Dear readers,
We are pleased to present the ESTIEM Report 2022, an indepth analysis of the European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ESTIEM) organisation and its activities.
ESTIEM is a non-profit organisation that represents more than 60,000 students of Industrial Engineering and Management from 26 countries across Europe It aims to develop student’s professional and personal skills through various events, workshops, and projects ESTIEM provides a platform for students to connect, learn, and grow together, fostering a diverse and inclusive community
The ESTIEM Report 2022 delves into ESTIEM’s mission and values, examining its achievements and challenges over the past year It showcases the various initiatives and programs undertaken by ESTIEM throughout the year and highlights ESTIEM’s impact on its associated students, member organisations, and the wider community.
As we reflect on 2022, it's important to acknowledge the challenges that ESTIEM faced during the year. The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact the organisation's operations. Additionally, Russia's war against Ukraine also directly attacked ESTIEM’s ambition as a civil society organisation working towards building an interconnected Europe of understanding and put ESTIEM’s role as an organisation with relations to local associations both in Ukraine and Russia to question But it also showed the strengths of the ESTIEM community, in which we witnessed impactful acts of solidarity with members of our Local Groups volunteering to support those in need
The year 2022 saw many notable achievements. ESTIEM’s Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course reached a new peak in the number of participants and instructors. ESTIEM also increased its presence in conferences and supported more projects focused on education development, resulting in a stronger external impact. Several initiatives to ensure a safe environment and combat sexual harassment at its events were taken. These actions reflect ESTIEM's commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment of respect.
We hope that this report will provide you with a better understanding of ESTIEM and its activities, and serve as an inspiration for students and organisations looking to make a positive impact in their communities
Thank you for your interest in ESTIEM, and we hope you enjoy reading the ESTIEM Report 2022
Best regards,
Kai Heine President of the 33rd Board of ESTIEMThe ESTIEM Impact Report 2022, the first Impact Report ever published by ESTIEM, aims to provide our stakeholders relevant and transparent information about the impact of our organization on the people and planet. The topics and metrics to be included here were, therefore, carefully selected to fulfill this purpose.
The quantitative data here presented was collected via the ESTIEM portal, and carefully analysed and visualised by our Analysis Committee, and surveys conducted by the Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee. All the qualitative information was written by the Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee, together with its Board Responsible.
It's important to note that the impact report represents our best efforts to evaluate and measure our impact accurately. However, like any analysis, it has inherent limitations, such as the data available and the quality of that data. We encourage an open dialogue related to the information presented here and welcome any suggestions to improve ESTIEM's Impact, or future editions of the Impact Report
- Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee
Back in 1990, students from five different countries founded an organisation, which they named ESTIEM: European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management.
After 32 years, it has grown into an organisation bringing together over 60,000 students from 77 universities in 26 European countries, and it is still growing. All these universities offer courses in Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM). Based on this structure, ESTIEM forms links between students, academia, and companies in order to create an Europe-wide, multi-level IEM network. ESTIEM has continuously increased the number of its activities, thus being able to offer a great variety of events to IEM students and an opportunity to experience different cultures, take part in international projects and become friends with other ESTIEMers from all over Europe.
Naturally, the backbone of ESTIEM is the European IEM student. The students involved in ESTIEM incorporate both the skills required for modern business and an open-minded approach towards other people and cultural issues.
The decision-making body of ESTIEM is the Council, which meets twice a year, in autumn and in spring. Each university, represented by its so-called “Local Group”, sends two student representatives. The six members of the Board of ESTIEM are elected during the spring Council Meeting. The Board is responsible for the management, coordination and administration of the association.
Besides taking leadership positions in the Board and as Project or Committee Leaders, ESTIEM members can also take up responsibilities by working in one of the Projects, Committees or Initiatives. With lots of teams and tasks to choose from, there is a place for everyone.
For more detailed information about our organisation and its activities, please visit our website at
77 150+ 4,000+
Local Groups in 26 countries make ESTIEM
international events were organised by Local Groups volunteers on the European level, work everyday to take part in ESTIEM's activities every year.
