ESTIEM Magazine I Autumn 2017 I Sustainability in Projects

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51st Issue

53rd Issue FLIXBUS INTERVIEW with the founder André Schwämmlein



From consumer to prosumer






European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Issue 53 2017/2 | ISSN 0874-5242 | Price 0 Euro |

1 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


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2 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


Table of contents INTRODUCTION 4 Project Leader’s Speech 5 President’s Speech 6 Introduction to ESTIEM


10 Interview with André Schwämmlein, Founder of Flixbus 14 The Carbon Footprint of ESTIEM


16 No-Nonsense Sustainability: Climbing the Ladders of Business Sustainability 18 Sustainable Strategies in Madrid’s Public Transportation 20 Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics: emerging paradigm for the last-mile delivery challenge 22 An ESTIEM way to MBA

SCENE 24 Sharing the Knowledge- Shaping the Future



26 Community based approaches towards

Sustainable Development 28 Maker Movement 31 The untaped Potential of CSR 32 To be or not not to be scared: The AI of the

Future 34 Retail Operations and ESTIEM’s Academic Days


CAREER 38 Bosch Interview 42 ESTIEM Alumni Interview: Edwin van Rest 43 ESTIEM Alumni Interview: Csaba Hartmann

INSIDE ESTIEM 44 The Caterpillar and the Butterfly - A Story about ESTIEM’s Transformation 46 How to improve the Image of your Local Group


48 LSS Green Belt Internship 50 Vision: 25th Anniversary 52 Board Update 55 IEM Caring Foundation 56 Training Culture within ESTIEM 57 PCI Reports

EXPLORE 61 5 Places you can discover with ESTIEM 64 Like a ‘Rolo’ in Colombia

3 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects



INTRODUCTION Project Leader Dominik Rampp


Design Mariana Martins Beatrix Horváth Sjors van Weert Veronika Losonczy

Dear reader,

Article Acquisition Jovana Tišma Anya Mertsalova Jelena Roksandić

according to the Oxford dictionary, sustainability is defined as “the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level”. Nowadays, we often connect sustainability to ecological and environmental development. But is that the only

Public Relations Agata Winkowska

aspect that sustainability should be put in context with?

Proofreaders Lea Lemberg Alex Péres Díaz Alexandru Florescu Anastasiia Plishkanovska Annika Schiffner Enrique Biosca San Miguel Evdoxia Pantazi Mark van Uden Melis Dönmez Özenç Aybek Sebastian Hummel Simge Kit

our mindset that everyone in these days will be confronted

Advertisement Acquisition Gizem Sağır Francisca Painhas With special thanks to Pedro Schuller Sunny-David Schneider Local Group Novi Sad

Sustainability is more than that. It is a crucial direction of with in their daily life. It is a crucial step in any planning that we need to consider. It is something that makes us profit, even though some people may be afraid of it. With our Focus Topic, we would like to give you a broad overview of the fields related to sustainability. You can see the sustainable approach of travelling in an interview with the CEO of Flixbus, a start-up company that became one of the biggest coach operators in Europe during the last years. Lassi Linnanen, professor for sustainable development at Technical University of Lappeenranta gives you an exciting insight into his field of research. Furthermore, two ESTIEMers have made some research about the carbon

section: during our Coordination Meeting in Novi Sad in August, we were working on an interview series where you can read about ESTIEM Alumnis’ careers. Have you ever wondered why ESTIEMers love the city they are living in so much? Especially the ones that don’t seem

Contact footprint ESTIEMers are causing with their travels. Since

to be the most touristic places at first sight? In our Explore

ESTIEM Permanent Office Paviljoen B-6 P.O.Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Fax: 0031-(0)40 2473871

a focus on producing all kinds of products more efficiently

to good places to visit in their LG’s city. Of course, you will


itself structure-wise. The last Board worked hard on

The contents may not always reflect

making ESTIEM more dynamic, more efficient and to give

the beginning of the industrialisation, there has always been

the opinion of the publisher. Any reproduction or copy is permitted only with the permission of the editors.

Quantity of printed issues 2,000 Our Partners Beiersdorf Simon- Kucher & Partners Universität Liechtenstein Eindhoven University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Minitab Bosch

and it is usually one of the main topics of the work of an industrial engineer. In our Scene section, you can read an article about a concept which is trying to go into yet another direction: the Makers Movement. As many of you may know, ESTIEM is trying to reinvent

ESTIEMers more clearance to develop new ideas. Read more about this development within the Inside ESTIEM

section, some of our Local Responsibles will introduce you have the chance to explore more than just Europe: Siros wrote down his experiences during his studies abroad in Colombia. With this 53rd issue of the ESTIEM Magazine, we hope to give you a variety of convincing reasons to develop a sustainable environment - no matter if you’re a professor, a company or an ESTIEMer. Enjoy reading!

In high ESTIEM,

Dominik Rampp,

ESTIEM Magazine Project Leader 2017

section and stay tuned to ESTIEM’s next steps. Also, be ready to give congratulations to one of our oldest projects, VISION, and read about its roots and its newest developments. We are proud to present you a new format in our Career

4 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


PRESIDENT’S SPEECH Dear Reader, The 53rd issue of the ESTIEM Magazine is focused on the topic “Sustainability in Projects”. In our current modern world, sustainability should be a decisive and impactful fundamental part of any decision. Governments, institutions and organizations, such as ESTIEM, seek opportunities with a long-lasting effect. These entities have been laying the foundations for a sustainable future, in a myriad of different examples: From the creation of sustainable cities, both environmentally and logistically, to the implementation of a society and industry 4.0. Currently, any kind of project must be feasible, environmentally friendly and sustainable, from a Long-Term Perspective. As IEM-students, and as the future leaders of society, we must contribute for a sustainable world, starting by our projects and their success. With this magazine issue, we wish to bring in awareness over the importance of having feasible, impactful and longstanding projects, and how us, as future IEM professionals, can contribute for their development. For 27 years, ESTIEM has been aiming for a sustainable network of European universities, through the fostering of relations and of understanding among IEM-students. It has been doing so, due to constant adaptations to the new needs and interests of the new generations of students. The mentality of our ESTIEMers, triggers the focus on operational excellence in ESTIEM and on actions towards a prosperous future. The refocus of the ESTIEM’s Mission

Education in ESTIEM has been thoroughly discussed, so that more IEM students can benefit from more quality in our events. Such is only possible with the immense collaboration of our students, who work diligently by leading our projects, committees and departments and for continuously pushing the development for a better ESTIEM, for everyone. I would like to invite you to read the 53rd edition of the ESTIEM Magazine and explore our articles and updates. I wish you an enjoyable read.

and the Structure Change are clear examples of actions that

In high ESTIEM,

ESTIEM’s strategic foundations, its identity, and supporting

Diogo Sa,

the development of its long-term strategy. The role of

ESTIEM President

steers the network towards new directions. This year, to bring ESTIEM a step further on its sustainability, ESTIEMers have been focusing on implementing a LongTerm strategic mindset in the network, by defining

5 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


ALL OVER EUROPE... Back in 1990, students from five different countries founded an organisation, which they named ESTIEM: European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management.

After 26 years, it has grown into an organisation bringing

The decision-making body of ESTIEM is the Council, which

together over 60,000 students from 79 universities in

meets twice a year, in autumn and in spring. Each university,

31 European countries, and it is still growing. All these

represented by its so-called “Local Group�, sends two

universities offer courses in IEM. Based on this structure,

student representatives. The six members of the Board of

ESTIEM forms links between students, academia and

ESTIEM are elected during the spring Council Meeting. The

companies in order to create an Europe-wide, multi-level

Board is responsible for the management, coordination and

IEM network. ESTIEM has continuously increased the

administration of the association.

number of its activities, thus being able to offer a great variety of events to IEM students and an opportunity to

Besides taking leadership positions in the Board and as

experience different cultures, take part in international

Project or Committee Leaders, ESTIEM members can also

projects and become friends with other ESTIEMers from

take up responsibilities by working in one of the Projects,

all over Europe.

Committees or Initiatives. With lots of teams and tasks to choose from, there is a place for everyone.

Naturally, the backbone of ESTIEM is the European IEM student. The students involved in ESTIEM incorporate

For more detailed information about our organisation and

both the skills required for modern business and an open-

its activities, please visit our website at

minded approach towards other people and cultural issues.

79 Local Groups in 31 countries make ESTIEM a large network.

6 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

180+ events are organised by Local Groups every year.

3,000 travels are made yearly by 2,000 students.

8,000 members and a reach of 60,000 towards IEM students in Europe.


STUDENTS INVOLVE THEMSELVES IN VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS... ESTIEM is also a playground for great ideas developed by highly motivated students. If a student manages to convince ESTIEM’s Council of their idea, they can start their own international Project. Currently, there are 10 Projects running. The Tournament In Management and Engineering

thoughts and ideas and mixing with students from all over

Skills (TIMES) is the largest pan-European case study

the world all participants gain new ideas and perspectives,

competition for the students of Industrial Engineering

not just on their profession but also on other cultures.

and Management. This prestigious, highly acclaimed event is the flagship project of ESTIEM. It has successfully been

The official publication of ESTIEM provides the perfect

organised since 1994 and attracts around 1,000 top

platform to reach a target group of approximately 60,000

European students every year. After Local Qualifications

students of Industrial Engineering and Management at

in 75 different universities and eight Semi-Finals in selected

universities all over Europe. The ESTIEM Magazine is

cities, the winning team of the Final is awarded the title of

published twice a year and distributed among IEM students,

Europe’s “IEM Students of the Year”.

graduates and also professors and companies across Europe, through the ESTIEM network.

The Vision Seminar Series aim to improve the personal skills and capabilities of the Industrial Engineering and

businessbooster aims at creating an environment where

Management Students in Europe. The seminars contain

all needed information, experience and support to excel

a balanced mixture of academic lectures, workshops and

in your future professional endeavours can be found. The

company visits which are combined with cultural and free-

goal of this unique environment is to boost entrepreneurial

time activities of the organising city. Through those activities

spirit and engage ESTIEMers, Alumni and companies to

the participants of a Vision seminar develop themselves

collaborate with each other.

both personally and professionally. BrainTrainer






The goal of Academic Team is to share ESTIEM

presentation, business and social skills of participants

universities’ knowledge with the network. It supports the

through professional trainings lasting one or two days. Its

personal and professional development of students across

aim is to coach and develop the participants to become

Europe willing to complete their curriculum. In order to

more professional and successful in their organisation as

achieve this, each event provides participants deep insights

well as in their own future career.

into a specific topic in which the organising Local Group’s university has a high expertise.

The ESTIEM Language Programme aims to raise awareness of the importance of multilingual communication between IEM students and to encourage language learning

Europe3D is a seminar series where participants get

within the ESTIEM network. Through various language

a deeper insight of the hosting country in three unique

activities and intensive language courses it focuses on

dimensions: politics, culture and economy. An environment

achieving and following its vision – to foster understanding.

with a blend of different cultures helps the participants to get a better understanding of the basic local parameters

Lean Six Sigma is a globally used methodology for

existing in the European states. Lectures given by experts

quality improvement and project management. It is also a

from these three fields, combined with trainings about

management philosophy and a company culture. Lean Six

intercultural awareness, provide participants a theoretical

Sigma is all about process improvement and finding ways


to perform better. Lean Six Sigma is used in a variety of industries and operations, from production to services and

The ESTIEM Summer Academy was set up to bring international students together during summer holidays to engage in open discussion, group work, debates and private study under a senior Academic Leader. By talking, sharing

7 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

from healthcare to construction.


... AND EUROPE-WIDE COMMITTEE WORK The Committees support the Board in maintaining and developing the organisation ESTIEM further. Students from all over Europe engage themselves in various topics in one of our 9 Committees. The Corporate Relations Committee coordinates

The Knowledge Management Committee has

the relations between ESTIEM, companies and universities

two main tasks. First, updating and creating Best Practice

jointly with the Board. The Committee’s work covers a

Documents, BPDs, by documenting the collective

number of fields with the aim of improving and simplifying

experiences of ESTIEMers throughout time - from

ESTIEM’s relations with companies and universities, such

organising a Project to how to be a Leader. These BPDs are

as updating cooperation proposals, creating and gathering

available online on the ESTIEM Portal. Second, managing

results for different surveys or training people on how

the quality of ESTIEM events by collecting feedback from

to approach companies and universities. The Corporate

the event participants in order to make event specific

Relations Committee also plays an active role in supervising

and Project specific reports, showing the development of

and supporting Projects and other Committees with

ESTIEM’s Projects and events.

regards to sponsors and academic partners. The Members Committee supports the members The Financial and Legal Committee’s role is to

of ESTIEM and students interested in joining ESTIEM by

ensure ESTIEM’s compliance with all laws and regulations. It

forming their own Local Group, LG. It guides them through

supports the Board, other Committees, Projects and Local

the whole process, starting from establishing contact, via

Groups in all financial and legal matters. On the one hand,

the Guest- and Observership period, all the way until their

it consists of experienced ESTIEMers and ESTIEM Alumni,

fully pledged Membership. It takes care of the Local Group

who are motivated to provide advice whenever requested.

Requirements, helps all Local Groups via the Regional

On the other hand, active Committee members work on

Coordinators, and supports Local Groups and central

creating and updating Best Practice Documents, trainings,

ESTIEM in motivation and recruitment issues. It fosters

templates, etc. for all related topics, giving advice on event

connections between Local Groups, tries to figure out what

budgets and proactively giving legal advice. Since many

they need locally and cooperates e.g. with the Trainers on

people are unexperienced with finances and regulations,

Tour concept to fulfil the needs for training topics such as

the Financial and Legal Committee aims at helping them to

HR, PR, recruitment and fundraising.

deal with them correctly. The aim of the Public Relations Committee is to The Grants Committee supports ESTIEM’s applications

take care of ESTIEM’s outer appearance. The Committee

for EU grants and aims to establish and develop knowledge

is responsible for communicating the brand of ESTIEM

on public funding opportunities and their application

and increasing the awareness both inside and outside of

procedures. It also wants to share the existing knowledge

ESTIEM. The PR Committee works with several different

with as many ESTIEMers as possible and to support more

tools to achieve this, for instance designing PR material,

and more Local Groups in applying for an EU Grant for

creating design templates and guidelines, as well as working

their events.

on press and social media visibility.

The Information Technology Committee maintains

Personal development is a part of ESTIEM’s vision, ajust

the email, intranet and web servers of ESTIEM and

like ESTIEM trainers are a part of our network. By passing

coordinates all IT-related development in the organisation

on knowledge, skills and attitude in their sessions, ESTIEM

such as the IT back-end system. To complement the

trainers support ESTIEMers on their path in ESTIEM and


in life.






communication technology and IT systems, it provides

The Trainers Community provides our trainers and

trainings in an open learning environment. In addition, ITC

enthusiasts with all the support needed for them to

offers troubleshooting services and technical advice to all

give their trainings, additionally guiding them to greater


performance with feedback and personal support.

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OUR MISSION ESTIEM’s mission is to foster relations and mutual understanding among European Industrial Engineering and Management Students while supporting them in their personal and professional development.

OUR VISION Developing the future leaders of society. We believe that it is our responsibility as young European IEM students to challenge the status quo and interact with one-another in order to grow and develop into future leaders that share the same European values and tackle society’s problems.


Embracing diversity

Striving for development

We see multiculturalism as a strength of ESTIEM. We benefit from our cultural diversity by being able to approach chances and challenges with different insights. Respect is not just something we strive for, but part of the very basis of our network

We grow together by trying hard and learning from mistakes, we are eager to go through a learning process and see accessibility and freedom as highest goals. ESTIEMers gain practical experience and important softskills needed in today’s world.

Encouraging participation

Aiming high

ESTIEM being a democratic organisation with a flat hierarchy encourages the participation of all its members. We inspire each other to partake in ESTIEM’s activities and develop new ideas.

We are not afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone. ESTIEM’s members are proactive students that always give 100%. We encourage an entrepreneurial spirit among students and other stakeholders by gathering and exchanging experiences and best practices.

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INTERVIEW WITH ANDRE SCHWÄMMLEIN, FOUNDER OF FLIXBUS “Our vision is smart and green mobility for everyone to experience the world.”

Dominik Rampp Local Group Dresden

When did you come up with the idea of founding

idea of having bus companies as partners who run the

“Flixbus” and how?

service was very important. For us it was very tough to find

I already knew for quite a long time that I wanted to start

the right bus partners willing to cooperate with completely

my own business. During my studies, I have already founded

newcomers. When we started, we had around five to

a small IT-start-up together with Daniel, an old friend from

ten partners with around 20 busses. It took around two

school. After I have finished my studies and after some years

years to find the initial partners. Afterwards it was much

of professional experience as a strategy consultant, I was

easier, because we had proved ourselves. Right now, in

all back into starting my own business again, but without

Germany we are mainly growing with existing partners and

having the initial idea. I discussed several start-up ideas with

not looking for new ones. Currently, we cooperate with

my friends Daniel and Jochen and finally we stumbled upon

around 250 partners all over Europe.

the bus deregulation law in Germany around 2009. We thought that the opening of a new market is a once in a life-time-chance and started developing the idea. Could you tell us about the company you had

“We would like to be perceived as a company which customers love to travel with.”

when you were a student? As mentioned, during my studies I was running a small IT-

As you just mentioned, you were growing really

consulting firm together with my friend, now co-founder

fast in recent years, which may also affect your

Daniel Krauss. Essentially, he was doing the “real” IT-

company culture. How do you manage to keep the

consulting and I was looking for the overall business. But in

company culture?

the end, we wanted to do something different, so we had

It’s a very crucial thing and if you would have asked me

to look for a new idea.

three years ago if culture is important I might have said “no”, just not being aware of already living a corporate

Who helped you found your company after you

culture. Because if you’re a small company, culture is

had developed the concept of it?

something which develops naturally, something which

We were and still are three founders: Daniel Krauss, a friend

is always there because everyone knows each other and

from school, Jochen Engert, whom I met at afterwork’s

you know all the people personally as you’ve hired them.

soccer games at Boston Consulting Group, the company

But over time, when a company gets bigger, culture can

where I had my first job, and me; so, we were basically

have the tendency to not be consistent anymore. To

three friends founding our own start-up.

prevent this, for us, it’s a lot about communication, talking to people, meeting everyone and letting everyone know

How many partners did you start with and how

“Where do we go? Why do we go there? What’s our idea

many did you gain since then? Can you tell us

of the company?”. FlixBus currently has more than 1.000

about your business concept?

employees, I’m only a single person, and only together, we

We cooperate with mid-sized, regional bus companies,

can make the difference.

most of them family-owned and with decades of experience in the industry. At the beginning, besides funding, the whole

“FlixBus currently has more than 1.000 employees, I’m only a single person, and only together, we can make the difference.”

