ESTIEM Magazine | Autumn 2014 | Business Analytics

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ANALYTICS European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Issue 47 2014/2 | ISSN 0874-5242 | Price 0 Euro |

Pursue your Industrial Engineering Master’s Program in the Netherlands? What about the masters Innovation Management or Operations Management & Logistics at Eindhoven University of Technology?

Where innovation starts

IEM Foundation - a joint initiative of ESTIEM, ESTIEM Alumni and EPIEM to foster IEM caring.

Table of contents









Project Leader’s Speech

26 IEM in Austria: Qualification profiles


President’s Speech

and IEM related perspectives of IEM


Introduction to ESTIEM

professionals, IEM students and HR managers

Focus Topic: Business Analytics

30 7th EPIEM conference, Graz 2014


31 Board 2014 says Goodbye

Extracting value from data

11 How can business analytics boost IEM 14 Analytics for Supply Chain Management 16 Social Media Analysis - Data Mining


Inside ESTIEM 36 From Student Guide to StudyPortals 40 Nice to Minsk you 42 Summer Entrepreneurship Training 44 Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi

updates 57 Linked to ESTIEM - Linked to companies 60 Impressions from College 2014, Porto 62 Two ESTIEMers, two leaders, two friends

Explore Europe 65 One semester abroad in London 66 Let’s change your life 68 Insights from MADrid

46 Mentoring Programme 48 Meet the Baltics

20 Engineers without borders

50 The IEM care and its foundation

22 Integral IEM as a possible trend in IEM

52 Summer Academy - New mentor’s

education in Bucharest

54 Project, Committee and Initiative

experience ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Project Leader’s Speech

Imprint Project Leader Mafalda Monteiro Design Marija Mladenović Réka Szabó Yana Zhirnis Stijn Zanders Mafalda Monteiro Editorial Staff Koen Koolen Réka Szabó Alaz Ata Şenol Stijn Zanders Anuar Baitulakov Laine Šildere Lydia Binek Lassi Uusitalo Sorana Ioniță Proof readers Mladen Lukić Teemu Metsola Pedro Schuller Lassi Uusitalo Guilherme Frias Siros Badlou Sebastian Hummel Sorana Ioniță Advertisement Acquisition Sorana Ioniță Marija Turanjanin Photographer Bart Van Eijden With special thanks to Timothy Byrne, Larry Stapleton, Geert Letens, Esin Korel, Marios Apostolos Kiriakidis and Thijs Putman Contact ESTIEM Permanent Office Paviljoen B-6 P.O.Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Fax: 0031-(0)40 2473871 Disclaimer The contents may not always reflect the opinion of the publisher. Any reproduction or copy is permitted only with the permission of the editors.

Dear Reader,

Society is digitising and with the rise of social media and the usage of smart devices it is therefore creating a growing amount of data. This presents a huge potential in retrieving useful information out of billions of data pieces, referred to as ‘Big Data’. Business Analytics is the science of continuous evaluation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning. Now and even more in the future, Big Data can be used not only to improve processes, but customer satisfaction, trading and healthcare as well, or simply to recommend you a movie to watch tonight, just by analysing the data we generate every day. Without a doubt, it can change business as we know it today, improve decision-making and ensure competitive advantages. In this issue we will address the question

These articles also serve as teasers for the upcoming

of how far we can go with this and how to harness this

issue, which will synchronise its Focus Topic with the


Vision Project’s one: Food from soil to shelf.

Apart from that, you will get an insight into other

Additionally, throughout the pages of this ESTIEM

forward looking topics on Industrial Engineering and

Magazine, you can read about the last endeavours,

Management (IEM). In the EPIEM (European Professors

developments and plans of some of our Committees,

of Industrial Engineering and Management) section you

Projects and Initiatives, discover how it is to be one of

can read about the outcomes of their last conference

the leaders in ESTIEM and take an active role on the

in Graz, as well as about IEM Qualification Profiles in

central level.

Austria and perspectives from professionals within this field. Also, in the Scene section you can discover how

We proudly present you the 47th issue of the ESTIEM

general trends of the IEM specialisation are nowadays

Magazine, which we hope you will enjoy reading!

affected by globalization and how the INTEGRAL IEM system can help us move beyond narrow economic thinking. The newest partner of the Vision project, Stora Enso will be introducing itself through an article about food packaging and presenting exciting insights from an ESTIEMer that has been working within the company.

Our Partners


In high ESTIEM,

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Mafalda Monteiro, Magazine Project Leader 2014/2015

President’s Speech


Dear Reader,

The focus topic of this issue of the ESTIEM Magazine - Business Analytics - is one of the hottest topics in the business world today. With the technological advancements which allow us to draw more meaningful information from big data, companies are developing tools and practices in order to make data-driven decisions which should allow for an increase in business performance. The truth is that we, as Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) students, will hold the responsibility of using the new tools to drive the growth of Europe’s industry through innovation. Several developments marked the year 2014 for ESTIEM as we have seen our network reach new universities and new countries in Europe, with a steady growth in the number of international events we organised. There

Foundation, an organisation founded together with

was a focus on growing our connections with other

ESTIEM Alumni which aims at being a lighthouse for

organisations, even outside of Europe in countries

social projects related to IEM.

such as South Africa, Brazil, Israel and USA. With these connections, ESTIEM is positioning itself as the hub

We are looking forward to what the future will bring

for student development in the Industrial Engineering

us. One could say that the multicultural, friendly and

and Management field. ESTIEM is also an organisation

open minded ESTIEM Spirit which is the backbone

where data analytics are used when possible in order to

of our organisational culture has spread all over

improve decision making. During this year, our internal

and inspired others to take action towards a more

operations have been improved by the work of the

sustainable world. ESTIEM will continue to play its role

30 ESTIEMers who led our international teams in the

in the development of European IEM students in this

respective Projects, Committees and Initiatives - all of

increasingly interconnected world.

them students who had the opportunity to learn and grow as leaders together.

I invite you to take a look inside the 47th issue of the ESTIEM Magazine and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Throughout the summer, we have started the reviewing of the Vision, Mission and Core Values of ESTIEM, taking this task with the highest feeling of

In high ESTIEM,

responsibility towards what our entire network stands for, be it friendship, open-mindedness, professionalism or equal opportunities. In this sense, 2014 was also an important year thanks to the establishment of the IEM Nuno Carneiro, President of ESTIEM 2014

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



All over Europe... Back in 1990, students from five different countries founded an organisation, which they named ESTIEM: European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management. Its aim was and still is to establish and foster interrelations among European students of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) and support them in their personal and professional development. After 24 years, it has grown into an organisation

The decision-making body of ESTIEM is the Council,

bringing together over 60 000 students from 74

which meets twice a year, in autumn and in spring. Each

universities in 28 European countries, and it is still

university, represented by its so-called “Local Group”,

growing. All these universities offer courses in IEM.

sends two student representatives. The six members

Based on this structure, ESTIEM forms links between

of the Board of ESTIEM are elected during the autumn

students, academia and companies in order to create

Council Meeting. The Board is responsible for the

a European-wide, multi-level IEM network. ESTIEM

management, coordination and administration of the

has continuously increased the number of its activities,


thus being able to offer a great variety of events to IEM

Besides taking leadership positions in the Board and as

students and an opportunity to experience different

Project or Committee Leaders, ESTIEM members can

cultures, take part in international projects and become

also take up responsibilities by working in one of the

friends with other ESTIEMers from all over Europe.

Projects, Committees or Initiatives. With lots of teams and tasks to choose from, there is a place for everyone.

Naturally, the backbone of ESTIEM is the European IEM student. The students involved in ESTIEM incorporate

For more detailed information about our organisation

both the skills required for modern business and an

and its activities, please visit our website at www.

open-minded approach towards other people and ■

cultural issues.

6 6

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

... Students involve themselves in various international Projects....


ESTIEM is also a playground for great ideas developed by highly motivated students. If a student manages to convince ESTIEM’s Council of his idea, he can start his own international project. Currently, there are 10 projects running. The





Through the Summer Academy, ESTIEM recognises

Engineering Skills (TIMES) is the largest pan-

the importance of and takes responsibility for providing

European case study competition for the students

knowledge of ethics and sound leadership among

of Industrial Engineering and Management. This

the future leaders of Europe. It was set up to bring

prestigious, highly acclaimed event is the flagship

international students together during summer holidays

project of ESTIEM. It has successfully been organised

to engage in open discussions, group work, debate and

since 1994 and attracts around 1000 top European

private study under a senior Academic Leader.

students every year. After Local Qualifications in 75 different universities and 8 Semi-Finals in selected cities,

The ESTIEM Student Guide is ESTIEM’s guiding

the winning team of the Final is awarded the title of

service provided to any student who is interested in

Europe’s “IEM Students of the Year”.

studying Industrial Engineering and Management in Europe or in travelling to any of the ESTIEM Local

Vision seminar series aims to improve the personal

Groups: an online database filled in by students, sharing

skills and capabilities of the Industrial Engineering and

academic and practical information on universities,

Management students in Europe. The seminars contain

cities and countries.

a balanced mixture of academic lectures, workshops and company visits, which are combined with cultural

The official publication of ESTIEM provides the perfect

and free-time activities of the organising city. Through

platform to reach a target group of approximately 60

those activities, the participants of a Vision Seminar

000 students of Industrial Engineering and Management

develop themselves both personally and professionally.

at universities all over Europe. The ESTIEM Magazine

Each year’s Vision seminar series focuses on one main

is published twice a year and distributed among IEM

topic to which all Vision seminars are connected.

students, graduates and also professors and companies

This year’s main topic is Customer Relationship

across Europe, through the ESTIEM network.

Management. businessbooster aims at creating an environment The goal of Academic Days is to share ESTIEM

where all needed information, experience and support

universities’ knowledge with the network. It supports

to excel in your future professional endeavours can be

the personal and professional development of students

found. The goal of this unique environment is to boost

across Europe willing to complete their curriculum. In

entrepreneurial spirit and engage ESTIEMers, Alumni

order to achieve this, each event provides participants

and companies to collaborate with each other.

deep insights into a specific topic in which the organising Local Group’s university has a high expertise.

BrainTrainer is designed to develop leadership, presentation, business and social skills of participants

Europe3D is a seminar series where participants

through professional trainings lasting one or two

get a deeper insight of the hosting country in three

days. Its aim is to coach and develop the participants

unique dimensions: politics, culture and economy.

to become more professional and successful in their

An environment with a blend of different cultures

organisation as well as in their own future career.

helps the participants get a better understanding of the basic local parameters existing in the European

The ESTIEM Book project is aiming to create a

states. Lectures given by experts from these 3 fields,

Book about ESTIEM’s past and present it for ESTIEM’s

combined with trainings about intercultural awareness,

25th anniversary in 2015. Besides presenting all of

provide participants a theoretical insight. With a high

our history, it will show all the Projects, Committees

level of interactive participation, Europe3D is a unique

and Initiatives of ESTIEM and present all of our Local

opportunity to start changing your world.

Groups. It will be published at ESTIEM’s 50th Council Meeting in spring 2015. ■ ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



... and Europe-wide Committee Work The committees support the Board in maintaining and developing the organisation ESTIEM further. Students from all over Europe engage themselves in various topics in one of our 8 committees. Corporate Relations Committee

Knowledge Management Committee

The Corporate Relations Committee coordinates the


relations between ESTIEM, companies and universities

two things. First, updating & creating Best Practice

jointly with the Board. The Committee’s work covers

Documents (BPDs) by documenting the collective

a number of fields with the aim of improving and

experiences of ESTIEMers throughout time - from

simplifying ESTIEM’s relations with companies and

organising a Project to how to be a Leader. These BPDs

universities, such as updating co-operation proposals,

are available online on the ESTIEM Portal. Second,

creating and gathering results for different surveys or

managing the quality of ESTIEM events by collecting

training people on how to approach companies and

feedback from the event participants in order to make

universities. The Corporate Relations Committee

Event specific and Project Specific Reports, showing the

also plays an active role in supervising and supporting

development of ESTIEM’s Projects and events.





Projects and other Committees with regards to sponsors and academic supporters.

Members Committee The Members Committee supports the members of

Financial and Legal Committee

ESTIEM and supports students interested in joining

The Financial and Legal Committee’s role is to ensure

ESTIEM by forming their own Local Group (LG). It

ESTIEM’s compliance with all laws and regulations.

guides them through the whole process, starting from

It supports the Board, other Committees, Projects

establishing contact, via the Guest and Observer

and Local Groups in all financial and legal matters.

period, all the way until their fully pledged membership.

On one hand, it consists of experienced ESTIEMers

It takes care of the LG Requirements, helps all LGs

and ESTIEM Alumni, who are motivated to provide

via the Regional Coordinators, and supports LGs and

advice whenever requested. On the other hand, active

central ESTIEM in motivation and recruitment issues.

Committee members work on creating and updating

It fosters connections between LGs, tries to figure out

Best Practice Documents, trainings, templates, etc.

what they need locally and cooperates e.g. with the

for all related topics, giving advice on event budgets

Trainers on Tour concept to fulfil the needs for training

and proactively giving legal advice. Since many people

topics such as HR, PR, recruitment and fundraising.

are unexperienced with finances and regulations, the Financial and Legal Committee aims at helping them to

Public Relations Committee

deal with them correctly.

The aim of the Public Relations Committee is to take care of ESTIEM’s outer appearance. The Committee

Grants Committee

is responsible for communicating the brand of ESTIEM

The Grants Committee supports ESTIEM’s applications

and increasing the awareness both inside and outside

for EU Grants and aims to establish and develop

of ESTIEM. The PR Committee works with several

knowledge on public funding opportunities and

different tools to achieve this, for instance designing

their application procedures. It also wants to share

PR material, creating design templates and guidelines,

the existing knowledge with as many ESTIEMers as

as well as working on press and social media visibility.

possible and to support more and more Local Groups in applying for an EU Grant for their events.

Trainings Committee Personal development is part of ESTIEM’s vision – and

Information Technology Committee

it is what ESTIEM trainings are meant for! By passing on

The IT Committee maintains the e-mail, intranet and

knowledge, skills and attitude in their sessions, ESTIEM

web servers of ESTIEM and coordinates all IT-related

trainers support ESTIEMers on their path in ESTIEM

development in the organisation such as the IT back-

and in life. The Training Committee provides training

end system (.NET framework & C#). To complement

support to all ESTIEM activities and Local Groups. It

the knowledge of ESTIEMers about ICT and IT systems,

also guides trainers and people who want to become

it provides trainings in an open learning environment.

trainers with their career through ESTIEM, and gives

In addition, ITC offers troubleshooting services and

them personal support and feedback. ■

technical advice to all ESTIEMers. 8

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Extracting value from data


Business Analytics is a concept that is being heard more and more in companies and universities. But what does it exactly mean and what is its impact on businesses and consumers? Uzay Kaymak, professor at Eindhoven University of Technology explains. Today’s society is digitizing and, with the rise of social

automated. But humans are still the ones that made

media, the usage of smartphones and the coming of

up the questions, think of the products to be sold and

the Internet of Things, are generating an ever increasing

handle the difficult cases.”

amount of data. This pile of data creates a huge potential computers cannot do and make the final decisions

model that relies on analysing your data. When you

in analyses. However, computers are getting more

watch something on Netflix they will recommend you

intelligent as well. What was perhaps human five years

other videos based on the ones you’ve watched. For

ago was maybe already taken over by computers, but

this to be possible, the company needs to understand

then humans will get other tasks that computers at that

the preferences of customers, which is closely related

moment will not be able to do.

to business analytics.” Despite the term business analytics getting more

Business value

common there is no exact definition of what it is.

For businesses, this technology creates an opportunity

Kaymak: “Business analytics is for me understanding

for competitive advantage. Kaymak: “If you can analyse

the factors that influence your business. This is done

your business data in near real time means that you

by focusing on the evidence that your data provides as

understand your business environment, the market and

opposed to generating understanding based on mere

also your customers better. This brings the advantages

experience. What makes business analytics unique

that the responsiveness of your company increases, so

is that you analyse much more frequently and you

you can react quicker to changes in your environment

integrate that in your processes.”

and the interaction with your customers also becomes

Prof. Dr. Ir. Uzay Kaymak

So humans are still needed to perform tasks that

pieces of data. “A company as Netflix has a business

Eindhoven University of Technology

in getting useful information out of these billions of

better, which will lead to a higher customer satisfaction.” One example is a big retailer in the United States that monitors its sales numbers, how much is being sold of

Airlines for example use analytics with algorithms

what product at what time etc. Within minutes after a

that optimise the prices. These prices change usually

milk spill they spotted that the milk sales went down

daily, but sometimes in other time intervals. This has

and that there had to be a cause. This was even before

as consequence that no two seats in an airplane are

the employees were aware of this.

sold for the same price. Another sector in which the

analytics of big amounts of data is growing is the financial

Human and computers

sector. The traditional image of a trader is someone in

Thus business analytics is an analysis at almost real time

a suit being busy with looking at screens, shouting to

basis. This is mostly automated but for a final analysis

buy or sell stocks. But nowadays there are also people

humans are always needed. Kaymak: “The amount of

that are not in a suit, but behind a computer improving

data that is generated and the speed at which this is

algorithms for trading. This means that an increasing

done does not make it possible for humans to do an

amount of transactions is automated, in 2006 around

‘old’ analysis. This is the reason tools, methods and

50% and nowadays around 80% of the transactions. An

models are generated for computers to do the analysis

advantage of a computer is that it can act fast and a

as well. So the human is more a supervisor that is

millisecond gain can be worth millions of dollars.

steering the process in the right direction. For instance, getting a quote for your insurance happens mostly

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Kaymak thinks that analytics will be everywhere and will be an integral part in operations of companies. For customers this will mean that companies can offer better services and better products. However this also has a downside, says Kaymak: “In the future, but also nowadays, we will be more and more confronted with questions such as how much we want corporations to interfere with our lives. For instance in the Netherlands a card is used for the public transport that can detect at an individual level which person from which station departed at what time and where to. You can imagine that this kind of information is useful for optimizing the train schedules. But the question is if there is an added value that this is being done on an individual level or if it could be done in another way.” Business Analytics in Healthcare Kaymak is currently focusing on healthcare due to his natural interest and because the digitization in healthcare is coming. “Healthcare is currently going through the process that the industry went through 20 to 25 years ago. A lot more information is becoming available which on its turn can be analysed.” An area that can create value in healthcare is the use of mobile devices. Currently people first get ill before they go to the doctor. Then a doctor does tests to see if and how he can cure the disease. For this system, people have to get ill first, notice it in time and go to the doctor in time. In the future, this might be different: “In the future, health services might offer constant monitoring and automatically contact of your doctor if certain values are out of range. Or, when you go to the hospital, they do not collect information only when About Uzay Kaymak Prof. Dr. Ir. Uzay Kaymak graduated from TU Delft in computer engineering. His specialisation is computational intelligence and he has worked on decision making, improving business decisions and data modelling. After his PhD in Delft he worked in the industry for a number of years before joining the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Currently he is a professor at the Information Systems Group of the School of Industrial Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology. He applies techniques for business process intelligence in the healthcare.


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

you arrive, but access the information you already accumulated until the moment of arrival. This might be a first step to make better decisions. With information about 100 or 1000 patients it might also be possible to analyse patterns, so that for example patterns in cardiovascular diseases might be discovered. So trough analytical solutions integrated in healthcare the doctor will not be the one who cures you, but the one that coaches you to ream healthy.” ■

How can Business Analytics Boost Industrial Engineering and Management? In today’s hyper-competitive data-driven world,


Better Decisions: Supporting complex decisions for

business analytics drive business success. Analytics

improving performance in multiple domains and

is the “process of using data relationships and


computer models to drive business value, improve

trends in terms of cloud computing, mobility devices and social media are both fuelling and feeding the use

Descriptive Analytics use business intelligence and data-

of analytics. Notwithstanding, traditional businesses

mining. These approaches provide trending information

also need analytic solutions to make smarter decisions

on past or current events, uncovering details and past

and improve key performance indicators (KPIs) – that

performance (IBM, 2013).

may ultimately lead to increased revenues and/or


lower capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational

programs in retailing using time series analysis



Luis Guimarães

prescriptive analytics (see Figure 2).

