE I want to think architecture from below. In the againstgeographies (understanding the concept as Saskia Sassen does it) of the discipline, in the minor architectures. For this reason I work on a typologically typical house of the Levantine coast -instead of designing architecture from zero, as a modern way of understanding architects mission, from a tabula rassa-. Without great luxuries, but a privileged location, this architecture rests recumbent behind the dune of the beach and it is elevated enough so that the sea takes on a resounding presence under the horizon. Javier Benito Martínez spring of 2018

Antonio Elizalde draws some lines that we should try to take into consideration in his book [Desarrollo Humano y Ética de la Sostenibilidad, Sin Fronteras, 2005]. “I am convinced that it is imperative that we move towards a new worldview that replaces the still alive. The idea of ​​ sustainability can help us design and draw a new vision, a new understanding, a new cosmology, urgent and necessary to face the enormous challenges we face. The fundamental change that must be made is not in the plane of technology or in that of politics or economy, but is rooted in the plane of our beliefs, they are the ones that will determine the world we inhabit. As Leonardo Boff points out, in all cultures, with every great turn in the axis of history a new cosmology is produced. The new ecological paradigm produces a similar effect.” It is not easy to understand sustainability in the right terms, and in the field of architecture it is very important not to make wrong choices as the mistakes will have a huge impact. I could find some comments on sustainability in architecture it from Iñaki Ábalos in the book [Hablan los arquitectos, Arturo Franco, 2017]. “For Iñaki Abalos there is an idea that deserves to be taken into account and that makes its way, in the face of so much technological imposture, invoking sustainability - to which I add, with nuances - For Abalos, Bartleby, the

character created by Herman Melville, and his famous “I would prefer not to do so is the one who best expresses the aesthetic dimension of sustainability, questioning the very necessity of all action.” One could say that an ast idea implies the suicide of architecture rather than an aesthetic renovation. Abalos gives the example of Lacaton & Vassal to justify that this position does not have to result in any suicide, perhaps in the case of these French architects trained in Africa, as Abalos points out, it is the road towards a esthetic renewal. In many other cases one can speak openly of a renewal, or rather of an ethical consideration without any aesthetic pretension.” Again, Lacaton and Vassal give us some keys in the book [Attitude, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2017] that help us understand how to think in sustainable architecture. “Being sustainable It consists of prolonging the life of the existing, understanding its values ​​to exalt them and reaching a new inalterable quality; it consists of creating the optimal conditions to inhabit and occupy the space; it consists in inventing.”












Proportions between different sources of thermal regulation. A.F. - Architectural Form P.S. - Passive Systems A.S. - Active Systems

“The importance of such architectonic forms for sustainable architecture is well illustrated in Behling’s diagram, in which is argued that in future buildings should give primacy to architectonic form and passive systems, in order to reduce the importance of active systems (Abalos 2009)” Behlings-diagram-present-and-futuretriangles-Abalos-2009-Past-triangleFernandes_fig1_268221920 “The triangles indicate architects’ potential authority as regards thermodynamic design, since the two important basic portions come within their remit [...]” [Energy Accounts: Architectural Representations of Energy, Climate, and the Future, 2011]

Having studied and understood how the Barraca, as the Valencian Vernacular Housing Typology, works in terms of thermodynamical processes I think that we sholud pay attention to the nowadays “traditional” house, which is the typological holidays house in the Levantine Coast. I will try to look at this typical coastal houses to see how they work thermodynamically and following the lessons of Lacaton and Vassal I will try to make a surgery in these types to make them more sustainable and create a Multiple Prosuming Commune reusing the support of a specific housing. The duo of French architects are an authority in terms of sustainability and have left a legacy of writings and works that respond to what was often is questioned when trying to define this topic. Indeed, working with existing architecture is something they have done wonderfully and about what they have reflected in some interview like this one, collected in [Architecture: Change of Climate, Luis Fernández Galiano Ed. , 2016] Jean-Philippe Vassal “Transfromation is intreresting in many ways. Working on something preexisting oftencreates new housing typologies – suchas independent bedrooms, two apartments for one big family and so on, far from the standards -, something you can’t do when designing new housing.