An IEM Europe is the ecosystem of stakeholders of the IEM field It includes companies that recruit people from IEM backgrounds, the universities that teach or conduct research projects in the IEM field, all IEM Alumni and professors, and, of course, the IEM Students. In the long-term, ESTIEM aspires to be the connector or our students with all these stakeholders This Vision reinforces the importance of IEM Europe in the development of students - only with the support of this external stakeholders, ESTIEM can provide development opportunities for our students, as we are not creators of knowledge, but facilitators.
(1) Connect and support the growth and sustainability of European associations of IEM* students, (2) to foster relations and to develop their IEM students, personally and professionally
ESTIEM is an umbrella association consisting of Local Associations of IEM students (Local Groups or, in short, LGs). Our LGs are the ones in direct contact with IEM students, and are responsible to contribute to their development and attract them to the ESTIEM network. Connecting and supporting the development of LGs (their "growth and sustainability") is one of ESTIEM's main focuses
ESTIEM main focus is to connect IEM students from different European Universities and support their development, personally and professionally. This is done mostly through the opportunity of participating in Local or International events, or by being involved in their organization as team member or leader of one of our local or international teams.
In this section, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the structures and processes that guide and govern ESTIEM, Governance plays an important role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making, wihich are vital for the continuous development of our organization, including when it comes to the improvement of its social and environmental impact
Local Groups are Local Associations of Industrial Engineering and Management Students associated with ESTIEM. They are located in different cities and are connected to a University LGs are responsible for organizing ESTIEM events and representing ESTIEM in their Local Communities
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of ESTIEM and usually takes place twice a year during Council Meetings (CMs). During a general assembly, representatives of each LG (delegates) have the opportunity to discuss and vote on important matters for ESTIEM
Central ESTIEM how we name the teams and positions contributing to the coordination and development of ESTIEM as a whole, on the European or Regional level. All the positions in Central ESTIEM are filled by volunteers associated with the ESTIEM LGs
The Board shall administer ESTIEM and ensure its legal representation. The Board consists of 6 defined positions: President, Vice President of Activities, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Education, Vice President of Finance and Vice President of Public Relations.
The Audit Committee, consists of 2 students, commonly referred to as Financial controllers, who may not have a seat in the Board and who may not be responsible for (a part of) the budget of the association either. The Audit Committee audits the work of the Board, especially in legal and financial matters, and reports its findings to the General Assembly.
ESTIEM has several international teams functing with the supervision of the Board and consisting of one leader and several members. The main types of entities in ESTIEM are:
Committees and Task Groups' role is to assist the Board in carrying out ESTIEM's internal operations. Services aim to offer students develop opportunities under specific event concepts Services are grouped in Departments and are coordinated by a Department Coordinator Project Groups aim to fulfil a project within ESTIEM within a set timeframe and budget Regions are sets of LGs grouped by the Board, mostly based on their geographic and cultural characteristics Regions are coordinated by Regional Coordinators
Every month, Central ESTIEM entities open call positions according to their needs The Human Resources Committee contacts the entities' leaders to submit which positions they would like to see open called and centralize them in an internal page, visible for all ESTIEM portal users These positions are also promoted via email and social media Any LG member can apply with a motivational letter and additional steps can exist depending on the leader After a person is recruited, the leader is responsible for the onboarding phase
The Central ESTIEM structure is continously envolving as the Board or the General Assembly establish new entities Below you find a scheme of what the ESTIEM Structure looked like at the end of 2022
There are 2 main processes for the selection of leaders in ESTIEM:
Committee Leaders, Task Group Leaders, Regional Coordinators and Department Coordinators are appointed by the Board, as these positions are seen as direct support to the Board Usually these poistions are open to all ESTIEMers, which are informed mainly through an email sent by the Board Applicants are asked to send a motivational letter and their goals for the position they are applying for until a certain deadline, after which the Board will make a decision and inform the applicants
The Board, Financial Controllers, Project Leaders and Service Leaders are elected by the General Assembly and the results are shared at the end of the event with the network Each LG has one vote Applicants have the opportunity to send a small text presenting their application before the Council Meeting in which they are applying and are requested to hold a presentation during the event and answer questions.
