Why your job sucks and
How that will change
Page 18
The IEM perspective with
Lutz Heissler
An ESTIEM alumnus Page 30
Three years exchange with
Boutros Lama Page 56
The new learning
E-learning Page 10
European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Issue 46 2014/1 | ISSN 0874-5242 | Price 0 Euro | www.estiem.org
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Table of contents
Introduction 4
Project Leader’s Speech
President’s Speech
Introduction to ESTIEM
Focus Topic: E-learning
18 Why your job sucks and how that will change 21 Outsourcing: Have corporations gone too far?
about and is not that Bad Dürkheim 33 Shaping the future is in the eye of an
and playing hard! 51 Project, Committee and Initiative
30 Life after ESTIEM is nothing to wine
Industrial Engineering and Engineering
48 An event dedicated to working hard 49 TIMES Semi-Final in Moscow
26 Introducing Board 2014
16 Megatrends – Implications for
47 Europe 3D CoM insights
23 The „VWI 5 Kampf“
13 Politecnico di Milano: e-Learning from
Everything is possible within ESTIEM
10 Engineering the Future of Education the student angle
45 From IEM student to Polish teacher:
IEM professional 38 Interview with Smartster
updates 59 Event agenda
Explore Europe 54 Student life in Trondheim 56 Three years exchange!
40 Lily’s impressions from Europe3D Madrid 42 Baku, where ancient and modernism meet and blend with each other ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Project Leader’s Speech
Imprint Project Leader Stijn Zanders Editorial Staff Lydia Binek Koen Koolen Alaz Ata Şenol Stijn Zanders Online editorial staff Ivana Drecun Funda Koca Rūta Slivkaitė Design Tomasz Czekierda Rūta Slivkaitė Stijn Zanders
Dear reader, Education is changing, both in quality and scale and access, all through technology. Anyone who has an Internet connection and the will to learn has the possibility to have access to online education. Universities are using these opportunities to broaden their audience and field of education. Concerning this issue, Politecnico di Milano in Italy is showing us how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can be used to bridge the gap between different stages of student
Proof readers Claudio Buhr Guilherme Frias Jonas Frimmer Sorana Ioniță Mladen Lukić
curricula. Besides that, the MOOC platform iversity.
Advertisement Acquisition Sorana Ioniță
Management (IEM) field, a new section is introduced
With special thanks to Sanan Aliyev, Isabel Azcárate, Emilia Gębska, Ada Giannatelli, Lily Gubayeva, Csaba Hartmann, Lutz Heissler, Boutros Lama, Geert Letens, Arjen Martens, Mark Poppenborg, Nataliya Roskladka, Martin Schmucker, Laine Šildere, Svetlana Smirnova, Arjan van Weele, Ou Yan
deeper look into the implications of megatrends in IEM,
org elaborates on the challenges and opportunities for online learning. Since a lot is happening in the Industrial Engineering and in this issue, named Scene. This issue we will have a a different way on how companies should operate and the risk of outsourcing. At last, we have two ESTIEMers sharing their exchange Furthermore, an interview with Lutz Heissler, an
stories, Arjen Martens tells us about his student life
ESTIEM alumnus who quit his office job and pursued
after he left Eindhoven to pursue his Master degree in
his passion, was held. Lutz shows us the effect of IEM
Trondheim. Boutros Lama, from Local Group L’Aquila
on running his own vineyard. Sanan Aliyev, the Local
tells us about his experiences during his three years of
Contact magazine@estiem.org
Responsible from Guest Group Baku will show us
exchange after an earthquake shook the central Italian
the country of Azerbaijan. Ou Yan, from the Board
city of L’Aquila.
ESTIEM Permanent Office Paviljoen B-6 P.O.Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands
of European Students of Technology gives an insight
Fax: 0031-(0)40 2473871 info@estiem.org www.estiem.org Disclaimer The contents may not always reflect the opinion of the publisher. Any reproduction or copy is permitted only with the permission of the editors.
from his perspective on the Europe 3D Coordination
In this 46th issue we once again present a mixture of
Meeting held in the beginning of 2014.
exciting, informative, fun and serious topics. Enjoy reading it!
Besides that, many more experiences from our growing network of ESTIEMers are captured in the Inside ESTIEM section and as many as seventeen updates from our projects, committees and initiatives are shown.
Our Partner
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
In high ESTIEM, Stijn Zanders Magazine Project Leader 2013 / 2014
President’s Speech
Dear Reader, The development of a new industrial revolution based on high tech integration of the value chain is today pointed as a priority by most European leaders. The crisis Europe is going through, of which the most visible effect is the high unemployment rate and lack of competitiveness in a global market, is being regarded as an opportunity to restructure the traditional industrial base to use the most out of the new technological breakthroughs in communication and intelligent systems. It is clear for all that Europe’s future lies in reinvesting in industry and new ways of manufacturing. This should be an exciting time to be studying Industrial Engineering and Management. ESTIEM is seizing the opportunity by preparing Industrial Engineering and Management students with a rich set of skills that enhances their university education.
between Academia and Industry, in order to properly
ESTIEM seminars provide the students with state of the
prepare Industrial Engineering and Management
art technical knowledge and our multicultural network
students for their future careers.
enables this knowledge to disseminate quickly all over
The focus topic of the 46th issue of the ESTIEM
Europe. Moreover, our activities provide room for the
Magazine is exactly about one of the ways that the
mastery of important soft skills, developing students
education system is adapting to the possibilities
to become leaders of their personal and professional
provided by the new technologies. E-Learning will for
lives in today’s dynamic environment. Our organisation
sure be one big part of the education system in the
faces several challenges for the future, one of them
future and Industrial Engineering and Management
being the ambition to be recognised as a key player in
education will for sure also be influenced by it.
the Industrial Engineering and Management field while maintaining a lean and efficient student run network.
I am very happy to invite you to read our 46th issue of
Now present at 74 universities in 28 countries, ESTIEM
the ESTIEM Magazine, including a renewed section with
has the responsibility to continue fostering the relations
more content relevant not only for students, but for all
between students to spread values of tolerance,
the Industrial Engineering and Management community.
democracy and social responsibility.
I am sure you will enjoy it.
One of the important pillars of this industrial development is the matching between the skills
In high ESTIEM,
acquired at universities and the ones needed in this new paradigm in industry. We have to continue the transformation by strengthening the connections Nuno Carneiro, President of ESTIEM 2014
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
All over Europe... Back in 1990, students from five different countries founded an organisation, which they named ESTIEM: European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management. Its aim was and still is to establish and foster interrelations among European students of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) and support them in their personal and professional development. After 24 years, it has grown into an organisation
The decision-making body of ESTIEM is the Council,
bringing together over 60 000 students from 74
which meets twice a year, in autumn and in spring. Each
universities in 28 European countries, and it is still
university, represented by its so-called “Local Group”,
growing. All these universities offer courses in IEM.
sends two student representatives. The six members
Based on this structure, ESTIEM forms links between
of the Board of ESTIEM are elected during the autumn
students, academia and companies in order to create
Council Meeting. The Board is responsible for the
a European-wide, multi-level IEM network. ESTIEM
management, coordination and administration of the
has continuously increased the number of its activities,
thus being able to offer a great variety of events to IEM
Besides taking leadership positions in the Board and as
students and an opportunity to experience different
Project or Committee Leaders, ESTIEM members can
cultures, take part in international projects and become
also take up responsibilities by working in one of the
friends with other ESTIEMers from all over Europe.
Projects, Committees or Initiatives. With lots of teams and tasks to choose from, there is a place for everyone.
Naturally, the backbone of ESTIEM is the European IEM student. The students involved in ESTIEM incorporate
For more detailed information about our organisation
both the skills required for modern business and an
and its activities, please visit our website at www.
open-minded approach towards other people and
estiem.org. ■
cultural issues.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
... Students involve themselves in various international Projects....
ESTIEM is also a playground for great ideas developed by highly motivated students. If a student manages to convince ESTIEM’s Council of his idea, he can start his own international project. Currently, there are 10 projects running. and
knowledge of ethics and sound leadership among
Engineering Skills (TIMES) is the largest pan-
the future leaders of Europe. It was set up to bring
European case study competition solely for the
international students together during summer holidays
students of Industrial Engineering and Management.
to engage in open discussions, group work, debate and
This prestigious, highly acclaimed event is the flagship
private study under a senior Academic Leader.
project of ESTIEM. It has successfully been organised since 1994 and attracts around 1000 top European
The ESTIEM Student Guide is ESTIEM’s guiding
students every year. After Local Qualifications in 74
service provided to any student who is interested in
different universities and 8 Semi-Finals in selected cities,
studying Industrial Engineering and Management in
the winning team of the Final is awarded the title of
Europe or in travelling to any of the ESTIEM Local
Europe’s “IEM Students of the Year”.
Groups: an online database filled in by students, sharing academic and practical information on universities,
Vision seminar series aims to improve the personal
cities and countries.
skills and capabilities of the Industrial Engineering and Management students in Europe. The seminars contain
The official publication of ESTIEM provides the perfect
a balanced mixture of academic lectures, workshops
platform to reach a target group of approximately 60
and company visits, which are combined with cultural
000 students of Industrial Engineering and Management
and free-time activities of the organising city. Through
at universities all over Europe. The ESTIEM Magazine
those activities, the participants of a Vision Seminar
is published twice a year and distributed among IEM
develop themselves both personally and professionally.
students, graduates and also professors and companies
Each year’s Vision seminar series focuses on one main
across Europe, through the ESTIEM network.
topic to which all Vision seminars are connected. This year’s main topic is Customer Relationship Management.
Business Booster aims at creating an environment where all needed information, experience and support
The goal of Academic Days is to share ESTIEM
to excel in your future professional endeavors can be
universities’ knowledge with the network. It supports
found. The goal of this unique environment is to boost
the personal and professional development of students
entrepreneurial spirit and engage ESTIEMers, Alumni
across Europe willing to complete their curriculum. In
and companies to collaborate with each other.
order to achieve this, each event provides participants deep insights into a specific topic in which the organising
BrainTrainer is designed to develop leadership,
Local Group’s university has a high expertise.
presentation, business and social skills of participants through professional trainings lasting one or two
Europe3D is a 5-day seminar series where the
days. Its aim is to coach and develop the participants
participants get a basic picture of the hosting country.
to become more professional and successful in their
A special focus thereby lays on national characteristics
organisation as well as in their own future career.
in politics and economy. Lectures given by experts from politics, science and economy shall provide the
The ESTIEM Book project is aiming to create a
participants with a theoretical insight while cooperation
Book about ESTIEM’s past and present it for ESTIEM’s
with companies for excursions and lectures include the
25th anniversary in 2015. Besides presenting all of
practical aspects as well.
our history, it will show all the Projects, Committees and Initiatives of ESTIEM and present all of our Local
Through the Summer Academy, ESTIEM recognises
Groups. It will be published at ESTIEM’s 50th Council
the importance of and takes responsibility for providing
Meeting in spring 2015. ■
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
... and European-wide Committee Work The committees support the Board in maintaining and developing the organisation ESTIEM further. Students from all over Europe engage themselves in various topics in one of our 8 committees. Corporate Relations Committee
Knowledge Management Committee
The Corporate Relations Committee coordinates the
relations between ESTIEM, companies and universities
two things. First, updating & creating Best Practice
jointly with the Board. The Committee’s work covers
Documents (BPDs) by documenting the collective
a number of fields with the aim of improving and
experiences of ESTIEMers throughout time - from
simplifying ESTIEM’s relations with companies and
organising a Project to how to be a Leader. These BPDs
universities, such as updating co-operation proposals,
are available online on the ESTIEM Portal. Second,
creating and gathering results for different surveys or
managing the quality of ESTIEM events by collecting
training people on how to approach companies and
feedback from the event participants in order to make
universities. The Corporate Relations Committee
Event specific and Project Specific Reports, showing the
also plays an active role in supervising and supporting
development of ESTIEM’s Projects and events.
Projects and other Committees with regards to sponsors and academic supporters.
Members Committee The Members Committee supports the members of
Financial and Legal Committee
ESTIEM and provides information for those students
The Financial and Legal Committee’s role is to ensure
interested in joining ESTIEM by forming their own
ESTIEM’s compliance with all laws and regulations.
Local Group (LG). It guides them through the whole
It supports the Board, other Committees, Projects
process, starting from establishing the contact
and Local Groups in all financial and legal matters.
throughout the guest and observation period, all the
On one hand, it consists of experienced ESTIEMers
way until fully pledged membership. It takes care of
and ESTIEM Alumni, who are motivated to provide
the LG Requirements, helps all LGs via the Regional
advice whenever requested. On the other hand, active
Coordinators, and supports LGs and central ESTIEM
Committee members work on creating and updating
in motivation and recruitment issues. It fosters
Best Practice Documents, trainings, templates, etc. for
connections between LGs, tries to figure out what they
all related topics. Since many people are unexperienced
need locally and cooperates e.g. with the Trainers on
with finances and regulations, the Financial and Legal
Tour concept to fulfil the needs for training topics that
Committee aims at helping them to deal with them
the Members Committee is an expert on, such as HR,
correctly. Furthermore, the Financial Controllers, who
PR, recruitment and fundraising.
perform every year the audit of the financial books of ESTIEM, are part of the Committee.