It opens up new ways of thinking about housing for new projects. Transforming, recycling, gives some dose of freedom. It is the same when you don’t have so much money, which is a paradox. These situations push you back to the essentials.” In the same congress, organized by the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad, Iñáki Ábalos was asked for what architecture he would say to be the best architecture for the 21st Century. He answered: “That which not differenciate between the first and the third worlds, uses resources wisely, and stretches the limits of experience - a phrase I owe to the Spanish sculptor Juan Muñoz.” But coming back with Lacaton and Vassal I would like to quote some ideas that they give in the book [Attitude, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2017] “Existing: The existing environment-whether vegetation, uses, views or constructionsprovides the previous structure of all our projects. We always seek to expand existing situations with the greatest possible delicacy and lightness; adding, gathering, dilating, superimposing, crossing the existing one has an economy and a de facto effectiveness. Transformation: The challenges of contemporary society

seem to be directed towards a culture of interpretation and transformation of what exists. The notion of virgin territory has ceased to exist. It is about exalting the capacities of what exists, a new look at the city.” In the same book they also say: “The construction of new dwellings should run parallel to the transformation of housing in “fragile” situations and to the adaptation of the functional territories “unfinished”, starting with some simple questions: Is there everything you need? What is missing?”

But all these ideas sounded familiar to me after I had read Jill Stoner’s ideas about walking Towards a minor architecture [Reference 01] and the fantastic text of Walter Benjamin in which he talks about the Destructive Character [Reference 02] . Also, intheir book, Lacaton and Vassal say this on climate: “Our approach to climate is based on the idea of ​​open structure, mobility and transparency. We intend to make the most of the sun and the external inertia whileallowing the user to create their own climate. The space is a flexible garment that must offer the best possible conditions of well-being.”

Towards a minor architecture [Reference 01] Jill Stoner Jill Stoner‘s book, Toward a Minor Architecture (MIT Press, 2012.) could constitute an excellent manifesto for us as it uses a very important number of common references (Kafka, Borges, Ballard, Guattari, Deleuze, Bataille, Foucault, Robbe Grillet, Torre de David etc.) in order to express the political power of architecture and draw a strategy of resistive architectural processes, that she calls minor architecture. The title of the book, as well as its object, is, of course, a direct homage to Deleuze and Guattari’s book: Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Architecture is oppressive (or weaponized as I usually prefer to write) for two reasons. The first one is contained within the fact that its physicality constitute as many obstacles for the body, from the simple concrete slab or asphalt pathway which prevent the minor body to operate, to the six hermetic surfaces which confine the body in a prison cell. The second reason is that its production is almost always in collusion with means of production elaborated by the dominant power. Both of those conditions are difficult to escape. Resistance, however, does not lie in an absolute escape but rather in the slow undermining of a system within itself: “To object (v) to the object (n). To register objections is to draw lines through objects of power, objects that are the result of institutions, which in turn rely on knowledge. Knowledge itself is a massive heavy object, with enormous foundations and a reliance on gravity. Theories and philosophies are constructed on the backs of canonical precedents. Like doctrines, they are dangerously authoritarian. Religions, monarchies, systems of law, corporations – these historical patrons of architecture have provided us with the objects upon which minor architects can write (or draw) their objections.” “minor architect is a minor destructive character, a tinkerer and hacker, journalist and editor, alter ego and subaltern. But tinkerers may sabotage as well as fix, and wildfully take apart rather than assemble. Hackers may scramble code as often as decipher it, and editors (to save us from our wordiness) ruthlessly slice the excess away.” Stoner Jill. Toward a Minor Architecture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012. P67,P91

Destructive Character [Reference 02] Walter Benjamin “The destructive character knows only one watchword: make room. And only one activity: clearing away. His need for fresh air and open space is stronger than any hatred. The destructive character is young and cheerful. For destroying rejuvenate, because it clears away the traces of our own age; it cheers, because everything cleared away means to the destroyer a complete reduction, indeed a rooting out, out of his own condition. Really, only the insight into how radically the world is simplified when tested for its worthiness for destruction leads to such an Apollonian image of the destroyer. This is the great bond embracing and unifying all that exists. It is a sight that affords the destructive character a spectacle of deepest harmony. The destructive character is always blithely at work. It is Nature that dictates his tempo, indirectly at least, for he must forestall her. Otherwise she will take over the destruction herself. The destructive character sees no image hovering before him. He has few needs, and the least of them is to know what will replace what has been destroyed. First of all, for a moment at least, empty space – the place where thing stood or the victim lived. Someone is sure to be found who needs this space without occupying it. The destructive character sees nothing permanent. But for this very reason he sees ways everywhere. Where others encounter walls or mountains, there, too, he sees a way. But because he sees a way everywhere, he has to clear things from it everywhere. Not always by brute force; sometimes by the most refined. Because he sees ways everywhere, he always stands at a crossroads. No moment can know what the next will bring. What exists he reduces to rubble, not for the sake of rubble, but for that of the way leading through it.”

