Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context

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CIVIL PROCEDURE IN CROSS-CULTURAL DIALOGUE: EURASIA CONTEXT IAPL World Conference on Civil Procedure 18–21 September, 2012, Moscow, Russia CONFERENCE BOOK Edited by Dmitry Maleshin


УДК 347.9 ББК 67.410 C 58

С 58 Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context: IAPL World Conference on Civil Procedure, September 18–21, 2012, Moscow, Russia: Conference Book / Ed. by Dmitry Maleshin; International Association of Procedural Law. – Moscow: Statut, 2012. – 608 p. – На английском языке. ISBN 978-5-8354-0874-0 (hardcov.) The idea is to discuss the evolution of civil procedure in different societies, not only in the well-known civil or common law systems, but also in different countries of Eurasia, Asia, etc. Civil procedure in Europe and North America is a subject of enormous scientific and practical importance. We know a lot about these systems. But we do not know enough about civil procedure in the rest of the world. How does it work and what are the main principles? Culture is one of the main factors that makes civil procedure of these countries different. Therefore it is necessary to discuss the main links between different systems of civil procedure. The discussion was held on the basis of national report from 24 countries, at the all there were participated from more than 40 countries.

УДК 347.9 ББК 67.410 ISBN 978-5-8354-0874-0 Printed in the Russian Federation © Authors, 2012 © Translators, English translation, 2012 © Statut Publishing House, editing, proofreading, layout, 2012

ORGANISING TEAM OF THE CONFERENCE Dmitry Maleshin, coordinator (Moscow State Lomonosov University); Nataliya Bocharova, website, general support (Moscow State Lomonosov University); Tatiana Moiseeva, executive secretary (Moscow State Lomonosov University); Lubov Skulskaya, visa assistance (Moscow State Lomonosov University); Daria Simakova, registration (Monomax Congresses)


PRESIDIUM Professor Loïc Cadiet Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne President Professor Oscar G. Chase New York University School of Law Vice President (North America) Professor Masahisa DEGUCHI Ritsumeikan University Faculty of Law, Japan Vice president (Asia) Professor Eduardo OTEIZA Argentina Vice president (South America) Professor Michele TARUFFO Istituto di diritto privato e processuale, Pavia, Italy Vice President (Europe) Professor Neil H. Andrews Clare College, Cambridge, United Kingdom Secretary General Professor Burkhard HESS Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Secretary General Professor Manuel ORTELLS RAMOS Universitat de València, Facultad de derecho, Spain Executive Secretary General ProfessorJanet WALKER Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Secretary General 572

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

COUNCIL Professor Teresa ARMENTA DEU Facultad de Derecho, Universitat de Girona, GIRONA, Spain Professor Teresa ARRUDA ALVIM WAMBIER Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil Professor David Newton BAMFORD Flinders University School of Law, Australia Professor Paolo BIAVATI Italy Professor Remo CAPONI Istituto di Diritto Privato e Processuale, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Italy Professor José Roberto DOS SANTOS BEDAQUE Tribunal de Justiça de S. Paulo, Brazil Professor Laura ERVO University of Örebro School of Law, Sweden Professor Frédérique FERRAND Université Jean Moulin, Lyon, France Professor Fernando GASCON INCHAUSTI Spain Professor Moon-hyuck HO Seoul National University School of Law, South Korea Professor Dr. Miklós KENGYEL University of Pécs Faculty of Law, Hungary Professor Angela Ester LEDESMA Argentina Professor Dmitry MALESHIN Moscow State Lomonosov University Law Faculty, Russia Professor Richard L. MARCUS Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, USA Professor Vytautas NEKROŠIUS Vilnius Univesity, Lithuania 573


Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Walter H. RECHBERGER Institut für Verfahrensrecht – Universität Wien, Austria Professor C.H. (Remco) VAN RHEE Universiteit Maastricht, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Netherlands Prof. Dr. Michael STÜRNER, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung, Germany Professor Rolf STÜRNER Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Institut fur deutsches und ausländisches Zivilprozessrecht, Freiburg, Germany Professor Piet TAELMAN University of Gent Faculty of Law, Belgium Professor Alan UZELAC University of Zagreb Faculty of Law CROATIA Professor Garry D. WATSON Osgoode Hall Law School,York University, Toronto, Canada

HONORARY MEMBERS Honorary Presidents Professor Marcel STORME University of Gent, Belgium Professor Peter GOTTWALD Universität Regensburg – Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, Regensburg, Germany Professor Federico CARPI University of Bologna, Italy Honorary Members of the Presidium Professor José Carlos BARBOSA MOREIRA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Honorary Vice President Professor Ada PELLEGRINI GRINOVER São Paulo, Brazil Honorary Vice President 574

