Stunner 1 - April 2018

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Stunner stunica’s newsletter

future of skills: Jobs in 2030 medicine + technology get to know stunica’s member


future technology Apr. 2018

/tekˈnäləjē/ noun - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

table of

contents 1 2 3 5 9 11 13

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Table of Contents Chief’s Note Upcoming events 10 Breakthrough Tech in 2018 Tech Trends in 2018 Tech in Medicine: Hello, Ada. Easy Ways to Learn More About Tech: 5 Strategies to Help You Games 1: Guess Who? Fun Facts: Tech + Problems The Future of Work: 6 Future Skills + 4 Most In-Demand Work in 2030 Inspiration - 4 Startup Founders Who Failed Before Succeeding Q&A with Mapres Get to Know Stunica’s member

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40

Jokes Page Handover Ceremony STUNICA 2018/2019 Grand Launching IKM FKUI 2018 Open House FKUI KKI 2018 Sports Day 1 Games 2: What/Who’s missing? OSCE Training 1 D’Tour A Day Full of Hope DUDU pt.1 Artwork Submission pt.1 Artwork Submission pt.2 Games 3 - Help Yasmin! Snapshots Hall of fame Team page

Chief’s note


Dear, Stunned ! (a calling for stunner readers) In this edition, stunners pick the theme of future technology. As we all know that we live in the time when the world experience it vast change with it tremendous progress in the development of technology. The world is changing faster than at any time in human history, and to be able to adapt with this fastchanging world, we need to be able to use technology in order to work more effectively and efficiently. This edition of stunners will provide you with information about future technology, everything that what we should know about it, what we should prepare, and what to expect from now on to face the world’s challenge. Last but not least, you also will get events updates from STUNICA and FKUI events

Thank you, and enjoy reading!

"Good, bad or indifferent, if you are not investing in new technology, you are going to be left behind.” - Philip Green

Muhammad Alifian R. P. Department of Publication & Documentation


Upcoming Events! OSCE Training 1 D’Tour A Day Donor Full of Hope Blood Day

Blood Day A Day Donor Full of Hope

Tensi Schedule


“Technology is useful servant but a dangerous master” - Christian Lous Lange

10 Breakthrough Tech in 2018 Good news! Massachusetts Institue of Technology (MIT) has announced their take on 10 breakthrough technologies that worth mentioning in 2018, here’s a brief summary for you to catch up!

1. 3D Metal Printing 3D printing has been around for quite sometimes and mostly printing prototypes of products, and the choice of material, in this case, is mostly plastic because using metal is quite expensive, plus the process is relatively slower. Markforged company invented another metal 3D printer in December 2017 which is capable of making a larger quantity, shorter time, and the production will cost cheaper, thus causing the manufacturing t o be easier, especiall y in mass production. This printer is available now at price under $100,000.


2. Artificial Embryo The concept of an artificial embryo is pretty simple, it is the development of an embryo without using any eggs or sperm cells. This artificial embryo has been grown by embr yologists from the University of Cambridge in the UK, they’re actually developing the embryo from stem cells alone. This opens a new concept of growth and development in general, because this expands the knowledge of the human origin, as we know that stem cells are the ones that trigger growth and development.

3. Sensing City

4. AI for Everyone

5. Dueling Neural Networks

Even though the concept of smart-city is already implemented in some places, the idea still lingers on how smart-city is only for the wealthy ones, meaning that many unfortunate ones cannot afford to live in such places. A neighborhood in Toronto built a project called Quayside in 2017, this project aims to live up the concept of affordable smart-city in urban areas, not only that, the Quayside aims to be livable and environmentally friendly. This affordable smart-city construction will start approximately in 2019, but the idea of a smarter smart-city is now available tor public.

