Water Dispenser - Teacher Slides

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Water Dispenser

© 2018 SAM Labs

Warm Up Do these human actions have a positive or negative impact on the environment?

Š 2018 SAM Labs

Mini-lesson What are the main causes of Water Scarcity?

Keywords Match or define keywords in your workbook ● ● ● ● ● ●

Physical Water Scarcity Economic Water Scarcity Climate Change Deforestation Pollution Water wastage

© 2018 SAM Labs

Let’s Discuss 1. What is one thing that humans can do to help prevent water shortage? A. Have more baths. B. Don’t throw cooking oil down the drain. C. Brush their teeth less often. 2. In your workbook or with a partner, record, discuss, or share what humans can do to help prevent water scarcity...

Worked Example Step 1. Turn on and pair: ● 1 Light Sensor block ● 1 RGB LED block

Step 2. Drag the Light Sensor block and RGB LED block onto the workspace and connect them together.

Worked Example Step 3. Drag on 3 separate Color blocks and change each one to a dierent color by pressing the setting icon on each one. Change one to red, one to amber and one to green. Connect each one to the RGB LED. Step 4. Drag on 3 separate Filter blocks and join each one to each of the color blocks.

Worked Example Step 5. Press the setting icon on each Filter block and set each one to the following values: ● 76 - 100 (green) ● 51 - 75 (amber) ● 0 - 50 (red)

Step 6. Connect the Light Sensor block to each of the Filter blocks and test it out by slowly covering and uncovering the Light Sensor.

Challenge 1 - Building the model

Step 1. Cut out a hole in the bottom of a Yoghurt Pot. Step 2. Fix the Light Sensor to the inside of the Yoghurt Pot.

Step 3. With the RGB Light Sensor inside its lego case, attach this to the Car base.

Challenge 1 - Building the model

Step 4. Attach the wheel to the DC Motor.

Step 5. Place the DC Motor in the Controller.

Step 6. Stick the controller to the side of the container.

Challenge 1 - Building the model Step 7. Using Blue Tack, stick a Lolly Stick to the centre of the wheel.

Step 8. Cut out a large circular piece of thick card or cardboard and attach this to the end of the Lolly Stick.

Step 9. Attach the Car base to the side of the container.

Challenge 1 - Building the model Step 10. Stick the yoghurt pot to the Car base at such a height that the ‘plug’ sits flush underneath it.

Step 11. Check that you have the Yoghurt Pot at the correct height by carefully moving the ‘plug’ from left to right, making sure that it moves away and then back underneath it again fluidly.

Challenge 1 - Creating the system LESSON 2 STARTS HERE Make your own self regulating water dispersing machine using the craft materials and SAM blocks provided. Step 1. Build the system from the worked example. Drag on 3 On/O blocks and connect each one between each Filter block and Color block. Step 2. Drag on 3 Interval blocks and connect each one between each On/O block and the RGB Light.

Challenge 1 - Creating the system

Step 3. Set each Interval Block to the following values: ● Interval block 1 (connected to the green color block): 1 second and 500 ms ● Interval block 2 (connected to the amber color block): 1 second ● Interval block 1 (connected to the red color block): 500 ms

Challenge 1 - Creating the system

Step 4. Add a Threshold block and join this to the Light Sensor block.

Step 5. Press the setting icon on the Threshold block and set it to 10-100 True and 0-10 False.

Challenge 1 - Creating the system

Step 6. Drag on an Inverse block and join this after the Threshold block.

Step 7. Drag on an Interval block and join this after the Inverse block.

Step 8. Press the setting icon on the Interval block and set it to 500ms.

Challenge 1 - Building the system

Step 9. Drag on a Sound Player block and join this after the Interval block.

Step 10. Press the setting icon on the Sound Player block and choose the Submarine Alert Sound File from the Sound FX 2 Category.

Challenge 1 - Building the system

Step 11. Test it out!

Checks for Understanding 1. What effect does changing the timing each of the separate Interval blocks have on the system? A. It enables each RGB Light color to flash at varying speeds. B. It enables each RGB Light color to flash at the same speed. C. It enables the RGB Light to flash a certain number of times. 2. Which block in the system is being used as an alternative to the Filter block? A. Interval block. B. Threshold block. C. Toggle block.

Challenge 1 Debug it! Step 1. Turn on and pair another: â—? RGB LED.

Step 2. Drag on to the workspace 2 Time Trigger blocks Step 3. Set the ďŹ rst time 1 minute away from the present time. Set the second time for a minute later.

Challenge 1 Debug it! Step 4. Drag on a Toggle block and join this to both Time Trigger blocks and to the RGB LED.

Step 5. Test it out!

Challenge 2 Step 1. Turn on and pair the DC Motor and drag this block onto the workspace

Step 2. Press the setting icon on the DC Motor and drag the speed slider to a quarter of its maximum speed. Also check that the rotation is set to ‘clockwise’.

Challenge 2 Step 3. Turn on and pair the Button and drag this block onto the workspace. Step 4. Drag onto the workspace 1 Key Press block and position this just above your Button block. Step 5. Drag on a Toggle Block and join this to the Key Press block.

Challenge 2 Step 6. Drag on a Switch Direction block and join this between the Toggle block and to the DC Motor output.

Step 7. Drag on a Number block and connect it to the Button block.

Challenge 2 Step 8. Press the setting icon on the Number block and change the number to 1.

Step 9. Drag on another Toggle block and this time join it between the Number block and the DC Motor. Step 10. Test it out!

Checks for Understanding 1. What is the function of the Key Press block in this system? A. It powers the DC Motor. B. It switches the DC Motor off. C. The Key Press block acts as an input to control the direction in which the DC Motor spins.

2. What effect does the Number block have on the DC Motor? A. It makes it spin fast. B. It enables the DC Motor to be regulated as a specific speed. C. It makes it spin for a certain amount of time.

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© 2018 SAM Labs

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