Public Relations Committee The aim of the Public Relations Committee is to take
Grants Committee
care of ESTIEM’s outer appearance. The Committee
The Grants Committee supports ESTIEM’s applications
is responsible for communicating the brand of ESTIEM
for EU Grants and aims to establish and develop
and increasing the awareness both inside and outside
knowledge on public funding opportunities and
of ESTIEM. The PR Committee works with several
their application procedures. It also wants to share
different tools to achieve this, for instance designing
the existing knowledge with as many ESTIEMers as
PR material, creating design templates and guidelines,
possible and to support more and more Local Groups
as well as working on press and social media visibility.
in applying for an EU Grant for their events. Trainings Committee Information Technology Committee
Personal development is part of ESTIEM’s vision – and
The IT Committee maintains the mail, intranet, and
it is what ESTIEM trainings are meant for! By passing on
web servers of ESTIEM and coordinates all IT-related
knowledge, skills and attitude in their sessions, ESTIEM
development in the organisation, such as the IT back
trainers support ESTIEMers on their path in ESTIEM
end system (.NET platform/C#). In addition, its
and in life. The Training Committee provides training
members offer troubleshooting services and technical
support to all ESTIEM activities and Local Groups. It
advice to ESTIEMers.
also guides trainers and people who want to become trainers with their career through ESTIEM, and gives them personal support and feedback. ■
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Perfect Finish
The body paint finishing line at BMW is a highly complex process. The people who work on the line rely on their eyes as their most valuable tool – because the quality of the paintwork can only be judged with perfect vision. Author: Miriam Kapsegger, Photographer Klaus-Dieter Sonntag Source: ZEISS im Bild international
Everything at the BMW plant in Leipzig, Germany,
On-site check-up: BMW employee getting his eyesight
revolves around top-notch quality – and the paint
tested and measured
finishing line is no exception. This is where every inch of the body paint is checked to ensure that the paint exhibits a perfectly smooth transition at the edges
vision and eye health. The results revealed that some
and that the coatings have been applied evenly all
63 percent of the employees did not have optimal
over the vehicle. These processes require the very
vision and either needed glasses or were wearing the
latest technology – yet the final check still relies on the
wrong prescription. To check what impact this has on
human eye. To determine how successfully employees
the paint finishing line, the employees were provided
can perform this task when exposed to so many
with eyeglass lenses from ZEISS in MYKITA frames and
changing intensities of light, luster and color, as well
asked to evaluate their vision after a twelve-week trial
as reflections. Dr. Franziska Rauscher from the Eye
phase. The results were astonishing: the ZEISS eyeglass
Hospital at the University of Leipzig carried out a study.
lenses not only achieved improvements in terms of
Conducted in cooperation with ZEISS Vision Care with
sharper and more relaxed vision, but also produced
Dispensing Tools & Instruments at the helm, the aim of
a noticeable improvement in the employees’ ability to
the study was to analyze and evaluate the employees’
identify flaws in the paintwork. ■
Maximum quality is a must on the paint finishing line
BMW employee checks the paintwork with his new glasses ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Engineering the Future of Education
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) hold the promise to provide students with up-to-date and web-based learning methods that suit individual needs and adapt to different learning speeds. In the field of car engineering, Prof. Meywerk from Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg will offer a series of three free online courses about Vehicle Dynamics on the educational platform iversity.org, starting in April 2014. Martin Schmucker
The engineering industry desperately searches for
help. At the MOOC platform iversity.org, they consist
talent. In Germany alone, there are currently more than
of lecture videos and different interactive formats such
50,000 open positions, most of them with excellent
as discussion forums, quizzes and exams, and peer
career perspectives and well-paid. However, students
reviewing. With online lecture videos, the audience
enrolments remain at a low level and dropout rates
can rewind and replay sections they didn’t understand.
are high. What is it that keeps people from studying
But that’s not all. MOOCs also provide valuable
engineering, mechanics, and other technology-based
learning analytics. With the online quizzes and exams,
or STEM professions in the first place? Why are there
professors receive direct feedback and know where
such high dropout rates in these subjects – in some
their students are, i.e.: which parts of the course they
age groups up to 50% of students? Can online learning
pass easily and where they get stuck. Based on detailed
contribute to increasing completion rates?
data sets, learning and teaching can become subject to empirical research that makes both transparent in
Maybe students tend to underestimate the challenge
unprecedented ways. Traditional universities could
of becoming a technology expert, which comes along
never reach this.
with lots of complicated mathematics and physics, equations and experiments. Perhaps it’s also a question
Prof. Martin Meywerk who will start a series of three
of different learning speeds. This is where MOOCs can
MOOCs in April, is not new to the world of distance
Classes may
The course
They are
consist of up
is open to
is taken
similar to
to 100.000+
anyone around
college courses
the world.
but don’t offer credit.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
education. At the Helmut Schmidt University in
will an automobile behave when the driver suddenly
Hamburg, Germany, he’s been recording his lectures
has to navigate around obstacles like animals on the
about car construction for more than a year and posting
street? How do tires need to be designed so that
them online. There he works on experimental research
the car doesn’t flip upside down? Prof. Meywerk is in
on cars and their components with the objective to test
charge of validating the models that simulate those car
and verify computer simulations. Whenever possible,
car constructors try to rely on virtual simulations because they help avoiding expensive real-world example crash tests. Only after such simulations, physical cars are driven against walls to see how they behave in accidents. However, someone has to make sure that those digital models correspond with the analog reality.
Taking higher education into the digital age and seizing the multitude of opportunities that MOOCs offer
Examples for this kind of validation would be to predict
Students in Meywerk’s field have to start from scratch
vehicle behaviour, for instance: In which situation and
before they can address such problems. In order to do
at which amount of force would welding points fail?
that, they need to learn the basics – everything a car
Another example involves vehicle dynamics: How
technician needs to know. Usually, introductory studies
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
OPENCOURSEWARE OCW consists of academic course materials created by universities that are shared freely on the internet.
ONLINE ACCREDITED COURSES These are usally subscriptionbases services that allow students to take accredited, generalized courses online.
Massive Open Online Courses involve thousands of students around the globe coming together online to learn for free
These include non-accredited courses that can help you brush up on basics or learn new skills.
DIY DEGREES Earn a bachelor’s degree by taking tests instead of classes.
in the field of vehicle dynamics deal with three different
iversity’s mission. As a MOOC provider, the Berlin-
sections: 1. Accelerating and Braking, 2. Cornering, 3.
based startup supports students in acquiring the skills
Vertical Oscillations. With his course series that deals
they need and the professors to learn about how to
with those three subjects, Meywerk’s Vehicle Dynamics
improve their teaching. All online courses are free to
MOOC is supposed to represent the structure of a
attend for everyone. In some courses, participants
traditional syllabus. Students in each of these courses
can acquire certificates that count towards their
are required to invest a maximum of four hours per
offline studies or as a proof of achievement in front
week. This includes watching course videos, taking
of potential employers. In the future, online certificates
quizzes and getting involved in peer-to-peer exams,
will see an even wider recognition, because self-
in which students mutually correct their essays. The
motivation is the key: Nobody will control if a student
teaching staff also benefits. They will have more time
really attends his classes, and whoever manages to stay
to dedicate there time to students individually, thereby
in an online course for its entire duration proves a great
preventing them from dropping out of their studies too
deal of determination and self-organisation. Next to
talent in engineering, this is what employers appreciate as an asset. ■
Taking higher education into the digital age and seizing the multitude of opportunities that MOOCs offer is
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Politecnico di Milano: e-learning from the student angle
Politecnico di Milano has had a strong commitment to teaching and learning innovation since the 1990s. To this end, since 1996, a specific university unit called METID (Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica - Innovative Methods and Technologies for Learning) has operated to design, develop, and deliver e-learning and e-collaboration services.1
According to the practical experience of METID, involvement of stakeholders (above all professors, tutors, and students), is a key issue to consider when developing an online learning application. This article focuses notably on the good practices identified understanding of students’ needs and insights in three relevant projects: BeeP, IoL, and MOOCs. Generally speaking, student involvement is crucial in three stages of the service development process (Figure 1): ■■
concept design: focus groups2 with students allow to gather input data to design the application (e.g.
Ada Giannatelli
Politecnico di Milano - METID
by Politecnico di Milano in order to reach a deeper
most critical needs and constraints), as well as to deduce a benchmark level for online platforms from online tools of mainstream use by students; ■■
application testing: during the pilot phase, online questionnaires,
data drawn from technical support channels
Figure 1 - Stages of service development and
(email, forum, chat) can be used to verify if
student involvement
the service, once implemented, meets student expectations in terms of features, ease of use, and technical performance (e.g. page load speed); ■■
service delivery: online questionnaires, customer support data, and (if available) feedback from student associations provide relevant information on overall satisfaction level, both technical and non-technical problems, improvement margins, so that it is possible to act accordingly.
1. TThe European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL) has honored METID with the EFQUEL Award 2009. METID achieved UNIQUe (European University Quality in eLearning) Quality Label for the innovative and creative use of ICT in higher education. METID conforms to quality management system of the Politecnico di Milano and is in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 concerning design and development of e-learning products and services. 2. Focus groups can be operationally defined as small-group discussions that give in-depth information and opinions on a specific topic.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
BeeP - Be e-Poli
Figure 2 – BeeP homepage
Since 1997, Politecnico di Milano has had several platforms to support web-enhanced courses. needs, on most relevant Beep features, but also on BeeP - Be e-Poli (Figure 2) is currently the portal for
previously used learning platforms, so that it was
the network activities of students and professors at the
possible to define a benchmark of expectations of
Politecnico di Milano and it is based on the open source technology Liferay, which allows rich social media
students; ■■
integration and large interface flexibility.
questionnaires to students using Beep: about 1300 respondents gave their opinion on the platform (satisfaction level, ease of use, liking, and
BeeP and other Politecnico’s online services integrate
improvement margins) and provided information
via Single Sign-On (SSO); an online workspace to
on learning platform used in the past.
complement face to face activities can be automatically activated for each teaching assignment or activity, and
The above mentioned data were combined with the
students can download course material, interact, and
guidelines from the commission for learning innovation,
deliver student assignments.
which includes 2 student representatives, in order to identify the key scenarios of use and features of the
Beep has currently about 61.400 registered users,
platform, so that it was possible to target development
among students, professors, tutors, collaborators and
efforts accordingly.
other stakeholders, from which about 30% access from a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). 3
Currently Beep is used by the whole Politecnico di Milano and since December is available for mobile
In order to tailor platform to user needs, during the
devices. To keep its delivery process under control,
pilot phase lecturers and students of the Politecnico’s
students provide their feedback via the following
School of design have used Beep for 1 year (2011 –
2012). During this period focus groups and online questionnaires took place:
which integrate specific questions about ease ■■
focus groups: about 15 students selected via
of use, quality and quantity of online materials,
student associations gave their feedback on their
and learning usefulness of Beep (about 7.700 respondents in 2013); ■■
3. Data updated to March, 2014
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
from university to labour market (soft skills) Conflict management and Change management
knowledge drawn from students’ feedback via
(2 MOOCs). These subjects were identified
support email and chat.
with a questionnaire that the university career service previously circulated to identify the most
IOL - Bachelor of Science in Computer
relevant educational gaps spotted by enterprises.
Engineering IOL - Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering is
The first MOOCs are going to be delivered starting from
the first online degree course in Italy, delivered since
June, 2014. The commission for learning innovation,
the academic year 2000/2001; about 200 students are
which includes 2 student representatives, defined some
currently enrolled in academic year 2013-2014.
guidelines and focus groups were planned in the crucial stages of the project:
Yearly students are asked to fill in a questionnaire tailored on the IOL online degree course, in order
design – a focus group with 9 students
to provide feedback on their personal profile and
selected by students’ associations allowed to:
motivation, ICT facilities, learning activities, overall
■ test
satisfaction, improvement margins, and suggestions.
video formats (liking, clarity, and usability),
Data gathered from questionnaires provide information
in order to solve problems and keep the overall quality
■ collect
level of the course. In 2014 multimedia contents are
going to be updated: to this end, further involvement
selected data
MOOCs development
of students in both design and testing phase is already planned to identify the most suitable formats.
before of
MOOC contents;
MOOCs According to the strategy defined by Politecnico di
before the delivery of MOOCs.
Milano, MOOCs are aimed at supporting transfer stages across student curriculum:
Recurring customer satisfaction questionnaires are going to be delivered after each edition of a MOOC,
in order to identify the improvement margins of the
preparedness in Maths and in Physics (3 MOOCs)
learning offer and to tailor the workload according to the real needs of users. ■
from Bachelor of Science to Master of Science MOOC subjects to be defined;
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Megatrends – Implications for Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Geert Letens
Institute of Industrial Engineers America
As production is moving away from the traditional
Lean health care will become very important for the
western economies, a new buzz word is starting to
next two decades
circle around in Europe and in the US: innovation. And indeed, we need to stimulate our businesses to adapt to the ever increasing pace of technology, developing
Lean Healthcare to become as important for the next
new products and highly customized services. This
two decades, as TQM has been to guide our industries
is not only important to offer opportunities and
out of the crisis in the seventies and the eighties.
employment to highly educated employees. It may be equally critical to pull part of the production that
But more will be needed. Especially in Europe,
was lost in the global battle for cost leadership back
governments will be forced to downsize their
into local regions, supporting the creation of jobs for
administration, first to free up capital for investments
employees with lower educational levels.
in innovation and thus stimulate economic growth, and second, to preserve the social rights that many
Clearly governments can support this through innovation
previous generations have been fighting for. In fact, this
friendly policies, e.g. stimulating the collaboration
movement already began, as many European countries
between universities and industries. However, this also
seek to introduce an overall budget that meets the
implies providing budgets for increased investments
stringent criteria of Brussels. The demographic
in research and development. Unfortunately this later
mismatch may in this case be an ally rather than an
element tends to be/become problematic. While the
enemy. Achieving restructuring targets over the next
debt rate and/or annual deficit of many countries are
years may not require a politically disastrous demission
already dangerously high, there is a new important
wave, but will be rather easily accomplished by a simple
distortion looming around the corner. As the baby-
control and/or reduction of the recruitment efforts.
boom generation starts to retire and life expectancy
This transition is certainly not without risks though.
continuous to improve, costs of Healthcare and Social
Many government organisations will be confronted
Security will reach unseen heights. As a result, I expect
with both lost knowledge and the limitations of
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Increase our attention to innovation in support of the traditional Western economies.
In order to align our thoughts with the megatrends that seem to be dominant over the next decade, we need to: Promote Lean Healthcare to support the demographic transformation of our societies
Develop a knowledge base on Lean Government
ineffective functional and hierarchical structures, when
These megatrends have important implications for the
they will no longer be able to preserve a critical mass of
profession of Industrial Engineering and Engineering
staff to provide specialised services. What this means,
Management. In order to align our thoughts with
is that while certainly the demographic evolution may
the megatrends that seem to be dominant over the
be helpful to achieve budget driven quota, government
next decade, we need to: 1. Increase our attention
organisations urgently need assistance to guide intelligent
to innovation in support of the traditional Western
transformations. The internal control systems (ICS)
economies. 2. Promote Lean Healthcare to support
methodology that is already heavily promoted by many
the demographic transformation of our societies. 3.
governments is certainly a step in the right direction,
Develop a knowledge based on Lean Government to
but in my eyes, underutilises the potential of lean
assure continuity in government services and liberate
transformations. Obviously ‘Lean Government’ will be
capitals for new investment and general economic
essential to eliminate waste in administration, but perhaps
growth. ■
even more importantly, the various components of true lean transformations such as lean leadership, culture and strategy will be critical to assure sustainable results.
Adapted from the article “Megatrends: What Do They Bring for our Society” in the September/October 2013 issue of Industrial Management. ©Institute of Industrial Engineers.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Why your job sucks and how that will change
What we can learn from pioneering businesses that have reinvented how companies should operate. When Jack finished his studies two years ago he was
So before I address this question and shake up some
determined to make a dent. He wanted to use all his
fundamentals of today’s work normalities I should
potential to help shape the future of an engineering
strengthen my case and also look towards the other
company he had chosen to be his first employer.
side of the equation: employers.
Today Jack has lost faith. He goes from being totally Mark Poppenborg
Founder intrinsify.me
overworked to being bored-out by the meaningless
When you study the average medium-size company
and dull duties his boss makes him do. He seeks
in the western economies you will find many
fulfillment outside his job by learning how to code apps
inconsistencies. They are complaining about their
and by riding his mountain bike whenever he possibly
own inflexibility and lack of innovation but they are
can. He tries to convince HR to introduce more flexible
introducing new regulations by the minute. They talk
working hours and is even pushing for a sabbatical to
about attracting extraordinary talent but apply more
get out of what seems to him like the wasted part of
and more standardised recruiting processes which
his life. His future plans involve escaping into freelance
encourage the hire of the exact opposite: the norm.
work, which he hopes will involve more autonomy.