E v e n t h o u g h a r t i fi c i a l intelligence plays a big role nowadays in big technological companies, it’s still pretty unusable to the most portion of the public, thus it cannot be fully implemented and that’s also because of the price a n d c o m p l ex i t y o f A I . Regarding the situation, Google announced Cloud AutoML, that utilize the use of AI in form of cloud database that more people c a n a c c e s s t o fi n d information. Microsoft and Amazon also team up to release a similar t hing called Gluon, it’s an opensource deep-learning library which builds a neural net that can mimics how the human brain works, but pac kaged in a simple smartphone app. All those AI simplifications can lead to a better future, not only in knowledge and technological sectors but also gives a boost to the economy.

Basically, this means that two AI systems can work together with human brain working mec hanism to create ultra-realistic original image projections or sounds that is somewhat cannot be distinguishable a n d m a y d e c e i ve t h e viewer's eyes. Therefore, t his mac hine can turn imagination into an artificial reality, but then again t his means t hat there’s a possible risk of digital fakery made from this mechanism. It is available now with the name of generative adversarial network or GAN.


6. Babel-Fish Earbuds These earbuds are not only basic earbuds, this is that babel-fish earbuds that can translate whatever language you heard. Pixel Buds is a product that is released by Google, these will work with the Google Pixel Smar tphones and Google Translate app to produce a real-time translation, thus making it easier for people, who talk in different language, to communicate, thus breaking the language barrier can make it easier to live in this global world. It is available now for the price of $159.


8. Perfect Online Privacy

7. Z e r o - C a r b o n Natural Gas Natural gas is predicted as one of the primary sources of electricity in the future, it’s relatively cheap and available but it’s not really the best choice of source because it still produces massive carbon e m i s s i o n s , N e t Powe r company believes in a concept of power plant that can efficiently and cheaply capture carbons t h a t a r e r e l e a s e d by burning natural gas, thus decreasing the occurrence of greenhouse-gas emission. This innovation is estimated to be available in 3 - 5 years from now.

In the midst of technology usage, it is important for users to keep their privacy to not be breached. This matter leads scientists to make a perfect cryptographic tool called z e ro - k n ow l e d g e p ro o f , preventing data tracking and keeping the identity of user confidential. This tool applies mostly in order to pro t ect cr yp t ocur rency transaction, thus it is now available.

9. Genetic Fortune Telling Thanks to huge genetic studies in the past and the present, nowadays the concept of genetic report card is nearly feasible, using human genome, scientist can make up polygenic risk scores to predict genetic status related to risk of getting some diseases such heart diseases or breast cancer, thus it can be great for the next generation public health advance with the side effects of genetic discrimination occurrence risk.

10. Material’s Quantum Leap Turns out today’s machine can be utilized to create material’s quantum leap, which successfully stimulated the invention of small molecule st r uct ure usin g a seve n -q ubit quantum computer. This is done by IBM, which allows the chemist to dig up more understandings in molecular aspects, thus resulting in the newer design of drugs and materials that are going to be better than the ones that are available now. Even though the finished products will be available approximately in 5 - 10 years, we now know that the leap has started to go further.

That’s 10 of them elaborated! Which one do you think is the coolest one?