INESC TEC, Faculdade de Engenharia

namely descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and

environments comes into play. All the recent business

Pedro Amorim

sense of large and complex sets of information and

INESC TEC, Faculdade de Engenharia

are not mutually exclusive, but are collectively exhaustive,

da Universidade do Porto

These three goals relate to different types of analytics that

(Northwestern Engineering, 2014). The ability to make

da Universidade do Porto

decision-making and understand human relationships”


expenditures (OPEX). IIn order to quantify the impact of a program run by a The figure below plots the web search interest for

grocery chain in which grocery purchases are rewarded

“business analytics” worldwide. Clearly, the interest in

with a cross-market discount, a descriptive analytical model

this area is increasing significantly over the years. The

to compare actual and predicted purchases, considering a

falling cost of gathering, storing and managing data is

control group, may be employed. For example, time-series

leveraging the application of Business Intelligence (BI)

analysis and statistical analysis could be conducted.

and analytics operations to a wider variety of situations throughout the companies. Gartner (Gartner, 2013)

Predictive Analytics resort to algorithms and modelling

predicts that BI and analytics will remain top focus for

techniques (such as forecasting and simulation) to

CIOs (Chief Information Officers) through 2017.

understand potential future trends in the data. It helps managers to anticipate likely scenarios, allowing for better

Advanced analytical methods have different objectives and

planning and more informed decision-making. However, it

are employed in different settings, fostering:

does not recommend actions.

Better Information: Building on top of large sets of

Example: Improving productivity in operation

data to obtain a clear picture of the past/present

rooms by surgery duration prediction system

(identification of patterns and trends); •

Better Predictions: Obtaining careful predictions

In the process of scheduling surgeries, surgeons have to

of outcomes and estimates of risk to illuminate

estimate empirically how long the combination of surgical

management issues and point toward managerial

procedures will take in order to book the operating room.


The accuracy of these estimations will define the quality

About Luis Guimarães

Figure 1 – Worldwide Web Search Interest for “Business Analytics”.

Luis Guimarães is Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Management by the University of Porto. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Industrial Engineering and Management from INESC TEC. Specialist in models and quantitative methods for industrial engineering and management problems. He has been a researcher/ consultant in several projects related to Operations Management and supported by different types of entities aiming at designing and developing decision support systems. Author of several publications in international journals in the field of Operations Research and Computer Science.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Example: Optimizing the Annual Distribution


Budget in the Beverage Industry The beverage market is becoming increasingly demanding. The results are an increasing variety of stock-keeping units (SKUs) and the need for a flexible distribution network to fulfil customer demands, which in turn produces a very fragmented product set (i.e., product basket). The combination of a large

Bernardo Almada-Lobo,

INESC TEC, Faculdade de Engenharia

da Universidade do Porto

Figure 2 – Advanced Analytics: from Information driven to

portfolio of products, complex distribution networks,

Optimization driven.

and demanding customers gives rise to very intricate

of the operating theatre schedule, since every deviation

supply chain planning problems. On a tactical level, the

from the estimates leads either to schedule disruptions

managers may be faced with decisions about selecting

(surgeries exceeding their allocated time) or to unoccupied

the right logistics providers, types of contracts to use,

time (surgeries finishing earlier than estimated). This wasted

which platforms to operate and their respective activity

time is valuable, not only for the hospital but to the patients

levels. Prescriptive analytics allow for the optimisation

who see their health conditions and overall satisfaction

of tactical distribution planning decisions and for the

quickly deteriorating throughout time. Predictive analytics

study of alternative scenarios for its supply strategies

allow for an automatic and effective mechanism to estimate

and network configuration.

surgery duration, based on historical surgery records, patient and surgeon information.

The value delivered from analytics to businesses usually

Finally, Prescriptive Analytics allow us to derive optimised

increases throughout this path from descriptive to

or smart recommendations and to simulate the future

prescriptive analytics. However, this does not mean that

outcomes of the decisions, based on descriptive and

only prescriptive analytics should be applied. Actually, the success of an analytical project/implementation

About Bernardo Almada-Lobo

will depend on the maturity of the company, the need

Bernardo Almada-Lobo is Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Management by

of the business and, of course, on the experience of

the University of Porto. He is associate professor at the Industrial Engineering and Management

the team.

Department – Faculty of Engineering / University of Porto. He is the coordinator of the Centre for Industrial Engineering and Management, from the Associate Laboratory INESC TEC, and the Vice-

All examples presented above can be fit in a common

Academic Director of IBM Center for Advanced Studies Portugal. He is also the coordinator of the

solving process. Firstly, it is necessary to identify the

Euro Working Group on Lotsizing. Almada-Lobo’s main area of activity is Management Science/

business problem to be tackled. The role of the business

Operations Research. He develops and applies advanced analytical models and methods to help

analyst is then to translate the business problem into an

make better decisions, solving managerial problems in various domains (manufacturing, health, retail

analytical model. It is in this step that is necessary to

and mobility), with a special focus on Operations Management.

identify what kind of advanced analytics is necessary: descriptive, predictive and/or prescriptive. Using the

predictive analyses of structured and unstructured

model and the data from the problem, solutions are

data. Through for instance mathematical programming

obtained that need to be converted into results. In

or heuristic algorithms, it allows for performance

this last step, the role of the business expert comes

improvement in several processes and across distinct

into play as it is necessary to align the results with the


problem and communicate them.

Figure 3 – Sales volume time-series for rewarded customers (on the left) and for the control group (on the right).


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Figure 4 – Comparison between the estimated duration of surgeries made by surgeons (on the left) and by predictive system (on the right) and the real values. The diagonal lines show the desirable scenario where the estimated duration would be always correct (C.Gomes et al, 2012). This double role (business analyst / business expert) is critical and very suited for Industrial Engineers who

About Pedro Amorim

may be able to translate, model and communicate the

Pedro Amorim is Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering

business problem.

and Management by the University of Porto. He is assistant professor at the Industrial Engineering and Management Department – Faculty of Engineering / University of Porto

We conclude with two important messages. Firstly, the

and researcher at the Center for Industrial Engineering and Management from INESC TEC.

analytic maturity of the companies varies considerably,

Specialist in supply chain planning with an emphasis on food products. Researcher/consultant

concerning how capable an organisation is at using

in several projects related to Operations Management and supported by different types of

data and advanced analytics to support key decision

entities. Pedro Amorim is the author of several publications in international journals in the

making procedures. Companies are struggling to move

field of Operations Research (for example, International Journal of Production Economics

from Descriptive Analytics towards Predictive and

and Interfaces).

Prescriptive Analytics. New technological opportunities will speed up the readiness of companies for this movement. Secondly, in order to succeed in highly complex environments, any business analyst should complement his/her intellectual power (related to depth and breadth of knowledge, choices structuring, and strong default positions) with a robust interconnectivity and intuition powers. The so-called soft skills may make or break a successful implementation of a project. Figure 5 – Outline of the two-phase solution strategy (algorithm) for optimization of tactical distribution planning decisions (L.Guimarães et al, 2014).


Communicating (both ways) not only the results, but also the underlying methodology, aligning people towards a purpose, building consensus and framing the problems appropriately play key roles. ■

C. Gomes, B. Almada-Lobo, J. Borges, C. Soares. Integrating Data Mining and Optimization Techniques on Surgery Scheduling, Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol.7713, pp.589-602, 2012


Gartner, Press Release 2013,, accessed in September 2014


IBM, White Paper on Descriptive, predictive, prescriptive: Transforming asset and facilities management with analytics, 2013


L. Guimarães, P. Amorim, F. Moreira, F. Sperandio, B. Almada-Lobo. Annual Distribution Budget in the Beverage Industry: A Case Study, Interfaces, vol.44 (6), Special Issue: Operations Research in Freight Transportation and Logistics, 2014


Northwestern Engineering,, accessed in September 2014


T. H. Davenport, Analytics 3.0 Where Big Data and Traditional Analytics Meet, Informs Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research, 2014

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Analytics for Supply Chain Management


Organisations exist in increasingly dynamic environments and therefore managers face enormous challenges when managing the organisation. Organisations face a number of competitive pressures. Globalisation is seen in the emergence of large trade blocks and international trade agreements and the growth of large firms that operate on a global scale.

Liam Doyle

Waterford Institute of Technology,

Waterford, Ireland

Rapid advances in technology lead to shorter product

sharing between supply chain partners can help reduce

development cycles but also shorter product lifecycles.

uncertainty, thereby improving the efficiency and

Convergence leads to blurring of industry boundaries.

competitiveness of the supply chain.

Web-based competition leads to a reduction in

A wide variety of information systems are used to

time and place barriers to trade. Economic and

assist in the activities of the supply chain. These

political pressures create further uncertainty while

include inventory control and production planning

environmental issues are gaining increasing emphasis.

systems, manufacturing execution systems (MES),

Regulatory requirements are becoming greater in areas

materials requirement planning (MRP), manufacturing

as diverse as finance, food handling, and transportation.

resource planning (MRP II), enterprise resource

In addition, customer demands are rapidly changing.

planning (ERP), warehouse management systems

Customers expect higher quality products, greater

(WMS), transportation management systems (TMS),

levels of service. Customers expect availability of

distribution resource planning (DRP), customer

a greater variety of products, updated on a regular


basis, including the facility for customisation and

e-commerce applications. Applications such as these

personalisation. Organisations are therefore faced with

help carry out the activities of the organisation and

high levels of uncertainty and seek improved means of

provide information that can be used to aid in decision

making smarter decisions.

making. Such information can assist in collaborative

Products get into the hands of customers through

approaches such as collaborative planning forecasting

the collective efforts of firms that are linked in supply

and replenishment (CPFR), just-in-time (JIT), efficient

chains. Supply chains extend from the point of origin

consumer response (ECR). These collaborative

to the point of consumption and include all stages in

approaches depend upon the decision making based

between. Raw materials are transformed into finished

on shared information.

products through the activities undertaken by supply

Uncertainty exists due to various environmental factors

chain members. These activities include manufacturing,

and also due to uncertainties that are internal to the

inbound and outbound logistics, marketing and sales,

supply chain. Problems caused by uncertainty can be

service, and new product development. Supply chain

addressed through the availability of information.

processes extend across functional and organisational

However, it is not the availability of data, but rather










the ability to make actionable decisions based upon an

locations in order to meet the needs of customers.

analysis of the available data that provides the benefit

These processes include order fulfilment, demand

of possessing that data - the data that is captured in the

management, managing relationships with customers

various supply chain information systems. Supply chain

and with suppliers, procurement, and management

management regards the supply chain in a systematic

of transportation and manufacturing activities. Supply chains can be characterised by the level of uncertainty associated with the demand and supply. Demand uncertainty depends upon the nature of the product and the nature of demand for the product. Supply uncertainty depends upon the availability of material inputs and the capabilities of suppliers. Uncertainty causes difficulties in supply chains and often results in inefficiencies and reduced competitiveness. For example, demand uncertainty can lead to distortion of demand information which becomes amplified as the information passes back through the supply chain, leading to the bullwhip effect. Information



ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

manner whereby decisions and actions taken in one

must be loaded into the data warehouse. This process is

part of the supply chain are seen to have an impact in

known as extract, transform and load (ETL). Attention

other parts of the supply chain. This bullwhip effect is

must also be paid to the quality of data used including

an example of a problem that can occur when decisions

comprehensiveness, accuracy, and timeliness. While

are made without regard to information about other

the relational database model may be used for many

parts of the supply chain.

supply chain applications which provide a vast quantity

Information visibility refers to the ability to share

of structured data for analysis, much more data exists

information across the supply chain. Information velocity

in unstructured formats. This data exists in sources such

refers to the speed at which such information can be

as letters, faxes, contracts, business documents, emails,

shared. In order to make good quality information-

texts, tweets, web pages, and web-logs. The handling

based decisions about supply chain activities, it is

of these vast quantities of data requires an efficient and

necessary to have high levels of information visibility

effective approach to data management. Approaches

and velocity. While supply chains are designed to

such as master data management and data governance

enable the flow of materials from point of origin to

can help improve the availability of good quality data to

point of consumption, with matching flows of money

assist in decision making.


in the opposite direction, the flow of information is required in both directions. An information flow facility allows information to flow both upstream and downstream in the supply chain, making information visible to supply chain participants. Information flow facility is implemented with various layers of technology including communications, applications, and data stores. Supply chain decisions are made at all levels of the organisation, i.e. operational, tactical, and strategic. Decision making requires analysis of appropriate

About Liam Doyle Liam Doyle is a lecturer in Information Systems in the School of Science in Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland. He coordinates the M.Sc. in Information Systems Processes that examines the role of information and information systems in improving the way in which organisations compete in a dynamic environment and which emphasises the socio-technical nature of information systems. His main research interests are in the area of business process improvement, supply chain information systems, and information systems strategy.

data, the use of appropriate analytical tools, and an understanding of the contextual factors affecting the

The purpose of analytics is to assist in decision making

decision. Data comes from diverse sources which may

by helping to direct, optimise, and automate decision

be internal or external to the organisation. Supply

making. While analytics requires access to high quality

chain partners are an important source of data for

data, it also requires access to advanced analytic

supply chain decisions. Data comes from various

techniques. Support for decision making progressed

applications used to operate the business and often

from management information systems (MIS) that

exist in relational databases. However, the existence of

provided standardised reports from transactional data.

separate databases for different functional applications

The development of decision support systems (DSS)

acts as a barrier to the use of that data for decision

allowed managers a greater level of control in defining

making. Data is therefore often brought together into

their own reports and manipulating the way in which

a data warehouse where related data from different

data was analysed. Online analytical processing (OLAP)

applications can be linked. Data warehouses differ

expanded on the power of DSS and provided greater

from operational databases as they are optimised for

availability of analytic systems. Data-mining provides

querying and analytics purposes rather than for the

a powerful means to extract valuable information

support of transaction processing. Data marts are

that is hidden within large data stores such as data

smaller versions of data warehouses and are often used


for more specific purposes that data warehouses.

similar functionality for text and web-based data.

Data warehouses provide the ability to store and

Visualisation tools allow the results of advanced

analyse large volumes of data. However, because the

analysis to be displayed in a manner that effectively

data that populates the data warehouse comes from

communicates the results to the recipient.

a diverse range of internal and external sources, it is

Information technologies can be used to provide

necessary to process the data before it enters the data

advanced supply chain analytics capabilities so that

warehouse. Data must be extracted from the original

supply chain participants can gain competitive advantage

source. Cleansing is a step that is used to eliminate

through improved decision making. These technologies

invalid or erroneous data. As different means may be

include functional applications, an information flow

used to represent similar types of data, transformation

facility, data management, advanced analytic techniques

into the agreed common format must take place. Data

and information visibility. â–

Text-mining and web-mining provide

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Social Media Analysis - Data Mining


Big Data - one of the buzzwords of today’s business. Everyone has heard of the examples of how a father finds out his daughter is pregnant, or how fraud in banking can be traced. But there are more sides to the story, examples that are close to your everyday life.

Hanneke van Keep



Because it is not only your buying behaviour or your

And while almost all modern companies are using social

bank details that generate data about you as a customer.

media and the internet as a way to communicate with

One of the biggest sources of data about your life

their customers, it is still a big struggle to find a way to

comes directly from your mind; it is the text you write:

use this data for other uses than just getting in touch

E-mails to companies, replies on their surveys, reviews

with people. This is where text mining comes into use.

on websites and lots of social media messages.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

In general, text mining is the process in which


unstructured raw text is structured step-by-step by finding patterns. By using machine learning methods, models can be developed that recognise positive and negative messages, find the most important topics or even predict the writer’s age, gender or social status. Most of these models are not even new, but since the amount of text data is growing rapidly and it is no longer possible for human beings to keep up reading, it becomes more important to find ways to use them to benefit the company. There is a reason the client is writing all this text. By giving reviews, asking questions and answering your questions, the client expects you to do something with

model, a big database of real social media messages

the information. In this article some of the techniques

was manually annotated as positive and negative. This

to use this information as a data source will be shown

was still not 100% correct, since some messages are

by discussing a case involving the ANWB, the biggest

hard to figure out, even by humans. By using a Naïve

Dutch travel association.

Bayes model, which works similarly to the way spam

About a year ago, the CRM company Underlined and

filters for e-mail work, a personalised sentiment analysis

the ANWB started a partnership to develop a way to

could be made. By analysing the most important key

use the text to eventually replace a part of the surveys

words for a sentiment, it became clear that this was

used, it turned out to be a lot more interesting than

indeed more like it. For instance, the highest indicator

they expected.

for positive messages turned out to be the Dutch word

The first big problem to overcome was the way in

“weer”. This word has two meanings; first of all it

which to analyse a sentiment. There are several tools

was thought that the translation “weather” would be

and methods available to measure a sentiment but by

the case. Maybe a lot of people were waiting in the

testing them it became more and more clear that they

rain? But later on, it was found out that the translation

would not work for this cause. First of all, the most

“again” was more appropriate. Most of these messages

traditional sentiment analyses that are used are rule-

spoke of “ANWB got me back on the road again”.

based, meaning that they are based on language rules.

These personalised ‘word lists’ had the precision of the

By using these rules, the place a word has in a sentence

sentiment analysis from a market standard of 60% to

and the surrounding types of words predict the type the

around 70-75%. By having a more precise sentiment

word belongs to. After the establishment of the word-

analysis, it was now possible to analyse the messages

types, a sentiment word-list will decide if the word

one by one, instead of having to rely on the law of big

is positive or negative. However, since the ANWB’s


biggest service is the road service, a lot of messages looked like: “My car broke down :-( Let’s call the

About the company

ANWB!”. In this case, the sentence would be marked

Underlined is a company that specializes in putting the customer first. By creating

negative, while it is actually positive for the ANWB to

a customer centric strategy, Underlined can help companies to find out who their

be recognised as the ‘saver’. Another big problem is

customer is and what he really wants. Underlined works for serveral large companies

the lack of grammar in social media messages. If the

in the Netherlands and develops its methods in corporation with several Dutch

grammar is all wrong, the types of words can never be


found, let alone the typos in the words itself. Moreover, because this type of analysis is not that precise, it can

The next step was to match the messages with the

only be used for analysing trends in large datasets, it is

customers who wrote them. With the help of BI

not reliable enough for single messages.

consultant Nippur, a method was developed to match

Therefore, a machine learning method was used to

social media profiles to customer data based on their

‘train’ a model for sentiment analysis. For training this

personal data. These customers were asked

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



earlier to answer the question “how likely are you to recommend this company to other people?” (also known as the Net Promotor Score). By adding their social media sentiments to these results, it was now possible to analyse the correlation between what they said they would do and what they really did. Since this was the first time it could really be measured what people said exactly without literally eavesdropping, this data-matching made it possible to test the NPS for the first time. In result, it turned out that, on the short term, people actually do what they say they do. The next question for ANWB and their peers is of course: Now that we know the sentiment, what do they actually talk about? At this moment Underlined is developing models using class allocation to give more insight in the important topics in the texts. So what is the future of text mining? Where most companies used to be scared of all the text data coming in, now that it is possible for computers to recognise patterns that are hard to find even by humans, the data becomes more and more welcome. New questions are rising; how can we generate even more text data? And how can we develop a method to get the right amount of text data from each of our customer groups? If the right amount of data is found, it might replace all traditional ways of measuring customer satisfaction. Furthermore, is there a way to find the right synonyms for each meaning of a word? This is the one thing that still keeps computers from being able to recognise the meaning of a word, just from reading the context. If this hurdle is overcome, a big step can be made in marketing intelligence. Where the need for quantitative data is now always present, this might not be needed anymore. About Hanneke van Keep

Maybe becoming even more important; how can we

Hanneke van Keep graduated in Marketing Research at

use these methods to analyse visual data? In social

Tilburg University by finding the relationship between

media, the new trend of not only posting text, but

the NPS and actual behaviour regarding social media.

also posting photos or even videos leads to the need

She is now working as a Customer Intelligence Analyst

of new methods. It can already be established whether

for Underlined where she develops new methods to

a picture is showing a happy or a sad person, but just

use text as a data source for marketing research.

as the sentiment analysis in text mining, this is just the beginning. ■

“ 18

In general, text mining is the process in which unstructured raw text is step-by-step structured by finding patterns.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Photo: Friedrich Böhringer ADVERTORIAL

Did you know… …that 50 micrometers can make a crucial difference on the way to the summit? Cable cars and ski lifts carry thousands of people up to

These extremely low deviation tolerances demand

the summits or back and forth between ski resorts day


in and day out, especially during the winter. Passenger


safety is a top priority. This is why the production of all

Cable car manufacturer Doppelmayr ensures the

cable car parts depends on maximum precision down

quality of its systems by using a bridge-type coordinate

to hundredths of a millimeter. The drive pulleys that

measuring machine from ZEISS that scans the center

move the cable between the top and bottom stations

part of the pulley in one complete CNC cycle. When

are huge, and the center part alone weighs just under

doing so, it compares actual and target states, thereby

two tons.

detecting even the tiniest deviation. The results of

This central piece is surrounded by four wing elements.

