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Part I - Campus Finishes Introduction The following information portrays a comprehensive guide for facilities improvements of interior and exterior palettes. This guidebook is intended to provide management of finishes for future projects at Emporia State University Campus. Since its founding in 1863, Emporia State University strives to provide excellence in education improving the lives of students in Kansas, throughout the U.S and across the world. It strives to create and maintain exemplary facilities and a responsible environment to engage and recruit a dynamic student population. The following palettes represent ESU’s commitment to adaptive reuse, stewardship, and improving the ESU community.
revision 30 September 2014
Building Finishes Review + Documentation The following 11 buildings were examined:
* Student Union - reviewed as a Benchmark for other academic commons 1. Health, Physical Education & Recreation 1
2. Visser Hall 3. Cremer Hall 4. Science Hall
5. Plumb Hall 10
6. King Hall 7. White Library 8. Beach Music Hall
9. Roosevelt Hall
10. Towers Complex
7 8
Memorial Union*
Exterior Materials : concrete, autumn brick blend, burnt umber paint on handrails, anodized aluminum windows, anodized aluminum letters, anodized aluminum fascia
• The Union building was identified by the committee as the building that best represents Emporia State University. It is warm and inviting. It exemplifies the emphasis on creating a pleasant and welcoming place by providing an emphasis defining a strong visual entrance.
Memorial Union*
Interior Materials : dark tile, warm paint colors, aluminum on handrails, 2x2 acoustical tile, painted soffits, dark wood wainscot, dark wood trim, recessed and suspended lighting
* The Union building was identified by the committee as the building that best represents Emporia State University. It is adaptive, attractive and inviting. It exemplifies the emphasis on community and student engagement by providing a diversity of spaces for education, meeting, interaction, lounging, and dining. 6
Health, Physical Education & Recreation - Exterior
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Chocolate Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, anodized aluminum windows, anodized aluminum letters, blue parking paint suggestions 1. 2.
Remove blue paint, replace with black or gold Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards
Health, Physical Education & Recreation - Interior observations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
No contrast on walls Hard Finishes on walls and floors, lacking sound absorption Flooring Increases Visual Monotony Awkward Seating on display at end of corridor Monolithic lighting and ceilings Lack of warmth
suggestions 1. 2.
Provide pleasant living room near entrance Introduce spirit palette finishes on walls and floors
Interior Materials : 2x4 acoustical celling, painted CMU walls, black and white VCT, medium oak stained doors with painted HM frames, black rubber base ESU SPIRIT PALETTE 8
Visser Hall
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Chocolate Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, anodized aluminum windows, anodized aluminum letters, blue parking paint suggestions 1. 2. 3. 9
Remove blue paint, replace with black or gold Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards If windows are replace, anodized aluminum frames should be provided.
Visser Hall observations
1. 2. 3. 4.
No contrast on walls Wallpaper on walls Visual barrier in thick top rail Blue is prevalent accent color
suggestions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduce warm palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces. Match existing wood on doors and flooring. Remove blue accents. Remove portions of walls and provide glass into classrooms.
Visser Hall – Potential Commons observations 1. 2. 3. 4.
Sunken floor and planters create barrier and confusing commons Furnishings are on display, not welcoming Visual barrier in thick top rail Blue is prevalent accent color
suggestions 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Introduce warm palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces to create distinct seating Remove steps and planters to create usable multipurpose space for large gatherings Remove blue accents. Improve handrail with glass and aluminum rail. Remove portions of walls and provide glass into classrooms, especially around balcony area to bring in daylight to classrooms.
Cremer Hall
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Rose Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, anodized aluminum windows, anodized aluminum letters, tan terracotta accents suggestions
1. 2. . 12
Widen paving from sidewalk and angle towards entrance; add seating Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards
Cremer Hall observations 1. 2. 3. 4.
Strange ceiling Abrupt finish transitions Dated colors Multiple personalities, feels like a different building
suggestions 1. 2. 3.