Tech Trends in 2018 Facial Recognition Mobile Identification


Facial recognition is not something new in the world of technology. It is traditionally, a biometric method for a machine to recognize user’s face out of its facial landmarks and features and compare it with the currently held data, to an extent of different purposes. One of the current popular usages of facial recognition in 2018 is being a way to open locked smartphones. Again, this is now something new, Samsung has already used facial recognition for a while, until the release of Galaxy S8, and they changed the game forever. In 2017, Galaxy S8 was released, one of its brilliant feature that is actually appeared in Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (but the products got withdrawn from the public because of safety reasons) is special iris scanner face recognition, which is a more accurate and easier way to open the phone, basically without doing anything and by just holding your phone in front of your face. Later that year, Apple released the iPhone X, which have a new facial recognition ID system that replaces its successful predecessor, fingerprint recognition. In addition, Samsung S8 and iPhone X have similar screen design and also new features other than facial recognition, so in the year 2018, most of the new smartphones from various brands are also using similar design and face recognition feature to compete in the market. This great feature also has advantages and disadvantages, and let’s bear in mind that it’s not perfect. This increases personal security measures, which means that user’s data will be protected even further because only the user’s own unique face that should open the phone, plus there will be an alert if someone else tries to open the phone without the owner knowing. It is also an easy way to open your phone with less effort, faster process, and higher accuracy, at least better than using fingerprints. But then the processed and save data took a large quantity from the storage system, and it can affect the image size and quality in the process of identifying user’s face, thus causing the process to be slowed down. There are some troubles that may arise if there’s a slight difference in surveillance angle and facial features, for example, if a person shaved his or her facial hairs, the system might not accept the new appearance because it does not match the current database, hence it should be updated with the most recent images of the user.

Artificial Intelligence As the name implies, artificial intelligence is basically a system of intelligence that is shown by machines that have capabilities to do so. Their capabilities to demonstrate intelligence has reached to the extent of mimicking natural intelligence of humans and animals, which means they can do cognitive functions such as learning, talking, and problem-solving. Even though this matter has been there as an academic discipline since 1956, recently, AI has been a hot topic, especially in the public eye. Let’s take one example of AI that is notable in public eye, Sophia the robot. Sophia was activated in 2015, it was modeled to be similar to Audrey Hepburn. Sophia also possesses the ability to mimic human behavior, more accurate than its predecessor, aside from AI, it also uses visual data processing and facial recognition. It attended many international conferences, mostly related to AI progression, one of them is the creative summit in Egypt, Sophia is also granted Saudi Arabian citizenship in 2017, she also keeps up with celebrities as she attended discussions with public figures such as Charlie Rose in 60 Minutes’ Charlie Rose and the most recent one is the talk show video with Will Smith. There are some things that we can take note of Artificial Intelligence in relation to the progression of AI and the upcoming trend of AI usage. First of all, AI can be used to aid humanity in doing their jobs, not only in strength but also in knowledge, since they can do similar things to a normal human being, this can also backfire because more people will be put out of work, this will lead to another point of being a political and economical talking point, where it can put some people to be out of job as the cost of increasing the effectivity in working, thus meaning that there are some components in the working process that can be simplified so the efficiency will be increased, in this case, logistic process efficiency can be increased due to easier accommodation of goods by robots. It’s also important to note that AI robots hopefully can create content in the future, thus making them have a higher chance of getting a career easier. To sum up, it is true that all things have both sides present, and it is up to the users to utilize AI to the extent of whether it’s more beneficial or not.

That’s all from our take on top technology trends in 2018, do you think there are other notable tech trends that we haven’t mentioned, yet?



Hello, Ada. Meet Ada, the Personal Health Companion, an AIpowered app that listens to your symptoms and then tries to diagnose your possible health problem. And no, it’s not replacing doctors anytime soon. We tried it out, and the app is certainly simple, it’s just like Siri on the iPhone. All you have to do is download it for Android or iOS and then sign up with your email. The app only requires you put in your name and birthday, and claims to be “100 percent private”. Though, if you’re still worried about your privacy, you


can give in a fake name and there’s no problem. While the app asks you for your birth date on setup, you’ll need to manually input your height and weight from the settings menu. However, we’re still not sure if this plays a part in the diagnosis, as we didn’t see any change in the report received. When you start a diagnosis, Ada asks you for a symptom you are (or someone else is) experiencing, and then quizzes you on it. The app has a library of very specific symptoms for you to draw on, complete with an auto suggest feature to help you out. Specify how long you’ve had the symptoms, any other problems, and answer questions like whether

activity makes it better or worse, how bad your headache is, and you’re done. Ada generates a report with possible diagnoses based on your description, and accordingly recommends you to see a doctor, as well as providing possible home remedies for milder cases. It also offers you the option to track your symptoms over time, if you choose. The dialog between the user and Ada is meant to emulate the typical conversation one would have with their doctor, as the CEO, Daniel Nathrath, himself said.