the measurement can be retrieved at the touch of a

Absolute precision is mandatory when manufacturing

button. This enables the quality assurance process to

these parts so that the adapter plates of the wing

be carried out much more quickly. In the past, quality

elements can be connected seamlessly to the center

was literally inspected by hand: A specialist would use


a measuring arm to measure all relevant parts of each

In the case of a pulley with a diameter of five to seven

individual component. With the measuring machine,

meters, precision means that the working surfaces may

the process is not only shorter, but also four to five

only deviate from the ideal shape by a maximum of

times more precise. Thus, the cable car manufacturer

50 micrometers. If the distance between them is any

can guarantee the safety of his passengers – and they

greater, the wing elements will no longer be able to

can focus on enjoying the view of the mountain from


the cable car as they make their way to the summit. ■





ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Engineers without borders


The trend towards globalization affects engineering educators on three inter-related dimensions: a dramatically new landscape of world economy, the next generation of engineering jobs and the education of the ‘next gen’ engineer. It is critical that the next generation of engineers be

The global economic phenomenon has led to a sea

globally competent. This is a broad outcome with

of change in the nature of business and jobs. In big

multiple nuances, implementation methodologies and

corporations, global sourcing of products and people

assessment metrics that will be detailed in the next few

has become the norm. Factors that have enabled this

paragraphs. Our mission is to enhance engineering

remarkable growth in globalization include:

Bopaya Bidanda

Institute of Industtrial Engineers

Senior Vice President International

education by enabling the ‘next gen’ engineer to be equally at ‘home’ in practicing engineering in Hubli,

Ease of accessibility and collaboration: Today’s world

Hannover, Hokkaido, Helsinki or Hackensack. This

has become much smaller in the sense that airfares

aligns with Jack Welch (former Chairman and CEO of

have been stable in absolute terms over the past

General Electric) who believes that “Globalization has

two decades and actually plummeted in real terms.

changed us into a company that searches the world, not

Telecommunication costs have also dramatically

just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital

dropped, leading to cheaper and easier collaboration

- the world’s best talents and greatest ideas”. These

between companies. But perhaps the most crucial

words by the visionary Jack Welch aptly summarize

factor has been the rise of the Internet. This global

the phenomenon of globalization that has swept over

behemoth of interconnected computers has led to a

the world. It has practically influenced every aspect

tremendous increase in the ease of communication and

of human life - culture, politics and economy and

information exchange. Helsinki and Hubli are just a click

especially, engineering education.

away! Government policies: Having realized the boost that

Stages of Globalization & the Global Economy Globalization has evolved tremendously over the ages. In his book, The Flat World, the journalist Thomas L. Friedman details the three stages of globalization as follows: 1) Globalization 1.0 (1492 to 1800) - In this period, countries began to recognize the importance of spreading their wings to outside their homeland and looking for opportunities abroad. These years were characterized by countries trying to globalize for resources and imperial conquest. This period laid the foundation for the much richer global exchange that was to happen in the forthcoming eras.

foreign investment can provide to their economy, governments have started providing incentives to firms that bring business to their country. These incentives include faster and easier licensing, attractive tax rates and allowing free currency flow. International alliances: Regional alliances like the European Union, NAFTA, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) help tremendously to facilitate collaboration and interaction between their member nations on various fronts like trade, culture and technology by removing bottlenecks.

2) Globalization 2.0 (1800 -2000) - This was the era when globalization started to really mature. Unlike the earlier stage, where only some imperialistic countries were reaping the benefits, this stage provided opportunities for the corporate world to globalize. Multinational companies grew and concepts such as global outsourcing and supply chains emerged. 3) Globalization 3.0 (2000 onwards) - Globalization now not only encompasses trade but also exchange of talent and knowledge. In today’s world, individuals are able to globalize. Companies search the entire world for talented engineers. This has led to the rise of what can be called a “global economy” where the economies of individual nations, companies and individuals are deeply interconnected.


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Talent pool in low wage countries: There is an abundance of talented and highly educated engineers in the emerging nations and beyond – in diverse countries such as India, Brazil, China, Russia, Eastern Europe, Middle East etc.

The global economic phenomenon has led to a sea of change in the nature of business and jobs.

Educating the Next Generation Engineer


In tomorrow’s engineering workplace, competent technical skills are a necessary but not sufficient condition. However, in addition to the above-stated skills, it is necessary that an engineer possesses the ability to work in the dynamic, multi-cultural teams that are present in global corporations. Also it is necessary to blend high level of technical skills with superior communication skills. So today’s engineering curricula must incorporate the following techniques to educate tomorrows ‘next gen’ engineer: About the author

Bopaya Bidanda is currently the Ernest E. Roth Professor and Chairman of the Department of

In tomorrow’s engineering workplace, competent technical skills are a necessary but not sufficient condition

Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He also serves as the Senior Vice-President of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (International). His research focuses on Manufacturing Systems, Reverse Engineering, Product Development and Project Management. He has published five books and over 100 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He has also given invited and keynote talks in Asia, South America, Africa and Europe. He also helped initiate and institutionalize the Engineering Program on the Semester at Sea voyage in 2004.

Add new and relevant areas to the engineering curriculum relevant to the local workplace. Engineering curriculum (or at least, technical electives), must be evaluated and refined every two years.

Engage student in exciting, team-based, authentic experiences starting from the freshman year.

Establish interdisciplinary teams for projects. Academic institutions are among the few entities that divide engineers into silos by discipline. In the corporate workplace, every engineer irrespective of discipline is a problem solver.

Offer students opportunities for leadership in multiple areas.

Offer exposure to a cross-cultural working environment. Emphasize to students that it is a global marketplace today. Students must be offered opportunities to experience the international workplace while in college. Technical electives and humanities courses that focus on globalization, diversity and a cross-cultural environment must be offered to students.

Engineering courses must utilize global resources such as the Internet, educational modules, etc., as part of their curriculum.

Conclusion The interplay of global factors will lead to significant changes in the structure, delivery mode, and content of engineering education. Successful engineering institutions are the ones that will embrace these changes and allow them to produce globally competent engineers. ■

References: In: Proceedings of the international conference on transformations in engineering education. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014. ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Integral IEM as a possible trend in IEM education in Bucharest


Cristian Mustață

University Politehnica,

Bucharest, Romania

The need for sustainable development gained an

regarding our attitudes in life, as employees,

increased worldwide attention since the „United

managers and generally as human beings: Inspiration,

Nations Conference on Environment and Development


(UNCED)” 1992 where 178 nations declared it one of

Goodness, Responsibility, Authenticity and Love [4].

their goals. Important requirements are the equilibrium

Do we feel inspired by what we do while teaching or

between our generation and the generations of

studying in the case of professors and students? And

tomorrow on the one hand and between business,

after graduation, do we feel inspired while doing our

social and ecologic priorities on the other hand [1].

job? If we feel inspired by the things we are doing, it




means we are at the right place in our lives, it means we will try to perform better and leave our unique

a rising consciousness of managers and employees

mark, instead of getting quickly and superficial through

towards the quality of life as a meaning to fulfill a higher

our tasks. Inspiration shows us if we have found our

destiny on earth (Maslow`s level of Self-realization)

vocation: our work as managers, professors, students

could influence enterprises to rethink their business

or employees should fill us with passion and joy.

philosophy and to drive farther away from models

Inspired human beings can enrich their environment,

where profit maximization is the natural No. 1 goal [2].

either if we speak about a university or an enterprise.

As IEM education aims to prepare its students to

Unfortunately inspiration cannot be taught, one has

be the successful managers of tomorrow, it also

to live and feel inspired in order to experience it.

targets to make them think about the complex

Creative Nonconformism becomes important when







we need to overcome strong models and habits that



no longer suit our requirements. This is often the case

we need sensitive managers and employees able

inside universities as well as enterprises. Our own

of decisions and actions that balance profits and

inertia as well as inertia in our society can be formidable

the well being of the society and the environment.

obstacles. It takes courage and inner strength to


overcome established thinking patterns when they no

INTEGRAL IEM is such a model, that we try to establish

people around us, as well as for universal truths. It

as a future trend in Bucharest, without any exclusive

ensures a foundation for good long term relationships.

claim. It is called INTEGRAL because it brings subjects

Effectiveness – a principle also embraced by Secretan

linked to sustainable development to the attention of

(2007) -as the attitude enabling us to reach our

the academic world including professors and students.

established goals is important in any field of action.

These subjects include justice and fairness in stakeholder

Goals for profit, personal evolution and social

relationship management, integrity and honesty of

contribution have a meaning if people stick to

managers, ecological sustainability of the planet, real

reach those goals without giving up too easy. The

corporate social responsibility, a rising concern for

IEM students of today and potential managers of

human and also animal rights, as well as the sustainable

tomorrow have to develop the inner motivation to

development for a growing world population [3].

follow a task till all objectives related to it are achieved.

The name INTEGRAL also contains eight principles

The change towards a better sustainable world will





environment, such official statements together with






ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

longer bring a positive outcome in the context of an enhanced awareness. Each great change is impossible without it. Creative Nonconformism is a key ingredient to each important change and is associated with courage as a leading principle in the Castle-principles of Secretan (2007) [5]. Thus we encourage our students to be open to change in a positive way. As each aspect of ethics is impossible without truthfulness in thoughts, words and actions, it becomes also important for INTEGRAL IEM. Sustainable development is more likely to happen if important decisions are made by people with a deep respect for the truth: the truth of customers, employees or other

bring many difficult situations and is impossible without

prerequisite in order to gain intuitive access to

people preoccupied by the greater good, the well

the innovative solution that fits the situation in the

being of the society. “Is there a natural “good” order

best manner. Authenticity also means to embrace

of the universe?” can become an important question.

life as it is in all areas, to be present and full of life.

Is it worth to try to do what is good? If the answer is

The principle of love escapes definitions as it envelops

yes, it means we stick to the principle of Goodness.

all other principles. It is the best motivation to act and


if love for all that is affected by our business drives our decisions, than they will be in harmony with all

About Cristian Mustață Cristian Mustață is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Human Resource Management at the University Politehnica of Bucharest in Romania. Dr. Mustață is interested in the fields of marketing & management ethics, change management, creativity and human resource development. He may be contacted at

consequences. Love as a joyful connection with nature and all human beings and everything that surrounds us can certainly make life better in a meaningful way. Despite their value, the eight INTEGRAL principles do not represent topics that can be included in IEM curricula, because approaching them in theory would not be very effective. But team projects, case studies with ethical and environment-related components, certain role playing games, transparency and fair grading






and result evaluation, a real friendly attitude in the

and towards other around us is important. It

professor-student relationship, inspiring and updated

influences our performance as individuals, as team

lecture recommendations and many other elements

members and inside the communities we live.

could inspire the students towards seeking for their

Authenticity as a deep connection with our own inner

own inspired future, towards new ways of living a good,

nature and truth enhances our ability to connect with

meaningful, responsible life, towards their own truth

universal principles an aspect of great importance

and authenticity and maybe towards a life fulfilled by

especially when facing tough decisions – a situation

love. Because such potential influence cannot be scaled

that managers often have to face. Connecting to

and measured. It is hard to tell if INTEGRAL IEM will

the deep peace coming from inside can be a good

become a visible trend or not. But it is worth trying. ■

[1] Hauff von, M., Claus, K. (2012): Fair Trade. Ein Konzept nachhaltigen Handelns, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Konstanz/München 2012. pp. 51-56, 62-69. [2] Mustata C. (2012), International Marketing in the 3rd Millennium – INTEGRAL Marketing, Estiems-Magazine Nr. 43/2012, pp. 40-42. [3] Windsor D. (2008), Educating for responsible Management, in: Crane et al (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility, Oxford University Press New York 2008, pp. 503-521. [4] Mustata C. (2012), Integral management an answer to the need of change in the way of doing business in the 3rd Millennium, will soon be published in the Proceedings Volume of: LeanTech ’12, 1st International Scientific Conference On Lean Technologies, Novi Sad, Serbia 13-14 September 2012. [5] Secretan L. (2007), Ganz oder gar nicht!, J. Kamphausen Verlag & Distribution GmbH, Bielefeld 2007, pp. 67-68.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Sustainable packaging, one way to reduce food waste? Food waste is one of the biggest global sustainability challenges. Close to 1/3 of earth’s farmland is cultivated for nothing. Appropriate packaging is part of the solution; at Stora Enso the engineers work every day to find new, innovative materials that are both protective and sustainable. According to a UN report, the climate impact of food

package is included in the sustainability work. This

thrown away each year is equivalent to 3.3 billion tons

means it’s equally important to find materials that are

of carbon dioxide. The report also indicates that food

renewable and recyclable as it is to choose the right

is wasted in equally high amounts both in industrialized

material to protect the product inside, and to stress

and developing countries. In the latter, more than 40

resource efficiency. For example, waste related to too

percent of the food waste occurs during harvesting

big packages and difficulty to empty can be solved with

or in the manufacturing process; but in industrialized

appropriate packaging.

countries, the same amount is wasted at the retail and

“Smaller packages for single serve and on the go places

consumption level. As food production consumes both

new demands on the material. We are developing

water and fossil fuels, waste late in the value chain is

new materials and biobased barriers that will keep the

especially problematic as more resources have been

product safe and fresh for as long as possible”, says

used up. Beside the environmental issues, there’s also

Fredrik Werner, Segment Development Manager at

an important ethical aspect of food waste. Today,

Stora Enso. “We always try to use a minimum amount

almost 1 billion people starve around the world.

of material and at the same time increase the strength and protection”.

About 25 percent of food wasted in the households is related to packaging, where ‘too big packages’, ‘difficult

It is also crucial to understand and respond to how

to empty’ and ‘best-before-date’ are some causes. In

changing consumer needs will affect packaging.

the UK, 7 million tons of food and drink are thrown away every year, of these 4.4 million tons could just

“As a global company, we must be perceptive,

as well have been eaten. Studies from other countries

understand and meet the needs of brand owners in

show the same pattern. Although great improvement

different segments and markets with our renewable

during the last years, every household in the UK

materials. What will for example the growing

throws away six meals every week, worth an average

middle class in Asia want from packaging?” Fredrik

£700 a year.

Werner continues.

Packaging that reduces food waste

Stora Enso is part of the global SAVE FOOD Initiative

Increased population and the demands on packed food

organized by Messe Düsseldorf in alliance with the

and drinks will grow. Packaging has the potential to help

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

reduce food waste. At Stora Enso, this is an important

Nations). The initiative aims to encourage stakeholders

incentive when developing new packaging materials.

in the industry, politics and research to develop solutions along the food value chain to save food.

“Packaging is an important part of the solution.

Appropriate and correctly chosen packaging based on

Without today’s advanced packages the waste

renewable raw materials is one part of the solution.

would be even larger”, says Kenneth Collander, VP Environment at Stora Enso. “Sustainable packaging

“ ’Project Food Waste’ is the biggest sustainability

builds upon innovative, renewable and recyclable

project on the globe. We need to work together

materials, partnership throughout the value chain and

throughout the entire value chain and in cooperation

understanding future needs, both our direct customers’

with researchers and politicians to create conditions

but not the least, the consumer’s needs.”

for sustainable packaging solutions that help minimize the waste and solve important problems”, says

Traditionally, sustainability in the packaging industry

Kenneth Collander.

has been focused on recycling of the package after


usage. But nowadays the focus has changed to a

“It is also important to inform and educate the

more holistic approach where the product inside the

consumer. In the Western world we have been chasing

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

the cheapest food for a long time. But food is a valuable

explains. “We offer an alternating and international

resource”, he continues. “The package offers a great

environment with great opportunities for personal

opportunity to inform the consumer. Why not explain

growth, learning about new cultures, living and

the meaning of ‘best before date’ for example?”.

working abroad”.

Stora Enso continuously looks for new talents. “We

“You get to work in cross-disciplinary projects with

need both the holistic perspective and expertise in

other actors along the value chain”, Fredrik Werner

different areas. All competences need to work together

adds. “Going for nine billion people on earth in 2050

to really make a difference”, Kenneth Collander

we need to stop the food waste. Join our mission!” ■


About Stora Enso Stora Enso is the global rethinker of the paper, biomaterials, wood products and packaging industry. Our purpose is to Do good for the People and Planet. The Group has some 29 000 employees in more than 35 countries worldwide, and is a publicly traded company listed in Helsinki and Stockholm. Our customers include publishers, printing houses and paper merchants, as well as the packaging, joinery and construction industries.

Fredrik Werner, Segment Development Manager at Stora Enso

Kenneth Collander, Vice President, Environment at Stora Enso

When using renewable packaging based wood fibres you get sustainable and recyclable solutions for good food packaging which can help reducing the food waste. ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


IEM in Austria: Qualification Profiles and IEM related Perspectives of IEM Professionals, IEM Students and HR Managers


Christoph Sadei

Graz University of Technology

Through the establishment of Universities of Applied

to rely on the acquirement of a certain qualification

Sciences 1994 in Austria and the Bologna Process,

profile through the degree programs. Supporting the

which started in 1999 a wide range of IEM degree

claims of the 3-countries declaration, the Austrian

programs offered by Higher Education Institutions

Alumni Association of IEM conducts periodical

(HEI) in Austria has emerged. As a result, it is becoming

surveys in cooperation with the Institute of Business

increasingly difficult to distinguish between IEM degree

Economics and Industrial Sociology at Graz University

programs and their qualification profile. Therefore,

of Technology to offer orientation and transparency

in October 2010 the Austrian Alumni Association

for stakeholders in higher education and industry.

of IEM (WING) formulated together with its two

“… Throughout Europe, IEM has many different names

sister associations from Germany and Switzerland

– and many different faces” [4], therefore in this article

a common declaration (“3-countries declaration”)

it is tried to show you the “face” of IEM in Austria after

and job specification in order to secure defined IEM’s

the applied methodology is briefly explained.

qualification profiles across borders. This declaration

(The methodology and results illustrated in this article are

represents “the common will to ensure high quality

an excerpt of the diploma thesis [5] and the paper [6].)

and the distinctive profile of IEM graduates”, which

Bernd M. Zunk

Graz University of Technology

means a certain ratio between subject categories. The


goal is to foster high employability of IEMs through the

In order to analyze the different degree programs of

establishment of a common brand [1]. The core of the

Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences in

common brand is the following job specification [1]:

Austria, a multiple-step analysis approach (primary

“IEMs are economically educated engineers with

and secondary analysis) was used (not displayed in this

an academic degree which holistically connect their

article because of limited place, please see [6]).

technical and economical competences in their

In addition to the analysis of IEM degree programs,

working activity”.

two quantitative studies have been conducted in order

As a result of the job specification, the WING strongly

to perform a detailed analysis of specific IEM related

recommends a minimum of 50% technical subjects,

perspectives among (i) IEM professionals, IEM students

20% economics and 10% integration subjects [2] for

and (ii) HR managers.

IEM degree programs on HEIs in Austria. Integration subjects are subjects with interdisciplinary questions,

Because of the size and complexity of the two

which have to be analyzed and solved with scientific

aforementioned target groups, which comprised (a)

and methodic approaches through the combination

all WING members, alumni and students of IEM

of different mindsets from different disciplines [3],

degree programs of both Graz and Vienna University

e.g. ethics, law subjects, ergonomics and job design,

of Technology and (b) HR managers in Austria, it was

communication and creativity techniques.

decided to use online surveys designed with the Lime Survey tool and to invite the target groups via Email to

Due to the job specification and the recommended

participate the inquiry.

qualification profile of IEM degree programs by the

The total sample size of the first quantitative survey

WING, both students and enterprises will then be able

amounted to 5649 IEM professionals and IEM students.

Christoph Sadei Christoph Sadei is a Study Assistant at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at Graz University of Technology. He wrote his diploma thesis at his current institute in collaboration with the Austrian Alumni Association of Industrial Engineering and Management (WING). The thesis focused on IEM in Austria from the HR manager, WING, Higher Education Institutions and IEM professionals perspective in order to gain a clear picture of IEM in Austria and a direction in which IEM can be developed. He was the chairman of the local IEM Student Association in Graz, Local Responsible for LG Graz and wants to support ESTIEM by becoming an ESTIEM Alumni.


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

From this sample 947 questionnaires were filled out

between 50% and 78% of technical subjects. The index

(805 fully and 142 partially filled out questionnaires),

table lists the analyzed HEIs, the corresponding “OECD

thus representing an overall response rate of 16,76%.

revised field of science and technology” attributable

The total sample size of the second quantitative survey

to the respective IEM degree program and the kind

amounted to 9111 HR managers. From this sample 311

of degree program (Bachelor (BA), Master (MA) or

questionnaires were filled out (289 fully and 22 partially

combined (BA + MA)).


filled out questionnaires), thus representing an overall response rate of 3,41%.

