Activity Stages: I.
Lead-in: 4 steps - 5 - 7 min
Guided Activity: 6 steps - 15-20 min
Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min
Reflection and Feedback: 5-7 min
Clean Up
重溫 ● 我們上次用Robo做了什麼? ● 我們用了哪個方塊? ● 我們怎樣控制Robo? ● 我們怎樣編程?
Lead-in: activate and motivate students asking about their previous knowledge and personal experiences. 4 steps - 5 - 7 min 1. Recall: ● What did we create last time? (We created a robot that can make different sounds) ● Which module did we use and why? (We used the Main Block because it has a speaker inside and can produce sounds.) ● How did we control our Robo? (We programmed our Robo in a special a special world - the Robo Code App.) ● What did we program last time? (We programmed Sound actions, connected them into a code and then modified them to form a Loop)
關鍵字 ● ● ● ● ●
碼 Robo Code App 聲音、動作板塊 連接 循環
Lead in - 5-7 min 2. Discuss the keywords: ●
Code - a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do; a sequence of short commands, one after another or parallel to one another.
Robo Code App - a special world where we can create programs for our robot to perform.
Action - an icon in the Robo Code App - a command for Robo to perform; there are different Actions - commands for Robo.
Sound action - an icon - command for Robo to make a sound
Connection - Arrow between two Actions which show us that Actions are connected in one code and will be performed by Robo one after another.
Loop - a sequence / an order of Actions that leads one Action to the next, at the end it leads back to the starting State, so the order of Actions is repeated until we stop it by pressing the Stop button.
Robo故事 Robo想以不同顏色的燈光舉辦party 我們可以用Robo live app幫它做到嗎?
Lead in - 5-7 min 3. Tell the Robo’s Story: Robo is very happy to be your friend and wants to throw a small party with colorful lights! ● Can we program our Robo to shine and color up the classroom? 4. Set the Lesson Goal: To help Robo to throw a party, we will build a shining Robo and program it to light up in different colors.
Robo想要發光 計劃: 1) 我們需要哪個方塊 2) Robo主體 + 燈光方塊 3) Robo Live App - 開燈編程
Guided Activity: Plan => Carry Out => Sum Up - 15-20 min Plan the activity together with your students: ●
What are the steps for our project?
Discuss all the answers and formulate the plan: 1)
Find the Modules needed for a project
Build a Robo-light
Program a Robo-light to shine
1) 我們需要哪些方塊?
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 1: Modules for the project ●
Hand out the Robo Wunderkind boxes.
● Open the boxes and recall: the Main Block is Robo’s brain. (The Main Block has to be in each project in order make all other Modules work; it has to be connected to a tablet in order to program Robo. ) ● Which Module will we need to add to the Main Block to build the Robo-light? (We will need the Light - module.)
2) 在Robo主體裝上燈光方塊
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 2: Build a Robo-Light. ●
Build any variation of a Robo-light using the Main Block and (RGB) Light
3) 在Robo Code App上編程
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program a Robo-light. ●
Open the Robo Code App and connect the Main Block to the tablet.
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program a Robo-light. 1) Recall: What’s on the screen? ●
My Robo menu: all the information about your Robo is here – its name, battery level, firmware update, and the Module(s) connected. Ask students to share the information about their robots.
My Projects screen - Here you can see all the projects you will create.
New Project button - Click it to start a new project
2) Create a New Project and get ready for programming.
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program a Robo-light. Recall: Ask students to show coding buttons on the Robo Code App screenshot. ●
Programming Screen: The unlimited space for your future program.
Actions dock: Here we can find all the Actions to program for our Robo. Actions icons, which indicate different command for Robo to perform.