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Yasuhei TANIGUCHI Senshu University Law School, Tokyo, Japan Honorary Vice President Professor Keith UFF Faculty of law University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Honorary Secretary General Honorary Members of the Council Professor Aguda T. AKINOLA Lagos, Nigeria Professor Italo ANDOLINA Dipartimento di diritto processuale civile – Università di Catania, Italy Professor Wouter de Vos University of Cape Town School of Law, South Africa Professor Victor FAIREN GUILLEN Madrid, Spain Professor Héctor FIX-ZAMUDIO Universidad National Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones juridícas, Mexico Professor Bryant G. GARTH Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, USA Prof. em. Dr. Dr.h.c. Dr.h.c. Peter GILLES Institut für Rechtsvergleichung Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt/M, Germany Professor Walther J. HABSCHEID Germany Professor Konstantinos D. KERAMEUS Hellenic Institute of International and Foreign Law, Athens, Greece LL. D Sakari LAUKKANEN University of Turku, University of Joensuu and Technical University of Lappeenranta, Finland Professor Dr. Per Henrik LINDBLOM University of Uppsala, Sweden 575


Professor Janos NEMETH Budapest, Hungary Professor Jacques NORMAND Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique de Reims, Reims, France Professor Roger PERROT Université de Paris II, France Professor Zhivko STALEV Sofia, Bulgaria

MEMBERS ALBANIA Professor Ledina MANDIA ARGENTINA Professor Roland Arazi Fundación de estudios superiores e investigación, Buenos Aires Professor Roberto Omar BERIZONCE Professor Pedro Juan BERTOLINO Professor Fernando DE LA RUA Professor Mabel Alicia DE LOS SANTOS Professor Osvaldo Alfredo GOZAÍNI Professor Juan Carlos HITTERS Professor Mario Ernesto KAMINKER Professor Angela Ester LEDESMA Professor Héctor Eduardo LEGUISAMÓN University of the Argentine Social Museum. University Institute of the Argentine Federal Police. University of Buenos Aires. University of Morón. Professor Rita MILL DE PEREYRA Facultad de derecho, U.N.N.E. Professor Eduardo David OTEIZA Professor Jorge Walter PEYRANO Professor Jorge Armando ROJAS University of Buenos Aires 577


Professor Alberto Osvaldo VARELA WOLF Mr Francisco VERBIC AUSTRALIA Professor David Newton BAMFORD Flinders University, School of Law Professor Neil James WILLIAMS University of Melbourne, Faculty of Law Professor Ted WRIGHT University of New Castle School of Law Professor Dr. William Van Caenegem Bond University School of Law AUSTRIA Professor Dr. Wolfgang JELINEK Karl-Franzens Universitat Graz, Institut für Zivilgerichtliches Verfahren Professor Dr. Georg E. KODEK, LL.M. Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Institut für Zivil- und Unternehmensrecht Professor Dr. Franz MATSCHER Österreichisches Institut für Menschenrechte, Internationales Forschungszentrum Edmundsburg Professor Dr. Paul OBERHAMMER Universität Wien. Rechtswissenchaftliche Fakultät Institut für Zivilverfahrensrecht Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Walter H. RECHBERGER Institut für Verfahrensrecht – Universität Wien Prof. Dr. Marianne ROTH, Universität Salzburg Professor Dr. Günter H. ROTH Universität Innsbruck Professor Mag. Dr. Daphne-Ariane SIMOTTA Institut für Zivilgerichtliches Verfahren an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz 578

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

BELGIUM Prof. dr. Benoît ALLEMEERSCH Institute for Civil Procedure Law, Faculty of Law, Tiensestraat 41 Prof. dr. Karen BROECKX Faculty of Law, Instituut voor Procesrecht Prof. dr. Georges DE LEVAL Faculté de droit-Sart-Tilman Prof. dr. Alphonse KOHL Professor Ernest KRINGS Prof. dr. Paul LEMMENS Professor Paul MEIJKNECHT Prof. dr. Marie-Thérèse MEULDERS-KLEIN Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Marcel STORME University of Gent Prof. dr. Matthias STORME Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Prof. dr. Piet TAELMAN Faculty of Law, Instituut voor Procesrecht Prof. dr. Jacques VAN COMPERNOLLE U.C.L. Faculté de Droit – College Thomas More Prof. dr. Paul VAN ORSHOVEN Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BENIN Professor Joseph DJOGBENOU Agrégé des facultés de droit BOTSWANA Professor Geoffrey Matthews KAKULI University of Botswana, Department of Law 579