Lacaton & Vassal “Intermediate space: The intersection between interior and exterior can become a permeable, exchange and invention space. We intend to connect these intermediate structures-greenhouse, gallery, unheated protected space-with the main ones-isolated and heated-in order to build the propitious conditions for new experiences. It is an attempt to inhabit the air and light.� [Attitude, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2017]

[Arquitectura y Política, Josep María Montaner y Zaida Muxí] “Any interpretation must start from the knowledge of history. The relations between Architecture and Politics are not recent, but have traditions, facts and characters. Both the demand for a critical position and ethics by architects and designers and the search for new modes of existence based on cooperation and community life have their origin in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This will of the architects to approach reality and society has led them to act as if they were sociologists, anthropologists and politicians.” Next, I am going to point out some fragments highlighted by me on this subject in the book by Montaner and Muxí: It is a dialectical and complementary relationship * the private has been built as a right to property, privacy and privacy * we must read Hannah Arendt and her book The Human Condition * the sphere of the public refers to the common, [...] in the public sphere the private is “communicated” * The private sphere is related to intimacy and property, and its conception starts from the awareness of “being deprived of

essential things of a true human life. Being deprived of the reality that comes from being seen and heard by others “ * “Lacking a private space of their own (as was the case of the slave) means to stop being human” * Virginia Woolf in A Room of Her Own explains that, lacking a space of their own, women were forbidden to do * Jürgen Habermas will argue that the public space would constitute the promise of democracy and freedom * It should be emphasized that as insisted feminist thought that will be analyzed later, with modernity there was a social construction of the genres that confined women in the limited sphere of the private and outside the world of the public, of what is communicable, productive and representative work, exclusive ground of man [...] in reality, women have not been able to enjoy the private, which makes sense as a counterpoint to the enjoyment of the public * Soledad Murillo writes The myth of private life * women’s right to public affairs and, therefore, the right to fully and freely enjoy the private has been and is a slow construction full of limitations derived from the patriarchal system underlying contemporary societies and cultures.

All the people that shape this commune are students who are interested in learning further more from where their careers come to reach in terms of knowledge. I decided to send an email to the people I know that could be part of the commune I would like to be part of. I descrived what I was thinking about how the commune should be and it’s principal values in terms of the relation between private and public space and in terms of what are considered the basis that everyone should understand and share as the common. This is the email I sent Dear friend, This may sound strange, but I’m designing a community (in the subject of Architectural Design), and with it, a model of community life. I am designing it for myself, thinking about the way I would like to live in community, that I explain to you next: The commune of radical learning is understood and proposed as a domestic space where each individual has his own room, since (quoting Architecture and Politics): “Virginia Woolf in A Room of One’s Own explains that, lacking a space of their own, women were forbidden to do. And it should be emphasized that as insisted feminist thought that will be analyzed later, with modernity there was a social construction of the genres that confined

women in the limited sphere of the private and outside the world of the public, of the communicable, of the productive and representative work, exclusive ground of the man [...] actually the woman has not been able to enjoy the private thing, that has sense like counterpoint to the enjoyment of the public thing. And women’s right to the public and, therefore, the right to fully and freely enjoy the private has been and is a slow construction full of limitations derived from the patriarchal system underlying contemporary societies and cultures.” Therefore, in addition to understanding as an essential something an own space, as the right to property, privacy and privacy, simultaneously and complementarily, the need to generate a public space is understood, where “private” and “private” are communicated. The different people of the commune come into contact. In this way the ideorhythms of each one would be respected and a space would be opened for the exchange of knowledge and mutual and horizontal learning among all, understood in an interdisciplinary way, based on feminisms and care. This commune has the name of learning and the radical surname for something. Learning not only understood in terms of academic issues, but also learning about the most personal, our ways of feeling, living and relating to what surrounds you, from our thought processes to our corporeity and how we interact with each other others and the radical is because

it is understood that, in situations of structural and transversal oppression, we must understand our coexistence from the radical, so who decides to be part of this commune is in agreement with a way of understanding life from an antipatriarchal, anti-racist, anti-sexist, antixenophobic, anti-homophobic ... against any kind of oppression and against any power relationship between two people. This guarantees a space of security and care within the commune, where no one will feel attacked by the rest of the people of the community, who will understand coexistence as a collective and constant learning process, from the sorority and support mutual. Because together we are stronger and we live better. I await your answer soon :) picotrĂŠ