10 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

FOCUS TOPIC How would you like your customers to perceive

ESTIEM has a social-environmental responsible



I think that a lot of the culture we have internally reflects to

travelling with FlixBus since your customers can

the customers. The way we act, how we develop our offer

compensate their carbon footprint. Why did you

and the passion we put into the product hopefully reaches

add this option to your service?

the customer in many ways, which, however, gets more

When I was younger, I was a member of the green party,

challenging the larger the company gets. We would like to

so I have an ecological background. For me it is very

be perceived as a company which customers love to travel

important that we offer a product which is affordable for

with. We would like to be a part of their travel stories,

all customers, but also offers the option to contribute to

like: “When meeting my friends or seeing my partner, who

environmental protection while you travel. Nevertheless,

I have a long-distance relationship with, FlixBus helps me”.

there are two things we need to focus on. First of all, we





need to make sure that there’s always a high utilisation As you mentioned before, you have many different

because running a bus where there are still free seats also

partners. How do you measure and ensure a

harms the environment unnecessarily. Secondly, although

standardized quality level? And what do you do

busses are one of most environmentally friendly means

e.g. for your bus drivers, which are not working

of travel, there’s still a large CO2 footprint at the moment,

directly for FlixBus, to make them identify with your brand? The measuring part is relatively easy. By sending our feedback forms to customers regularly, we have a good overview of the performance of the bus companies, the drivers, etc. The challenge is that we have around 250 partners and more than 6,000 drivers, which is a huge

“For me it is very important that we offer a product which is affordable for all customers, but also offers the option to contribute to environmental protection while you travel.”

system. Implementing change takes time and is complex, and therefore we need a lot of people on the ground, close

that we hope to be able to minimise in the future, e.g. with

to the customers, to help the bus partners and drivers

e-busses once they’re available. Currently, we see that a

understand where we want to go. Are we already where

significant part of our customers, around ten per cent,

we want to be? No, we are not, but we are looking for

choose the CO2 compensation option which is great.

every detail and work hard to improve it. That’s why all partners, e.g. regularly receive specialized newsletter and trainings. We also invite them to a big meeting where we all discuss new approaches, projects and so on.

11 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

FOCUS TOPIC What kinds of projects do you support with the

less science, and then it becomes more science and less

money you raise from the CO2-compensation?

and less art. If you initially plan a network, e.g. in Italy or

We frequently ask our customers to vote for the next

France, you get geographical data such as the number of

projects because, in our eyes, it’s them who spent the

inhabitants and students, but you don’t have actual traffic

money and therefore they should decide which climate

data yet – at least not in the form we need. That means

project will be supported with the money we raise.

we can approximate how the network could look like,

Currently, we support a certified CO2 project in Rwanda

but you also need someone who has a feeling how cities

which introduces “energy-efficient stoves”. These stoves

should be connected, which is the art part. Once you get

make it possible to use around 80% less wood than

real traffic-flow data, it becomes science and you can tailor

traditional hearths when cooking. Thus, not only the health

the network according to the data. In this philosophy, the

of the people using the stoves improve but also local

priority is always on direct connections, but the number of

forests, where mountain gorillas live, get preserved.

routes where you have the chance to change busses and thus can reach even more cities, is growing because of the

According to the experience of many ESTIEMers,

density of the network. For example, take a look at the

your booking system is really user-friendly. Do you

Locomore train, one of our latest projects: The train stops

see it as one of the reasons why you were the most

also have interconnections to busses.

outstanding long-distance bus company in recent years?

You mentioned before that you want your busses

If you look at the booking system, I think it’s really

to have a high utilisation rate. How do you achieve

important to have a system which the people like to use

this goal?

and thus have a great customer experience throughout all

There are multiple steps which we took, and which our

the stages. But what really defines our success is something

competitors might not have considered to such a high

that the customer doesn’t see e.g. the data we get about

extent: First of all, we need to have the right offer. Many

where people travel: It tells us where we should have more

competitors focussed on a schedule that looks nice, e.g.

or less busses and which busses create more value. The

one-hour-service, the same connections every day, which

whole understanding of this data analysis is a part of our

is usually what customers perceive as a good service. We

core competences and something no one had ever built up

don’t agree with that: I like the concept, but for me, a good

in this way before. To sum it up, our booking system is one

service means offering connections when the customer

of the core factors why we succeeded in the market, but

wants it. If the customer doesn’t need a bus on Tuesday at

the success results more from what you don’t see – just like

ten, but five busses on Friday at 3pm, then we need to go

the iceberg theory.

into that direction. To sum it up, first of all, it’s important to have the perfect offer according to the customers’ demand.

How do you choose which connections you will

And Secondly, customers have to know us.

offer to customers and which connection system

We are a data-driven company when it comes to marketing.

are you mainly using (e.g. hub systems, direct

We know where our customers are and thus, of course,


we do a lot of online-marketing. That means, you have to

I always explain our network planning as a mixture of

get the customers looking at your offer and then, which is

“art and sciences”. At the beginning, it is more art and

a very analytical step, you need to have the right price. It’s

12 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


not us who decide which prices are right, it’s the customer. Have you been part of a student organisation? If yes, how did it influence you on your way? I actually haven’t been. But from my experience, what really counts is getting to know people who have shared interests: May it be sports, a job, it doesn’t matter. But you need to have people who are open-minded, easy-minded and who have similar work goals to you. ESTIEM has a project called “businessbooster”, which is about helping entrepreneurs to start their own company. Which advice would you give to a young entrepreneur? We sometimes get asked: “What was our biggest mistake?”. Our biggest mistake was in the beginning, shortly after developing the whole idea: We liked the idea, but we didn’t pursue it because we were scared that we couldn’t

hardly any public transportation and if there is, it is very

compete against big competitors like “Deutsche Bahn”. This

complex. A friend of my mum, who is around 90 years

has changed completely and brings me back to the point

old, didn’t travel for around 25 years because according to

where you mentioned the company culture: If you walk

her it was too complicated. But now there is FlixBus. My

around in this company and ask colleagues “Can we do it?”,

mum told her about it and now, every couple of months,

everyone will answer “Yes, we can, we will make it work.

my mum brings her to the station, tells the driver where

I don’t know how, but we are FlixBus and we will make it

she needs to get out, and her cousin, who is around 75 years old, picks her up at the station in Dresden. This, I

“You need to have people who are open-minded, easy-minded and who have similar work goals to you.”

think, illustrates very well how FlixBus provides green and convenient mobility for everyone which, in the end, is our main goal.

happen”. This is the philosophy you need to have: Pure will to win. We didn’t have it that much in the beginning, so my recommendation is: Believe in what you do, and have the will to win! Do you have a favorite FlixBus story? I come from a small town close to Nuremberg, there is

FlixBus is a European long distance mobility provider and a brand of the FlixMobility group. Since 2013, FlixBuses have offered a new, convenient and green way to travel which suits every budget. Thanks to a smart business model and an innovative technology, the startup has established Europe’s largest intercity bus network in less than four years.

13 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects



This is probably no news to you: travelling is damaging to our environment and flying is one of the most polluting ways to travel. In ESTIEM we travel a lot and much of it is by airplane. Over the past years we have become more and more conscious about the environmental impacts of our organisation, but do we actually know the magnitude of the environmental impact of all that travelling?

Stijn Zanders

Local Group Eindhoven, Tampere

It turns out we don’t. That’s why several months ago

CO2 Dashboard

two alumni decided to join forces to estimate the carbon

Based on the acquired data and estimation methods, a

footprint of ESTIEM, motivated by an important IEM

CO2 dashboard was developed using Tableau software.

principle: If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

The CO2 dashboard gives an insight into the development

Here’s a sneak peak into our findings.

of the total travel carbon footprint of ESTIEM over time, as well as the travel carbon footprint of specific ESTIEM

Data and Assumptions

events and individual ESTIEMers. The kind of information

The carbon footprint of travels in ESTIEM, in this article

that can be extracted from the dashboard is best illustrated

referred to as the travel carbon footprint, is a function of

by sharing some specific insights:

the total distance travelled to and from ESTIEM events, the modes of transport used and the specific CO2 emission

A flight from Amsterdam to Berlin and back has a

factor of each mode of transport. Travel distances are

carbon footprint of approximately 360 kg of CO2,

estimated using ESTIEM event attendance data, assuming

compared to a footprint of approximately 18 kg of

ESTIEMers travel from their home Local Group to the

CO2 when taking the train.

location of the ESTIEM event and back. A 10% multiplication

Mark Kremer

Local Group Gothenburg, Groningen

factor is used to account for non-direct travel routes and

ESTIEMers have an average travel carbon footprint of

detours. Several assumptions are made for the distribution

1.4 tonnes of CO2 per year, which is approximately

of modes of transport used by ESTIEMers, as there is no

equal to 20% of the average annual carbon footprint

reliable data available. For instance, for distances lower

of the EU citizen (6.7 tonnes of CO2 per year).

than 500km most ESTIEMers are assumed to use a bus (60%) or a train (30%), while for distances larger than

The travel footprint of ESTIEM has an average yearly increase of 250 tonnes of CO2.

1,000 km airplane (90%) is assumed to be the main mode of transport. A multiplication factor of 30% is used for indirect flights to account for the disproportionately large

The travel footprint of CM Porto 2016 (338.9 tonnes

amount of CO2 that is emitted during take-off and landing.

of CO2) was about twice as large as the carbon

Carbon emission factors are based on 2014 figures from

footprint of CM Poznan 2017 (158.6 tonnes of CO2),

the European Environment Agency (EEA). Please note that

with an equal amount of participants, due to Poznan’s

only the distances travelled to and from ESTIEM events are

relatively central location in Europe.

taken into account. Other factors, such as transport during ESTIEM events, are not included in our calculations.

14 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


The total travel carbon footprint of ESTIEM in 2016 was 2,334 tonnes of CO2, which is equal to the total annual carbon footprint of 350 EU citizens.

Implications The








disproportionately large CO2 footprint. This should not come as a surprise, considering that the nature of our network requires us to travel large distances to attend events. At this point you might be asking yourself: Is there something we can do to reduce our footprint? Luckily, there is. For a start, the data shows that you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by choosing to travel by train or bus rather than by airplane and by avoiding indirect flights. Other potential measures include favouring centrally located event locations, reduce travels by making better use of online solutions and carbon offsetting. Carbon Offsetting Carbon Offsetting allows individuals and organisations to donate money to environmental projects around the world in order to compensate for their own carbon footprints. Donations are used to support projects that reduce CO2 emissions, such as clean energy projects or reforestation projects, leading to a net-zero balance of emissions. carbon Offsetting is relatively inexpensive; a return-flight Eindhoven-Budapest currently costs about 12 Euro to

15 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

offset. If you decide to off-set your flights, choose an offsetting partner that is certified by an international recognised standard such as the Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard, VCS, to make sure your donations are used for the intended cause. Next Steps? Even though the figures presented in this article are still very rough estimates, they already provide some interesting first insights. The goal is to improve the accuracy of the CO2 dashboard over time, so that it can be used to track the development of the travel carbon footprint of ESTIEM and measure the effectiveness of CO2 reduction measures. Because if you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it.


NO-NONSENSE SUSTAINABILITY \\ Climbing the ladders of business sustainability When I started my professional career in the early 90’s, environmental and sustainability issues were simply out of business scope.

Dr. Lassi Linnanen

Professor, Lappeenranta University of Technology

Most executives of that time followed the idea of Economics

sustainability challenges. Third, sustainability is a collective

Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman (1970), who created

good, which means that most sustainable solutions do not

the phrase for the current business-as-usual economic

offer obvious user benefits. Rather it is a challenging item to

paradigm by stating bluntly “the business of business is

sell, even for ESTIEMers!

business.” I guess you hear this statement too often, even

How to proceed then? There are ladders to climb, there

today. From my perspective, it is simply incorrect.

are at least three steps towards business sustainability. I am

Unfortunately, we cannot solve our problems with the

using a very useful typology recently created by academic

same concepts we used when we created them, as Albert

colleagues Dyllick and Muff here. Their first two steps

Einstein once expressed. During the last three decades a lot

are weaker, but the last one is in line with the definition

of progress has been made in integrating sustainability into

of strong sustainability: Economic and environmental

business goals. However, global indicators and trends show

capital are complementary, but not interchangeable.

continuous and serious deterioration of our natural capital.

Strong sustainability accepts there are certain functions

Something must be wrong then in management?

the environment performs that cannot be duplicated by

It is safe to argue that the root cause is the disconnection

humans or human made capital.

between the concepts of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Development. First, we have rather poor

Business Sustainability 1.0

integration of the three dimensions economic, ecological

A first step to introduce sustainability into the current

and social in the business sustainability discourse. The

economic paradigm results from recognizing that there

focus tends to be on economic dimension as the dominant

are new business challenges because of exchanges that are

performance measure. Economic success appears to be

outside the market. Business Sustainability 1.0 (or Refined

a “value-free” choice, but obviously, it is not. Second,

Shareholder Value Management) is an approach to business

companies are the micro-level, and societies and their

that creates shareholder value by embracing opportunities

challenges the macro-level. There is a missing integration of

and managing risks deriving from economic, environmental

societal macro-level with the organizational micro-level. But

and social developments. A typical evolution in this level

companies are only one part of transition as public sector

includes environmental management systems, eco-labels,

and civil society action are also needed. On the other way

and other managerial tools.

round, without companies there is only little hope to solve

16 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


Business Sustainability 2.0

positive impact in critical and relevant areas for society and

The second step arises from the notion of stakeholders.

the planet such as climate, migration, corruption, water,

Business Sustainability 2.0 means pursuing a triple bottom

poverty, pandemics, youth unemployment, sovereign

line approach — a process by which companies manage

debt overload or financial instability. Under these lenses,

their financial, social and environmental risks, obligations

a firm first looks at the external environment within which

and opportunities. These three impacts are often referred

it operates and then asks itself what it can do to help

to as people, planet and profits. Value creation and

overcome critical challenges that demand the resources

reporting goes beyond shareholder value and includes

and competencies it has at its disposal.

social and environmental values. In many large international corporations, this is the level achieved, as shown by a large

The third step is not easy but definitely worth pursuing. It

number of corporate responsibility reports.

is a very good way to seek purpose, doing good and doing business simultaneously. Within ESTIEMs community, we also want to contribute towards promoting the strong

Business Sustainability 3.0

sustainability perspective within businesses as we are

However, there is one more, and a rather steep and long,

organizing IEM Caring Sustainability Bootcamp “No

step remaining. Business Sustainability 3.0 is about solving

nonsense sustainability: future beyond profits” on October

global challenges. The perspective shifts from traditional

20-22nd 2017 in Lenggries, Germany. Join the movement!

“inside-out” industrial engineering approach towards “outside-in” problem solving. Truly sustainable business shifts its perspective from seeking to minimize its negative impacts to understanding how it can create a significant

17 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES IN MADRID’S PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Nowadays, most of the world’s biggest cities are facing a huge problem that affects directly the health and life quality of all their inhabitants; the high levels of urban pollution. Madrid, as the capital of Spain and the biggest city of the country, is one of the cities that suffers under this problem the most. Madrid is exceeding occasionally, as most of the large cities of the world, the pollutants concentration level that the World Health Organization considers safe to breathe.

Jaime García Hernanz

Local Group Madrid

Eduardo Pilkington

Engineer at EMT

©emtmadrid EMT Fleet (Carabanchel Operations Centre) @emtmadrid Urban air pollution

Gonzalo Fernández Sánchez

Engineer at EMT

is the public company that operates all the public

The most important pollutants that are in the cities’

buses in Madrid, having a fleet of about©emtmadrid 2,000 buses.

atmosphere are particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides

This company is actively involved in several international

(NOX) and ozone (O3), all of them are toxic, causing an

projects of

increase in mortality and numerous cardiovascular and

project CIVITAS-ECCENTRIC which is led by EMT.

respiratory system diseases. The main source of the PM

EMT is completely aware of the problem of the air quality

and NOX is the use of fossil fuels in transportation such as

in Madrid and their strategic plan for 2017-2020 has the

diesel and petrol.

goal of replacing all the diesel buses of the company for

Ozone in the low atmosphere is created by a chemical

eco-friendly buses by the end of 2020. This eco-friendly or

sustainable mobility, as the European

reaction that involves oxygen, NOX and sunlight, being a

green fleet consist of the low emissions or zero emissions

bigger problem in long warm and sunny periods like summer

buses, that are powered by Compressed Natural Gas

in Madrid. Fuels used in transportation also produce high

(CNG), hybrid and electric buses.

quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse effect gas that is the main cause of global warming. Breathing CO2

EMT currently has around 1,000 diesel, 940 CNG and 40

is not a health hazard yet, so it is not included in the urban

hybrid and 20 electric buses. By the end of 2020, EMT will

air quality problem.

have acquired close to 80 new electric buses and 940 new CNG buses, achieving a full green fleet.

Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid EMT (Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid)

“EMT is completely aware of the problem of the air quality in Madrid, and their strategic plan for 2017-2020 has the goal of replacing all the diesel buses of the company for eco-friendly buses by the end of 2020.”

18 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


Šemtmadrid EMT bus interior @emtmadrid Natural Gas and Eletric Buses

the bus operational centres, where they are charged, with

Compressed Natural Gas is the best fuel to replace diesel

new infrastructure and training the mechanics and workers.

at the moment. CNG buses are more efficient than diesel

This technology also comes with new operations and

and largely reduce the emissions. In CNG engines, NOX

logistics, with different charging times and route durations

emissions are notably reduced and they practically do

depending on the batteries. Ultra-fast charging methods

not have particulate matter emissions which means that

for plug-in chargers are able to charge the bus battery in a

investing in CNG powered buses highly contributes to

few seconds, like induction charge or pantograph chargers,

improving the urban air quality.

which can be implemented at bus stops.

Regarding electric buses, their engines do not have any

EMT is building an electric bus line where the electric buses

NOX or PM emissions, so they are completely beneficial

would be charged at the heads of the line with magnetic

for the whole city population. Electric buses do not have

induction fields in a few minutes, allowing the electric buses

any CO2 emissions either, consequently they do not directly

to work the whole day without being plugged.

contribute to global warming and climate change. Investing in sustainable mobility is investing in the future, Zero Emissions Strategy

improving health and life quality of the citizens, and building

EMT is planning a long-term strategy to renew the whole

a better city and a better world for future generations.

fleet for electric buses after having achieved the green fleet in 2020. The challenge of this full implementation of the electric fleet is that this technology is completely different from the ones previous used. It needs a renovation of all

EMT eletric buses being charged @emtmadrid

19 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


SUSTAINABLE URBAN FREIGHT LOGISTICS \\ Emerging Paradigm for the last-mile Delivery Challenge What is the Meaning of Sustainability in Freight

Deliveries? The

Annarita De Maio Local Group Calabria


Transparency: Most customers want to keep their orders under control across the whole transport


process, especially in the last-mile. In the modern on-

development” were met with high attention in the last




demand area, tracking codes are not able anymore to

decades. The widely accepted definition of sustainable

satisfy customers, because they want to have full and

development is “development that meets the needs of

real-time visibility about where the driver is and when

the present without compromising the needs of future

he will arrive exactly. This desire could be satisfied

generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission

only throughout a better synchronisation between

on Environment and Development, 1987). In general, a

infrastructures and real time data collection.

population growth in urban areas is regarded likely to •

happen in the future.

Efficiency: the efficiency is one of the main aims

As a consequence, transport and freight deliveries will

in the supply chain management. The request for

demand more and more resources, like energy or water.

increasing efficiency is growing with the desire

This will have a bad effect on public health issues like

for faster deliveries. Nowadays, the only possible

pollution, noise and traffic congestion. Moreover, analysts

instrument for continuous efficiency improvement in

expect online sales to continue growing as the amount of

the last mile is technology.

goods delivered to urban areas does, too. Applying “sustainability in freight deliveries” means building

A first answer: city-logistics concept

a freight transport sustainability strategy in order to achieve

The aim of city-logistics is to globally optimise logistics

a set of goals. Some examples for these goals would be the

systems within an urban area by considering the costs

reduction of congestion, gas emissions, local air pollution,

and benefits of two main classes of stakeholders which

noise and increasing the optimisation in loads and delivery

represent both the public and the private sector. In

distances, customer satisfaction and safety. This challenge

general, private shippers and freight carriers aim to reduce

is faced by the spread out of the “smartness” concept

their freight and delivery costs while the public sector

in the cities, with the aim to create strong connections

tries to improve the urban environment in terms of traffic

between human and social aspects and information and

congestion and pollution.

communications technology (ICT).

This two scopes usually fight each other. The secret to solve the conflict is to apply a “win-win” strategy in order

What is the Challenge in the last-mile Delivery?

to consider the interests of all the stakeholders. The

“Last-mile” is a term used in logistics to describe how goods

general scheme of city-logistics represents an interesting

are transported through the last part of the supply chain,

compromise in this sense. It is based on the possibility

generally from a transportation hub to a final destination.

to use a consolidation freight centre as major point for

This last step of the supply chain has to face completely

collecting freights from different sources. The centre allows

different issues than the other ones, and that’s why it is

to share assets between logistics operators and to plan

a big challenge for business companies and academic

optimised delivery routes in terms of distance and loads.

researchers that try to improve deliveries in the last mile.

It also allows to use smaller and environmental-friendly vehicles for the last-mile. A scheme like this helps to reduce

Cost: the last part of the supply chain is often less

emissions and air pollution.

efficient than the previous-ones, in fact it comprises

In order to combine the efficiency in the last mile with the

up to 28% of the total cost to move goods. This

promptness in delivery request and the reduction of the

evidence becomes more relevant if we think about

environmental impact, different vehicles and alternative

new customers’ expectations and, as a consequence,

solutions are used in pilot projects and real business (e.g.


bike-cargo, van-sharing, drones, intermediate boxes).




create difficulties for the planning and the delivery optimisation.

20 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

FOCUS TOPIC Future Trends for last-mile Deliveries in City-


The concept of sharing: Sharing platforms is a concept that becomes increasingly relevant in the logistics ecosystem. These platforms have the aim

Continuous change: Customers’ expectation in

to reduce switching costs and drive a proliferation of

deliveries is continuing to rise, but some inefficiencies

third-party shipping options. This complexity is linked

in the system are not solved. Besides, total integration

with the possibility to increase the vehicle utilisation,

is hard to reach taking into account the continuous

which reduces the costs per delivery. Those

changes in markets and logistics facilities. Lots of

platforms make integration easier for businesses,

players feel that integration is an enemy for cutting

considering additional shipping options such as bikes,

their earning and this approach generates a sort of

drones and smart lockers that give the possibility

suspicion by different players in sharing facilities and

to meet both the rising number of customers and

knowledge for a global optimisation. An open mind

the social expectations. The emerging concept of

and a new way of thinking about “integration” are

sharing economy will affect the rules of the logistics

necessary to face the last-mile challenge.

activities in the future and it could represent a major inspiration for new logistic solutions in the sustainable

Rise of ICT: The complexity of the urban space,

development of urban space.

affected by congestions and accidents, needs a continuous real-time optimisation that is possible only

The fleet of the future: The needs to share

by collecting big data and information from vehicles.

facilities and the main role played by technologies

The development of the new paradigms like the

impose to invest in telematics to build connected

Internet of Things, deliveries with occasional drivers,

fleet. Lots of logistics companies invest money in this

multi-modality and synchromodality in deliveries

field of research and those investments are expected

underline the necessity to better embed technologies

to continue. Collecting real time data and using them

and platforms in the last-mile.

in an intelligent way is a first key step for the last-mile optimisation. On the other hand, the necessity to reduce air pollution and congestion opens the way to the development of new innovative vehicles like semiautonomous and more efficient electric vehicles and drones. The new face of the last-mile In a world always connected by the Internet, that shares lots of information, each aspect of the human life has to be adapted to the innovation in technologies. The development of the Internet of Things is allowing the possibility for a huge number of items to communicate directly with each other. Freights will keep being continually monitored in terms of pressure, temperature, position and humidity with a big reduction of lost due to deterioration. In contrast, the use of intelligent vehicles and drones is enabling really fast small boxes’ deliveries in urban areas, shortening the length of the supply chain. In a world completely connected, the lastmile delivery is going to evolve as a real-time connected, customized, eco-friendly and optimised framework that

Comparing between traditional delivery scheme and city logistics.

21 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

embeds sustainable development.


AN ESTIEM WAY TO MBA A story from an ESTIEMer - Teodor Stanilov (ex Vice President of LG Sofia) who has graduated from an MBA program at Emory University in the USA and is an associate with AT Kearny. Learn how ESTIEM in particular was the driver that made him succeed in this journey. Tell us more about your ESTIEM experience. ESTIEM will always have a special place in my heart. I have so many great memories and close friends from all over Europe. The concept of “work hard, play hard” has always been my way of living. In addition, ESTIEM played

Teodor Stanilov LG Sofia

an important role in my professional development. My involvement in the Grants Committee, ReCoMs, CMs and of course the TIMES competition helped me grow into a business leader. I had many star stories to tell during my application process for the MBA program. Speaking about the MBA, can you give us more information about what MBA is and how you decided to apply? MBA stands for Masters in Business Administration and has a long-lasting tradition in the US. The program is getting more and more attention in Europe as well. It is usually a requirement to have a few years of work experience

“The program is very practical and gathers together people from diverse educational and professional backgrounds.”

before applying. This is one of the value propositions – everyone is bringing their expertise in the classroom. The program is very practical and gathers people from diverse educational and professional backgrounds. I had classmates from all over the world who used to be teachers, marketers, entrepreneurs and of course engineers before going back to school. I decided to apply because I believe the MBA is the perfect way to accelerate your career and to build the business acumen required to move organizations forward. It is an amazing supplement to an engineering degree.

22 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Is an MBA program a popular choice among engineers? It is indeed an extremely popular choice for engineers and I believe it is very suitable for former IEM students. I was able to leverage my analytical and quantitative skills, which are very important in business. I developed great business understanding on a variety of topics and complemented my knowledge with leadership and personal development classes. I highly recommend everyone in ESTIEM to consider doing an MBA.


Teodor Stanilov was part of ESTIEM Local Group Sofia. He was the VP of the LG and active in the ESTIEM Grants Committee. In addition, Teodor was part of the winning team of TIMES Semi-Final Sevilla 2012, and participated in the TIMES Final in Stockholm. He holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. Teodor is a Fulbright Scholar and completed his MBA at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. He currently works as a Management Consultant at A.T. Kearney.

How did ESTIEM help you to hit the ground run-

achievements I do well in this role and my company can

ning as a Management Consultant?

see this. All the cases in the TIMES Final in Stockholm in

Definitely with TIMES. Consulting is essentially a longer-

2012 were provided by consulting firms and that was when

term case competition – you collect data, you analyse it and

I first found out about the industry and was really fascinated

come up with actionable recommendations. Sometimes

by the dynamics of it. It is intellectually challenging and

you even stick around for the implementation phase. As

professionally rewarding and it gives you the unique

soon as you feel comfortable with a project, you will start a

opportunity to work closely with C-level executives of the

new one with a new client, in a new industry and potentially

largest companies in the world.

in a new function. Because of my TIMES experience and

23 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


SHARING THE KNOWLEDGE, SHAPING THE FUTURE Interview with Marko Kažić, CEO of Zamphyr

Nemanja Popović Local Group Novi Sad

How would you describeZamphyr in a few words?

give equal chances and work for humanity’s prosperity, we

Zamphyr is the idea to have a global school where we

need to rethink education, unlearn and level the field. This

teach about technology, which is an open, free, universally

is easily translated into our mission: We’re at the genesis

accessible and crowdsourced. We want to enable everyone

of modern education. We question everything and bring

on the planet to learn about technology by remodeling a

future makers to the world. Our mission is to provide the

school to fit humanity as a whole.

next generation with tech education. Our strongest belief is that the education of tomorrow breaks the cult of the

Can you describe what a start-up is? There are many interpretations of what a start-up is. For me, a start-up is a young person in an adults’ world, trying to

average. We will build around that belief to provide the first ever platform that truly is “School 2.0”. We want a technology school for the whole planet: Free, accessible and open.

find a way for their ideas to be What do you offer to people?

heard and to make a living out of realising those ideas.

Zamphyr is offering a way for everyone to learn how to code

What motivated you to

and design and to learn about

start Zamphyr? What

technology on equal terms, for


free. Good education is often not



vision and values?

accessible to everyone, and we are

While I was growing up my

hoping to change what humanity

education didn’t fit me well. I

can do by providing free education to

felt and I still feel like education is perpetuating an utilitarian system, producing rather than educating. Creativity

everyone. A lot of people acquire skills and knowledge but they don’t apply them. We offer them to work on projects,that have real

is an atom in the molecule called evolution, and we’re

life applications that can help charities and non-profit

the ones destroying it. More practically, programming and

organisations, or their local communities. This platform can

design at large are what is going to shape the next stage of

help with projects by connecting communities, people and

our evolution.The programmers of today are the heroes

industry leaders.

of tomorrow. And in order to shape societies, where we

24 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


What are the benefits of using Zamphyr instead of

How do you implement innovations in Zamphyr?

other platforms?

We nurture a philosophy of unlearning, questioning and

Zamphyr is implementing a “School 2.0” philosophy. Our

deconstructing. When we talk about ideas, we think about

paradigm of questioning decisions in didactics and education

design at large, and how our design is going to deliver. Best

got us far. Zamphyr is a crowdsourced platform, much like

innovation comes from naivety, and our societies are build

Wikipedia. Everyone can contribute to it and add content.

to discourage naivety. As a StartUp we have to create an

Zamphyr also uses the single source of truth schemata –

environment where we question these premises and iterate

we wish for knowledge to be merged not fragmented. A

on ideas that come from unlearning bad patterns.

very important part of our mission is to provide education to everyone in their own language and online to defeat

Where do you see Zamphyr in the next few years?

our geographic and cultural differences. Zamphyr is built

In the company of revolutionary ideas like Wikipedia,

like a platform, not just a school, so people, organisations

Ethereum, Torrent, Linux, etc. We have the potential to

and companies can build on top of it. This is the first

build a platform to change how we access education and

time humanity has a common ground for a global shift in

how we learn about technology.

education, which is our platform. Can students do an internship in Zamphyr and Who are your main rivals?

what are the benefits of doing internships in start-

It is my hope that an educational reform of this size is

up companies?

our common interest. There are a lot of companies that

Zamphyr is very open to change makers and visionaries

provide education as a commodity and we firmly believe,

joining as interns. We try to teach young people everything

and this is our cultural doctrine, that education should not

we can and the projects that we offer for our interns are

be sold, and that there should not be an economy profiting

very successful. If you want to change education, learn

from education itself. Rather, we should build a sustainable

about new technology and a new digital world, we are here

education so that profit can come from the results of it.

to build it together.

This is critical to our mission and to lowering the barrier of entry for a majority of people. Education should be free and

What would you advise to students of Industrial

profit should come as a result of good education.

Engineering and Management? Question everything.

25 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


COMMUNITY-BASED APPROACHES TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT People are what make cities to be cities. More people living together within the same area, possibly with similar characteristics and attitudes, make a community. I believe that by coming together, sharing, working, learning and celebrating together as a community we can rapidly increase the sustainability of area and city. Sustainability in general means living in a way to maintain

Laine Šildere

Local Group Riga

Neighbourhood festivals are initiated by locals with

and possibly improve the environment for the next

the goal to bring together citizens from the closest

generations. As the focus topic of 53rd Magazine is

neighbourhood for a meeting, socialising and creating

sustainable development, this article will raise awareness

common traditions. The local government helps with

of how we can join and possibly run community-based

organisation and funds.

activities in the closest neighbourhoods and wider areas. According to Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on

A citizen forum is initiated by the local government

Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, cities today

to bring together as much people as possible

occupy approximately only 2% of the total land, however

and engaging them via workshops and facilitating

they make 70% of the economy, over 60% of global energy

discussions with a goal to find out how Cesis should

consumption, 70% of greenhouse gas emissions and 70%

look like in the following years.

of global waste. Knowing all this, in 2016, world leaders and planners came together for the third time to set up The

The platform “Cesis project bank” gives an

New Urban Agenda, which is a shared vision for a better

opportunity for citizens to apply with their unique,

and more sustainable future. In this vision all people have

socially important and sustainable project or initiative

equal rights and access to the benefits and opportunities

ideas and get funding to make them real, such as an

^that cities can offer, and in this vision the international

outdoor cinema or organising a street festival.

community reconsiders the urban systems and physical form of our urban spaces to achieve these equal rights and

Sport activities outdoors is initiated by local activists

accesses. One of the aspects cities are envisaging is citizen

to bring more people together and promote a healthy

participation in a sense of belonging and ownership.

lifestyle and get to know the town.

Therefore, a public participatory or, in other words,

With this being said, I invite you to be part of your

community-based approach in decision making process and

neighbourhood’s community, create your own tools of

other matters is crucial for the sustainable development of

participation, share the experiences you have gained as

cities. The International Association for Public Participation

an IEM professional and all together foster sustainable

has developed a public participation framework (see the


picture). A well-fitting example to illustrate the framework is Cesis town in Latvia which in an attractive way fosters ownership of their environment and future, e.g.:

References: Page No. 8

26 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects



Data Science and Business Process Management

International and personal Practical and connected Disruptive and innovative

27 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Apply now!


MAKER MOVEMENT Today’s consumer desires products perfectly fit to their unique need. While companies have perfected their systems for mass-production, today’s competitive advantage lies in the realisation of high product variation, in Germany often referred to as the “trend towards batch size zero”. The Maker Movement creates an environment that allows the consumer to become a part of the production process in order to achieve a higher level of customisation. A consumer who engages in the act of production is called a ‘prosumer’.