BRAZIL Professor Teresa ARRUDA ALVIM WAMBIER University of São Paulo Professor José Carlos BARBOSA MOREIRA COPACABANA-RIO DE JANEIRO Professor Sidnei Agostinho BENETI Professor Sérgio BERMUDES Professor Marcos Afonso BORGES Professor Petrônio CALMON ALVES CARDOSO FILHO Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual Professor José Joaquim CALMON DE PASSOS Professor Alexandre Antonio Franco FREITAS CÂMARA Professor Hélio Márcio CAMPO Professor Carlos Alberto CARMONA Professor Athos Gusmão CARNEIRO Professor José Rogério CRUZ e TUCCI Professor Sálvio DE FIGUEIREDO TEIXEIRA Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Brasilia Professor Carlos Alberto Alvaro de Oliveira Professor Fredie Souza DIDIER Jr Universidade Federal da Bahia, Faculdade de Direit, Salvador Professor Candido Rangel DINAMARCO Professor Antonio DO PASSO CABRAL University of Rio de Janeiro Professor José Roberto DOS SANTOS BEDAQUE Tribunal de Justiça de S. Paulo Professor Paulo Henrique dos Santos LUCON 580

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Adroaldo FURTADO FABRÍCIO Faculdade de Direito da UFRGS Prof. Dr. Aluisio Goncalves DE CASTRO MENDES Professor Galeno LACERDA Professor Antonio Carlos MARCATO Professor Luiz Guilherme MARINONI Professor Daniel MITIDIERO Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Professor Egas Dirceu MONIZ DE ARAGÃO Rua Abraham Lincoln, 262, 80310-530 Curitiba (Parana’) Tel.: +55-41-2423166 Professor Dr. Nelson NERY JÚNIOR Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Faculdade de Direito Professor Ada PELLEGRINI GRINOVER Professor Ricardo PERLINGEIRO MENDES DA SILVA Professor Nelson Luiz PINTO Professor Guilherme RIZZO AMARAL Dr. Carlos Alberto de SALLES Universidade de São Paulo – Faculdade de Direito Professor Cassio SCARPINELLA BUENO Professor Humberto THEODORO JÚNIOR Professor Kazuo WATANABE Professor Flávio Luiz YARSHELL Prof. Hermes ZANETI Jr BULGARIA Professor dr. Valentina POPOVA Juristische Facultät der Sofioter Universität, Sofia 581


Professor Dr. Zhivko STALEV Sofia CANADA Professor H. Patrick GLENN Professor Daniel JUTRAS Professor Catherine PICHE Faculty of Law Université de Montréal Professor Janet WALKER Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto Professor Garry D. WATSON Osgoode Hall Law School,York University, Toronto Professor Frederick H. ZEMANS Osgoode Hall Law School,York University, Toronto CHILE Professor Arturo Felipe ONFRAY VIVANCO Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Diego Portales E mail: Professor Hugo PEREIRA ANABALON Professor Raul TAVOLARI OLIVEROS CHINA Professor Guang-zhong CHEN China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing Professor Wei.-dong CHEN Law School, Renmin University, Beijing Doctor Huang FENG Ministry of Justice People’s Republic of China Professor Yu-lin FU School of Law, Peking University, Beijing Professor Wei JIAN Ren Min University of China 582

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Rong-jun LIU Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing Professor Wei-jian TANG Law School, Renmin University, Beijing Professor Min-yuan WANG Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing Professor Jinxi WANG Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science China University of Political Science and Law Professor Ya-xin WANG Law School of Tsinghua University Professor Qiu-hong XIONG Chinese Academy of Sociel Sciences (CASS), Beijing Professor Song-nian YING Law Department of State Administration College, Beijing Professor Baosheng ZHANG China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) Professor Jian-wei ZHANG Law School, Tsinghua University, Beijing Professor Wei-ping ZHANG Law School, Tsinghua University, Beijing Professor Hai-feng ZHAO School of Law – Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin COLOMBIA Professor Ramiro BEJARANO GUZMÁN Departamento de Derecho Procesal. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Professor Hernán Fabio LOPEZ BLANCO Departamento de Derecho Procesal. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Professor Jairo PARRA QUIJANO Professor Diana María RAMÍREZ CARVAJAL Universidad de Medellìn. Jefatura del Doctorado en Derecho Procesal Contemporàneo 583


