2014 junior learning english maths

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hands-on phonics, blending,spelling

word building - blending - spelling fun demo video

CVC Tri-Blocks® Tub

CVC Builders Activity Cards

Build words with your Tri-Blocks® and learn consonants and short vowels (CVC).

Set of 48 CVC cards with picture and colour guides for building 3 letter CVC words with CVC Tri-Blocks® Tub. Children follow the progression as they learn to sound out and build words. 3 levels to follow: blue, orange, violet. Teach phonemic awareness, synthetic phonics, spelling. Cards are self-checking with answers on back. CVC Tri-Blocks® Tub sold separately. Ages 5-6, Letters and Sounds Phases 2 and 3

Turn each block and manipulate the middle vowel sound or change a spelling with a consonant. Tri-Blocks® let children know spelling rules by their colour coding and unique block orientations. Also, for use with CVC Builder and Word Builder box card sets (sold separately). Teach phonemic awareness, word building and spelling. Tub contains 90 x Tri-Blocks® Ages 5-8, Letters and Sounds Phase 2

Build words with your Tri-Blocks tub and learn short vowels, long vowels, adjacent consonants, split digraphs, multisyllabic words, and adding suffixes.

Tri-Blocks® Tub

Word Builders Activity Cards Set of 40 word building cards with picture and colour guides for use with Tri-Blocks® Tub. Children follow the progression as they learn to sound out and build words. 5 levels to follow - orange, violet, green, purple, red. Teach phonemic awareness, synthetic phonics, spelling. Cards are self-checking with answers on back. Tri-Blocks® Tub sold separately. Ages 6-7, Letters and Sounds Phases 3-6.

Turn each Tri-Block and manipulate the middle sound (CVC or CVVC), change a blend (‘sp’ to ‘sl’ or ‘st’), or change a spelling (y to i) when adding a suffix. Tri-blocks let you know your spelling rules by their colour coding and their unique block orientations. Includes a teaching guide that follows a systematic phonics progression. Unique connector block included for building multi-syllabic words. Contains 90 colour-coded blocks and teaching guide. Ages 6-8

Flashbot® (the flash card robot)

is a fun, new flash card flipper that helps children learn key reading and mathematical facts. Feed the flash card into the Flashbot’s mouth and see the answer magically appear below. Comes with 20 demonstration flash cards. Other sets sold separately.

Letter Sounds Flash Cards:

Beginning sounds, final sounds and middle sounds. 3 flash card sets, 162 cards. Ages 4+.

Phonological Awareness Flash Cards: Blends, vowel sounds and syllables. 3 flash card sets, 162 cards. Ages 5+

Syllabuilders The exciting syllable game! Have fun with prefixes, suffixes and root words. Connect syllables with your TriBlocks to create multi-syllabic words. Turn the Tri-Blocks to manipulate meanings within words. Challenge your friends to see who can make the most words. Contains: 45 TriBlocks, spinner, game guide. For 2-4 players. Ages 7+.

demo video Available from:

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Rm 1509 Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong tel: 2653 2789

http://www.juniorlearning.co.uk fax: 2656 1627 email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk

hands-on Junior Maths

Addition Flash Cards:

Teach addition with numbers to 10, to 20 and to 100. 3 flash card sets, 162 cards. Ages 5+

Flashbot® (the flash card robot)

is a fun, new flash card flipper that helps children learn key reading and mathematical facts. Feed the flash card into the Flashbot’s mouth and see the answer magically appear below. Comes with 20 demonstration flash cards. Other sets sold separately.

Students stack number tiles on their favourite "monstermatic" as they solve a variety of problems to win! Game uses numbers 0 to 20 and the four operations to help students develop calculation skills. Play at 2 different ability levels. Includes :4 monstermatics, 73 number and operations tiles, and game guide. For up to 4 players. Ages 5+

Subtraction Flash Cards:

Teach subtraction with numbers to 10, to 20 and to 100. 3 flashcard sets, 162 cards. Ages 5+.

Multiplication Flash Cards:

Teach 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 X, then 6, 7, 8, 9 X. Division for 2 - 10. 3 flash card sets, 162 cards. Ages 6+

The exciting game of number patterns.

Build number bonds to 10. The highest stacked tower wins!

Help students learn to count from 1 to 50 with this exciting number patterns game. Students will love the interactive nature of the game board as they ask questions and flick down numbers to best predict their opponent’s number. Can also be used for visual demonstrations of number patterns. Includes: 1 game board, 50 number cards, 10 question cards, and activity guide. For 2 players. Ages 5+

Roll the dice and stack as many Ten Frame number tile combinations as you can. The highest stacked tower wins! Build number bonds to 10 with the innovative stacking frames and develop arithmetic through multi-sensory learning. Helps students to quickly visualize numerals. Includes: 65 counting frame tiles, 2 x foam dice, activity guide. For 2-4 players. Ages 5+,

demo video

demo video

demo video

Fraction Fortress® The exciting game of fractions! Stack your Fraction Fortress with as many fraction wholes as you can to win. Challenge your friends to see who can stack the highest fortress. Teaches visualising fractions, comparing equivalent fractions and building fractions to make a whole. How to Play: Spin the spinner and take your fraction piece. Stack fractions to make a whole. The person with the highest fraction tower wins. Contains: 76 fraction fortress blocks, 1 spinner and game guide. For 2-4 players. Ages 6-10 years Available from:

ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Rm 1509 Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong tel: 2653 2789

demo video

http://www.juniorlearning.co.uk fax: 2656 1627 email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk

Teaching the Brain - The New Science of Education What must the brain do in order to learn effectively? Arm yourself with the most current neuro-scientific information and lead your students down the path to success. With this guide to cutting-edge research, help teachers and parents understand how the brain develops in the classroom and the best techniques available for accelerated learning. Written by leading educational neuro-scientist Dr Duncan Milne. Complete with brain diagrams and tables, you’ll examine concepts including: • understanding language, reading, spelling and writing acquisition in the brain • exploring number sense and the mathematical brain • recognising and overcoming learning problems • discover the differences behind dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD and autism • developing successful teaching and intervention program

115 pages, book

How My Brain Learns to Read I wonder what my brain looks like? I wonder how my brain learns to read? Vibrant 12-page illustrated children’s book to help children understand how their brain learns to read, and explains why some children experience learning difficulties and dyslexia. Written by leading educational neuroscientist - Dr Duncan Milne. 12 pages, book

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1. Fax or mail this order form to the address below. If order by fax, please attach the bank-in slip as proof of payment 2. Price quoted includes local courier delivery within Hong Kong. 3. Payment methods: Crossed cheque: payable to “ ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd” Bank-in: HSBC account: 582-206-330-838 匯豐銀行


Unit Price HK$

product name


CVC Tri-Blocks Tub



CVC word building cards



Tri-Blocks Tub



Word Building Activity Cards






Flashbot (the Flash Card Robot)




Letter Sounds Flash Card



Phonological awareness Flash Card



Addition Flash Card



Subtraction Flash Card



Multiplication Flash Card

112 336




What’s My Number?



Ten Frame Towers@



Fraction Fortress



Teaching the Brain - The New Science of Education (book)



How My Brain Learns to Read (book)


@ @


[ [

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http://www.juniorlearning.co.uk fax: 2656 1627 email: info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk

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