IEM related perspectives of IEM Professionals, IEM Students and HR Managers


The ideal IEM qualification profile:

As already practiced in the methodology, the results

As Figure 1 shows the range of qualification profiles of

will also be separated into two parts. Firstly, the results

all IEM degree programs of HEIs in Austria and in order

of the Austrian IEM degree program analysis will be

to check if the offered IEM degree programs provide

shown, secondly, some results of the conducted

the qualification profiles requested by the stakeholders

surveys will be displayed and if the data allows, the

and if the WING recommended qualification profile is

answers of the different target groups combined.

still corresponding to market needs, IEM professionals, IEM students and HR managers have been asked about

IEM degree programs on HEIs in Austria

their recommended ideal IEM qualification profile.

Figure 1 shows the IEM degree programs on HEIs in

468 IEM professionals answered the question as to

Austria. As highlighted in Figure 1, the IEM degree

which ratio of technical- and economics- subjects

programs qualification profiles of Universities of

would have been ideal for their IEM degree program

Technology have a focus between 65% and 80% of

from their professional perspective. The average

technical subjects though one University of Technology

qualification profile resulted in 61,5% technical subjects

offers one combined degree program with 51%

and 38,5% economics subjects, and can be interpreted

technical subjects, whereas Universities of Applied

as the ideal qualification profile recommended by IEM

Sciences are dispersed throughout the whole range

professionals based on their professional experience.

Figure 1: Comparison of Qualification Profiles of IEM degree programs on HEIs in Austria Bernd M. Zunk Bernd Markus Zunk is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at Graz University of Technology. As a teacher of business economics, his particular emphasis is on the areas of industrial marketing, purchasing and supply management, marketing controlling, as well as marketing intelligence. His research and his habilitation project focus on the “Preferred Customer Concept”. Bernd M. Zunk is an active member of the Austrian Alumni Association of Industrial Engineering and Management (WING), of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) and the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA).

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Figure 2: Ideal ratio of Technical and Economics subjects for an IEM degree program

IEM students answered that their ideal ratio would be

510 IEM professionals had 703 FOO in their first job.

63% technical subjects and 37% economics subjects and

This means that every third IEM had 2 FOOs. This

HR managers stated that the ideal qualification profile

number stays the same in the second, third and fourth

for an IEM graduate would be 62,2% technical subjects

job. In their first job, most IEM professionals start in

and 37,8% economics subjects (see Figure 2). It needs

Engineering, R&D, Process - Production and Quality

to be advised that under “economics subjects� the sum

Management, with only a few people starting directly

of economic and integration subjects is understood.

in an executive or strategic management position. In their first job, 18,3% of the 510 IEM professionals had

Fields of operation of IEM professionals:

a leading position.

In the survey, IEM professionals were asked to indicate how many jobs they have had until now with a

This number rises dramatically in the second job where

maximum of 10 jobs. On the left side of Figure 3, the

46,5% of the 420 IEM professionals had a leading

fields of operation (FOO) are listed, always indicating

position. It is noticeable that in their second job, the

two bars per FOO. The first bar corresponding to the

number of IEM professionals working as an executive

FOO shows how many people worked in that FOO

or strategic manager, as book keeper and PR or product

(displayed in percentage). The second bar attached

manager increases, with a decreasing number of FOO

below, which always corresponds to the same FOO

in R&D, Engineering and Process management.

without any percentage indicated, illustrates how many people working in this FOO had a leading position. In total 510 IEM professionals answered this question.

Figure 3: Fields of operation per job of IEM professionals in Austria


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

EPIEM In their third job, 70% of the 320 IEM professionals

IEM graduates success factors for the first application

already hold a leading position and FOO in executive


and strategic management rise to almost 17%. In their

HR managers (n=124) mentioned that for IEM

fourth job, 74% of the 212 IEM professionals have a


leading position and along with the increase of jobs in

experiences (e.g. computer programs and language

the executive and strategic management, an increase

skills) are the most important success factors in the first

in the entrepreneurship and in consulting can also be

application process.





seen. The average time spent in the first (4,7 years), second (4,2 years), third (4 years) and fourth (4 years)

Conclusion and reflections

jobs are quite similar.

The founders of ESTIEM have recognized the fact of different ratios of technical and economics

IEM student dynamics:

subjects among IEM degree programs throughout the

21,7% of 535 IEM professionals spent at least one

European countries already in 1990 in Linköping while

semester abroad for study reasons, which is already

comparing their own degree programs, just before

higher than the goal of the EU who wants to achieve

ESTIEM was founded [8]. This attempt to draw a

that until 2020, 20% of all students in the EU have study

European landscape of the different “faces” of IEM

experiences abroad [7]. 13,28% of 369 IEM students

somehow stopped.

already spent one or more semesters abroad and 18% of those students who did not until yet (n=320) have

Nowadays not only because of the dynamics in the

a positive intention to spend one or more semesters

professional world within the EU, it would be a valuable

abroad for study reason.

information for students, HEIs and HR managers across Europe to have a clear picture of every “face” of IEM in

Most needed foreign language skills “on the job”:

EU countries because every IEM degree program has a

100% of IEM professionals (n=468) need English, 9%

different but beautiful “face”. The saying “same-same,

French, 7% Spanish, 7% Italian and 2% Russian skills

but different” ironically brings it down to the essence and

in their job, whereat in the next 5-10 years following

a “family picture” could light up this opaque situation. ■

foreign language skills are desired by HR managers in Austria (n=127): English (96%), Russian (23%), Chinese (22%), Spanish (17%), French (13%) and Slovenian (9%).

[1] BAUER, U.; FÜRST, A.; ZUNK, B. M. (2010): Ausbildungslandschaft, Berufsbild und Qualifikationsprofil von Wirtschaftsingenieuren, BWL Schriftenreihe Nr. 13 des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Betriebssoziologie der TU Graz. [2] BAUER, U. (2010): Wissensbilanz 2010, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Betriebssoziologie der TU Graz. [3] BRETTEL, M.; DITTMANN, U.; ENGLBERGER, H.; VON HIRSCHHAUSEN, C.; LEIPNITZ-PONTO, Y.; OLSOWSKI, G.; SCHÄTTER, A.; SCHMAGER, B.; SCHUCHARDT, C. (2012): Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Fakultäten- und Fachbereichstag Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen e. V., 1st Edition, Pforzheim. [4] EUROPEAN STUDENTS OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT: What is Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM)?,, Online, Retrieved 06.06.2013. [5] SADEI, C. (2014): Industrial Engineering and Management in Austria: Balancing Industry Requirements, Association Recommendations, Graduates Needs and offered Qualifiaction Profiles on Higher Education Institutions, Diploma thesis, Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology, Graz University of Technology. [6] BAUER, U.; SADEI, C.; SOOS, J.; ZUNK, B. M. (2014): Industrial Engineering and Management in Austria: Comparison of Qualification Profiles provided by Higher Education Institutions and Career Paths of Graduates, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Montreal, p. 1-10. [7] EHEA - EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA: Mobility strategy 2020 for the EHEA, Uploads/(1)/2012%20EHEA%20Mobility%20Strategy.pdf, retrieved 01.01.2014. [8] MAUSER, H. (1990): Congress in Graz - a key-stone for a bright European future of generalistic education at technical universities?, Der Wirtschaftsingenieur, Graz, no. 3, p. 36.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



7th EPIEM Conference, Graz 2014 The 7th European Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management (EPIEM) Conference, led in Graz, brought European IEM professors and students together. They focused on developing the IEM education and contribute to a common and prosperous Europe for youth. Linked to the network’s activities over the past months,

Industrial Engineering and Management survey 2014

the emphasis of this conference was the concretization

in Austria. The survey received a positive international

of future activities, namely projects within the EPIEM

response and provides a solid basis for further projects

network. On the one hand there were lectures and

in this area.

working groups in the field of IEM education. On the

other hand concrete projects were discussed, which can now be accomplished on an international level by IEM students.

41 professors and students from 17 European countries attended this international conference.

Volker Koch

Afterwards, several projects have been developed

Volker Koch is a research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Business Economics

on an inter-university level in collaboration with the

and Industrial Sociology at Graz University of Technology. His emphases as a teacher

professors and students. The challenge designing the

are accounting, cost calculation and marketing management. As a researcher, he

project was setting up goals that could be achieved by

is focusing on incentive systems. Volker Koch is an active member of the Austrian

ESTIEMers. The emphasis was on the added value for

Alumni Association of Industrial Engineering and Management (WING) and supports

students when working on a project as their master

the EPIEM community.

thesis under a defined framework at another European university. For instance, the designed projects are about: the EPIEM formal network, curricula analysis of IEM studies and in the area of supply chain management. Important information was received by participants through the Office of International Relations and Mobility Programmes of Graz University of Technology, Jim Platts (from the University of Cambridge, England)

which presented possible funding for students.

and Gerald Jonker (from the University of Groningen,


The Netherlands) presented country-specific challenges

The professors expand the international IEM network

in IEM education and shared suggestions which were

and use the country-specific experiences of different

discussed during the conference. Furthermore, the

fields of studies and degree programs in order to

“Industrial Engineering and Management survey 2014

strengthen the national education and to develop

in Austria - degree programs and opinions of IEM

common European activities. For more information on

professionals, IEM students and HR managers” was

the EPIEM Conference 2014, the EPIEM network and

introduced and discussed in working groups. The

the next conference dates, please visit

professors led a workshop, comparing on a European

For now, we can say that the 8th EPIEM Conference

country-specific comparison in education with the

2015 will be held in Novi Sad in May. ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Board 2014 says Goodbye Outcomes and milestones


What was your biggest personal milestone that you reached this year? Sorana: Learning exponentially more about people skills

end results, since having the fruits of your effort takes its

and getting broader practical insights on organisational and

time and everything does not go as desired every time.

strategic management. Except broadening my knowledge, I

Sometimes it takes a week, or a month, or even beyond

feel like I have also broadened my horizons when it comes

your board year, to see how much of a change your effort

to knowing what I need to acquire to shape my future life

will make in the organisation and regardless of how much

and career. Acknowledging the responsibility of shaping a

effort you put into something, it might not end up being as

wholesome Europe together with ESTIEMers that have only

perfect as you imagine it to be as you are depending a lot

the best intentions was never more clear to me and being

on other people in your work.

part of the whole structure as one of the leaders of this organisation represents my reached personal milestone.

Rade: I cannot really point to one thing in particular. I have learned so much about Motivation, Communication, Time

Marija: I realise that in the past year I collected just a couple

Management, Strategic Planning and many more things…

of stones in the mosaic of my life.

However if I had to say one thing only, I would say it would be learning how to handle communication with so many

Nuno: The most important milestone for me this year was

different people I had the honour to be in contact with.

finding out that ESTIEMers have a real responsibility in the development of a better future, in all aspects of our life. Tibor: It is hard to evaluate soft goals. If it is the learned self-management and working technique I learned in presence of the workload or if it is the reactivation of the IT Committee together with Alp Altinturk with tools like the creation of the first ESTIEM IT School, I can’t tell. Esin: Having a start into the year with a perfectionist/result-

Total time spent in chats

192h 06´ approximately

Number of Board chats throughout the year


8 days

Average time spent in Board chats

4h 05´

Shortest chat

1h 05´ Longest chat

6h 15´

oriented me, I learned to be more patient and value more the processes (e.g. several hours of discussions, asking people for input, growing yourself/others etc.) involved in the pursuit of success instead of solely focusing on the ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



1300 mails were directly received at and additionally this address was put in Cc 933 times How much attention did our position related e-mail addresses get (like In average, only 46 e-mails were being sent, while it was only put in Cc 6 times. The most intensive part was covered by our personal e-mail addresses, of course. In the form of, these addresses got the attention 1682 times in average and they were Cc-ed 904 times

BOARD 2014’s


How many mails should a boardie expect to send throughout the year? In average: 1661

We enjoyed reading long e-mail threads, some of them having up to 50 replies from active ESTIEMers

What was the biggest milestone that ESTIEM reached this year in your opinion? Sorana: Setting up a stable ground for the future 3 to 5 years strategic

Rade: I think the steps that we took towards creating a real strategic

plan is definitely a first in the history of ESTIEM. If I would put all of

plan for the first time in the 25 years of ESTIEM history was a very big

this in numbers on a timeline, I can say that it happened in the year

step. I can see it pulling the organisation forward by giving the basics

when the biggest CMs of ESTIEM took place so far (77 LGs present

for coordinated efforts between different Projects, Committees and

in Istanbul & 76LGs present in Budapest), both reaching together a

Initiatives of ESTIEM.

100% presence rate of both members and observers. Marija: ESTIEM collected gemstones from all over Europe for the Esin: With the increasing will from our side to vaccinate more long term thinking spirit into the veins of the 25 years old organisation, creating a strong base for a strategic plan for ESTIEM through having its SWOT analysis done and focus areas defined is definitely a very big step taken that will set a certain direction for the organisation to head towards. Nuno: I believe one very important milestone we reached this year was the implementation of a strategic perspective for the development of ESTIEM. Tibor: It was a pleasure for me to have been part of the organisation of one of greatest events ever organised within ESTIEM, the Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi. I think this event shows the potential of ESTIEM that is soon proudly celebrating its 25th anniversary.

There are 29 countries currently present in our network. Some were visited by 100% of us, some only by 1/6. The map shows how many of us were present in which countries throughout the year. All Boardies have attended 77 unique events in total and have visited 64 LGs in 24 countries.


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

mosaic of the future Europe.

Sorana Ioniță Vice President of Public Relations

Being active for 4 years in this organisation, I can say that through my perspective, ESTIEM reached its highest peak when it comes to the activeness of its members in comparison to its current size. I have witnessed the development of the network and simultaneously my own personal development. From my first event to the first ESTIEM Magazine that I held in my hands after working for months on it as the ESTIEM Magazine project leader, to the very first Board meeting and Council Meeting viewed entirely from the stage perspective, I learned mostly about the feeling of belongingness. Never have I understood better what it means to be European and socially and culturally linked to 29 countries at once. Never have I felt more secure while being surrounded by strangers which I barely met a couple of times in my life, but I still consider them my true friends. Never have I wanted to give back more to the organisation that has helped me become a better person as a whole. I owe each and every person that I met at least once (virtually or live) a huge thank you for helping me strive for understanding empathy, friendship, teamwork, team-, process-, project-, strategic- and organisational management and much more. I can only be grateful to ESTIEM and the ESTIEM spirit for my personal development and giving me direction and the path to walk on for becoming a better human being.

Marija Turanjanin Vice President of Finance

In my country and all over the world it was raining during the whole spring and rains were taking away roads, houses and hopes. While travelling from Belgrade to Istanbul, from Porto to Bad Dürkheim, I am drawing a strange pattern in the European sky. I’m not solely meeting cultures and people, but together we are creating a world; a world, which will become a better reality. The devotion shown by ESTIEMers creates a network of personal contacts, which gives me confidence that through our joint efforts, emerges coherence between people, that overcomes all natural, social and geopolitical boundaries. It is still raining as in Marquez’s Macondo, but I do have hope that we can get to grips with all the challenges we face nowadays. For this hope and this amazing and challenging year, which profoundly influenced my development, I thank – from the bottom of my heart – all the precious and devoted people whom I met and whom I had a chance to work with.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Tibor Weigel

Vice President of Administration

When I was starting the year I knew there will be very big challenges coming up. Organizing the Council Meetings with its big number of share- and stakeholders, reactivating the ITC and CRC are just some of them. Those challenges are only manageable with a great team and I can call myself lucky to have had a great team. Here I want to say thank you to the greatest teammates I could have had: Nuno Carneiro for being a great leader and friend, Murat Yiğen and Emre Çetin for making the most incredible ESTIEM event ever, Israel Pohl and Alp Altinturk for their proven reliable responsiveness in case of emergency and excellence in their work, Esin Korel and Sorana Ioniţă for their professionalism and passion for ESTIEM while always making a nice team atmosphere, Zoltán Lugasi and Henrik Beck Olsen as the probably the most underrated project leaders of big ESTIEM events, Mark Smoliar for his always reliable and independent work motivation, Marija Turanjanin for keeping track of all the money and thoughtful input during Board chats, Marina Yermakova for her early and promising preparations and Rade Pantelić for showing me the trick that you can manage ESTIEM with 3 states: Working hard, playing hard and snoring hard. And here I also want to thank Martin Jankoski for his work. There are many more names that should be mentioned, but there is no place here to name all of them here. So I would like to shout a big “Thank you all, ESTIEM appreciates you!” to them.

Nuno Carneiro President


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Now that the best year of my life is coming to an end, it is time to move on and watch as a new generation of ESTIEMers take the lead in our organisation. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity of contributing to the development of ESTIEM as a Board member. It has been a terrific experience, surpassing all my expectations! From all the experiences of this Board year, I would say that meeting ESTIEMers from all over Europe has been the drive of my motivation. Enjoying the company and solidarity of my co-Boardies and Leaders was also an indispensable motive to embrace new challenges with renewed energy. While writing these words in September, I’m sitting in a room full of ESTIEMers. I watch them working in groups for their assignment, some are good friends already, some others have just met yesterday, but that does not matter - they’re all learning as equals, sharing the experiences from their different Local Groups. This willingness to learn and mutual respect I observe could be the setting for any other ESTIEM event, making me strongly believe that the values practiced by ESTIEMers are the backbone of our network’s strength. For all your motivation, support and friendship, I would like to thank all ESTIEMers, active and alumni, who allowed me to have this unique opportunity. We will see each other somewhere in Europe!

Esin Korel

Vice President of Education

What I can undoubtedly call the best and the most intense year of my life, the year full of work, stress, commitment, a vast amount of experiences, challenges, and incredibly fun moments is almost behind. I remember myself being quite unsure about taking the risk and running for the board exactly a year ago. Now looking back, all I can say is that it was probably the best decision of my life and every second of being a board member was totally worth it! I feel very much privileged to be given the opportunity to lead our beloved organisation with its members striving for a better future, which meet and work together with amazing ESTIEMers like you! I learned a lot about myself and others, went out of my comfort zone and went over my limits. Being only 23 years old, I made countless personal and professional experiences thanks to ESTIEM which would not have been possible to make elsewhere. My source of motivation which has helped me cope with the days with too much work, too less sleep, conflicts and stress that this journey brought along with, has been meeting/working with ESTIEMers all over Europe and seeing them, us growing both as individuals and as an organisation. I would like to thank all the ESTIEMers whom I crossed paths, had the pleasure to work with! YOU are the ones who made this year simply awesome!

Rade Pantelić Vice President of Activities

22.9.2014. 9:15 AM, Frankfurt airport gate E4 Just a few minutes ago I had the honour of explaining to a German border officer why the hell am I after 10 days in Germany going to Turkey, back to Germany, onwards to Poland, back to Germany again, then to Romania with no ticket back home to Serbia after traveling for about one month straight with only a backpack. I was unable to do much better than to say “I am an ESTIEMer”. After this year, I definitely have something to tell my grandchildren about. This was by far the biggest challenge of my life - Standing on the helm of an organisation counting 8000 members in 29 European countries in a team with five people that I barely used to know… all of that while being only 23 years old. Dear ESTIEMers, colleagues and friends, it was a real honour working hard and playing hard with you. It was like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs but always exciting and I hope you have enjoyed this crazy adventure as much as I did.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Don’t be afraid to share your ideas with others Thijs Putman ESTIEM Information Technology Committee Leader April 2005 - April 2007


ESTIEM Magazine | 47 th issue - Business Analytics

From Student Guide to StudyPortals


Almost five years have passed since StudyPortals was founded and the difference between then and now is staggering. It started out with a handful of people working from a small room in an apartment in Tilburg. Right now, over fifty people work there, a large part of which still work from Eindhoven, also have from offices in the UK, Sweden, Turkey, Romania, Poland, the US and Australia. come in contact with many investors. At the end of

Eindhoven to study Industrial Engineering. He tells:

2009, StudyPortals B.V. was founded and we were

“When I came to Eindhoven I was determined to

ready to start picking up the pace.

become an “active” student, I although could have

By now, StudyPortals has left the start-up phase and

never imagined I would end up travelling all over

has reached a more stable phase. There are rules and

Europe, meeting so many diverse and interesting

procedures and even some “big company” problems,

people and end up staring my own company before I

but at the same time we have managed to keep our

even graduated…”

original spirit and culture alive. Thijs mentions this as

When asking about his experiences ESTIEM he recalls

a very important element of what sets StudyPortals

his first event, the Vision in Ilmenau. “About three

apart from other companies and it is probably one of

months after I started studying, experienced members

the most important drivers of the success.

took me to my very first ESTIEM experience. We drove an ill-maintained (there were literally holes in the bottom) rented van to Ilmenau, participated in the VISION and did some “less academic activities” after the VISION. On our way back we managed to drive the wrong direction only realising our mistake

Koen Koolen

business plan competition made the Studyportals team

with several other ESTIEMers. He started in 2002 in

Local Group Eindhoven

Thijs Putman is co-founder of this enterprise together

Students who have been active in ESTIEM find it normal to work with groups of people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

by the time we reached the Polish border… “. After this a rollercoaster of events came, among these 9

IEM and ESTIEM helped Thijs gaining the skills that are

Council Meetings as soon as the “CM Bug” was caught

of great help shaping StudyPortals’ operations. The big

in Sofia. It was also at a Council Meeting that a first

difference between then and now is that this time it’s

introduction to the idea was discussed: “The idea

for “real”, so many situations are less forgiving than

behind StudyPortals was conceived by Edwin as part

when they used to be in ESTIEM… ESTIEM also helped

of his work on the Student Guide project in ESTIEM.