Introduce warm palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces. Remove portions of walls and provide glass into classrooms or adjacent lounge space.
Science Hall
1. 2. 3.
Hard Finishes – no sound absorption No Change in Ceiling Need marker board surface?
*High student occupancy Exterior Materials : Concrete, Autumn Blend Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, anodized aluminum windows suggestions 1. 2. 3.
Widen paving at entrance and introduce seating Remove portion of rock wall and provide path to invite guest to travel through rock garden, utilize this as an amenity Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards
Science Hall observations 1. 2.
Dated colors Lacking seating in wider corridors
suggestions 1. 2. 3.
Introduce warm palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces. Remove portions of walls and provide glass into classrooms or adjacent lounge space.
Plumb Hall
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Stone, Red Blend Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, white windows suggestions 1. . 16
Refer to landscape standards and master plan for suggestions to celebrate this is an iconic building for the University and representative image to the community and public.
Plumb Hall observations 1. 2. 3. 4.
Dated colors Lacking comfortable seating in wider corridors Sound echos with tile flooring and volume Lighting is too dim for student lounge or collaborative work
suggestions 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCE SPIRIT PALETTE
Introduce spirit palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in wide round lounge spaces on upper floors. Provide additional lighting at lounge spaces. Add carpet to upper levels.
King Hall
Negative: 1. VCT Disintegrating 2. Carpet on Walls 3. Different Wood Types 4. Poor Lighting 5. Textured Ceiling
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Red Blend Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, anodized aluminum windows suggestions 1. 2. . 18
Widen paving at entrance and introduce seating Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards
King Hall observations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Dated colors Carpet on walls Different woods Poor lighting VCT disintegrating
suggestions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Introduce cool palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces. Introduce carpeting and accent lighting in lounge spaces. Remove portions of walls and provide glass into classrooms or adjacent lounge space. Remove empty display cases, update with marker boards, TVs, for announcements and art display
White Library Positives: 1. Interesting Lighting 2. Contrasting colors 3. Carpet in lounge areas Negatives: 1. Built-in computer stations
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Red Blend Brick, both aluminum and Burnt Umber paint on handrails, bronze windows suggestions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20
Widen paving at entrance and introduce seating Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards If windows are replace, anodized aluminum frames should be provided. When windows are replaced, provide building signage with anodized aluminum letters in campus font. Paint handrails to match campus standard.
White Library observations 1. 2. 3. 4.
Lighting inconsistent with mood of lounge spaces Contrast in entrance works Many different woods throughout Built in computer stations do not encourage collaboration
suggestions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduce warm palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces. Introduce accent carpeting and accent lighting in lounge spaces. Change ceiling heights to define areas Provide bar top computer stations that encourage collaboration, not all located on walls.
Beach Music Hall
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Red Blend Brick, white windows suggestions 1.
Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards
Beach Music Hall observations 1. 2. 3. 4.
Lighting is diverse to elevate mood Contrast in corridors and ceilings works Woods and palette are consistent Lacking soft lounge seating for student engagement
suggestions 1.
Introduce soft modern seating in lounge spaces.
Roosevelt Hall
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Red Blend Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, aluminum windows and building signage suggestions 1. 2.
At entrance, introduce seating per landscape standards. Introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards
Roosevelt Hall observations 1. 2. 3.
Dated colors Sound echoes with all hard surfaces Cubbies in not inviting
suggestions 1. 2.
Introduce cool palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce soft seating in cubby spaces on interior, this will also help with acoustics.
Towers Complex
Exterior Materials : Concrete, Autumn Blend Brick, Burnt Umber paint on handrails, bronze windows, aluminum building signage suggestions 1. 2. 3.
At entrance, introduce seating per landscape standards. Remove raised planters, introduce plants to soften entrance, refer to Landscape standards If windows are replaced, anodized aluminum frames should be provided.
