Data Documents Brand Development and Guidelines

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CONTENTS Introduction 02 About Data Documents 03 Brand Values 04 Message and Tone of Voice 05 Primary logo 06 Logo variations 07 Correct logo usage 08 Clear Space 09 Typefaces 10 Typeface hierarchy 11 Colour palette 12 Patterns 13 Image Style 14 Iconography 15 Stationery designs 16 Brand identity application 01

All rights reserved by Š 2017 Data Documents Pty Ltd.


Introduction PURPOSE


This document is a working document and provides the user with clear guidelines as to the correct implementation and of the Data Documents Identity and visual language.

A Brand is quite simply the perception and reputation that we as a company create in the minds of people.

As a matter of fact, this entire document is a testimony of correct visual language application. The Brand Identity and selected market communication applications cover all basic channels. It is essential to understand the implementation principles, thereby empowering the user to evolve the visual identity for any future application that is not covered in this document.

A Brand Identity is a collection of visual parts - such as the Brand Mark, colour, typography, imagery, and messaging - that help to communicate and identify the distinctive personality of the brand. This document is a collection of tools and guidelines that help us create and maintain elements of the Data Documents Brand Identity.

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About Data Documents Data Documents is a printing services business that has been operating in Western Australia for over the past 20 years. Data Documents offers a wide range of printing services, including litho printing, large format printing and signage, self published book printing, foiling and embossing and short run digital printing amongst others. Characterised by a focus on delivering excellence in customer service, knowledge sharing, creating and fostering trusting relationships and setting high standards in the industry, Data Documents is looking at the future positioning their brand as a high-end and bespoke printing services in the marketplace. To that end, a refresh of their existing brand and identity assets has been developed and is shared in pages of this manual.


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Brand Values EXCELLENT SERVICE: Through any touch point and at all times, to provide excellente customer service by anyone involved with the organisation. COMMUNICATION: Maintain and ensure open and honest communications with all clients at all times. COMMITMENT: Committed to always deliver exactly what is required by the client, at the highest quality and respecting the delivery times. KNOWLEDGE: Showing and displaying a conduct to share knowledge with our clients in order to achieve the best possible results for their projects and to educate them for future jobs. RESPONSIVENESS: Be responsive by appreciating the importance that every job has for each client. Getting back to clients on time, whether it is an enquiry or delivering a job is key to our organisation's success. RELATIONSHIPS: Creating and fostering meningful relationships is a core value of Data Documents and another key factor to sucess in the competitive landscape of our industry. EXPERIENCE: Our experience brings value to our clients. By sharing our experience, we add value to our client's projects. 5

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Tone of Voice & Messages Tone of Voice:

Data Document's tone of voice is: • • • • • •

Experienced Honest Humble Personal Engaging Informative


Data Documents is your partner for Bespoke printing services in Perth. Let's create something great together. Only first class quality and customer service.


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Primary logo The Data Documents logo is comprised of a symbol and a wordmark. The symbol represents pages and documents in the form of an open book. The Data Documents wordmark uses the font Optima and together with the symbol, they create the company's signature. The Signature forms the most significant feature of the Data Documents service and corporate identity and should be used on all aspects of branded communication. The Data Documents Signature should never be altered, tilted, distorted, manipulated or disassembled on any application. The logo should not be recreated or modified in any other way, except for the variations showcased in this document.


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Logo variations The Data Documents logo has the following variations: a. Main Logo with taglines 'Bespoke Printing' and values b. Main Logo with website c. Logo reverse d. Logo reverse with taglines 'Bespoke Printing' and values e. Logo reverse with website f. Full colour logo g. Full colour logo with taglines 'Bespoke Printing' and values h. Full colour logo with website i. Favicon/Avatar j. Favicon/Avatar reverse k. Favicon/Avatar full colour


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Logo variations (Continues) LOGO REVERSE AND VARIATIONS


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Logo variations (Continues) LOGO FULL COLOUR AND VARIATIONS






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Logo variations (Continues) AVATARS


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Correct logo usage Because the Data Documents Signature is the brand’s primary visual representation, its integrity should be respected at all times, in all places. Please do not stretch, condense, augment or distort its form. Changing any graphic element of the Signature will weaken its impact and detract from the consistent image we seek to project. The illustrations below describe some, but not all, of the more common misunderstandings and inappropriate uses of the Signature. Please use only approved electronic art when reproducing the Data Documents Signature. Do not use the reverse version of the logo against any other colour other than white.

Do not use the reverse version of the logo against any other colour other than white.


Do not distort the original logo or any of its variations.



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Correct logo usage (Continues) Do not change the orientation of the logo by rotating it any way.

Do not lay any kind of transparency over the logo.

Do not distort the original logo or any of its variations.

Do not change the colors of any of the logos.

Do not add any kind of effects like a drop shadow to the logo.


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Correct logo usage (Continues) The minimum height of the Data Documents logo should be 1.75 cm and the width 3.50 cm. Never go smaller than this. If the space you have is smaller than this, then the application medium is unsuitable. The logo does not have a maximum reproduction size.

