2012 HK Letterland Catalogue

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Child-friendly phonics


Books, CDs, games & software

Hong Kong Product Catalogue 2012 The complete phonics programme – ages 3–8

Welcome Dr Linnea Ehri, Distinguished Professor, The Graduate school, City University of New York and National Reading Panel Member: Lyn Wendon, Author and creator of Letterland

Message from the Author When I was developing Letterland, the idea of replacing dry facts and rules with brief stories came directly from the children I was teaching. The stories provided the children with all the clues they need for remembering the abstract letters’ shapes, sounds and typical behaviour in words. I believe this is why teachers enjoy delivering the facts, children enjoy retelling them, and parents enjoy supporting their child’s learning at home. Now over 40 years on, it has been gratifying to watch the system spread across English speaking countries and into 110 countries around the world as more and more children learn to read and spell in English as an additional language with Letterland. I also treasure endorsements from parents, teachers and respected academics, including those on this page.

“You have uncovered some important principles of learning supported by research findings in your effort to develop Letterland as an effective instructional tool. I am very impressed.” See also Dr Ehri’s chapter in the forthcoming ‘Handbook of Research in Literacy and Diversity’ by Professor Morrow, Rueda and Lapp, Guilford Publication 2009.

Dr Dennis Molfese PhD, Distinguished University Scholar, Chair & Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville, Kentucky, Editor-in-Chief of Developmental Neuropsychology: The Graduate school, City University of New York and National Reading Panel Member: “Very clearly, Letterland offers a systematic Program of instruction for alphabetic and phonological knowledge that is critical for the early stages of reading development.... Researches across the world have repeatedly found that these components (in Letterland) are the literal building blocks that lead to reading success.”

Best wishes for 2012

www.letterland.com Lyn Wendon Author and creator of Letterland


Letterland materials use British spellings and pronunciation.

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong


What is Letterland?


Scope of Letterland


Nursery, Kindergarten K1 - 2 Teaching Resources





Welcome to Letterland

Kindergarten K3 to Primary Years Teaching Resources 15-23 Fun and Games


Library Resources: storybooks, reader, DVD


Order Form - 4 pages


School and Home Starter Sets overview

Classic Letterland Resource. This icon

next to a products shows it is a Classic Letterland resource and it therefore contains the characters, such as Robber Red and Wicked Water Witch, not found in newer Letterland materials. If you are using both Classic and new materials with your children, use the transition stories that can be found on our website.

Character Changes

Vicky Violet loves violets and has promised to look after all the little vases of violets we find in words.

Letterland’s Wicked Water Witch was always making spells but one day she accidentally turned herself into a walrus! Now you’ll see wet old Walter Walrus in the water wells.

Robber Red finally got caught for stealing things so he was sent to prison. Everyone was pleased - until they found out he had made a robot to run round Letterland for him! Now Red Robot is behaving just as badly as Robber Red did!

Name changes f

Fireman Fred - Firefighter Fred


Robber Red - Red Robot


Harry the Hairy Hat Man - Harry Hat Man


Ticking Tess -Talking Tess


Lucy Lamp Lady - Lucy Lamp Light


Vase of Violets - Vicky Violet


Naughty Nick - Noisy Nick


Wicked Water Witch - Walter Walrus


Poor Peter - Peter Puppy


Max and Maxine - Fix-it Max

Can I Use The Classic And New Range Together? Yes! The Teacher’s Guides are compatible and the new artwork is still instantly recognisable as Letterland! In trialling the new characters we have found that children readily accept the changes. For example, they understand that Classic materials about Robber Red take place before he got caught and Red Robot took over. You can find simple transition stories explaining the changes on page 185 of the new Letterland Teacher’s Guide or download them from the Letterland website at:

www.letterland.com Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


What is Letterland?

What is Letterland? Letterland is a unique, phonics-based approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling to 3-8 year olds. Its informationrich Letterland characters transform plain black letter shapes into child-friendly pictograms characters who live in an imaginary place called Letterland. By translating the full range of dry phonic facts into engaging stories, children are motivated to listen, to think and to learn. These stories explain letter shapes and sounds and quickly develop into word building, reading and writing.

How does it work? Letter Sounds Letterland uses a synthetic phonics approach (synthesising sounds into words) in a multisensory way that fires children's imaginations and uses their multiple intelligences. It's more fun and much easier to remember that “Harry Hat Man whispers 'hhh' in words because he hates noise”, than the bare fact that 'aitch' makes the sound 'hhh'. Children happily relate to characters like Harry Hat Man, Bouncy Ben, Clever Cat and friends, moving quickly and effectively from learning sounds and blending them to becoming established readers.

Letter Shapes and handwriting Letterland builds-in visual and verbal cues that preserve letter-shape integrity, prompt correct formation, give reasons for capital letters and reduce reversals and confusions between similar letters like b/d, p/q, s/z, n/u, m/w.

Harry Hat Man’s Handwriting Song Hurry from the Hat Man’s head down to his heel on the ground.

When Harry Hat Man starts a name, he is so happy that he does a handstand with his hairy hat on!

Go up and bend his knee over so he’ll hop while he makes his sound.


ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

What is Letterland?

Multisensory Learning Multisensory Learning: Letterland activates every learning channel, linking music, movement, songs, art, craft, games, role-play, rhyme, and social interaction directly to letter knowledge through the Letterland characters.

Clever Cat


Vocabulary building

Alliterative names begin with the correct letter sounds. Songs practise the letter sounds and develop phonemic awareness.

Special cards develop vocabulary and reading by analogy. Live spelling

Action Tricks Actions provide a kinaesthetic prompt for the correct sound.

Children model blending, segmenting and building words with their whole bodies.

Picture Coding

A Logic for all 44 Sounds

Children take possession of the letters by drawing and painting them.

Story reasons for all 44 sounds and their main spelling patterns, build on prior knowledge and make difficult rules accessible.

When Clever Cat is next to Harry Hat Man in a word, children discover that his hairy hat tickles her nose, so she makes a little sneeze 'ch'!

Brain: understanding imagination logic

Eyes: colour & shape association

Ears & Mouth: rhymes alliteration stories song

Heart: “I love being Harry Hat Man!”

Hands: art & craft

Body: play-acting live spelling

Research based literacy Using characters and actions to teach phonics is supported by scientific research (see www.letterland.com for full details). The Letterland system is in-line with research on memory and the way we learn. Each Letterland character is a predictable personality living in a realistic environment filled with alliterative objects. By integrating phonics with life experience, they provide children with a systematic and motivating framework for learning all 44 sounds and their spellings and for developing full literacy: 



Letter formation

Phonemic awareness & alliteration

Phonics: Letter/sound correspondences Segmenting and blending Word building

Sight words

Vocabulary & language development

Fluency and comprehension

Imagination and creative writing

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) no lunch hour, Wed & Sat


Scope of Letterland


The Letterland teacher’s manuals combine to cover all the phonemes and major spelling patterns.