Towers Complex observations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Inconsistent Flooring No Contrast Uninteresting Lighting Woods types – too similar, yet not the same Trim on columns is nice Coffered Ceiling adds interest
suggestions 1. 2.
Introduce warm palette finishes on walls and floors. Introduce carpet under coffered ceiling to create lounges, tile or lvt outside lounge areas in high traffic areas.
potential commons
potential commons
A place that is characterized by . . . • Student Engagement • Excellence • Lifelong Learning • Stewardship • Vibrant Community
A place that strives to be. . . • Adaptive • Responsive • Responsible • Attractive • Welcoming 30
Building Exterior Finishes Recommendations The following areas are recommended for the following palettes:
1. Traditional Palette 2. Contemporary Palette
Exterior Palette Recommendation Stone, brick , windows, fascia, roofing, paint
Traditional Palette
Contemporary Palette
Revision 30 September 2014
Building Interior Finishes Recommendations The following areas are recommended for the following palettes:
1. Spirit Palette 2. Cool Palette 1
3. Warm Palette
1* Memorial Union Warm Palette
2 3
3 1* 1
3 2
30 September 2014
Building Interior Lighting Recommendations The following light fixture types are recommended for the following environments:
1. Corridors Inspiration Example: 2x2 Equation LED, Focal Point Lighting Inspiration Example: Avenue 6 LED, Focal Point Lighting
2. Student Commons Inspiration Example: Mondana, Focal Point Lighting
3. Atriums Inspiration Example: Skydome LED Pendant. Focal Point Lighting
Building Interior Handrail Recommendations The following guardrail & handrail types are recommended for the following environments:
1. Stairwells & Ramps Shown: Painted Steel Picket Railing, Paint to match appropriate Palette
1. Atriums Shown: Glass Handrail with Steel Frame
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Interior Palette Recommendation _ Inspiration Images
Part II – Landscape Amenities The Emporia State University; 150th Year Campus Master Plan – 2014 provides a framework for future changes and updates regarding campus master planning of buildings, exterior spaces and campus circulation. The plan identifies sites for new buildings, removal or expansion of existing structures, and general ways to enhance the overall campus vision. This document is useful as a companion to the Master Plan by outlining landscape standards for the campus. It shall serve as a guide for the planning of all site amenities, plant materials and paving selections for Emporia State. This guide is intended to be used in the following ways: • First and foremost to support the Campus Master Plan and to describe standards for the design and selection of new site amenities, hardscape materials and plant materials. These standards are intended to provide general direction so that the concepts outlined in the Master Plan can be best implemented to create a unified campus character. • To provide general design parameters to encourage creativity while maintaining the overall planning objectives of a unified campus. These standards are not intended to be so constraining that they smother great ideas or designs that contribute to the greater goal. • To provide a basis for evaluation by the Campus Master Planning Office for proposed changes and additions to Original Administration Building exterior campus space furnishings, materials and plantings. • To reinforce the University’s commitment to a sustainable future through site design. By selecting plants and site components that are long lasting, easy to maintain and enduring for generations, the University enhances the image, sense of place and the overall experience for all who visit or engage the campus. • To allow for the basis of design that is dynamic and can change as the campus grows and evolves.
Memorial Union
Inspiration Anyone that visits Emporia State University for the first time cannot help but notice the Flint Hills landscape that surrounds the community and campus. The amazing seasonal changes of the rolling hills are breathtaking. A visitor will also notice historic nature of the adjacent portions of the City of Emporia These two very powerful visual cues became very important while informing the site materials pallet for the campus. The strong connection to the prairie, as well as a traditional Kansas town aesthetic have been emphasized to acknowledge the strong regional identity that surrounds the campus. These influences, while acknowledging the heritage already expressed on the campus, have informed all that is documented within.
Original Administration Building
Memorial Union
Blending Historic with Contemporary .