COSTA RICA Professor Dr. Sergio ARTAVIA BARRANTES Dr. Olman Arguedas SALAZAR CROATIA Professor Dr. Mihajlo DIKA Zagreb University Law Faculty Professor Dr. Alan UZELAC Zagreb University Law Faculty CZECH REPUBLIC Professor Judr. Alena WINTEROVA Pravnicka fakulta University Karlovy DENMARK Professor Dr. Ole LANDO Professor Eva SMITH University of Copenhagen, Institute of Legal Science EGYPT Professor Azmy Abdul Fattah ATEIA Université El Mansoura-Faculté de droit Professor El Meligi OSAMA Faculté de Droit de l’Université du Caire, Cairo Professor Fathi Ismail WALY Université du Caire FINLAND Professor Laura ERVO University of Örebro School of Law Professor Irma LAGER University of Helsinki LL. D Sakari LAUKKANEN University of Turku, University of Joensuu 584

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

and Technical University of Lappeenranta Justice of the Court of Appeal Justice Gustaf MÖLLER FRANCE Professeur Soraya AMRANI MEKKI Université Paris 10 – Nanterre Professor Jean Louis BERGEL Université d’Aix-Marseille III Professor Georges BOLARD Professor Loïc CADIET Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne – Université Paris I Professor Cécile CHAINAIS Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Faculté de droit et de science politique Professor Thomas CLAY Université de Versailles, Faculté de Droit Professor Frédérique FERRAND Université Jean Moulin, Lyon Professor Francoise GRIVART DE KERSTRAT Faculté de Droit, Université d’Aix-en-Provence Dr. Dominique HASCHER l’Université Paris I Professor Emmanuel JEULAND Professor Pierre JULIEN Université de Nice, Faculté de Droit Professor Eric LOQUIN Professor Marie-Laure NIBOYET Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense Dr Marie NIOCHE Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense 585


Professor Jacques NORMAND Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique de Reims Professor Roger PERROT Université de Paris II Professor Jean-Pierre ROYER Professor Yves STRICKLER University Nice Sophia Antipolis Faculty of Law GERMANY Professor Dr. Jens ADOLPHSEN Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, nationales und internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht und Sportrecht, Licher Professor Dr. Jürgen BASEDOW Professor Dr. Dagmar COESTER-WALTJEN Notar Professor Dr. Reinhold GEIMER Professor em. Dr. Dr.h.c. Dr.h.c. Peter GILLES Institut für Rechtsvergleichung, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Professor Peter GOTTWALD Universität Regensburg – Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft Professor Dr. Wolfgang GRUNSKY Universitat Bielefeld Professor Dr. Dres.h.c. Walther J. HABSCHEID Professor Dr. Wolfgang HAU Universität Passau, Juristische Fakultät Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Wolfram HENCKEL Professor Dr. Burkhard HEß Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Professor Dr. Peter HUBER Universität Mainz Professor Dr.Abbo JUNKER 586

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Dr. Harald KOCH Juristische Fakultät, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Professor Dr. Stefan LEIBLE Universität Bayreuth, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Dieter LEIPOLD Albert-Ludwigs Universitat Professor Dr. Wolfgang LÜKE Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht Zivilverfahrensrecht und Rechtsvergleichung Technische Universität Professor Dr. Peter MANKOWSKI Seminar für ausländisches und internationales Privat Professor Dr. Heinz-Peter MANSEL Universität zu Köln, Institut für Internationales und Ausländisches Privatrecht Professor Dr. Dieter MARTINY Europa-Universität Viadrina Professor Dr. Christoph G. PAULUS Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Juristische Fakultät Professor Dr. Thomas PFEIFFER Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht der Universität Heidelberg Professor Dr. Hanns PRÜTTING Institut für Verfahrensrecht der Universität zu Köln Prof. Dr. Thomas RAUSCHER Juristenfakultät – Universität Leipzig Professor Dr. Herbert ROTH Universität Regensburg, Juristische Fakultät Prof. Dr. Ingo SAENGER Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster Institut für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Professor Dr. Peter SCHLOSSER Rechtsanwalt und Notar Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Rolf A. SCHÜTZE 587


Professor Dr. Kurt SIEHR Professor Dr. Ulrich SPELLENBERG Lehrstuhl für Zivilrecht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung der Universität Bayreuth Professor Dr. Astrid Stadler Juristische Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht und Zivilprozessrecht Professor Helmut STEINBERGER Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Prof. Dr. Michael STÜRNER Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht Professor Dr. Rolf STÜRNER Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Institut fur deutsches und ausländisches Zivilprozessrecht Professor Dr. Gerhard WAGNER Universität Bonn - Rechts-und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät GREECE Professor Paris S. ARVANITAKIS Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Faculty of Law, Economics and Political Sciences Law Department Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Kostas BEYS Dr. Ioannis DELIKOSTOPOULOS Lecturer in Law at the University of Athens Professor Dr. Georgios DIAMANTOPOULOS Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Dr. iur. Konstantinos GIANNOPOULOS Research Institute for Procedural Studies Professor Dr. Athanassios KAISSIS Professor Dr. Nikolaos KATIFORIS National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law, 588

