etcetera magazine June 2021

Page 34

farm life

Limousine sheep. Photo credit: BiacheB CC BY-SA 3.0 (



egional livestock breeds have be a part of that solution, in that they can be employed to manage the landscape, struggled to survive since the Second enhance biodiversity, and provide World War, as high-yielding commercial nutrient-rich food more efficiently. strains have taken centre stage in the food system. Fortunately, these rare breeds Why Native Breeds Thrive Better have been saved by devotees who have Native breeds are often used for formed societies dedicated to protecting a conservation grazing because they need viable population (ASP: associations de little labour or input, being self-sufficient sauvegarde et de promotion). Now, as on natural flora and being hardy to local environmental experts and organisations, conditions. Their natural adaptation to the including the UN, are pressing for reform local landscape of agricultural practices, rare breeds Their natural adaptation to the means they make the of native may come to local landscape means they make most vegetation and can the rescue. the most of native vegetation and meet their own needs The intensification of can meet their own needs in in natural agriculture has surroundings. They natural surroundings provided a steady can actually thrive in supply of cheap food, extreme conditions, but at a terrible cost to the environment. because this is how they lived for many This can be resolved by radically changing centuries, before we started building barns farming methods to reduce pollution, and growing cereals for farm animals. enhance carbon capture and restore Can Native Breeds Provide Income? biodiversity. Environmental advisers, such as France’s IDDRI, present practical But native breeds can do so much more solutions to meet such a challenge. A than just conservation grazing. Even major part of the solution is to adopt breeds previously type-cast as semi-feral are rediscovering a place on the farm. healthier diets. Native livestock breeds can

34 etcetera

Farmers interested in preserving traditional breeds benefit from enhanced flavour and character in their products. They also appreciate their ease of management, hardiness, and adaptability to different environments. The animals mature more slowly and the initial yield is lower, but in the long term the return evens out. Firstly, they provide higher quality products. They process native flora more efficiently, and produce more nutrient-rich products on this diet, including a higher omega-3 content. Secondly, they live longer productive lives, as many sheep, goats and cattle continue to reproduce into their teens. Thirdly, expenses are greatly reduced, as they need less purchased food, veterinary care and facilities. These benefits depend on access to adequate natural pasture and resources. Currently, many rare breed farmers transform their own products - for example cheese - and market them under special labels, such as organic, AOP or AOC. This enhances their product to bring in extra income. For many, still, other forms of income are required, such as tourism. These small farms generally

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