The existing campus design heritage cannot be changed overnight, nor should it. There are many wonderful attributes that inform the site design throughout the campus and provide opportunities for varied site experiences. The campus has been expanding for over a century. This expansion can be seen through architectural styles. There are clear transitions from a historic style to a more contemporary style on the campus. Site materials and design style should also reflect this change in architecture. This must be accomplished in a manner that contributes to a unified campus aesthetic. Areas adjacent to the historic potions of the City of Emporia like Kellogg Circle, around Roosevelt Hall, Beach Music Hall and Wooster Lake have an existing historic feel. This shall be enhanced with materials, colors and styles that are historic in nature.
Student Recreation Center
All remaining campus areas are more contemporary. Therefore site materials, colors and design shall be influenced by that style. The school house museum shall have its own character, not covered in this document.
Health, Physical Education and Recreation Visser Hall
Towers Residence Complex
Cremer Hall
Scienc e Hall
Memorial Union Plumb Hall
contemporary historic school house museum 48
White Library
King Hall
Beach Music Roosevelt Hall Hall
Existing Exterior Benches The campus currently has a wide variety of bench styles and materials. This undermines any attempt to create a unified campus feel. It is not recommended that any current bench design become a standard for future use.
Proposed Site Benches Through the use of one general bench style, translated in a historic and contemporary manner will contribute to a more cohesive campus. These are basis of design styles.
Contemporary Style - Landscapeforms Parc Vue Historic Style - Landscapeforms Plainwell
Proposed Site Benches When opportunities arise for creativity with custom benches, they should be encouraged. These are examples of creative custom benches.
Proposed Site Seating Site seating should not be limited to benches. Often, tables and chairs are more appropriate for students wanting seating and socializing versatility or study opportunities. These examples provide a basis of design.
Landscapeforms MultipliCITY Landscapeforms Parc Centre
Landscapeforms Verona
Existing Site Lighting The campus currently has only a few styles of site lighting. The current historic style lighting is used consistently in historic portions of the campus. This fixture is appropriate where currently used and should continue to be used in those areas. The few contemporary light fixtures should be replaced with a new style more fitting to the campus.
Proposed Site Lighting Site lighting may be the most dominant site furnishing on the campus. Site lighting must be cohesive for this reason to create a unified campus. These examples are the basis of design.
Continue use of existing historic style light fixture and pole
Sternberg Solana SL730 & SL360
Sternberg Solana SL760 & SL660
Existing & Proposed Fencing The current design for fencing is custom built in-house and is of an excellent design. This fence shall continue to be the standard design when a need for fencing arises.
Existing Site Guardrails & Handrails As can be expected from a campus with buildings from many eras, the guardrails and handrails installs near each building is different. Too much variety creates visual confusion within the campus.
Proposed Site Guardrails & Handrails Exterior guardrails must be of the same color and of similar design. Some design creativity may be allowed so that railings speak the same language as the adjacent building. Campus facilities currently fabricate most guardrails and handrails in-house. This design is excellent and shall be continued in historic parts of campus. A contemporary version of that railing shall be used in contemporary parts of campus. The color for all shall be black umber.
Contemporary Version of Campus Standard Railing
Existing Campus Standard Railing
Existing Campus Standard Railing
Existing Bicycle Racks A few bicycle rack styles are used throughout the campus
Proposed Bicycle Racks Bicycle racks shall be simple by design, easy to maintain and effective at their intended purpose. They may be fabricated in-house. These are shown as a basis of design.
Creative Pipe SU20
Existing Site Waste and Ash Receptacles Currently, extreme diversity in waste receptacle styles and colors can be found on the campus. No current receptacle design shall be used in the future.
Proposed Waste Receptacles Waste receptacles must be simple and interpretable in a historic and contemporary design style. Colors shall make them recede in the landscape. Examples are shown as a basis of design.