They moan about the rapid change in the markets but try to anticipate the future of those very markets by
Jack is no exception. Actually, Jack is like 86 per cent
making 5-year plans and allocating budgets that become
of the population who are emotionally disengaged or
obsolete the minute they are decided upon.
show low signs of engagement towards their employer. Let’s face it, for most of us work simply sucks. And
The good news is, there is an almost strikingly artless
even if you haven’t started working yet, you have a
explanation to this mess our world of work is in. The
daunting feeling that it will. Worst of all, most of us
bad news is, it is incredibly hard to bring the findings
don’t understand what causes our on-going discomfort.
that can be made into practice. Quite like Copernicus
We simply take it for granted that our lives will play out
struggled convincing us that the earth is not a disk.
something like Jack’s does. But what if the modern outcry for corporate gym memberships, flexible working hours, sabbaticals and home offices are nothing people like Jack actually need? What if employees just learned to demand these popular goodies because, well, because that’s what you demand these days?
People like Copernicus, Galilei and Einstein have challenged the status quo and we all know how much sympathy they received when they first announced their findings.
Just for now, let’s assume these demands, that are
What we are experiencing today are predictors
heavily amplified by the media and promoted by
of a transformation so fundamental that it will fill
consultants who sell employer-branding campaigns,
history books in the future. We are experiencing the
are not an actual desire, but just symptoms and trained
precursors of a revolution of work.
answers. And if this was to be true, there is a very important question to be raised, which is: What is the
So what is wrong with the way most of us work today?
real cause of these symptoms?
Why do we need to rethink work?
This is a risky question to ask as you are challenging
The entire operating system companies run on today
the status quo. People like Copernicus, Galilei and
is determined by a paradigm that has its roots about
Einstein have challenged the status quo and we all
100 years ago. Around 1910, industrialisation was at its
know how much sympathy they received when they
peak and markets were offer-driven, i.e. demand was
first announced their findings.
so high, all the companies had to worry about was to produce in the most cost-efficient way. This meant not
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
bothering about innovation or competitive advantage, as customers would buy their goods anyway. This was an unprecedented situation in which companies had the luxury to focus solely on their own optimisation. This was the eve of a new operating system named management. Its core idea was to separate thinking from doing and thereby standardising operations into their smallest increments and letting poorly skilled workers do repetitive and simple work. Management turned companies into well-oiled machines and workers into cog wheels – most of all though, it brought them wealth. It was the foundation for decades of prosperous western economies. Management, also referred to as Taylorism, in honour of Frederick Winslor Taylor who is said to have been the inventor of this ground breaking and ingenious new operating system, was a major gift to all of us. This short detour via our insightful past wouldn’t have
About the author
been for a reason though, if there wasn’t a bold BUT.
Mark Poppenborg is an expert on the new world of work and modern leadership. His company intrinsify.
BUT the idea that brought us decades of wealth has
me is both a for-profit business and a social movement.
become the very burden of today’s world of work.
For several years Mark has been studying pioneering companies that apply revolutionary operating systems
This has happened for a single and very simple reason:
and feeds his insights back into the economy by hosting
The preconditions that enabled Taylorism to flourish
events, giving trainings and conducting consultancy
are no longer existent. It is as if you had built wind
turbines in a breezy region that has come to be a haven of tranquillity. Taylorism was established in a time when
Mark is also a former board member of the VWI
markets held still and surprises in a company’s relevant
(German Association of Business Administration and
environment were rare.
Industrial Engineering), the German equivalent to ESTIEM.
In comparison, today’s markets are as dynamic and unpredictable as the weather in Northern Europe. You might anticipate the odd change in conditions but never
against their instinct. This is what drives many into
will you do so reliably for more than five days. Markets
frustration and bore- or burnout.
have become so complex that only the most agile of businesses survive. Evolution rules over those who
Why does my manager have to make the final decision
don’t innovate.
if I know the problem best? Why do we make project plans as thick as books when we know that they are
If, in this turbulent world, you hold on to a belief system
out-dated the minute we finalise them? Why is the
that suggests that every operation within a business can
purchasing department still measured based on their
be planned, commanded and controlled then you will
savings when our core problem is our suppliers’
be threatened by extinction much sooner than business
delivery quality? Why do we pretend to know the
schools can adapt their curricula.
future in order to allocate budgets when we have no clue what the year will actually bring? Why do we need
What employees suffer from today is working in
to deliver key performance indicators (KPIs) when they
systems that still suggest rules of operation that are so
don’t resemble our actual work in the slightest?
contradictory to their every day experiences with reallife problems that they can barely handle the tension.
The prevailing operating system of companies today
The management paradigm forces people to behave
still is Taylorism, aka management. But this operating ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
system is imposing a conviction onto businesses that
The two founders of intrinsify.me
is long out-dated and the only way to change this is by overthinking the operating system at its core. We need to go beyond management.
but out of entrepreneurial necessity and foresight.
On closer investigation it comes to no great surprise
There are companies that we call “Intrinsifiers” like
that many sectors have already seen some changes
W.L. Gore, Toyota, dm Drogeriemarkt, Allsafe
in the way companies operate their business – some
Jungfalk, Svenska Handelsbanken and many more that
more successful than others. What distinguishes the
have reinvented how companies should operate in such
successful from the unsuccessful is simple to see in
a revolutionary way that it causes disbelieve to most
theory but so very hard to implement in practice.
of us. Even though these pioneers are outperforming their competition by far we find it hard to accept that
The true transformation happens when companies
something so different to what we grew up with can
question the core paradigm their operating system is
actually generate success. Again, just like we could not
built upon. This means making changes to the system,
imagine the earth being a sphere at one point.
not within it. Moving boxes in the departmental structure is still thinking in departments. Reducing
The most significant insight to be made when one starts
hierarchies is still thinking in hierarchies. Shortening
digging deeper is probably also the most promising.
planning cycles is still planning.
The new world of work creates environments that are tailored towards people’s real needs, i.e. autonomy,
True change to the system happens when companies
mastery and meaning. 100 years after Frederick
get rid off departments overall in favour of dynamically
Taylor revolutionised work we are witnessing another
established and functionally integrated cells that run
fundamental transformation. Only this time it will align
their own business within the business. True change to
the needs companies have in order to thrive in highly
the system happens when employees don’t just get given
dynamic and complex markets with people’s core
more freedom, but instead get actual responsibility,
needs for leading a fulfilled life. It is hard to argue that
whether that’s choosing their working hours, working
this is not a desirable outlook.
teams, working procedures, pay, training measures, etc. rather than taking orders from some distant superior.
If you want to participate in this transformation find movements like intrinsify.me around you, found
The major change in the new world of work is the
businesses based on the new paradigm, support
reintegration of thinking and doing. This means
pioneering companies by telling their story or try to
dig deeper to understand the underlying forces that
separation of responsibility.
are shaping the next revolution of work at this very moment. ■
It is very important to note here, that these changes don’t happen as an act of mercy towards the employees 20
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Outsourcing: Have corporations gone too far?
From outsourcing and off-shoring to near-shoring and insourcing: after years of global sourcing, companies have started to bring their operations closer to home. Arjan van Weele, professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, shortly explains the developments in his field. Photographer Bart van Eijden
Van Weele explains that the consequence of outsourcing is that suppliers determine the performance, and thus the competitiveness of companies. A company like ASML (ed. a chip-machine manufacturer ) has a purchasing quote of 90%. This means that 90% of the
the price of their machines, which has a big effect on their competitiveness. However, not only the price is important. If suppliers stop to innovate it will delay the development of the next-generation machines. “This is the reason purchasing and supply chain management is
Koen Koolen
When suppliers are too expensive ASML has to raise
Local Group Eindhoven
price of a chip-machine is determined by suppliers.
so important, it is not only about buying products and negotiating, it is about managing supplier performance and mobilizing their capabilities”, says Van Weele. Arjan van Weele, besides being professor in Purchasing and Supply Management at Eindhoven University
Outsourcing has a lot of positive effects, but it has
of Technology, acts as an independent boardroom
negative effects as well. Van Weele explains that there
consultant to many large companies on procurement
seems to be an optimum in the degree of outsourcing.
strategy and governance issues. Before he worked as
This is reflected by the relationship between the
a consultant in the field of purchasing and supply chain
profitability of the company and the degree of
management for many years. Sitting behind his desk at
outsourcing, which is shown in Figure X. “Companies
the Eindhoven University of Technology, he explains
will first benefit when starting to outsource business
with great enthusiasm the developments and trends in
functions and processes, but there is an optimal point.
his field. “The contemporary world cannot be imagined
If you pass it, it will lead to less profitability. We still do
without outsourcing. In 1986 I came to Nedcar (ed. a Dutch car manufacturer) and in that period they were
Figure 1: Profitability vs Outsourcing
making their own components, chairs, dashboards, etc. Everything had to be of the highest quality, thus they
wanted to do everything by themselves. During the 2000s , they started outsourcing a lot of processes. For example prefabricated dashboards and chairs that were purchased from a supplier who supplied these to the manufacturing site just-in-time.” Another field in which outsourcing has become common, is ICT. Van Weele:
Lack Focus
Knowledge Loss
“Companies used to have big ICT departments but that is changing as well. For example, the ICT department of ABN AMRO (ed. a Dutch bank) is outsourced to IBM. We see that outsourcing is a widely spread phenomenon.” Degree of Outsourcing
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
not know exactly where that point is located and why
Which on its turn leads to a pressure on costs and
there is an optimal point .We think that this is caused
big vulnerabilities in the supply chain. The reaction
by a lack of control. Through outsourcing the company
of companies to this is near-shoring and insourcing.
becomes more dependent on its suppliers. If it has
Companies are locating outsourced functions close to
become overly dependent it is really difficult to get out
the market place or they bring these functions back in-
. It is incredibly dangerous for any company to be at
house. Van Weele gives an example: “It takes HEMA,
the mercy of suppliers.” An example of this is IBM, the
a retailer that operates fashion and merchandise stores
inventor of the Personal Computer. Since 1982 IBM
in The Netherlands, Belgium, France, 38 weeks to
became a huge producer of personal computers and
have women’s fashion delivered in the store. This is
laptops. Early 2000 it decided to outsource its entire
due to the long leadtimes caused by doing business
production to a small manufacturer in Taiwan, Lenovo.
with suppliers located in the Far East. Zara, the
Four years ago Lenovo took over the entire business,
Spanish women fashion retailer, on the other hand only
which, according to IBM, fitted in their strategy. This
sources all of its women fashion from Europe . Hence,
example illustrates that outsourcing ultimately may lead
their time to market is four to six weeks.” Bringing
to hollowing out part of a business or even an entire
production closer to the end user markets brings more
business, if suppliers become too powerful.
flexibility and responsiveness of the supplying partners.
This results in greater competitive advantage in that a
Oursourcing offers companies the possibilities to exploit their strengths and stay competitive in the future.
company is able to act and react quickly on changes in customer and market demands. Companies now choose to move production to countries near their core markets in Europe and amongst others Eastern Europe. These countries have well educated and skilled people who are motivated to work, at lower wages
In response to the question whether there is a
compared to Western Europe and it is only a two day
relationship between outsourcing and the reputation
drive to the Western European market.
of a company Van Weele replies that he has not seen any research about it yet, but he adds: “In case of
Concluding, companies have to examine outsourcing
irregularities at a supplying partner, the reputation of
really well. Outsourcing business processes and
a company can be damaged. Apple, for example, has
functions means a shift in the position of a company
outsourced its complete production of the Iphone and
in the supply chain, especially in terms of power.
Ipad to Electronic Contract Manufacturers (ECMs)
Outsourcing can be very lucrative, however companies
such as Foxconn and Jabil. When such companies
can go too far and experience the negative effects
take human rights rather lightly, it can damage Apple’s
of outsourcing. In reaction to the pressure on costs
reputation. Supply chains can become so complex that
and big vulnerabilities in the supply chain, companies
it becomes almost impossible to control them. The rise
are starting to bring functions closer to the market
of social media amplifies this effect because they make
or in-house. Van Weele concludes: “Outsourcing is a
supply chains more transparent. That transparency will
multidisciplinary process and a complex change process
not go away.”
in the organization. Nonetheless, when carefully implemented, it offers companies the possibilities to
In other words, there is an ongoing process of specialization going on, which leads to outsourcing.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
exploit strengths and stay competitive in the future.”
The „VWI 5 Kampf“
The VWI is an organisation of German industrial engineers, whose aim is to build the connection between all German universities, students and professionals of industrial engineering. The VWI has supported ESTIEM since it was founded and has been a cooperation partner for a long time. Therefore it is no wonder that there are events, which VWIers and ESTIEMers can participate in.
One of them is the “VWI 5 Kampf ” or F.E.C.T.S. It
parties, and for the last VWI 5 Kampf, participants
consists of 5 disciplines: Fun, Economics, Creativity,
had the possibility to join the famous Las Vegas
Technology, and Sports, which should be overcomed
party in Ansbach. The consequential lack of time
from teams from all over Germany. In most cases
is compensated with less sleep. Nevertheless, no
three persons build one Team and represent one
motivation is dropping because at the end the winning
Hochschulgruppe . The event is always organised by
award waits.
a different Hochschulgruppe which has not only the task to find sponsors, but also to define the exact rules
Competing in a team is especially supporting the group
of each discipline for this year. For example, at the
dynamics. Therefore it is no wonder that it is difficult to
5-Kampf in October 2012, the task for Technology was
say goodbye after the gala dinner and the winner award
to build a tower only with paper, strings and adhesive.
The winner was the team with the highest tower. In most cases, the discipline Creativity demanded from
This year the VWI 5 Kampf will be organised by the
the teams to create a marketing campaign or perform
Hochschulgruppe Bremen and of course every VWIer
power point karaoke,
is anxious to know what is behind the disciplines Fun,
where you can show your
improvisation skills. Also Sports and Fun require full
Economics, Creativity, Technology and Sports.
commitment: From group dynamic games or Ultimate Frisbee to beer pong everything is possible. At last you
The VWI would be very glad if ESTIEMers would come
have the ‘king discipline’, Economics, which consists
and join the VWI 5 Kampf and offer to the VWIers
very often of a case study.
their ESTIEM spirit. Do not be afraid of the linguistic barrier. Sure there is a lot in German but the disciplines
But also the supporting program does not come off
connect people from all languages and it would also be
badly in a VWI Event. Besides constant catering and
nice and a challenge for VWIers if everything was in
a gala dinner, there are special local parties at all the
English. ■
events, for example parties of the university, Tram
1. Identical with ESTIEM Local Groups ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Isolux Corsán, A global company Isolux Corsán is a global benchmark in the areas of concessions, energy, construction and industrial services, with a track record spanning over 80 years of professional activity. It operates in 43 countries on four continents and has a backlog of more than €49.10 Bn.