“The app works with a conversational interface so you can have a conversation with it just like you would have with a trusted doctor.” "While the topic of machine learning comes with some unknowns, in the medical field, we know the future of AI is bright, and the possibilities are endless,” Ada CEO says. “We’re at the forefront of something special. Ada continues to grow more intelligent with each passing day." The Ada Personal Health Companion is available to download for free from both the iTunes App Store and Google Play, you should try it out and see for yourself, Stunned!



5 Strategies to Help You Improve Your TechSavvy Skills Let’s start with the proper explication of what tech-savvy means. According to Oxford Dictionary, a tech-savvy person is someone who is well informed about modern technology, and also uses his/her skills in order to take advantage of the current technology. In other words, you’re a tech-savvy if you know how to deal with a PC, a smart device, and other software and tools.

In today's modern world of technology it is very important to be tech-savvy. Knowing how to use technology is the key to success and great personal future developments.

Then how can you learn?


1. READ TECHNICAL BOOKS What other better way of learning something other than reading a professional book? You can find thousands of books online and even in bookstores. Choose whichever suits your needs. Choosing a technical book is easy, as you can get easy access to reviews and comments for each specific product that you buy. Amazon is the best source of technical books; you can order paperback and even read online using the kindle option. 2. HOW-TO ONLINE VIDEOS You can find almost any type of video tutorial if you’re actually looking for it. YouTube is your best bet in this

case, and you’ll get awesome tutorials for free. If you’re interested in a specific subject, just type some relevant keywords regarding the topic and add “howto” at the end of your search. You can also buy professional made videos from Udemy, as this marketplace offers a lot of instructional digital materials. 3. VOLUNTEER & LEARN FROM THE BEST Volunteering is another choice that will facilitate the learning of technical skills. Next time you are part of an event committee, maybe try out the HPD division. Try out new technical work so that you can learn from it. Speak to those individuals who you believe that can help you develop the necessary skills, and promise to give back the help as soon as you get the chance. 4. SUBSCRIBE TO TECH-SAVVY SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES AND E-MAIL NEWSLETTERS Here’s a good way of getting constant updates and relevant information regarding the topics you want to master. First thing you have to do is look for websites that can

offer you the right information. Then, subscribe to their e-mail newsletter and you will usually receive planned e-mails with valuable information. Check their social media profiles. Do they have a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn profile? If so, follow them around and see what they’re posting each day. 5. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE Repetition is the key to success. A lot of knowledge is useless if it’s not being practically used. Being a techsavvy person is all about the abilities that you have, and not necessarily the information that you hold. You can fill in the gaps, learn whatever you must learn, and then start taking advantage of the benefits of your techy skills. Never give up learning and keep getting better each and every day, Stunned!



Guess Who? #1 #2 #3 15

Please send your guesses to Alif (line: alifian27), two Stunned will be chosen and announced at the end of the Stunner period 1! (p.s. there are gifts for the winners!)


Tech + Problems Education

Smart classes are now widely available in various nations, utilizing tech products such as virtual reality.


Technology utilization has been targetted to reduce poverty by creating new field of jobs and markets.



Smart farming solutions offer farmers beneficial features including livestock and soil (plus water) monitoring.


One solution to increase the efficiency of healthcare archiving is the electronic medical records.



6 Future Skills + 4 Most In-Demand Work in 2030 By 2025, we’ll lose over five million jobs to automation. That means that future jobs will look vastly different by the time you graduate university. Gone are the days of factory workers and physical production... we’ll let the machines handle that. Instead, future jobs will involve knowledge creation and innovation. Machines are actually doing you a favour. They’re freeing you up to explore, experiment and find interesting solutions to complex problems, like noncommunicable disease.