Rebekka Nagel

Local Group Dortmund, Istabul-Yildiz

Uwe Sondhof TU Dortmund

Transformation of the Production System after Yoram Koren

The Maker Movement is a technology based extension of

development of open source software lead to technological

the ‘Do It Yourself ’ culture. It’s about the old arts and crafts,

advancement focused on societal benefits rather than

but by adding in electronics and programming, it becomes a

stakeholders profits.

real source of innovation. Following the motto, “If you can

Democratization of Technology

imagine it you can build it”, the Maker Movement can be

Having the right tools is essential to make things, but 3D

characterised by three main guiding principles.

printers and laser cutters are rather expensive. Therefore, makerspaces provide access to various technologies for

Do It Yourself Culture

free or in exchange for a small fee. By doing so, they often

The one mentality all makers share is to DO-IT-YOURSELF.

specifically aim to democratize technology. Following the

So, they produce, repair, improve, personalise and recycle.

ideology of unlimited access to knowledge, makerspaces

While the specific motivation may vary, it’s simply satisfying

become a centre for education. Young and old find

to be able to say “I did this” after finishing a project.

opportunities to learn how to manufacture goods albeit for personal use or as the basis to start their own businesses.

Open Innovation Being eager to show what they made and how they did it, Makers document their projects with step by step instructions and publish them online. However, besides sharing knowledge, low-cost and easy to use hard- and software are needed to truly engage everyone. A mindset of stimulating common based peer production and the

28 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

“There is something unique about making physical things. These things are like little pieces of us and seem to embody portions of our souls.”

SCENE can break familiar pattern ofthought showing excellent imagination and improvisation. Editing a Maker project promotes communication in the team and with other Makers worldwide. This promotes both the competence to solve technical problems as well as the social competence. Global networking allows very direct feedback on projects and depending on the response, the step to marketing via a kickstarter platform is not big. As students desire a more practical approach to their studies, a maker workshop was developed at the TU Dortmund/Chair of Materials Handling and Warehousing (FLW) to provide students with a better understanding of existing systems and techniques. At the same time students are encouraged to develop and implement their own concepts related to the Internet of Things, actively shaping digital change in logistics Instead of following a step by step instruction, replicating something existing on their own, the students create something new and valuable. The workshop at the FLW is designed to stimulate interest in applied electrical engineering and programming. Creating direct experiences, the workshop provides a sustainable way of learning possible. Without prior knowledge, the participants manage this task in about 3 to 4 hours within a self-found group. A few years Bringing the Maker Mindset to Students The Maker Movement provides non-experts with powerful but easy-to-use tools enabling them to realise projects which were previously only reserved for students of electrical engineering or computer sciences. The access barrier to highly complex digital tools has become very low and typical maker projects can be implemented with relatively little effort. By sharing experiences with other makers, the student who becomes the new maker can benefit. Building on previous work and knowledge, students can focus on their own creativity. The Maker Movement allows easy handling of advanced technology, playfully developing new products and the maker’s self-esteem as well as their growing experience from project to project. Trying to understand the objects they use and their relations, and critically questioning what is known, they

29 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

ago an engineer’s degree would have been required for the development of such a device and the processing time would have been several days. The workshop was developed in close co-operation with students of Logistics and Economics, in other words: Task Example of the Workshop at FLW: In your warehouse you will find raw materials for highquality medicines, which must be stored in a defined temperature range. Your customer asks you for a complete documentation, which has to be accessible online. Construct a device that measures the temperature value every 60 seconds and inserts it into a Google Spreadsheet, which is stored on a Google Drive. Write the program for the device.

SCENE specialist foreigners, and has been successfully carried out with several trial groups. As a next step, the concept of ‘learning by means of a workshop’ is intended to be included in the study plan within the next few semesters. If you got curious about the workshop, have a look at the project’s website, which provides further information on the used tools and materials, as well as programming examples. Become a Maker!

Makerworkshop website

Or you can see for yourself as Local Group Dortmund is planning to organise a 3-day Maker Workshop for ESTIEMers in April 2018.

“Creating the workshop showed me that the Maker Movement is truly for everyone. Normal students contributed to the workshop, learned the topic step by step and outdid our expectations by far. A big motivation for me was teaching other people. It was the perfect opportunity to use my knowledge and provide it for interested students.”

- Jens Sarachman (3rd from left),

Logistics student at TU Dortmund who was involved in developing the Maker Workshop

30 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


THE UNTAPED POTENTIAL OF CSR \\ Enhance your Organisation through Societal Engagement The citizens of the world today become more and more

A conscious leadership and culture that enhance open

conscious about the social and environmental conditions in

discussions and allow freedom for the employees under

the world around them and have a need to contribute to a

clear responsibilities and mandates together with a constant

better future for coming generations. This is something that

discussion and dialog about the vision, and how the

is now expected of companies through CSR. Even though

organisation contributes to society, are the key elements to

organisations understood the benefits of being societal

enhance organisations through societal engagement.

engaged for creating stronger ties with their conscious

This study has shown that societal engagement can

customers, there are large gaps in their understanding of

contribute to stronger customer and employee connections,

their organisations’ members’ need for fulfilment and the

as well as better external branding and local best fits for

benefits that allowing one’s employees to feel conscious at

the organisation. Through a further investigation of the

work can bring.

organisation member benefits from societal engagement, it

Our study investigated how the benefits from societal

was found that employee fulfilment and motivation were



enhanced if the employee felt part of the organisations’

and what factors influence the benefits, and thus how




societal engagement. This in turn has a strong influence

these benefits can be achieved and used to enhance the

over the employee loyalty and employee presence, which

organisation. Through fifteen in-depth interviews with

are important organisational benefits.

CEOs, administrators, test engineers, facility managers, and

These findings are only some of the nine organisation

more, some very interesting findings were discovered.

benefits and thirteen organisation member benefits found.

Through analysing the benefits perceived by the

The complete mapping of benefits and their possible

organisations and organisation members it has been found

relations to some 30 factors can be found in the full report,

that societal engagement contributes to many benefits for

together with the extensive interview summaries and

the organisation. Strengthening customer connections and

important theories.

external branding were expected outcomes, but it was also found that, if managed in a walk-the-talk way, societal

The thesis report can be found by searching for “Azcarate &

engagement strengthens and enhances employee relations,

Enlund” at or Google Scholar.

employee loyalty and output as well as employee health.

31 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Isabel Azcarate Local Group Gothenburg

Jonas Enlund

Local Group Gothenburg


TO BE OR NOT TO BE SCARED: THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF THE FUTURE For the moment, we can simply claim that computers and humans have complementary skills. Once the task is clear and explained step by step, computers can perform the function very fast without any errors.

That being said, computers are very useful in factories

general human cognitive capabilities. This means that, faced

where fast production is important, in hospitals where

with unfamiliar situation, it can analyse and find a solution

small errors can cause major troubles and in many other

to the problem and it can work intelligently.

fields in our daily lives. On the other hand, humans might

Buse Ece Güldiken

Local Group Istanbul-Boğazici

not be able to process the task as fast as computers but

Although there are still discussions whether having

they can think in an analytical and abstract way, they can

computers with human brain capability can ever be

solve unusual problems and can find creative solutions.

possible, it is being discussed if artificial general intelligence

More important, humans are able to generate and discover

will be desirable.

new things using their cognitive capabilities but we cannot expect computers to invent something that does not exist.

To be or not to be

None of the machines that we are using now in our daily

According to some researchers, AI cannot have positive or

lives have the ability to think on their own and create a

negative behaviours ethically, since it does not necessarily

solution for our problems.

have conscience nor emotions. That being said, researchers believe that the presence of unconscionable computers

Considering these aspects we cannot compare the human

can result in two unfortunate outcomes in the future.

brain and the computer at the moment, but should we in the future?

First, AI can be programmed to execute an act that could have tragic results. Even in today’s AI integrated weapons,

What is Artificial Intelligence?

the AI could be programmed to kill if the AI is in wrong

The level of AI achieved so far in our century is known

hands. To prevent that, today’s AI weapons are not fully

as “Narrow Artificial Intelligence”. This means AI is just

autonomous. Considering a fully autonomous AI weapon, this weapon could even wipe out the entire human race if it’s programmed accordingly.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the sub-branch of computer science which aims to develop computers with a similar capability to the human brain. The research within the branch is conducted by analysing how the human brain works, reasons and thinks.

specialised in one task, such as playing chess or recognising a face. So the same engine cannot perform any other task than its specialisation. For instance, if an AI device is specialised in processing a natural language it cannot make weather forecasts. So in Narrow AI, the computers work in a limited context, they cannot go beyond their fields. Thus these artificial intelligence devices can perform routine jobs with a high capacity but are still far away from human capability. Besides, the “Artificial General Intelligence” concept, also known as Human-Level AI, is the type of AI that has

32 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Second, AI could execute an act that is beneficial, but can result in tragic outcomes. The AI can always be


programmed to satisfy our needs; but as AI doesn’t have

cumulative advancements in technology. Thus he admits

a conscience and ethical concerns, an act done by AI can

that national or international regulatory steps should be

result in something that doesn’t fit humanity’s rules. For

taken to prevent irrational activities throughout the world.

instance, the AI programmed to prevent global warming and to protect the world’s ecosystem might decide to

As a conclusion, this topic is still very obscure to adjudge but

destroy the mankind.

it is sure that we are in front of an epoch of innovation that can drive plenty of opportunities but also disadvantages to society and the entire humanity. It is hard to predict if this technological era will be utopian or dystopian but it

“...this topic is still very obscure to adjudge but it is sure that we are in front of an epoch of innovation that can drive plenty of opportunities but also disadvantages to society and the entire mankind.”

is clear that interaction between artificial intelligence and humans will further increase. In my opinion, there can be happier lives if robots can be used to aid human benefits. For example, robots can work in life-critical jobs where people are risking their lives or, even better, every person can have a helping robot, such as robots that can work and earn money for people. But what I understood after reading A. Huxley’s ‘Brave

This topic has also been discussed by popular figures in

New World’ and G. Orwell’s ‘1984’, is that technology

technology, such as Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon

has always seemed so close but actually it is not being

Musk. Taking the example of Bill Gates, former boss of

developed that fast, thus there will be a long period of

Microsoft, he claims that people should be concerned with

time before these presumptions will come true. Therefore

the artificial intelligence’s progress although he thinks it will

I believe these discussions are just starting and humans will

take decades for AI to pose a threat to humans. Accordingly,

have plenty of time to observe where these developments

Elon Musk, founder of Paypal and Tesla, also believes that

will take them.

humanity should be careful with AI, as AI can actually have the capability of wiping out the entire humanity with the

33 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


RETAIL OPERATIONS AND ESTIEM’S ACADEMIC DAYS \\ a match made in Porto Retailing is a significant sector of the economy in which changes in markets, firms, processes and products occur rapidly. In particular, the wind that blows from the United States

like Amazon, Zara, Walmart or Best-Buy developed

shows how disruptive it is still possible to be in such a

operational innovations which have been adopted also in

traditional sector. For example, recently, the acquisition

other industries. In the last decade, e-commerce and omni-

by Amazon,a traditionally pure-player retailer, of Whole

channel retailing, technological advances and the rise of big

Pedro Amorim

Foods, a traditionally brick-and-mortar food retailer,

data have changed retail practice, operational requirements

was quite a game-changer, which illustrates that this is an

and the competitive landscape. Retail operations have unique

Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto

industry to be paying attention in the upcoming years.

elements, such as multi-channel operations, assortment planning, shelf-space allocation and store execution that

Within the broad topic of retail, retail operations emerged

are different from issues faced by other players in the

as a substantial and important area of research and practice

supply chain. Furthermore, the direct customer interaction

in recent years. Actually, the retail industry has been a

requires different models from B2B industries that also take

thought leader in the development and design of advanced

into account the consumer interaction. It is also noticeable

operations concepts and processes since the 1990s. Firms

that the continued development of quantitative models,

Pedro Amorim is Assistant Professor at the Industrial

Mellon, Technical University of Berlin, Ingolstadt School

Engineering and Management Department at the Faculty

of Management, University of São Paulo and Technical

of Engineering of University of Porto that also teaches at

University of Lisbon. In recent years, Pedro Amorim has

the Porto Business School. He is the head of the Research

been supervising and conducting numerous national and

Center for Industrial Engineering and Management from

European funded projects, co-authoring more than 20

INESC TEC – Associate Laboratory. Pedro Amorim is also

research papers in the fields of supply chain management,

the co-founder of LTPlabs, which is a boutique management

optimization and fast moving consumer goods.

consultancy company that applies advanced analytical

Pedro is fluent in Portuguese, English and French. He

methods to help making better complex decisions.

received his undergraduate education and the Ph.D.

Sara Martins


Maria Pires


degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Pedro Amorim was a FCT and Carnegie Mellon-Portugal scholar and has held visiting appointments at Carnegie

34 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Universidade do Porto, Portugal.


“The feedback received was very rewarding and it was clear that this is a topic that is relevant for Industrial Engineering and Management students.”

with these initiatives, we designed the Academic Days in Retail Operations at Porto to bring students from all over Europe to explore this fertile area of knowledge together with researchers who are specialists in this field. The overall idea was to provide morning sessions that expose the main concepts in this field and afternoon

their practical need and the growing availability of data

sessions that were focused on applying them. We also

motivates an increasing number of researchers and

brought along the largest Portuguese food retailer.

practitioners to intensify efforts on demand and supply-

Therefore, besides a visit to their retail operations,

related issues in retail. Clearly, this is a domain in which

participants also had the opportunity to help solving one

Industrial Engineers can help in shaping the future landscape.

of the many challenges they face. The issue was related to

To that end, it is necessary to fully grasp the meaning of

assessing the best way to internalize the picking operations

the word ‘Industrial’ and be comfortable in stretching the knowledge boundaries that we have been self-imposing. In order to address this dynamic setting there are several European initiatives that aim at improving the state-of-theart knowledge and awareness on retail operations. Good examples are the recently formed EURO Working Group in retail operations, which brings together researchers and practitioners with an analytical background to discuss retail operations topics, or the special issue on Retail Operations on OR Spectrum, which is an European scientific journal focusing on Operations Research. In line

35 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Sara Martins is a researcher at INESC TEC Technology and Science - Associate Laboratory and an Invited Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP). She holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering by FEUP. In 2014 she joined the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at FEUP as a Ph.D. candidate. Her main field of research is Operations Research and Management Science, particularly concerning tactical supply chain planning for retailers.

SCENE of their smallest chain of stores, which has been so far

To put in action the different concepts exposed in the

outsourced. Hence, groups of students were formed to

morning sessions, afternoon sessions were built around

solve the challenge and the solutions were presented to a

active learning and three case studies were discussed,

jury with senior staff of the food retail company. Regarding

namely: Tesco’s Digital Transformation, Tamago-Ya of

the morning sessions, the key three topics addressed

Japan, and Exel plc-Supply Chain Management at Haus

and the related learning objectives were the following:


New Trends in Retail Operations

The results of the event were extraordinary. The feedback

• •

Understand the different stages of retail

received was very rewarding and it was clear that this


is a topic that is relevant for Industrial Engineering and





Management students. It is also worth to note that the

Raise awareness of omni-channel operational

general feeling is that retail topics are not covered in most


of the Industrial Engineering and Management curricula.

Identify the most suitable strategies for omni-

This impression definitely deserves further attention both

channel retailing in the different segments.

from teachers and students across the different European institutions.

Retail Supply Chain •

Describe the retailer supply chain and recognize the differences to other supply chains;

Distinguish the different decision modules of the retail supply chain planning;






disadvantages of different network designs Retail Execution •

Recognize the role of retail stores in the supply chain and in omni-channel retailing;

Identify the in-store operations and the related stakeholders;

Understand the challenge of designing retail stores.

36 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Maria Pires is PhD candidate in the Doctoral Program in Engineering and Industrial Management, in Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), a researcher at INESC TEC Technology and Science - Associate Laboratory, and an Invited Professor at FEUP. Her main field of research is Operations Research and Management Science. Within this scientific area, she is focused on grocery retailing, more specifically in studying ways to improve space management in retail stores.


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37 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

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TRAINEE EXPERIENCE \\ Junior Managers Program at Bosch Lea Bäumann has studied Industrial engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt. After her studies she joined the Junior Managers Program (JMP) at Bosch with a focus on purchasing. The Trainee Program prepares highly qualified young professionals to assume management responsibility. In the interview with ESTIEM, Lea talks about her experiences with the JMP. What happened in the selection procedure for the

interview. Applicants who didn’t make it to the next round

trainee position?

were invited to a feedback talk where they were given the

I sent my application documents at the end of July via

reasons for the decision.

the applicant portal. I received an invitation to a phone

Lea Bäumann

Bosch Trainee

interview which was run by an external supplier very

In my interview in the afternoon we discussed my CV again,

quickly. The phone call was mostly about my CV, my first

my practical year abroad and my motivation for the Junior

experiences with leadership and the experiences I had

Managers’ Program. I also received feedback on what

gathered abroad during my practical year in Xi’an in China.

impressions I’d made on the observers during the various tasks in the morning.

Only a few days later I received an invitation to the assessment


After only a day I got a call to organise an appointment

uncertainty and nerves disappeared very quickly as the




for my next interview with my future mentor and Human

atmosphere in the assessment center was very respectful


and the applicants were given some time to talk and take a break.

This talk was largely on technical subjects, my Master’s degree which I was writing at the time and then again on

Also, the tasks were challenging but doable. The other

the leadership experience which I’d already had.

applicants and personnel were very open and friendly.

After the talk, my mentor and the HR representative gave

I can only recommend to be yourself, not only for the

me positive feedback and told me that I only had one

Assessment Center but also for the entire application

more hurdle to pass. Then followed a 30-minute talk with

process, authentic and to not misrepresent yourself. In

Mr. Nowak, the President of Corporate Purchasing and

addition, it helped me a lot to talk openly with the other


applicants and solve the team tasks together. I was given direct oral acceptance in this talk and had the After an individual case study, a self-presentation and a

job offer in the mail a short time later. The application

group discussion, we were told whether we had made it

process went unbelievably quickly, it took exactly one

into the next selection round and could stay for a further

month from sending in my application documents to

38 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

CAREER the time of acceptance. During the entire time I had the

take part in negotiations. In addition I had the chance to

impression that not only was I applying to Bosch, but that

visit my project’s new supplier in Bulgaria and to conduct a

the company was also “applying” to me.