When voting for a project or service leader, the General Assembly always has the change to vote to stop the project or close the service
Mandates in ESTIEM follow one of the following timelines:
1) 1st of August - 31st of July
Timeline followed by: Board, Committee Leaders, Department Coordinators and Regional Coordinators
2) Council Meeting - Council Meeting
Financial controllers start their mandates from the Spring CM they are elected to the Spring CM of the following year Service Leaders start their mandates from the CM they are elected and those mandates can last around 6 months (until the upcoming CM), or around 1 year (until the CM after), which is the most common case
3) Other
Projects and task group leaders' might vary according to their task or project timeline However, Project Leaders mandates start in the CM in which they are elected
The Board can at any time dismiss any of the Leaders appointed by them In case a leader elected by the Council resigns, the Board can appoint a transactional leader
Each Leader is assigned a Board Responsible that should supervise and support the work of the Leader
An assessment form is sent by the Human Resources Committee to all team members once per year with the aim of assessing their motivation and the performance of their leaders
Local Groups (LGs) play a critical role in the organization's mission to promote cultural exchange and professional development among students across Europe To ensure that LGs are operating effectively and meeting the organization's standards, ESTIEM has developed a comprehensive system of governance and support for its LGs.
ESTIEM LGs can own one of the following membership statused: Guest Member, Observer Member or Full Member. LGs enter ESTIEM as Guest Members, and after fulfilling defined criteria can apply to become observers in the General Assembly A similar process is defined for LGs to move from observership to full members LGs rights are similar regardless of their membership status, with full members having some additional rights when compared to guests and obsers, such as the right to vote, raise motions and have members in the Board.
The membership regulations outline the requirements that all LGs should meet during their ESTIEM membership, such as the minimum number of events organized per year, participation in ESTIEM events, among others These regulations also define how new LGs can become full members and how LGs can be excluded.
When a LG fails to fullfil the requirements set in the regulations a warning in issued furing the Council Meeting. 3 consecutive warnings result in an automatic proposal for exclusion. Extra-ordinary warnings can be issued by the Board for reasons not specifically stated in the membership regulations LGs can also be proposed by exclusion by the Board or a group of LGs at any General Assembly Any proposal for exclusion needs to be voted upon by the General Assembly, and the exclusion is only approved if a 2/3 majority is reached.
Each LG assigns a member to be the Local Responsible (LR). This person is responsible to represent ESTIEM in its LG and vice-versa. Therefore, most of the communication with LGs goes through LRs. Official communication are sent to an LR mail list and unofficial communication happens mostly via whatsapp groups Meetings with the LRs of specific regions, also often involving other local members, are organized regularly (usually monthly) The General Assemblies serve as the main platform to inform LGs on ESTIEM's developments. Requirement emails, emails sent by the Board that require an answer from LGs (otherwise they receive a warning), are used when an answer is requested from an LG.
ESTIEM multiple mechanisms to support LGs The Regional Coordinators are in constant contact with the LGs and provide communication and collaboration opportunities between them. The Members Committee provides guidance through the membership process and is responsible for the onboarding of new Local Responsibles. Local Group Support System provides personalized mentorship when needed Each service provides support to the organization of their events Other entities might also provide support in their specific fields Finally, multiple events are organized with the aim of developing local groups or their volunteers, such as Board Training Events, Local Responsible Forums, Regional Coordination Meetings, etc.
Financial resources that ESTIEM needs for its operations are acquired from agreements with corporate and university partners (See Annex for the list of partners) A significant portion of ESTIEM's income is used for reimbursing the board members for their travels and active members to take part in ESTIEM activities they need to attend. IT and administration costs are also covered by partnership income.