Thijs to get in touch with his current business partners.

Edwin convinced Magnus of the enormous potential

Furthermore, ESTIEM proved to be a good pool for

of his idea and then both of them convinced me to

StudyPortals to find employees. Many of the employees

join to help them realise the dream of helping (at that

came (and still come) from within ESTIEM.

time) students in Europe to choose the best possible

An important aspect of ESTIEM is the European/

Master’s programme. My first introduction to the idea

international focus it instils in its members. Students

behind what would become StudyPortals was when

who have been active in ESTIEM find it normal to

Magnus Ollsen and Edwin van Rest talked to me about

work with groups of people from diverse cultural

it at the end of Council Meeting Ankara (autumn 2006).

and linguistic backgrounds. They are able to cope

From that point onward things went rather quickly and

with cultural differences without even noticing them

a first version of the website was

consciously. In today’s ever more globalising world this

launched in April of 2007. The first two years were

is an important skill to have.

spend building out the website from

“What I always found interesting is that within ESTIEM

Edwin’s guest room annex office in his apartment in

native English speakers seem to have a (relatively) hard

Tilburg. During 2008 we realised our idea had even

time fitting in. The “continental” ESTIEM’ers (c.q. the

more potential than we initially thought, but that we

non-native speakers) have developed their own unique

needed more focus and additional funding (to be able

blend of English, incorporating elements from various

to increase our rate of growth) and thus decided to

other languages. For native English speakers this is quite

look for an outside investor. Winning the New Venture

difficult as they are not used to adapt their language in

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



such a way. This “ease of adaptation”, which applies in

successful companies in the past decade started out

broader sense than just for language, is an important

doing something completely different from what their

skill you learn within ESTIEM (and you learn it mostly

current success is based on. They realised their idea

without noticing it).”

didn’t work (but in doing so discovered something else

Lastly, Thijs was asked to give some advice to ESTIEMers

that did) and pivoted. The fact that they had a great

on how they could use their ESTIEM experience in their

team (and lots of commitment) was the key.”

career. Thijs: “Your ESTIEM experience gives you a unique international perspective which is something not many people have from the get-go. This is something you can definitely place emphasis on when you start your career. Don’t be afraid to highlight this fact (in for example your CV) as it sets you apart from most of the other candidates. Furthermore, ESTIEM provides you with a big international network, which is something you can also get a lot of benefit from (just as we did by recruiting ESTIEM’ers into StudyPortals). There is, for example, a lot of local knowledge in ESTIEM that would be hard to get by if you didn’t know all these people.” “I think the combination of the previous two facts puts ESTIEM’ers in an ideal position to start their own

About the author Thijs Putman, 30 years old, is one of the founders of StudyPortals. At StudyPortals he fulfils the role of CTO and is thus responsible for running the technical side of the company: Leading the eight-person development team that builds the products and at the same time trying to plot, together with the other founders on the management team, StudyPortals’ course for the coming years. Apart from the technical side, Thijs is involved in managing, planning and shaping the (daily) operations at StudyPortals. Thijs is originally from Tolkamer, a small village on the river Rhine a couple kilometres from the German border and lives since his student time in Eindhoven.

“online” company. The Internet is causing a lot of physical borders to disappear; by using your ESTIEM

“Finally: Don’t be afraid to share your ideas with others

knowledge you can do the same with the “mental”

as much (and as early on) as you can. It’s unlikely

borders. If you have a good idea you are in a great

anybody will steal them. Most companies (especially

position to roll it out globally due to your inherent

other start-ups) already have many more ideas than

international focus!”

they can realistically execute, even without having to

“When it comes to starting your own company,

worry about yours.”..

the most important thing is to assemble the best

“Getting lots of feedback is much more important than

possible team of people around you. Coincidentally

the off change someone will get away with your idea,

this is also the most difficult thing about starting your

especially when you can get this feedback from fellow

own company...”

entrepreneurs. And even if somebody should run off

“If you have this team and you do run into problems

with your idea, a bit of healthy competition will only

you can always “pivot” and start a new direction. Many

inspire you to do better yourself!” ■

Founders of - Thijs Putman, Edwin van Rest and Magnus Olsson (left to right) 38

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Join the Master’s Programme in

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There are two alternatives for applicants to choose from: •Industrial Engineering and Management (specializations in strategy and venturing, operations and service management and leadership and knowledge management)

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Nice to Minsk you


On behalf of LG Minsk I would like to sincerely share our home with you, our soul, our history and everything that we love. Let’s start!

Nina Gorshkova

Local Group Minsk

Belarus? Where is it? You may say “somewhere in

One of the hallmarks of the Belarusian is tolerance,

Europe” but if you want to be precise, Belarus shares

hospitality and willingness to help. If you appear to

borders with Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia and

be in trouble, in Belarus you never need to worry ...

Russia. The territory of modern Belarus was part

Belarusians will do their best to help you. We never

of such countries as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania,

calm down until our guests feel fine.

the Russian Empire and USSR. Despite this fact,

Another special feature of our people is our love of

Belarusians retained their customs, traditions and

sports, especially ice hockey. We love to play ice

style of dress. Thanks to its location in the centre of

hockey and, as you may know, Ice Hockey World

Eastern Europe our country contains different types of

Championship 2014 took place in Minsk, event

ancient architecture.

which gathered a record number of guests and

Belarus is known for its nature: lakes, forests, rivers and

viewers in the whole history of the championship.

chalk quarry. I suppose the best time for visiting our

Some interesting facts about our capital: The main

county is in the summer, because you can catch many

square, which is called the Square of Independence,

glimpses of the wonderful and beautiful nature while

is one of the longest in Europe (15 km). Also,

sightseeing, but at the same time, the nightlife is not

interestingly enough, the Minsk Botanical Gardens are

to be neglected.

the third largest in Europe after London and Madrid

Like every nation, we have a most popular national

(96 hectares). And last, but not least, the monument of

dish – ours is called draniki. It consists out of potato

Lenin placed on the Square of Independence is one of

pancakes with meat and sour cream.

the highest in the post-Soviet space.

40 ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics 40 ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


In regards to its connectivity and how easily it is to

for the first time. And the story began: The first CMs,

reach, except direct flights, it is worth mentioning that

Visions, Europe3Ds, Exchanges and so on. We grew and

the best connections (costs and frequency wise) can

developed as a Local Group, but not everything went

be found within only a 3 hour reach in Vilnius, whereas

smoothly. Unfortunately, the end of 2013 was the most

other connections from Ukraine, Poland or Russia can

difficult in the history of the group in terms of relations

take up to 8-10 hours.

with the leaders of the University. As a result of long

Moving on to writing about our university and us as an

discussion, the local group was forced to return to the

ESTIEM Local Group:

Guest status, which was announced at the Council

The Belarusian State University of Informatics and

Meeting in November 2013 in Aveiro. Since that time,

Radioelectronics (BSUIR) plays a leading role in

the main activity of LG Minsk was focused on getting

the preparation of engineering and scientific staff

the official status at the University and returning the

in the fields of computer science, radioelectronics

Observership status, which happened at the Council

and telecommunications in the national system of

Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi in April 2014. And after that,

education of Belarus.

we became stronger, not only as a team but as friends.

The history of ESTIEM Local Group Minsk starts in

Also this year ESTIEMers from our group took part in

April of 2011. It all began with a friendly and cheerful

the TIMES Semi-Final in Moscow for the first time.

evening with enthusiastic students of our university and

Local Group Minsk is always open for ESTIEM and

awesome ESTIEMers Alex Peters, Andreas Flödstrom

willing to organise projects at various levels and it has

and Julia Aksenova, who presented ESTIEM in Belarus

something to offer to ESTIEMers all over Europe. ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Summer Entrepreneurship Training


A pilot event organised by businessbooster

Felix Limper

Local Group Paderborn

The outcome of the event was quite different than

of these companies was hub:raum, an accelerator

what we had foreseen on paper. The plan was to have

from Telekom located in Berlin. It was really easy to

a 5 weeks long event with 30 participants, happening

communicate with them and we could schedule some

in 3 different locations across Europe, accommodation

phone calls with our contact there. Understanding each

in 5 star hotels without any participation fee. It should

other’s situation and discussing opportunities, it was

be a highly academic, elite event with a budget of

possible to sign a partnership agreement for SET. One

500.000€, just for ESTIEMers. In the end, the most

part of the contract was that we got online mentoring

important thing was to be able to organise it and to pull

for one team during SET.

off a first edition. In order to reach this, we changed the programme to 3 weeks with 20 participants, in 3 locations, with a participation fee as low as possible and open to all European students. We started the planning of this event with a huge university research. After looking for more than 80 universities, checking their availability and the feasibility to organise the event, we decided that we would like to have the event in Budapest in Hungary, Catania in Italy and Lappeenranta in Finland from the 26th of July till


the 17th of August. Going through different options for

Martin Jankoski provided us with an idea that made a

grants applications together with the ESTIEM Grants

big difference: We could contact U.S. universities and

Committee, we decided to apply for the European

try to find a partner university there, since they are

Youth Foundation Grant. A team of five people was

interested in these kind of events. Thanks to Boutros

working on that grant from then on. The application

Lama’s contact to the University of Miami, we were

was finalized with big help from the Grants Committee

able to talk with Dr. Shihab Asfour, the dean of the

at their Coordination Meeting in Enschede and we

IEM faculty. He was very interested in the programme

were able to send a high quality application right at the

and wanted to know more. Afterwards, we created a

day of the deadline, October 1st. With this grant we

brochure with a pricing system that depended on how

were aiming to get up to 20.000€.

many students the partner university wants to send.

At the Coordination Meeting in Bremen, October 2013,

With this brochure it was possible to convince the

as well as one month later in November 2013, at the

responsible people about our programme and some of

Council Meeting Portugal in Aveiro, we were working

them even got really passionate about it. At this point

on fundraising, the agenda and the participation fee. In

we signed a cooperation agreement with the University

the end we were not sure how high it can be if we still

of Miami.

want to have enough participants to fill all spots. The

One session at the spring Coordination Meeting in

biggest success during these working sessions, though,

Krakow, March 2014, and one Working Group at

was recruiting new members for our team.

Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi, April of the same

Then, in the middle of December, the frustrating

year, we were again dedicated to SET in order to set

part came: The grant was denied. The answer of the

some milestones and to work on the promotion of the

European Youth Foundation came in and disappointed

event. We were also able to recruit more members for

us all a lot. Standing up again and getting back the

the businessbooster team.

motivation we had before was only possible as a team.

Soon the application period started and we promoted

Everyone felt the same way, but we all knew that this

the event everywhere with posters, videos, pictures and

was something we had to get along with and that we still

posts about fact of the event locations. At the Council

had enough time until the event to find some money.

Meeting in Istanbul I was elected to be the new project

In January 2014, at the businessbooster ESTIEMers

leader of businessbooster and in the following time

& Alumni get2gether in Paderborn, Yann Girard, an

period, Natalia, the first project leader of SET and the

entrepreneur from Munich was holding a little talk about

former businessbooster project leader, took over the

entrepreneurship and got to know businessbooster

organisation of the event. When the application period

and ESTIEM. He offered his help in contacting some

was over, we met with three people, Nurdidar, Natalia

companies by introducing us to his friends. One

and me, in Groningen to evaluate them all. After two

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

stages of the evaluation, first with evaluation sheets,

Then the 26th of July came: The first day of the event and

secondly with Skype calls to support our previous

thus a very special day for each organiser and participant.

impressions, we chose the final participants. At that

The following three weeks were full of work and fun,

point we still had to assume that the participation fee

the teams were growing together more and more and

of the event would be up to 700€ (flights during the

working a lot on their ideas. After the second week

event included), which unfortunately was the reason

all the participants knew each other already really well

for some cancellations.

and it seemed like they were one big team. During the


SET was hands down the most amazing ESTIEM event I have ever attended. I can strongly recommend it to anyone who is considering applying to the next edition. Yannick van Looy, SET 2014 participant

The final preparations were very time consuming and

last module in Lappeenranta, they could develop their

stressful. Flight tickets between the event locations had

ideas even more, pitch in front of a jury, get feedback

to be booked, nametags, certificates and t-shirt to be

and work again on the points of improvement. Then

designed and information from the participants to be

the last day of the event came and the teams could

gathered. Also the budget had to be discussed quite

present their final business models in front of an online

a lot, the organising Local Groups were finalizing their

jury. The interested audience asked a lot of questions

plans and had to state how much money they need, at

and also commented on the ideas. All in all this was

the same time as we had to collect the money from the

a great ending for the work of these three weeks

participants in order to ensure their participation and

and we are all looking forward to see further results

be able to book flights on their names.

now, after the event has ended and the teams possibly go out into the world to start-up their businesses. ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi A dream that came true...


It was all about a dream. Yes! If you would ask how the story of Council Meeting (CM) Istanbul-Boğaziçi began, I can easily say that it had already been the dream of our Local Group for a very long time. It had become the tradition of our local general assembly to ask the question “When will we organise the CM?” by our alumni.

Murat Yiğen

Project Leader

Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi


It always made us laugh because no one was thinking

do it or not. During that meeting, our treasurer said

about doing it. We knew that we were not ready for

“Ok. This meeting is going nowhere. We worked for it

a CM. When I was selected as the vice president in

a lot until now. Yes, the budget is high and there is too

our mother organisation, BÜYAK, I remember that

much work to do. But if we really want to do it, then

at our very first board meeting we were talking about

let’s go for it. We can handle it.” It was this meeting

our targets to achieve in 2012. After many discussions,

when we decided that the president of BÜYAK and me

the idea of organising a CM came up to our minds. I

would work only for the CM application during the last

don’t remember who said it the first but the reason

one and half months. I guess I can’t accurately describe

was “2013 is the 15th year anniversary of LG Istanbul-

how this time was: full of work with the logo, motto,

Boğaziçi as a member of ESTIEM. We should apply for

Facebook page, budget, meeting with EU Minister of

CM!” During this meeting, me and our treasurer, we

Turkey, promotion materials, other companies etc.

were assigned for researching the necessary budget

Those were exciting times. I still remember when we

and infrastructure to organise a CM. It was very exciting

went to the meeting with our rector, how she was

actually. I was wondering with which data we should

helpful and encouraging us by saying “I believe in you

come back to convince BÜYAK to organise it. We had

and you can make it. Of course our university will

worked for 3-4 months and at first, the budget was

support you with such a good event.” She even didn’t

quite high and a big work load was needed. We knew

think twice before saying so. After all the work and

that it was too much of a risk for our LG since after

preparations, we announced our application on the

our board year, the new people would come and had

ESTIEM portal on the 1st of April 2013. Our motto

to continue the work for the CM. The question was

was “Heart of Eurasia, Beating for ESTIEM!” We really

“Can they really do it?” We did not want to take up

meant it. Everyone was so excited. Even while I was

the responsibility and then give all the work to the next

lying on the bed at nights, I was thinking about the CM.

board and members. In February 2013, there was just

In Eindhoven, when we were doing our application’s

one and a half months left for CM Eindhoven, and we

presentation, we knew that there were 30-40 people

were still not sure whether to apply for organising this

watching us in Istanbul full of excitement, just about

big event or not. I remember the meeting where we

as much as we had at that moment. I think that was

finally had to make the decision. Our motivation was

the most important thing: being a team. If you can feel

not high because we were not sure whether we could

the same thing and have the same target, then you can

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

make a great team. I went back home from Eindhoven

one of our Alumnus. He wished us a happy new year

and was welcomed with a surprise party at my place. It

and said that he deposited the required sum of money

was one of the greatest moments in my life.

we asked for into our account as a new year’s gift. It

Now it was time to start the preparations. The first

was the second biggest sponsorship of our CM. Our

thing was the team of course. Everybody was accepting

treasurer and I were dancing in the middle of our

what they were assigned for. We prepared our

campus. People were looking at us but we did not care!

structure, materials, to do lists, but most importantly

We still didn’t have a hotel, though. I was having an

we tried to figure out how the CM should be. Even

online conference with the current Vice President of

though it was our first CM, we wanted to make

Activities and told him “Tibor, I guess we can’t make

something different. But it was not easy at all. Firstly,

it to a 5 stars hotel because of the euro currency.

the Taksim incident happened in June 2013. It was big

Expenses are too high.” But meanwhile, I got in touch

chaos not only for Turkey but also for us. Why? All

with one location and kept calling them every single day

companies, hotels, institutions cut their PR budget

(It lasted 2 months). Even the secretary was telling me

because of the depressed economy in Turkey. And it

“Oh, Murat you are calling again, I was wondering when

lasted all summer unfortunately. We had such strange

you would call today.” One Saturday morning, the hotel

meetings. One of them was in Taksim with a 5 stars

called me and accepted our offer. It worked eventually.

hotel general manager in the lobby. I could look to

After the hotel arrangement, we had started to have

the outside and see where there were gas bombs,

meetings revolving around this point as well. We tried

running people and the police, all of them happening

to think about each single detail, but of course there

at the same time. Another one was with one of the

were mistakes but in the end we achieved what we

richest people in Turkey. It was funny that he told us

wanted to do.

he didn’t have money at all. Afterwards, the summer

As I said, in the beginning it was all about a dream.

was going so bad. Euro currency ratio was going up,

We had the dream of organising the best CM. We

we didn’t have enough money, we didn’t even have any

placed our target at the highest point. We faced many

hotel. Our PR was the only thing going well actually.

difficulties and they caused our motivation to go down.

In September, our motivation levels were high due to

But at the end of each team meeting, we were leaving

the new members of BÜYAK. Our teams got bigger

the room with one thought: “YES! We can do it!” The

and stronger and I must admit that they were working

most important thing was that we were a great team

a lot. I think we called more than 200 companies. We

whose members always supported one another and as

got lots of rejections, of course, but this is the nature

we always say, we are a family in which each individual

of Corporate Relations. We were finding sponsors but

has the same aim. In the end, I don’t know whether it

not any big names. The ones we got were covering only

had been the best CM so far or not. But I know that

some small needs of the event. In December 2013,

we did our best for ESTIEMers to have one of the best

another scandal happened in Turkey and the Euro

weeks of their lives. I hope they enjoyed it, since we

currency got crazy and went up and at the same time,

did - a lot!

our EU Minister was removed from his position. All the

I would like to end this story with one of the quotes of

motivation of our team went down. We even laughed

Victor Hugo which also reflects one of my life’s ideals:

at the bizarre situation we were in. At the beginning

“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” ■


of the New Year, January 2014, we got an e-mail from ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Mentoring programme


The main idea behind the concept was to provide support for ESTIEMers who are seeking advice in order to make the best choices for their future career, while strengthening the bonds between current and former members of our network. The mentoring programme can channel the knowledge and know-how of experienced alumni and transfer it to ambitious ESTIEMers.

Bart Jutte

ESTIEM Alumnus,

former Local Group Eindhoven

How did you come up with the idea?

tips to get started. We have carried out an intermediate

During the first cooperation call between ESTIEM and

survey in May 2014 and found out that mentoring teams

ESTIEM Alumni in January and the Advisory Board

find it difficult to keep a rhythm of regular calls, and

Meeting in the beginning of 2013 in Bad Dürkheim,

also that not meeting in person due to large distances

Bart Jutte and Csaba Hartmann talked about the

is causing problems to get the right trust level needed

potential in the concept and decided to give it a try.

for a mentoring relationship. Some relationships didn’t

We both realised the need for such an initiative in

even take off due to that fact and because of the busy

ESTIEM to offer growth opportunities for students and

life that most alumni and ESTIEMers have.

alumni as well. How do you want to solve the existing problems? When was it introduced?