Designed for teaching English as a second language •Aa-Zz shapes and sounds • Learn basic English vocabulary • Simple word building

• Phonemic awareness • Alphabet immersion • Aa-Zz shapes and sounds • Language development

Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2

K3 to Primary Ye Fast track Word building Beginnings, middles & endings

Consonant blends

Letterland Characters

Letter Shapes Letter Sounds


a z

Long vowels

Capital Letters More vowel digraphs

Long Vowels



Trigraphs Advanced phonemes

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Scope • Alphabet proficiency

• Word building

• Word building

• Irregular Vowels

• Onsets & rimes

• More digraphs and trigraphs

• Blends & digraphs

• Advanced spelling patterns

• Advanced spelling • Word endings



(Primary continued)

Irregularities and advanced spelling patterns a-z, A-Z

a all/al

a, e, i, o, u sh, th, ch -nk, -ng -ff, -ll, -ss bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, sc, sk, sp, st, sm, sn, sw, scr, spl, spr, squ, str, shr, thr

a-e, ai, ay, e-e, ee, ea, i-e, ie, y, igh, o-e, oa, o¯¯w ¯ , u-e, o¯¯¯o, ew, ue, ar, or, o˘w, ou, oy, oi, er, ur, ir, o˘o, u, aw, au air, ear

are al/el ce/ci/cy ch ed/ing

(as in America/father)


(as in lie/field)

(as in all/always)


(three spellings)

(as in scare) (as in musical/angel) (soft c stories) (as in school) (Magic endings)


(as in knee)


(as in table)

able/ible ly

(Magic e exception)


(as in they)



(as in head)



(as in bear)


en/est er ere ey full/ful


(as in thumb/autumn) (as in love/one/who) (as in famous) (as in photograph)

(in receive/height/eight)


(as in antique)

(Magic endings)


(as in action)

(Sometimes Magic)


(as in picture)

(in here/there/where)


(as in when/who)

(as in donkey)


(as in write)

(as in full/useful)

ge/dge/gi/gy (soft g stories) gh

(as in lovely)

less/ness (suffixes)




(as in bought/laugh)

y y-i y

(as in very/bicycle) (as in cry/cries) (Sometimes Magic)

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2

Nursery & Kindergarten Teaching Resources Early Years Handbook With a double-page spread for every letter of the alphabet, this handbook gives guidance on introducing each a-z letter shape, sound and handwriting stroke, with special stories to explain the corresponding capital letter shape. It shows how to introduce the new Letterland characters in a warm, simple and fun way with the help of the Letterland ABC book (see below). Full of practical suggestions for follow-up activities and discussion. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” 80 pages Code EYH

Early Years Handbook CD Designed to accompany the Early Years Handbook, and the Letterland ABC book, the CD provides a live voice example of a teaching style, so you can listen to each lesson and each letter sound before you teach it. It is useful for children to listen to on their own as well. 26 tracks Code T27

Letterland ABC book This is an updated version of the original Letterland ABC book, which has over a million copies sold. It is the key accompanying book to the Early Years Handbook. Each of the vibrantly illustrated scenes depicts a Letterland character surrounded by objects beginning with the target sound. Children love finding all the alliterative words. It promotes phonemic awareness, careful listening and vocabulary development. ABC book Softback


Size 260 x 215mm / 10.2”x 8.5” 64 pages Code ABC SB

Includes 40 reusable stickers

ABC Activity Book New !

Hundreds of thousands of children have already learnt to read with the help of Annie Apple, Bouncy Ben and Clever Cat – just three of the friendly pictogram characters who form part of the unique teaching system called Letterland. Now your child can have even more fun with their Letterland friends in this fun-filled ABC Activity Book. It is packed with puzzles, games, colouring in, plus over 40 re-usable stickers! Size 220 x 280mm Code TD69


28 pages

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2

Once Upon a Time in Letterland DVD Annie Apple shows Monkey how to slip through a page into Letterland. There Monkey meets the Letterland characters and discovers why books can be so exciting as he starts learning to read. Children will quickly recognise all the characters and learn some of their sounds. Can be watched in separate episodes. Chinese / English subtitle available Code


Dual PAL/NTSC Format DVD

55 mins 4 Episodes

Alphabet Songs CD


These lively songs about the Letterland characters provide a valuable introduction and revision tool for learning the letter sounds correctly. The 29 songs provide an excellent pronunciation model of a-z letter sounds, sung to well known nursery tunes. Letterland theme tune 26 alphabet sounds songs Short vowel sounds song Vowel men: long vowel sounds song

29 Songs Code T23

ELT Alphabet Songs CD


Featuring a simple song for every letter of the alphabet, compare with “Alphabet Songs CD�, the rhythm of the songs in this CD is slower, and the lyrics are simpler, which will make learning letter sounds easy for young learners, especially suitable for kids below 3 years old. 27 Songs Code ELTAZCD

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Class Train Frieze

Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2

This bright, clear frieze provides a stimulating reference point for whole class work on letter shapes, sounds and alphabetical order. Also useful for linking capital and lower case letter shapes.

Size 1000 x 348mm per section / 39.4”x 13.7”, 4 sections Code TD37

Letterland Alphabet Frieze Learn character names, capital and lower case pairs and the sounds. An excellent interactive tool for finger-tracing, letter spotting and discussion. Mount it in strips to form a big poster, or in a full a-z line. Includes the long vowels at the end. Size 840 x 205mm per section / 33.1”x 8.1” Code AF01

7 sections

Letterland Class Poster This clear poster provides a compact, stimulating reference point for whole class work on letter shapes and sounds, alphabetical order and linking capital and lower case letter shapes. Includes long vowels. Size A2 / 16.5”x 23.4” Code T30

Letterland Alphabet Desk Strip These full-colour card strips can be put on every student’s desk for easy reference to the Letterland alphabet. Each child can also write his/her name on the strip helping to keep their place in the room as well as in the alphabet!

Pack of 10 strips

Size 420 x 99mm / 16.5” x 3.9” Format Pack of 10 strips Code T88

Action Tricks Poster Do the actions, make the sounds and learn the alphabet with this great actions poster. All the actions relate directly to the Letterland characters. The actions help to develop multisensory memory cues for letter sounds and can be performed sitting or standing. Size A1 / 23.4”x 33” Code TD38


ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

A pack of 46 large Picture Code Cards featuring all the lower case Letterland characters, the five long vowels, extra short vowels, and extra double consonants. Plain letters on the reverse sides help children make the transition to plain letter identification. An invaluable tool for word building and 'live spelling'. Includes many suggestions for use. Size 188 x 244mm / 7.4”x 9.6” 46 cards Code BPC

Big Capital Picture Code Cards A pack of 31 cards including capital A-Z and the 5 long vowels.

Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2

Big Picture Code Cards

With plain letters on the reverse, these cards provide a fun multisensory way to introduce capital letter shapes and their uses. Size 188 x 244mm / 7.4”x 9.6” 31 cards Code T28

First Reading Flashcards


A-Z and a-z on 65 double-sided cards. Plain letters on the reverse so children can make the link between the pictogram and the plain letter right from the start. Instructions for correct pronunciation, handy examples and game ideas included. Size 82 x 127mm / 3.2”x 5” 65 cards Code FC01

Letterland Vocabulary Cards Develop a reading and spelling vocabulary rapidly with these self-checking, double-sided cards. Guidelines given for phonemic awareness activities, for use as an assessment tool, and for developing the strategy of Reading by Analogy (Over 280 words). 

78 cards featuring pictures/words for each a-z letter sound

3 picture/word cards for each a-z letter sound

Pictures with additional blue border feature words made up of regular sounds. Children can use these cards for blending and segmenting exercises.

202 additional words in corner boxes

Arrows on the cards indicate high-frequency words

12 photocopiable Rhyming Words Lists included.

Size Code

188 x 244mm / 7.4”x 9.6” 86 cards VC

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2

A-Z Copymasters 60 carefully structured photocopiable activity sheets featuring lower case a-z, long vowels, and capital and lower case pairs. The bold hollow letters are ready to finger trace, colour or use for ‘rainbow writing’. Full instructions included. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” 60 copymasters Code T07

Early Years Handwriting Copymasters 48 Copymasters to learn correct letter formation from the start. The first 26 Copymasters practise components of letters within scenes. The remainder provide hollow letters large enough for finger tracing or 'rainbow writing'. There are Handwriting Songs lyrics (as in Handwriting Songs CD) for every letter and rows for practising the full letter strokes. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” 48 copymasters Code T18

Letterland Sentence Copymasters This set of copymasters is designed to develop print awareness at the letter level, word level and sentence level, all in one. Firstly, read each sentence together, emphasising the alliterative words. This heightens attention to the featured letter shape and sound. Come back later and guide non-readers into an early experience of real reading. Finally, each child can take home all their pages, stapled into a book, to proudly read out loud to their families. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code T96

31 copymasters

My First Handwriting Activity Book Fun pre-writing activities with a focus on pencil control. The friendly Letterlanders introduce the correct strokes for a-z. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD01

Lyrics: Handwriting Songs CD Ever-popular songs that provide a highly effective way of learning how to form all 26 a-z letter shapes by associating them with body parts. The rhyming songs use language and concepts that children already have, promoting easy learning by association. 26 Songs Code T24


ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Young children will get a good foundation of handwriting skills with this clearly illustrated activity book. The friendly Letterland characters introduce fun pre-writing activities with a focus on pencil control and the correct strokes for the lower and uppercase alphabet.

New !

Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code TC74

56 pages

Early Years Workbooks 1-4 These workbooks provide pre-schoolers with numerous opportunities to practice writing letters, and to associate letter shapes with their sounds. Each workbook covers one quarter of the alphabet.

Pack of 4 books

One set per child. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code T06

Building into a child’s own dictionary, this word book features simple word examples and illustrations for each alphabet letter. Ruled lines guide the children as they practise their handwriting. One pack for 10 children.

24 pages per book

New !

Early Years Word Books (pack 0f 10)

Size A5 / 148 x 210mm Code T20

Nursery/Kindergarten K1-2


Handwriting Practice 1

Pack of 10 books

24 pages per book

My First Reading Activity Book Fun activities to develop a variety of early reading skills: • • • •

rhyming, matching reading common words linking letter sounds to letter shapes spotting the difference, and more!

Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD02

My First Alphabet Activity Book A first introduction to the a-z Letterland characters helping young children start to link letter shapes to letter sounds by looking closely, colouring the letters and listening to their sounds in words. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD03

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment




Letterland Living ABC! CD-Rom Enter the interactive world of Letterland and meet the a-z characters. Songs and animation help pupils to learn the alphabet sounds and correct handwriting strokes. There are assessed activities for :

Single User Licence, PC & Mac

• a-z letter shapes


• a-z letter sounds • Long and short vowel sounds


Schools to contact us for multiple users licence.

• Building regular words Character Each character tells you all about themselves and encourages you to find other things in the picture beginning with their sound.

Sound Listen to the Alphabet Song and hear the sound of each character.

Shape Listen to the Handwriting Song while you see the letter shape formed on screen. See the capital letter and hear the capital letter story.

An animated introduction by each of the characters. Activities There are six different types of activities for each letter to practice shape and sound recognition. Play them as many times as you like!

Watch the change from pictogram to plain letter shape.

Letterland ABC Adventures CD-Rom - games and activities There’s soon to be a party for everyone in Letterland but first you have to find and invite them! Clues will help you to discover all the characters hidden in the Letterland scenes. When you find a character, you get to play a special game as a reward. There are also songs with actions for each character so you can sing and dance along.

Games on letter sounds & shapes

This great new software from Letterland is specially designed for use at home. The a-z shapes and sounds are introduced in such a fun way that children don’t even know they are learning!

Single User Licence, PC & Mac Code T90 Schools to contact us for multiple users licence.


introduce Letterlanders


Action Songs

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong


Living Code Cards CD-Rom This great new resource enables you to digitally display the Letterland Picture Code Cards (page 15) on a computer. The software allows you to : • Listen to the story behind the phoneme/digraph and watch the characters as the story is animated • Display each phoneme with or without the characters • Switch between straight and pre-cursive font styles • Listen to the phoneme and view/listen to example words • Quickly run through the phonemes in a ‘quick dash’ to practise their correct sounds • Build picture coded words on screen

Story Listen and watch the animated digraph story. Font choice Switch from pre-cursive to straight letter shapes. Word bank See a list of words using the digraph/phoneme. Plain letter Remove the characters to view plain letter only.

The contents of this new resource match the Letterland Picture Code Cards (page 15) featuring a-z and over 40 other phonemes and spelling patterns in the Letterland Teacher’s Guide.

3 ways to use the CD-Rom

It is an excellent tool for focusing on phonic structure, language development activities, word building and spelling Single User Licence, PC & Mac Code T80 Schools to contact us for multiple users licence.