Every mandate, the Vice President of Finance, together with the Board, prepares a budget that is voted upon by the network during the Fall Council Meeting. Any member of the Council can propose changes to that proposal during the General Assembly, which need to be approved with a majority to be implemented. Budget chages can also be done during the Spring Council Meeting of the same year, and can be proposed by the Board or by any member of the Council The Vice President of Finance is also responsible to keep the network informed about ESTIEM's income and spending, by sharing the halfyear realization during the Spring Council Meeting, and the year realization in the Fall Council Meeting of the upcoming year
The Vice President of Finance is also responsible to keep the network informed about ESTIEM's income and spending, by sharing the half-year realization during the Spring Council Meeting, and the year realization in the Fall Council Meeting of the upcoming year
The Audit committee (i.e. Financial Controllers) is responsible for checking if the agreements with partners and financial books are correct and compliant with the Dutch law. Moreover, they present a report during council meetings to provide an impartial insight to the council on financial matters. More information can also be found in the ESTIEM Structure section
Internal stakeholder engagement holds significant importance for any organization, and within ESTIEM, this aspect becomes even more crucial due to the unique challenges associated with operating as a volunteer-dependent organization and the wide geographic distribution of our members Additionally, ESTIEM takes great pride in upholding democratic values and actively strives to promote these principles within the organization. "Encouraging participation" is a core value embraced by ESTIEM.
ESTIEM employs a combination of digital and offline strategies to effectively engage internal stakeholders. In terms of digital strategies, the organization ensures open and timely communication by utilizing email as a primary means of disseminating relevant updates. Moreover, ESTIEM's internal communication platform, Elium, provides a space where members can share posts, discuss topics, and engage in conversations pertinent to the organization The ESTIEM Portal further facilitates stakeholder engagement by providing each student with a personalized account, faciliting them to connect with fellow ESTIEMers and apply for events
Furthermore, ESTIEM actively fosters internal stakeholder engagement through various central events These events serve as platforms where important topics are openly discussed among the community. While ultimate decisions are made by the General Assembly, ESTIEM recognizes the importance of pre-discussions before the assembly takes place, given the organization's size and the length of the assembly itself (usually spanning five days with more than 250 students in attendance). These pre-discussions allow for comprehensive engagement and ensure that all relevant topics receive adequate attention and consideration.
By employing these digital and offline engagement strategies, ESTIEM strives to create a participatory environment that encourages active involvement and meaningful contributions from all internal stakeholders.
ESTIEM's main focus is to develop IEM students personally and professionally, but as a student-led organisation, we lack sufficient internal expertise to offer those opportunities alone, relying on collaboration with external stakeholders with that expertise to do so Therefore, partnerships with external stakeholders are essential for ESTIEM's success in fulfilling its mission of developing IEM students External stakeholders’ engagement is also crucial to ensure that ESTIEM has the necessary funds to ensure that its core activities take place. Furthermore, collaborating with external stakeholders offers immense opportunities for the development of our organisation and the students associated with it.
ESTIEM has established strategic partnerships with several companies and organisations The scope of each partnership can vary a lot, ranging from the organisation of events, joint projects, knowledge sharing, funding, or providing a service The most important aspect of a partnership for ESTIEM is to ensure that the agreement is beneficial to both parties
A full list of our partners in 2022 can be found in the annex.
To enhance engagement with external stakeholders, ESTIEM has been striving to increase its presence at external events, such as conferences and other student NGOs’ events, enabling us to establish new contacts and identify collaboration opportunities ESTIEM often takes an active role in such events, by getting involved in panel discussions, holding presentations, etc Our participation also offers a professional development and networking opportunity to our representatives.
ESTIEM also welcomes externals at some of our events. Experts from companies or professors are often involved especially in our academic and career events. Several partners attend our Council Meetings, where they have the chance not only increase their visibility within our network, but also get in direct contact with our students. Representatives from our partner student NGOs take part in some of our strategic events to enhance knowledge sharing between the organisations. Their students also have the opportunity to take part in some of our events for their personal and professional development, and all Europe3D events (one of our intercultural event concepts) are open to all students
12 200+ followers
4 500+ followers
12 400+ likes
Our website provides publicly accessible information about ESTIEM to all our stakeholders
All our publications, such as papers, reports and the digital version of the ESTIEM Magazine, are available at Issuu
We use videos to share promotional videos and the livestreams of our general assemblies
6 new episodes of the ESTIEM Podcast were published during 2022. Our Podcast is hold in RSS and distributed in major podcast platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts
Published twice a year , our Magazine provides insights on ESTIEM and the IEM field to all its readers, such as ESTIEMers and their professors or local partners
ESTIEM's mail goal is to contribute to IEM students development , which is done mostly by the opportunity to participate in events and get involved in the organization.