A so-called “kick off ” meeting between the mentor

The first presentation about the programme was held

and mentee should be a highly recommended before

at Council Meeting Eindhoven (2013 Spring), whereas

getting started with the mentoring (Meet your match:

the launch of the first edition was in September in the

offer an opportunity for mentees and mentors to meet

same year.

each other at the start of the mentoring period). We also plan to organise online chats about common topics

Csaba Hartmann

ESTIEM President 2013

Local Group Budapest

How many mentored ESTIEMers do you have in the

for students, such as how to find your first job, what

program now?

is required to be successful in your first job interview

In the 2013 edition we accepted applications from 23

and how to find the way to discover the intent

students and 23 alumni.

of your career.

How do the participants experience the programs?

What do current mentees say about their participation?

The mentees who established a good working

They are very positive in general. In some cases

relationship with their mentors all experienced personal

the relationship worked out extremely well (real

growth in one way or another. Some outcomes that

friendships have been developed and both sides

mentees reported are that they are not afraid to take

benefited very well from it), however in some cases

responsibilities or creating a clearer perspective of their

the expectations did not meet reality. The so-called

future and changing their attitude towards people in

“Mentoring Agreement” helped a lot to align the goals

daily life. The mentors also experienced the programme

of the teams and support them to stay on track during

positively. In many cases the mentees provided a great

the year. Those who managed to work well according

insight about student life and current opportunities to

to what they agreed upon were quite satisfied at the

them and also they gave each other feedback which

end of the course.

helped the mutual further development of themselves. Which are your plans for the second edition of Growing


What difficulties have you faced in the programme?


The biggest challenge in the beginning was the

We plan to have 25 places available for mentees and

promotion of the programme to make the intent

further increase the quality of the mentors by attracting

of the programme clear and attract sufficient active

even more experienced alumni and providing more

ESTIEMers that are close to graduation. Besides that,

online discussions and workshops to enhance their

we had to solve the puzzle how to do the matchmaking

skills. For the students we would also like to offer more

and connect the right ESTIEMer with the right alumnus.

online information sessions. We willbe stricter on the

Besides that, we needed to create some practical guides

mentoring agreement as well: teams that don’t prepare

for all participants to share a common understanding of

it on time are dissolved, because without any shared

the focus of the mentoring and provide some practical

common goals, the mentoring is bound to fail.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


How can I apply for the mentoring programme?

developmental partnership he managed to identify his

You need to fill out the online questionnaire that is sent

key competencies and strengths and having discussed

to ESTIEMers by the President of the organisation. After

this with his mentor they outlined a clear path for him

that, your application will be evaluated according to our

to accomplish his goals. In another case the mentee

internal guidelines. Once your score is determined, you

updated the mentor on a couple of technological

will be ranked together with other mentees and the

innovations and IT tools, that the mentor considered

first 20 will be admitted to the programme.

as a value added element to his company and thus they started using the tool afterwards.

According to your plans the Growing Together ends after the one year mentoring period. What do the mentees and

What was the biggest lesson learned in organising the

mentors think about continuing their partnership?


Most of them will of course stay in touch and care to

Even though a Mentoring Programme seems to be a less

maintain their friendship (it can even be for a lifetime).

formal system, one still has to track the relationships

Some decided to continue the mentoring activity

regularly and ask for updates from the members.

informally even after the official end of term, whereas

Having discovered problems earlier could have helped

some others agreed to end the activity but stay friends.

to assist those pairs where the mentoring relationship

The opinions are very diverse when it comes to this.

did not work out very well.

Can you share some real success stories (without names

Final words:

and Local Groups) that describe how did the mentoring

Overall, 100% of the participating ESTIEMers and

programme help the development of both participants?

alumni recommend Growing Together to others.

We had one student who could not decide which

Therefore, we are looking forward to a great second

industry to target as a start for his career. During the

edition of the mentoring programme. â–

Growing Together ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Meet the Baltics


The Baltic region is an amazing place to go. Clean streets, amazing traditions that have been around since the Middle Ages, heart-breaking songs and a variety of homemade and ecological food. The beautiful people with the bluest eyes and blondest hair have a good taste in fashion; amazing nature views during spring, summer, autumn or winter cannot leave one indifferent. Unmatched architecture, great history, the beautiful Baltic Sea and the lovely smell of pine trees make this place truly unforgettable.

Alyona Vikhareva

Local Group St. Petersburg

The Baltic region is the youngest region in ESTIEM.

the best technical universities from all over the Europe.

Currently, there are eight Local Groups from five

How did the process for the latest Council Meeting in

countries in the Baltic region. You can easily spot them

the Baltics go? The best ideas arise suddenly and that

on our dotted map: Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Kaunas, Kiev,

is the case here as well. Gregor Herr, Vice President

Minsk, Saint Petersburg and Moscow. The Baltics have

of Activities in 2012, initially fired up the idea about a

organised a lot of events and hundreds of ESTIEMers

Council Meeting in the Baltics. After the open call for

have visited the cities in the region, experienced things

organising a Council Meeting was sent out in spring

they had never imagined before and seen something

2014, the Baltic Regional Coordinator Laine Šildere

they could not have dreamt about. Next April between

sent an e-mail to all Local Groups asking for their

the 15th and the 20th, the Baltic region will gather more

support for applying. Almost everyone thought the idea

than 250 European students of Industrial Engineering

was insane (and there still are people that think so), but

and Management to work on the future of the network

during numerous chats that were held in preparation,

at ESTIEM’s 50th Council Meeting in Riga.

the decision was to go for it.

The first Council Meeting organised by the Baltics was

At the end of August 2014, 30 members from Baltic

held in Saint Petersburg in 1997. 17 years have passed

Local Groups gathered together in Riga to work on

since then and many things have changed. How has

the upcoming Council Meeting. A lot of work has been

ESTIEM changed since then? At that time, only a few

done; a lot of workshops and brainstorming sessions

countries were in the network and only approximately

have been held. Almost half a year has passed since the

80 ESTIEMers participated in Council Meetings. The

Baltics applied for the Council Meeting, but most of the

network has been growing ever since, attracting more

work is just up ahead. ■

and more highly motivated and skilled students from


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Ever wondered what it is like working for Stora Enso


Stora Enso is not only a sustainable company, but also a great place to work according to ESTIEM alumna Eleonora Nazander (née Ivanova) from LG St. Petersburg who began her career as Business Intelligence Analyst and Global Leadership Trainee at Stora Enso Helsinki office one year ago. We asked Eleonora about her experience so far. production sites, but for the first 16 months 30% our

Believe it or not, but I largely owe ESTIEM for this

time is dedicated to the trainee program.

change in my life. Almost 6 years ago I took part in

The program consisted of six modules: meeting

Vision Helsinki-Tampere, which was my first trip

senior leaders of the company and learning about the

abroad. It was that ESTIEM event where I met with

strategy of the company in Finland, leadership training

my future husband who is an ESTIEMer too. Two

and learning how to do business in China with IMD

years later I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Russia

business school, volunteering work in China, 3-month

and moved to Finland to do Master’s studies at Aalto

international assignment and the final meeting in

University. After finishing the studies, I found a job in

Sweden. Also, we have mentors to support us.

Helsinki and married that ESTIEMer. What was the highlight of the program for you? Why did you choose Stora Enso?

It was my 3-month international assignment in Brazil.

One reason is that I always wanted to work for an

When you are thrown to another country to work on

international company to be able to travel and work with

something completely new, you learn a lot about the

people of various backgrounds. Also, I was attracted by

culture, but you also learn to adapt to new circumstances

the manufacturing industry as it is very interesting for

and working style, to work independently and be brave.

Eleonora Nazander (née Ivanova)

responsibilities in one of many Stora Enso offices and

Helsinki and started your career abroad?

Local Group St. Petersburg

How did it happen that you moved from St. Petersburg to

me to learn about production, as I believe it is for many other ESTIEMers, too. And of course the job itself was

What would you call your main learning from the program?

a very important factor. But maybe the main reason I

There were really many, but maybe I can mention two

chose Stora Enso was the Global Leadership Trainee

that where important for me: Firstly, it was team work:

program that they asked me to participate in.

you have to be a good listener and sometimes suppress your ego for your team to be successful and, secondly,

What is the trainee program about?

you should never be afraid to raise a question and

In the program, we are 22 trainees in different locations

challenge the way things are because the newcomers

across the world and with diverse backgrounds in

are the ones able to see things with fresh eyes. ■

business and engineering. We all have normal job

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


The IEM Care and its Foundation


In June 2014, the IEM Foundation was established by three organisations: ESTIEM, ESTIEM Alumni and EPIEM, with the aim of fostering IEM care. To understand what this aim means, we should look into the history of ESTIEM, since it all started many years ago, when the idea of ESTIEM was born.

Natalie Gyárfás

IEM Foundation Board

25 years ago everything was geared towards a united

During the summer of 2013, Natalie took the

Europe. In this spirit we, students of IEM, felt a drive

initiative for a foundation as a means to impact our

to develop international relations and joined forces

future. At the Summer Academy Alumni event 2013,

to start ESTIEM. No-one on the founding team of

thoughts were shared on how we would like to

ESTIEM could have imagined that it would grow

impact our societies. Alumni at the Council Meeting

up so wonderfully and impact so many people’s

Istanbul Boğaziçi in April 2014 indicated a wish to

lives. Throughout the years, together, we have

be ambitious and have an impact beyond just being

developed three great networks, connecting students,

a financial vehicle for ESTIEM. Many ideas that seem

professionals and professors within the IEM field across

to have broad support are in the area of bridging

all of Europe. Somehow we managed to create a sense

financial inequality and fostering ethical leadership.

of a family, which is enhancing amazing interrelations

The founding Board, consisting of three students

across countries and age groups. What could be next?

and three Alumni, drafted statutes and by-laws for

Is it possible that emerging from this valuable triangle

the Foundation in order to have a structure to get

we could have even more impact on our society?

started. The triangle of the founding partners is represented in the Advisory Council: Nuno Carneiro

Marlies van Laarhoven

IEM Foundation Board

The idea of a foundation came up in the beginning of

from the ESTIEM Board, Bahar Akıncı from the ESTIEM

2013 while trying to figure out ways to create equal

Alumni Board and Jim Platts for EPIEM. Through the

opportunities for IEM students. After having met

“Friends of the Foundation”, people and organisations

ESTIEMers, Alumni and professors from all corners of

who support the Foundation’s work by contributing

Europe, we knew that there are still lots of opportunities

with their time/experience and financially, stay

in the network that are waiting to be discovered.

connected to the Foundation and are kept informed about the way the Foundation is reaching its aims.

The first meeting of the Founding Board in Istanbul April 2014. From left to right: Marlies van Laarhoven, Bart van Eijden, Natalie Gyárfás, Joris Hoogerdijk, Martin Schönbeck, Elias Faethe


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Working Group about the Foundation with the Alumni participants of CM Istanbul, April 2014 Slowly, it became clear that it is the three organisations

At the 50th Council Meeting in Riga next spring, we

where the ideas are born, where the action happens and

would like to launch the inspiring lighthouse project

where the accomplishments take place. The role of the

that emerged from the essay competition and name the

Foundation is to attract the organisations towards caring

Foundation after this lighthouse idea. When this is done,

behaviour and to foster the interrelations between

the current founding Board will make place for an elected

them, as well as to support the actions financially. This

Foundation Board, who will take this into the future.

is how we would like to foster this so called IEM Care in order to further grow our IEM family and its members.

As you can see, we are shaping the Foundation. Just as 25 years ago the founders of ESTIEM did, we are

In June 2014, at the Alumni Meeting in Budapest, the

working on the Foundation without knowing its impact.

idea was raised to embrace an inspiring lighthouse

What the Foundation beholds, will step by step evolve.

project. In a big circle of alumni covering 25

And you are part of this. Feel free to contact us with

generations of ESTIEMers, a letter of intent was

your ideas, to share with us your IEM Care initiative or

signed to mark the collaboration of the founding

to join the team:

partners - ESTIEM, ESTIEM Alumni, EPIEM and the Foundation Team - to create the Foundation. The Foundation was formalised at the notary and we gave it a general name and a general aim, which gives space for a broad range of possible lighthouse projects. Now what should this lighthouse project be? What is it that wants to emerge from our networks? What gives us energy to support ways to make this impact happen? What would make us really proud? These are the questions that we would like to find answers until CM Riga. During the summer of 2014, we were setting up a bigger team, a mix of students, alumni and professors in order to shape the Foundation together. We would like to let the lighthouse project emerge from our networks through an essay competition. Jim Platts is our first “donor” to support this financially. Keep an eye on the ESTIEM Portal and emails to notice how you can contribute with your dreams and ideas for the Foundation in the essay competition.

Letter of intent signed by Nuno Carneiro, Terhi Marttila, Jim Platts and Natalie Gyárfás

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Summer Academy - New mentor’s experience


At Summer Academy Novi Sad in 2014, participants were invited to understand their unique potential as industrial engineering leaders. Our academy focused upon deep aspects of organisational culture and leadership which inform truly great industrial engineering management. We explored this complex universe in which we find ourselves and all that it means for an understanding of excellent organisational systems and leadership.

Larry Stapleton

Waterford Institute of Technology,

Waterford, Ireland

The Arrival

had to offer, whether it was a deeply considered insight

I arrived into a balmy Novi Sad on a late Saturday

or a regional delicacy from home. We participated in

evening and made my way through cheering crowds to

Turkish dancing and singing, we experienced Bulgarian

the hotel my local contacts had arranged for me. No,

folk traditions, enjoyed Lithuanian cuisine (you really

the people of Novi Sad had not turned out en masse to

have to try cold beetroot soup) whilst being treated to

celebrate my arrival! There was a great cultural festival

distinct German humour.

involving music and dance. Celebrating is a way of life

Our sessions continued for ten days. Our group

in this part of the world and this was one of a stream

reviewed formal materials which we could use for

of summer festivals which were an excuse to enjoy

important ideas on our journey together, and created

beautiful Novi Sad by night.

space for quiet reflection together. We redecorated the back garden, the barbecue area, the house and

The Programs

just about everything else. We got our hands on with

The next day, the local ESTIEM group whisked us off

posters, designs and plans for transforming European

to the beautiful village of Vrdnic, nestled into the lush

organisational and cultural life. We publically published

mountains of a vast national park under the shadow

(on the Avromic washing line) a vision for a new trans-

of an ancient Orthodox monastery. We stayed with

European university, building upon all that is good

the Avromic family who warmly welcomed us and

about European engineering education, but adding our

immediately provided us with a hearty dinner. My

own improvements which drove our design towards

ESTIEMers made it very clear to me that it is the

systematic excellence.

“ESTIEM way” to enthusiastically engage in local traditions. We enthusiastically participated in a local village festival (and had the best goulash I have ever tasted). The Local Group also brought us on a long hike into the mountains, uncovering hidden gems such as an ancient monastery nestled in a valley. The SAC participants were from all across Europe: Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania, Turkey and of course Ireland and we drew on what each of us had to bring


from our own cultures in order to come to a deeper

My last day was hard as I shared difficult goodbyes

understanding of what Europe is all about and to craft

with fellow-Europeans who, in a few short days, had

some sense of a shared European future, a future

morphed from photos on resumes into people I am

to which ESTIEMers will make a transformational

honoured to call friends. I also took away with me

leadership contribution. We worked hard and, as a

something of the place of Vrdnik, the Local Group and

consequence, explored so many aspects of industrial

our host family who, again and again, ensured that we

engineering management excellence: excellent human

were always cared for without intruding in the work we

and engineering systems design, personal excellence

had come to accomplish. And, for me at least, we did

and leadership excellence amongst others. As we

accomplish all goals we set for ourselves, and perhaps

celebrated the wonderful diversity of our small group, I

even more than that.

soon discovered a special energy that you rarely find in

My deepest gratitude to each participant for all they

any other education or training setting. Each participant

gave of themselves to make the 2014 Novi Sad

took time to both listen to others and share what they

academy a special time! ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Why apply to our programme? • Top quality teaching, well structured programme • Participating in projects with local companies • Acquiring expertise in professional English • Learning multi-cultural team skills • Active student life and networking

Thinking About a Master’s Degree Somewhere Else in Europe?

M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management at Tampere University of Technology Are you interested in business development in global business-to-business markets? How about studying in Tampere University of Technology, in the heart of Finland? The Master’s Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management is a 2-year program focused on industrial marketing, business development and global sourcing strategies. The programme is aimed at students who already have BSc degree in engineering or technology, and taught completely in English. An engineering degree combined with analytical thinking, problem solving, intercultural mindset and understanding of new technologies provide our graduates great career prospects in industrial marketing, sales, supply chain management, technology sourcing, business development and consulting. Studying in TUT is not only theoretical, but it also includes projects with local industries that enable students to gain practical experience in the development of global sales and sourcing processes. The contact between managers, teachers and students to solve real-life management problems gives our students invaluable learning opportunities, as well as beneficial connections to the companies. The global world faces an increasing demand for internationally oriented graduates that have a broad perspective in business development. The intercultural mindset the programme provides is a gateway to multicultural companies as well as smaller companies that are expanding abroad. Many of our students have started their management careers in business development projects related to global sales and sourcing. Finland is a northern country, renowned for its high standard of education and technological know-how. Tampere is the third largest city in Finland and centrally

located in the country, making it easily reachable from every direction. It’s situated between two large lakes and has various outdoor opportunities. Being the industrial pioneer of Finland, Tampere is a hub for leading-edge technology, research, education, culture, sports and business. It’s a lively city with a rich student culture that ensures you won’t get bored in your free time. As a student of TUT, you have the right to take courses also outside the programme from other faculties or from the University of Tampere. “I chose TUT because I have always been interested in Scandinavian countries. Finnish way of making business is straight forward, well organized and based on human relations. The program is focused on intercultural way of making business which is highly useful in today’s world. Moreover the program is well build for a student who has a technical background. The most exciting part of the program for me was interaction with Finnish companies during courses and while writing our theses. This way of teaching gives more opportunities for a student in learning by doing. Finally, the best part of being a student in TUT is a student life. It is an experience you are going to tell to your grandchildren. All in all, studying in TUT is a perfect combination of an interesting and hard work and exciting student lifestyle. The slogan of this program should be “Work hard – Play hard” so why don’t you come and live this 2-year of a lifetime experience.” Maria Morenko - Ukraine The application period is between 2nd of December and 6th of February. You can find detailed instructions and the application at For any further information please contact the Educational Coordinator Minna Baggström at ■ ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Project, Committee and Initiative updates Academic Days

Language Program Initiative

During the past year, the Academic Days Project had

During these last months we have been creating a

organised two successful events: Business Intelligence

whole new team structure to increase our efficiency.

Logistics Days in Eindhoven in May and Total Lean

We are growing and expanding our collaborations.

Days in Porto in October. The highest quality of the

So far, we have been working on projects together

event in Eindhoven was approved by the Knowledge

with TurkishWIN, a Chinese University for German-

Management Committee, by awarding Academic Days

speaking pen-paling activity and, of course, CoffeeStrap.

and Local Group Eindhoven the Event of the season

Besides, we are developing a toolkit in collaboration

Award. Academic Days is still a relatively new Project

with the StudentGuide project including all ESTIEM

and each event we organise enables us to get more

network’s languages (27 in total). We already created

organisational experience and to learn the best ways to

our two first BPDs about “How to organize a language

implement our concept. We are constantly working on

course” and a report template for those language

supplementing and updating best practice documents

activities. We finally set a solid plan and a clear strategy

which help local organisers to understand the concept

for approaching events to implement and promote

of Academic Days better and use it for its’ full potential.

language courses within ESTIEM, together with a

Looking in the future we will have 2 Academic Days

brand-new reports and feedback system.

events in spring semester of 2015 with the following topics: Product Life Cycle in Paderborn and Innovation Management in Renewable Energies in Bremen, which will expand the maximum of 2 events per year we had before.

Europe3D Since the last Council Meeting, the Europe3D Family was working hard to bring the project to the next level. We have two successful events in the second half of 2014 behind us and the discussions with the organisers


of 2015 have already begun.

During the last six months businessbooster faced

During the Coordination Meeting in Skopje, the

a new challenge in organising a big training event

Europe3D Team recorded a new general promotion

for students with an entrepreneurial approach: The

video and laid the foundations of a new webpage

Summer Entrepreneurship Training (SET). All in all,

outline. By updating the Best Practice Documents,

fourteen students from all over Europe had the chance

developing a continuous timeline for the organising

to participate in the first edition of this unique new

process, improving the knowledge management

event. Moreover, businessbooster developed its team

system and automatising the non-ESTIEMer application

structure further so that it can engage more members

confirmation, we made the job of the future Europe3D

to take actions. Through the cooperation with the

organisers much smoother. Last, but not least, there

ESTIEM Alumni network it was possible to improve

has been some progress concerning potential sponsors

the events and the project itself. The link between

for Europe3D as well.

the different events organised by businessbooster was established, thus participants can find themselves in an


accelerating flow.