FMEA with the project team.

What is the overall process of the trainee program?

My second station in Project Purchasing, however, was

The Bosch Junior Managers Program prepares you to

more technical as it concerned the identification of the cost-

assume management responsibility in the future. The idea

saving potentials of a product manufactured on site. For

is to get to know the various divisions of the company over

this I organized workshops with Production, had technical

the 24 months of the Program. As a Purchasing trainee, I

discussions with suppliers, and drove the implementation

am organisationally with CP (Corporate Purchasing); one

of the results. In addition, I had the opportunity to be

of my two personal mentors is also located there and has

creative in this station as I had to develop a system for

given me good advice throughout the program. As I’m

the calculation and assessment of packaging prices. In

making my program in the Power Tools business unit, I

the course of this I was in close contact with the sites in

have another mentor there who is also accompanying me

Mexicali and West Memphis and was also allowed to take a

the whole time, giving me technical support and helping

business trip there for data recording and analysis.

with my station planning. I’m currently spending my station abroad in Project The individual stations last between three and six months.

Purchasing again and am looking after five local cost-savings

Apart from various Purchasing departments, a station

projects in Penang, Malaysia. However, the projects here

abroad and a functional change are also intended. When

are more advanced than those in Leinfelden, which is

I started the first two stations were already fully planned,

why my tasks here concern more sample acquisition and

I could actively help plan the other stations, based on

qualification, tests and releases.

my ideas and interests. I spent my first station in Buyout Purchasing in Leinfelden. After this I changed to Project

Apart from day-to-day business, I’ve also been involved in

Purchasing at the same site for the blue power tools. I’m

some projects of the children’s aid organization Primavera,

currently making my station abroad in Malaysia and am

which was founded and is still supported by Bosch

working in Project Purchasing here too. Owing to the

employees. For example, I designed and marketed the

experience I’d already had in Leinfelden, I was able to find

2017 Primavera calendar with other JMP colleagues and

my way here very quickly and take over subprojects.

sold it at my site. I also supported the Spring concert of the Bosch Jazz Orchestra and organized a two-day jazz concert

Another decisive advantage of the program is the many

for Christmas. One hundred percent of the proceeds

seminars you can visit. These include obligatory seminars

from all activities went to support Primavera projects. The

depending on the functional area, seminars on leadership

voluntary work isn’t just a pleasure because you can achieve

topics and those which you can choose depending on your

something good, but also because the collaboration with


the JMP colleagues is extremely efficient. Everyone gives their best effort and we don’t forget to have some fun

Highlights during the program also include the JMP meetings, which take place within the functional area, in an international setting, as well as interdisciplinarily. This is always a good opportunity for getting to know each other and for networking. There are usually also management representatives at the evening meetings who were present at the seminar/workshop during the day. So there’s always the opportunity to ask all sorts of questions and dive into interesting discussions. What are your main tasks and activities on a normal work day? I spent my first station in Buyout Purchasing in Leinfelden at Power Tools, where I took over one complete project from a colleague and supported another. My tasks were therefore very strongly influenced by project management activities. I also analised offers and helped to prepare and

39 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


CAREER Regarding work-life-balance: how many hours do

How do you find the work atmosphere in the

you work in a week?


My regular working time during the week is 40 hours,

The work atmosphere has been very open, warm and

which I can organise myself. So far this has gone smoothly

friendly in all departments. I have already experienced in

at each station. Of course, there are more stressful times

China that Bosch allocates great value on appreciating their

when I stay in the office longer, but in return I can leave

employees. This was what mostly persuaded me to apply

earlier on the quiet days.

for the entry-level position as a trainee at Bosch.

I like to come to the office in the early morning and thus

In every station so far I’ve built a comprehensive network

also leave a bit earlier - that way I can enjoy a few hours of

of colleagues who I regularly keep in contact with, even

sport or with friends during the day. Everyone can manage

after the end of the station, this also applies to my bosses.

their working hours as they like.

Friendships which go beyond the day-to-day business have also developed among the trainee colleagues at the JMP

As sport helps me to forget work for a few hours and relax,

meetings, Primavera activities, and seminars. In addition,

I always take time for it at least twice a week, even in the

there is a large and highly active network of trainees who

more stressful project phases.

do things occasionally in the evenings in the Stuttgart area. As you can see in one of the pictures below, the contacts

Apart from sport, I really like to explore the world. I’m

are so close that we visit each other even during our

able to take some great holidays with my annual vacation

international stations and discover new cultures together.

and some flexi hours. In my current station in Malaysia, for example, I can leave earlier on quiet Fridays and take

Another advantage of this open work atmosphere is that at

a flight to Singapore, Cambodia or Bangkok and enjoy two

each station, I was already able to work on tasks faster and

full days of sightseeing.

more effectively and on problems more efficiently through my network of trainees and former colleagues, because I

In general, I can say that all my bosses have paid a lot of attention that I take my holidays regularly and have a proper work-life balance. However, there’s also a certain self-discipline required and everyone has to look after their own harmony and should know how to relax in stressful phases and take a break.

40 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

could make use of several areas of knowledge.


Your conclusion about the Bosch Junior Managers

to design the search for a permanent position. This isn’t


fixed at the start of the program and needs to be actively

I am still as happy with my decision to dedicate myself to

found by the JMP participant. This ensures that each JMP

two exciting years of new experiences and challenges as I

participant can optimally include their interests, abilities and

was at the beginning of the program.

experience and find their ideal position.

I was given a lot of trust at each station so that I was able to

Lastly, I would like to highlight the intensive support of my

assert myself in challenging tasks and assume responsibility

mentors who answer every question, always have an open

for my own results. This really encourages faith in your

ear and drive personal development. Open feedback with

own abilities and I therefore enter the first meetings with

my mentors and managers after or during the individual

experienced colleagues in a new station with a lot more

stations also helps to balance my self-image and the views

self-confidence than at the start of the program.

of my managers/mentors which consequently drive constant development. My entry into working life couldn’t

Apart from the exciting and challenging tasks, the

have been better.

performance-related salary and open-ended work contract you receive from the start obviously speak for themselves. Another advantage of the program is the variety of the divisions, functions and tasks you come into contact with. Thanks to the many insights, you get a good sense of what to do after you finished the program and can actively help

Interested in joining the Junior Managers Program? Apply online!

41 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects




Tell us about your career until now:

What does your average working day look like?

As a spin off of the ESTIEM Student Guide, I founded

There is no average day as I am travelling a lot. Overall

StudyPortals in 2009 with two ESTIEM friends. We are on

10% in transit

a mission to make education choice transparent globally.

20% coaching our awesome management team and

We help students finding all their study options globally in

extended leadership team

Edwin van Rest Local Group Eindhoven

one platform, and make an informed choice on the basis of

20% coaching the North American troops that are conquering the promised land: USA

a wealth of data. We help institutions recruiting students

20% key clients and partners

from all over the world through one channel, on the basis

20% innovative projects and product innovation

of results.

10% recruiting global talents that want to help us make the world a better place through more equal

It took us about five years to fully conquer Europe, since

international education opportunities.

2014 we are going after the world. Now we work for 2,550 universities from 110 countries. We have about 29 million

What are your plans for the future?

student users this year, 200 people in the team, offices

Building the Amazon of learning.

in Australia, Netherlands, UK, US, Romania, Mexico, Sri Lanka and still growing rapidly.

Which impact did ESTIEM have on your career? A great impact - I had a lot of fun and made friends I still meet today. Also it developed my skills as a leader and it

Your name:

sparked the idea for the business. I think we recruited over

Edwin van Rest

15 ESTIEMers over the company’s lifetime.

Your Local Group: Eindhoven

Tell us your most memorable ESTIEM story.

Year of graduation:

That’s classified.

2006 Your current job:

What is your advice to current ESTIEMers?

Co-Founder and CEO of

The world is at your feet. Dream big and go for it. You have

Your current living place:

very little to lose.

Boston Who do you choose as the next ESTIEM Alumnus to be interviewed? Kees Jochem Wehrmeijer

42 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects



Tell us about your career until now:

Which impact did ESTIEM have on your career?

After the MPhil graduation I joined BCG in Budapest

ESTIEM helped me a lot to have a broader understanding

and have been a consultant ever since. I was working on

of cultures, feel comfortable in performing in challenging

projects in Greece, Slovenia, Romania, Czech Republic, the

situations and to develop soft skills to be successful at

United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. My main focus was

work. On top of that ESTIEM supported me in realizing

on strategic transformation and operations improvement

how important it is to be responsible for our work and use

in the energy, financial services and industrial goods sector.

our capabilities to develop our surroundings.

Prior to BCG I was an intern at Continental Automotive

Tell us your most memorable ESTIEM story.

in Japan. It was a fantastic experience to learn about

My most memorable ESTIEM event was the Summer

manufacturing in a completely different environment.

Academy in Siegen in 2010 with Jim Platts. We were staying in this picturesque cottage in the forest and spent 14 days

What does your average working day look like?

together on reflecting on the purpose of life.

I usually start the day with a swim or some sports to freshen up the mind. This is followed by a healthy breakfast that

What is your advice to current ESTIEMers?

usually includes a discussion with a colleague on how to

Be bold and ambitious. You need to be brave and believing

‘divide and conquer’ for that day. After breakfast I am

in yourself that you can achieve what you dream about.

heading to the client office to facilitate a workshop or discuss

Think about what you are good at, what you are passionate

plans on how to move on with the project. At the end of

about, what you can be paid for and what the world needs.

the afternoon I usually head back to the hotel a bit earlier to

This will be your main purpose to focus on.

do a bit of gym and refuel with an early, light dinner. After

Your name:

dinner I participate in a few meetings with colleagues on the project and thereafter, I retire to my room and call my family and friends or read a book. What are your plans for the future? I would like to build up my own company, where I manufacture a product that can create a big impact on the region, contribute to its development and which I am passionate about. I also would like to take a gap year to try out things that I would normally not do, e.g. become a barista, sommelier, baker, farmer...

Csaba Hartmann Your Local Group: Cambridge, Budapest Year of graduation: 2015 Your current job: Consultant at BCG Your current living place: Toronto Who do you choose as the next ESTIEM Alumnus to be interviewed? Rogier de Jonge

43 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Csaba Hartmann Local Group Budapest, Cambridge


THE CATERPILLAR AND THE BUTTERFLY \\ A story about ESTIEM’s transformation “There’s nothing harder to change than people. Except organisations, because they’re made of lots of them.” Motivation

Thought Process

Our Board had an especially hard time at goal setting. Our

We set out with the goal of adapting the backbone

initial discussions always led to some minor initiatives and

structure of ESTIEM to better serve the purposes of the

adjustments, but nothing really seemed to hit the nail on

network. Projects were no longer fitting the definition of

the head.

a project, and the current system did not create much

Pedro Schuller However, by the time of our second Board Meeting, we had

Vice President of a common understanding of a root cause for many of the Finance 2016/2017, problems in ESTIEM. I remember writing on a whiteboard Local Group that “Central ESTIEM revolves too much around itself ”, Porto not focused on delivering value for the IEM students and

freedom for new ideas to be tried out and implemented. The first part of this journey went through the depths of documents and forum posts of the past three to four years. We were delighted to find out that plenty before us have stumbled upon this problem and recognised that ESTIEM

associations it supposedly is there for.

was having excessive coordination efforts.

For us it was like Central ESTIEM was an organisation that

Some of them suggested that for the structure to be able

was an end in itself, a platform for people to get engaged in

to bear an increasing number of initiatives and services,

international work, but that wasn’t really there to produce

without becoming impossible to manage, was to cluster

anything, as long as people were busy. Of course, this was

the current activities in some way, creating purpose - and

an exaggeration at the time, but we felt that ESTIEM could

not brand-driven environments. We had particular affinity

really be much more than what we were used to.

with this idea, and decided to explore more deeply, in one way by reading further on organisational design, and

“The opposite of getting better is a form of natural degradation, this occurs with entropy -everything gets worse over time - so just to keep organisations even we still have to have improvement” - Gregory H. Watson

44 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

in another by having a chat with some professors of the area. After several iterations of the proposal with previous board members, leaders, and actives, we presented a proposal whose main components were the creation of Departments, a rearrangement of Committees and a reflection on Board positions.



chance to team-build and discuss important topics- and the

Most discussions and ideas in ESTIEM are exciting to come

Handover Board Meeting. We were happy to find that six

up with, and sound great on paper, but require quite

ESTIEMers were excited to grab this project by the horns

some willpower to implement. The structure change is no

and give it a personal touch as well. Perhaps that is one of

different. The main hardship we faced during this process

our biggest victories.

was transparency. How could we communicate something early enough, but that we felt was not ready yet? How can

At the present date, some of the changes are becoming

we transmit a complex proposal that we are in shoulders-

visible. All four Departments have their own CoM, and the

deep to people that are hearing it for the first time?

Committee structure is being reformed. We can expect talks and proposals for new Board positions soon. The new

Moreover, an earlier version of the proposal had impacts

structure also allows for more financial flexibility. Still, a lot

on certain traditions that are very dear to active ESTIEMers,

remains open. Many answers will have arrived by the time

such as elections, titles, names and positions. We

this article is published, and I confess to be very curious

underestimated the resistance that these changes would

about those. One thing is for sure, though. At the center

bring, which led us to reduce some of the implications of

of this movement will be the people, the current and future

the proposal. The 27th Board had quite some fun on its

leadership of ESTIEM.

fifth Board Meeting, in Berlin, where we spent our time in pairs having Skype chats with Leaders and Applicants, trying

Even though what motivates this change is to provide more

to convince them of our vision. What’s a journey without

value to IEMers and Member Associations in general, the

some bumps in the road?

people that, through their voluntary work and passion, actually make it all possible, must also be ultimately able to


take more from ESTIEM and get their deserved recognition.

The proposal was approved with a comfortable majority

Therefore, I’d like to thank my Co-Boardies, my professors

at CM Poznan. It was crucial for our Board and Boards to

José and Américo, but also the new Leaders, as well as

come to have a mandate to change things significantly. The

Diogo, Francisca, Yassine, Joonas, Sunny and Minh, for

structure change was a major part of both the Leader’s

taking this challenge as their own.

CoM -an event where the newly elected Leaders had the References: “Getting organisational redesign right”, Mckinsey Quarterly (June 2015); “10 Principles of Organisation Design”, strategy+business, Issue 79 (Summer 2015)

45 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


HOW TO IMPROVE THE IMAGE OF YOUR LOCAL GROUP Public Relations is a key topic within ESTIEM. How students, universities and companies see and understand ESTIEM and everything that is done within our network is very important, which is why we need to have a well-recognized brand .

Jaime Garcia Hernanz Local Group Madrid

Evgenia Mingaleeva Local Group St. Petersburg

The image of ESTIEM is not just what is shown in Central

The best way to engage your audience is interacting with

ESTIEM channels, as social media or posters; the biggest

them. Being creative and asking them questions can boost

part of the image of ESTIEM are the 79 Local Groups and

your reach. For example on Facebook, when someone

that is the reason why we should focus on having a high

likes, comments or shares one of your posts, it appears

quality local PR.

in the wall of all their friends, so you can use it to increase your influence.

How can the PRC help your Local Group

Always analise your social media statistics to know what

The ESTIEM Public Relations Committee (PRC) has

kind of posts and which posting hours work better, usually

numerous tools to support Local Groups to get their PR

it is between 19:00 and 21:00 CET.

to the highest level. In this article, some useful links will be

You can also create a spreadsheet to organise the posts

mentioned with numbers, you can find all of them at the

weekly or monthly and afterwards schedule them in the

end of the article.

social media tools to be posted automatically.

In order to improve the communication between local

Remember that if you are organising an event, the Central

VPs of PR and between them and the PRC, a Facebook

ESTIEM Facebook page should create it and for that,

group [1] has been created to get general updates and

you should send the description and a cover picture to

support each other. Furthermore, everybody related with You can also send pictures to

PR in ESTIEM can join the PRC email lists [2] to be always

this email list after any event to be posted on the ESTIEM

updated on what is happening in the PR field of ESTIEM.

facebook and Instagram page. Besides being creative, your content should be attractive,

How to use Social Media as a Professional

so you may need to create proper designs.

The first step is to define your target group: Who do you want to reach? Do you want to recruit new members for

How to design as a Professional

your Local Group? Do you want to attract ESTIEMers from

The image of a Local Group consists of many factors and

other LGs to travel to your events? Do you want to get

the design of promotional materials of the Local Group


plays an important role here. However, there is a huge

By defining your target group you can decide the language

tendency among ESTIEM Local Groups to misunderstand

and the words you should use and the channels you could

and underestimate the influence of “beautiful pictures” on

use to better achieve your goals.

their social media pages, although they could get a lot of

Remember that it is not the same to use Facebook,

benefit from it.

Instagram or LinkedIn. All of them have different

Firstly, let’s have a look at probably the easiest explanatory


reason – human psychology. It is always more pleasant

46 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


for us to keep our eye on something that looks good and

Relations Committee works a lot on helping Local Groups

creative. That is why a well-done design will definitely catch

in their design-related tasks and problems and promotes

the attention and raise the interest of the reader or viewer

the idea of working together and sharing experience. For

faster than the same thing, but with less quality.

example, through the PRC sharing platform [3], where Local Groups can share their editable design files, templates, look

A second reason is professionalism. When your post

for inspiration and take the best out of each other.

is well-designed and well-structured it is automatically

“It is always more pleasant for us to keep our eye on something that looks good and creative.”

