Earthquake Alert
© 2018 SAM Labs
Stay Safe How do we stay safe when an earthquake occurs?
© 2018 SAM Labs
Mini-lesson What is an earthquake and an epicenter?
Keywords Match or define keywords in your workbook ● Earthquake ● Tectonic Plates ● Crust ● Warning ● Epicentre
© 2018 SAM Labs
Let’s Discuss 1. What is the center of an earthquake called? A. Epicenter B. Center C. Tectonic plates 2. In your workbook or with a partner, record, discuss, or share an idea of how we could warn others when an earthquake starts?
Worked Example Step 1. Turn on and pair: ● 1 Tilt Sensor ● 1 RGB LED block Drag them onto the workspace. Step 2. Connect the Tilt Sensor to the RGB LED. Step 3. Click on the settings icon of the RGB LED. Select a color for an alert. Step 4. Test your Tilt Sensor by shaking it.
Challenge 1 Step 1. Drag on a Sound Player block. Step 2. Connect the Sound Player block to the Tilt Sensor. Step 3. Click on the settings icon of the Sound Player block. Set the sound. Step 4. Test your system.
Checks for Understanding 1. What are the outputs of the system? A. RGB LED B. Sound Player block C. Both A and B 2. What causes an earthquake? A. The epicenter B. Tectonic plates colliding C. Shaking
Challenge 1 - Debug it! Step 1. Drag a Key Press block, Switch block and a Toggle block onto the workspace.
Step 2. Connect the Switch in between the Tilt Sensor, the RGB LED and Sound Player block.
Step 3. Set the input for the Switch block to be the Toggle.
Challenge 1 - Debug it! Step 4. Connect the Key Press block to the Toggle block and the Toggle to the Switch block.
Step 5. Test your system.
Challenge 2 Step 1. Turn on and pair: â—? 1 DC Motor
Step 2. Attach a Lego base to even the weight.
Step 3. Add the Tilt Sensor and the RGB LED to the red Car Controller accessory.
Challenge 2 Step 4. Using elastic bands secure the controller to the heel of the DC Motor.
Step 5. Drag a Key Press block, Toggle block, Interval block and DC Motor block to the workspace. Step 6. Connect the Key Press block to the Toggle, the Toggle to the Interval block and Interval to DC Motor.
Challenge 2 Step 7. Set the Interval block to ‘250’ milliseconds.
Step 8. Test your system.
Checks for Understanding 1. What is the output in the earthquake simulator system? A. Interval block B. Toggle block C. DC Motor 2. What is the outer layer of the earth called? A. Tectonic plates B. Crust C. Epicentre
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© 2018 SAM Labs