Talking stories for the Card: Living Code Cards

Quick Dash, Click to listen to the sound select your own card

Word Building

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Primary Years Stickers

Fix-it Phonics - Level 1

The first level of the Fix-it Phonics system introduces the English alphabet (Aa–Zz) and teaches first speaking skills. • 26 songs

• 26 topic-based units

• Stickers with every Student Book

• 27 chants

• 10 review sections

• Teaching notes on every page

• 27 stories

• 10 listening tests

Student Books

Student Books

4 Audio CDs



Student Pack - Level 1 includes:

Teacher’s Pack - Level 1 includes:

• 2 Student Books, including Stickers

• 2 Student Books, including Stickers • 2 Workbooks

• 2 Workbooks Code FPS1


Teacher’s Guide

One per student

• Audio CD Pack - 4 x CD • Teacher’s Guide Code FPT1

One per classroom

Primary Years

ook b g i B at form

Fix-it Phonics Big Cards - Level 1 These super-sized scenes act as a wonderful focal point for your class. Use them at the start of your Letterland lessons to introduce each new letter. Look for the vocabulary in the scene together. Show the opposite side of the page when you sing the song. As you listen to the song point to the words so the children can start to follow and sing along. Size 420 x 298 mm Code TC88

58 pages

Fix-it Phonics Software - Level 1 Join the Letterlanders and learn English with this interactive software that brings the Fix-it Phonics programme to life. Stories: Watch 26 digraphs come to life! Sounds: Listen to 26 digraph sounds & learn key vocabulary. Songs & Chants: Sing along to learn key digraphs. Games: Word building and word recognition. Results: Score cards included. Single User Licence, PC & Mac Code TD39

Schools to contact us for multiple users licence.



Student Book

Primary Years Stickers

Fix-it Phonics - Level 2

The second level of the Fix-it Phonics system reviews the sounds and shapes from Level 1 and builds on them introducing 26 new digraphs. • Review of a–z

• 5 chants

• 10 listening tests

• 26 digraph stories

• 10 topic-based activities

• Stickers with every Student Book

• 53 songs (27 review, 26 new)

• 10 review sections

• Teaching notes on every page

Student Books

Student Books

4 Audio CDs



Student Pack - Level 2 includes:

Teacher’s Pack - Level 2 includes:

• 2 Student Books, including Stickers

• 2 Student Books, including Stickers

• 2 Workbooks

• 2 Workbooks

Code FPS2


One per student

• Audio CD Pack - 4 x CD • Teacher’s Guide Code FPT2

Teacher’s Guide

One per classroom

Primary Years

ook b g i B at form

Fix-it Phonics Big Cards - Level 2 These super-sized scenes act as a wonderful focal point for your class. Use them at the start of your Letterland lessons to introduce each new letter. Look for the vocabulary in the scene together. Show the opposite side of the page when you sing the song. As you listen to the song point to the words so the children can start to follow and sing along. Size 420 x 298 mm Code TC89

58 pages

Fix-it Phonics Software - Level 2 Join the Letterlanders and learn English with this interactive software that brings the Fix-it Phonics programme to life. Stories: Watch 26 digraphs come to life! Sounds: Listen to 26 digraph sounds & learn key vocabulary. Songs & Chants: Sing along to learn key digraphs. Games: Word building and word recognition. Results: Score cards included. Single User Licence, PC & Mac Code TD43

Schools to contact us for multiple users licence.



Student Book

Primary Years Stickers

Fix-it Phonics - Level 3

The final level of the Fix-it Phonics system reviews and develops on what was learnt in the first two levels and introduces more advanced spellings. • Review of levels 1 & 2

• 6 chants

• Stickers with every Student Book

• 16 new stories

• 6 topic-based activities

• Teaching notes on every page

• 50 songs (42 review, 8 new)

• 10 listening tests

Student Books

Student Books

4 Audio CDs



Student Pack - Level 3 includes:

Teacher’s Pack - Level 3 includes:

• 2 Student Books, including Stickers

• 2 Student Books, including Stickers

• 2 Workbooks

• 2 Workbooks

Code FPS3


One per student

• Audio CD Pack - 4 x CD • Teacher’s Guide Code FPT3

Teacher’s Guide

One per classroom

Primary Years

ook b g i B at form

Fix-it Phonics Big Cards - Level 3 These super-sized scenes act as a wonderful focal point for your class. Use them at the start of your Letterland lessons to introduce each new letter. Look for the vocabulary in the scene together. Show the opposite side of the page when you sing the song. As you listen to the song point to the words so the children can start to follow and sing along. Size 420 x 298 mm Code TC90

28 pages

Fix-it Phonics Software - Level 3 Join the Letterlanders and learn English with this interactive software that brings the Fix-it Phonics programme to life. Stories: Watch 11 more digraphs come to life! Sounds: Listen to 11 more digraph sounds & learn key vocabulary. Songs & Chants: Sing along to learn more digraphs. Games: More word building and word recognition. Results: Score cards included. Single User Licence, PC & Mac Code TD44

Schools to contact us for multiple users licence.


Primary Years

What’s in the Teacher’s Guide and Audio CDs in Teacher’s Pack?

Teaching Scope Level 1


Teacher’s Guide Includes a guide to the materials; an activity bank; an assessment strand.

Audio CDs Use with Student Books to provide: pronunciation support; music; chants; listening exercises.

Primary Years

Level 2

Level 3


K3 to Primary

K3 - Primary Years Teaching Resources Letterland Teacher’s Guide Fast - With the new Phonemic Awareness Fast Track you can choose to teach the a–z letter sounds in 2-3 weeks and make your whole year more effective. Strategies - Special Child Strategies and Teacher Strategies that accelerate learning while keeping it simple and fun. Easy to use - Clearly structured with lesson plans plus 32 pages of photocopiables including extension work and reinforcement. Timesaving - Invaluable help with assessment. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” 218 pages Code TG (See page 5-6 of this catalogue for full details of all the spelling patterns covered in the guide.)

Letterland Straight Picture Code Cards A key resource for transferring Letterland learning to plain letters on the reverse sides. Features a-z and over 40 other phonemes and spelling patterns in the new Letterland Teacher’s Guide. Plain letter sides include brief story explanations as well as useful example words. An excellent tool for focusing on phonic structure, role-play, language development activities, word building and spelling. Spell out tricky words like saw, my, come, her and brother early on, as needed. Size 180 x 165mm / 7.1”x 6.8” 85 cards Code T29

Blends & Digraphs Songs CD A collection of songs featuring the consonant blends, digraphs and trigraphs contained in the Letterland Teacher’s Guide. Great to sing, then go over each rhyming text for guided reading or fluency practice. 42 Songs Code T25


Living Code Cards CD-Rom Ideal companion to the Straight Picture Code card. More details on p.14. Single User Licence, PC only Code T80

Sammy Snake and Noisy Nick’s Song (sn) Sammy Snake sat down with a snack one day. Noisy Nick sneaked up to snatch it away. ‘Don’t snatch,’ snarled Sammy. ‘There’s enough for you.’ And kindly snapped the snack in two.