6 Future Skills Although no one can accurately predict what jobs will look like in the future, there are seven skills that will be essential to your future success


1. Mental Elasticity and Complex Problem Solving The future is going to bring about problems you've never seen before in a world you’ve never experienced. In order to solve these problems, you’ll need to have the mental flexibility to think outside of the box, see the big picture and rearrange things to find a solution. Luckily, this skill is highly developable and simply takes practice. The more difficult problems you tackle, the more bendy your brain will get!

2. Critical Thinking Technology may be able to automate many of the jobs that currently exist, but you probably wouldn't trust it to do your critical thinking for you; as such your future career will require you to have excellent critical thinking skills. You’ll constantly need to be analysing various situations, considering multiple solutions and making decisions on the fly through logic and reasoning.

3. Creativity Worried about robots stealing your job? The more creative you are, the less likely you are to lose your job to a robot! While robots may be better than

you at calculating and diagnosing problems, they aren’t very good at creating original content, thinking outside the box or being abstract, yet.

4. People Skills Listen, machines are going to take over eventually and technology is going to get much more advanced, so us humans have to stick together! If you want to succeed in the future job market, you’ll need to learn how to manage and work with people (and robots), which includes getting in touch with your emotions, having empathy and listening.

5. STEM Even though science, technology, engineering and maths jobs are super hot right now, don’t expect them to go away in the future. As technology progresses, you’ll need to have more advanced STEM skills to keep up. Also coding. Learn how to code.

6. SMAC You’ve heard of STEM but you probably haven’t heard of SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud). Catchy, right? Learning all of these skills/platforms will make you stand out in the future job market!

5 Future Jobs What will viable work options look like a decade or two down the road? Here, a peek inside the crystal ball of careers.

1. Teacher By the year 2030, “doing jobs that require human interaction (teachers) will become more in demand while… work that requires processing data (accountants) will fall by the wayside.” That’s because automation will replace much of the work done by human data analysts and financial reporters.

2. Manager “Soft skills” like effectively managing teams of colleagues will become more desirable to employers, writes Fairchild —especially when coupled with advanced degrees. So the next time you polish your résumé, be sure to highlight examples of your leadership.

3. Caregiver for the Elderly Thanks to aging baby boomers, the home healthcare business is, well, booming. “By 2030,” writes Fairchild, “there will be at least 300 million more people over the age of 65 globally... In the U.S. alone, if...more workers don’t go into caregiving, there will be a shortage of at least 350,000 paid care providers by 2040.”

4. IT Consultant Uh, that thing we just said about the bots coming for your job? Let us revise: Spending on tech is only going up, which “could create 20 to 50 million new jobs in both in-house and outsourced IT consulting.” So you might want to spend some downtime learning how to code.



4 Startup Founders Who Failed Before Succeeding How many times did Edison fail before making the light-bulb? Thousands. Had he thrown in the towel, mankind may have been deprived of one of the greatest inventions of all time. Here are some other examples of success that began as failures: 1. Jeff Bezos, Founder + CEO of Amazon Amazon may be a household name today, but getting there wasn't easy. Bezos made some colossal mistakes getting the company off the ground (and even more after the company launched). Like many startup founders, Bezos was go, go, go. Unfortunately, the prioritization of scaling quickly led


to some costly oversights. Soon after launching, a few savvy consumers discovered how to take advantage of a technical glitch that allowed them to purchase a negative number of books that resulted in free credits. Talk about a good deal! Though the path to Amazon's success was not easy, Bezos successfully pushed through numerous setbacks and went on to grow one of the most successful companies of the modern era.

2. Evan Williams, Co-founder of Twitter Before co-founding Twitter, back in 2005, Evan Williams was involved with a podcasting platform called Odeo. He started out as an angel investor in the startup, before taking on a principle role alongside Odeo co-founder Noah Glass. The startup went as far as raising a Series A before closing its doors

after the release of iTunes. Seeing they would not be able to compete with Apple, the guys turned their attention toward a side project that went on to become Twitter. William is most definitely credited with advocating for the entire team to begin working on new ideas as soon as Odeo began to go south. The Twitter story illustrates that the greatest successes can often come after the greatest obstacles, so long as you keep innovating.

