1 minute read
Call for Nominations for National Board of Directors

The American Society of Professional Estimators Governance Committee calls attention to your duty as a member in good standing of the Society to nominate those individuals who are qualified, willing to serve, and capable of being an officer and a director to establish policy and conduct national business.
The positions to be filled for two-year terms beginning January 1, 2024, are as follows:
• National President
• National First Vice President
• National Second Vice President
• Northeast Region Governor
• Central Plains Region Governor
• Southwest Region Governor
With this notice is the Nominations Form to use for submitting a nomination. (Form also available on the ASPE Website: https://www.aspenational.org/page/Board)
This form must be completed in full and certified by the nominator’s Chapter Nominations Committee Chairman or the Chapter President.
If the nomination is a MAL, the form must be certified by the Governor of the nominator’s region.
The nomination must also be accepted by the person being nominated and the associated fact sheet completed by him/ her.
The form must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. PDT on Monday, June 12, 2023.
Please submit nominations and questions to Executive Director Joanne Warren, Jwarren@aspenational.org