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Primary Years

Advanced Teacher’s Guide Some of you may be familiar with the stories in this guide as they were previously covered in the Classic Programme Two Teacher’s Guide. This Advanced Teacher’s Guide uses Letterland’s vivid story logic to explain all the remaining spelling patterns not covered in the K3 to Primary Years Letterland Teacher’s Guide. For example, the irregular schwa sounds in “America”, soft c and g words and the popular -tion story which makes over 1000 words ending in -tion easy to read and spell correctly. (See page 5-6 of this catalogue for full details of all the spelling patterns covered in the guide.)

Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code T43

“Never in all my teaching career has there been either a class or an age group which did not benefit enormously from the life that Letterland releases into often very dry and mundane learning tasks.”

120 pages

Jill Blackadder, Primary Teacher, Shetland Islands, UK


Advanced Picture Code Cards A key resource for transferring Letterland learning to plain letters. Double-sided cards featuring all the phonemes and spelling patterns taught in the new Advanced Teacher’s Guide. Plain letter sides include brief story explanations as well as useful example words. An excellent tool for focusing on phonic structure, roleplay, language development activities, word building and spelling. Size 180 x 165mm / 7.1”x 6.8” Code T44

50 cards

Advanced Songs CD Songs to support the learning of some of the spelling patterns covered in the Advanced Teacher’s Guide. The lyrics are provided in a booklet - these can be enlarged to make excellent shared reading texts. Children may also enjoy acting out what is happening in the songs. 15 Songs Code T52

Giant All (ll as in ‘ALL’) Giant All is so tall that he makes me feel so small. Giant All is so tall that he can reach almost all of the apples on hand here in Letterland. But if Giant All were to fall with a THUD off a wall then he might not be quite so tall after all!

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


K3 to Primary


Letterland ABC book This is an updated version of the original Letterland ABC book, which has over a million copies sold. This best-selling children’s alphabet book has vibrant illustrations. Each of the 26 scenes depicts a Letterland character surrounded by objects beginning with the target sound. Children love finding all the alliterative words, helping to promote their own phonemic awareness and vocabulary development. Softback 64 pages Size 260 x 215mm / 10.2”x 8.5” Code ABC SB

Alphabet Songs CD


These lively songs about the Letterland characters provide a valuable introduction and revision tool for learning the letter sounds correctly. The 29 songs provide an excellent pronunciation model of a-z letter sounds, sung to well known nursery tunes.

Early Years Handbook CD Designed to accompany the Letterland ABC book, the CD provides a live voice example of a teaching style, so you can listen to each lesson and each letter sound before you teach it. It is useful for children to listen to on their own as well.

29 Songs (Letterland theme tune, 26

26 tracks Code T27

alphabet sounds songs, short vowel sounds song, vowel men: long vowel sounds song)

Code T23

Munching Mike’s Alphabet Song ‘Mmmm...’, that monster Munching Mike. My, he has an appetite! ‘Mmm...’, he hums contentedly, munching mouthfuls merrily.

ABC Activity Book Now your child can have even more fun with their Letterland friends in this fun-filled ABC Activity Book. It is packed with puzzles, games, colouring in, plus over 40 re-usable stickers!

New !

Size 220 x 280mm Code TD69

28 pages

Letterland Beyond ABC book and audio book CD You’ve met the a-z characters, now let’s see what happens when they come together to make a new sound in a word. This great new book introduces 20 popular digraphs in full colour scenes. The story logic for each new sound is given and children are encouraged to search the scenes looking for the target sound in initial, medial and final positions in words. Phonemic awareness and vocabulary development has never been so much fun! Beyond ABC softback book 48 pages Size 260 x 215mm / 10.2”x 8.5” Code TD28

Beyond ABC audio book CD Code TD32


ch sh ph th wh igh

aw a,e,i,o,u au ai ew ay ow ea ou ee ow ie oa ue

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

K3 to Primary

New !

Beyond ABC Activity Book Beyond ABC Activity Book will help your child to confidently go on to learn how letters come together to make new sounds in words - with the help of the friendly Letterland characters. It is packed full of puzzles and activities that make learning fun! It comes complete with 50 reusable stickers that your child can use time and time again. Size 220 x 280mm Code TD70

24 pages

Blends & Digraphs Songs CD A collection of songs featuring the consonant blends, digraphs and trigraphs contained in the Letterland Teacher’s Guide. Great to sing, then go over each rhyming text for guided reading or fluency practice. 42 Songs Code T25

Letterland Vocabulary Cards Develop a reading and spelling vocabulary rapidly with these selfchecking, double-sided cards. Guidelines given for phonemic awareness activities, for use as an assessment tool, and for developing the strategy of Reading by Analogy (Over 280 words). 

78 cards featuring pictures/words for each a-z letter sound

3 picture/word cards for each a-z letter sound

Pictures with additional blue border feature words made up of regular sounds. Children can use these cards for blending and segmenting exercises.

202 additional words in corner boxes

Arrows on the cards indicate high-frequency words

12 photocopiable Rhyming Words Lists included.

Size Code


188 x 244mm / 7.4”x 9.6” 86 cards VC

First Reading Flashcards A-Z and a-z on 65 double-sided cards. Plain letters on the reverse so children can make the link between the pictogram and the plain letter right from the start. Instructions for correct pronunciation, handy examples and games. A great way to start enjoying words! Size 82 x 127mm / 3.2”x 5” 65 cards Code FC01

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Second Reading Flashcards

K3 to Primary

Pack of 80 versatile flashcards featuring decodable picturecoded words. Lots of game ideas included, and opportunities to create meaningful phrases and sentences. Includes key sight words with less regular parts underlined to alert children to the less regular sound. Plain letters on the reverse sides. Size 82 x 127mm / 3.2”x 5” 80 cards Code FC02

Class Train Frieze This bright, clear frieze provides a stimulating reference point for whole class work on letter shapes, sounds and alphabetical order. Also useful for linking capital and lower case letter shapes. Size 1000 x 348mm per section / 39.4”x 13.7” 4 sections Code TD37

Letterland Class Poster

Magnetic Letters

This clear poster provides a compact, stimulating reference point for whole class work on letter shapes and sounds, alphabetical order and linking capital and lower case letter shapes. Includes long vowels.