C.U. Dear friend, I am proud to be one of the people who possess all the necessary values (or with the intention of reaching them) to be part of something so beautiful and with such good intentions. I happily accept being part of this project full of hope, friendship, admiration and learning. * M.A. Dear friend, How nice this your ideals and your project of class and life. Not only would I love to live here, but I would love to live here with you. (free) loves you, M <3 * P.E. Video: COMMUNITY OF LOVE (song for Exit Mass) Youtube * B.F. Hello Benait, for the commune I will be sharing ideas of ideorhythms, meditation and corporal expression, for example! Until tomorrow guayabita * C.B. film855472.html Maybe you’re interested in how human relationships develop, how decisions are

made, but it’s still a bit light, I do not know how much it’s going to help you, haha I saw it a lot ago I do not remember very well but I liked it. * P.M. I find it super interesting And of course I’m cool, in the way I can contribute, I’ll bring * P.J. Benedict: I got a little excited reading this at 8 in the morning today, Monday, sitting in the last row of my first finance class ... This project not only seems precious to me, but it also moves me to think about sharing projects and life with people who are eager to share, grow and care. If I believe that to build “a space of security and care within the commune, where no one will feel attacked by the rest of the people of the community, who will understand coexistence as a collective and constant learning process, from Sorority and mutual support “, there should be some complementarity between the members - the same would have to know who will be part of this commune of radical learning, to be” fully in “. However, I trust your criteria and of course I accept the invitation. I feel very good! THANK YOU. * M.G. I accept the invitation because I, in the multiple times in which I dream of the day, have also seen each and every one of the things you describe as possible.

And I also believe that you are one of the people with whom I would share this way of seeing and inhabiting the world. What a nice way to wake up on a Monday :) In response to the mail :) is a collective / studio that creates the architecture that communes / groups of people want They are from Madrid, I have to investigate them more thoroughly * A.M. Friend, What a nice idea. Perpetuating dynamic spaces without fear of being sent: “circulate, circulate”. My contribution (also borrowed from the Treaty): the geometry of a limit is defined by the affinity of its partners. Let us surprise, AM * Q.C. Dear Benix, I’m glad to receive this email, you’re suggesting something interesting and starting, we’ll see where it takes us. Personally, I am at a point in my life of uncertainty, doubts, existential rethinking, falling myths, searching for new goals and reviewing principles, so I a priori worry about your proposal. It will be great from now on to talk about it, discuss it, discuss it among everyone more in depth. As you catch me a little unforeseen, I’ll throw you thoughts, ideas and conflicts that after reading you quickly pass through my head. Surely

they are very attached to how I am living my life and the changes of this lately on a personal level, but I throw them to you because I am sure they will open interesting lines: - Physical space marked? in that commune -> fear of the disconnection with the outside, loss of referents, fresh air, generate incest ... where is the insideout. Imprisonment? Is it necessary to define such defined limits (redunde), that is, each person should not be able to find their own room instead of giving it made? -The condition of this commune does not imply a pretense of “doing so” or denial of other ways of relating, living, feeling your own space? -Put some pillars as immovable or rethink them in some way, where do you feel the bases? And, will they always be the right ones? - Open to any condition of the person? That is, be part of horizontality, feminism, care, antihomophobia, antiracism .. but .. would accept people who do not meet these requirements? If not, would not it become elitist? And this would not break with the principles of acceptance and horizontality? -Fear that sectarian character is acquired, a bit in line with the above, if only certain people with certain concerns ... certain rules that we take as good ... -Idea of “golden cage”, as a utopian and perfect approach, where you already know what is good, egocentrism? -Something prolonged in time? That is to say, with the foundations of feminism and care, would a moment come (as it should

arrive in society) in which this is assumed and is part of the culture, then, would a way of living in this way continue to make sense? -This point touches a little the first, in terms of the connection with the outside and this one before, in when to the duration of the project; the commune is considered as something that improves society? Does it live outside of this? Does it grow into a new society? -... we’ll talk to them when they arise (also good things and hahaha) I clarify that, well, this peck responds to quick thoughts and perhaps do not value the idea of commune as you perceive it or you have wanted to raise it, however I hope that they serve to shape this beginning of your project from my perspective fast and running. In general are doubts and skepticism, but I see an interesting point to remove tubús and define general terms (you know it is easier to see “the bad”), said then, let’s develop the positive sides and the optimal approach to build this project :) See you at the school of life, a hug, Q *