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Dr. Dres.h.c. Konstantinos D. KERAMEUS Hellenic Institute of International and Foreign Law, Athens Professor Dr. Nikolaos K. KLAMARIS National and Capodistrien University of Athens – Institute of Procedural Studies Professor Kalliope Th. MAKRIDOU Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. George MITSOPOULOS Université d‘Athenes Professor Dr. Georgios ORFANIDIS Institut für prozessuale Studien, Akadimisas Professor Dr. Constantine POLYZOGOPOULOS University of Athens Professor Dr. Pelayia YESSIOU-FALTSI Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law Professor Dr. Dimitrios TSIKRIKAS University of Athens GUATEMALA Professor Mario AGUIRRE GODOY HUNGARY Dr. Viktória HARSÁGI Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedure Law, Budapest Professor Dr. Miklós KENGYEL University of Pécs, Faculty of Law Professor Dr. János NÉMETH INDIA Professor K.B. AGRAWAL Indian Institute of Comparative Law 589


Mr. Justice Arun MADAN Indian Association of procedural law, c/o Indian Law Institute, JAIPUR Professor Yadlapalli VISHNUPRIYA INDONESIA Professor Paulus LOTULUNG Professor S. H. SETIAWAR IRAN Dr. Hassan MOHSENI University of Tehran, Faculty of Law & Political Sciences Dr. Majid POUROSTAD ISRAEL Professor Eliahu HARNON The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Faculty of Law Professor Michael KARAYANNI Faculty of Law, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem Professor Shimon SHETREET Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law Professor Celia WASSERSTEIN FASSBERG Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law ITALY Professor Italo ANDOLINA Dipartimento di diritto processuale civile, UniversitĂ di Catania Professor Chiara BESSO MARCHEIS University of Turin Professor Paolo BIAVATI Professor Girolamo BONGIORNO Professor Domenico BORGHESI 590

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Antonio BRIGUGLIO Professor Remo CAPONI Istituto di Diritto Privato e Processuale, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza Professor Federico CARPI Istituto di applicazione forense «E. Redenti» Professor Sergio CHIARLONI Professor Vittorio COLESANTI Professor Luigi Paolo COMOGLIO Università degli studi di Pavia Professor Claudio CONSOLO Professor Giorgio COSTANTINO Università «Roma Tre» Facoltà di Giurisprudenza Professor Marco DE CRISTOFARO Università di Padova Professor Giuseppe DI FEDERICO Professor Angelo DONDI Università di Genova Professor Giuseppe FINOCCHIARO Università degli Studi di Brescia Professor Mariacarla GIORGETTI Professor Andrea GIUSSANI Professor Sergio LA CHINA Professor Francesco Paolo LUISO Professor Michele Angelo LUPOI Professor Elena MARINUCCI Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca Luca PASSANANTE 591


Ricercatore nell’Università di Brescia Professor Nicola PICARDI Professor Andrea PROTO PISANI Professor Carmine PUNZI Professor Achille SALETTI Professor Elisabetta SILVESTRI University of Pavia Professor Michele TARUFFO Istituto di diritto privato e processuale Professor Nicolò TROCKER Università degli studi di Firenze Professor Giulio UBERTIS Università di Milano-Bicocca Professor Vincenzo VARANO University of Florence Professor Giovanni VERDE Università LUISS Professor Vincenzo VIGORITI Università degli Studi di Firenze Professor Francesca ZANNOTTI Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Bologna Professor Elena ZUCCONI GALLI FONSECA JAPAN Professor Dr. Masahisa DEGUCHI Ritsumeikan University Professor Yukiko HASEBE Gakushuin University Professor Dr. Yasunori HONMA Nagoya University 592

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Dr. Tatsuo IKEDA Osaka University Professor Dr. Akira ISHIKAWA Professor Makoto ITO Waseda University Professor Weidong JI Kobe University Professor Dr. Masanori KAWANO Rechtsanwalt Professor Dr. Toichiro KIGAWA Professor Ichiro KITAMURA Professor Takeshi KOJIMA Yokohama University Professor Noboru KOYAMA Professor Dr. Hiroyuki MATSUMOTO (office) Ryukoku University Kyoto Professor Koichi MIKI Keio University Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Hideo NAKAMURA Professor Shunichiro NAKANO University of Kobe Professor Munehide NISHIZAWA Aoyama-Gakuin University Professor Masahiko OMURA Chuo University Professor Dr. Koji SHINDO Professor Masahiro SUZUKI Professor Hiroshi TAKAHASHI Chuo University 593


