Are you considering an apprenticeship programme?
Redcar and Cleveland College offers apprenticeships across a range of industries. Training and development are provided by our trainers and assessors who are all industry experts in their fields.
Earn a salary whilst gaining valuable work skills.
Develop your skills, knowledge and behaviours to specialise in your chosen field and stand out from the crowd.
Develop strong working relationships with employers to broaden your career prospects.
Increase your future earning potential.
Can open up possibilities, aligned to your career aspirations and develop you as an individual.
Following a thorough induction and development of your individual learning plan you will develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours relevant to your role. Apprenticeships now include an end-point assessment which varies depending on the apprenticeship but could include:
• A multiple-choice short answer test
• An observation of practice which is undertaken in the workplace
• A learning journal to reflect on the last three months of your apprenticeship
• A presentation
You will be supported throughout the process by your assessor.
Apprentices are entitled to the National Minimum Wage. This wage applies to apprentices under 19 and those 19+ who are in their first year. Please visit: for more information.
Apprentices will receive 28 days per year including bank holidays.
*Existing employees - salary is not affected.
You will be supported to achieve functional skills If: you cannot provide certificated evidence of having already achieved functional skills or GCSEs.
Functional skills are the English and maths kills that individuals need to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work.
Depending on the level and occupation, your apprenticeship can last between one and five years. The duration will be agreed between you, your employer and your assessor.
As an apprentice you are entitled to a minimum wage which is determined by your age, and the stage you are at in your apprenticeship.
An apprentice aged 22 in the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £5.28.
Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they have completed the first year of their apprenticeship.
An apprentice aged 22 who has completed the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £10.18.
Depending on the apprenticeship you have chosen you may be required to attend college. This will be discussed and agreed with your employer and your assessor.
Some apprenticeships require a good level of English and maths.
Our eligibility process, initial assessment, and recognition of prior learning will help to determine your suitability and will inform your learning plan.
You must:
• Be at least 16
• Be a UK resident
• Be employed to complete an apprenticeship.
We want all of our apprentices to enjoy their time with us, so we offer a range of services to make sure you’ll always feel comfortable and supported.
You’ll be assigned your own assessor who will support you through your apprenticeship.
All of our assessors are experts in their field so can give you the support and advice that you need.
We value the diversity of our college community and we are committed to inclusion for all in everything we do.
All apprentices should feel safe, at work or at the college. A team of safeguarding staff, can be contacted by any apprentices. Your safety is our priority.
The Advanced Safeguarding Practitioner (ASP) for Redcar and Cleveland College is Tracy Williams. To contact Tracy, email or call 07702 515 472.
Alternatively, you can contact an ASP from our other sites:
Rachel O'Riordan
Bede Sixth Form 07590 864 913
Katie Todd
NETA Training 07792 475 888
Alice Reid
Stockton Riverside College 07970 982 324
Leanne Keane-Barker
The Skills Academy 07702 521 009
Daniel Mahmoodshahi Student Services Manager –
Safeguarding and Welfare 07395 795 711
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Whether you're still in school or ready to start an apprenticeship now, you can find all our live apprenticeship vacancies on our website www.cleveland/apprenticeships or you can apply through the National Apprenticeship Service,
When we receive your application, we will invite you into the college for an informal information session to ask why you have applied for an apprenticeship and what kind of roles you would be interested in. You will also be asked to complete a short English and maths assessment to make sure you’re applying for the right level of apprenticeship. Note: if you do not attend this session, your application will not progress any further.
Your application will then be passed onto the employer who will shortlist applicants for an interview. Don't worry if you're not selected, you may be given the opportunity to join the equivalent study programme and we will put you forward for any apprenticeship vacancies that come up.
You will attend an eligibility session at the college. In this session you will complete a dyslexia assessment to see if you need any additional support and a recognition of prior learning with your tutor. If you require maths and/or English during the apprenticeship then you will complete diagnostic maths and English assessment to see where you are working towards with these subjects.
If you’ve been successful at interview, you’ll be contacted with a start date and time.
If you have any queries at any stage of the application process, the apprenticeship team is here to help. Call: 01642 865 557 or email:
Speak to your employer about progression in your current role, then contact our Business Development Team to discuss: business@stockton. they will arrange for someone to come out to speak to you.
If you are unemployed
Contact our Business Development Team to discuss: business@stockton. they will arrange for our Apprenticeship Recruitment Administrator to contact you.
What kind of apprenticeship do you want to do? Conduct research online to find out more about the businesses in your local area.
Let us help, talk to our Apprenticeship Recruitment Administrator who can help you update your CV and prepare for interview.