ESTIEM contributes to students development mostly through the organization of international events These events usually bring together 15-20 students associated with different ESTIEM LGs, and are designed to develop students in a specific area. By attending an ESTIEM event, participants have the opportunity to network, develop skills, improve their intercultural understanding, improve their English, among others.
These events focus mainly on the folllowing development areas:
Academic development activities aim to provide non-formal complimentary IEM content based on students' needs and current development of IEM.
Career development in ESTIEM aims to offer students events, competitions and programmes focused on preparing students for possible career paths inside IEM
Intercultural development activities aim to improve cultural understanding and develop intercultural skills, to foster multual undertanding among ESTIEMers and improve coexistence and communication in Europe.
Personal development in ESTIEM provides soft skills development opportunities to our students
ESTIEM also organizes events with the aim of developing the organization. These are called central events.
Central events focus on the development of ESTIEM on the European Level, the development of our LGs, or training our local or international human resources.
Events organized in 2022, per area
Academic development events, offline
Academic development events, online
Career development events, offline
Career development events, online
Intercultural development events, offline
Intercultural development events, online
Personal development events, offline
Personal development events, online
Central events, offline
Central events, online
Since 2016, one of ESTIEM's offers in the academic development area is the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt Course. This is a one-week intense course, fully taught by students to students, that provides students with the theoretical knowledge of green belt LSS expert. This course can be taught as an international, regional, or local event, which enables its potential to reach a broader range of students and alumni, through Alumni courses. The ESTIEM’s LSS Service, the entity that works on the development and coordination of this course, is a platform to shape the way Lean Six Sigma impacts IEM Europe with at its core a sustainably expanding, high quality Green Belt Course taught by students to students
The service reached a new record in courses organized, leading to an increase in the number of participants and instructors.
Courses per year
Participants per year
Certifications per year
After the course. students are encouraged to apply their knowledge in a real-life project by doing an internship, and submitting a report of their work, which is afterwards evaluated to certify them as LSS Green Belts.
Students usually take some time after the course to complete the certification. Therefore, it's expected that the increased number of participants in 2022 will lead to an increased number of certification in the following years.
Instructors per year
After taking the course, students can volunteer to become instructors of other students. Becoming an instructor requires some extra preparation, but it's a great opportunity for students to retain the learnings from the course and to develop skills such as facilitation and public speaking skills
From the 7th till the 13th of March 2022, an on-site Lean Six Sigma course was delivered to 25 students at the University of Kigali, Rwanda.
The course was developed under the Complex Problem Solving Project from Ambitious Africa, in collaboration with ESTIEMers.
The project's vision is to create the first sustainable Lean Six Sigma network in Africa, that will allow its participants to build knowledge and set up growth where is needed along the continent. Therefore, the project is planned to continue and expand this course to other African Universities, while ensuring the sustainability of the courses teached in the Universities involved.
Working in Central ESTIEM has been an unexpectedly enjoyable experience for me, as I never thought I'd find a position that I loved so much. By joining the Public Relations Committee, I was able to enhance my communication skills and collaborate with people from all over Europe. I had to learn to balance multiple time-consuming responsibilities while still managing my own schedule. However, the most significant benefit was learning to step out my comfort zone and take risks, which has had a positive impact on my personal life Joining Central ESTIEM is an opportunity that no one should miss!
Eva Marita Local Group Xanthi (Greece) Member of the Public Relations CommitteeDuring this last year I was a leader in ESTIEM and not only did I develop myself, but I also had lots of fun I learned how to manage a team in an online setting, I learned to work with different cultures, I got to know a lot of different people and connected with many entrepreneurs. Despite the occasional challenges, all of this was done with some great team spirit, both from co-department leaders as from my team members. It was a great experience that exceeded my
In various type of ESTIEM events, soft skill training sessions are a part of the agenda A majority of this soft skill trainings are delivered by ESTIEM trainers
ESTIEM Trainers are ESTIEMers who have participated in the Training New Trainers (TNT) event. In TNT, participants engage in a variety of training and reflection sessions , covering all the necessary skills and knowledge to become a trainer. The content of these sessions enable TNT participants to begin designing and delivering soft skills training sessions.