動作列 - 燈光板塊
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program a Robo-light. ●
Find Visuals in the Action Dock and discuss:
● How do Visuals - Lights look like? What is the color of lights? (Visuals look like yellow bubbles with different icons.) ● Why are they yellow? (Visuals are yellow because the (RGB) Light - the module which emits lights is yellow.) ● How many different Visuals are there? (There are two different types of Visuals)
挑戰1: 體驗燈光板塊,選擇燈光顏色和時間
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program a first light icon from Visuals Set challenges for students and let them explore the Robo Code programming language on their own; guide them with questions if needed. Challenge #1: Program the first light but do not mention its name yet (Constant light action.) ●
Drag and drop the first Action on the Programming Screen.
● What is around it? (This circle is a Start point and it indicates that your code starts from this Action.) ●
Action settings: Click on the Action one more time to open the settings. What are the settings there? Set different settings: the color, the time, the brightness.
Press the Play button to try out a code.
挑戰2: 體驗燈光板塊,選擇燈光顏色和時間
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #2: Program a second light icon from Visuals ●
Drag and drop the second Action from the Visuals on the Programming Screen.
Action settings: What are the settings there? Set different settings: the color, the number of times, the speed.
● How can we try out a second Action? (Change the Start point and press the Start button. )
挑戰3: 對比挑戰1 2的分別
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #3: Compare two types of Visuals ●
Set the same time amount (5) for these 2 Actions. Try them out.
● Are these two Actions the same or different? How are they different? (They are different. The first Action glows constantly for 5 second, while the second Action blinks 5 times) ● What these two Actions have in common? (They have similar settings: color and brightness; but time setting is different.) Conclude: There are two types of Visuals - the Constant Light action which glows constantly and the Blink action which blinks.
挑戰4: 連接板塊
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #4: Program a code with Sequential logic. ●
Connect Visuals into a code;
● How does Robo perform them? (Robo performs the Action one after another - sequentially.) Introduce the term: Sequential logic - the type of a code where one Action leads to only one other Action until a program is complete.
挑戰5: 發揮創意,做出順序碼(Sequential code)
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #5: Play around. ●
Program some more Visuals with different settings and Connections between them. Pay attention to the direction of the arrow you draw!
=> Turn the light in the classroom off and throw a small colorful party together!
總結 ● 視覺效果 ● 亮燈 ● 閃燈 ● 順序碼
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Sum up new information before the independent activity. ●
Visuals - yellow Actions in the Action Dock which are commands for Robo to emit different lights;
Constant Light action - the type of Visulas, the command for Robo to emit the light constantly;
Blink action - he type of Visulas, the command for Robo to blink;
Sequential code - a code when Robo performs the Action one after another sequentially.
Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min Students work independently, in pairs or in small groups; they can cooperate to make the common project with two or more robots. Teacher observe or help students if needed. The concrete tasks for the own project: ●
Think about how Robo with RGB Light can help you in your life;
Build any variation of Robo and program Visuals for these particular situations.
Use some materials to customize your Robo.
Additional: Presentation of individual projects for the class.
考考你... 在主體插上燈光方塊後,我們可以做到以下哪樣? A.
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 1) Which Actions can we program if the (RGB) Light is attached to the Main block? ●
Blink action
考考你... 把正確的動作連到板塊上 亮燈板塊
Number of time
No settings
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 2) Match the Actions with their settings - check the answers on the next slide.
考考你... 把正確的動作連到板塊上 亮燈板塊
➔ ➔ ➔
Color Time Brightness
➔ ➔ ➔
Color Number of times Brightness
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 2) Match the Actions with their settings - check the answers ●
Constant Light action: Color, Time, Brightness
Blink action: Color, Number of times, Brightness
(Additional: No settings - Sound actions have don’t have setting.)
考考你... 以下哪個是順序碼(Sequential code)
1 Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 3) Show a Sequential logic program code(s): ●
反思和感想 ● 今天我學習了... ● 今天的內容是有趣、複雜、簡單、沉悶......? ● 今天哪一部份是最有趣的,為什麼?
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min Ask students to make a short reflection on what they have learned today. Receive feedback: Were the tasks easy or complex? Interesting or boring? Which part of the lesson was the most interesting? Why?
Clean up: Teach students to take care of the devices they use - RW Modules and the tablets.
Thank you!