1.75 cm



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Clear space Clearspace has been established around the Data Documents logo to protect its integrity and to ensure that it is never visually dominated by other elements. The space has been defined by the size of the letter 'D' in the logo and it is related to the height and width of the entire logo. It should be kept clear of all type, graphic elements, lines and illustrations.


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Typefaces Data Document's primary typeface is Optima. Clear and precise, Optima is suited for a wide range of visual communications. Multiple levels of typographic hierarchy are defined both for impact and clarity of our communications.

WHEN TO USE Use Optima for all Data Documents communications where possible. Use Optima in rendered form for online and electronic applications. When use of Optima is not possible, use the Helvetica font family.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

@#%&{}[](’.,;:!?)<>*^ Cusam eumet paruntotatur sedio tem doloribus. Bit ea soluptaepro et vel moluptatur seriorest, solorero volo dolentius venihici officit apiendist autatusda comnisEgo Catus conscer dientem untilis aperfex ne morunu spiostro vast? Ebem or ades, novirmant. Veride te crips, nem orte eo vem cotius, vignat orter im mant. Torum priocul tuusquam nu it. Occie ac opublis peris tum mus, vicae pors culicionte, crissimpero vid ala verfece periventium publium movidet conscis; non virmihi caeliuspio es catuam diu consusuam


Data Doc um e nt s | Brand Guidelines 2017/18


Typefaces (Continues) SECONDARY TYPEFACES


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

@#%&{}[](’.,;:!?)<>*^ Ebem or ades, novirmant. Veride te crips, nem orte eo vem cotius, vignat orter im mant. Torum priocul tuusquam nu it. Occie ac opublis peris tum mus, vicae pors culicionte, crissimpero vid ala verfece periventium publium movidet conscis; non virmihi caeliuspio es catuam diu consusuam 17

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Typeface Hierarchy H1 Header Optima Bold 48pt/ 52pt leading

H2 Header Optima Bold 44pt/ 48pt leading

H3 Header Helvetica Bold 22pt / 26pt leading H4 Header Helvetica Bold 20pt / 24pt leading


H5 Header Optima Regular 20pt / 24pt leading

H6 Header Helvetica Regular 20pt / 24pt leading

Body Copy Helvetica Light 18pt / 20pt leading

Data Doc um e nt s | Brand Guidelines 2017/18


Colour Palette Color is a primary means of visual identification that we use to create a powerful emotional response. The Data Documents colous have been carefully chosen to convey a high-end, bespoke brand which is positioned as a leader in its field in the marketplace. The consistent use of the chosen colours in the correct context as specified in this manual will build strong external recognition and memorability for Data Documents.

PRIMARY PALETTE The colour palette for Data Document's main logo includes 2 main colors: steel grey

and white to reinforce the projection of a bold and confident brand. An accent colour (Gold) has been included, however it can only be used for very specific purposes such as Christmas or Anniversary campaigns.

For printing purposes, always use the CMYK values provided below. For colour reproduction on screen (e.g. electronic letterhead, website, PDFs etc) follow the RGB colour breakdown provided below.

C: 21 M: 28 Y: 22 K: 70

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0

C: 31 M: 36 Y: 62 K: 3

R: 64 G: 71 B: 79

R: 255 G: 255 B: 255

R: 167 G: 145 B: 106

HEX: 40474F


HEX: A6906A


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Colour Palette (Continues) SECONDARY PALETTE The colour palette for the full colour variation of the Data Document's logo includes 6 colors as well as the main Steel Grey used in the main logo.

For printing purposes, always use the CMYK values provided below. For colour reproduction on screen (e.g. electronic letterhead, website, PDFs etc) follow the RGB colour breakdown provided below.



C: 41 M: 28 Y: 22 K: 70

C: 2 M: 27 Y: 99 K: 0

C: 0 M: 74 Y: 100 K: 0

C: 13 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 4

R: 64 G: 71 B: 79

R: 248 G: 188 B: 24

R: 242 G: 104 B: 34

R: 205 G: 32 B: 39

HEX: 40474F


HEX: F26822

HEX: CD2027

C: 74 M: 100 Y: 26 K: 18

C: 96 M: 69 Y: 20 K: 5

C: 87 M: 26 Y: 99 K: 13

R: 90 G: 35 B: 102

R: 17 G: 88 B: 141

R: 18 G: 128 B: 65

HEX: 5A2366

HEX: 11588D

HEX: 128041

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Patterns The following patterns have been designed for use in web and print materials, as backgrounds or on their own. Some of the following designs have been specifically designed for branding of interior spaces such as offices or at trade exhibitions. Please refer to brand identity application for further details on how and when to use these patterns.


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Patterns (Continues)


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Image style Photography is a core element of the Data Documents identity and is preferred over illustration where possible. Ensure that the quality of the imagery is as high as possible. The images shown here represent the Data Documents visual positioning of high-end and bespoke printing services.


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Iconography Below are some of the icons that can be used in web and print material, including proposals, marketing collateral and other branding designs.


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Stationery Designs BUSINESS CARDS



Managing Director



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Brand Identity application FACADE OFFICE BUILDING



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Brand Identity application OFFICE INTERIOR



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