WE’VE ASKED THE LEADERS OF ESTIEM: the Data Science Our collaboration with the first training Initiative, which led to event on the Portal. Committee - Anouar Elaidi, Analysis
It is the progress itself that makes me proud. My team and I accomplished many little things in a short time. With every step we take to support Central, we’re moving forward. At the end of the day, I can say that I’m really pro ud of how far we’ve come and ver y excited how far we’ll go until nex t year! - Sena Horoz, Human Resources Com mittee
After being el ected, we dire ctly jumped into our first ev ent, BEST Summ er IPF event (comparable to ESTIEM College ). It was amazing to notic e all the similarit ie s we have with other NGO s, and how muc h we can give to and receive fr om each other. We were also totally impresse d by their intere st towards our organization. It was such a mot iv at ion booster for us that it took us only a few w eeks to kick off our first colla boration with an other one of our partners, EE STEC, in the fie ld of Human Resources. - Selim Çırpan &
François Caffont
, Ambassadors
s Corporate Relation In September, the the first online CR Committee organized ers! It was a nice way School for all its memb e ce everyone had th to start the year sin m get to know the tea opportunity to both ar with for the whole ye they will be working l knowledge! and gain a lot of usefu e ate Relations Committe - Alisée Pierrot, Corpor
PDC is a project-b ased committee which aims to support the de velopment of IE M education in Europe by co nducting marke t research. My proudest moment happ en ed during the last SEFI conference whe n everyone congratulated us for our professi on al and mature approa ch. This couldn ’t be possible without my incr edible team, than k you to all my education Je dis! - Viktoria Heyen, Professional Deve lopment Committee
For sure it was when Paul found a solution for our spam problem: the reputation of our mail server was so bad that the emails from @ addresses were mostly delivered to the Spam folder. A better spam filter was installed, our reputation raised and people started to get the emails properly. - Liz Nenzberg & Paul Wenzlokat, Information Technology Committee
the oldies had together with we at th at ch st The fir e them still was amazing to se It . ee itt m m co e in th en though their e committee and ev debating about th work for they still want to ed ish fin ies ilit responsib , they were e end of the chat th s rd wa To y. tit the en , while I was about the old times g in gh lau d an ng talki d proudly. watching silently an Committee owledge Facilitation - Efe Umut Ateş, Kn
tial new ith a poten w ct ta n co shed ork on the We establi rting to w a st e il h w p, excited to Local Grou tegy! We’re ra st g in ch a in more new appro , bringing g in w ro g twork people see our ne with new g in ct e n n nd co diversity a pe. mittee across Euro mbers Com e M s, e u rq - Inês Ma
During these tough times it is hard to come up with content, especially when there are no physical events. Still, we managed to come up with new types of posts to keep the channels active. We made the ESTIEM social media channels more attractive and interactive for our followers. - Remco Vis, Public Relations Committee
50 ESTIEM Magazine | 59th issue - Innovation in a Crisis: Adapting and Advancing