3. Reid Hoffman, Co-founder of LinkedIn

Before there was LinkedIn, there was SocialNet: An online dating and social networking site that launched in 1997. It appears the platform failed because the public wasn't ready for it, and because Hoffman was a little scattered in terms of defining its ultimate purpose. Nonetheless, Hoffman completely credits the failed experience to his ultimate success with LinkedIn. As he told Business Insider: "If you're not embarrassed by your version one release, you released it too late. One of the things I learned from that whole experience, was that you should focus on one domain that really matters to people and just do that really well.”

4. Melanie Perkins, Co-founder of Canva While Melanie Perkins didn't "technically" fail before founding Canva, she did receive more than 100 "no's" before funding the startup. Perkins had a bird's eye view of how the internet would soon change the design industry. Wanting to be a part of that movement, Perkins came up with the idea for Canva, an online graphic design platform. After three years of work, and more than 100 pitch deck revisions, the designer procured a $3 million investment to scale her startup. As Perkins said:

"I made a conscious decision to start a company anyway, knowing that there was a high probability of failure. If you have a crazy, wild dream, the best thing you can possibly do is to get started." Today Canva is still going strong. Had Perkins let those failure stats stop her, she would have missed out on the satisfaction of creating something enjoyed by millions.


Q&A with Angga Wiratama

Early Detection of premature birth a scientific work by Angga Wiratama, FKUI 2015, wellknown for his remarkable achievement in being Mahasiswa Berprestasi Utama Universitas

Why is it important?

Premature babies are so fragile, they have high mortality rate and high susceptibility to infections. However, premature birth is still an issue that rarely gets addressed because there is a reduction in premature babies mortality rate . However, it’s important to note that this reduction is very expensive and survived premature babies are more likely to develop non communicable diseases later in the future.

Indonesia (UI) 2018

Submitting a scientific work is one of the fulfillment of requirements for election of Mahasiswa Berprestasi. Angga Wiratama chose Early Detection of premature birth as the topic of his scientific work. What is your scientific work really about?

T h e n , i s t h e re a n y method to detect premature birth? Yes. There is a method called cervical length measurement with USG technology.However, this method is considered to be difficult to conduct, especially in Indonesia. The technology that is used is expensive and very experts dependent . But, a more promising and easier detection can also be done with biomarker identification

It’s about tracing how to conduct an early detection of premature birth. This early detection may allow treatments such as medications to hold off labor to take in and prevent premature birth


WOW, BIOMARKER? Yes. Basically, biomarker is a substance that appears to signal that something is happening in our body. The most used biomarker is the substances in the fluids of cervix.The substance that is usually identified is protein like progesterone. Low level of progesterone in the fluids of cervix can indicate premature birth. However, detecting cervix fluids is difficult to be done because taking fluids from a woman’s cervix is a highly complex procedure. Therefore, scientists have been trying to figure out where can biomarker be taken other than fluids in the cervix. The scientists have proposed blood test, but progesterones in blood turn out to be different in the ones in the fluids of the cervix because they are hemoglobinbounded, not free. Hence, blood’s progesterone is not an accurate biomarker.




But, surprisingly, our saliva also contains progesterone! and the bright side is, the progesterone in the saliva is a free progesterone which can be an accurate biomarker because it does not attach or bound to anything. Therefore, many reconstructive studies have been focusing on early detection of premature birth through the mother’s saliva.

DO YOU HAVE ANY PLAN TO CONDUCT A FURTHER RESEARCH TOWARDS IT? ABSOLUTELY! I’m very interested in topics related to mothers and kids. We know that the first 1000 days of life is a very critical period, I realized that choices my mother made back then really determined who I am today.