Becoming a trainer was one of the most life-changing experiences in my whole life. It allowed me to tremendously grow personally – go out of my comfort zone, learn how to structure my thoughts or present different concepts.
It also gave me the privilege and great honor to be able to try to help out others. During TNT I was able to learn how people learn and how to create experiences for others so that they can develop themselves.
Becoming a trainer let me meet a lot of people and make friends all around the Europe. It’s definitely something what I would never be able to experience if not for ESTIEM and I wouldn’t be where I am if not for it.
Krzysztof Figas
Local Group Gdansk (Poland) ESTIEM Trainer
ESTIEM has a social and environmental impact by its very nature as an organization. We strive to cultivate the socially and environmentally responsible mindset in the network to improve our social and environmental impact.
First attempts to address social and environmental issues in ESTIEM started in 2009. In 2011, Social and Environmental Responsibility Initiative (SERI) was born. In 2016, SERI was turn into a committee, changing its name to Social and Environmental Committee (SERC). SERC’s mission is to connect, educate, and support ESTIEM in the making of initiatives relevant to social and environmental responsibility. SERC's focus areas in ESTIEM include:
Measuring and reporting the social and environmental impact of ESTIEM to its stakeholders
Raising awareness on Social and Environmental-related topics by various channels
Ensure that ESTIEM is a safe and inclusive place for everyone, and ESTIEMers follow a responsible behaviour
Improve Social and environmental responsibility on the local level with the help of Members Committee
Sustainable event organization with the help of Event Quality Committee
Reducing the carbon footprint of the organisation
The data reported here is retrieved from the survey that was sent to member local associations (LAs - LAs refer to local groups and their mother associations, if they exist)
out of 77 LAs have defined goals/targets/strategy to improve its Social and Environmental Responsibility in 2023
Offerings such as sertification programs, case studies and workshops are provided to members on topics like Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability, green engineering
LAs provided opportunities for IEM students to learn about a specific Social and/or Environmental related topics
out of 77 LAs had initiatives to raise awareness on social and/or environmental topics.
Through social media, events and voluntary activities; LAs raised awareness about topics such as climate change, environmental protection and social causes
Lastly, LAs were asked if they are supporting any external initiatives that have social/ environmental impact in any ways. The answers were as following.
60% MALE I 40 % FEMALE*
*This metric was extracted from the ESTIEM Portal data. When registering in the Portal, currently, users have only the options of selecting female or male, which is why no other genders are represented in this visualization. The data presented considered everyone who participated in at least 1 ESTIEM event in 2022.
Average number of nationalities in ESTIEM events excluding LG Exchanges and Council Meetings
As ESTIEM is runned by volunteers and operates on a limited budget, most of the people have to spend money while being active in ESTIEM due to the nature of the organization (costs associated with travelling) Providing our members financial support is crucial because, as an inclusive organization, ESTIEM aims to promote participation from all IEM students affiliated with our LGs, regardless of their financial situation The importance of this topic for our organization increased even more due to the inflation that Europe is currently suffering
Every year a part of the organisation's budget is dedicated to support active ESTIEMers This support is usually for leaders to attend their entities' coordination meetings In 2022, the financial support provided to active members amounted to €1243.82 .
Answers from LGs to: "Did your Local Association provide any support / organize any initiative with the aim of promoting equal opportunities among its members, regardless of their personal financial situation in 2022?"
Club of 100 is an IEM Caring initiative, a foundation established by ESTIEMers that aims to create positive impact towards a caring society. The club consists of maximum of 100 people who is willing to donate 500€ per year for 5 years. The club provides equal opportunities for individual ESTIEMers who otherwise could not have been active in ESTIEM in forms of two scholarships: Leadership stipendia and event participation support.