What do you study? Architecture: 64.7% Commerce and Sociology: 5.9% International Studies: 5.9% Computer Engineering: 5.9% Medicine: 11.8% Psychology: 5.9% What disciplines and areas of knowledge interest you, would you like to study or know more about? Ethics, psychology, music ... Migratory studies and displacements, contentious politics, critical sociology, feminism, economy Meditation, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology (all based on gender perspective <3) Psychology, Philosophy, and lately and consequently, Physics political science, ecology, education, sociology, contemporary philosophy, social work, urban planning and spatial planning, gender Languages, Literature and Biology Philosophy, sociology, politics, anthropology, arts Economy, Politics, Sociology, Music, Art, Nanotechnology ....

Urbanism, feminism, economics, education, politics and sociology. In general, any area of knowledge related to the human being and society. On how to improve the lives of people who suffer from the actions of the rest. Social, cultural themes, of artistic, musical, philosophical interest. I did not want to say knowledge in general, but anything that can nourish me and allow me to be in solidarity with other people, and therefore, learn more, are points of my interest. Music, philosophy and physics Architecture, philosophy, psychology, theater, dance, drawing, photography, crafts, plastic arts, Spanish language (etymology, semantics, dialectics), literature, verbal and corporal expression (perhaps these last two are included in some of the above), mathematics , physical. (I know it’s a bit of a Potpourri, and there are several “categories� of subjects, but in general terms these are the subjects in which I would like to deepen) -Responde to this and the nextPhilosophy, sociology, gender, performing arts, cinema, dance History of art, photography, cinema, ecology, archeology, astronomy, feminism. graphic design, audiovisuals, philosophy

Apart from disciplines as such, what topics interest you, about what you have concerns? I mean issues that are not understood as much as a discipline. (ex: sexualities, corporalities, musical styles, performing arts ... whatever you would love to have enough time to devote to learn about) what do you not learn because you do not have time in your day to day? Web design, photography, video editing, painting and sculpture, reading literature, learning languages, graphic design of posters, cooking, feminisms, thinking of the 20th century, watching films and mythical series Kitchen menstrual cycles! and body of the woman, psychology, astronomy, theater, writing and speech I would like to dig deeper into literature, explore the possibilities of body movement, pleasure and sex Self-awareness in general scouting, mountain, associationism, cooperativism, non-formal education, migratory movements / refugees, urban planning, feminist urbanism, basic habitability, development cooperation, informal urbanism, ecofeminism, gender identities, sexualities, intersectionality, sexist violence, production experiences endogenous, multiculturalism, non-

western cultures, history of colonized peoples, social dance, musical cultures (Afro) Latin American (they are Cuban, jazz, rumba, ska ...) pre and post colonial, percussion instruments, varied musical styles (from the post-rock and ambient, to the song of author and urban music, going through experimental music of fusion of African-American and electronic rhythms ...), artistic drawing, Spanish history of the 20th century, photography, audiovisual editing, social criticism cinema (documentary, author, independent ...) Botany, sewing, carpentry, sculpture and drawing Feminisms and sexualities, arts in general ... Retro and alternative music, painting, elaboration of film scripts, sports ... Body expression Food sovereignty, sexualities, theater, cinema, serigraphy, boxing, yoga Artistic disciplines to a great extent, from music to any kind of artistic plastic work, including dance, martial arts or more corporal arts. General disciplines of knowledge, such as history, sociology, philosophy etc ... in which I do not have enough time to deepen with the intensity that would be to my liking. And they serve to understand the behaviors we have for society and against it, to be better people, having the intention to eliminate as much as possible,

all the discrimination and oppression that is in your hand. I’m also very interested in the whole technological issue. Learn to use the tools that we have at our disposal and that we use at a level well below the capacity they have. And that make our lives easier if we learn to use correctly. Using technology as a means of creation, organization, learning and personal development. Paint (although it is a discipline), performing arts, thinking and doing nothing-meditating Drug-drug (limit and effects), psychiatric diseases (and analogy with the effect of drugs), psychosomatic, social marginalization and forms of inclusionTechniques of printing (serigraphy, woodcut, lithography , etc), permaculture, origami, languages, percussions, etc body language, subjective relationships between people, music, sports gymnastics, taekwondo

