3 minute read

Introduction To ESTIEM


Back in 1990, students from five different countries founded an organisation, which they named ESTIEM: European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management.


After 30 years, it has grown into an organisation bringing together over 60,000 students from 79 universities in 31 European countries, and it is still growing. All these universities offer courses in IEM. Based on this structure, ESTIEM forms links between students, academia and companies in order to create an Europe-wide, multi-level IEM network. ESTIEM has continuously increased the number of its activities, thus being able to offer a great variety of events to IEM students and an opportunity to experience different cultures, take part in international projects and become friends with other ESTIEMers from all over Europe.

Naturally, the backbone of ESTIEM is the European IEM student. The students involved in modern business and an open-minded approach towards other people and cultural issues.


Local Groups in 26 countries make ESTIEM a large network.


events are organised by Local Groups every year.

The decision-making body of ESTIEM is the Council, which meets twice a year, in autumn and in spring. Each university, represented by its so-called “Local Group”, sends two student representatives. The six members of the Board of ESTIEM are elected during the spring Council Meeting. The Board is responsible for the management, coordination and administration of the association.

Besides taking leadership positions in the Board and as Project or Committee Leaders, ESTIEM members can also take up responsibilities by working in one of the Projects, Committees or ESTIEM incorporate both the skills required for

Initiatives. With lots of teams and tasks to choose from, there is a place for everyone.

For more detailed information about our organisation and its activities, please visit our website at www.estiem.org.


travels are made yearly by 2,000 students.


members and a reach of 60,000 towards IEM students in Europe.


Connect and support the growth and sustainability of European associations of IEM students, to foster relations and to develop their IEM students, personally and professionally.

OUR VISION Be the connector of IEM Students with an IEM Europe.

An IEM Europe is the ecosystem of companies, universities, organisations and other entities interested in the field of IEM. We are striving for each IEM Student to have a connection not only with other students all over Europe of the same field but also to other companies and universities, to ensure each student as a voice as well as the opportunity to make a difference, and to allow each outstanding innovative idea to become reality.


Embracing diversity

We see multiculturalism as a strength of ESTIEM. We benefit from our cultural diversity by being able to approach chances and challenges with different insights. Respect is not just something we strive for, but part of the very basis of our network

Striving for development

We grow together by trying hard and learning from mistakes, we are eager to go through a learning process and see accessibility and freedom as highest goals. ESTIEMers gain practical experience and important soft-skills needed in today’s world.

Encouraging participation Aiming high

ESTIEM being a democratic organisation with a flat hierarchy encourages the participation of all its members. We inspire each other to partake in ESTIEM’s activities and develop new ideas. We are not afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone. ESTIEM’s members are proactive students that always give 100%. We encourage an entrepreneurial spirit among students and other stakeholders by gathering and exchanging experiences and best practices.

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