Since the last Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi, TIMES had a Coordination Meeting (CoM), which was

Financial and Legal Committee

organised by Local Group Istanbul-ITU during July and

Since the previous Magazine issue the Financial and

the next TIMES Semi-Final organisers were chosen.

Legal Committee (Also known as the FLC) has not

During the CoM, various other topics regarding

been standing still. The members of the FLC have

the future of TIMES were discussed, including the

been working on various things, a lot of which are

elimination process of the Local Qualification (LQ)

still in the pipeline. The work that the FLC has done

teams in case there are more of them than the

in the past months consists, in addition to other tasks,

organisers expect, the growth strategy of TIMES, and

of advising Local Groups on budgets of events, going

whether external participants, for instance from USA,

through the entire Internal Regulations and gathering a

should be accepted or not. The team has been working

motivated team.

on being well-prepared for the next year since the last

At our highly productive Coordination Meeting in

CoM. Responsible persons are keeping in touch with

Kaiserslautern, members of the Financial and Legal

every Local Group and additionally with Semi-Finals/

Committee have defined the scope and work of the

Final organisers. A lot of documents including the

Committee and long term goals for the committee

Info Brochure 2014/15, most of BPDs were updated.

have been set.

Lastly, TIMES LQ Poster 2015 is ready and waiting to be distributed in Budapest at the Council Meeting.


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Social and Environmental Responsible Initiative In these past months, SERI has been working on developing the social activities. We are currently working on an idea of organising a SERI event which would include some volunteering actions, so we are also trying to connect with some volunteering organisations. We are looking forward to the upcoming Coordination Meeting where we will elaborate more on this topic. The Green Event Consulting Team has also been working in the past months - it has contacted organisers of several events in order to encourage them to reduce their event’s ecological footprint and to include more social activities. GECT is also progressing and we are working on new ideas. Thanks to our great team and motivated people we will continue working hard hoping to bring SERI to the highest level.

INSIDE ESTIEM Summer Academy A very unique summer, but after so many years, this summer was different. We had 2 new inspiring academic leaders: Larry Stapleton in the small village of Vrdnik, Serbia was guiding ESTIEMers through the path of experience, sharing life stories and insights into achieving excellence in their lives. Gregory H. Watson in the outskirts of Helsinki, in the middle of the forest was nurturing and leading a colourful group which were representing 10 different countries. He was sharing and passing wisdom gained throughout long years for the younger generation of ESTIEMers which will the future leaders in the IEM field. Dietrich Brandt was building the foundation of values in the Summer Academy in Lisbon. The group itself was building friendships and shaping mentalities full of


virtues for the summers to come.

Since May, the beginning of Food from soil to shelf

The summer has passed on, but the true challenges,

series, the Vision Project has reached a long way. The

obstacles and opportunities to show what Summer

structure of the project was rebuilt, team members

Academy generation 2014 learned during this unique

were gathered for all the teams and the hard work

summer is yet to come.

has started. The future of the project and its SMART goals for the months to come were set at the first Coordination Meeting(CoM) in Braunschweig and, after that, at the Organisers CoM in Karlsruhe, the organisers met and shared with each other best

Informational Technology Committee

practices in order to provide high quality events

The IT Committee, with all its Benefactors and nerds,

to the students.

had a great start after the Council Meeting (CM)

Regarding the events, 11 are scheduled, including a Final

Istanbul-Boğaziçi. You need to realise how deeply

Conference in Istanbul ITU and 2 joint events with the

you are involved with the IT systems in general, from

businessbooster project. The team has had more than

early school years to the end of your professional life.

15 chats already, from team chats, family chats and also

The CM was the time when people realised that they

organisers’ chats. The result is that the team managed

have a lifelong relation with IT. And many of them

to keep a very close communication and came up with

showed interest in ITC, hence the committee gained a

outstanding new ideas such as the AdVision system.

considerable number of members after this event. To run the portal, we set up a new server which works


at light-speed. We then started to improve the portal

2014 was a really awesome year for the BrainTrainer

code and interface to speed things up and make the

project. Two events were organised so far: BrainTrainer

user experience smoother.

Kranj and BrainTrainer Groningen with one more still

We use the newest softwares and market-standard

ahead of us - BrainTrainer Ansbach - which will be a

technologies within our systems now. The current work

joint event with VWI, one of the partner organisations

is to replace our old backup & storage server and get

of ESTIEM. We also managed to build up a strong

it working perfectly. On the portal, many new features

core team and with the help of this team we updated

and improvements are done and many others are

the BrainTrainer Best Practice Documents, created a

currently in progress.

company brochure for local organisers, refreshed the

Lastly, we initiated a movement for the development

BrainTrainer image and strengthened the external

of ESTIEMers in terms of IT. We are going to have

relationship with other NGOs.

the IT School immediately after the CM in Budapest,

We already have 2 upcoming events set for 2015:

but we are planning to repeat the event and support it

BrainTrainer Ilmenau and BrainTrainer Skopje, and we

with more local and focused versions according to the

are looking forward to having our next joint event with

feedback that we will gather.

EESTEC. Moreover, we are already preparing a special celebration for 2015, since it will be the next milestone within the life-span of the BrainTrainer project - it will celebrate its 5th birthday. ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


INSIDE ESTIEM Knowledge Management Committee

Members Committee

The past 6 months after the previous ESTIEM Council


Meeting in Istanbul have been very busy for the

Members Committee has mainly been focusing on

Knowledge Management Committee (KMC). Apart

the Growth Strategy and improving the Guest and

from handling daily operational work in both the

Observer status by including more information in the

Feedback System and best Practice Documents Task

Internal Regulatıons.

Group, we have had the opportunity to implement many

So far we have one new Guest Group since Council

new concepts and ideas into the ESTIEM network.

Meeting Istanbul- Boğaziçi, we are happy to welcome

One of the new concepts introduced is the Event

back Tallinn, since this text was written there might

of the Season award in which the KMC highlights the

have been more new Guest Groups. Furthermore,

best ESTIEM event of a given yearly season based on

in the Approaching team we have, thanks to a LG

the feedback scores it has received from participants.

Requirement email, created a data base with potential

We are currently also working on defining the benefits

future LGs, this will help us in our future approaching.

of having a software or tool to help process feedback

The Human Resources Task Group has completed

data we gather from ESTIEM events. Some concepts

several short Get Active videos, which we hope you

have already been made to create such a Feedback tool

are all enjoying. Furthermore they are also working on

together with the IT Committee.

new tasks like posting event reports and sharing videos

The KMC has also taken an active role in supporting

with recruitment tips on Facebook.

ESTIEM Local Groups with the experience and services

Because we care!





we have to offer. To support this initiative further, the KMC has finalised the concept and goals of a new Task Group which is also responsible for coordinating the

Training Committee

documentation, storage and distribution of academic

The symbol of ESTIEM Training Committee is a

knowledge in ESTIEM. The Task Group will be fully

loveleaf: four red hearts connected together just as a

launched at the end of this year, a year which has proven

lucky clover. It means that through trainings and training

to be very productive for the KMC.

events hot and inspiring hearts of trainers connect all the hungry for knowledge ESTIEMers in one. Only

Public Relations Committee

being united as one we can learn, share and grow

During the second half of 2014, the Public Relations

together! The main new thing for ESTIEM Training

Committee has made multiple improvements in its

Committee today would be the amount of newly

operating tasks. The Online PR Team raised the quality

appointed coordinators and responsibles. At this very

of ESTIEM’s Facebook and Twitter content to a very

moment there are 12 amazing responsibles in Training

high degree by constantly creating content twice per

Committee, who are working very hard and doing

day for it. The same team also designed a LinkedIn

magic to ensure that this magic is conveyed through

Growth Strategy for ESTIEM, promoting the usage of

trainings to every ESTIEMer. Trainers on Tour (ToT)

LinkedIn within ESTIEM and formalising our network in

have reached Poland, Russia, Belarus, France, Turkey

a very professional way.

and Greece this year. The Local Responsible Forum (LR

The Design Team created all T-shirts and Posters which

Forum) held in Bremen was a huge success and now the

are to be distributed at Council Meeting Budapest.

next event is already in progress. Thanks to winning Ad

While also assisting Local Groups, Projects and

Fundum Award at Council Meeting Istanbul-Bogazici,

Committees with a variety of other designs (stickers,

ESTIEM Training Committee will soon launch the very

roll-ups, nametags, flyers). Besides transferring the

first Regional Benchmark Forum event. Last but not

Design knowledge to the next ESTIEM generation, we

least, the Training New Trainers event, taking place in

are trying to ensure the continuity of our published

Belgrade in December, will be organised together with

materials. We introduced a new adjustment that will

EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students Association).

help develop a consistent and united image of our

Other than that, the ESTIEM Training Committee

Network on Facebook, by creating a very profound

has updated several BPDs, Training Framework

Online Image. From now and onwards, all ESTIEM

Documents, created the ESTIEM Trainers Database

events on Facebook will be branched under the official

and the Trainings Calendar.

ESTIEM Facebook Page. Nonetheless, the team won’t stop here. Our goal is to create and maintain a professional and widely recognized brand for ESTIEM. 56

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Linked to ESTIEM - Linked to companies How LinkedIn will benefit you and ESTIEM

join the network every month, encouraging companies

whom a person is connected to on this network.

to use this platform to recruit internships and entry-

These people can provide confirmations of skills and

level positions. Those opportunities should not be

expertise by recommending and endorsing.

missed by not having a profile. One of the biggest

benefits that LinkedIn offers university students and

Investing time and effort in the network should be done in the present, so that when embarking on the career path seems right, there will already be a network of peers to reach out to.

Ivana Drecun

dynamical resume, supported by other people with

Marios Kiriakidis

to LinkedIn, approximately 200.000 university students

Local Group Belgrade

So what are the benefits then for students? According

it’s even better. One may ask: “Why?” Because it’s a

PRC Leader 2014

A LinkedIn profile is basically an online resume, but

Local Group Xanthi

LinkedIn is the world’s largest and most powerful professional social network with 300 million members in over 200 countries and territories around the globe. It is growing tremendously and has become an exceptional platform for finding a job or an employee. Its mission is very simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. After joining LinkedIn, one gets access to people, jobs, news, updates and insights that help anyone be great at what they do.


jobseekers is that they can check out the pages of their targeted employers. By visiting company pages, researches about the whereabouts of the company can be conducted, but also about the hiring process and what people have to say about that organisation. Another important notice that should be pointed

If the question still remains: “Why is this network so

out is that in the digital world, LinkedIn is a powerful

important for the future?”, then let me introduce some

networking tool. The network needs to be built before

statistics: 43% of employers use social media to recruit

it is being needed. Using LinkedIn won’t guarantee a

and 88% of them use LinkedIn. It may seem that as

job right away, still. LinkedIn even has a student portal.

a student there is no need to have a LinkedIn profile

E-mail alerts can be sent to receive notifications of

since students are normally not yet looking for a job.

recommended jobs based on education and interests.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



LINKED TO ESTIEM LINKED TO COMPANIES Creating ESTIEM Projects in LinkedIn greatly reinforces our Image’s consistency while it also enhances individual profiles

The use of Endorsements and Recommendations greatly affects your profile, expanding your professional opportunities

By adding ESTIEM as an organisation in which you are working at, you can justify the perception that you are better prepared for the professional world than other students

Together we can achieve a very professional and consistent Image for ESTIEM, which will lead to more Brand recognision - while also preparing individually for our future job

As an ESTIEMer, the interest in landing an international

The real insight on ESTIEM’s work is the very own

job might be quite high. There is no better way

ESTIEMer’s profile.

than using LinkedIn and connecting with all the

LinkedIn is the world’s major international employers and finding jobs in foreign countries. largest and most powerful network of professionals However, there are more visible benefits of using the network. By having a LinkedIn profile and maintaining it, ESTIEM as an organisation can also be helped tremendously.

LinkedIn Well, first of all,counts the following fact needs to be

made clear: ESTIEMfrom has a company page with basic executives information the organisation. This is where all 2013about Fortune externals get informed on what 100% we do and 94% who we


ESTIEM is not well known in the

This business-oriented network is it professional world, even though growing istremendously, currently the sole European organisation for 300 IEMMillion Students that do an it has over registered job on an international users andamazing over 3 Million Company scale. Pages. To make the ESTIEM Brand well known in the professional world and provide a clear image of how

According to LinkedIn Public Relations Committee’s goal all along and approximately 200.000 LinkedIn is an important milestone in order for ESTIEM college students join the to achieve that. network every month. much it is being achieved, this has been the ESTIEM

- 500 companies as information. members, its basic corporate talent solutions are used by 94 of the Fortune - 100 companies. When you join LinkedIn, you get access to people, jobs, news, are. But this is not enough, since it only contains

“ updates and insights that help you be great at what you do. 58

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

ESTIEM’s visibility can benefit among the professionals

3. Recommending and endorsing people is a very crucial

on a high degree through only a couple of small things

part of this story. Recruiters and hiring managers may not

that could be done individually by ESTIEMers:

care much about endorsements since recommendations

1. Adding ESTIEM as an organisation where one is

carry much more weight at this point, but it’s easy to

working at. Going even further into explaining what the

imagine a time when they will. During an application for a

tasks and activities are, what were the specific (team)

job, for instance, while most competitors have between

roles for a project and the most important aspect,

50-100 endorsements from clients and colleagues, in

what kind of benefits could be drawn from working

case this will be compared with an account that has zero

for the network - which skills and expertise has been

endorsements, this could hurt the chances of the later

acquired. This is how the perception is then justified,

on. Potential employers will see them when viewing such

that ESTIEMers are more prepared for the professional

a profile. They will know that the person who’s account

world than other students.

they are viewing is a hard-working and trustworthy

2. Creating ESTIEM projects on LinkedIn. This is the

person, a desirable candidate for any open position.

most useful tool for the organisation, since ESTIEM is a

This is something LinkedIn is most recognised for and is

project oriented association. Any project can be simply

also the reason why endorsing should be done actively,

created, a description of the goals can be added, as

as well as the recommendations to people to get them

well as the purpose of the project and details about

back, not only from fellow ESTIEMers.

the (team) roles and positions. Team members can

Being recognised by companies and preparing

also be added to the same project, connecting then

ESTIEMers for their future jobs is our primary goal,

further with other fellow ESTIEMers and showing to

which can be achieved by creating and developing

the world what has been achieved together, creating a


very professional and consistent Image for ESTIEM and

use LinkedIn. All while increasing our Image’s

the respective ESTIEMers.

professional consistency.







Get started with your LinkedIn experience!

LinkedIn is the world’s largest and most powerful network of professionals

LinkedIn counts executives from all 2013 Fortune 94% - 500 companies 100% as members, its corporate talent solutions are used by 94 of the Fortune - 100 companies.


This business-oriented network is growing tremendously, currently it has over 300 Million registered users and over 3 Million Company Pages.

According to LinkedIn approximately 200.000 college students join the network every month.

43% of employers use social media to recruit and 88% of them use LinkedIn

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Impressions from College 2014, Porto


Tim Byrne

Executive Director - Institute of

Industrial Engineers Ireland

From the Sunday 3rd until the Thursday 7th August

we spent on getting stuck in to the topics on hand. I

I attended the ESTIEM College meeting in Porto.

consider that this day was really about getting a feel for

This College was devoted to Strategic Planning for

the topics and the thought process of all the attendees.

ESTIEM. I was honoured to be asked to facilitate this

Day 1 seemed to lack the passion I would normally

important meeting. With my boss/wife I arrived on

associate with my experience of ESTIEM events. The

Sunday evening and was immediately impressed with

rest of the week certainly made up for this with a very

the beautiful venue for the college. We were made feel

obvious high level of passion for the topic in hand.

very welcome and I looked forward to the beginning of

Some frustrations were noted, this is normal when such

the meeting proper on the Monday morning.

a large group get together to discuss a serious subject.

As facilitator I needed to remain neutral and I had

I liked the fact these frustrations were translated into

concerns for my ability to do so. I have been involved

positive energy. At the end of a hard week (for the

in a number of ESTIEM events and had some

attendees, not me) we had reached our objectives

preconceived impressions and idea’s regarding the

for the event.

ESTIEM organisation. Thankfully I think I succeeded

I was very impressed by the contribution and hard

fairly well in remaining neutral.

work of all the attendees and their commitment to

With approximately 24 attendees at the meeting I

achieving something real and tangible for ESTIEM going

expected a lot of discussion and many and varied

forward. Last but not least everybody lived up the

viewpoints, I was not disappointed. The agenda

motto, “Work Hard Play Hard”.

was quite long and very challenging and the first day

All in all a very enjoyable experience! ■

ESTIEM College, Porto 2014

Ana Rita Medeiros

Board of European Students of



While opening my inbox one day, I got this email

As a member of BEST where we are now approaching

where BEST was looking for someone to represent the

the end of our first long term strategic plan, joining

organisation in an event organised by our most recent

this process cleared some preconceptions of mine.

but most similar partner. After hearing so much about

Questioning what you assume everyday is hard but

them, I decided to go to this meeting without really

that’s what leads to change and to improve.

expecting it to be such a rewarding experience.

With this relaxing atmosphere that we were in, we’ve

ESTIEM College 2014 was a learning opportunity where

got to want it, to dream it and to create it but also

I got to increase my knowledge of ESTIEM but also of

to enjoy each others. I have had the chance to meet

BEST. Nothing like leaving home to better understand

some wonderful people full of what they call ESTIEM

it, so they say. During this event, we were asked to

spirit, people with an incredible amount of knowledge

question the basics of ESTIEM, from the mission and

and experience. There were so many stories to tell

vision, to the core values. What was important was

that we could stay there for days. Work hard and play

to let go of preconcepted definitions and think about

hard, right?

what being part of ESTIEM really means and what it

Overall, I’ve made some good friends, I’ve learned and

should say in the upcoming years. The goal was to start

I’ve had a remarkable experience, and now, they call

a strategic plan and so we did.

me BESTIEMer. What does that say? ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Two ESTIEMers, two leaders, two friends


I talked with two former ESTIEM project leaders, Torben Schäfer for Vision and Yusuf Tasli for Europe3D, on a warm Saturday evening full of laughter. Get your spirit from them and do not be afraid of making mistakes. Sounds interesting? Enjoy, such an interview with two leaders does not happen every day! Can you introduce each other to all ESTIEMers?

the perfect mixture of what appealed to me – 50%

Torben: Yusuf, you can start!

fun, 50% academic and that is more or less how I like to work. Learning about a topic throughout

Yusuf: Haha, this is actually how I can introduce Torben–

ten seminars and getting different perspectives

he is a really thoughtful person and always acts so kind

on different subtopics is unique in my opinion.

Laine Šildere

Local Group Riga & Local Group Helsinki

to everyone, which gives them room for development. Thanks for letting me go first. We met four years ago at an ESTIEM event in Cyprus and from the first impression you could say that he has so much energy that people around him were inevitably exposed to this and got a motivation boost. He is very dedicated and passionate about what he is doing, understands what is going on and always wants to improve it as much as possible while having a lot of fun. People around Torben are lucky to improve themselves and ESTIEM even more. He contributed to ESTIEM a lot, especially with Vision, having a big impact on the network.

Okay guys, but why did you want to become a leader in ESTIEM?

T.: So there I got to know Yusuf and he was very

Y.: Well, it all started with joining the Local Group

energetic and that catches on to people, so that is one

and going to my first event, Europe3D Finland. After

of the things which I have always seen in Yusuf, also

that, I became the Local Responsible. Those days,

in the leadership position of the Europe3D project.

I had a huge motivation boost because I realised we

He always inspired people so they were motivated.

could change lives of people with our network and let

Wherever Yusuf was, there was fun, he is a unique guy

them discover themselves and their potential to drive

and having loads of energy is always important in the

change in their societies through a global mindset. If


people believed in what we all believed then we could make a big impact on the societies. Then I said: “Since

Tell us a bit about the project you were the leader of !

Europe3D and ESTIEM made me who I am right now,

Y.: My leadership term was one and a half year ago,

I will be more than glad to take it one step further and

but I still follow everything that is happening there. I

give something back.”

would say Europe3D is much more than a project; it is


something that connects ESTIEM to the external world

T.: Yeah, I think my journey was a little bit different

as well. This unique week, with more than 30 people

from Yusuf ’s, because I was not even that active on a

all around the world with many different backgrounds,

local level. I went to my first event in Famagusta, I just

is about becoming a citizen of the hosting country. To

got so much ESTIEM spirit that I just really felt that this

be able to understand how the locals live, think and

was an opportunity for me to develop my personality

perceive what has been going on. “Politics, culture and

further and have the opportunity to discover Europe

economy” is just the framework to facilitate learning by

in a whole new perspective. Also, I felt like this is such

doing. In the end, this whole experience has a very big

a great network that I want to give something back in

impact on your life.