Expansion to Combined cycle for the Ensenada Barragan Power Plant I Argentina
Isolux Corsán reinforced its commitment to growth
complex ever undertaken by Isolux Corsán. It was
necessary to build special infrastructures, such as two
increasing its presence on five continents. This decisive
295 metre towers weighing 2,500 tonnes each to cross
orientation towards foreign markets has meant that
the Amazon River over a stretch of 2,000 metres or
86% of the company’s business in 2013 came from
the building of rafts to raise the towers that will carry
outside of Spain. In addition, 75% of the total Group
the power lines. In this country, the Group operates
revenue stems from international projects.
in all its core business areas. It builds and operates
more than 680 km of toll roads in the state of Bahia. Brazil
The company is currently building the first part of the
In the Americas, Isolux Corsán has completed some of
northern section of the only ring road of via São Paulo,
its most important projects. In Brazil, the company has
the Mario Covas Beltway and 4 sections of the BR-381
completed the construction of 1,191 kilometres of 500
highway in the state of Minas Gerais. The company also
kV and 230 kV high voltage lines and is also managing
operates 3,279 kilometres of transmission lines and
and connecting the cities of Manaus and Macapá
associated substations.
(capital of the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Amapá respectively) with Brazil’s Interconnected System. The
difficult terrain of this project makes it one of the most
Isolux Corsán has over 50 years of experience in Mexico, one of the countries with the highest growth
1,191 kilometers of electricity transmission in Amazonas -
prospects worldwide. In this country, the Group
is carrying out several major projects. The recent awards include the construction and installation of 26 kilometres of transmission lines and 10 substations in Mexico City, in the states of Mexico and Hidalgo, for a total of $90 million, as well as the rehabilitation and modernisation of units 1 and 2 of the Altamira Thermoelectric Power Plant in Tamaulipas, in the state of Mexico, which has a budget of $380 million. United States In the U.S., one of the most competitive markets in the world, the company has increased its presence and achieved the first concession ever awarded to a foreign company in the country. Specifically, this is the WETT project (Wind Energy Transmission Texas), in which the Group achieved successful completion
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
of the construction, operation and maintenance
The project was awarded by the Ministry of Electricity
of six substations and seven 345 kVA transmission
and Water of Kuwait and has a budget of €80 million.
lines, with a length of over 600 kilometres. This is in addition to the new award, Isolux Corsán since has
Africa is another continent where the Group has
been named a “preferred bidder”, for the completion
established operations in many countries. Currently
of the design, construction, financing, operation and
the Group is working on new contracts for a total
maintenance of the 21-mile extension of Highway 37
value of €86 million. This has allowed the company
between Bloomington and Martinsville, including links
to consolidate its activities in Africa and increase
and overpasses. The works are part of the national I69
the number of projects carried out in this strategic
corridor and has a concession period of 35 years.
India In Asia, India is another key country for the company and, in this country, the Group is the leading European developer of
large infrastructure through 700
kilometres of highways among the four highways that are under construction and concession. Bangladesh In Bangladesh, the company has recently inaugurated a 180 MW power plant in the city of Khulna, and the connection of the plant with the electrical grid and the
NH1 Panipat-Jalandhar Highway I India
existing diesel and gas networks in the area. This plant is of great importance for the region and covers the
South Africa
energy demand of more than five million people. In this
Another milestone in the last year has been the first
country, the Group is also carrying out the works on the
contract awarded in South Africa, where the company
335 MW combined cycle power plant in Siddhirganj.
will build a 60 MW solar PV power plant and the substation and interconnection facilities necessary to
connect to the 132 kV ESKOM network in Boshof City,
The Group achieved a new milestone with the award of our first contract in Kuwait. Specifically, this is
Isolux Corsán today operates in over 40 countries,
a turnkey project for the engineering, supply and
five in Europe, 15 in the Americas, 8 in Asia and 14 in
construction of 172 kilometres of 300kV transmission
Africa. These projects are the result of the company’s
lines and strengthens Isolux Corsán’s presence in Asia.
The works will take place in the town of Al-Rawdatain.
undertaken over the past five plus years. ■
Wind Energy Transmission Texas I Usa
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Introducing Board 2014 An interview by Board 2013
Nuno Carneiro, ESTIEM
Which type of fish do you think suits your personality the
Interviewed by Csaba Hartmann,
Ahah, this is a very intriguing question! I know how
ESTIEM President 2013
interesting the fish in Hungary is! I would risk it and go for Tuna, everyone loves Tuna!
What do you see the as the biggest challenge in an ESTIEM Board year?
If we were to meet in one year and I asked you tell me the
My time in the Board of ESTIEM has been a fantastic
three most important things that changed in Nuno, what
experience so far. Of course we also face challenges,
would you say?
but it would not be exciting if there were no challenges.
I hope we do meet in one year! I would probably tell
I expect that the biggest challenge for this year will be
you about how I got used to working while travelling
to keep questioning the way we are taking and have the
through three different countries in one day or how I
clarity to understand which strategy we should follow
learned about the weather difference between Portugal
for a sustainable development of ESTIEM. I also expect
and Finland in the Winter. In earnest, I hope that I
big challenges in keeping everyone inspired during the
would tell you that I became more persevering in face
whole year.
of obstacles, a good friend of my fellow Boardies and a better dancer (getting some tips for that from Marija,
How do you see the responsibility of the Board in shaping
Sorana and Esin already!)
the future of Europe together? I see the Board having the responsibility to lead our
organisation in the direction of fulfilling our Mission.
President of Finance
As the most active students in ESTIEM this year, we
Interviewed by Natalie Gyรกrfรกs,
have to guarantee the engagement of everyone who
Vice President of Finance 2013
is committing some time to the development of our
network: our Leaders, central ESTIEM active members
Tell me some of the best things that happened to/with you
and all the ESTIEMers who take part in our Local
since you got elected as a Vice President of Finance?
Groups. As Boardies, we are also responsible for
The new, challenging and a bit stressful experience
being a role model for other ESTIEMers. In particular,
in ESTIEM has definitely helped to improve my
we should pay attention to be an example of having a
competences and encompass my knowledge of
balanced work and personal life and pay special attention
different characters and characteristics, originating from
to the distinct difficulties faced in the different countries.
different cultures. This diversity constantly brings new
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
INSIDE ESTIEM energy, joy and enthusiasm to me, to further improve
to finish an internship, continue with master and PhD
the functioning of the organisation. The meetings in
studies, gain new experience from traveling etc.
Lappeenranta, Warsaw, Kaunas, Siegen, Dortmund, Belgrade and Kragujevac have, aside from numerous
Tibor Weigel, Vice President
cultural, national and individual differences, showed me
of Administration
the marvelous dedication of individuals to foster the
Interviewed by Israel Pohl, Vice
same values and use science and practice to build and
President of Administration 2013
maintain general human values. What is the first page you open in your web browser in the If you could have one entry in the Budget entirely up to you
morning (if the answer is ESTIEM Portal, also state the
and nobody would ever question it, what would it be for?
second page)
I would indubitably allocate it to education in the field
It is indeed most of the times the portal first. But then
of fine arts, which would be embodied through cultural
I also like to turn on some wake up music on VK.com,
events, museum and gallery visits, and also individual
read some IT news on heise.de, general news on zeit.de
creation of art, which I believe would improve the
or tagesschau.de. The last one is quite inspiring IT-wise
work of the organisation, moving it up to an even
with some smart things. For example you can actually
higher level.
type the address with any number of “s” between 1-3 and you still come out to the appropriate page. Ideas
What else do you do next to ESTIEM, and if you happen to
like this I also want to implement into the ESTIEM IT.
have some free time, how do you like to spend it? In my spare time, I like to read classical literature and
If I met you at an event and wanted to express my thanks
anything related to irrational behaviour. Furthermore, I
for your work by buying you a drink, which drink would
like visiting cultural happenings, but what I cherish most
that be?
are the moments spent with my family and friends, long
Well that should be either a Whiskey Sour, the classic
walks in intact nature, and beautiful sunsets, viewed
Board drink Gin Tonic, which you would then have to
from Kalemegdan in Belgrade, Porto or Bosphorus.
get for yourself too or, if you really want to make an impression, some decent rum.
What’s your favourite song and why? If music is food of the soul, it would not be good to
What makes ESTIEM special to you and motivates you to
feed it with only one kind of music, so, my choice
put so much effort into the organisation?
depends on my current mood, the moment, people I
I see ESTIEM as a great platform to be able to develop
am with and varies from e.g. John Coltrane or Bon Jovi
yourself and to travel. Travelling itself is in my opinion
to Beyonce.
some kind of education which a lot of people neglect. Why is it a actually a “great” platform? Because is has
How does a VP of Finance’s future look like, any plans for
the so called “ESTIEM spirit”. The potential of this
your post-Boardie life?
spirit can be best experienced in bigger events like a
As the poet Crnjanski would say: “When acacia blooms
Europe3D or a Council Meeting.
next year, who knows where I will be.” I am planning
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
What would you do if you reached the end of the internet?
me want to find better paths to walk on for the year.
I would tell everybody to calm down, remain seated,
The other half of my motivation concerns the “giving
fasten the seatbelts and wait for orders by the admins.
back” aspect. I have a moral obligation to voluntarily work one year of my life, because of all the amazing
Rade Pantelić, Vice President
personal and professional opportunities ESTIEM has
of Activities
offered me.
Interviewed by Jonas Enlund, Vice President of Activities 2013
Biggest personal challenge for the year? Time management vs. prioritising efficiently. How to
What is the most memorable ESTIEM moment you have
manage the tasks better and do as many as possible
experienced so far and what do you think will be the best
vs. how to select which ones to do and leave some of
one during 2014?
them out. Biggest mystery of my life.
The best one was of course being elected for the Board, that first ESTIEM Song that we sang together is
So I know you have been around for a while - what were
something that I will never forget. I don’t really think
the most important stations in your study and ESTIEM life?
that much about what will come, every moment that I
The “stations” in my ESTIEM life have been quite
spend on ESTIEM events is very precious to me.
clear: from active member to Local Responsible to ESTIEM Magazine Project Leader to Vice President of
You are a very diverse board. What benefits and challenges
Public Relations. In my studies I hopped from being a
do you believe that brings?
regular Bachelor student at the “Politehnica” University
Yes, we are very, very different, in everything - culture,
of Bucharest to being an ERASMUS student at the
character and working styles. Actually a lot of our
Technical University of Vienna to returning to Bucharest
internal jokes are about this. We are definitely the
to write my Bachelor Thesis to being a regular Master
“Balanced Board” or the “Random Board”, which ever
student at the Technical University of Vienna.
you prefer. There are a lot of different opinions that make you say “Ah, I have never thought about this”.
Tell us a bit about Romstria!
I definitely think this is one of our biggest advantages.
Well, considering the previous answer and because I was active in
Do you hate Wappu?
two Local Groups at the same time,
Hahah I don’t hate Wappu, I actually love the Nordics.
at some point I started getting the
Our first Board Meeting was in Lappeenranta and it was
Romstrian flag on my nametags
at some events. I also used it in my Vice President of
Public Relations application when naming the country Sorana Ioniță, Vice President
that I come from (Romania+Austria=Romstria, for the
of Public Relations
ones who did not get it yet). It is a good gag to make fun
Interviewed by Edmund Salzmann,
of somebody when they ask you where do you come
Vice President of Public Relations
from, especially when you want to be evasive. “What?
You have never heard of Romstria? Your geography knowledge is very limited. It’ even a European country!”
Recently, a lot of cats showed up on ESTIEM flags. Did you
convert to Local Group Istanbul-Boğaziçi?
Esin Korel, Vice President of
(smiling) No, not yet. Maybe after the historical Council
Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi, I might want to swap Local
Interviewed by Raphael Eder, Vice
Groups. However, this could convince people to quickly
President of Education 2013
adopt a cat before they host me, because then it’s going online for sure. (just ask Sanyi or AjdaKezbanSu while
You have visited almost all LGs - why don’t you get tired
they were cuddling with the ESTIEM flag)
of traveling? The phrase “getting tired of traveling” does not exist
What is your motivation of being Vice President of Public
in my terminology. I love travelling, I love seeing new
Relations/in the Board of ESTIEM?
places, I love meeting new people, I love spending
Having the possibility to have one of the most intense
quality time with ESTIEMers! Travelling gives you
and best years of my life. The first half of my motivation
perspective; meeting ESTIEMers from different cultures
is seeing the accomplished end results. Even if I do not,
has taught me that the way you look at the world is not
this will only make me want to strive for better or make
the same for everyone. Seeing quite many countries
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
and cities in Europe has provided me with a source of
is it a chance to have many opportunities to make big
in-depth knowledge on politics, history, economy and
changes in our network and shape the board position
geography, all of which are impossible to obtain in a
but there are also quite many ideas out there to be
lecture room! Visiting quite many Local Groups and
investigated and implemented. Keeping up with the
meeting endless amounts of ESTIEMers has enabled
great work that was done during the past 3 years, this
me to build long-lasting relationships with the people
year my focus is very much on the development of
outside of my Turkish circle of friends - some of whom
EPIEM, strengthening the relations with IIE America &
have become one of the most valued ones in my life.
Ireland, kicking off a new event series called “Events
Moreover, it is such a great feeling to have friends in
on education” which you’ll hear more about later, and
whichever corner of Europe you are travelling to. Even
establishing contacts with new educational institutions
though I sometimes happen to visit the same country
- let’s see what will come out of that in the following
more than once, my level of excitement never goes
down as I know that there is always something new to see, learn and experience! P.S.: There is still quite some
Once you will be an ESTIEM-oldie like me - where will you
countries - and Local Groups - that I have not visited
be heading then?
yet but that are all on the first lines of my to-do list.
After my board year, I’ll still have one more year to be completely done with my Bachelor studies. Under
You know many former boardies - what did still surprise you
normal circumstances I should graduate this year, but
about the boardie-life when you eventually ended up there?
due to me travelling quite often and being very busy
To be honest, after talking with a bunch of former
with all of the ESTIEM activities I took only a few
boardies, hearing what they went through before
courses now, so next year I will be going back into
applying for the Board and observing their work, I had
the mindset of a normal university student. I am also
a broad picture of what it takes to be a boardie. What I
planning on working part-time at a company along with
have experienced so far is exactly what I was expecting
my studies. I have not decided whether I will continue
to happen. However, I am very much surprised with
my studies with a Master’s degree or if I’ll try to land
me being able to travel with a backpack for more than
a job and start working at a company right away. In
10 days on the road as I used to bring almost my whole
any case, I am not planning on staying in Istanbul but
wardrobe with me to the ESTIEM events. I would have
instead going abroad (I don’t have any special location
never imagined myself doing that before! Nowadays it
preferences at the moment) and living there at least for
is of course out of the question due to the sake of
a couple of years. ■
travelling cheap. Education is ESTIEM’s most exciting field - how will you keep this out-of-the-box spirit and what comes next? Yes, by now I can confirm your argument about education being ESTIEM’s most exciting field. Not only ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Life after ESTIEM is nothing to wine about and is not that Bad Dürkheim
Spring is already here and everyone who has been in Finland knows about Wappu. Interesting that this celebration was one of the starting points how the success of Lutz Heissler started. Let me tell you more about how the best wine is made by an ESTIEM Alumnus.