Professor Morio TAKESHITA Professor Yasuhei TANIGUCHI Senshu University Professor Manabu WAGATSUMA Tokyo Metropolitan University KOREA Prof. Dr. choong-soo HAN Hanyang Law School Professor Young-joo HAM Chung-Ang University Professor Moon-hyuck HO Seoul National University Professor Kyeng-wook KIM Professor Sang-soo KIM Professor Yong-Jin KIM Taejon School of Law Chungnam National University Professor Gyoo-ho LEE Chung-Ang University Professor Sang-hyun SONG Seoul National University College of Law LESOTHO Hon. Mr. Justice T.E. MONAPATHI Palace of Justice LITHUANIA Professor Valentinas MIKELÉNAS Vilnius Universitetas Professor Vytautas NEKROŠIUS Vilnius University 594

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

MAROCCO Professor Abdellah BOUDAHRAIN MEXICO Dr. Gonzalo M. ARMIENTA CALDERテ誰 Professor Eduardo FERRER MAC-GREGOR POISOT Professor Dr. Hテゥctor FIX-ZAMUDIO Dr. Fernando FLORES-GARCIA Professor Macarita ELIZONDO GASPARIN Dr. Jorge I. GODINEZ GUTIERREZ Professor Josティ OVALLE FAVELA Professor Sergio Garcia RAMIREZ NEW ZEALAND The Honourable Christopher Francis FINLAYSON Attorney-General, Parliament Buildings Graham D. S. TAYLOR NIGERIA Professor Aguda T. AKINOLA NORWAY Professor Inge Lorange BACKER Universitet I Oslo Dr Anna NYLUND University of Tromso PANAMA Professor Jorge FABREGA P. Professor Abel Augusto ZAMORANO 595


PERU Professor Juan Federico MONROY GÁLVEZ Professor Juan José MONROY PALACIOS Professor Carlos PARODI REMÓN Professor Anibal QUIROGA LEON Professor Adrián SIMONS PINO POLAND Professor Maria BORUCKA-ARCTOVA Professor Dr. Witold BRONIEWICZ University of Lòdz, Faculty of Law and Administration Professor Dr. Tadeusz ERECINSKI President of the Supreme Court professor Dr. Kazimierz LUBINSKI Professor Dr. Mieczyslaw SAWCZUK Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law and International Commerce Law Dr. Anna SWIDERSKA-CICINELLI Ufficio della Promozione del Commercio e degli Investimenti dell’Ambasciata della Republica di Polonia PORTUGAL Professor Joao Antonio ALVARO DIAS Professora Paula COSTA E SILVA Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa Alameda da Universidade (Faculdade de Direito) Professor Carlos Manuel FERREIRA DA SILVA Professor José Manuel LEBRE DE FREITAS Professor Álvaro REIS FIGUEIRA Professor Dr. Miguel TEIXEIRA DE SOUSA 596

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Professor Cojuhari Alexandru NICHIFOR REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Professor Pamela Jane SCHWIKKARD University of Cape Town Professor Dr. Andries Charl CILLIERS Professor Wouter DE VOS University of Cape Town Professor Roshana Alice KELBRICK University of South Africa Professor S. SANDILE NGCOBO REPUBLICA DE CABO VERDE Professor Jorge Carlos DE ALMEIDA FONSECA Dr. Antonio Manuel MASCARENHAS GOMES MONTEIRO President of the Republica de Cabo Verde ROMANIA Professor Sebastian SPINEI «Lucian Blaga» University RUSSIA Professor Nataliya S. BOCHAROVA Moscow State Lomonosov University Professor Maria FILATOVA Russian Academy of ForeignTrade Professor Rimma KALLISTRATOVA Russian Academy of Law Professor Dmitry MALESHIN Moscow State Lomonosov University Professor Irina V. RESCHETNIKOVA Ural State Law Academy 597


Professor Alexander VERSCHININ Saint-Petersburg State University Professor Elena VINOGRADOVA Institute of State and Law ot the Russian Academy of Sciences Professor Vladimir V. YARKOV Ural State Law Academy SENEGAL Dr. Seydou BA Court Supreme SERBIA Professor Vesna RAKIC VODINELIC SINGAPORE Professor Hock Lai HO National University of Singapore SLOVAKIA Katarína GEŠKOVÁ Comenius University in Bratislava SLOVENIA Professor Aleš GALIČ University of Ljubljana SPAIN Professor José ALMAGRO NOSETE Tribunal Supremo Professor Sara ARAGONESES MARTINEZ Professor Dr. Teresa ARMENTA DEU Professor Lorena BACHMAIER WINTER Professor Dra. Dra. h.c. Silvia BARONA VILAR University of Valencia 598