T.: My Vision project leadership started two years ago

Did you have these moments when everything is breaking

and it was the Vision Green Supply Chain seminar

down during your leadership?

series. Everybody always says that their project is

Y.: Yeah, I did. There was one Europe3D event where

the best one, but I particularly liked that Vision was

the project leaders had to change four months before

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


the event and the new ones were just to substitute

awesome applicants, being proud of everybody who

them and they had little motivation. You can imagine

has contributed to this organisation. This big family

that a Europe3D event, which is quite huge, needs a

feeling being all together was the best feeling ever.

lot of work and then you have no one actually being responsible, nobody replying to emails. I was even

T.: I guess it was the moment at the gala dinner of

calling them from my personal phone – no answer. A

the Vision in Hamburg which was mind blowing and

lot of discussions were going on about canceling the

amazing. We had a live band playing so the biggest

event. You have to understand that as a central project

highlight was standing there at that moment and

leader I do not see anything local happening but we still

realising: I am together with my team, we achieved this.

decided to make it happen since I had the feeling that in the end it was going to be alright. That was due to

How has ESTIEM helped you to develop yourself ?

the trust we have in the network. Those were really

Y.: ESTIEM has played a key role in becoming who I

stressful moments and shortly before the event we

am right now. Especially after spending six months in

boosted all the efforts and in the end the event was

Hamburg, working in a very professional corporate

very successful. I really learned a lot during this process,

environment and now working in the USA, where the

it also led me to trust ESTIEMers even more, that we

business environment is very different from Europe’s,

are capable of making everything happen.

I realise even more how this amazing network has helped me to understand my skills and how I want to

T.: The most difficult experience actually was when we

live my whole life. I feel like I have years of experience

had to decide which Local Groups are going to organise

in working with multicultural teams and adapting to

the Vision seminars. We changed that four events were

different business environments. Unbelievable as it is,

chosen strategically and for the rest of them, we had

our network has a more structured approach to have

the participants of the Coordination Meeting that voted

an outcome than some of the companies I worked

and took the decision. There were people disagreeing

for, we are doing some really professional work here

about this approach, but I wanted to push this through

combined with loads of fun.

and I am still confident that it was the right call. It was not the worst, but probably the very first challenge that

T.: Yeah, I can just definitely agree with Yusuf. From

I had in this project.

my personal point of view both internships were also heavily influenced through experiences that I gained

What was the highlight of your leadership year?

with ESTIEM. We got all the basics covered, thanks to

Y.: We always had a lot of fun during the whole year

ESTIEM. When I was in interviews for those internships

but I think Council Meeting Portugal made me smile

I could fill half an hour of interview and tell them how

the most, sitting in the audience after my presentation,

awesome the experience was for me in ESTIEM and

seeing the project team and especially the three

how many skills I was able to develop further.

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Y.: One more thing that I can add is the entrepreneurial

big of an impact it can make on your life and on others

spirit I got from ESTIEM. We always say it is a

around you. Make mistakes, meet hundreds of amazing

playground and if you work for corporate companies

people, and try to understand everything around you

then you do not have that many chances to influence

so that you can discover yourself. This network is the

big decisions and drive change. However, having this

best tool for gaining a global mindset.”

continuous improvement mentality and motivation is a very big asset and a game changer skill that you gain.

T.: I would say: “Use this chance to make as many mistakes as possible on different levels of ESTIEM and celebrate what you have learned! Get out of your comfort zone, travel, take responsibility, realise how big of an impact it can make on your life and on others around you. Make mistakes, meet hundreds of amazing people, and try to understand everything around you so that you can discover yourself. This network is the best tool for gaining a global mindset.” Yusuf, what did you want to become when you where a child? Y.: Well, I have always imagined myself in a suit with a suitcase going somewhere, flying, always travelling. ESTIEM really enabled me to do this on the highest scale. As Torben mentioned, besides the ESTIEM events, I met my future colleagues from Germany during a Vision event, then I arranged my volunteer experience in Russia, and finally I got an internship in the USA. Everything is linked to ESTIEM. This is actually the materialised version of my childhood dreams. And how about your dream profession in childhood, Torben? T.: Of course when I was very young, I wanted to become an astronaut. That changed after a while though and I can definitely say that through the experiences in ESTIEM I was able to live the life that I can imagine for myself in the future. As we saw, you two are still good friends, how do you keep the connection alive? How was your last meeting in the USA? T.: There are always friends you talk with and say – yeah, let us do this and this and it never happens, but something that I really like about Yusuf is that it always happens – we got to meet up in Boston, went to a baseball game. We still keep in touch and that is the

T.: To everyone out there now reading this I do have to

beauty of this network.

say: “Never be scared to take on the responsibility in ESTIEM. It is a responsibility, but it gives back so much,

Y.: Yes, I can definitely agree with Torben, we had a

you get to learn so much and it will help you in your

great time together during events, Hamburg and the

future life, so just do it. Me and Yusuf are very good

USA. Besides being ESTIEMers, we have become

examples of how far this network can bring you.

good friends and we shared a lot of stories together. Since you share this background together you do not

Is there any other advice you would like to give to

really have to talk and meet every day, your friendship

younger ESTIEMers?

stays there because you know each other well. That

Y.: II would say: “Use this chance to make as many

is something really unique in ESTIEM and that gives

mistakes as possible on different levels of ESTIEM and

you the network, you will always have good friends all

celebrate what you have learned! Get out of your

around the world. ■

comfort zone, travel, take responsibility, realise how 64

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

One semester abroad in London


Studying in London, a city where everything is possible. It all began in January and ended in June. After a short exam period in Germany, I had only one day to pack my things. It began with the desperation of exceeding the packaging limits. But bearing in mind the expectation that in London you can buy everything, it ended up being ok. residence. Opposite to that fact, there was a general

and scrambled eggs for breakfast and nannies come

feeling of safety that existed in every dark corner of

from the sky like Mary Poppins. My first impression was

the city. Accustoming to the environment happened

that the prejudice that it is always raining in London was

very fast in my case, as well as the acknowledgement of

not true. Five out of seven days per week, the sun was

living in one of the most expensive cities of the world,

shining, this being exactly in the middle of my study

which didn´t exclude the awesome shopping feeling of

period. That is typically more than in any other place


in Germany.

On St. Patricksday a huge parade was moving to

My university, “London South Bank University” was

the most important places in London. Of course it

in the heart of the city on the south side of the river

was ending at “Trafalgar Square”, a place in front of

“Themse”. Studying in the UK was much more different

the “National Gallery”, where people assembled to

than in Germany, but the general impression was a

express their political feelings and statements. In the

good one. I was used to attending lectures, where, out

evening, I was celebrating the public holiday of Ireland

of 200 students, 60 percent did not pass the exam.

with friends and Irish flat mates. As a fun aspect, they

You will never expect something like this in England.

all tried imitating the Irish accent, but we, as German

The main barrier to studying is in fact the fees and if

people, we were keen on adopting more and more

you passed this barrier, you can start looking forward

the English or London accent. After such an evening

to a nice not-crowded learning atmosphere with not

we were visiting the many markets in London on the

more than 15 people per lecture. Of course, every

next day.

professor knew your name and was interested in

Every part of the city has its own typical market. Only

your career after having studying at the university. All

12 minutes by foot and I could reach the “Borrow

in all, I did not gain significant knowledge in London in

market” from my student residence, where farmers

comparison to the German lectures, but the learning

were selling their own fruits, vegetables and a lot

effect with a lot of trainings and simulations was by far

more other delightful products. In contrary to that,

more efficient. Only studying finance and accounting

the “Covent Garden” is famous about his street

was approximately as in Germany when it comes to

arts, “Notting Hill” with the “Portobello market” for

the intensity of the learning process.

their antiques and the “Camden market” for every

It was a strange feeling to know that only your flat didn´t

extraordinary, international or retro food and clothes.

have security cameras. Every step and movement was

In conclusion I can speak about an awesome time,

recorded. It was very difficult to find excuses after

which I experienced with great people. ■

Lydia Binek

staying in bed during a fire alarm test in the student

a crazy island, where people drive left, eat bacon, beans

Local Group Bremen

After a flight of one hour I arrived in another world on

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Let’s change your life All the time I was thinking that I would like to escape from my normal daily life and try to live in a city, which is far away from my home town. The ERASMUS exchange made my dream come true.

Marina Yermakova

Local Group Riga

I am from Riga, Latvia and I am a student of Riga

practice English and can easily help you in different

Technical University. Latvia is a green country in the

situations. ESN of DEU does not recommend exchange

northern part of Europe, but in February, my country

students to live in the university dormitories, because

of residence changed to the warm and sunny city of

the staff does not speak English and there are time

Izmir, which is in Turkey. For the last spring semester,

rules, like you cannot come there at five in the morning

which was my 4th, I was an exchange student at the

and so on. And it was the first thing that one should

Dokuz Eylül University in the Business Faculty.

know before going to study in Turkey - most Turkish

What could be better for an ERASMUS exchange, than

people do not speak English. You should learn Turkish.

to escape from the coldness to a city where there is no

University life was different, starting from the lecture

winter at all?

time - it was too long. Standard time at Riga Technical

When you arrive in the city where you are planning to

University is 1 hour and 35 minutes, but in Dokuz Eylül

spend half a year, you have chaos in your head - you

University it is 2 hours and 35 minutes. Also, we got no

have to prepare so many documents and mostly, you

more than 3 lectures per day. At my home university

have no any idea how and where you can and should

we have 4 or even 5 different lectures per day. It was

do any of this. In the first week we had an “Orientation

unusual for me to have only lectures and no practical

Week” organised by the student organisation Erasmus

or laboratory work, as I was used to. I like it when

Student Network (ESN).

you listen to theory first and later do everything on

During this week we learned about Turkish history,

your own. But the biggest difference was that Turkish

Turkish cuisine, we explored Izmir, prepared all the

students have 2 exam sessions, one is in the middle of

documents we had to have and got to know each

the semester and it is called mid-term exams, while the

other. After that, we thought that we were ready for

other one is at the end of the semester - final exams.

our exchange semester.

In my home university we have only 2 exam sessions at the end of each semester. Exams make studies more

I think that my exchange was totally Turkish, because

stressful. Now it has been proven.

I was living in the flat with one more Turkish girl. It


is common for Dokuz Eylül University that exchange

Exchange students are studying together with local

students live with local students, because they can

students and sometimes you have the possibility to

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

listen to one topic in both languages- Turkish and

there are two times more people than in all of

English. For those who are able to understand Turkish,

Latvia. It means that I spend a lot of time using public

it was the best way to improve it, but for those who

transportation and spend a lot of time in traffic jams.

knew only basic phrases it was really inconvenient.

An important role in Turkey is religion. This aspect

Also, studying with local students is a great way to learn

makes life more different from my country. If we are

mentality differences. Turkish students are scared of

religious, you cannot see it from our look, but there,

straight questions and will not answer them if they do

you can see more personal and religious things without

not like it. After the presentation that I gave, I received

even having a talk.


one remark, that it is a bad idea to ask the Turkish

What could be better for an ERASMUS exchange, than to escape from the coldness to a city where there is no winter at all?

auditorium questions during my speech, since students

To sum up everything, I could say that if you would

are there to listen to you, not to talk. But for me it was

like to go to ERASMUS with the aim to explore cultural

different, in our culture it is so that people like to ask

differences, to see a non-European country, Turkey

questions and also like to answer them.

is the best choice. The country has its own charm

Turkish people are famous for their hospitality. Of

because of its nature, because of its sea, traditions and

course, during 5 months, I encountered a lot of

because of food. It is impossible to forget.

different situations. Once I missed my last bus and

And in the end I would quote my best friend from

two Turkish guys tried to help me to get home, they

ERASMUS: “Before coming, I truly believed, that

were even trying hard to speak in English, mixing it with

ERASMUS will change my life. That something will

German words.

definitely happen, something what will make me

Northern people are more closed with people and we

different. And it happened. It changed me.” I can say

respect personal space and we feel strange if someone

the same, ERASMUS changed a lot in my life. I have

is coming and starts to speak with you. For Turkey it is

become more open-minded and educated in cultural

nothing special. I guess, almost every day I was speaking

differences, I learned new traditions, I explored a new

with people I don’t know and will never meet again.

mentality and a totally different way of life. Do not

In the end, to summarise -Turkish people love to talk.

be scared, use your opportunities and choose your

Daily life was not the same as at home. Just in Izmir

new city. ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics



Insights from MADrid

Lassi Uusitalo

Local Group Lappeenranta

I will start out by telling a story my mother told me

and flies away to explore more.

a few years ago. It is a story about a caterpillar who

As I am writing this article on my bed, looking out the

was living in a lake with his caterpillar friends. Let’s call

window, I cannot help but wonder where did these

him Karl. Karl is hanging out with his friends when the

months go? After spending eleven months in Madrid

sunlight from above the water strikes his eyes. He asks:

tomorrow morning’s flight feels like it is only a finger

”What is this light? I have never seen it before.” So Karl

snap away. And especially considering that the original

decides to explore and swims to the surface. Above

idea to come to Madrid for Erasmus came to my mind

the surface, he takes a closer look, feels the warmth

already back in fall 2011 when Lappeenranta and

of the sun and falls in love with it right away. He

Madrid had one of the first Local Group Exchanges

notices the grass and the trees, something that do not

ever in ESTIEM. I fell in love with the city already back

exist underwater.

then and going for an Erasmus here was a no-brainer

Curious, he takes a closer look. The grass tastes really

for me. But the more time I spent in Madrid the more

sweet and he really munches on it until he is full. He

I realised that the Local Group Exchange I attended

decides to climb up a branch and becomes a cocoon.

years ago was just a scratch on the surface of what

Not too long after that, he hatches out as a beautiful

Madrid has to offer.

butterfly full of colour and flies above the trees to see more. He sees the fields close by and realises: “I have to tell my friends about this!” He tries to dive back into the water to tell his friends but he can’t because his wings are stopping him. No matter how hard he tries to enter the water, he just cannot, so he shouts to his friends: “Guys! Guys! You have to see this new world above the surface! It is awesome!” His friends reply: “It looks scary, we are not interested. Besides, Karl, you have changed.” Saddened by the fact that Karl was not able to convince his friends and that there is no turning back, he flies back up to look around again. He notices the fields and thinks to himself: “Hey, I wonder what is over there!” 68

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

Where do I start? Food with every beer you buy,

which really touches the hearts of Spanish people, the

really convenient metro system, the sun pretty much

gatherings at the biggest squares are huge. I was there

all year round, friendly people, clubs open until 6-7 in

when Spaniards were biting their nails on the decision

the morning, cheap food and drinks. These are things

of the 2020 Summer Olympics location. There was live

everyone already knows and to which I have grown

music and everyone was in a good mood. When the

accustomed to, but there are some things you get to

news about the Olympics going to Tokyo came, the

know about only if you have lived here. For example,

collective mood crumbled from euphoria to depression.

near Puerta del Sol, the central square, there is a wok

When Atlético Madrid won La Liga there were huge

restaurant called LemonGrass where you can buy a 3

celebrations. When Real Madrid won the Champions

litre tower of beer for just 10 euros. It has a tap on the

League there were huge celebrations. I just love how

bottom which makes it easy to share with friends while

passionate Spanish people are when it comes to sports.

eating. And I can guarantee you that you are not left

I felt excited to watch the World Cup in the country of

hungry with the wok portions they serve.

reigning champions as the celebrations would be really

If you are hungry for classic Spanish ham filled mushroom

big, but well, let’s say that no one spoke about football

tops I can recommend you a place just down the street

after the first match against the Netherlands.


from Mercado de San Miguel, the world famous food market also located in the city centre. And you have never really experienced Madrid if you have not visited a Museo del Jamón for their excellent variety of hams or 100 Montaditos to eat small sandwiches and drink beer or Tinto de Verano for just one euro each every Wednesday and Sunday.

As much as I enjoyed staying in Madrid, devouring on its rich night life and generally laid-back lifestyle, what really changed my life this year was the amount of travelling I did. Seeing places I have never seen before, meeting amazing people from all around the world and experiencing traditions I had never heard of before. In Spain I visited “the cider province” Asturias, Barcelona, Salamanca, Pamplona and Ibiza. It is truly a once in a lifetime experience and in my humble opinion every Madrid is a vivid international city that never sleeps

single person should visit it at least once before settling

and where you can find anything your heart desires

down, starting a family, career and whatnot. There

at any time of the week. Statistically speaking, Madrid

is some freedom in being young and spending all day

has most bars and restaurants per square kilometre

at the beach. Salamanca’s New Year’s celebration

in all of Europe so if you want to explore and go on

“Nochevieja”, Pamplona’s bull running and absolutely

an adventure, then just grab a metro and hop off at a

beautiful Barcelona are just some of the things I want

random station. You are guaranteed to find something

to experience once more. Outside of Spain, I visited

interesting and new. This was something really odd to

Portugal, Poland, Latvia, Sweden, Italy twice and Turkey.

someone who before coming to Madrid had for past 3

Many of these countries I had never visited before in

years lived in a city with a population of mere 70 000

my life which made these trips very special for me.

people. My best experience on this was when I visited

It all started out with curiosity which lead to being

the international “Tapa pies” festival with some friends

integrated in the Spanish lifestyle and then exploring

where local restaurants made their own variations

other cultures across Europe and making loads of

of Spanish tapas with the touch of their country of

lifetime friends on the way. All in all, this experience I

origin. I got to try Indian tapas, Chinese tapas and even

have had has changed me forever and has left me with

Japanese tapas, which were delicious.

an addiction to explore new parts of the world and to

One thing that really stands out in a metropolitan

learn more about different lifestyles. Just like Karl the

city like Madrid is how whenever there is an event

butterfly is now exploring new fields in the distance. ■

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics


Event calendar

See you somewhere in Europe!

November 2014 ■

11th-17th IT School, Istanbul-Boğaziçi

12th-18th Vision Space Food, Moscow

13th-18th Minsk visits Stockholm, Stockholm

16th-20th Ankara-METU visits Novi Sad, Novi Sad

20th-24th Eindhoven visits Linköping, Linköping

20th-24th Baltics visits Berlin, Berlin

21st-25th Istanbul-ITU visits Xanthi, Xanthi

27th-30th Summer Academy Alumni Meeting 2014, Paderborn

30th-7th December Vision Food Policy , Grenoble & Lyon

December 2014 ■

03th-07th VWI-ESTIEM BrainTrainer, Ansbach

03th-07th Stockholm visits Warsaw, Warsaw

04th-09th Language Programme Initiative CoM, Madrid

13th-17th Gothenburg visits Ankara-METU, Ankara

13th-19th ESTIEM-EPSA Training New Trainers, Belgrade

13th-19th Rocking the Alps VII, Saalbach-Hinterglem

15th-20th ESTIEM 360, Eindhoven

15th-20th Logistics Training Camp, Istanbul-Yildiz

January 2015


05th-09th Thinking differently, Cambridge

07th-11th TIMES Semi-Final, Ilmenau

11th-17th The future of food, Karlsruhe

14th-18th TIMES Semi-Final, Dresden

20th-24th TIMES Semi-Final, Novi Sad

27th-02nd February Vision Fish Industry, Trondheim

30th-03rd February TIMES Semi-Final, Istanbul-Boğaziçi

ESTIEM Magazine | 47th issue - Business Analytics

February 2015 ■

02nd-06th TIMES Semi-Final, Madrid

02nd-08th Europe3D Lisbon, Lisbon

09th-15th Vision Farming, Helsinki & Tampere

13th-17th TIMES Semi-Final, Kiev

20th-24th TIMES Semi-Final, Ankara-Bilkent

21th-27th BrainTrainer, Skopje

25th-01st March TIMES Semi-Final, Saint Petersburg

March 2015 ■

02nd-08th Vision Food City Logistics, Istanbul Yildiz & Ankara METU

19th-25th Vision Food Production, Xanthi

21st-25th Ankara-METU visits Gothenburg, Gothenburg

23th-28th TIMES Final, Darmtstadt

26th-01st April Vision Maritime Food Logitics, Hamburg

April 2015 ■

26th-01st May Product Life Cycle Days, Paderborn

May 2015 ■

05th-11th Vision More than Energy, Seville

10th-16th BrainTrainer, Ilmenau

28th-02nd June Vision Final Conference, Istanbul ITU

June 2015 ■

07th-13th Innovation Management in Renewable Energies Days, Bremen

14th-20th Europe3D Germany, Karlsruhe

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