This new edition of the Letterland Magnetic Letters is great for children to experiment with building words on the fridge, a metal tray or any other metallic surface. The set comes complete with the long vowels and plain vowels, so even irregular words can be constructed correctly. Instructions included. Code T09

Size A2 / 16.5”x 23.4” Code T30

Letterland Alphabet Desk Strip These full-colour card strips can be put on every student’s desk for easy reference to the Letterland alphabet. Each child can also write his/her name on the strip helping to keep their place in the room as well as in the alphabet! Size Code

420 x 99mm / 16.5” x 3.9” T88

Pack of 10 strips

Letterland Vowel Scene Posters

62 pieces

Action Tricks Poster Do the actions, make the sounds and learn the alphabet with this great actions poster. All the actions relate directly to the Letterland characters. The actions help to develop multisensory memory cues for letter sounds and can be performed sitting or standing. For use with the Letterland Teacher’s Guide lesson plans. Size A1 / 23.4”x 33” Code TD38

These posters provide a visual counterpart to the phonic information you will be teaching. They act as conceptual organisers, reminding children at a glance of important phonic facts. Size A2 / 16.5”x 23.4” 4 posters per pack Code T31


ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

K3 to Primary

Vowel Readers - Red Series Letterland Vowel Readers - Red Series are designed for first steps in independent reading. Short vowel decodable text is accompanied by helpful illustrations allowing children to gain a sense of real accomplishment as they manage to read the whole book. This new set of readers focuses on the short vowels: a, e, i, o, u. Size

54 x 226mm 8 Pages each, 5 books per pack



Vowel Readers - Blue Series Letterland Vowel Readers - Blue Series combines easily decodable words with a few essential high-frequency words. Useful for guided or shared reading and independent practice of initial and final phonemes and short medial vowels. Phonic focus: short medial vowels: a, e, i, o, u. Size 54 x 226mm 8 Pages, 6 books per pack Code


Based on the classic Early Readers Set 1a and 1b

Vowel Readers - Orange Series Letterland Vowel Readers - Orange Series takes learning vowel sounds to the next stage. In this series, vowel digraphs are introduced. High-frequency words are interspersed throughout interesting stories that really put young children safely on the road to reading. 2-4 lines of text per page. Phonic focus: vowel digraphs a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, ai, ay, ea, ee, ie, oa, oo. Size Code

54 x 226mm 16 Pages, 6 books per pack T95

Based on the classic Early Readers Set 2b and 2c

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


K3 to Primary

Pack of 4 books

Letterland Workbooks: 1-4 Fully cross-referenced with the Letterland Teacher’s Guide, these carefully structured workbooks help children move from recognising initial sounds to word building. Stimulating activities provide reinforcement and consolidation of word level skills and are suitable for group and independent work. One set per child. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code T05

24 pages per book

First Sticker Dictionary Featuring over 120 key words, this attractive sticker dictionary is designed to help young children learn the shapes and sounds of a-z. With lots of stickers to put in the right places, there’s no end of things to talk about and fun to be had! Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 16 pages Code T38

My First Rhyming Activity Book (was First Rhyming Activity Book + Building Words Activity Book) Lively activities encourage children to identify words that rhyme and anticipate word endings - vital steps on the road to reading. There is also creative fun in drawing pictures and colouring in. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD04

New !


Handwriting Practice 2 This write-in activity book is for children progressing to the first stages of how to join up letters in pre-cursive letter writing. It also features pre-writing activities, letter formation practice and combining letters to form whole words and sentences. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code TD23


56 pages

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

K3 to Primary

My Second Handwriting Activity Book (was Alphabet Sounds Activity Book) Learn the wonderfully simple Letterland Sounds Trick for discovering a-z letter sounds. Built-in writing and revision activities. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD05

My Second Reading Activity Book (was Reading Words Activity Book) Focuses on beginning, middle and final sounds in regular words. With the help of the Letterlanders, children will be able to work out which letters belong in each position in a word (spelling) and blend the sounds together into a whole word (reading). Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD06

My Second Alphabet Activity Book (was Spelling Words Activity Book) The activities in this book give your child a head start in spelling simple words. They will soon recognise consonant and vowel sounds at the beginnings, middles and ends of words. Gradually, they will also spot regular letter patterns in words, such as cat, mat and hat. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD07

My Second Rhyming Activity Book (was First Rhyming Activity Book + Building Words Activity Book)

Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 24 pages Code TD08

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Primary Years

New !


Far Beyond ABC Book and audio book CD The award winning Far Beyond ABC Book features 21 engaging stories, rather than boring rules, to explain different spelling patterns. The story logic draws on children’s thinking skills and imaginations, so they easily remember the phonics facts. Code Code

260 x 215mm / 10.2”x 8.5” TD24

48 pages

Magic e a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e y (as e) y (as i)

Robot Stories oy wr oi ar oo (as in boot) or oo (as in foot) er ir ur air ear

Far Beyond ABC audio book CD Code TD33

Far Beyond ABC Activity Book

New !

This activity book will help your child to confi dently go on to learn how even more letters come together to make new sounds in words - with the help of the friendly Letterland characters. Far Beyond ABC Activity Book is packed full of fun activities and puzzles, helping your child to confidently tackle and enjoy hundreds of new words. It also also comes with 50 reusable stickers that your child can use time and time again! Size 220 x 280mm Code TD71

24 pages

Cursive New !

Handwriting Practice 3 Completing the set of three valuable handwriting practice books, this activity book focuses on helping children to make the transition from print to joinedup writing. It includes letter templates showing exit strokes and will help children master writing at speed. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code TD42


56 pages

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Word Books (pack of 10) This word book helps children to create their own dictionary. Each page features high-frequency words and ruled lines to guide children’s handwriting strokes while they add to their vocabulary. One pack for 10 children.

Pack of 10 books

Primary Years

New !

Size A5 / 148 x 210mm 34 pages per book Code T19

Word Bank Copymasters These copymasters provide story summaries for all the blends, digraphs and trigraphs taught in the Letterland Teacher’s Guide. Picture-coded examples on each page help children to identify the spelling pattern from the outset. Space for pupils to collect further examples from their own reading, encouraging them to become ‘word detectives’! Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” 25 worksheets Code T17

Blends and Digraphs Copymasters Designed to be used alongside the K3 - Primary Years Teacher's Guide, these newly revised copymasters are an ideal resource for teaching pupils about key blends and digraphs. The 59 photocopiable work sheets will help children explore spelling patterns at the beginnings, middles and endings of words. Exercises on consonant blends, long vowel sounds and the magic e concept all consolidate and reinforce lessons in the Teacher’s Guide. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” Code T45

59 worksheets

Advanced Copymasters These 48 copymasters are designed to consolidate and extend the teaching content of the Advanced Teacher’s Guide. They provide an excellent resource for class or group work on common beginnings and endings of words, shared sounds and vowel digraphs. They are also useful as an activity for children working with parents or helpers. Pupil Record Sheets are included to help keep a record of individual progress. Size A4 / 8.3”x 11.7” 48 worksheets Code T53

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment



Letterland Alphabet Stickers

Letterland Merit Stickers

The Letterland alphabet in stickers. The stickers can be used as rewards or motivators: learn a letter, win the sticker! Also useful for listening and matching games. New grid layout.