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor José BONET NAVARRO Universitat de València, Facultad de derecho Professor Lorenzo-Mateo BUJOSA VADELL Universidad de Salamanca Professor Dr. Andrés DE LA OLIVA SANTOS Professor José DE LOS SANTOS MARTIN OSTOS Professor Ignacio DÍEZ-PICAZO GIMÉNEZ Professor Manuel Serra DOMINGUEZ Professor Dr. Carlos ESPLUGUES MOTA University of Valencia Professor Dr. Victor FAIREN GUILLEN Professor Regina GARCIMARTÍN MONTERO Universidad de Zaragoza Professor Fernando GASCON INCHAUSTI Universidad Complutense de Madrid Professor Vincente GIMENO SENDRA Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Professor Juan-Luis GÓMEZ COLOMER Universidad Jaime I, Departamento de Derecho Público Professor Jesus GONZALEZ PEREZ Professor Faustino GUTIERREZ ALVIZ Y CONRADI Professor Rafael HINOJOSA SEGOVIA Professor Francisco LÓPEZ SIMÓ Universidad de las Islas Baleares Professor Juan MONTERO AROCA Professor Manuel ORTELLS RAMOS Universitat de València Professor Ernesto PEDRAZ PENALVA 599


Professor Joan PICÓ I JUNOY Universidad Rovira i Virgili Professor Dr. Francisco RAMOS MENDEZ Professor Carmen SENÉS MOTILLA Universidad de Almería Professor Isabel TAPIA FERNÁNDEZ Universidad de las Islas Baleares Professor José Luis VAZQUEZ SOTELO SWEDEN Professor Torbjörn ANDERSSON Uppsala University Professor Gunnar BERGHOLTZ University of Lund Professor Dr. Christian DIESEN University of Stockholm Professor Henrik EDELSTAM University of Stockholm Professor Lars HEUMAN University of Stockholm Professor Ulla JACOBSSON Professor Dr. Per Henrik LINDBLOM Professor Bengt LINDELL Uppsala University Professor Roberth NORDH Uppsala University Professor Dr. Patricia SHAUGNESSY University of Stockholm Professor Dr. Per Ole TRÄSKMAN University of Lund 600

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Dr. Peter WESTBERG University of Lund SWITZERLAND Professor Steven BERTI Professor François BOHNET Prof. Tanja DOMEJ University of Zurich Professor Ulrich HAAS University of Zurich Prof. Ingrid JENT-SØRENSEN Professor Dr. Alexander MARKUS Université de Berne Professor Dr. Isaak MEIER University of Zurich Dr. iur. Fridolin WALTHER Rechtsanwalt, LL.M. (Yale) Professor Dr. Gerhard WALTER TAIWAN Professor Dr. Shen KUAN-LING National Taiwan University THE NETHERLANDS Professor Dr. Daan ASSER Professor Dr. Erhard BLANKENBURG Paulien M.M. van der GRINTEN Ministry of Justice Professor Ewoud HONDIUS Utrecht University Professor Dr. Robert JAGTENBERG ERASMS Universiteit Rotterdam 601


Professor dr. Anthonie W. JONGBLOED Utrecht University Prof. Dr. Xandra E. KRAMER Erasmus University Rotterdam Prof. Dr. Bart KRANS University of Groningen Professor Adnan Buyung NASUTION Professor Dr. B.C. PUNT Professor Anni J. de ROO ERASMS Universiteit Rotterdam Professor Dr. G. Robert RUTGERS Professor Henk J. SNIJDERS Universiteit Leiden Professor Taco A. W. STERK University of Leiden Dr. Bartosz SUJECKI Professor Dr. Toon VAN MIERLO Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Professor C.H. (Remco) VAN RHEE Universiteit Maastricht Dr. R.Ch. VERSCHUUR Professor Dr. J.B.M. VRANKEN Professor Wil G. Ph. E. WEDEKIND TURKEY Professor Baki KURU Professor Dr. Ergun OZSUNAY Istanbul University Av. Murat R. OZSUNAY, M.C.J. (U.T. Austin) Bar Assoc. of Istanbul & Frankfurt/M 602