The Vision
Lutz Heissler an ESTIEM Alumni having a vineyard in
Back in 1995, a simple guy from Germany came
Bad Dürkheim, Germany
to Helsinki via the International Business Linkage
Laine Šildere
Local Group Riga & Local Group Helsinki
programme. Joining the ESTIEM Council Meeting in
ago, he is still connected with ESTIEM Alumni and active
Tampere was the turning point in his ESTIEM career
as a member of the Advisory Board. “I remember at
and now he can look back to a lot of challenges,
ESTIEM’s 15th anniversary, Martin Schimpke stated in
his speech: Soon we will be together with students who were born when we started ESTIEM”. Surprising how
You would ask me who am I talking about now, but I am
quickly time has passed! But what has changed since
asking back – have you seen those nice bottles of wine
which are given as appreciations in Council Meetings? Let me share with you some history, some key points
The fact how the management of ESTIEM was organised
which all of us should know about ESTIEM and Lutz
without an organisation-wide internet is hard to now.
Lutz was the Vice President of Administration when the newsletter was sent to some Local Groups by fax.
Even though Lutz was active in ESTIEM almost 20 years
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
“Communication is the key thing in the organisation,”
Lutz was the Vice President of Administration when the newsletter was sent to some Local Groups by fax.
he emphasises. The main difference is globalisation
explains Lutz, when asked about how to make a good
which determines other ways of working, since most
wine. The production chains looks like this:
of the things can be done virtually. Lutz is sure this was a great decision – what can be Lutz says ESTIEM was something visionary, that did not
better than doing the job which you love?! Motivation
exist, but people were working hard to make it real. “It
and fun at the same time is when a winemaker sees the
was extraordinary, but possible!” says Lutz.
result in his hands.
But how comes Lutz spends his life in such a traditional
Hand craft of Nature
industry – winery?
Life is subordinated to the Nature. Yes, with a capital letter, because there is no “today I don’t want to...”
For me, as a simple girl from the countryside it is easy
After being “one wheel of many wheels” in a global
to understand that you can easily destroy the work of
manufacturing company, he decided to take over
years in one day. Nature is your boss, which you cannot
his uncle’s winery with his sister and start their own
negotiate with. It is not the programming, where you
business. That was not the first touch with wine – Lutz
can push the “undo” button. Either you do your job
spent all his childhood in wineries and kept working
now or you will have the next chance in a year. In order
with his uncle for four more years to get the best
to make the perfect product, there should not be too
possible practice.
many people interacting. Lutz’s winery is producing 150 000 bottles per year. The wine is totally their hand craft
“It is all about theory, experience and innovation,”
and he is responsible for that with his and sister’s signature.
The production chain of a good wine
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Production of ESTIEM Wine in 2013
Effect of IEM You may ask what does winery has in common with Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM). Lutz explains it to me: “IEM gives you basic skills on how to acquire knowledge for solving the problem. You
IEM gives you basic skills how to acquire knowledge for solving the problem. You are also enough skilled to choose the right person to work with and how to evaluate his work.
are also skilled enough to choose the right person to work with and how to evaluate his work.” Lutz as a self-employee can manage the winery with 4.5 people,
Early ESTIEM Strategy Meeting at Heissler-Winery in 2000
where a wide background of IEM helps a lot. What we also want to say is do not be afraid of going opposite
life. Technologies are coming and passing by, but how
the traditional way of working in companies. Do your
about people? Lutz is still in touch with old friends and
own in your unique way.
what he says to ESTIEMers: “Come and visit me, we can talk more then with a glass of good wine.”
The key Sometimes you cannot know everything about the
The article shows how everyone from our network can
process, especially in winery, but the key point in making
go different ways in their careers, how to understand
the perfect wine is continuously a process of improving
the real values of work and to see how amazing Alumni
from vintage to vintage and to have always new ideas
we have. ■
on how to change. Thus, it is not always needed when you have already invented successful practices. I think it is the key of every single thing which we are doing in
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Shaping the future is in the eye of an IEM professional
Have you ever wondered that the name ESTIEM is yet to become a byword for professionalism and responsibility? Have you ever thought that there is a way to ride the waves of others and at the same time produce waves for them? Our organisation is a beacon of hope and development and we all shall be aware of the fact that we can, what is more, should make Europe a better place in the future together.
a moral society where you learn to dream and make
Some people perceive ESTIEM as a party organisation
things real, or a dynamic situation in which intertwined
which sustains a great portfolio of ‘exciting holiday
series of happenings are leading young enthusiasts to
activities’ for students who are keen on travelling
see and reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
Csaba Hartmann
Local Group Budapest
You cannot judge a book by its cover
and exploring new things. Another group sees it as a place or ‘company’ where you are given the chance
Lively organisations can be understood when compared
to acquire soft and hard skills, thus become ready to
to holograms. Imagine that one is looking at a thing from
excel in career. Others experience it as a pan-European
a ‘different, individual angle’ so he or she establishes
family and convivial atmosphere with ubiquitous values,
his or her own portrayal of that thing. Creating a
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
supporting others in their development is an all-important, amazing activity
hologram requires multiple beams of light, but all of
people you can explore the opportunities and reflect
them come together at the end and shape a living thing.
upon the main aim of your existence. Later, when you
When thinking about organisations, we should bear in
will graduate and leave ESTIEM, you should not forget
mind that every one of us develops a unique way for
that you step in the role of supporting the newcomers.
perceiving the happenings and this keeps that person
Believe it or not, supporting others in their development
motivated and committed to the organisation. In
is an all-important, amazing activity.
ESTIEM, some of us are driven by different motivators, whilst others do not even know about those. In such
Where there is a will, there is a way
situations it is highly important to establish a platform
In a rare moment of candour it is reckless to say that
where the members can surreptitiously share their
panegyrising on the pleasures of pleasant happenings
thoughts and viewpoints, thus allowing others to
is utterly wrong. Recent situations in Europe, the
rediscover similar opportunities. If you don’t see the
scarcity of resources, debates around energy efficiency
values in ESTIEM at first sight do not be disappointed.
and issues of unemployment do not bode well for the
Look for opportunities to ask and start your endless
future of our continent, so what can we do?
discovery. First of all, we should remain calm and spend some With the support of more ESTIEM-experienced
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
time to reflect upon ourselves. The profession of
Industrial Engineering and Management is marvellous. Why? We learn how to understand ‘what’ needs to be delivered to customers, how to produce this ‘what’ on a high quality level and deliver it to them in the fastest way. So the question comes whether this is a broad or narrow scope of our future work? In my opinion we should not approach the problem from the customers’ point of view, but from the society’s one. Our education, connections, technologies and ESTIEM allows us to obtain an amazing skill set throughout our early years of career, so why not using it for making profit for the society? In fact, it is not that difficult, however to see it you might have to alter your thinking from a pure economic to a more social-profit centred one. I would recommend you to take a couple of hours during one of your evenings and think a bit about what is a ‘profit’ for your country or the society among
recycled elements. The process itself is useful to cut
you. After that try to come up with ways how you can
cost and to cut the environmental impact as well.
contribute to it. Then make yourself believe in it and share it with your friends. Finally, take your will and act.
Needless to say that our skill set supports us in competing for the best available jobs on the market,
As an example I would like to share with you the
but have you ever wondered that it supports us even
concept of ‘circular economy’. Due to the scarce
more to create jobs?
amount of resources (especially metals) industrialists conceived such processes, where the used materials
All the lessons I personally learned in ESTIEM and reflections upon them, helped me a lot to unveil my
Look for opportunities to ask and start your endless discovery
hidden incentives and realise what is the main aim of my existence. It is sometimes inspiring to evoke impactful memories from the past and see in what they resulted.
are entirely circulated back to certain stages of the
A lesson learned is a lesson earned. Take your time
value chain. This ensures that material waste and – in
to reflect upon yourself and the community, society
many cases – environmental pollution is kept at a low
around you. It will not simply pay off, but will make you
level. In such situations, however, many products have
grow as a wholesome person. ■
to be redesigned to be ready for the assembly with
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Training and Development at Schaeffler
Our world is moving. An airplane disappears into
Human Capital Excellence
the clouds. A high-speed train glides past with barely
The people who work for us are our most important
a sound. A railway crossing gate opens and the car
asset. Across the board, from trainees to top managers,
engines start. Our products always play a part.
we are making targeted investments in the promotion and development of our staff on top of all the internal
Spencer Hockeborn
Specialist Product Development, Schaeffler
Schaeffler develops and manufactures precision
training and advanced training and this means they are
products for everything that moves – in machines,
well prepared for the respective requirements at all
equipment, and vehicles as well as in aviation and
times, professionally, methodically and personally. We
aerospace applications. For over 60 sectors worldwide.
attach great importance to fostering a safe, healthy and motivating working environment. After all, we owe our
As a partner to all of the major automobile
success to the commitment and expertise of our staff.
manufacturers, as well as key players in the industrial sectors, we offer you many development opportunities.
Working With Us During your internship or employment as a student
How could your professional development look like?
worker you work on demanding, real projects. “Training on the job” enables you to apply theoretical knowledge to specific tasks. As participant of the initiative “Fair Company”, we support you during your
Spencer Hockeborn, USA, Specialist Product
internship not only with an appropriate remuneration
Development, Schaeffler Wooster
but also with regular working-times and a collegial
Spencer participated at the “cross-cultural training
Germany”: “Learning about the country-specific culture is a matter of respect and responsibility, when you are going to act as an expat. In this training I learned a lot about mutual perceptions and cultural differences both in a private environment and at work. This knowledge is especially important for communication because it helps to understand the actions and thinking of the German colleagues. This facilitates the interaction and daily business.” 36
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
“Our employees have always been our greatest
globally-active company refers not only to operational
asset. And this will remain so.”
skills and knowledge, but also to intercultural expertise.
Kurt Mirlach, Member of the Board, Labor Director No matter what your professional development Schaeffler Academy: Building blocks for your
at Schaeffler will look like, you will be laying the
professional career
foundation for a successful future with new challenges
Highly qualified employees are a key success factor in
and opportunities for development. Let us help you
global competition – now more than ever. Schaeffler
shape your future. Together we move the world!
has opened the Schaeffler Academy, a new advanced training center to house its range of training courses.
Schaeffler with its product brands INA, LuK and FAG
The Schaeffler academy is first and foremost a virtual
is a leading global provider of rolling bearing and
platform and a worldwide network. All training activities
plain bearing solutions and of linear and direct drive
in the Schaeffler Group will be bundled together here –
technology, as well as a renowned supplier to the
even across national boundaries.
automotive industry of high-precision products and systems for engines, transmissions and chassis. The
One of Schaeffler’s strengths is the fact that everybody,
group of companies with operations around the world
from trainees all the way through to top-level
generated revenue of approximately 11.2 billion euros
management, possesses a thorough awareness of
in 2013. With around 79,000 employees worldwide,
change and progress and of the need for permanent
Schaeffler is one of the largest German and European
improvement – and that includes advanced training and
technology companies in family ownership. With
lifelong learning. Especially lifelong learning within the
approximately 170 locations in 49 countries, Schaeffler has a worldwide network of manufacturing locations, research and development facilities, sales companies, engineering offices, and training centers. ■
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Interview with Smartster
An interview with Andreas Swahn, founder of Smartster, a website where retailers can publish their offers in an easy way. Smartster proposed their idea during TIMES Semi-Final Gothenburg back in 2013 via a case study.
Isabel Azcรกrate
Local Group Gothenborg
What do you now about TIMES?
where they can actually get ahold of those products
TIMES is one of the largest case competitions in Europe.
and services in the physical world.
It was started back in 1994 as a way to try to help the students of ESTIEM to work more with companies
How did Smartster benefit from your participation in
and to give them a reason to get sponsorships from
companies and so on. One of the objectives was, of
Well I think the main benefit was the youthful energy
course, also to help the students to compete and get
from all the students that we had in Gothenburg, at
better at solving problems where engineering, business
the Chalmers University of Technology, eight different
and management come together in a proper context.
teams that competed in this specific case and could evaluate our business proposition. They had four hours
What made you as a company take part in TIMES and
to solve the case and then 20 minutes to give the jury
create a case?
their suggestions on how Smartster could develop a
We were able to get a very good contact with the
better product or ideas surrounding this product. And
project team from Chalmers University of Technology
also the fact that we could have this filmed and later
and they had a very good interesting proposition to
reviewed what the students had presented to us.
us where we could partly design our own case that was linked to a business idea and to actually launch
How do you think TIMES can help you in taking your
a company. In fact, we thought it was a good idea if
business to the European market?
we could have the support from a high number of
We believe that the way we can take take benefits from
European IEM students to actually test our idea with us.
TIMES and the ESTIEM network is the fact that there
And on the basis of that input and feedback see if we
are 60 000 students on top level across Europe and a
could develop our company and idea about Smartster
few of them might actually become future employees
into a real business.
of our company. And now since we have these good links between ourselves, ESTIEM and TIMES a few of
Tell us a bit about Smartster, what does Smartster do?
them already know Smartster , which means they can
Smartster is a digital galleria or ecosystem for offers
already , as a result of the case, tell friends of them
where we gather offers from physical stores and
about it. There was a team from Istanbul, Finland , and
e-shops and we are making these offers available online
all different parts of Europe, I think that will really help
through a website, mobile site as well as an app in the
us go forward.
future, where the consumers get a chance to actually
visit the site and view the most relevant offers for
What do you think about the quality of the case
them. And if they find something that is very good
they can purchase the items directly online and either
I think the quality is really high, on the one hand these
have it delivered to their home or they would find out
are very high and ambitious students studying IEM,
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
INSIDE ESTIEM so generally they are an interesting group of talented individuals, then of course those who decide to take part in the competition, I guess they traditionally are above average among their peers. So it’s an interesting group within the talented group which we are actually addressing. And those who actually make it to a Semi-
About Smartster
Final or the European Final are, of course, very talented.
The main reason that Smartster was created was the constant bombardment of all direct mail to all
What are the biggest advantages for a company to take
households. There are many great deals that are
part in TIMES?
included in these flyers, but the process of cutting down
I think the main advantages are simply that you may
trees, make paper, design, print and distribute these are
have an existing model, or a new business model, tested
both expensive and environmentally bad. Smartster is
or in various ways checked whether it is something that
a web site where retailers can publish their offers in
this particular target audience feels it as a good product,
an easy way. By having all deals gathered on one site
a good thing to launch. Can they make a financial
makes it considerably easier for customers who instead
estimation on the basis of that particular product? And
of going into each and every online shop to see what
I don’t really see any negative sides for the companies
discounts they have, now can go to one page to find
taking part in this type of competition. It thus of course
them all.
requires a little bit of investment, in terms of time to prepare the case and having a few company delegates attending the event. But the up side is definitely worth
can open themselves up more, so when the student
a lot more than the actual investment.
organisations contact them, they should listen more to what they actually have to offer. There are many
How would you compare it towards having an outside
things the companies can benefit from, but that also
requires that they should ask something in return.