ANGGA WIRATAMA’S FUN FACTS <EXCLUSIVE> 1. “The election of the President of BEM IKM FKUI was a lot more challenging compare to the election of MAPRES.” Angga Wiratama 2. Doesn’t like beaches. 3. tips on time management - DON’T EVER WORK ON YOUR ORGANIZATIONS WHEN STUDYING, DON’T EVER STUDY WHEN DOING YOUR ORGANIZATIONS.

4. PP or KOST?




5. KRL or CAR?













get to know THE first lady OF STUNICA IMA GIYANI image courtesy:


image courtesy:



JOKES ABOUT TECHNOLOGY Don't fart in an apple store!

What type of computer sings?

they don't have windows...

A DELL hehehe

Why do computers teachers never get sick? What do computers eat for a snack?



because an apple a day keeps a doctor away:)


Handover Ceremony STUNICA 2018

Present and past mainboards with head of PPKM (above); STUNICA’s ex and new president of 2018 (right)


is depicted as a home of the international students and the warmth of family. An organization that stays close to the heart of many. Every year, STUNICA holds an election to find a person who would be ready to serve and represent this organization. This year, it was our turn. There were two candidates for the Presidential election. Dhiya and Daniel. They work in their own paths, but they had something in common. They saw an opportunity for STUNICA to expand. They had innovations and ingenious programs all fashioned to fit the aspirations of their friends throughout FMUI. They shared their respective visions, missions, and innovations to all students in the international class, along with a closed debate that was largely attended by seniors, and an open debate that was open for the public. The poll was then opened for all students in international class. Long story turned short, the results were counted manually. In the end, Daniel came out as the winner.

bad at expressing myself and could only smile. I was thrilled and felt blessed. I sent huge thanks to everyone who has participated and the election team.” “I’ve always been a big fan of Steve Jobs. Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people. This was a quote that he said in one of his interviews. I believe that the next important step that I had to take was to form a team.” Q: What characteristics should a leader have? D: One who understands his team than his job. I have a principle that everyone wants to be found, a catch phrase that I have used numerously during the campaign.

DANIEL’S INSIGHT “Of all the bliss, I was ridiculously


25 24

It was on February 27th 2018. This was where the previous tenure ended and a new one began. Kelvin and Anjani had done a wonderful job during their tenure. It was attended by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year students and parents from PPKM, including the head, tante Wirdawati Syamsyul. We closed the event with a dinner, a tradition that has been passed down year to year. HANDOVER CEREMONY

“The process seemed endless and challenges kept on emerging. However, I would like to say that in the end, it was all worth it. I would like to use this opportunity to thank Publication and Documentation for giving me the opportunity to be in STUNNER. I would also like to give a shout out to the campaign team, I cannot say thank you enough for your endless support and patience. To Ray, Oliver, Theo, Julius, Regina, Maria, Erlangga, Edward, Daniell Edward, Shefilyn, and everyone else that I cannot mention, thank you.”


Grand Launching IKM FKUI 2018


As part of a member of PR in STUNICA, I was involved in this year grand launching. It was a very interesting experience for me, as I have never taken part in anything like this before.

My fellow PR members and I were responsible in preparing STUNICA’s stand and we were also in charge of representing it along side our mainboards.

We met a lot of new faces and since it was our first time representing STUNICA to other people outside FKUI (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia), we were a bit nervous. But as time went on, we became more comfortable in explaining STUNICA’s prokers.

I am grateful to be given

this opportunities as I have learned a lot from it. -PUBLIC RELATION-


Open House FKUI KKI

On April, International Class in Universitas Indonesia was asked to conduct Open House in IMERI, Salemba. There were seven faculties that joined this Open House and every of them was asked to give information to high school students and their parents about things that will be needed to register themselves to Universitas Indonesia, from tuition fee until way of life as college student in Universities Indonesia.

The Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia also joined this Open House to help visitors getting the information. There were five students and some staffs involved in making this event a good success. Not only the students and staffs, Class Coordinator of International Class of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia also came to this event.

The visitors came from different backgrounds. Some of them study in public school, some in private schools, and some enroll in international school. Some have even finished their high school year. In one similar purpose, they visited this Open House and hoped that they can get information that they need to be able to be accepted as students in Universities Indonesia. -PUBLIC RELATION-



Games Section

What..or..Who’s MISSING??? A



And last…whose reflection?

Got the answers? Send them to Alif (line: alifian27). Two lucky Stunned will be rewarded. Winners will be announced at the end of Stunner 1!


29 25

OSCE Training 1 was held on 22nd of April and 5th of May 2018. The main purpose of this event is to prepare 2nd level medical students in Universitas Indonesia for OSCE exams. OSCE exams have been known to be challenging for students –but not impossible if students practice. OSCE Training I served as a chance for students to perfect their skills and trade feedbacks from seniors.


The event was done from 8 am to after lunch hour. Around 45 students were divided into 6 groups, and each group took turns learning OSCE skills in 6 different rooms. It was done in the Skills Lab, Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia. After the event, an evaluation f o r m w a s d o n e . Th e re s u l t suggests that above 90% of students were satisfied of the process, the food, and the staffs.



DUDU D: gua U: yang suka warna pink Jangan nikung ya :-) makasih

D: #virginboy one and only fan U: eyo mengapa hatiku cenat cenut tiap ada kamu

D: me U: me KOk uDa bosen liBuRan?!?!

D: Boj**g U: Big Irfan Sini regen bem masuk kastrat bareng gw

D: A girl U: Alif Prom yuk

D: Edward Yo U: Nicholas Calvin HAPPY BIRTHDAY Fossib! Hands down the best fossib I could ever ask. Sukses electionnya & semoga terus dilancarkan!

D: aku U: pubdoc thanku for the dudu, lucu deh

D: Biasa aja U: Yang ga biasa aja

D: post malone U: rays kalo ada masalah bilang gue ya


D: ????? U: bel you know what they say, muka mirip pertanda jodoh

D: bukan sita U: bukan sita juga luwak white coffee kopinya gak bikin kembung, ngopi bareng yuk?

D: bukan riri U: apalagi ini hit me up if u hv nothing to do (do,Me!!)


D: bert**** U: berkantong t***** MASUKAN


Glimpse of RIK by Fransesco Bernardo Hubert Jonathan FMUI 2017



Urban Photograph by Nugrahiza Satryo Bimantoro FMUI 2017


Help Yasmin Fill In The Pink Boxes By Answering All 9 Questions First! But, Hey! The Name Of Stunica’s Former Vice President That Is Having A Birthday This Month Can Be Revealed By Filling The Pink Boxes Below!

GUESS the Country!

1. 2. 3. 4.


Send your answers to Alif (line: alifian27), two Stunned will be chosen and announced at the end of the Stunner period 1!

(p.s. there are gifts for the winners!)

5. 6. 7.

8. 9.







Hall of Fame

Jason Phowira

Matthew Leonardo

Marcello M.K.

//Department of Community Outreach

//Department of Academics

//Department of Internal Affairs

M. Maulana Wildani

Jonez Estiven A.R.

Umar Abdul H.

//Department of Public Relation

//Department of Public Relation

//Department of Sports & Arts

“The highest appreciation for our friends that already gave an invaluable contribution by helping to create stunner articles.�



Team Page //Department of Publication & Documentation STUNICA 2018/2019



3 5


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

M. Erlangga Harimurti (Angga) Viviana Kusuma Dewi (Vivi) Muhammad Alifian R. P. (Alif) Raja Yasmin Khalilah (Yasmin) Daniell Edward Raharjo (Dedward)

Meet the super team behind Stunner production!

Department of Publication & Documentation STUDENT UNION OF INTERNATIONAL CLASS 2018/2019

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