If you need help with any PR or design matters, don’t hesitate to contact PRC Heroes are here for you!

present showing your organisation, Local Group or project more professional to the eyes of subscribers or partners. Needless to say, that following general ESTIEM guidelines


[2] perfectly contributes to this. It is a clear sign which


says: “We have our own identity, we know how to convey

information, we know what we are doing and it is safe and

beneficial for you to cooperate with us”.

The third reason which leads to benefits is what we can call


“concernment”. When you devote a lot of time to how an


information will look, you get a clear impression that you


are not indifferent about how it will be perceived by your

audience. There is an element of care and responsibility

that causes more trust and loyalty, attracting more people


to your work.


Taking these reasons into account in your PR strategy will

provide an excellent frame to the image of your Local

Group, but this is not the only condition for success. Public

47 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


LEAN SIX SIGMA \\ Passion to work makes it well-driven and exciting A short story from the Lean Six Sigma team. What it means to work on the Lean Six Sigma Course, which is still a new service in ESTIEM. This article presents three perspectives of different team members: the leadership, the knowledge management and the PR; providing an overview on the future of the course.

Transformation from Initiative to Project

ESTIEMers. Many things are still new, the pace of work is

When I joined the initiative, it was still a small team

fast but what makes me feel right are clear goals, which I

compared to what we have now. The reason why I got

have in mind to make happen during my mandate; and an

interested in the LSS team was that, during my previous

amazing commitment of the team members.

experiences, I used to participate in many student activities

Izabela Pres Local Group, Warsaw, Eindhoven

where Lean was the main learning outcome. When I heard

Knowledge Management, a pivotal Step in the

that there was a LSS Initiative within ESTIEM, I got excited

Development of the Project

and I instantly wanted to contribute and make other

Everything started by sending the application for the

students learn this methodology.

Dortmund Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training Event. During this event, I found myself giving feedback to the

Both the team and the offering have developed since

Lean Six Sigma team that was delivering the training in pure

the time I joined. In the beginning, I was facilitating team

LSS spirit, but joining the LSS team was quite inadvertent.

chats and creating new processes, Corporate Relations communication and new positions within the team which were needed for new arising tasks. Soon the team started having discussions about becoming a Project during Council

Carlo Panieri Local Group Milan

Meeting Poznan. When it was clear who would be taking the responsibility for this transformation, I could not believe that I gained such great trust from my team members. This

“The high-paced growth of the project and the mutable environment make us work like a start-up, and this is what I love about my experience in the LSS team.”

meant representing them as an applicant for a leadership position, which was formally the first leadership position

I had not planned it and neither thought about it until Mikko,

for that team.

Izàbela and Jukkis offered me this chance. Loving challenges as I do, I said “Yes”, and after understanding which were my

The transformation and the change of leaders was a

initial role and responsibilities, I started my Lean Six Sigma

big step forward for the LSS Initiative as well as for me.

journey. After joining the team, I found what I expected:

The transformation of the decision making process was

strong values, determination and passion. The high-paced

quite challenging. Not only because of being responsible

growth of the project and the mutable environment make

for what was happening so far, but also from the side of

us work like a start-up, and this is what I love about my

building new processes and developing our offering for

experience in the LSS team. As knowledge manager and community responsible, my work is based on managing the team knowledge to make the Green Belt course self-sustainable, and on monitoring and guiding our participants throughout the process to get the Green Belt Certificate. To do so, we have collected participants’ feedback and progress, and created the ESTIEM Lean Six Sigma Green Belts Network, which is currently a Facebook group. This network allows participants who went through the theoretical Green Belt Course to interact with each other, to directly contact the LSS team and share thoughts or questions regarding the whole process of becoming a Green Belt.

48 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM Development of PR Strategy

system has three key elements: the team, the offering and

I loved ESTIEM from the moment I joined the network, but

the participants. The team is still in its development phase,

I was missing the connection with Quality Management. I

which is now led by process standardisation. Whereas

soon found the missing link in the Lean Six Sigma Initiative

for the offering, we now focus on Local Group Courses

that gave me the amazing chance to put my learning to

and LSS Trainers for two main reasons. First, there is an

practice and to dive into what I care about by getting key

increasing interest among Local Groups in delivering the

knowledge for my career.

Green Belt Course at their universities. Secondly, the team needs to increase the number of professional trainers

After having learnt about the problems and opportunities

who can facilitate sessions during the Green Belt Course.

that the LSS Initiative faced and being amazed by the

Establishing a closer relationship with Local Groups and

commitment and passion of the dear Finnish LSS Initiative

a clear vision for the LSS Trainer development path will

founders, I joined the team as PR responsible. What drives

create more value for our participants, which are the third

the PR of the team is the willingness to demystify the

key element of our system.

concept of Lean Six Sigma and to eliminate the barriers between it and ESTIEMers.

From all this, we set the rest of our goals: a keen attention

The main goal for PR is to periodically explain what is Lean

to numbers and objectives, and to quality, an essential

Six Sigma to new ESTIEMers and how it represents a pivotal

aspect of our course which is reached by making sure that

opportunity to boost their knowledge and careers.

every part of the project gets the attention it deserves.

An additional PR goal comes from our participants’ passion. Our communication starts from inside out and we use the

For the near future, we see a possible cooperation with

team’s transparency as a key element to communicate.

ESTIEM Alumni, who will implement a Black Belt course in

The mix of both features gave us the chance to work on

their network. This entails a potential mentoring program

the “Participant Experience” project, which aims to collect

between Black and Green Belts as a support during the LSS

participants’ perspective of their journey.

journey in ESTIEM and while doing Green Belt projects

Finally, in order to eliminate barriers, we are creating more

within companies.

participant-friendly, easy to follow and useful LSS material. Finally, the team will focus on reaching a larger number of Sustainability. Reach. Quality.

ESTIEMers who want to learn LSS on the Green Belt level

Three words that define the LSS team’s future plans. The

and later spread the LSS philosophy Europe wide.

rimary mission is to create a sustainable system. Our

49 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Maja Ostojić

Local Group Belgrade


25th Birthday A series of Total Quality Management seminars sparked a cutting edge project that is now almost a quarter of a century old! .

Rita Mendes

Local Group Aveiro

Sara Zivanov

Local Group Novi Sad

Orange all the way!

(1992) by the first ever president of ESTIEM, Christoph

Vision is a Europe-wide seminar series that aims to

Hagedorn. It was set during a Council Meeting – as befits

bring fresh, unconventional and innovative content to its

it is a Project that is the perfect representation of ESTIEM,

participants. It gives IEM students practical insight into

with 50% work hard and 50% play hard.

modern day industry through lectures, workshops and

Christoph and his fellow ESTIEMers were looking for a

company visits.

way to fundraise for a study trip to Japan and ultimately

But there is more to any Project than a simple event

decided to make a project out of it. Being the early 90s,

description. Vision is about pushing the boundaries of what

ISO standards and Total Quality Management (TQM) were

contemporary is. It’s about growing by learning. It’s about

a hot topic and important subject at universities. Japan was,

that special “orange spirit“ that buzzes through each event.

at the time, a leader in this field, which made European

Vision is about getting out of your comfort zone, exploring

companies more interested in the project. Therefore,

a different country while meeting new friends and creating

TQM was chosen as the topic for the first ever Vision series


and made history as one of the most ingenious examples

And with 25 different topics, 29 leaders, more than 270

of fundraising in ESTIEM – gathering today’s equivalent

events and countless motivated team members throughout

of 280,000 Euros, which covered the travel fees for 40

the years, Vision has more than enough of those memories

participants for 30 days– including 32 company visits in

all stacked up…

Japan, US and China.

Out-of-the-box Nothing great ever happens by taking small, careful steps, by hiding in the background, by keeping in the shadows. Great things happen by being fearless, making bold moves

“Great things happen by being fearless, making bold moves and aiming high.”

and aiming high. 1993 was a year of explosions within ESTIEM, a year when

What makes this even more amazing is that it was done

many remarkable accomplishments happened, including the

when the internet was still in its infancy. Teams from several

creation of one of the oldest Projects of this organisation

different Local Groups were working on managing their

– Vision.

local seminars and all of the communication was done by

The Initiative for the Project was born only a year earlier

faxes, phone calls or simple mail.

50 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM This made the first Vision series a huge success and created a major challenge for the future generations. While some of the following series struggled with certain features, each team tried to challenge everything that has been done and gave their own personal direction to the Project. The Project evolved, but some things stayed the same. The desire to learn, change, challenge the status quo, push the boundaries and keep the ESTIEM spirit at its highest, all with an orange twist! You need Vision to see! Throughout the years Vision tried to introduce ESTIEMers to topics from different sides of the IEM spectrum: starting with TQM, following with everything from Economics and Ecology to Renewables, and currently thriving in the series devoted to Smart Factories. But can a series of seminars really make an impact? Can it make a difference to its participants, organisers and central team? Taking into consideration how much initiative and creativity event participants tend to show, it’s not surprising how many of them pursued leadership positions within ESTIEM later on. Moreover, becoming aware of your professional environment during your studies can set the tone for your future profession, can help you find a place in a vast IEM field that exists today and set some principles to be applied in your future career. Achieving something seemingly impossible in its first edition has made an impact not only on the Project itself and all of the people involved, but on the entire event based nature of Projects and services in ESTIEM. And it all started with that one study trip... Where do you see yourself in 25 years? Today, we are living in the Industry 4.0 time. Time of automation, cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and cognitive computing, 3D printing and Artificial Intelligence usage in factories. The synergy between human and machine is greater than ever.

“The synergy between human and machine is greater than ever.” New technologies are emerging in every field and will soon be a vital part of industry as we know it. Being ready on time and knowing this technology from its roots is something to be expected of every IEM student who aims to be part of the future industry. The 25th edition of this amazing Project is here to challenge the status quo once again and bring back some old habits with new flavours and improvements. The study trip was the spark that initiated Vision, it was the heart and the core of the Project. The “Smart Factories” team is going back to its roots and re-installing the study trip again! So grab those orange glasses and be ready to envision the future because…. WE NEED VISION TO SEE.

51 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


BOARD HANDOVER Introducing the 28th Board needed Internal Regulations for me to apply, since my Local

Diogo Sá, President interviewed by Taavi Valgerist

Group was an observer, and a third one, for the application of Local Hero. In Poznan, I had another voting sheet, but this time for my application for president. How do you prepare for presentations? Well, for me preparing for a presentation is becoming comfortable with the content you are presenting. Confidence is the key to communicate a solid and How many voting sheets have had your name on them so far? If we only count those with my name, then only four, but with the Local Group’s ones, I had six! I had three voting sheets at Novi Sad, one to be elected as Language Programme Project Leader, another to overrule the

effective message! It does take quite some effort to get to a comfortable level, but it is achievable with enough practice and motivation. It’s not about memorizing, but understanding, and I think that makes a substantial difference. Then of course, you need good slides and good designs to convey your message correctly and a lot of faith that you will not forget everything last minute.

that I still work with in ESTIEM and of course tasty Turkish food. Now that I think about it, during the first night I

Joonas Kaijala, Vice President of Activities interviewed by Rebekka Nagel

arrived a bit late and before I knew it, I was wrapped up in toilet paper...Those were the days. What was you main motivation to apply? “One more year”!? After an intense year in the local board of the mother organisation I decided to retire and study like a real student. I was so proud of myself and almost felt like an adult. I studied for three months and wrapped up my Bachelor thesis. At the same time I was organising a few What was your most memorable ESTIEM event ?

more events locally. I was really interested in what kinds of

Many people say that the first events are the most

new event concepts could pop up in the near future. I also

memorable ones. Even though I keep on experiencing

wanted to see how Local Groups work differently and see

new things during ESTIEM events all the time, the LR

how much they could benefit from each other. So mostly

Forum organized by Istanbul-Bogazici still remains the most

it was the interest in innovation. I can’t lie though, I also

memorable event for me: intense trainings, great people

wanted to travel with awesome people for a bit longer!

52 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM What’s you favourite James Bond movie and why? We all can agree that the real James Bond is Sean Connery, the true embodiment of James Bond, bringing up all

Francisca Painhas, Vice President of Administration interviewed by Tiago Carvalho

the charm, humor and skills that are expected from the character. With this, one would arrive to the conclusion that “Goldfinger” would be the best, not only as the origin of the amazing martini quote and the Bond Girl’s name, but mainly because the movie showcases the essence of the series. However, THE James Bond movie is “Dr. No”. It is still a modest movie with a solo hero beyond all organisations. This would be what I would say had I ever watched any of the movies. Your glasses are very famous in ESTIEM for their blue light filtering capabilities. If you could make them filter something else what would that be? This question. What’s the one thing from Porto that you would like to always be able to carry in your suitcase? That’s a hard question. There is an endless list of things

Portugal and that I would love to also share with the others. But there is one thing that just can’t be found anywhere I go (except for some rare occasions): the weather. Porto’s climate is quite peculiar. Not very extreme, with heat waves that make it impossible to breathe, nor too cold during the winter months, awarding us with some amazingly enjoyable 25ºC+ days in October and November that makes the perfect occasions to go to the beach or just enjoy a sunset at Virtudes. But for some reason, these days only happen when I am not there to enjoy them. My hopes would be that if I would carry it with me, I would be able to enjoy it as well, or that I keep others from enjoying it without me.

that I would like to always carry with me from Porto and

Which ESTIEM event would you like to visit? We have a lot of great Events in ESTIEM but the one which attracts me the most at the moment is the IEM

Sunny-David Schneider interviewed by Milena Popovic

Caring Convention. The Convention gathers students, professionals and professors who are concerned with and about the state of our society, and who are eager to get together and discuss ways to build a better future. Driven by having a positive impact, especially in social and environmental matters, this seems a good platform to learn from people with experience and discuss what could be ESTIEM’s role in Europe.

What do you see as a strength/ weakness of our PRC? What is the role of PRC for you? Public Relations Committee (PRC) is a place where

What kind of traffic sign do you feel like?

ESTIEMers are able to learn new skills, e.g. teamwork,

Pedestrian crossing (Zebra crossing).

strategic thinking, designing and many more. The visibility

“Crosswalks are designed to keep pedestrians together

aspect, the fact that you see the outcome of your work

where they can be seen by motorists and where they

and the variation of tasks makes it attractive for ESTIEMers

can cross most safely across the flow of vehicular traffic.”

to join.


Another aspect is the digitalisation of the world. Especially

As a Bordie, my personal goal is to create an environment

media is something that ESTIEMers can use in their daily

where ESTIEMers can achieve their goals with guidance

life to share useful content with the world and to boost

and certainty. Supporting them also in their personal

their career with LinkedIn as an example. The benefit for

and professional development by providing them with

ESTIEM is that we have a lot of diverse ideas and support

the opportunities and resources, like a huge portfolio of

from all over Europe which can improve the image of the

different events and a network of people from all over

ESTIEM brand.

Europe but also the playground to try out something new.

53 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM Board, I like to shape plans and add a critical layer to our work. Besides that, I like to entertain the Board by sending

Yassine Belghazi Vice President of Finance interviewed by Pedro Schuller

them silly videos and discovering funny energizers during the breaks of our long and demanding Board Meetings. What were your main motivations to apply? Two main factors made me apply for the Board. The first one is the development and learning opportunities you encounter while being in the Board. It is a unique opportunity to acquire a new set of skills necessary for your development as a person and as a student in an What do you believe to be your role in this Board? Besides the core treasurer functions of a Vice President of Finance, my role in the Board is to take care of the structural changes, the legal matters and development of the Business Department of ESTIEM along with my Leaders. Within the

open-minded international environment. The second one is getting the opportunity to work and travel with a strongly purpose-driven team striving for the development of ESTIEM and for connecting students from all around Europe.

that a good team is one of the most important aspects of

Minh Le, Vice President of Education interviewed by Aytaç Isik

work. Regarding this, I think all of us get to learn a lot. How to lead team members, motivate them or develop them is something I learned through mistakes. I still have a lot to learn in this field because every person is so different. I am sure the knowledge I gathered in ESTIEM will help me a lot in my future life, yet I believe there is still so much to learn in ESTIEM and I am looking forward to learn from future mistakes. What is the most important thing you learned through your time in ESTIEM? What are you still

What do you think of the Pink Floyd lyrics on the


lack of need for education?

There are a lot of things I learned in ESTIEM. I can’t really

Come on! It is Pink Floyd so for sure I like it! I think the more

say one is more important than the other. In the end, all the

interesting part is the phrase “We don’t need no education”

things I learned here developed me into the person I am

in the song. By now, it is tradition that every Vice President

today. But maybe there are two things I’d like to point out.

of Education hears it from their Co-Boardies. I take it with

The first thing is to reflect on my actions and on myself. I

humour because I know that they don’t really mean it. I am

think ESTIEM has helped me a lot to get to know myself

pretty sure each of them is aware that education is and will

better by showing me what I can’t do or where I can

be a crucial part of ESTIEM. I think education has its own

improve. I still stumble and make mistakes but you learn

shortcomings but maybe we should try to work towards

from these experiences and there are a lot of people who

fixing these problems so that in the future not even Pink

can help you overcome the challenges. The second thing is

Floyd would claim that we don’t need education.