I think that with the outside consultants you can maybe
So when the students come and ask “can you please
reach a certain degree, get more expected results since
sponsor anything?”. Don’t ask what the price is, ask
they do more research. By having here, in this case, 8
instead what you can get in return from that. Because
different student teams working on it, you get a big of a
the students very often are willing to work hard on
variety of answers depending on their level of studies,
delivering something for you.
how long they studied, which part of Europe they are from. And that is a very interesting element. And also
How do you think companies can benefit from having
the students, they dare to say things which the mature
contact and cooperation with ESTIEM?
consultants wouldn’t necessarily tell you.
I think the main benefit that companies can get from ESTIEM is of course the fact that it is a European
What positive aspects do you see in having students as
network of students. So if you are already some sort
of company with a reasonable size and you want to
Well I think in general the true advantage for the
expand your brand, your recruitment or other things
students here is that they will be able to work together
that relate to going international, I think linking up with
with the companies and at the same time for the
ESTIEM can really help you do that. It is most likely a
companies is being able to get the added value from
very cost and time efficient way to get access to the
the young dynamic students, that really tell us what
most talented students in Europe, but this can be driven
we want to hear, but we may not necessarily get those
from the students having ideas, or you as a company
answers from the established consultants.
getting in touch with the local student organisations, and since ESTIEM now has around 74 local groups, that
In which way could we get it easier for a company to adapt
means that in all European countries you have a local
the idea of taking part in TIMES, or to be a part in the
ESTIEM group and they can open the doors for you to
ESTIEM network?
other countries. ■
Well I think number one, either for the companies to actively get in touch with ESTIEM, TIMES or similar other student organisations is the help they can get from all of these talented individuals, or the way they ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Lily’s impressions from Europe3D Madrid
I am Lily and I am a non-ESTIEMer. Until the previous summer I had no idea that such an organisation exists. I am really thankful to Yusuf Taşlı, who told me about ESTIEM.
Lily Gubayeva
Non-ESTIEMer, Russia
I could not believe it at first. I applied and I got accepted,
Once I came to the hostel, a friendly atmosphere
considering myself really lucky and happy!
welcomed me. The organisers were smiling in anticipation and I saw that they had been waiting for
Arriving in Madrid earlier than everyone else, I wanted
that day for a long time. The Spanish course (Tienes
to walk around, to look at life, at the people, to feel
unos ojos preciosos – we will remember it until the end
the city. It was my first time visiting Europe. Two days
of our lives I suppose) and speed dating, dinner at a
later it was easier for me to speak English than Russian.
nearby pub, watching Real Madrid playing. Disco and
Everything was just perfect. All the Spaniards seemed
first acquaintances, photos and great mood! I felt like
incredible. On the first day I saw a manifestation against
‘yes, I am in the right place! I did it!’
Coca-Cola on the main square and a “laughing” flash mob. My beautiful host Maria was always singing and
The next days were quite productive. Every day we
I adored that positive thinking. I did not even feel the
woke up very early, in our room the song “Happy” was
time passing by. My dream felt like it was finally was
being turned on, listening to it I felt in high spirits. The
coming true. Madrid is such a soft, easy, quick and slow,
organisers divided us into two groups, trying to hurry
beautiful, bright, different city. Everyone should go
us, but we were enjoying it so much, that we did not
there to feel it.
want to yield to leaving, justifying ourselves with “we
At the same time I longed so much for this upcoming
are in Spain, relax”.
event. I did not know what to expect from it, what
people I would meet, what we would do, that it would
We learned a lot about the economy and politics of
be as awesome as I was told. Well, I was worrying in
Spain, visiting different companies, the Senate, listening
to lectures of ETSII’s professors. The organisers
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
arranged an interesting excursion to the Prado
me of a camp, we were like children with the organisers
museum, which helped a lot to be imbued with the
as our leaders. They really led us. They let us discover
Spanish art. We understood why the crisis had come,
new amazing places and things about Spain and Spanish
learned the right way to taste wine and how ro cook
people. They planted the ESTIEM spirit in me, in a non-
tortilla. We ate jamon and drank sangria. We were told
ESTIEMer. Big thanks personally to Javier Casco (as a
about the enormous differences in culture (about the
project leader of E3D Madrid) and all the organisers!
cultural shock in particular) and in perception about the
You did an excellent job.
world by different nationalities. The organisers asked us to speak our native languages at the awareness training
The last days I was very tired, but really happy.
so that we had to ask each other and write down some
Europe3D Madrid was unforgettable for me. So many
necessary information, trying to understand what the
friends from all over the world who were saying “hey
others are saying. We watched bulls teasing - and
Lily, if you want to come to my country some day just
supported the bulls. We tasted fideua at one of the
write me on Facebook and I will arrange everything”. I
organisers’ house, and I think we did not reduce much
love these people. Each one of them is ambitious, kind,
of the stock, as there was enough for another hundred
positive, merry, singing ESTIEM songs and doing what
hungry students. We were singing ESTIEM songs
he or she really wants. It is their life. It is my life.
in the metro, making common people feel curious, embarrassed or irritated - it depended. We almost
And thanks to Europe3D Madrid, for me, the world
did not sleep and tried to survive the various parties,
doesn’t seem that big anymore.■
pub crawlings and this was the most difficult thing, the International night. Every day was very busy – everyone together like one big family. We travelled around the city, from the hostel to different places and did not only see the ‘tourist’sights. Sometimes our organised crowd even reminded
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Baku, where ancient and modernism meet and blend with each other
Baku – the farthest eastern part of ESTIEM has been officially introduced at the Council Meeting in Ankara Bilkent as a Guest Group. From the very start we got extensive support and interest from the university board and we could even receive written recognition from the Ministry of Youth after a year. Our event participation increased in the course of time and ultimately, we organised an Exchange with Local Group Budapest in February 2014.
Sanan Aliyev
Local Group Baku
Despite the fact that it is already the 3rd year since the
almost Europe but is also Asia, and this contradiction
existence of LG Baku, the big distance from other Local
of sorts is what makes the country distinct from
Groups prevents a more agile development. Hence, we
its neighbours. Azerbaijan is an incredible tangle of
work hard to get more active and spread ESTIEM spirit
contradictions and contrasts. It is a fascinating nexus of
within the Azerbaijan Technical University.
ancient historical empires.
Apparently, the conventional people outside Azerbaijan
5 reasons to visit Azerbaijan
know very little about this country, especially those that
are not part of the Baltic region or from former USSR blocs. Below, I will give some interesting information
Fire 2.
about Baku and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is located in Eurasia’s Caucasus Region,
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Monuments included into UNESCO World Heritage list
9 out of 11 world climatic zones are found here.
The largest salty lake of the planet - The Caspian
flanking Eastern Europe and Western Asia. This is the reason why Azerbaijan is having an identity crisis. It is
The spirit of fire and the secrets of the Land of
Sea 5.
A unique national cuisine of Azerbaijan
The centre of the nation is its capital, Baku. The city lies
looking out over the vast Caspian Sea, the world’s
on the southern edge of the Absheron peninsula on the
largest lake. There is a distinctive Mediterranean
shores of the glittering Caspian Sea. This is where the
ambiance in this part of town, where the café culture is
action is, so to speak. The petroleum-fueled wealth is
king. You can also make a real sea-voyage by pleasure-
on displaying on the skyscrapers dominating the city. At
boat along the Baku Bay. From there, you will be taken
its centre, however, is a UNESCO historical site.
by cable-railway to Upland Park, which commands a breathtaking panorama of the city.
The heart of Baku is the Old City, a UNESCO heritage site and this inner city is one of the few surviving
The city has the reputation for providing an energetic
medieval towns in the country. Within its walls, a maze
nightlife, and a lot of nightclubs that are open till dawn
of narrow cobbled streets, ancient caravanserais and
are situated all over Baku. The majority of the bars
courtyards surrounds the 12th century Maiden Tower
and pubs are situated close to Fountain Square and are
and the ornate Palace of the Shirvanshahs.
regularly open till the morning’s early hours. There are numerous Irish, Scottish, and British style pubs.
The central part of Baku forms an amphitheatre that slopes down to Baku Bay and the Boulevard. The
The energetic pace of the city runs on past dusk, when
Boulevard is a focal meeting place and has a buzzing
the three Flame Towers come to life with their giant LED
social scene, with al fresco dining and bar terraces
displays to signal the start of the evening. Fragments of
Source: http://www.baku2015.com
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
live music can be heard on the street corners enticing music-lovers to experience home-grown rock bands, the ever-popular karaoke bars, Baku’s unique jazz or some traditional mugam folk. A three-hour drive takes you to local villages teeming with green orchards with the Caucasus Mountains as their backdrop. Here, one will feel the striking contrast of laidback country life against Baku’s fast-paced city life. Cattle replace the limos and teahouse terraces edge out skyscrapers. Even though Baku is a bit far from most of the Local Groups, we are willing to spread the ESTIEM spirit in our university and we hope many students will live the ESTIEM spirit in Baku by participating in a (possible) Europe 3D Azerbaijan in the future.■
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
From IEM student to Polish teacher: Everything is possible within ESTIEM
My adventure with the Language Programme began when Malna, the project leader of Europe3D, told me that she would like to have a Polish language course during the Europe 3D Coordination Meeting in Warsaw.
took me two days because I wanted to take care of
accepted the challenge. Afterwards, I started thinking
every detail so I would not disappoint Malna and the
I had no experience in this field and no knowledge on
Emilia Gębska
Local Group Warsaw
The idea was really appealing to me and that is why I
how to prepare the course, so this was the main reason for contacting the leader of the Language Programme Initiative. She sent me an example of the presentation and gave me advice on how to create this course.
Polish grammar has exceptions than rules.
It helped me to make the first step. I started searching
Finally, the 29th of January came and I was standing
on the internet and looked for information about the
in front of 25 students from all over Europe and had
Polish language. This searching session taught me more
one single aim: to teach them a few words in Polish.
facts than I have learned during elementary school.
I was really stressed and began with the question:
Did you know that an average Pole becomes fluent in
What comes first to your mind when you hear the
Polish at the age of 16? This surprised me, too. Another
word “Poland”? There were several different answers
thing: many people think that the Polish language is
such as “Polish apples” and “Robert Lewandowski”.
the most difficult one in the world. This made me a
Afterwards I checked their knowledge about Poland by
bit nervous and I thought: “It will be a real challenge!”
holding a small quiz. I was surprised since they knew the
But nonetheless, I started creating my presentation. It
answers to every question.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Some Polish sentences English
To Your Health!
Na Zdrowie!
Na strovia
Hi, Hello, Bye
How are you?
Jak sie masz?
Yac shye mash?
So, so
Tak sobie
Takh sobieh
I don’t understand
Nie rozumiem
Nyeh rozoomieah
Good morning
Dzien dobry
Djane dobryh
Good evening
Dobry wieczor
Dobryh veechoorh
Good night
Do widzenia
Doh vitseneeah Later on, I explained how the Polish language works and they were a bit shocked when I told them that the Polish grammar has more exceptions than rules. After that, to terrify them even more I showed them the Polish alphabet and made them read it. I felt like a teacher, asking them to repeat the words and pointing out people to ask someone else’s names. At the end I asked them to read out some difficult Polish sentences and even members of Local Group Warsaw read them wrong. After the course, I gave participants the handouts and it made me happy when some of them tried to use sentences in Polish during the rest of the event. This meant that my hard work had not been for nothing and therefore I recommend it to everyone else. If you have an opportunity to do it, do not hesitate because you can learn a lot, have fun and help students to understand your language a little bit more. ■
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Europe 3D CoM insights
Three times the value: that is what the Europe3D Coordination Meeting in Warsaw gave me. My name is Ou Yan and I was a participant of this wonderful event that happened between 29th of January and 2nd of February 2014.
very well prepared and left me something to remember,
what to expect from these five days. I did attend
nothing will be more memorable than the Corporate
another ESTIEM event before this CoM, but the
Relations session I delivered with Marija. I remember
type of event was different, so I felt like exploring an
working on the presentation the night before, right after
uncharted part of the world. Also, about the project
coming back from a party. I remember the participants
itself, I knew the basics of how Europe3D worked, but
and I remember them being amused during the call
nothing substantial, so I was also curious to learn more
simulation (female voice, for all the people who were
about it. On a general note, I wanted to give my input
there and do not remember).
Ou Yan
Board of European Students of Technology
Since I am a member of BEST, I did not really know
to the project as a BEST member and take something back home.
I can now say that I know what Europe3D is and
what it represents. In these few days I learned a lot
I wanted to give my input to the project as a BEST member and take something back home.
more about Poland, Warsaw in particular. We had lectures about Polish language and economics, learned more about its history and tasted the local cuisine. We worked together on social media, delivered and
Now I can proudly say that whatever expectations
attended training sessions, saw the city of Warsaw on
I could have set, this event would have fulfilled them
-10 degrees and sang all together in a karaoke bar. The
all. I arrived and I immediately felt the Europe3D spirit
definition of what I would call “Work hard, play hard”.
in the air. Everyone was friendly and open minded about everything, eager to learn and give their input
Thanks to ESTIEM, and a special thanks to Málna for
to improve the project. It was a familiar sensation, as if
giving me the chance to attend this event and making
I was attending one of our own events. I felt at home.
me gain memories and friends. ■
While all the sessions and activities of the event were
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
An event dedicated to working hard and playing hard!
Trainers on Tour
Nataliya Roskladka
Local Group Kiev
All events in ESTIEM always give excellent emotions and
but in our everyday life - everything what you are doing
good experiences. One of the most important events
- facilitating meetings, giving presentations, speaking in
for personal development is ToT. Within this project
front of big crowds, negotiating situations, something
we can find diverse benefits for every participant! This
about family relationships, dealing with crisis, change
is a really good opportunity for not only personal, but
management etc
also for the ESTIEM development. Trainings give a great motivational boost to the In the middle of December 2013 Local Group Kiev
participants by showing the professional side of ESTIEM
organised Trainers on Tour and despite the turbulent
in a practical way. All participants of ToT increasingly
political situation, it seemed that we were doing so
learned and acquired new skills and competences
outside the traditional setting of the classroom. Only challenges and the self-motivation to engage in those
Trainers chose their favourite training topics and
challenges will transform us. And every challenge we
covered them not only with memorable examples,
face creates a more skilful self. It all really enhances
but also with bright comparisons. We spoke about
professionalism and favours self-improvement.
teambuilding and teamwork, the art of presentation, leadership and company relations and partnerships.
