Introduction The Chairman welcomed members to the 91th Annual General Meeting of the ESU and noted that the Annual Report and audited accounts and the formal notice convening the AGM had been despatched to members. 1. Chairman’s Report Lord Hunt opened the meeting by reporting on the work of the ESU over the past year, its scholarships, its spoken English competitions and awards for teaching in English, and its seminars. On the international scene it had been a busy year visiting and opening new Branches as well as extending the public speaking competitions. He commented on a successful meeting of the International Council in Tirana and noted that the Albanian government had recognised English as the official second language. The Speech and Debate activities had been fully integrated at Dartmouth House and the programmes extended. The Fundraising and Development departments are now under one head as are Branches and Membership. The ESU continues to receive financial support in the form of corporate donations and legacies. Efforts to encourage more alumni to become members had been stepped up and alumni would receive complimentary membership until age 27. 2. Auditors’ Report and Adoption of the Accounts for the eleven months ended 31 March 2010 The Chairman invited the Honorary Treasurer to read the Auditor’s Report on the accounts for the eleven months ended 31 March 2010 and give his report. It was noted that the financial activities for period resulted in a deficit of £15,069. The Treasurer pointed out that the accounts were prepared in a statutory format which shows legacies as income. However, the ESU regards legacies as capital assets so the deficit excluding legacies would be £96,256. On the other hand, since the share portfolio is invested for a total return of income and capital appreciation, the interpretation of the financial performance needs to be further
adjusted to reflect this. The Investment Committee has set a total return policy which assumes a target income of 3.5% of the market value. The consequence of this is that the deficit of £96,256 is off-set against some of capital appreciation of the investment portfolio reducing it to £58,000. The Treasurer confirmed that the deficit was considered manageable especially in the context of the pending rent review. The Governors are obliged to have the assets valued at regular intervals and they have elected for every five years which is why a revaluation of Dartmouth House and the Chesterfield Hotel is shown in the accounts. The Accounts were adopted following a show of hands with a majority in favour. 3. Election of Governors a) Pursuant to Bye-Law 50, Mr Brian Marsh OBE, having completed six years in office, retires and was not eligible for re-election. b) Pursuant to Bye-Laws 49 and 50, Sir Richard Dearlove, Mr Andrew Hay, Mrs Jeanne Pumfrey, Miss Margaret Rudland, and Baroness Symons retire by rotation but were eligible for re-election. Mrs Pumfrey did not wish to stand for re-election. c) Pursuant to Bye-Law 37 the Board of Governors recommended that, Ms Kirsty McNeill, Mr David Thomas and Mrs Holly Shakespeare be co-opted as members of the Board. The Chairman put the agenda item to the Meeting as whole. After three counts, to confirm accuracy, the motion was rejected by 65 votes to 38 and therefore no Governors were elected. 4. Appointment of Auditor Pursuant to Bye-Law 76 the Board of Governors was given authority to appoint Crowe Clark Whitehill (previously practicing as Horwath Clark Whitehill) as Auditor for the ensuing year. In accordance with Bye-Law 78 the Board of Governors was given authority to determine the Auditor’s remuneration for the ensuing year. 5. Any other business a. The Chairman said that Mr Alan Cox and Sir Peter Jennings had agreed to withdraw the three motions dated 26 October 2010 and in place of those motions the Board of Governors had approved a Statement which was distributed to the AGM and is attached to these Minutes. The Chairman said the Statement was an attempt to have a positive resolution on a matter of concern to members. A number of members present spoke in strong terms about their concerns regarding the strategy and leadership of the ESU. The Chairman allowed the views of those present to be heard.
It was agreed that Mr Richard Oldham, Chairman of the National Council for England and Wales (NCEW) should be asked to form a consultation group to report members’ views to the Governors on matters concerning strategy and governance and the use of assets. The consultation group would be asked to report to the Governors in time for the Board Meeting scheduled for 17 March 2011. b. Mr Colin Parsons said he had a petition, signed by 46 members requesting an Extra-ordinary General Meeting to debate a motion of no confidence in the leadership of the ESU, which was compliant with the terms of the Royal Charter. The Chairman said the Governors would call such a meeting if the petitioners insisted but that it should not interfere with the consultation process (item 5.a). c. At this point there was a short break in the proceedings. d. The meeting was reconvened and the Chairman proposed the adoption of the Statement (item 5.a) and this was agreed. The Annual General Meeting ended at 5.40pm