According to the Council of Europe, "Sexual harassment is “where any form of unwanted verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature occurs, with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, in particular when creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment” (Source)
In October 2022, an anonimous email was sent to the ESTIEM Board, in which a women reported to had suffered from severe sexual harassment in a Council Meeting that she attended This email brought the attention of this issue to the Board, triggering multiple actions to address the problem:
On the 31st of October, the ESTIEM president made a post in ESTIEM's internal communication platform (Elium) entitled "Sexual Harassment is a problem in ESTIEM", where he explained what happened and the actions that the Board has decided to take This post served as an opener to address the problem in ESTIEM
The creation of a Code of Conduct aimed to outline the expected behaviour from anyone interacting with ESTIEM, raise awareness on that behaviour, and set possible consequences for those who don't follow it. The introduction of such a document would improve the possibilities of ESTIEM to take action upon specific people, which is currently very limited as the members of ESTIEM are the Local Groups. The process of creating a code of conduct was started and is still ongoing.
To ease the process of reporting cases of sexual harassment anonymously, a form was created
This Council Meeting, which took place in November was the first to happen after the reporting of the case. A presentation to raise awareness on the topic and on the expected behaviour was introduced, the songbook for the event was revised to ensure that none of the songs encouraged any types of sexual harassment, a working group on the topic (named "Is it a yes?") took place (was already planned), and the Harassment Contact Person (HCP)* concept was introduced, especially during the night activities.
*An HCP, in the ESTIEM setting, is a trained individual who functions as a point of contact for people who have experienced or witnessed harassment or other uncomfortable situations The role of the HCP is to provide emotional and procedural advice and support without judgment
Future plans regarding this topic include improving ESTIEM's understanding of the situation (which will be done via a survey to the active ESTIEMers), finish the code of conduct and work additioanl measures that can be applied in all ESTIEM events.
Social Consciousness survey was conducted by Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee team to understand ESTIEMers' stances on social sustainability matters in ESTIEM. The results provides an insight into ESTIEM's performance regarding equal opportunities and health and well-being according to its members 112 active ESTIEMers filled out the survey and highlights from the survey are as follows:
What do you think is the biggest problem in case of inequality in ESTIEM?
Opportunities are equal in ESTIEM regarding the economic status of ESTIEMers.
Survey clearly demonstrates that even though ESTIEMers think financial situation of ESTIEMers is the biggest factor contributing to infringement of equal opportunities in the network, ESTIEM still performs well in providing equal opportunities to members from diverse economic backgrounds
All sexualities are accepted in ESTIEM.
Gender does not have an impact on how people are treated in ESTIEM.
Various question on how ESTIEM as an organization affects health and well-being (with a special focus on mental health and well-being) of its members are directed to surveyees.
To fulfill its mission, ESTIEM needs to organize events and meetings regularly. As a result, members need to travel frequently. Unfortunately, this makes the emissions from travels an emerging problem for ESTIEM
The ESTIEM board members are the people that travel the most in the organisation. They need to attend various strategic events such as board meetings and coordination meetings. The Board has decided to combine some events (i.e. having some crucial events back to back in nearby cities where travel by train is possible or having two coordination meetings simultaneously), with the main goal of reducing costs, resulting in the a reduction of emissions
In Council Meeting Yıldız (November 2022) following motion was raised and accepted by the council:
ESTIEM shall study ways to encourage ESTIEMers to offset their carbon footprint when traveling. The study shall include, but not be restricted to:
Giving prizes/awards to members who prove having compensated a certain number of travels
Seeking carbon-offsetting partners/sponsors. The conclusions shall be presented at Council Meeting Porto (April 2023)
ESTIEM already has a partner, which it features on its portal so that members can compensate travel emissions. However, after this motion, it was seen that the visibility was not enough. The Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee started to work on the motion and created an action plan for 2023.
34 out of 77 LAs always recycled during the events they organized in 2022
43 out of 77 LAs took action to reduce the usage of single use plastics during the events they organized in 2022
53 out of 77 LAs took action to reduce food waste during the events they organized in 2022
17 out of 77 LAs took action to reduce environmental impact of the food they provided during the events they organized in 2022
ESTIEM stands in solidarity with Ukraine and all those affected by the war Throughout its history, ESTIEM worked towards the vision of an interconnected Europe based on solidarity and collaboration Russia’s war against Ukraine is also an attack on the work that civil society organisations like ESTIEM have done in the respective countries.