Except the learning part, ToT also includes amazing
Trainers taught us interesting rules and tips on how
activities after trainings. It is possible to show the culture
to give some useful advice. So trainers shared their
of your country for the guests. You improve your hard
knowledge, skills and attitude.
and soft skills and you feel spiritually enriched. In Kiev we visited the Museum of Historical Treasures and saw
And all of this happened in the awesome ESTIEM spirit
the famous gold Pectoral, many astonishing decorations
with exciting games and magic energisers, that give one
of princes and hetman wealthy families, As well as any
the necessary positive energy and inspire new ideas, so
other event, this one offered the opportunity to see
that one can be ready to work again.
the next new or familiar city in which one can have a wonderful time and hang out with his/her European
Also trainers should develop themselves and look for
new challenges. Throughout the training sessions they improve many skills as well. Trainings would be more
So it is really great when all participants are together
efficient if a trainer has a bright and clear picture in his/
discussing a fascinating subject, share different opinions,
her mind about what he/she expects from it. So it helped
learn to perceive feedbacks from others and thus grow
to redefine presentation skills as well. Besides improving
together. Consequently, on ToT all people gained
communication, leadership, psychological, teaching and
important experiences, worked on their personal
adapting skills, there was also one very important set of
development and of course had a great time and lots
skills that were discussed – negotiation skills. All of this
of fun. â–
can be used not only when organising ESTIEM events, 48
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
TIMES Semi-Final in Moscow
It was a sunny winter day quite unusual for the
just the most interesting, logical and beneficial. Later on
northern city, where the citizens are used to the grey
Case Tacklers presented their solution to the jurors.
sky and to the cold wind blowing from the shore. Three
The jury members asked many questions and required
girls carried the hand bags and walked to the Central
for the detailed answers. Later on every team received
railway station. Their secret name was Case Tacklers.
a constructive feedback from the judgers. When the case-solving part of the first day was finished,
Tacklers had a mission: to win TIMES Semi-Final.
the participants went to prepare for the informal evening. The meeting took place in the city centre
Case Tacklers had the idea to participate in TIMES
and Case Tacklers had time to see Moscow’s sunset.
Semi-Final long time ago. It did not seem to be easy.
Their tutor made a walking tour from the dormitory
Case Tacklers had won the Local Qualification stage
to the Sadovoye circle, the central road of Moscow.
in Saint Petersburg. However, the competitors of
The street lights turned on and the night life started.
the Semi-Final were supposed to be much more
Thousands of cars were driven, citizens were walking;
experienced. Girls expected to face challenging cases
shops, bars and clubs invited everyone to come in. It
and strict jurors.
seemed like «Moscow never sleeps»!
TIMES offers inspiration decision making
Svetlana Smirnova
They were a bit nervous but excited, because Case
Local Group St Petersburg
Girls caught the train from Saint Petersburg to Moscow.
The Case Tacklers went to the club where TIMES participants were parting. Finally the girls got acquainted with the other teams. There were many students from
The train “Blue Arrow” arrived at Moscow late in
Sweden, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Serbia and
the evening. Case Tacklers were warmly welcomed
Finland. It was a truly international atmosphere and the
by the organizers and drived to the dormitory. The
girls were very pleased to be the part of the project!
night before the case-study was sleepless. Every
They even heard that one Swedish girl came from
team member was thinking about the competition.
Tokyo to Moscow specially to take a part in TIMES!
Case Tacklers saw none of the other participants, they couldn’t even predict their opponents. That was
The next day was eventful. The organizers of LG
Moscow prepared the city tour included Kremlin visit, excursion to the University museum and to the Space
Early in the morning the team was ready to the first
part of the tournament. It is worth to tell that the Case Tacklers had a team leader. He was responsible
In the morning, TIMES participants took a metro to
for helping them , especially during the first days in the
get to the centre. It was a crowded subway, people
unknown city. The team leader always took care about
were in a hurry and kept poker faces! The guys left
the food for the girls, the way from the dormitory to the meeting place and back. That morning in Moscow was sunny as well. The smell of the spring soared into the air. Semi-Final took place in the Moscow State Technical University. Case Tacklers heard a lot of positive references about the University. They were inspired to see that. The University was huge and had many buildings where the students of different specialties could study. The girls were guided to the chosen place for case-solving and provided with the necessary equipment and the case itself. The team had only three hours and half to read the case, work it out and describe the appropriable solution. Case Tacklers applied the professional skills as well as time management. The working process was fruitful. Many ideas were suggested. The girls selected ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
the metro and came to the heart of Moscow. They
them and join the activities. That relaxed us and gave us
could see wonderful view on the red walls of Kremlin,
self-confidence» - Case Tacklers explained later.
Bolshoy theater, the roof of the huge underground shopping center Ohotniy Ryad and other picturesquare
The time went by fast. Soon the most impressive and
sightseeing. The organizers guided the participants
unforgettable part of TIMES – Gala Dinner had started!
through the Alexandrovsky garden to the Kremlin
Everyone was waiting for the Gala, because it provided
entrance. The territory of Kremlin was full of historical
a chance to contact the jurors informally and ask them
churches; from the viewpoint we saw Moscow river,
for their personal feedback, to have fun, and to enjoy
huge modern skyscrapers and old multistage buildings
the last project day. Lastly we all wanted to know the
covered with fog. TIMES participants also visited
results of the tournament!
the Red Square where they built Vasily Blazshenny Cathedral. When everybody had enough, after many
Gala Dinner took place in Georgian restaurant. The
group photos on the camera, the participants went
participants tried traditional Georgian food mixed with
back to the University to grab some lunches and
hospitality of LG Moscow.
continue the day!
TIMES awarding ceremony started. The jury had a
For sure TIMES gave them a unique experience.
positive feedback for every team. Case Tacklers got the sixth place! The girls took part in the first serious casesolving competition, that’s why the result motivated
The most excited part of the daily agenda was the
them. Serbia, the team from Stockholm, Finnish guys,
Space museum. TIMES participants could see the
Munich became four best teams of the Semi-Final. The
small models of the spaceships and satellites and a
girls from Linköping became the winners of TIMES
real spacesuit. Case Tacklers found the pattern of the
Semi-Final and will continue to compete in Final in
capsule used by spacemen when going into space. The
Norway! None of the participants and organizers slept
guys even saw the spaceship from the inside! Moreover
that night! They had the best time of their lives!
every museum hall was accompanied with the pictures of planets; they made a real cosmic atmosphere!
The very next day, Case Tacklers sat in the train on its way back to Saint Petersburg. The girls discussed the
The work of the organizers should be emphasized.
unforgettable moments and shared their impressions.
They always were energetic,enthusiastic and they invented various teambuilding games! However the
For sure TIMES gave them a unique experience.
participants kept in mind that TIMES tournament was
Firstly the girls strived to apply theoretical knowledge,
going on. Everybody went to bed earlier to recover
develop analytical and presentation skills. Secondly,
from the exhausting day.
they communicated with the experienced students from various countries. Case Tacklers are definitely
There was the last day of February and winter but
planning to foster those contacts! Thirdly, the girls had
not the least! Coincidentally, it was the final day of
an opportunity to contact directly the representatives
TIMES Semi-Final, thus the most important. The
of the companies. Furthermore, the participation fee
participants got the case from the large consulting
of TIMES Semi-Final was covered by the organizers!
company. Case Tacklers found the task difficult. In spite of the numerous numbers and data, time limits,
Case Tacklers truly believe they will take a part in the
the girls managed to find a solution. It is worth to tell
tournament next year. TIMES gives inspiration to make
that the second presentation was much better. «It was
decisions! ■
significant to get to know the other participants, contact 50
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Project, Committee and Initiative updates Vision
Knowledge Management Committee
After Council Meeting Portugal, within the Vision
It has been a busy and eventful start of the year for the
Central Team we have worked very hard to achieve
Knowledge Management Committee (often shortened
many of our goals. In the Vision Project we have
to KMC). In addition to introducing a new Committee
Leader we have also selected new Team Leaders ■
Created Vision PR Materials (Poster, T-Shirts, ties)
for both the Feedback System and Best Practice
Set up seven different task groups: Academic,
Documents teams. We have also had the pleasure
Corporate Relations, Public Relations, Feedback,
of taking in many new enthusiastic members into our
Media, Grants, Cocktail
Committee and continuing our important work with
Organised 6 Vision Events in Istanbul, Karlsruhe,
our existing team of hard-working knowledge keepers.
Gothenburg & Lund, Helsinki &Tampere, Ankara ■
and Novi Sad
One of the most important topics that the KMC will be
Started to make preparations for Vision Gdansk,
involved with this year is setting up a new Task Group
Vision Calabria and Vision Final Conference
that has the main task of gathering knowledge from the
different bodies of ESTIEM. Currently the initiative is
Prepared event reports for the already organised
being evaluated and refined into its final form, but we
can proudly say that the end result will be something
events. ■ ■ ■
that ESTIEM has never witnessed before.
Had individual chats with the organisers and had strong communication with the organisers.
Apart from letting our imagination fly off with passionate
Established the Vision newsletter email system for
new ideas, we are also continuing the steady and hard
promoting upcoming Vision events
work the KMC is best known for: covering all events
Improved the Vision Buddy Concept : writing
with Feedback and providing ESTIEM members access
event reports, evaluating and preparing feedback
to a wide selection of Best Practice Documents. We
reports, preparing academic reports, etc
can happily announce that with the tweaks that have been applied already and the upcoming plans we have, 2014 will be an unforgettable year for the Knowledge Management Committee.
Public Relations Committee
So far, the Public Relations Committee has had a good
The ESTIEM Book is closing in with the finish line in
start for 2014.
sight, at this Council Meeting we will elect the host of the Spring CM 2015 – the 50th in ESTIEM’s history, 25
The Design Team created with utmost care the T-shirts
years after the idea of ESTIEM was born in Darmstadt.
and posters that will be distributed at the Council
That will also be the place, where the 25 years of
Meeting in Istanbul-Boğaziçi. It has been also assisting
ESTIEM-Book will be presented in all its glory for the
Local Groups, Projects and Committees with a variety
first time.
of other designs (stickers, roll-ups, nametags). During the last semester, we worked hard on the During the Coordination Meeting, the team evaluated
articles, in cooperation with all Local Groups and with
the ESTIEM Online PR survey, which was sent out in
many Projects, Committees and Initiatives and even
February, resulting to 350 replies from active ESTIEMers.
with some Alumni. We managed to gather a lot of
The results lead to the creation of a database that
content and are looking forward to present you many
contains sources for ESTIEM’s social media channels.
great stories from all generations.
Currently we work on defining ESTIEM’s Online PR strategy for 2014.
We wrote many articles ourselves (and are still continuing to do so) and started working with different
The current Team is motivated and excited to promote
design ideas in order to make the Book look as good
ESTIEM on all levels. With only one aim in mind: Take
as ESTIEM is. Additionally, we started investigating
ESTIEM to higher grounds.
different options and offers on how to print the ESTIEM Book and finance the whole concept. ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Europe 3D
Members Committee
Europe3D has been aiming for the stars this year,
The year kicked of with approaching all Guest Groups
every Europe3D Family member started off with huge
to make sure they are still motivated to contribute to
expectations and determination to achieve something
ESTIEM, so we now have a very good overview of all
special together. With the help of the new team leaders
our Guests. We also have been working on supporting
and responsibles we made the life of the project very
the Guests and Observers by having a chat with them.
So we hope to see our Guests and Observers taking big steps these year.
We have two successful Europe3D events behind us, where we introduced brand new concepts like
Furthermore we have two new Guest Groups since
Europe3D Mate, Social Media Responsible (follow our
Council Meeting Portugal, Sarajevo and Târgu Mureș.
events in real time!), mid-term feedback and knowledge
So ESTIEM is still growing and due to our high growth
and perception questionnaires.
rate during these past years the Membership team has now begun discussing the Growth Strategy of ESTIEM.
Our finance team was working hard to find companies to sponsor our T-shirts and our booklets, and the joint
The Human Resources Task Group is working on
effort of grants task group and organising LGs resulted
creating a Get Active video, which we hope to have
in an awesome application.
ready soon. Furthermore they are also working on new tasks like posting event reports and sharing videos with
Meanwhile, our PR Team was very active, we not
recruitment tips on Facebook.
only enhanced the Facebook visibility, but brought our promotion to a next level. PR Guidelines for organisers,
After a great Coordination Meeting in Braunschweig,
webpage redesign and creating new gadgets are having
the Members Committee now has several new ideas
rapid progess as well.
to implement during the year, so stay tuned. Because we care!
Training Committee
Grants Commmittee
It has been a very special year for ESTIEM Trainings
The last half a year was not a silent one. The Local
Committee - a year full of new stars, new hearts and
Responsible Forum in Bremen got granted. Joris took
new destinations.
over from Denitsa as Grants Committee (GC) Leader. The new Erasmus+ programme of the European
Shining stars can be seen in the eyes on new Trainings
Committee was introduced. The Finance Forum will be
Committee members who joined our team this year
organised in Eindhoven from 5 till 10 September.
and have already implemented a lot to help the youngest Committee of ESTIEM advance one step further.
The GC’s goal is to help Local Groups, Projects and Central ESTIEM with applying for grants. To be able
Even more hearts were fascinated by trainings and
to do this, we need to know all about the grants
ESTIEMers were united thanks to the new Trainers
opportunities, so the Erasmus+ programme was an
that entered the magical Training World to deliver even
important change for us. We managed to get familiar
more trainings all over our network.
with it and applied for grants for Europe3D Poland and Braintrainer Kranj in the first round of the new
New destinations were reached by Trainers on Tour,
programme, just after our great Coordination Meeting
including Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Italy and even
in Kaunas. We are now working on applications for the
more countries are waiting for Loveleaves to come in
second round (deadline 30 April) for the Finance Forum
and Braintrainer Groningen. Also, we are working on a new type of grant: Strategic Partnerships.
ESTIEM Trainings Committee – with passion to grow in 2014.
Thanks to our great and motivated people we will continue our great work and make this year successful!
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Social and Environmental Initiative
Financial and Legal Committee
The Social and Environmental Initiative (SERI) aims at
Financial and Legal Committee put a lot of effort in
making a change within ESTIEM and raise awareness on
improving the local support this year. The Budget
the challenges that our planet faces.
Task Group has become active and currently helping local organisers on budgeting. The Legal Team has
In these past months, our Green Event Consulting
tackled with many legal issues. Most importantly, a
Team has been encouraging organisers to reduce their
newborn event concept to give financial knowledge to
event’s ecological footprint by gathering easy to use
ESTIEMers, the Finance Forum, was created and was
& cost-saving approaches. A new Local Group Green
already scheduled for September.
Ranking System has also been developed. After having a very productive Coordination Meeting in Updating the CO2 Calculator is another topic we are
Kragujevac and working on important financial and legal
working on. Carbon emissions of any trip between
topics, the Financial and Legal Committee has a more
Local Groups according to the means of transportation
powerful structure and a bigger team now.
are calculated; this can always be checked before Information Technology Committee
making a booking or before travelling.
When you hear this you can be sure a nerd is right Furthermore, we are currently looking for an organiser
behind you. Everything is about people. About the
to develop the SER event: a really efficient event totally
people which are in the team. Which are around. Who
focused on responsible actions such as volunteering.
supports or criticizes. In the end ITC just tries to do its best.
Lastly, the team is discussing the idea of a Responsibility
We recently set up a new server. Did you notice that
Committee and will start with a trial after Council
any page on the Portal opens before you even think
Meeting Istanbul to check if it would help ESTIEM. It
about it? It’s faster than Usain Bolt now! Special thanks
will be great to see all your contributions to take SERI
go to Israel Pohl, Tibor Weigel, Alp Altinturk and Local
one step further.