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Hakan PEKCANITEZ Galatsaray Üniversitesi UKRAINE Professor Zorian BAZYLEVYCH Professor Svitlana KRAVCHENKO UNITED KINGDOM Professor Neil H. ANDREWS Clare College Cambridge University Mr. George APPLEBEY The University of Birmingham Professor J.W.K. BLAKIE University of Strathclyde Mr. Carla CRIFÒ University of Leicester Ms Déirdre DWYER University of Oxford Professor M.S. DOCKRAY City University Professor Cyril GLASSER University College Professor Christopher J.S. HODGES Oxford University The Hon. Lord Leonard HOFFMAN House of Lords Professor Wendy KENNETT Cardiff University Professor Julian LONBAY University of Birmingham Professor C.G.J. MORSE King’s College London 603


Professor Rachael MULHERON School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London Dr. K. P. NOUSSIA University of Birmingham Professor John PEYSNER University of Lincoln Professor I. R. SCOTT University of Birmingham Dr. John SORABJI Judicial Institute, Faculty of Law, University College, London Professor W. L. TWINING University College Professor Keith UFF University of Birmingham Professor Adrian ZUCKERMAN University College UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Professor Samuel BAUMGARTNER University of Akron School of Law Professor Stephen BURBANK University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor Paul D. CARRINGTON Duke University School of Law Professor Robert C. CASAD The University of Kansas Professor Oscar G. CHASE New York University School of Law Professor Kevin M. CLERMONT Cornell Law School Professor Mirjan DAMASKA Yale Law School 604

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Theodore EISENBERG Cornell University Professor Owen M. FISS Yale Law School Professor Maryellen FULLERTON Brooklyn Law School Professor Marc GALANTER University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Bryant G. GARTH Southwestern Law School Professor Antonio GIDI University of Houston Law Center Professor Simona GROSSI Loyola Law School Professor Dr. Peter HAY Emory University School of Law Professor Geoffrey C. HAZARD Hastings College of the Law University of California Professor Deborah R. HENSLER Stanford Law School Professor Helen HERSHKOFF New York University, School of Law Professor Peter HERZOG College of Law Syracuse University Dr. Justice Earl JOHNSON Jr. Professor Mary KAY KANE Hastings College of the Law Professor John H. LANGBEIN Yale Law School Professor John LEUBSDORF Rutgers Law School 605


Professor Dennis LYNCH University of Miami School of Law Professor Thomas Orin MAIN University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law Professor Richard L. MARCUS Hastings College of the Law Professor Toni Marie MASSARO University of Arizona College of Law Professor James MAXEINER University of Baltimore School of Law Professor John Henry MERRYMAN Stanford Law School Professor Linda S. MULLENIX University of Texas School of Law Professor Peter Loos MURRAY Harvard Law School Professor Judith RESNIK Yale Law School Professor Thomas D. ROWE, Jr. Duke University School of Law Professor Martin SHAPIRO University of California, School of Law (Boalt Hall) Professor Edward SHERMAN Tulane Law School Professor Linda SILBERMAN New York University School of Law Professor Linda S. SIMARD Suffolk University Law School Professor Lawrence B. SOLUM Georgetown Law school Professor Stephen SUBRIN Northeastern University School of Law 606

List of Presidium, Council and members of the International Association of Procedural Law

Professor Ellen E. SWARD University of Kansas School of Law Professor Louise Ellen TEITZ Roger Williams University School of Law Professor Carl TOBIAS University of Richmond School of Law Professor Joseph H. H. WEILER New York University School of Law Professor Margaret Y.K. WOO Northeastern University School of Law Professor A.N. YIANNOPOULOS Tulane University Law URUGUAY Professor Jaime L. GREIF Dr. Walter D. GUERRA PEREZ Professor Margarita de HEGEDUS Professor Martha JARDI ABELLA Professor Angel LANDONI SOSA Dr. Santiago PEREIRA CAMPOS Dr. Luis María SIMÓN OLIVERA Professor Edgar J. VARELA-MÉNDEZ VENEZUELA Professor Arminio José BORJAS HERNANDEZ Professor Pedro J. MANTELLINI GONZÁLEZ Professor Mariolga QUINTERO TIRADO Professor Arístides RENGEL ROMBERG Dr. Rodrigo Antonio RIVERA MORALES Universidad Católica del Táchira

Научное издание Гражданский процесс в межкультурном диалоге: евразийский контекст: Всемирная конференция Международной ассоциации процессуального права, 18–21 сентября 2012 г., Москва, Россия Сборник докладов На английском языке Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context: IAPL World Conference on Civil Procedure, September 18–21, 2012, Moscow, Russia Conference Book

Художественное оформление: В.В. Самойлова Компьютерная верстка: О.Л. Божьева

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