Featuring all 26 Letterland characters, these fun stickers offer messages of encouragement such as 'well done', 'good work' and 'I can read better than Red Robot', providing a special way to motivate young pupils. The stickers are available in packs of ten sheets.

Size A4 / 297 x 210mm Code T21

10 sheets per pack

Size 280 x 220mm Code T46

Pack of 10 sheets

10 sheets per pack

Pack of 10 sheets

First Sticker Dictionary Featuring over 120 key words, this attractive sticker dictionary is designed to help young children learn the shapes and sounds of a-z. With lots of stickers to put in the right places, there’s no end of things to talk about and fun to be had! Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 16 pages Code T38

Fun-To-Find Sticker Book Featuring a range of fabulous full colour scenes, with over 80 fun things to find and stick, this delightful book will give children hours of entertainment, as well as helping them to develop their word-picture association skills – an early step in learning to read. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 16 pages Code T16

Height Chart

Magnetic Letters

Keep track of how fast your child is growing with the new Letterland Height Chart. This vibrant poster, featuring the Letterland characters in an exciting space scene, is perfect for use in the classroom or at home. The Letterland characters will introduce the shapes & sounds of the alphabet and the chart measurements (metric and imperial) will encourage your child to get to grips with basic numeracy.

This new edition of the Letterland Magnetic Letters is great for children to experiment with building words on the fridge, a metal tray or any other metallic surface. The set comes complete with the long vowels and plain vowels, so even irregular words can be constructed correctly. Instructions included. Code T09

62 pieces

Size 295 x 837mm Code TB89


ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong


Letterland Cookbook Have fun at home or in class making recipes with the Letterland characters. Introduce children to new vocabulary and improve listening skills with the easy-to-follow step-bystep instructions for each recipe. Size

220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 48 pages, hardback




Letterland Things to Make & Do From A to Z, this special activity book provides endless fun for young children. All the activities are clearly presented with illustrations and step-by-step practical descriptions. Children will learn how to cut, trace, copy, fold and colour as well as how to follow instructions in this most complete activity book. 56 pages of things to make and do combined with early literacy skills development. Size

220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 56 pages, hardback



Lucy Lamp Light’s Lotto

Giant Alphabet Puzzle

Another great game with all the Letterland characters.

This brightly illustrated new puzzle introduces children to all the popular Letterland characters in alphabetical order. You will find that, often, surrounding each character, there are items to spot that begin with their sound. See how many you can find!

Three games for up to 6 players: Lotto, Sorting Game, Memory Game on 6 themes: Sound and music, animal friends, keeping fit, on the move, things to eat, dressing up Size Code

200 x 280mm T92

6 game boards + 48 lotto cards

Size 686 x 483mm Code T68

28 pieces

Action Songs CD a-z action songs for sheer enjoyment. Every line of each verse has its own playful action, illustrated in the accompanying booklet. Fun at school, home, or in the car! 26 Songs Code T40

32 page booklet

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Sammy Snake’s Snap


Great for speeding up letter recognition. Play traditional ‘snap’, ‘odd-one-out’ or ‘pairs’. The cards can also be used for word building and spelling games. Games ideas and instructions included. Cards: four sets of a-z, long vowels a, e, i, o, u and silent final e. Size 82 x 63.5mm / 3.2”x 2.5” 112 cards Code T65

First Rhyming Flashcards Designed for children aged 3+, these fun-filled flashcards are ideal for helping young children to identify words that rhyme and anticipate word endings - vital steps on the road to reading. Each pack contains 54 cards illustrated in full colour on one side, with a printed word on the reverse. In addition there are two instruction cards outlining a range of lively activities to help children learn all about rhyme. Size 82 x 127mm / 3.2”x 5” Code T49

56 cards

Make-a-Story Card Game

New !

Play with well over 100 possible sentences to make imaginative stories with this fun card game. Bright colourful illustrations for all ages ensure readers of all abilities (even non-readers) can have fun and learn at the same time. Useful for sentence building, developing punctuation awareness and generating whole paragraphs and stories! Turn your sentences over and discover a whole new story you have made on the reverse sides! Size 82 x 127mm / 3.2”x 5” Code TD35

64 cards

Letterland ABC Adventures CD-Rom games and activities There’s soon to be a party for everyone in Letterland but first you have to find and invite them! Clues will help you to discover all the characters hidden in the Letterland scenes. When you find a character, you get to play a special game as a reward. There are also songs with actions for each character so you can sing and dance along. Single User Licence, PC & Mac Code



ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong


New !

Alphabet Races Take part in an alphabet obstacle race! Read the rhyme and place the 26 Letterland magnets on the obstacle course. Soon you will see that they are racing in alphabetical order. But who will be the winner of the race? Why not let your little one compete! Simply take a photo of your child in a running position, cut it out and stick it on the final page. The magnetic letters work on a fridge too! Size 275 x 215mm Code TD34

8 pages + 26 magnets

New !

Bouncy Ben’s Brain Busters This fun-filled activity book is bursting with fantastic puzzles and games to keep your child busy. Carefully designed interactive activities provide entertainment whether your child is up in space with Annie Apple or at the zoo with Zig-Zag Zebra! Size 220 x 280mm Code TD41

28 pages + 4 page pull-out & fold-out game

Harry Hat Man’s Holiday Activity Book

New !

Carefully designed interactive activities provide excellent entertainment for long journeys, or rainy days and quiet times. There are also eco-tips on every page to spark a child’s ecoawareness and it comes with a FREE giant suitcase sticker, plus extra bonus stickers. Size 220 x 280mm Code TD20

24 pages

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Library Resources


My ABC of Letters age

With a character on every page - from Annie Apple to Kicking King and Zig-Zag Zebra – this sturdy board book provides a fun and entertaining way to introduce tiny tots and toddlers to the letters of the alphabet.


Size 210 x 210mm Code TD36

28 pages Hardback

New !

My ABC of Actions

This bright board book introduces the alphabet sounds using actions linked to the Letterland characters. Through repetition and rhyme toddlers will be developing vocabulary and learning letter sounds in a multi-sensory way. Size 210 x 210mm Code TD22

New !



28 pages Hardback

My ABC of Animals

New !