Group Berlin for this. I still think that everyone in the IT Committee is a
unique person. They do the hard work. Day by day,
BrainTrainer had a really great kick-off in 2014 thanks
every week. They try to make the Portal comfortable
to the fact that after Council Meeting Portugal quite
and easy to use for any ESTIEMer. They are always
a few motivated ESTIEMers joined our team and we
ready to help. And I’m proud to work with all of them.
immediately started our work together.
Superheroes are in the ITC team!
In the beginning of the year we chose the organising
Summer Academy
Local Groups for the upcoming BrainTrainer events:
A year of change, that is how we could describe a
year in the Summer Academy project. This summer
Coordination Meeting (CoM) -organised by LG
we will have 2 new events and our professor
Milan in Como - our main focus was to set goals and
Dietrich’s Academy shifted the topic even more
guidelines for these events and to find a way to improve
towards leadership. We looked for possibilities for
the visibility and the understanding of the project in
the ERASMUS+ grant and during the Coordination
ESTIEM. We started the CoM with an amazing training
Meeting in Dortmund all the Summer Academies came
delivered by our guests from Local Best Group Milan.
to be viewed under a different glance as it use to be. So, to be more specific:
After the Coordination Meeting we worked on the Grants application for both events that will take place
in Kranj and Groningen, started the elaboration of
Excellence: Deep Systems Thinking for the Future
the BrainTrainer company brochure and updated the internal and external portal pages. Furthermore, one of
Dr. Larry Stapleton - “Engineering Management of Europe”, June 16th – 25th in Novi Sad, Serbia.
Prof. Dietrich Brandt & Toon Ariens - “Leadership
our most important goals for this year is to plan a 3rd -
joint event together with another student organisation.
technology“, July 26th – August 9th in Lisbon,
Portugal. ■
Gregory H. Watson - “The Intellectual Roots of Industrial Management“, June 30th – July 6th in Helsinki, Finland. ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Student life in Trondheim
Arjen Martens
Local Group Trondhoven
My journey in the beautiful Norwegian city of
University Life
Trondheim started on the 1st of August 2013 with
At NTNU I started a Master’s program, which is
probably the most exciting and longest trip of my life.
called Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
It started with packing my first 22 years on this earth
(RAMS). The program is offered by the department of
into one car. What followed was a two and a half day
Production and Quality Engineering. I am therefore not
long car ride towards a new chapter in my life. At this
part of the IEM department anymore, which is here in
moment I have no regret writing that new chapter for
Trondheim seen as one of the most competitive studies
a single second. For the last 8 months I have said at
at the university. This combined with NTNU being the
least once a day that moving to Trondheim was the best
best university for engineering in Norway means that
decision of my life.
studying in Trondheim for an exchange or Master’s is a great asset on one’s CV.
After getting my Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) at the University
The first positive aspect I have experienced from the
of Technology Eindhoven (TU/e) I had the urge to
first day onwards is the open and friendly atmosphere
explore something new in life, to broaden my horizon.
between students and professors. The classes are
Studying a Master’s program abroad seemed to be the
fairly small in regards to the number of students,
next logical step. However, I was restricted in options
which makes it possible for professors to guide you
due to my love for ESTIEM. Despite having limited
personally. Besides that, they seem to be very flexible. I
options, the choice was not an easy one, since I knew it
managed to change some mandatory courses for other
would determine the future of my life. Finally I decided
electives, because I believed those electives would
to continue my future at the Norwegian University of
be more beneficial for my future career. During this
Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
process I really perceived as the professors are really there for you, that they really want you to achieve the highest you can, rather than they are there just for their own proud and benefits. Most of the things felt the same as at TU/e, which made adapting to NTNU very easy for me. However, I noticed a big difference in the division of the semester. There are only exams at the end of the semester, with a study time of approximately one month before the exams start. This is exactly the reason why the semester itself feels rather relaxed and therefore I have enough free time to experience as much of the student life as possible.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Student Life And exactly this student life is flourishing here in Trondheim. The fun started the first week with the orientation week (the so called “fadderuka”) and ever since then, it never stopped. This is mainly due to the fact that almost all of the international students (approximately 1300) are living together in one student village, which creates a vibrant atmosphere. Every day there are some activities going on and it is therefore impossible to become bored. Becoming bored is definitely impossible when you are
About myself
studying in Trondheim during UKA, Norway’s biggest
Name: Arjen Martens
cultural festival. UKA lasts 25 days and is organized
Place of Residence: Trondheim (Norway)
by 1500 students who volunteer. I had the fortune
Age: 22
to be one of those volunteers, which resulted in UKA
Nationality: Netherlands
being the best experience of my student life. I worked
Studies: MSc Program in Production and Quality
as bartender in the big tent, where artists like Calvin
Harris, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and Röyksopp were
University: Norwegian University of Science and
performing. However, the best experience was being
Technology (NTNU)
eligible to enter the “hyblene” at Studentersamfundet.
Samfundet is the student society in Trondheim, which
Management (IEM) at University of Technology
houses a café, a restaurant, some bars and it hosts
Eindhoven (TU/e)
several concerts each semester. The “hyblene” is the
ESTIEMer since: 2010
private area of Samfundet, where over 200 different rooms are. They are known for their complex architecture and therefore everyone gets lost at least
other activities organised for Erasmus students and I
a couple of times. This happened to me as well, but as
usually tried to not engage in their parties either.
an open-minded ESTIEMer it was a great experience to meet hundreds of different Norwegian students. One
It brings me immediately to perhaps the only
could say that at the “hyblene” one really gets to know
shortcoming of Trondheim: it is hard to engage with
the student life in Trondheim.
the Norwegian students. This is probably due to the fact that almost all international students live in one
Exactly this student life is dominating the city, since
student village together, like I mentioned before. This
there are around 30,000 students for 180,000
creates an environment where international students
inhabitants. Therefore, wherever you go, there are
cluster together, without any local students. Quite
always students around. Also in the weekends, since,
often they only have house parties, since they find
unlike where I come from, students do not go home.
going out to bars too expensive. Since the Norwegians
They only leave the city to go into the nature, to ski
students are focused on their own, you will really have
or hike to a cabin, which are owned by the students’
to be proactive to get to know some of them. I have
sports association. These cabin trips are very popular
to say that it is worth the trouble and energy, because
amongst exchange students who want to experience
once you know them Norwegians are the best! Besides
the beautiful Norwegian nature. I have been on some
that, can you really say that you studied in a country
of these trips and it is definitely a must-do when you
without getting to know hardly any native student?
study here. I think this is also the only part of a typical exchange student life I have.
Back to my own life, where I enjoy the nature, do sports, party, study the subjects I want and where I
My Life
started to orientate myself on my professional career
Since I knew I would be in Trondheim for at least two
as well. No matter at which stage in your life you are
years, I figured out that living a life as pure exchange
or no matter what you like, Trondheim has so many
student would not be sustainable. I therefore tried to
different aspects that there will be at least one (and
live the life as I would normally live it, with a good, yet
most probably more) you will fall in love with and that
sometimes unbalanced, mix between studying, sports
will keep you hooked to this amazing city. ■
and partying. I did not participate in the field trips or ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Three years exchange! The English philosopher Francis Bacon said: “Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.” And education is what I was seeking when I first decided to leave my home university in Italy. After the earthquake shook and destroyed L’Aquila,
the organised campus and all the other curiosities
a small city of 70.000 inhabitants in the Apennines,
that American movies fill in our heads. I was ready to
exactly five years ago, the university lost most of its
discover the USA.
structures and got displaced to temporary locations. I
Boutros Lama
Local Group L’Aquila
still remember the exams that we had to take in the big
Almost over Miami, I began seeing swimming pools,
blue tents the government prepared at the beginning
lakes, huge palm trees everywhere. It was fabulous to
of this emergency. The campus was also filled with
contemplate the sunset, one of the best moments I
commuter students’ tents that wanted to turn back
enjoy of the day, as my airplane was approaching the
to normal daily student life. I, as well wanted to turn
airport of Miami. The sun seemed different, bigger and
back to normality as soon as possible and to finish my
the light coloured shades were exotic.
studies. As a working student I had some money sad and I decided it was the occasion that I need in order to
First days at the university were hectic. I had to choose
go out of this routine and discover the world. It was by
the courses that would match my home university
chance that there was an exchange student scholarship
exams and to talk to the professors. I also had to
for some American friend universities. I applied for it
memorise the Campus map, the rules, services and
and won as destination the University of Miami.
offices. Everything was extremely organised and all services were efficient. Nevertheless, I left the
“I’m in Miami Bit**!”
university at the end of my exchange period and the
After taking the required English exam, I booked my
direction of the university was making some changes to
flight and I was ready, motivated and so excited. I
make things even better.
always heard talking about the American study system,
As a working student I had some money sad and I decided it was the occasion that I need in order to go out of this routine and discover the world.
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
Finally, at the Welcome day I had the chance to meet all exchange students from all over the world. This was the beginning of the period that we used to call, after the famous song at that time, “I’m in Miami Bi**h!”. Most American students did not interact with us so much, so we organised ourselves and had fun as much as we could. I wanted to be independent. I rented a room in a residential flat where I had a shared terrace with little palm trees, dim lights, a fridge and a big barbecue grill. An amazing place to enjoy a beer with friends having as a background the skyline of Miami Downtown. First time I went to a party it was a blast since the very
Back to Europe
beginning. We had an awesome “pre-gaming” at the
Even if the University of Miami offered me another
dorm in some guys’ room. It was not allowed, but we
scholarship for the following semester, I have already
managed to keep our voices down. Around 30 people
decided to come back to Europe, I missed it too much,
in a room for 2, sitting and standing everywhere, each
and to go to Spain for one year of Erasmus study
with his cup, sharing our drinks. We had to finish
drinking before going out of the building doors because in the USA alcohol drinking is prohibited in public. Even
Seville was my choice. I always wanted to visit
if we were still within Campus limits, the University
Andalusia for its history. A mixture of cultures led to
Police, (Yes, the university of Miami has its own police
this heritage that this land has in custody. Phoenicians,
department), used to hang around and check students.
Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, French, English… All
The buses we rented to go to one of the world’s best
contributed somehow to make Andalusia what it is
clubs, Mansion Nightclub, were the very classical yellow
nowadays and shaped its culture that is different from
American school buses. It was really exciting to hop on
other parts of Spain.
one of these. People in “Sevilla” are friendly, easy going and fun. It’s Nevertheless, I was there to study, for this reason I
easy to make friends there. I did not speak Spanish very
could go out maximum once a week. I decided to study
well, but speaking Italian and French, it was therefore
hard and at the end of the semester I thought I would
very easy for me to understand it and later on to speak
rent a car and travel across the states. As soon as I
it well in few months.
finished my classes, my brother came to visit me and we rented a car and travelled through the states of
Sun, flamenco, “toros”, tapas and lots of fun! These are
the east coast. It was truly amazing. We began the trip
the words with which I define Seville. A lot of parties
from the southernmost place of the United States, Key
are organised for exchange students and it’s easy to
West and ended in New York City. It is crazy how big
become addicted to this fun life. From time to time, I
this country is and how many economical differences
also wanted to get in touch with the real essence of the
there are between a state and another, even between a
mystical Seville. I would compare Seville to the strange
neighborhood and another.
case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In some cases it’s a city ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
apparently extremely religious, but in others it’s a Sin
weekend I was able to visit a new place. Málaga and
City, where delirious fun is consumed.
its costa del Sol, Granada with its Alhambra, Gibraltar, Càdiz, Córdoba... This time I had also the chance to go
All year round, religious processions and activities are
to a bullfight, a cruel tradition but still so exciting, and
organised. The Holy Week, the week just before Easter,
it’s a must see if one goes to visit Andalusia.
is the most spectacular. Lots of people from all parts of the world come to live this unique event. Some of them come to renovate their faith, while others come to take part in satellite celebrations. Another amazing event is
the pilgrimage of the “Rocío” that gathers more than one million visitors coming from all over the world.
When I first began this adventure I was another person that I’ve never thought I would become the one I am today.
It’s a pilgrimage on the second day of the Pentecost to the Hermitage of El “Rocío” in the countryside of
After almost two years living in Spain it was difficult for
Almonte, Province of Huelva, in honor of the Virgin of
me to come back home. I left in Seville dear friends
El “Rocío”. I will never forget the candles room and the
and part of my heart. It was a great occasion for me to
thousands of candles lit in the honour of the Madonna.
backpack my stuff and decide to travel. I met a lot of
It’s easy to see people crying and praying loudly or
people; I learned more about respect, about cultures
flattering during similar events.
and about myself. When I first began this adventure I was a different person than I have ever thought I would
On the other hand, Seville is famous for its “April
become. I didn’t know what to expect and I learned to
Fair”, generally begins two weeks after Easter and runs
manage all situations that a traveller may face every day
six days. Each day the fiesta begins with the parade
in a foreign country. Definitely it’s the best experience
of carriages and riders, at midday, carrying Seville’s
leading citizens which make their way to the “Casetas” (individual decorated marquee tents which are temporarily built on the fairground), or to the bullring, La Real Maestranza, where the bullfighters and breeders meet. Women dressed in colorful Flamenco Style dresses, the sexiest dress that shapes magnificently any feminine body, dance all night long “Sevillanas”. Parties in the private “Casetas” go on until sunrise. At the end of this great year discovering southern Spain, I received an internship offer as a project engineer. This time I was determined to visit all cities and sites that I couldn’t visit during the previous year. Almost each 58
ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
See you somewhere in Europe! ■
Event calendar See you somewhere in Europe!
May 2014
July 2014
5th-12th “Data Mining in the Social Media
6th-11th Eindhoven visits Lisbon, Lisbon
Marketing Age”, Calabria
6th-12th BrainTrainer, Kranj
9th-14th EXIT Activity Week, Novi Sad
13th-19th Europe3D Turkey, Ankara & Izmir
8th-12th Milan visits Aveiro, Aveiro
22th-28th Farming Activity Week, Pavilosta
11th-17th Business Intelligence Logistics Days,
26th-17th August businessbooster Summer
Batavierenrace Activity Week,
Entrepreneurship Training, Budapest, Catania and
13th-18th Ice Hockey World Championship
Activity Week, Minsk ■
17th-21st North-West Motivational Weekend,
26th-9th August Summer Academy 2014 Lisbon, Portugal
Groningen ■
19th-26th ESTIEM meets EPIEM, Vienna and
September 2014
5th-11th Finance Forum, Eindhoven
20th-25th Vision Final Conference, Skopje
28th-04th October BrainTrainer, Groningen
25th-30th Local Responsible Forum 2014, Bremen
November 2014 ■
3rd-9th XLIX Council Meeting, Budapest
June 2014 ■
7th-11th Hamburg visits Enschede, Enschede
16th-25th Summer Academy 2014 Novi Sad, Serbia
30th-6th July Summer Academy 2014 Helsinki, Finland ESTIEM Magazine | 46th issue - E-learning
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