Since the full-scale invasion, Local Groups and individuals associated with ESTIEM have organised impactful acts of solidarity and volunteered to support those in need. Among them:
In collaboration with IEM Caring Foundation, a fund was set up to support individuals affected by the war, aiming to prevent that getting to a safe place becomes a financial question, and to target the big financial consequences on individuals and their families Until May 2022, nearly 10,000 € was collected, out of which 4,900 € were distributed to eligible individuals in need.
Shortly after the invasion, ESTIEMers got together to support and coordinate evacuation efforts in Ukraine. Hundreds of volunteers associated with ESTIEM or partner organisations offered short and long-term accommodation options These were registered and offered to evacuated Ukrainians In parallel, teams coordinated and organised evacuation transports in Ukraine and from the Ukrainian border to surrounding countries
Within the ESTIEM network, events were organised that aimed to fundraise or to collect donations in kind. Among those events were a benefit concert and fundraisers on campuses.
ESTIEM has member associations also in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. The board of ESTIEM remains in communication with the affected Local Groups, identifying possible support actions and discussing the possibilities for their involvement in ESTIEM
ESTIEM has maintained its connections with the student groups in Russia, recognizing that educational and cultural interactions with young Russians and civil society might have an impact in laying the groundwork for a future of peace and cooperation and an accountable civil society. To reinforce this commitment to peaceful coexistence within the network, a code of conduct was established and formally signed with the Local Groups in Russia and Belarus.
ESTIEM aims to contribute to the development of Education in Europe, in particular Industrial Engineering and Management Education and related fields.
ESTIEM supports multiple external projects in the scope of Educational development. This support aims to provide the perspectives of students.
Projects supported:
- IE3 Knowledge Alliance (results)
- Asyncronous education with BEST (results not published yet)
- Skills for sustainability with Petrus Communications and Siemens Digital Industries Software (report)
- EIIL future leaders dialogue 21/22 edition (report)
By atending conferences, ESTIEM is able to increase students' participation in the development of Education We aim to share our perspectives and projects and connect with stakeholders
Conferences attended:
- AIM Conference
- SEFI Conference
- World Engineering Education Forum & Global Engineering Education Forum
By working with our partners, we have the chance to easily receive feedback on our work, co-create projects and work on bringing value to all parties.
Offcial partner organizations, in the area of Education:
- SEFI: European Society for Engineering Education
- AIM: European Academy for Industrial Management
- EPIEM: European Professors of Industrial Engineering and Management
Graz University of Technology
Vienna University of Technology
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
University of Liege
Technical University of Sofia
University of Zagreb
University of Rijeka
Eastern Mediterranean University
Tallinn University of Technology
Aalto University
Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT)
Tampere University of Technology (TUT)
University of Oulu
University of Vaasa
INP Grenoble
SIGMA – Clermont
RWTH Aachen
Berlin University of Technology
Braunschweig University of Technology
University of Bremen
Darmstadt University of Technology
Dortmund University of Technology
Dresden University of Technology
University of Hamburg
Ilmenau University of Technology
Kaiserslautern University of Technology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Munich University of Applied Sciences
University of Paderborn
University of Siegen
Democritus University of Thrace
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University of Calabria
Politecnico di Milano
North Macedonia
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
Delft University of Technology
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
University of Groningen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
AGH University of Science and Technology
Gdansk University of Technology
Poznan University of Technology
Warsaw University of Technology
University of Aveiro
University of Coimbra
University of Lisbon – IST
University of Minho
University of Porto– FEUP
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology Targu Mures
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics
University of Belgrade
University of Novi Sad
University of Nis
Polytechnic University of Cartagena
Polytechnic University of Catalonia –
Polytechnic University of Madrid –
University of Seville
Chalmers University of Technology
University of Karlstad
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Linköping University
Lulea University of Technology
Lund Institute of Technology
Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL)
Bilkent University
Bogazici University
Istanbul Technical University
Izmir Dokuz Eylul University
Izmir University of Economics
Middle East Technical University
Yildiz Technical University
National Technical University of Ukraine