What would be the minimum furniture or elements that you think should be in your own room? A bed, a window, a small closet, a shelf or table, a wall that can fill, (a small table and a chair) Bed and storage space Bed, armchair / comfortable chair, some type of table comfortable armchair / bed, small plants, many books and a large window Bed, desk and computer with Internet access, and if possible, stereo window, bed, flat surface for writing or drawing, lamp, notebook, notepad, pen A comfortable and spacious place to sleep (it does not have to be a conventional bed, preferably it could be something more tatami style, closer to the floor). I would need a lot of light and preferably a high ceiling. A desk with a comfortable seat but also a space with cushions that is versatile where to perform different activities. I also need a closed storage area and a couple of items that can be used to leave everyday objects (shelves / shelves) As a curious point: I love the doors that have a window over which light can enter and open to ventilate, since it keeps you connected to the rest of the house, but maintaining privacy.

bed + table / shelf / something small to store personal things (I’m worth a box under the bed) Mattress and pillow, personal items that make me feel good (photos, posters, some memory of a trip ...) A table a chair and a bed A double bed, a chest of drawers and a bookcase. Some type of element in which I could sleep, allowing a minimum of comfort and some table or table that would allow me to develop my projects or works a minimum of two walls, and a decent space to not feel confined. Bed, horizontal support, storage element, waste element, artificial light element. Bed, shelving / storage cabinet, minimum space of movement Camita and bedside table A bed / mattress / futon / hammock, a space to rest we go, space to store things / clothes. bed (rather, mattress or something to lie on, I like when it is at ground level), table and chair, bookshelf (a library or some compartment) and something to store clothes (either wardrobe or hangup ..)

Do you think that a room of your own is essential? Yes - 47.1% No - 29.4% Not essential unless you share a room with someone with whom you have very high affinity. - 5.9% It is essential that I would not, if I would appreciate, if I did not live with my own room, some kind of space that would allow me to reflect and be with myself. 5.9% It would cost me, I’m sure, and not with anyone. But if the space were organized to separate life and room, I think it is not essential - 5.9% Essential not clear, but perhaps shortly. 5.9% Would you have a shared dorm? If yes, how many people would you share it with? 4 or 5 (I think it’s important to create some intimate and retreat space if your room does not provide it) (# input) Yes, but this one should present spaces that give me privacy and comfort. Maybe with curtains or screens that can be removed and put on. I think the bedrooms do not have to have a large size, so two people to share seems to me

the optimal number, unless there is the possibility of establishing spaces for that purpose with a larger size than usual. I would not share a bedroom Yes, although I prefer a single bedroom. I would share it with the number of people necessary for the common good. Thinking selfishly, the fewer people the better. No, I would only have it if the single room of the bedroom is separated Yes, I could not say a maximum number It depends on how the space is organized. 1-2 in a prototype house bedroom, if I used it only to sleep I think I could use more. At the moment I share it with my brother and I would like an individual to try something different, if not, with the number of people in proportion to the available space (in the scouts, for example, I have slept in a thousand ways in different places)

After compiling the score of all the spaces, valued by the future members of the commune, this order is left from more essential to more dispensable. Kitchen - Shared bathrooms - Shared lounge - Shared bookcase - Co-workinig space - Dining room - Greenhouse Terrace - Reading room - Storage room Shared changing room - Projection room - Garage - Gym Observations on these spaces? Any They are nice, different typolog = different degrees of public and “private� Hey cool! MAZO CLAVE the space for cultivation, community library and coworking space Segregated toilets if there is trust, which I suppose is a requirement I do not know if it is essential, but if it is advisable If possible, I would prefer an outdoor cultivation area to an indoor one, even though that could eliminate space for another use of the terrace (if this problem were to occur). As for the garage, I would raise it above all to be a place to store bicycles and establish a fairly complete recycling point with a good distribution of containers. Try to fulfill several functions in the same space, which combine several compatible