This beautifully illustrated board book takes you on an alphabetical safari! With lots of animals to spot on every page, your little one will be developing vocabulary and learning the alphabet letter sounds & shapes at the same time. age


Size 210 x 210mm Code TD21

20 pages Hardback

First Picture Word Book An attractive early picture dictionary, containing over 180 key words all set within the familiar Letterland context. Ideal for both pre-readers and beginner readers. Packed with talking points and amusing details to entice children back to this book time and time again. Size 243 x 243mm Code T13


48 pages, Softback

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Alphabet Adventures

Size 243 x 243mm Code T11


This superbly illustrated edition is an ingenious mixture of education and fun with language. Each spread provides a different setting for children to search for all the a-z Letterland characters. Encourage them to interact with you and describe what they see. They will be learning new vocabulary, using alliteration and enhancing phonemic awareness naturally! 32 pages, Softback as in page 26-27 , Alphabet Adve ntures

as in page 16-17, Alphabet Adventures

Adventure Posters Pack of three posters themed to the topics of Land, Air and Sea. The posters are great for encouraging discussion, speculation and close observation. Sharp-eyed children will find an alliterative object with virtually every letter of the alphabet. as in page 22-23, Alphabe t Adventures

Size A2 / 16.5”x 23.4” 3 posters per pack Code T67

Who’s Hiding? Lift-The-Flap ABC Book Featuring all the a-z Letterland characters, this delightful flap book provides a fun and interactive way of familiarising very young children with the letters of the alphabet. Each spread shows a lively scene, with two or three Letterlanders. Lifting the flap they discover the full alphabet sequence. The unique combination of simple text and fun, interactive illustrations makes this a book that young children will enjoy coming back to again and again. Size 226 x 254mm Code T42

16 Pages Softback

Alphabet Tales Twenty-three lively stories presented in colourful comic strip style. Virtually every sentence is warmly illustrated, drawing every child into the stories and the imaginary world of Letterland. Specially designed to build children’s confidence as they identify the different a-z Letterland characters and start to read the simple sentences. Size 220 x 280mm / 8.7”x 11” 80 pages Code T64

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Alphabet of Rhymes


A beautifully illustrated new edition of rhymes, featuring all the Letterland characters (a-z). Nostalgic and funny, this book demonstrates how learning with Letterland can be so much fun. Size 243 x 243mm Code T14

32 Pages, Softback

Classic Storybook Set A collection of 20 Letterland original stories in the Classic style, for reading to children or for more advanced readers. Each book features an entertaining story about one or more of the Letterland characters and uses interesting text that is strong on alliterative words and vocabulary development. Size 165 x 185mm Code TB10

24 pages each 20 titles, hardback

Bedtime Stories This new edition of the highly popular Letterland Bedtime Stories is fun to read aloud at any time. Beautifully illustrated throughout, the five enchanting tales take the twenty-six Letterland characters through a range of fun situations and entertaining escapades that will delight any young listener. Size 220 x 280mm Code T41


32 pages, Softback

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Dippy Duck’s Day of Discovery


Dippy Duck is showing one of her ducklings around Letterland on a day of discovery but Dippy’s duckling keeps disappearing! Can you spot the missing duckling in any of the thirteen detailed scenes? Featuring all the Letterland characters every scene also has plenty of things to find that begin with the sounds of the alphabet. Softback Size 243 x 243mm / 10”x 10” 32 Pages Code TD45

New !

Letterland Stories - Level 1 This set of five stories is designed for first steps in independent reading. Short-vowel decodable text is accompanied by helpful illustrations so children will gain a sense of real accomplishment as they learn how to read the whole book. This is a combined version of Vowel Readers - Red Series on page 20. Size 167 x 210mm Code TC78

40 pages, Softback

Letterland Stories - Level 2 The six stories combine easily decodable words with a few essential high-frequency words. The book is great for guided or shared reading and independent practice of initial & final phonemes and short medial vowels. This is a combined version of Vowel Readers - Blue Series on page 20. Size 167 x 210mm Code TC79

48 pages, Softback

Letterland Stories - Level 3a & 3b Each book takes learning vowel sounds to the next stage and vowel digraphs are introduced. This is a combined version of Vowel Readers Orange Series on page 20. Size 167 x 210mm Code TC80a, TC80b

48 pages per book, Softback

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


Once Upon a Time in Letterland DVD


Annie Apple shows Monkey how to slip through a page into Letterland. There Monkey meets the Letterland characters and discovers why books can be so exciting as he starts learning to read. Children will quickly recognise all the characters and learn some of their sounds. Can be watched in separate episodes. (Featuring a-z) Code


55 mins 4 Episodes

Dual PAL/NTSC Format DVD

A Christmas Story DVD The Letterland characters are gathering for a Christmas party, and each has a job to do. But one thing is missing... Will Christmas really be Christmas if there isn't any snow? (same level as Once upon a time in Letterland, featuring a-z) Code


55 mins 4 Episodes

Dual PAL/NTSC Format DVD

Detective Dippy Duck DVD Who took Quarrelsome Queen's quilt? All the Letterland characters (a-z) share in Dippy Duck's search. Includes the five Vowel Men (long vowels a, e, i, o, u). Code



55 mins 4 Episodes

Dual PAL/NTSC Format DVD

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Shop/Showroom: Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

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Letterland ABC book Early Years Handbook CD Alphabet Songs CD Once Upon a Time in Letterland DVD

School Essentials        

Word building and all 44 phonic sounds:    

Letterland Teacher’s Guide Beyond ABC book + audio CD Letterland Picture Code Cards Blends and Digraphs Songs CD

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Advanced Teacher’s Guide Advanced Picture Code Cards Advanced Songs CD

Starter Sets

Home Starter Set: a - z only

All the above plus:

Early Years Handbook Big Picture Code Cards, Vocabulary Cards Living ABC! CD-Rom, Living Code Cards CD-Rom Early Years Handwriting Copymasters, A-Z Copymasters Sentences Copymasters Early Years Workbook 1-4, Letterland Workbook 1-4 Wall Train Frieze, Vowel Scene Posters Blends and Digraphs Copymasters, Advanced Copymasters

Letterland Shop/Showroom Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment


For answers to all your questions and the latest information - visit the Letterland International Website at:


Exclusively Distributed by: ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Room 1509, Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627 Email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk Opening Days/Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - by appointment

Letterland materials use British spellings and pronunciation. “The message I want to convey: Letterland works!”

“For me, as a literacy specialist and a special educator, I find it the most useful phonics program that I have ever used.”

“Letterland is the most effective of all the synthetic phonics programs for children that I have observed and have worked. This program is not only extremely well-thought out, it is highly imaginative and distinctly and usefully memorable.”


Bob Schlagal, Ph.D. Department of Language, Reading & Exceptionalities, Appalachian State University

Saylor Heidmann Educational & Learning Disabilities Consultant New Haven, Conn, USA

Bonnie MacGregor ESL Teacher, 1st Grade Toronto, Canada

“I thank you for your program. You have made teaching language arts an adventure that I would never have experienced if I had not had the great fortune of stumbling upon your program chatting with an Australian teacher on a 1997 coach tour of Europe.” One little person has told me that he'd rather go to Letterland than to Disneyland!” Terri Schwartz, Year 1 Teacher Manitoba, British Columbia

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