1 minute read
President’s Speech
Dear reader,
I once read an article in the ESTIEM Magazine, that from my point of view has a big adaptation for the situation we are living in nowadays. In the article it was fascinating to read a story from an alumnus on how happy they were when all the Local Groups had a fax-machine, and then one day they received a message from a Swedish Local Group explaining what was an “email” and why they should change to it.
We are indeed living in a situation that we never lived before which we are not only forced to adapt ourselves to this new reality but also to advance in the way ESTIEM works. Of course, we are in a different era but can you even imagine how it would be for them if they had the same conditions to read this new edition of the ESTIEM Magazine
we have in the present?
Back then the communication barrier did not stop them from spreading the ESTIEM Spirit throughout Europe. Although currently it is complicated, since traveling is a strong point in our value proposition, we have proved that the travel barrier hasn’t stopped us either.
So even though times are hard, not all is bad news! Not only has the concept of Online events been developed, team building has increased in all teams together with the overall efficiency of the network. There are quite a few positive aspects that can be taken as learning points and good practices to be implemented in the near future.
We should look to the future with a positive attitude, leave behind us the tough months and even though the times ahead cannot be predicted, we still have very creative students, with great passion for our network that are willing to develop and innovate. Together we have come very far, it is time to keep going and aim higher than ever LUIS VIUDEZ
With that being said, it is my pleasure to invite you before!
with articles that will demonstrate how ESTIEM is adapting and innovating during this special point of time.

Luis Viudez ESTIEM President