Landscapeforms Plainwell
Forms + Surfaces Transit
DuMor 435
Landscapeforms Scarborough
Proposed Specialty Paving The majority of campus paving will continue to be traditional poured-in-place concrete. For specialty paving, it is recommended that rad clay pavers are continued. They are durable, can be interpreted in a traditional or contemporary way and hold their color forever. Concrete pavers lose color richness over time and are not recommended. When conditions required it, colored poured-in-place concrete may be used.
Existing Retaining and Seatwalls As can be expected from a campus with many phases of growth, many wall styles exist. This variety creates visual confusion within the campus.
Proposed Retaining and Seatwalls Many opportunities will arise for retaining walls in the future. Different budgets and contracting skills will dictate different wall types. Stone veneer walls with a sit-able stone or cast stone cap is the most expensive but also the most appealing for high use areas. These can be stylistically interpreted to relate to the adjacent building. For contemporary portions of campus, poured-in-place concrete walls are acceptable. Areas with more passive pedestrian exposure can use limestone boulder or concrete block walls. For concrete block, use Versa-Loc Mosaic Tumbled with mixed warm colors and a cap.
Existing Stone Wall Masonry Styles As can be expected from a campus with many phases of growth, many masonry wall styles exist. Most styles are excellent, but this variety creates visual confusion within the campus.
Proposed Stone Wall Masonry Styles The preferred stone masonry style for all veneer walls shall match the east side of the stadium wall.
Landscape Edging Currently, many landscape areas are edged with a red concrete paver obtained from a home improvement store. This practice shall discontinue. For areas where landscape mulch needs to be retained next to sidewalks, a raised concrete curb shall be constructed. For general landscape areas away from walks that need separation from turf, a tidy limestone edge or steel edging shall be used. Proposed
Landscape Mulch The University currently installs numerous types of mulch at different locations of the campus. This includes river rock and different grades of wood. The standard shall be black double-ground wood mulch only.
New Standard Black Wood Mulch
Existing Site Signage Excellent consistency exists for signage on campus at this time. Building signage matches the guardrail standard. Monument signage is dated and unwelcoming, though clean and legible.
Proposed Site Signage The current building signage shall be continued. Monument signage shall be updated to better reflect the desired image of the campus. Materials should be a standardized brick or limestone with cast stone accents. Lettering can be engraved or attached.
Monument concepts
Existing Building Signage
Proposed Paint Colors Many colors are currently used on the campus. All future site components that require painting or powder coating shall be black, burnt umber, grey or silver.
ESU Black Umber
Burnt Umber
Trees Not all trees must have a yellow bloom, but those that do should be used when appropriate.
Yellow and Ohio Buckeye
Golden Raintree
Witch Hazel
Butterflies Magnolia
Shrubs Not all shrubs must have a yellow bloom, but those that do should be used when appropriate.
Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
Japanese Kerria
Witch Hazel
Tree Peony
Yellow Shrub Rose
Perennials Not all perennials must have a yellow bloom, but those that do should be used when appropriate. Annuals with a yellow bloom or foliage such as zinnia, celosia, lantana, potato vine and others shall be used as well.
Moonbeam Coreopsis
Sunrise Coreopsis
Bearded Iris
Creeping Jenny
Angelina Sedum
Black-eyed Susan
Creeping Sedum
Missouri Primrose
Yellow Blooming Trees, Shrubs & Perennials
Recommended Trees for Emporia
Recommended Trees for Emporia
Evergreen Trees for Emporia
Evergreen Trees for Emporia
Overall Planting Style Overall planting style shall be prairie, natural or formal. These styles can be interpreted in many ways. See the campus plan on the next page for locations of each planting style.
. . . prairie
. . . natural
. . . formal
Overall Planting Style .
Student Recreation Center
Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Visser Hall
Towers Residence Complex
Cremer Hall
Science Hall
Memorial Union
King Hall
Plumb Hall
White Library
prairie style natural style formal style 85
Roosevelt Hall
Beach Music Hall