uses to experiment in the hybridization of spaces I believe that the necessary existence of the silent reading room appears at the moment we eliminate the individual room, otherwise it could be considered redundancy of spaces, since the silent room already serves as a silent reading room. In 5 are essential and necessary for a commune, 4 very necessary, 3 would be good to have them, 1 and 2 are spaces that depend on what the ideology of the commune was to do. Both the dining room and the coworking room I think are essential spaces for the commune. Fussy personal small note of toc: I would have my own dressing room. I wish to live in a place with all these wonderful spaces! Common areas with areas if not their own, preferred (no chairs but if there are storage spaces, there are your beads ..) Would you add another? Not for the moment Raves room Laundry space, drying rack Workshop where have tools of carpentry and other utensils for the garden, among other activities, which could be together

with the garage Maybe some space for people of any religion to go talk to their god, whatever it is A spiritual room. So that each process their religion, their time with themselves, silent reading ... that which requires to be alone and concentrated. Perhaps (crazy idea and at the moment also in which the idea of a single room is eliminated) it would be a good idea to incorporate the “solitude room� a series of small rooms designed for the intimacy of reflection and relaxation of people and that could use by turns. And a multi-purpose room, which are the people who make it serve who decide how they want to use it and for what purpose. Do not Terrace on the roof (if it is in a place that invites views, in Xeraco and rent in if the terrace facing brown)

Let’s see how it works Fvck abalos <3 Molaria have a large kitchen (so that we fit varixs) and that between a lot of light! (bno in my opinion the entrance of natural light is very important in all spaces) I love, Beniiiiiiiiii !!!!! The essential really would be little, almost nothing. I prefer the expression, that you would like it to be, being more or less realistic and trusting in the intelligence of the reader. Good job Benaits :) Força meu amigo To have done better the ranking I would have liked to know what is the size of the space with which account, because it changes my criterion of importance according to the possibilities of that space. Example, if spaces have to be discarded, I put a gym as 1 (nothing impressible) but if there was room to spare, it would seem nice to have a small space of meditation-yoga-gymnasticscircus. As I do not know, I have based on the minimum indispensable (kitchen, living room, bathrooms and greenhouse) .TQ Beni There are care options that are not contemplated: clean clothes, food, medicine ... You should make a list of things that have to do with care, and that ensure the healthiness of the commune. These tasks also have to have a space. In an exercise like this I think it is worth

thinking very well, not only the program, which is obviously important, but how the transition of spaces takes place and take advantage of these as useful spaces and the user’s taste and with intent of the interrelation of this with the rest of the inhabitants of the commune, but at the same time allow a greater degree of freedom than in a usual residential building. When we moved? be able to make trips (back to the “real world� or to escape a little more) jj

Apart from the “teorical” part, the texts were translated with google translate, that´s why there are so many funny expresions through all the survey. As that part is more personal, let’s say, I’ve decided to leave it translated with google because I think that it also shows quite well the present moment we are living in. It was mandatory to do everything in english and this was the only way I found available to do it as they didn´t care quite much about this work that is more atropological or sociological.

Study diagram made with BelĂŠn Fe Blasco

Commune comparison made with BelĂŠn Fe Blasco

The House Fernando Quesada “The house is the most ambivalent and controversial architectural motif. It is the place where private and intimate life takes place, regardless of the commitments demanded by society and yet it is, at the same time, a controlled space, designed and directed by other agents than those who inhabit it. In this sense the house is simultaneously a means of control of life and a possible place for the emancipation of its inhabitants. The origin of the house is sacred, a place where the rituals that relieve the inhabitant of the permanent condition of homelessness in the world are executed. The house is not a symbol or a functional diagram, or not only, but a stage for the ritual of daily life that, in its own definition, must contain the possibility of transforming its rituals whenever it is possible to understand daily life as the art of the domestic, thanks to which its inhabitants define their own spaces separated from the chaos of strict natural life, which is not subject to any ritual, but simply to the natural cycles of creation, transformation and destruction. However, the house does not dissociate itself equally from other human environments as It makes of the natives, but it establishes with them another type of much less stable relationship that permanently redefines it and links it in very different ways with work, labor and reproduction. The link between home and production has always existed. The first great domestic revolution was the exhibition of the rituals, previously invisible, of the production and reproduction that it housed, that is, its publicity or publicity. It is then when the house loses its original political dimension, which consisted in being not only the material support of life but in being a sacred space.” Autoexclusión, chapter one of the book [Comunidad, Común, Comuna, 2015]

javier benito martĂ­nez


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