54 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


LEADING CHANGE TOWARDS A CARING SOCIETY \\ a short update from the IEM Caring Foundation Some might remember the early days when the caring

purpose. The ESTIEMers attending the Sustainability

mindset and entrepreneurial spirit of a few ESTIEMers,

Bootcamp in the Bavarian Alps in October have partaken

ESTIEM Alumni and EPIEM professors resulted in the birth

in a first-hand experience from the Strong Sustainability.

of the IEM Caring Foundation. Back then it was mainly the

Both are not meant to be one-time events. The dates for

Club of 100 and the will to develop something with a wider

the ESTIEM Alumni Leadership Camp 2018 are already set

sustainable impact, the Foundation now has established five

and the Sustainability Bootcamp has not taken place for the

Fields of Impact, each of them driving caring initiatives with

last time as well. United Europe is the Foundation’s newest

tangible outcomes for the IEM community and, ultimately,

Field of Impact, but nonetheless it is growing strong with

society as a whole. This short update will show you what is

the vision to establish a widely known platform full of

happening in each of the Fields of Impact and how you can

inspiring stories about the diversity of Europe.

get it involved, in case the Foundation sounds interesting for you. Five Fields of Impact The current Fields of Impact are Equal Opportunities, Social Entrepreneurship, Conscious Leadership, Strong Sustainability and United Europe. Active ESTIEMers are likely well aware of the outcomes of the Equal Opportunities and the Social Entrepreneurship. The Club of 100, as an initiative flourishing out of the Equal Opportunities, enables ESTIEMers with lower financial possibilities to become active in ESTIEM and the annual Ad Fundum Award supports great ideas with funds, without which those ideas would never be able to happen. Businessbooster and the Entrepreneurship MOOC are initiatives which Social Entrepreneurship is glad

Get Involved

to support.

If you are dreaming of leaving a sustainable impact, but have not yet found the possibility to do so, you may consider joining the IEM Caring Foundation. The Foundation provides the legal and financial base for the aforementioned initiatives as well as a platform that brings together caring people who inspire each other and join forces to make these ideas happen. If you want to join the Foundation or simply find out more about it, get in contact with the author of this article or join one of our bi-annual conventions. The last one in Geneva from September 29th to October 1st was a great inspiration for those who attended, so keep an eye on the 2018 ones which are being organized in Lisbon in spring and Brussels in autumn. Stay tuned for news about them!

Morever, the remaining three Fields of Impact are prospering and growing steadily. Driven from the Conscious Leadership, the first ESTIEM Alumni Leadership Camp took place in 2017. Under the guidance of experienced mentors, a group of ESTIEM Alumni engaged on a three-weekend journey towards conscious leadership and meaningful

55 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Sebastian Geese Local Group Siegen


TRAINING CULTURE WITHIN ESTIEM It started as a part of the KMC. Then it became its own Committee. Now it’s not even a Committee anymore. Trainers Community, TC for short, was born because of a need to help spreading the knowledge gathered by the network, and still hopes to aid that purpose today. Although the name has changed twice in the last two years,

mentorship programmes and trainers meetings.

the spirit of Learn, Share and Grow together hasn’t been

So why focus so much on trainers, when we all attend

dampened the slightest. However, with the latest name

university? It’s because we all know, exactly because of

change from Trainers Committee to Trainers Community,

universities, that if the lecturer just stands in front of a group

it is clear that the focus of TC rests on supporting

Nehir Yilmaz

Local Group Ankara-Bilkent, Grenoble

without any care and throws out knowledge,

our valuable trainers in the network.

very little is actually learned. ESTIEM Trainers hope to share knowledge in

One of the most remarkable things

another way, with small and personal

to remember from 2017 was the

groups where the Trainer helps

close attention we

payed our

the participants. Where they can

Training New Trainers Events.

learn from each other, by doing

We organised two TNTs on two

exercises and games or through

sides of Europe: in Izmir and

captivating discussions. Trainers

Lisbon to give the entire network

aren’t there to teach, but for you

a chance to become a trainer. After

to learn.

two very successful events we had a new and motivated pool of Junior

Now this doesn’t mean we aren’t

Trainers ready to give back to the network.

looking for more talented individuals to join the community. If you are interested in delivering

“Trainers aren’t there to teach, but for you to learn.”

trainings, spreading both knowledge and smiles through the network, feel free to send a mail to the TC Leader, or just approach a trainer in your Local Group. To become a Junior Trainer, all you need to do is to register yourself on

Alongside our new additions to the community we also had

the portal.

several additions to ESTIEM Trainers, nine of our oldies got accredited. The achievements did not stop here, we

If a trainer is delivering in your LG or region, make sure to

also got four new Expert Trainers, meaning we tripled their

stop by. It is often worth it, and you can learn a lot while


having fun at the same time. If there isn’t a training near

Thus, there is a greater number of motivated trainers to go

you, but you want it to be, feel free to send us an email.

around than we have had for a long time. We have been

With the surge in trainers, getting one to your LG should

working hard to make sure to support this group, with

be more than possible!

56 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects



Academic Team is the entity within ESTIEM that strives to

During Council Meeting Poznan, Summer Academy had

support the educational training of IEM Students, delivering

its name highlighted; after several months of work, Summer

them academical and networking events, competitions and

Academy Minho was elected as the “Best Event of the

research on the IEM field through Academic Days, IEM

Year”. Now, we do not only want to keep the high-quality

Education Forum, EMTA and IEM Research.

events, but rather raise our standards even higher. We want

During the months after CM Poznan, the Academic Team

to spread out this Service’s spirit and create many more life-

made great changes to the way it approaches its activities

changing experiences; and that is why we are launching the

and the dynamics inside of those. “Smart Days” is a great

Ambassadors Programme. This is going to be crucial not

example on how Academic Days is improving the concept of

only to promote a closer work between ESTIEMers and

reflection and outcome sessions, the full usage of an event

well known professor, but also to reach the lives of many

mentors and the creation of distinct and deeper event and

more people.

educational reports. The European Master Thesis Award

Getting to know ourselves is the first step to success.

(EMTA) saw its numbers increasing in regards of professors

And since Summer Academy is known for its personal

and students applying to be involved in the competition and

development content, the central team felt the need to

the team evaluated the scalability of the competition.

create more opportunities to make ESTIEMers grow. This

The IEM Education Forum was a memorable event

year, apart from the Ambassadors Programme, we’re

where every stakeholder experienced how powerful and

presenting you the second edition of Winter Academy!

important it is to share our best practices in this field. Changes were made in the vision and long-term action plan

ESTIEM Magazine aims to present new trends in

at the last CoM and we can’t wait for more results coming

industrial engineering as well as insights about ESTIEM to

out of it!

its readers. During the last six months, besides our daily business consisting of article acquisition, proofreading

Since CM Poznan, the Language Programme has

articles and designing the latest issue, we came up with a

started a new phase of experimentation and trial of the

new design.

newly standardized offers developed in the past year with

The collaboration between the Magazine and other PCIs

the goal of finding accurately to which target groups they

has been strengthened, as a result, the proofreading team

should be aimed and how we can maximise the value that

will provide its service to PRC tasks. At the Coordination

ESTIEMers receive in our activities.

Meeting in Novi Sad in August, we started to work on

Language Courses have been reworked to separate them in

setting up a new distribution process with the aim of being

levels, “Intermediate” and “Basic”, with the first one being

able to send ESTIEM-related materials directly to Local

aimed to participants with some knowledge that want to


test themselves in an inversive environment and perfect their skills, and the second focused on ESTIEMers with

The 25th edition of the Vision project is focussed on

curiosity about the language that want to try out and start

Smart Factories and aims to give ESTIEMers an overview of

learning. The “Intermediate” course was tested in our last

how the industry will evolve within the next years.

event “Let’s Learn Español”, proving itself valuable. The

After the last Council Meeting, where the Leader and the

second one will take its crucial test in the upcoming event

topic were elected, it was time to set the goals, recruit a

“Let’s Learn Russian” in Saint Petersburg.

team and shape what we want to do the rest of the year.

Moreover, the Online Language School is still developing,

The first step was to define which Local Groups would be

with the first online course being successfully completed.

part of the series and the subtopics that we will explore.



With seven events planned for the upcoming year the

Conversation Clubs, Language Buddies and Self-Learning






focus now the time for preparation has come, not only

Courses is en route. We expect that applications and

supporting the organisers Local Groups, but also improving

schedules for joining the activities will be published in the

the project centrally.

next few months, so stay tuned!

During our Coordination Meeting, the team worked on the promotion of the series, the booklet and the mentor’s role, and discussed about the Final Conference concept and on

57 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM the implementation of new ideas to connect the events of

Strategic Plan has been created and we have been working

the series.

on a new TIMES structure that will be finalised after CM

So, if you want to know more about Smart Factories don’t

Izmir. With our goals aligned to the network’s, we will also

miss the opportunity and join the events.

focus on providing participants with high quality material to

And remember: You need Vision to see!

get ready for the Tournament while evaluating what quality means within TIMES Competition and how to measure it.

Research & Development: This is the perfect title for the final report of BrainTrainer activities of 2017. With

Businessbooster aims to develop the entrepreneurial

four events and new locations for the future already

spirit and provide knowledge to the whole network. With

planned, this Service had its best operational year since the

the organisation of five different events since Council

foundation and the central team expects much more for

Meeting Poznan, it is now time to reflect on how we can

the next seasons.

ensure the quality of every event and meet the demands

After the approval of the structure change, the development

and interests of every ESTIEMer.

of a Department together with the Summer Academy

Together with the Career Event, we have been working on

wasn’t easy, but these months have been a full immersion

the new Business Development Department and what we

of work and in the end the results were incredible. What

want to achieve with it. The strategy is being worked on

we did during this mandate is the milestone that will

and will be finalised by Council Meeting Karlsruhe.

support the future development of this field inside the

Furthermore, a new PR strategy is currently being

ESTIEM network and we are very proud of our work.

implemented and will change the way we present ourselves

If you really want to learn more about you and interpersonal

towards our stakeholders. Our cooperation with ESTIEM

skills, don’t miss our next events and the updates on the

Alumni has also been fruitful and some other partnerships

portal and our social media!

with universities and non-governmental organisations are being established.

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course, right after becoming a Project, increased the pace of work, and thus

Europe3D aims to gather students from all around the

achievements. The team organises six training events for

world in a 5-7 days seminar series, where participants have

the next year and four local courses in universities of Local

the chance to experience the hosting country in three

Groups. This has significantly improved the initial strategy

different dimensions: Politics, economy and culture. During

from 5/5/100 to 8/8/200; meaning that the team involved

one week full of interactive seminars, training sessions,

eight different Local Groups, eight different universities

debates and all kinds of cultural activities, the participants

and trained about 200 ESTIEMers within the first year of

find themselves learning more about different cultures by

existing in ESTIEM. Moreover, the team represents ESTIEM

living together in a friendly atmosphere.

during the international conference European Quality

Along with the structure change, Europe3D went into

Conference organised by ASQ.

a critical adaptation process regarding the Intercultural

Additionally, a big step was taken towards sustainability

Department. Entities within the department began working

by defining all new Leader and team member roles, also

together and are going after common values to speed-up

including the strategy for the next months. Last but not

the process and start their integration.

least, the team is working on a totally new position and

There are some surprises waiting for those who are

exciting opportunity for ESTIEMers which is Lean Six Sigma

interested in Europe3D, to learn, to share, to improve...

Instructor. A Lean Six Sigma Instructor delivers high-quality Lean Six Sigma trainings in order to continue the course

Originally, the plan of the IT Project was to release

over a long-term in ESTIEM.

a functioning version during the summer. However, something drastic that changed the plan dramatically happened: The server was infected by ransomware,

Since CM Poznan, the new edition of T.I.M.E.S. has been

which meant that the portal was supposed to be put up as

shaped. The eight Semi Finals are organised by Ilmenau,

soon as possible. At first, a temporary portal was set up.

Berlin, Groningen, Lyon, Minho, Porto, Stockholm and,

However, it soon became obvious that Estiem Portal 5 has

for the first time, two Local Groups will work together to

a lot of functionalities that are needed for the organisation

organise a Semi Final: Helsinki and Tampere. The Final will

to continue, which meant that it needs to be up as well.

be hosted by Local Group Vienna at the end of March.

Finally, in early August, the portal was back alive and IT

During this period, we have also been working in the Local

Project could focus on its original work.

Group support, helping organisers with the preparations

There was already a clear plan to have a Web API done

and making Local Qualifications more sustainable.

with .NET Core and a front end web application done with

Besides the Competition’s organisation, our One Page

Vue.JS. The goal was to create as much reusable code as

58 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM possible that could be used for a possible future mobile

will be more inclusive in terms of content and in the end,

application as well as other ideas that ESTIEMers might

our partners will get the chance to get engaged in our

come up with. A Coordination Meeting will be organised

network while bringing value to our activities. By having

in the middle of October with the goal of finishing a mobile

fruitful discussions with numerous ESTIEM entities, the

version. The IT Project has also been collaborating with a

Committee is trying its best to create valuable activities and

group of alumni to make an IT strategy for ESTIEM. This

unique collaboration opportunities that will appeal to our

group is lead by the VP of Administration Francisca Painhas.

future partners. Additionally, thanks to the Committee’s team members,

Since the last Council Meeting in Poznan, the Grants

CRC has rearranged its company and institutions databases

Committee started working hard on the operating grant

to get in touch with new potential partners. Besides, by

of Erasmus+. With the participation of the board, the open

analysing and restructuring the online training schedules

calls from previous years and important strategies of the

and training plans, the committee aims to make online CR

European Commission (EC) have been carefully read and

trainings more efficient and effective.

summarised. We have followed a strategic working manner through a workbook and regular chats. Approaching the



Committee aims to manage,

European Commission provided us with the most accurate

communicate and assure the continuity of the ESTIEM

information that we need throughout the process. From

brand inside and outside of ESTIEM. Our aim is to establish

the technicalities side, we have checked our documents

ESTIEM as a strong and recognised brand among its

from EC’s database. The committee also scouted the older

stakeholders. Now that centralisation is on the table for all

applications of ESTIEM from 2008 to 2011. Currently, we

of ESTIEM, the PRC is trying to centralise all the designs and

are working on the writing the application.

Online PR contents. Therefore, a coordinator to build a

As far as updates from older applications submitted goes:

bridge between PRC and all PR responsibles from different

The joint grant application with BEST and AEGEE has

services was appointed. Thanks to this new concept,

been rejected with many improvement points as feedback.

PRC has seen their needs earlier and assigned four PR

We will apply with our partners again after improving the

responsibles for various services.

application for the deadline in February 2018.

Furthermore, not only for designs but also for online PR, we came up with new solutions. The official ESTIEM page

The Information Technology Committee provides

has been used in a better way and now is getting posts from

one of the main services to the ESTIEM network; help to

different ESTIEM-based Facebook pages.

all ESTIEMers regarding every IT related problem they face.

The last development is the increased usage of LinkedIn

This summer, ITC faced a challenge with some difficulties

which was missing for the previous years. Now that we have

regarding the Portal: The infection of the Portal with

a LinkedIn Responsible elected who is taking care of the

ransomware. But we see an opportunity to learn in every

schedule of LinkedIn posts, the ESTIEM brand has a more

challenge. We focused on creating goals that will prevent

professional and powerful image not only on Facebook but

the same type of problems in the future. Our biggest goal

also on LinkedIn!

for this year is to ensure the knowledge transfer that every ITC team in the past aimed for.

Trainers Community recently went through a structure

By working closely with the IT Project on building the new

change within transitioning from a Committee to a

Portal, we will ensure that the next generation of ITC

Community. What this means for the near future is that

members will have enough IT skills to be independent in

our trainers now support the development of their own

their future work. Also, ITC collaborated closely with

community and in the meantime deliver trainings for the

interested alumni and the Board in creating the IT strategy.

whole network to help them in their personal development

Plans for the future include organizing IT Schools again

path. After the last two Training New Trainers events, the

and making new online trainings, that will help interested

trainer pool of ESTIEM is bigger than ever and still growing.

ESTIEMers to gain knowledge to be able to develop IT in

To support this growth we recently renewed the Trainer


Mentorship Program. We are now focusing on centralising all training activities.

To create and develop academic and corporate partnerships

This means providing support and supervision to all

that will contribute to our network, Corporate Relations

P/C/Is and Local Groups in any training request they have.

Committee always looks for new and innovative

As another focus point, we are making these opportunities

opportunities. With the structure change in ESTIEM, CRC

easier to reach for our trainers with central trainer support.

has shifted its focus from creating partnerships for Central

We will continue helping ESTIEM with our motto “Learn,

ESTIEM to supporting the entire network. With this new

share and grow together!”

perspective of CRC, collaborations with future partners

59 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

INSIDE ESTIEM The Knowledge Management Committee supports

founding we formed a team that currently consists of 14

ESTIEM and ESTIEMers both on local and central level with

people all working on data analysis projects. Since the last

the knowledge that comes from 26 years of experience.

Council Meeting we had a successful first Coordination

After having a handover Coordination Meeting in July,

Meeting in Tampere with 11 participants attending.

our highly motivated KMC team started to work on

Our Committee also implemented a new unique method of

improvement points taken during the event. The team

adding members to our team. Accordingly, new members

started a collaboration with the Analysis Committee

first have to finish introductory assignments to show their

regarding the automation of feedback forms. As a result of

motivation and gain Tableau skills. All of this would not be

a cyber attack, the team lost everything related to ESTIEM

possible without our collaboration with Tableau. Through

Wiki but got back on track in no time and rejuvenated

this collaboration we received a Tableau Online licensing

everything. Another exciting idea from our Coordination

for ESTIEM for which we are very grateful.

Meeting was the Talent Database. With the newly established Human Resources team, we started to shape

The Financial and Legal Committee is about ensuring

the possibly biggest tool for ESTIEM’s HR.

continuity in legal and financial issues. The upcoming structure change requires that the Internal Regulations

Since August, Members Committee has been actively

create an environment where for example the departments,

working on the evaluation of the regional concept and

that will be introduced with the new structure, can exist. In

the new regional distribution. Several sessions were held

addition to evaluating changes to internal regulations, the

which let us see clear solutions regarding certain Regions,

FLC is currently reviewing the platform for online voting and

however, we still need more input on this topic. The process

analysing the effects of the new Membership Regulations.

is challenging and needs to be taken seriously, therefore

Furthermore, the handover process of the Committee has

we are taking it step by step and try to get opinions of

recently been improved to a more structured practice.

everyone in the network. You can expect the conclusive

The planning for the Coordination Meeting in early spring

presentation at Council Meeting Karlsruhe.

will start soon, and ESTIEMers who are interested in legal

We have organised a MC/Regional Coordinators CoM in

matters are more than welcome!

