ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) is the biggest student association of IEM students in Europe. With 77 Local Groups in 26 countries, we have a very high reach of over 60.000 IEM students Since ESTIEM aims to provide students with various opportunities regarding their first career steps, it was our wish to find out what potential future career paths are available for IEM students after their studies. Since our organization consists of a rather strong Alumni network, we decided to take advantage of this opportunity and created the Career Analysis Survey and sent it out. This initiative, spearheaded by the Professional Development Committee (PDC), involved the meticulous creation of a survey intended to gather pertinent data from ESTIEM Alumni.
Primarily, we wanted to find out the different job opportunities IEM graduates have after their studies. Since IEM is a very broad topic, the job options are quite large and our goal was to get an overview. By aggregating and analyzing data from various of our Local Groups in Europe, the project aimed to offer an expansive and encompassing overview of the IEM job market across Europe Members of ESTIEM are in general internationally oriented students. Therefore, it was also interesting for us to see how many people still work in the country they graduated from and how many people are now working internationally And lastly, it was also our wish to see how active our IEM Alumni were in ESTIEM and if ESTIEM had an impact on their career and current jobs.
This is why we sent out a rather detailed survey and thankfully got 218 results, giving us a clear overview. We managed to reach both Alumni who only attended events as well as Alumni who were active in Central ESTIEM and even reached some IEMers who were not involved with ESTIEM. Concerning the impact ESTIEM may have had on the careers of Alumni, we found that 32.6% of ESTIEM Alumni moved abroad after their Master's Graduation. This number was found to be 36.3% when only considering ESTIEM Alumni who were active in central ESTIEM
APRIL 2020
We are very pleased to have finished the Career Analysis Project, especially since we got some really good and useful results. This project is extremely valuable for ESTIEM as a whole due to many reasons
First of all, it is very helpful information for our members Since ESTIEM consists mostly of IEM students who are in their bachelor's or master's, they are interested in the different job opportunities that we as IEM students have after our studies With this outcome, they can get an insight into all the different job options all over Europe.
For ESTIEM itself, the results are very valuable since it helps to adjust our offerings according to the results, especially regarding our events. To give some examples: If we see that many people work in one specific field, we can offer more career events in that field. If we see that many people work in a certain country, we can offer more intercultural events there.
Of course, this survey also helps us to understand which companies are interested to cooperate with Since a big part of our corporate partners consists of ESTIEM Alumni, it is very helpful for us to now have information about their contacts, jobs, and working fields The Career and Academic Development Department especially can benefit from this in the future.
The results of the survey with 218 answers are analyzed and the analysis of the survey results will be discussed in this section
The majority of alumni who responded the survey are recent graduates, but we also managed to receive answers from the alumni who graduated during the first year of ESTIEM
Number of people
The data reported in this reporty is retrieved from the survey that was sent to Alumni members of ESTIEM
out of the 118 answers we received were provided by Germany, indicating the highest number of responses. Coming in second, Finland contributed the secondhighest number of answers with a total of 46 responses.
The reason for the dominance of these two countries is that they are both quite strong in ESTIEM itself with many Local Groups
Among the alumni, around 11% successfully obtained their bachelor's degrees, while approximately 80% reported earning both Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Notably, an additio
Industrial Engineering and Management was classified into five primary sectors: Consultancy, Industry, Public Authority, Research and Development, and Services Then we inquired about the sector to which the companies employing our alumni belonged. Among the responses, the Industry sector received the highest number of submissions, with 90 answers In contrast, Public Authority had the lowest number of responses, with only 10 answers.
The classification of the organizations were made by using the NACE Rev 2 Classification.*
Almost half of the people working in the industry are employed in the manufacturing sector, making it one of the primary outcomes. Following closely behind, the Information and Communication sector is thenextlargestintermsofemployment.
*The Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, commonly referred to as NACE, is the industry-standard classification system used intheEuropeanUnion: *Industrial
The intermediate or experienced group emerged as the largest segment, accounting for 27.98% of the positions in the company.
Given ESTIEM's international nature, we were intrigued to discover if ESTIEM Alumni carried their passion for internationalization into their professional lives. For that reason, we wanted to find out how many alumni moved to a country other than the one where they completed their Master's degree.
32.6% of the ESTIEM Alumni moved abroad after their Master's Graduation
Out of 181 Alumni who got their Master's degree, 59 Alumni are currently working in a different country than the country they graduated from.
When looking at the 7 countries most Alumni currently work in, it appears there is mostly a similar distribution of the five organization categories in each country. Noticeably, about as many alumni work in consultancy in Germany (n=21) as in consultancy in Finland (n=18).
When we examine the various categories within the same scope, we find that the presence of intermediate and experienced alumni is a common occurrence across all three major organization categories: consultancy, industry, and services. However, the positions of the Alumni in the categories of public authority and research and development are distributed equally. Most of all, it is once again revealed how diversely distributed IEM Graduates are.
Given ESTIEM's professional nature, we were intrigued to discover what kind of an effect ESTIEM had in our Alumni Career. By this chart we were able to examine the involvement and activeness of our Alumni with our organization. Based on the responds were active in ESTIEM
Although the project itself was a success and we are very happy with the outcomes, there are some improvement points that we would like to share
One aspect that could have been managed more effectively is the project timeline Initiated three years ago by the Vice President of Education of the 30th board, Duarte Oliveira, we are now thrilled to share the long-awaited results While projects of this nature require substantial time for survey creation, promotion, and analysis, we could have tried to expedite the process. We also encountered some problems along the way, including the need to release a second version after realizing that the initial iteration did not meet our requirements. However, these instances also provided us with valuable insights and ultimately led us to this final report.
We also gained a valuable lesson on the importance of allocating sufficient time to content creation. Following the initial setback of the first version of the Career Analysis, we swiftly focused our efforts on refining a second version and quickly disseminated it The alumni were also very helpful in providing ideas for improvement, for which we are very grateful
The last improvement point is regarding promotion. We set ourselves a deadline to collect 200 answers in two months. To collect that amount of answers in that little time was a challenge. We were very happy to have achieved our goal, but also realize that additional pre-dissemination promotion could have given us a headstart.
We are beyond happy that we managed to conclude this project with useful insights. It has been one of ESTIEMs' biggest wishes to get a better overview of where and in what field our IEM Alumni are working. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to fill out this survey as well as contributed to our project.
In case of any more questions, please feel free to reach out to us
Best wishes from the Career Analysis Team!