T hesis statement Félix Guattari states that an ecological harmony is achieved by the equilibrium of three dynamic forces: social, mental and environmental ecologies (Guattari, 2005). By applying this theory to an urban design and architectural perspective, it might be feasible to state that a co-existence between hybrid architecture, biophilic urbanism and a public realm as a social activator may represent these three ecologies that will shape the cities of tomorrow if we seek to live in equilibrium with the environment. The present thesis seeks to put in check the business-as-usual approach by exploring a typology that approaches the three ecologies at the same time to achieve an ecological equilibrium and become the catalyst of a real transformation in Geelong. It will speculate how this precinct may provoke a contagious effect and inspire future developments to change the course and aspire for more sustainable, resilient, inclusive and creative cities that our future will demand.
Questions for Research 1. Are three-ecologies-buildings the most appropriate typology to face the challenges of the cities of tomorrow? 2. Should any ecology be dominant to reach the equilibrium? What does it determine its condition? How might the site influence? 3. How feasible is that Three-Ecologies Market Square may be the catalyst of a (real) change and inspire future developments to be designed with a different approach?
A Three-Ecologies Approach to Market Square | Sandra Anahi Mansilla Hsyu