September, where we had an opportunity to gather few current and previous Regional Coordinators to discuss the

The Social and Environmental Responsibility

future of the Committee, the concept for the RC position

Committee had a productive Coordination Meeting

and the growth strategy of ESTIEM. It has been crucial

in Brussels in September. This CoM was the opportunity

and we are grateful for Local Group Braunschweig for

to strengthen the links between the team members, but

organising the CoM.

more importantly to work on the ongoing tasks of the

Our network has a new Guest Local Group – LG Auvergne!

Committee. First of all, some short term goals were set.

Let’s wish them a great experience and growth within

SERC is still a recent Committee, it took some time to find

ESTIEM. Currently, we are working with new possible

the right structure and the right way of working for the

Local Groups in France, Italy and the UK. However, we still


have countries in Europe where ESTIEM is not represented

Now that it has been clearly set, the main goal of the

- our Approaching Task Group plans to contact student

Committee for this year is to focus on concrete actions.

organisations from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Denmark.

The motivated and dynamic team is working on a series of campaigns about different topics as a way to raise

The newly formed Analysis Committee is the latest

awareness in the network; a measurement system in order

Committee of ESTIEM. Our mission is to support ESTIEM

to base our work on actual facts and last but not least,

to make the decision making more fact-based in order

the Code of Ethics, an official document gathering some

to help the organisation move forward, while supporting

guidelines to refer to when making decisions in ESTIEM.

ESTIEMers in their professional development. Since our

60 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


4 PLACES YOU CAN DISCOVER WITH ESTIEM \\ Izmir, Karlsruhe, Dresden and Saint Petersburg IZMIR İzmir is a port city and Konak is the city centre of İzmir.

This aesthetically designed building is recognised as one of

Following recent restorations this area was also turned into a

the indispensable social structures in İzmir.

recreational centre, and thus is now a lively spot throughout the day. In the square can be seen: the monumental statue of


Hasan Tahsin, who fired the “first bullet” at the occupation

The inn, one of the rare works of Ottoman architecture in

forces during the War of Liberation, the Clock Tower, the

İzmir that has survived until the present day, has the design

Municipality Building and the Governor’s Office.

of other Ottoman inns, with bazaars and courtyards. Kızlarağası Han has


a glorious structure

Like in the past,

with its rectangular

Kemeraltı Bazaar is a major shopping centre in İzmir

plan, two-storey “bedesten”, vaulted part of a bazaar

today. The bazaar,

where valuable

having an outdoor

goods were kept,

and indoor section,

and courtyard.

offers visitors a rich

Following restoration

variety of products

in recent years, it has

and services ranging

become an authentic

from traditional Turkish handicrafts

shopping and social centre in İzmir.

like ceramics, tile panels, wooden products, copper,


carpets, rugs and

Çeşme is a favourite

leather products,

holiday spot with

to delicious Aegean foodstuffs.

golden sands, sun, sea, colourful lifestyle and


enjoyable nightlife.

The Asansör

It is located on a

(lit. elevator)

peninsula named

Building, which was

after it on the most

constructed by the

western edge of

Jewish businessman

İzmir. Although

Nesim Levi in 1907

the sailors formerly

to facilitate reaching

called it “small

the upper part of

port”, it has been

Mithatpaşa Street,

given the current

is one of the most

name, “Çeşme” (lit.

interesting tourist spots in İzmir today.

61 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


EXPLORE because of its fountains pouring out ice-cold water. The

ÇEŞME’S Cuisine

local archaeological and historical heritage include a castle,

In particular, octopus, gilt headed bream, sea bass and

a caravanserai, many fountains and examples of civil

mussels are famous in Çeşme, where the cuisine is

architecture in the centre of the district. Today, Çeşme is

influenced by seafood. Şeker işi, which is served with fig jam,

a very popular locality, possessing the characteristics and

special to Çeşme, sakız muhallebisi (mastic milk pudding),

identity of a typical village. The architectural design of the

sakız reçeli (mastic jam), kuru sıkma köfte (dry squeezed

stone houses is specific to the area. Geranium and begonia

meatballs), kaz budu (goose legs), bademli süt (almond

gardens, bazaars, local cafes and restaurants, boutique

milk) and kumru (a kind of sandwich) are tasty desserts

shops, beach clubs and hotels all contribute to make it a

and snacks. Delicious melons and artichokes grown locally

very lovely spot.

in Çeşme and are exported to many countries in the world.

KARLSRUHE The Palace Gardens are located in the heart of Karlsruhe,

daylight faded, we grew closer and everyone got engaged in

right behind the castle. With its spacious and well-arranged

conversations. In the end, we stayed and played volleyball

terrain, Palace Gardens is the perfect spot to meet friends,

all night, until it got way too dark to see.

relax, do sports or just take a little break from your everyday life.

Two days later, we returned to the park to take part in the “SchloGa-Rallye”, a fun, event where the participants

Built in the 18th century, Palace Gardens features sculptures

compete in a series of mini games collecting points for

and monuments from all throughout German history. A

their teams. Since the park is spacious, we never had to

small lake in the back of the park offers the opportunity

worry about bothering or disturbing other people. A few

to cool off


(great) guys from

take a little swim,

LG Karlsruhe even



came around and

bike and running

brought supper for

trails attract sport




all over Karlsruhe.


From the top of

great location of

the Palace Tower,


in the background

Gardens again to

of the picture, you

take group pictures

have a marvelous

and finally get some

view of the park as

rest to prepare for

well as the city - a


great place to take

Night that evening.


the Palace


pictures! So whenever you During



come to Karlsruhe,

ESTIEM event, the

take some time at

Sports Activity Week in June, we spent many afternoons

Palace Gardens and enjoy its special and usually student-

at the park getting to know each other, doing a typical

dominated spirit! And don’t be worried if someone from

“SchloGa-Rallye” or just hanging out.

Karlsruhe takes you there and only talks about “SchloGa”, that’s just the more or less official abbreviation for Palace

For instance on the first day, after everybody had arrived, we met at the park to do a few team building games. As the

62 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

Gardens in German.


DRESDEN If you think about Dresden, don’t just think about the city

corridors, even for our graduates!

itself. There is a place you shouldn’t miss in the vicinity: The “Sächsische Schweiz” (“Saxony Switzerland”) is an

What you also should not miss: the “Neustadt” (lit. translate

impressive hiking area where we took the participants

“new part of the city”) is the district that consists of old







anniversary. But hiking is

street art, a big park and

not the only activity you

is just the place to go. Our

can do there: bouldering


was actually invented here

were truly amazed about

and is practised by lots of

the lifestyle in this part of

people every weekend!

the city. Once a year, the


whole district turns into a Always wanted to go to

street festival with many

Hogwarts? You have th


chance to do it in Dresden!


and the streets are so

Originally built as a courthouse and connected prison, our

crowded that it is sometimes hard to move. One of the

IEM faculty and ESTIEM office is nowadays located in this

best weekends in Dresden!

building. And once you enter it, the Hogwarts feeling won’t leave you: It is almost impossible not to lose yourself in the

SAINT PETERSBURG The city of Saint Petersburg is famous for its flourishing

punching bodies to assembling finished cars. During the

architecture, impressive palaces and squares, gorgeous

excursion, the guide told interesting facts such as how to

monuments with a rich history and hundreds of theaters

produce individual metal panels, how metal forms the car

and museums. Apart from all of this, during Europe 3D

body and how to install all the components in the car.

Russia our participants had



In addition to visiting

opportunity to visit one

production workshops,

more interesting place –

we were also able

Hyundai Company.

to learn about the establishment of










Hyundai and the


development of a


brand that has existed

plants in Russia and

for more than 50


years. In the end of







by level

the company visit,


our lucky Europe 3D


participants had a

company produces cars like Hyundai Solaris, Hyundai Creta

chance to ask any questions and they were given nice gifts

and KIA Rio. Participants managed to see the “birth” of

from the company.

a new car – the whole process of assembling cars from

63 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


LIKE A ‘ROLO’ IN COLOMBIA Life-changing; the answer I would give if you asked me to describe my exchange semester in Colombia in one word. This wonderful country full of diverse landscapes, rich cultures and happy people has so much to offer, that everyone will fall in love with Colombia. As a student at the Universidad de los Andes I had the privilege to experience what it feels like to be a real ‘rolo’ - a citizen of the capital Bogotá.

Siros Badlou Local Group Eindhoven

Like the majority of students from Local Group Eindhoven,

probably imagine, it is not too bad to live there for a

I would face an exchange semester abroad during my


Master’s. I did not have to think long about where to go.

At the university I followed a Spanish B1 course and three

After a four-month trip in 2015 through Latin America I fell

IEM-related courses, of which two were taught in spanish.

in love with the Latin culture. The culture where people

Oh boy, that was hard! Especially the Decision Theory

are enjoying life, celebrating it on every possible occasion

course, where we had to understand relevant aspects of

and of course without feeling ashamed of moving their

longer situational sketches. This was a big thing as I did not

hips a little bit. As I hadn’t been to Colombia yet and

speak Spanish fluently. But in the end I survived, passed all

heard great stories about it, it was already high on my list.

my courses and learned a lot! The UniAndes campus itself

When I started to do some research about this country,

is beautiful.

I got to know more about its daily life and amazing travel

It is very secure and green, and has some stunning views

opportunities. Besides, I wanted to learn Spanish and in

over the whole centre of Bogotá. The best of everything

Colombia they have one of the clearest accents in Latin

was the free access to all sporting facilities and sports

America. I knew almost immediately: “This is where I

classes - Salsa class, oh yeah!

have to go!” And so it happened; I was going to live in a

But not everything was paradise. While thinking I was used

metropole of eight million inhabitants. My lovely Bogotá.

to the ‘tranquilo’ Latin culture, studying in Colombia gave my perspective a whole new level. And I can tell you, it

Living and Studying at 2,600 Meters Altitude

is hard! When not only your fellow students are sloppy

Without much of a hassle I found a room in the middle

with arrangements, but the university is unclear about

of the historical centre of Bogotá; the neighbourhood

deadlines, sometimes strict about it and sometimes not,

called La Candelaria. Located centrally next to the Parque

and professors do not meet all of their promises, a Dutch

de los Periodistas, I had the Plaza de Bolivar, Monserrate

guy may find this a challenge to cope with. Of course

mountain, Gold Museum, all the famous street art

considering that Dutchies might be used to punctuality a

and cheap Colombian restaurants within

bit too much. However, this made studying in Colombia

walking distance, while the university

an extra valuable experience where I did not only learn a

campus was only seven minutes

lot about new topics, but also boosted my soft skills like

away. You could easily call our




community, as we lived with 20 other students and



working in multicultural teams.

managers two

Traveling Around As an exchange student, you do not just go live in a country without visiting all the amazing places around. We enjoyed


Bogotá a lot, visited museums, sights and of course almost

bigger houses only

every club and bar. We also had our special activities like

100 meters further.

beer pong tournaments with more than 25 teams - guess

This meant we were

who won? But there is so much more to do in Colombia,

a great group of 80

that almost every weekend we went to a different place

friends from all over

to see what there is to offer… and thus the Colombian

the world studying,

night buses were often filled with several curious explorers,

doing sports, travelling

with a different destination every week. We went to Cali

and partying together -

to learn dancing salsa and to go deep into the jungle. To

Wednesdays were crazy.

do this, we took a motor, on a wooden platform, on train

Bogotá is an amazing city

tracks. This was the most exciting, but probably most

to live in. It is full of museums,

dangerous, type of transportation I have ever taken.

parks, good and cheap food and

We also went to Medellin, a super innovative city with

the nightlife is abundant. So you can

cable cars as public transportation in the mountainous

64 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


neighbourhoods, interesting ghettos with actual electric

Getting out of your Comfort Zone

escalators within them and a vibrant nightlife. Oh God, such

Right now, I can reflect on two kind of experiences on the

a good nightlife! I also explored many types of nature and

other side of the world: backpacking around and actually

culture. I got my diving licence and dove with reef sharks

living in another country. I can tell you, it is different! Living

in the island with the bluest waters you will ever see,

in a country gives you the opportunity to experience the

Providencia. I drove a scooter in the middle of nowhere

culture way more intensely. You basically build up a little life,

in the Tatacoa desert, and of course fell off, leaving me

find new friends and get accustomed to a normal daily life in

scarred for life. I experienced one of the poorest areas of

a totally new setting. This also means you will encounter the

the world in the desert of La Guajira, full of sand dunes and

cultural differences you do not like so much. And you have

amazing beaches. And I went to El Chocó, a long-stretched

no other choice than facing those challenges and learning

jungle area next to the Pacific Coast, only reachable by air

to live with it. Finally, I was more or less forced to learn

plane. In this place, indigenous jungle tribes live in proximity

Spanish. I was thrown into the big unknown and I survived.

to small, ‘more developed’ villages where everyone knows

Being an English speaker basically since I can remember, I

each other, time stands still and life is based on working with

never experienced learning a foreign language up to this

hands and surviving with little to no income. And I did so

level. It is a tough process and sometimes you are so fed

much more which I did not even tell yet. Colombia did not

up with it. But in the end, it feels so rewarding. Personally,

stop to amaze me.

I think it is the most rewarding skill I gained during the exchange semester and something I will carry with me all

Todos por un Nuevo Pais

my life.

Everyone for a new country. Peace. Equality. Education. That is Colombia’s new mission statement since 2014 and you will see it appearing on billboards throughout the whole country. Colombia is working extremely hard to lose its bad image of the past. And it is indeed unfair how the rest of the world sometimes is prejudiced against this country. Narcotrafficking, FARC bombings and robbings on the street, just like in the Netflix-series Narcos. Well, I will tell you something; Colombians hate Narcos. Colombians hate thieves. Colombians hate the unsafety in their country. And thus everyone is helping out in the process of making the country better, safer and more peaceful. Medellin, the most dangerous city in the world during the Nineties, has become a safe and interesting city full of culture, activities, and as said before, a good nightlife. The process of reintegrating FARC-soldiers into the society after the peace agreement of last year is on full speed. And if Colombian people see a thief getting caught by the police on the street, everyone

It is a shame I do not have more space in this Magazine,

starts to yell and cheer. If there is no police around, they will

as I could write a book of all my adventures in Colombia.

personally stop that thief. Impressive.

I simply fell in love with the country and I cannot wait for

Of course, there is still a lot of poverty. Of course, there

the next opportunity to go back. Meanwhile, I recommend

is still production of drugs. And of course, you have to be

everyone to go on an exchange semester if they have the

very careful, especially when it gets dark. But the crime

possibility. Living in another country is the best way to get

rates of Colombia are declining rapidly and the country is

you out of your comfort zone, whether it is Latin America,

so immensely beautiful. So please do not hesitate about

Asia or another country in Europe. Want to know more

visiting Colombia. Go and see how beautiful it is. Believe

about my experience or Colombia in general? I will tell you

me, you will be fine. In Colombia they say: “do not give

all about it with an ice cold beer, or as Colombians would

away your papaya”. Make sure you do not show all valuable

say, ‘pola’. Hasta luego, parce!

things you have and do not get yourself into places or situations where you are vulnerable, like walking alone at night. You will see, Colombia is not that bad.

65 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects




Nordic Regional Coordination Meeting, Lund

TIMES Semi Final, Helsinki & Tampere

23 November 2017 to 27 November 2017

Businessbooster visits SLUSH, Helsinki 26 November 2017 to 03 December 2017

Moscow visits Aachen & Darmstadt 27 November 2017 to 03 December 2017

05 February 2018 to 09 February 2018

TIMES Semi Final, Groningen 12 February 2018 to 16 February 2018

TIMES Semi Final, Lyon 12 February 2018 to 16 February 2018

TIMES Semi Final, Porto 16 February 2018 to 20 February 2018


TIMES Semi Final, Minho

SERC Activity Week, Skopje

Vision Robotics and Mechatronics, Seville

01 December 2017 to 07 December 2017

20 February 2018 to 25 February 2018

Language Course: Let’s learn Russian!, Saint Petersburg

Training New Trainers, Ankara-Bilkent

Milan visits Lyon

MARCH 2018

20 February 2018 to 24 February 2018

20 February 2018 to 27 February 2018

04 December 2017 to 10 December 2017 06 December 2017 to 10 December 2017

Eindhoven visits Madrid 07 December 2017 to 12 December 2017Lean

Six Sigma Green Belt Training Event, Dresden

07 December 2017 to 13 December 2017

North-East Regional Coordination Meeting, Bremen

Vision Artificial Intelligence, Aveiro 04 March 2018 to 10 March 2018

Vision Intelligent Systems, Munich 18 March 2018 to 24 March 2018

DOKA TIMES Final, Vienna 25 March 2018 to 30 March 2018

13 December 2017 to 17 December 2017

APRIL 2018 JANUARY 2018 Eindhoven visits Warsaw

Vision Robotic Process Automation, Porto 22 April 2018 to 29 April 2018

03 January 2018 to 08 January 2018

Europe3D, Istanbul-Bogazici 06 January 2018 to 12 January 2018

Vision Automation, Paderborn 08 January 2018 to 14 January 2018

TIMES Semi Final, Ilmenau 08 January 2018 to 12 January 2018

TIMES Semi Final, Berlin 15 January 2018 to 19 January 2018

TIMES Semi Final, Stockholm 29 January 2018 to 02 February 2018

66 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

MAY 2018 Vision Human Resources, Izmir-DEU 06 May 2018 to 12 May 2018



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67 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects


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68 ESTIEM Magazine | 53rd Issue - Sustainability in Projects

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